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Performance appraisal as driver of individual innovation within and across organisationsMatookchund, Navin Gazanchand 31 January 2019 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / Literature suggests that human resource practices (HRPs), particularly performance appraisal (PA), contribute to innovation. However, the importance of PA amongst other antecedents to innovation is inadequately described. This leaves human resource managers (HRMs) in the dark on which HRPs they should emphasize. This study contextualises the PA-innovation relationship in South Africa and specifies the importance of PA as a driver of innovation within and across organisations. A cross-sectional survey was employed, acquiring data from a broad cross-section of South African employees and organisations. PA, HRPs and three other antecedents to innovation, and innovation itself, were measured. Across organisations, PA was directly responsible for between 3.8% and 5.7% of the variance in innovation. It was also found that, when PA was combined with other HRPs and other antecedents to innovation, the role of PA was significant, though mostly secondary. Within organisations, the pattern repeated itself with the PAinnovation relationship significant in 30% of organisations, with PA never the dominant driver of innovation in any organisation. The research thus revealed that PA, as an antecedent to innovation, plays a subordinate role, both across employees and within specific organisations. When testing more complex models on the PA-innovation link, the results revealed that the PA-innovation relationship is mediated by work engagement (WE) as well as affective commitment (AC), with WE having the greatest effect. Transformational leadership (TL) and corporate entrepreneurship (CE) moderate the PA-innovation relationship, with TL having the strongest effect and CE having almost no effect. Proactive personality does not moderate the PA-innovation relationship. The results specify the relative importance of PA in general and within specific organisations. The main finding is that PA is not the dominant HRP driving innovation. It also shows that leadership behaviour (TL) more than climate (CE), and WE rather than AC influence the PA innovation relationship. The aforementioned will benefit all stakeholders, particularly HRMs, to focus on appropriate HRPs when trying to enhance innovation at the general employee and organisational level. No previous research has discussed the role of PA as an antecedent to innovation in this degree of detail or contextualised the research as has been done here. / Literatuur suggereer dat menslike hulpbronpraktyke, veral prestasiebeoordeling, bydra tot innovasie. Die belangrikheid van prestasiebeoordeling onder ander antesedente vir innovasie word egter onvoldoende beskryf. Dit laat menslikehulpbronbestuurders in die duister waarop menslike hulpbronpraktyke hulle moet beklemtoon. Hierdie studie kontekstualiseer die prestasiebeoordeling-innovasie-verhouding in Suid-Afrika en spesifiseer die belangrikheid van prestasiebeoordeling as 'n drywer van innovasie binne en oor organisasies. Daar is gebruik gemaak van 'n deursnee-opname met die verkryging van data van 'n breë deursnit van Suid-Afrikaanse werknemers en organisasies. Prestasiebeoordeling, menslike hulpbronpraktyke en drie ander voorvaders vir innovasie en innovasie self is gemeet. Regoor organisasies was prestasiebeoordeling regstreeks verantwoordelik vir tussen 3.8% en 5.7% van die variansie in innovasie. Daar is ook gevind dat, toe prestasiebeoordeling gekombineer is met ander menslike hulpbronpraktyke en ander antesedente vir innovasie, die rol van prestasiebeoordeling belangrik was, hoewel meestal sekondêr. Binne organisasies het die patroon homself herhaal met die prestasiebeoordeling-innovasie-verhouding wat in 30% van die organisasies beduidend was, met prestasiebeoordeling nooit die dominante drywer van innovasie in enige organisasie nie. Die navorsing het dus aan die lig gebring dat prestasiebeoordeling, as 'n voorvader van innovasie, 'n ondergeskikte rol speel, beide oor werknemers en binne spesifieke organisasies. By die toetsing van meer ingewikkelde modelle op die prestasiebeoordeling-innovasie-skakel, het die resultate aan die lig gebring dat die prestasiebeoordeling-innovasie-verhouding bemiddel word deur werksbetrokkenheid sowel as affektiewe toewyding, met die feit dat werksbetrokkenheid die grootste effek het. Transformasionele leierskap en korporatiewe ondernemerskap het die prestasiebeoordeling-innovasie-verhouding gematig, en Transformasionele leierskap het die sterkste effek en korporatiewe ondernemerskap het byna geen effek nie. Proaktiewe persoonlikheid modereer nie die prestasiebeoordeling-innovasie-verhouding nie. Die resultate spesifiseer die relatiewe belang van prestasiebeoordeling in die algemeen en binne spesifieke organisasies. Die belangrikste bevinding is dat prestasiebeoordeling nie die dominante menslike hulpbronpraktyk is wat innovasie dryf nie. Dit wys ook dat leierskapsgedrag meer as klimaat is, en werksbetrokkenheid eerder as affektiewe toewyding die binnovasieverhouding beïnvloed. Bogenoemde sal alle belanghebbendes, veral menslikehulpbronbestuurders, bevoordeel om op toepaslike menslike hulpbronpraktyke te konsentreer as hulle probeer om innovasie op die algemene werknemer- en organisatoriese vlak te bevorder. Geen vorige navorsing het die rol van prestasiebeoordeling as 'n voorkennis vir innovasie in hierdie mate van detail bespreek of die navorsing gekontekstualiseer soos hier gedoen is nie. / Izincwadi zisikisela ukuthi imikhuba yemithombo yabantu, ikakhulu ukutuswa ngomsebenzi, kwenza abantu basungule izinto. Nokho, ukubaluleka kwe-ukutuswa ngomsebenzi phakathi kwezinye izinto kudlula ukusungula izinto okuchazwe ngokungenelea. Lokhu kwenza abaphathi bemithombo yabantu besebumnyameni ngokuthi imaphi ama-imikhuba yemithombo yabantu okufanele bawagcizelele. Lolu cwaningo luhlobanisa ukusungulwa kwezinto ze-ukutuswa ngomsebenzi nobuhlobo eNingizimu Afrika futhi ikhuthaze ngokukhethekile ukubaluleka kweukutuswa ngomsebenzi njengokushukumisa abantu ukuba basungule ngaphakathi nakuzo zonke izinhlangano. Kwasetshenziswa inhlolo-vo kuzo zonke izinhlangano, kwaqoqwa idatha kuzo zonke izingxenye zabasebenzi baseNingizimu Afrika nezinhlangano. I-ukutuswa ngomsebenzi, ama-imikhuba yemithombo yabantu nabanye abasunguli abathathu bezinto, nokusungulwa kwezinto ngokwako kwakalwa. Kuzo zonke izinhlangano, i-ukutuswa ngomsebenzi yayinomthwalo ngokuqondile phakathi kwamaphesenti angu-3.8 no-5.7% zokusungula izinto okuhlukahlukene. Kwatholakala nokuthi, lapho i-ukutuswa ngomsebenzi ihlanganiswa namanye ama-imikhuba yemithombo yabantu nezinye izinhlangano ezisungula izinto, indima ye-ukutuswa ngomsebenzi yayibalulekile, nakuba ingeyesibili. Phakathi nezinhlangano, umkhuba wawuziphindaphinda ekusunguleni kwe-ukutuswa ngomsebenzi nobuhlobo nezinhlangano ezingamaphesenti angu-30, i-ukutuswa ngomsebenzi yayingashukumisi ukusungula izinto kunoma iyiphi inhlangano. Ngakho, ucwaningo lwembula ukuthi i-ukutuswa ngomsebenzi, njengento esungulayo, inendima ebalulekile, kokubili kubasebenzi nasezinhlanganweni ezithile. Lapho kuhlolwa izimo eziyinkimbinkimbi kakhulu ekuhlobaneni nokusungula kwe-ukutuswa ngomsebenzi, imiphumela yembula ukuthi ukusungula kwe-ukutuswa ngomsebenzi kuhlobene nokusebenza kanye nokuzibophezela okuphumelelayo, i-kuhlobene nokusebenza inomthelela omkhulu kakhulu. Abaholi bezinguquko nabaphathi bezinkampani bayakulinganisa ubuhlobo bokusungula ne-ukutuswa ngomsebenzi, i-abaholi bezinguquko inomthelela omkhulu kakhulu futhi i-nabaphathi bezinkampani ingenawo umthelela. Ubuntu obuhle abulinganiseli ubuhlobo bokusungula kwe-ukutuswa ngomsebenzi. Imiphumela ibonisa ukubaluleka kwe-ukutuswa ngomsebenzi phakathi ezinhlanganweni ezithile. Okwatholakala ukuthi i-ukutuswa ngomsebenzi ayiyona into eyinhloko eshukumisa ukusungula kwe-imikhuba yemithombo yabantu. Ibuye ibonise ukuziphatha kwabaholi ngaphezu kwesimo sezulu, ne-kuhlobene nokusebenza kunethonya le-nokuzibophezela okuphumelelayo ebuhlotsheni bokusungula kwe-ukutuswa ngomsebenzi. Lokho okuphawulwe ngenhla kuyozuzisa wonke ama-stakeholder, ikakhulu ama-abaphathi bemithombo yabantu, ukuze agxile kuma-imikhuba yemithombo yabantu afanele lapho ezama ukukhuthaza abasebenzi abavamile nezinhlangano ukuba basungule. Alukho ucwaningo lwangaphambili oluke lwaxoxa ngendima ye-ukutuswa ngomsebenzi njengesungula izinto kuleli zinga elinemininingwane noma ibeke ucwaningo ngokunembile njengoba kwenziwe lapha. / Business Management / D.B.L.
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Excessive Fluid Overload Among Haemodialysis Patients : Prevalence, Individual Characteristics and Self-regulation of Fluid IntakeLindberg, Magnus January 2010 (has links)
This thesis is comprised of four studies and concerns haemodialysis patients’ confidence in being able to manage fluid intake between treatment sessions, and whether the fluid intake is influenced by certain modifiable characteristics of the persons in question. The overall aim was to study aspects of excessive fluid overload and haemodialysis patients’ self-regulation of fluid allotment from a bio-psychosocial and behavioural medicine perspective. The extent of non-adherence to fluid allotment was described in Study I. National registry data were used. Three out of ten Swedish haemodialysis patients had excessive fluid overload and one out of five was at risk for treatment related complications due to too rapid ultrafiltration rate. The objective in Study II was to develop and psychometrically evaluate a self-administered scale to measure situation-specific self-efficacy to low fluid intake. The measure (the Fluid Intake Appraisal Inventory) was found to be reliable and valid in haemodialysis settings. Subgroups based on individual profiles of self-efficacy, attentional style and depressive symptoms were explored in Study III using a cluster analytic approach. Three distinct subgroups were found and the subgroup structure was validated for clinical relevance. The individuals’ profile concerning self-efficacy, attentional style and depressive symptoms has to be taken into account in nursing interventions designed to reduce haemodialysis patients’ fluid intake. In Study IV, an intervention designed to reduce haemodialysis patients’ fluid intake was introduced and its acceptability, feasibility and efficacy were evaluated and discussed. Acceptability of such an intervention was confirmed. Addressing beliefs, behaviours, emotions and physical feelings is clinically feasible and may reduce haemodialysis patient’s excessive fluid overload. This thesis indicates that there is a potential for improvement in the fluid management care of haemodialysis patients. Behavioural nursing strategies that aim to assist patients to achieve fluid control should be applied more extensively. Cognitive profiles of the patients should be taken into account when targeted nursing intervention aiming to encourage and maintain the patient’s fluid control is introduced.
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我國國家檔案徵集政策之研究 / A Study on National Archives Acquisition Policy in Taiwan凌寶華, Ling, Pao Hua Unknown Date (has links)
根據研究結果,本研究提出十點建議為:(一)訂定國家檔案徵集政策;(二)建立國家檔案委託代管之機制;(三)建立國家檔案審選標準,充實國家檔案典藏內涵;(四)加速國家檔案的徵集,以滿足民眾需求;(五)徵集國家檔案應考量檔案內容之連貫與完整性,避免以主題方式徵集檔案;(六)國家檔案與機關檔案應釐清其定位;(七)重要科技檔案應納入國家檔案徵集策略或計畫,以滿足社會大眾對於科技研究的期望;(八)配合國家檔案之移轉策略,排定國家檔案鑑選之優先順序;(九)設置國家檔案館並儘速辦理國家檔案移轉;(十)加強培養檔案專業管理人員,以因應國家檔案徵集典藏之需求。 / This research is mainly discusses our country to face in the state-operated enterprise privatization process to create the industrial culture property outflow possibly, as well as will organize Fathom in accordance to the future Executive Yuan consolidation of the unit, the archives preservation to face the latent risk and the crisis possibly from now on, will need a set of complete national archives acquisition policy to follow as a means, besides will provide basis of the acquisition work, and may define clearly the file collection subject the order of priority, as well as will control into nature and the quantity of the national archives. In addition, the acquisition work along a prescribed path, systematization's way will carry on for establishment the best directive of our country national archives core collection.
This research utilizes “the documentary analysis” and “in-depth interview” to study conducts the research, besides discusses our country national archives appraisal to elect with the shifting strategy, as well as draws up the national archives acquisition policy to take an examination ponders the factor and so on, and to the U.S, British, Australia and Canada four countries to the national archives acquisition work impetus present situation, synthesizes induces and compares.
This research take the archives controlling organization (National Archives Administration), the central level institution (Ministry of National Defense, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Education and Ministry of Interior), the historical archives repositories(Taiwan Historical, National Palace Museum, Institute Modern History research archives Academia Sinica and Institute of History and Philology Academia Sinica) and the local authority records management units (Taipei City government, Kaohsiung City government, Chiayi County government records center and Institute of Yilan County Historical) and so on four levels, 13 units as the main interview objects of study. The inquire deeply above unit records management situation, the archive reservation characteristic, preserved present situation and the unit has the permanent preserved value, conforms to the shifting National Archives Administration to become statistics of quantity the national archives, and to national archives viewpoints and the suggestions the acquisition policy formulation, and on our country national archives collection content with the order of priority. In addition, the related national archives regarding the social value, the function view, and aimed at the object of study sampling interview 26 archives users, in order to understood that its archives use experience and to the national archives use demand, the national archives collection content suggestion and the view, did take the time as our country drafts reference of the national archives acquisition policy.
According to the findings, this research proposed that six conclusions are: 1. the quality and quantity of national archives are urgently awaits to strengthen; 2. a risk the permanent preserved value archives urgently awaits to transfer; 3. the definition of the national archives has to clarified; 4. our country not yet constructs the national archives at present, is unable to collect the national archives massively; 5. shortage of national archives acquisition policy and affects the national archives quality; 6. the choose of national archives is time-consuming, cuts the archives transfer efficiency.
According to the findings, this research proposed that ten suggestions are: 1. schedules the national archives acquisition policy; 2. establishes mechanism of the national archives request substitute management; 3. establishes the standard of national archives examination, substantial national archives collection; 4. accelerates the national archives the collection, meets the populace need; 5. acquisition the national archives to consider linking up of the archives content with the integrity, avoids by the specific subjects; 6. both the national archives and the institution records should define clearly; 7.the important science and technology archives should be included into the national archives acquisition strategy or the plan, satisfies the social populace regarding the technical research expectation; 8. coordinates transfer strategy of the national archives, sets up the national archives appraisal to choose the order of priority; 9. establishes the national archives and as fast as possible handles national archives transferring; 10. strengthens the raise archives professional, by demand in accordance to the national archives acquisition.
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中小企業接班人個案研究 / A Case Study on the Succession Plans of Small and Medium Business賴雯莉, Lai, Wen Li Unknown Date (has links)
「接班人計劃」(Succession Plans)已逐漸成為企業相當重視的人才議題;正如許多企業在面臨領導人驟逝或因故離職時,因為無法迅速推舉出新任的接班人,進而導致組織動盪甚至影響到企業營運。因此,透過制定接班人計劃,預先培養未來所需的領導者,已成為企業間普遍的做法。
本文將以個案研究的方式,實際建構一套中小企業的接班人計劃,並將研究結果作一整理與綜合性之討論。 / “Small and medium enterprises” have been foundations of economy in our country for a long time. Most of these enterprises are family-owned, so passing on from generation to generation is a usual type of succession. However, there are some entrepreneurs who don’t have any offspring or finding their coming generation have no willingness to take over the business. It’s a troublesome problem that many small and medium enterprises have no idea about how to pass on the business.
“Succession Plans”start to be paid attention by many entrepreneurs in recent years. In the past, many dominant enterprises collapsed in a flash just because of failure in succession when last conductor quitted or passed away. Now, it’s very common for enterprises to formulate a proper succession plan in order to incubate some backup talents for future needs.
To consider about the uniqueness of small and medium enterprises, it’s hard to follow up the major industries totally. In this paper, we want to investigate the succession question of small and medium enterprises by dealing with three point:
1. What are the structural difficulties about succession plans in small and medium enterprises?
2. What are the contents and characteristics should be possessed by succession plans in small and medium enterprises?
3. What are the key success factors (KSFs) or key performance indicators (KPIs) for succession plans in small and medium enterprises?
In this paper, we’ll have a case study research and try to build a succession plan for case company. The final goal is to make this issue prominent and then find the way to resolve the question.
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Aktualisierung der Bodenschätzung unter Berücksichtigung klimatischer Bedingungen / Amendment of the German land appraisal (Reichsbodenschätzung) in consideration of climatic conditionsRust, Insa 24 January 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Determining the potential for smallholder organic production among three farming groups through the development of an empirical and participatory decision support tool.Thamaga-Chitja, Joyce Magoshi. January 2008 (has links)
Organic farming is increasingly viewed as a plausible production system for sustainable agriculture for smallholder farmers. However, there is not enough scientific evidence and knowledge to advocate certified organic farming for African smallholder farmers who face several constraints related to production, storage and marketing. The potential for organic farming for smallholder farmers, faced by these constraints, is not clearly defined. As a result, this study set out to evaluate the production potential of organic agriculture among three smallholder farmer groups. Production questions were used to investigate and evaluate the potential for organic agriculture among three smallholder farmer groups and constituted the following subproblems: · What crops can be grown in the three study areas, based on climatic data ? · Do farmers concur that these are the most suitable potential organic crops? · How useful do the farmers find the decision making tool? · What constraints threaten commercial production of the identified crops for these farmers? Participatory methodologies that included the use of Force Field Analysis, discussions and workshops were used to identify organic production constraints related to production decisions. Farmers faced constraints related to finance, capacity enhancement, technical knowledge, fencing, irrigation, and a lack of, or inappropriately trained extension officers. As a response to identified production constraints, a decision support tool was developed. Natural resource data, including climatic and agronomic data, was used to create a specially calibrated Microsoft Excel spreadsheet interface that functions as an empirical organic production decision support tool for organic and aspirant organic smallholder farmers, by providing answers for farmer-prioritised production constraints. A list of potential crops for each of the three study areas was subjected to a series of checks against suitability for climate and disease conditions and nutrient requirements. A limited supply of manure, to meet the enormously high requirements for organic production in the poor soils of these areas, is the major constraint to exclusive organic production and renders certified organic production difficult and unsustainable. Farmers disagreed with some of the crops on the list, arguing that familiar crops were rejected by the model, but they were excited by the prospects for production of “new” crops suggested as suitable by the decision support tool, but not yet grown in the study areas. End users welcomed the model and expressed the opinion that it would be useful in decision making related to organic crop production. The study concludes that, although a number of agronomically-suitable crops can grow in the study areas, organic production is restricted by rather high manure requirements, lack of compost making skills, lack of knowledge on natural pest and disease control and poorly nourished soils, leading to poor yields. The rainy season creates a disease-supporting environment, rendering organic farming risky for rain-fed smallholder farming. Risk in certified organic farming for smallholders was further exacerbated by a hardly inconducive policy environment that low literacy levels exist amongst farmers. This study is innovative for three reasons. First, farmers were true participants and drivers of the research. Second, trans-disciplinary expert seminars were attended by experts from different disciplines who critiqued the conceptualisation, design, and implementation of the study. Third, the development of a practical decision-support tool shows innovation towards solving complex smallholder farmers decisions. If organic farming is to be promoted, commitment by government is needed in order to establish policy and legislation on organic farming to direct and govern training, information provision and marketing. Intensive training and knowledge building of organic production for smallholder farmers and extension officers is critical. There are also agroecological risks associated with organic farming for smallholder farmers. Recommendations for future research include comparison between organic agriculture and conventional agriculture, where sustainability of certified organic farming and economic viability can be conducted in the South African context. Improvement of the decision making tool will require involving information technology specialists so that the tool can be installed in community centres, extension offices and other accessible places for farmers and others. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2008.
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Studies of drought tolerance in interspecific progenies of Oryza glaberrima (Steud) and O. Sativa (L) and an appraisal of the use of male gametocides in rice hybridisation.Efisue, Andrew A. January 2006 (has links)
Rice production in Sub-Sahara Africa is hampered by drought stress, low farmer adoption of improved varieties, un-adapted germplasm, problems of crossability between species and
problems of efficient emasculation. This study was initiated to: (1) determine farmer
preferences for rice varieties and production practices, (2) identify drought tolerant parental
lines for use in interspecific crosses, (3) determine crossability between different rice
species, (4) identify drought tolerant interspecific segregants from crosses, and (5) study the
efficacy of ethrel and gibberrilic acid (GA3) as chemical hybridising agents.
Participatory rural appraisal (PRA) was conducted in Sikasso region in the month of
September 2005 to determine farmer preferences for varieties and production constraints. A
total of 125 rice farmers from 10 villages participated. This study found that farmer
preferences for rice traits did not coincide with the breeders' objectives and trait preferences
varied across ecologies. In upland and lowland rice ecologies, the most preferred
characteristic was short duration. In the lowland tall plants was most preferred and short
duration trait ranked second. Long duration ranked as the second most preferred trait after
yield in the irrigated rice ecology. The estimated grain yield reduction was 60% due to
drought stress from all ecologies.
Sixteen genotypes including seven Oryza glaberrima Steud, six interspecific (0.
saliva x 0. glaberrima) inbred genotypes and two improved 0. saliva L. subsp Gaponica)
genotypes, with OS 6, as drought tolerant check were screened for drought tolerance at the
vegetative stage during the dry seasons of 2004 and 2005 at Samanko research station, in
Mali. Most of the genotypes could be regarded as exhibiting drought tolerance and
avoidance mechanisms for most of the morpho-physiological characters under study. High
selection index was observed for WAB 450-I-B-P-103-HB in the two season experiments.
Drought stress tolerance (little leaf drying) was significantly correlated with leaf rolling, leaf
area index, and plant height. Fast drought recovery was significantly correlated with drought
tolerance, tiller number and leaf area index. Effects of genotypes, environment and their
interactions were significant for tiller number, root dry weight and relative leaf water
content. The most stable genotype was RAM 3 for tiller number and relative leaf water
content. Thirteen genotypes were selected on the basis of these traits for rice hybridisation.
A factorial arrangement involving three levels of gametocide concentrations and five
application stages of the female rice parent was undertaken for each gametocide ethrel and
GA3 for two seasons. Per cent empty spikelets and male sterility increased with
concentration of ethrel. Male sterility induction of 41.5% and 42.8% at 2000 ppm was
achieved in 2004 and 2005, respectively, while at 4000 ppm male sterility induction was
40.5 % and 46.1% in 2004 and 2005, respectively. The best application stage of ethrel that
induced highest male sterility was at P4 (panicle primordium differentiation + spikelet
primordium differentiation) of 46.6% in 2004 and 49.2% at PI (panicle primordium
differentiation) in 2005. There was no measurement on GA3 for sterility due to lodging.
Total male sterility was not achieved therefore, these gametocides could not be
recommended for use as hybridising agents.
Crossability was studied in four groups: group A (0. glaberrima x 0. saliva), group
B (0. glaberrima x Interspecific), group C (Interspecific x 0. saliva) and group D
(Interspecifics x Interspecific). High percent seed set was obtained in group D of 19.08%
and group A had 9.29%, in group B the seed set was 11.26% and group Chad 6.62 %. The
three best combiners as female parents based on percentage seed set were CG 14 (0.glaberrima), WAB 450-IBP-I05-HB and WAB450-I-B-P-I03-HB (interspecifics), and for
male parents were NERICA 3, NERICA 2 (interspecifics) and WAB 375-B-9-H3-2 (0.
Genetic components of variance and heritability estimates were studied in F3 and F4
generation progenies from North Carolina II design mating scheme. General combining
ability (GCA), manly due to female and specific combining ability (SCA) were significant
for tiller number, plant height and specific leaf dry weight indicating that additive and non-additive
genetic effects controlled these traits. Heritability estimates for drought tolerance
and leaf rolling were highly significant for all the populations examined, ranging from 0.32
to 0.72 and 0.22 to 0.56, respectively. Drought tolerance expressed as little leaf drying was
significantly associated with less leaf rolling, larger leaf area index, and taller plants. Some
genotypes and progenies such as WBK 39-B-B-B, WBK 30-B-B and WAB 450-I-B-P-I03-HB
were identified as being drought tolerant with the ability to recover quickly from
drought stress.
There was a strong desire for tall plants and short duration rice in upland and
lowland ecologies, while high yield was preferred in irrigated ecology. Therefore, the best
breeding strategy would be ecosystem breeding targeting each of the ecologies. Screening
for secondary traits that have been identified to be significantly associated with rice grain
yield could be used for direct selection for grain yield under drought stressed conditions.
Progenies identified, as drought tolerant would be considered for use as source germplasm
in breeding that target Sikasso region and any other similar ecologies. This study therefore
suggested that participatory research approaches that involve all stakeholders in rice
production would be valuable in identifying and generating drought tolerant and adoptable
rice cultivars in the tropics of Africa with considerable impact on food security. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2006.
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Characterization and genetic analysis of maize germplasm for resistance to northern corn leaf blight disease in Tanzania.Bucheyeki, Tulole Lugendo. January 2012 (has links)
The majority of farmers in Tanzania have not yet adopted modern maize varieties and still
cultivate landraces and open pollinated varieties (OPVs) with low production potential and
susceptible to diseases like maize streak virus (MSV), grey leaf spot (GLS) and northern corn
leaf blight (NLB). The NLB disease is among the major causes of low yield and has been
reported in all 21 maize growing regions in Tanzania. Breeding for host plant resistance with
high yielding potential and involving the community in the breeding process is expected to
address the problem of low yield, NLB disease susceptibility and low rate of F1 hybrid adoption.
Therefore, the study was conducted to obtain additional sources of resistance to NLB disease,
high yielding cultivars with community acceptable traits adapted to Tanzanian conditions. The
main objective was to contribute to increased maize productivity in the western zone of
Tanzania. The specific objectives of this study were therefore to : 1) investigate maize
production limiting factors for smallholder farmers in western Tanzania, 2) identify farmers and
stockist perceptions, opinions and maize variety selection criteria in western Tanzania, 3)
establish NLB disease status in farmers’ fields of western Tanzania, 4) determine the genetic
relationships among landraces and assess maize landraces as sources of breeding materials,
5) determine the combining ability and heterosis for NLB disease resistance of eleven maize
inbred lines adapted to Tanzanian conditions, and 6) determine the gene action and inheritance
of resistance to NLB disease in five maize inbred lines adapted to Tanzanian conditions. The
study was conducted from 2008-2011 in three diverse environments which represent all the
maize growing regions in the country
The participatory rural appraisal (PRA) was conducted in three districts to investigate farmers’
and stockists preferred traits for maize selection in western Tanzania, determine maize
production constraints facing farmers and assess NLB disease prevalence in the same area. A
focus group of 30 farmers was selected in each of the three villages. Transect walks, wealth
ranking and historical profiles were used in an informal survey. One hundred and fifty
questionnaires were used in a formal survey. The recorded yield was only 1 t haˉ¹. Thirteen
major maize production constraints, 13 insect pests and vermin and, 11 diseases were
recorded. The NLB disease was reported to be increasing in severity in all farmers’ fields.
Farmers’ preferred traits included resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses, early maturity,
preferred milling qualities, high storage qualities and high yielding potential. Stockists mentioned
12 preferred maize variety traits which included high yielding, disease and insect pest
resistance, heavy grain, large cob size and large grain sizes. Similarity between farmers and
stockist variety preference ranking were found to exist.
The occurrence and distribution of northern leaf blight (NLB) disease study was conducted to
assess the incidence and severity of NLB disease in farmers’ fields in seven districts. The study
was conducted for two seasons. In each season, 175 fields with 5600 plants were sampled.
There were sixteen varieties grown with wide NLB disease reaction variation. Gembe, a
landrace, was among the three observed resistant varieties. The NLB disease has changed its
distribution pattern affecting all districts of the western zone. The disease incidence in season
two (2009/2010) significantly increased from season one (2008/2009) t= -3.25 (348), P= 0.001.
About 30% of both means of blight incidence and severity were recorded in the area.
Characterization and screening of maize landraces for northern leaf blight disease resistance was
conducted to determine the genetic relationships among landraces, assess maize landraces as
sources of NLB disease resistance and assess important agronomic traits for future maize
improvement. Ninety breeding materials consisting of 71 landraces and 19 commercial varieties
were evaluated. The average yield of landraces under research management was 2.3 t haˉ¹.
Landrace TZA 3075 was identified as NLB disease resistant. Yield potential, dent grain texture,
white endosperm and husk cover were important agronomic traits observed among landraces.
There were high variations in terms of morphology and NLB disease resistance among the
landraces. Five principal components contributed to 71.98 % of total variation. Clusters analysis
revealed five distinct groups of landraces. Leaves/plant, infested leaves/plant, lesion number,
lesion length, lesion width and NLB disease incidence traits highly contributed to variation and
grouping of landraces.
Combining ability analysis for northern leaf blight disease resistance was conducted to estimate
the combining ability for NLB disease resistance of 11 maize inbred lines adapted to Tanzanian
conditions, determine maternal effects which are involved in NLB disease resistance in maize
germplasm, and determine the heterosis in the F1 hybrids. A full 11 x 11 diallel cross was
performed. All top ten experimental hybrids in each of the three sites had negative midparent
heterosis for NLB disease severity. The overall mid-parent heterosis means for yield across
sites was 152%. The mean sum of squares for GCA was highly significant (P< 0.001) on
disease severity indicating additive gene action effects. Mean sum of squares for SCA were
highly significant for disease severity and yield implying non-additive gene action effects.
The mean squares for reciprocal effects were highly significant on yield and non-maternal sum
of squares had significant effect (P<0.05) on yield. The GCA contribution was high for disease
severity (91%) and lesion number (85%). Almost, all GCA effects for NLB disease resistance
were negative implying contribution to disease resistance. Due to preponderance of the additive
gene action, recurrent selection could be used to improve the resistance of inbred lines while
the non-additive gene action could be exploited in breeding for disease resistant hybrids.
Generation mean analysis of northern leaf blight disease resistance was conducted to
determine the mode of gene action involved in the inheritance of resistance to NLB disease in
five inbred lines adapted to Tanzania at contrasting environments, estimate heterosis and
heritability in five tropical inbred lines. Generation mean analysis was conducted using a six
parameter model comprising P1, P2, F1, F2, BCP1 and BCP2 generation progenies. The mean
sum of squares for environment, replication with the nested environment, generations,
generations x environment interactions were highly significant (P<0.001). The full model of
additive, dominance, additive x additive and additive x dominance epistatic effects was highly
significant (P<0.001). Nonetheless, the additive gene effects were predominant ranging
between 57% and 89% which was matched by large heritability (54%-85%). The average
degree of dominance ranged between -0.52 and 0.88 supporting observations of partial
dominance. The NLB disease severity showed a continuous distribution in all three sets for F2,
BCP1 and BCP2 populations which is an indication of quantitative nature of inheritance and
additive gene effects. The mid parent heterosis ranged from -19 to 1%. Therefore, resistance to
NLB disease could be improved through selection by exploiting the additive gene effects. The
epistatic gene effects would cause less complications because they were negligible (<25%).
The client oriented breeding for maize northern leaf blight disease resistance was carried out to
perform farmers and stockists assessment on the 110 F1 experimental maize hybrids and
compare them with breeders selection criteria. Breeders selection criteria ranked 10 top high
yielding experimental hybrids. Farmers developed 14 while stockists developed 13 selection
criteria. The most preferred hybrids by farmers were VL 05616 x CML 159, CML 159 x KS03-
0B15-47 and EB04-0A01-304 x CML 442 while stockists preferred VL 05616 x CML 395,
EB04-0A01-304 x CML 442 and VL 05616 x CML 159. Two F1 experimental hybrids EB04-
0A01-304 x CML 442 and CML 159 x CML 442 appeared in all top five ranked hybrids by
breeders, farmers and stockists. Generally, findings showed that, farmers, stockists and
breeders coincide in some selection criteria but also differ in other cases. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2012.
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Étude sur la définition et la mesure des qualités des archives définitives issues d’une évaluationMakhlouf Shabou, Basma 08 1900 (has links)
Depuis quelques décennies, l'intérêt pour l’étude de la fonction d’évaluation s’est diversifié pour approfondir les principes théoriques (Jenkinson, 1922; Schellenberg, 1956; Samuels, 1992; Cook, 1992b; Eastwood, 1992b; Duranti, 1994; Couture, 1999), les stratégies (Booms, 1972; Samuels, 1986; Cook, 1992b; Eastwood, 1992b; Couture, 1999) et les dispositifs de leur processus d’application (Ham, 1984; Boles & Young, 1991; Cook, 2001a, 2001b). Mais, toutes ces contributions n'ont pas encore étudié la nature des résultats de l'évaluation que sont les archives définitives.
Du point de vue patrimonial, l’absence d’études sur la définition et la mesure des qualités des archives définitives ne permet pas de vérifier si ces archives constituent un patrimoine documentaire significatif. Sur le plan administratif, l’état actuel de la pratique de l'évaluation n'a pas encore investi dans l'examen méticuleux de la nature de ses résultats. Au plan économique, le manque de méthodes et d'outils pour la mesure des qualités des archives ne permet pas de juger si ces archives valent l’investissement matériel, technique, financier et humain que leur conservation implique. Du point de vue professionnel, l’absence de méthodes et d’instruments d’évaluation des qualités des archives ne permet pas aux professionnels d’appuyer leur décision en matière d’évaluation des archives. Afin de remédier à cette situation, notre recherche vise à définir et à mesurer les qualités des archives définitives issues de l’évaluation.
Pour ce faire, nous privilégions une méthodologie quantitative de nature descriptive, appropriée lorsqu’il s’agit d’étudier un sujet peu abordé (Fortin, 2006) tel que l'opérationnalisation des qualités des archives définitives.
La stratégie de la recherche a comporté deux phases. La phase conceptuelle a permis d’identifier et de définir quatre qualités soit l’« Unicité », la « Preuve crédible », l’« Exploitabilité » et la « Représentativité ». La phase empirique consistait à vérifier la mesurabilité, à titre d’exemple, des variables découlant de deux des quatre dimensions de qualité dans le contexte des archives définitives, soit la « Preuve crédible » et l’« Exploitabilité ». Le mode de collecte des données réside dans l’application d’une grille de mesure conçue spécialement aux fins de cette étude. La réalisation de la collecte de données qui s’est déroulée à Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec a permis l’opérationnalisation de 10 indicateurs spécifiques sur 13 appartenant à deux dimensions de qualité : la « Preuve crédible » et l’« Exploitabilité » des archives définitives. Ainsi, trois indicateurs spécifiques sur l’ensemble de 13 sont restés sans mesures à cause d’une certaine faiblesse liée à leur mesure que nous avons pu identifier et vérifier lors des pré-tests de la recherche. Ces trois indicateurs spécifiques sont le « Créateur » dans le cadre de la dimension de la « Preuve crédible », ainsi que la « Compréhensibilité » et la « Repérabilité » dans le cadre de la dimension de l’« Exploitabilité ».
Les mesures obtenues pour les 10 indicateurs ont mené à l’identification des avantages et des points à améliorer concernant différentes variables liées au créateur, au service de conservation ou encore à l’état et à la nature du support. Cibler l’amélioration d’un produit ou d’un service représente, comme démontré dans la revue de la littérature, le but ultime d’une étude sur les dimensions de qualité.
Trois types de contributions découlent de cette recherche. Au plan théorique, cette recherche offre un cadre conceptuel qui permet de définir le concept de qualité des archives définitives dans une perspective d’évaluation archivistique. Au plan méthodologique, elle propose une méthode de mesure des qualités applicables aux archives définitives ainsi que les instruments et le guide qui expliquent sa réalisation. Au plan professionnel, d'une part, elle permet d’évaluer les résultats de l’exercice de l’évaluation archivistique; d'autre part, elle offre aux professionnels non seulement une grille de mesure des qualités des archives définitives déjà testée, mais aussi le guide de son application. / Some decades ago, interest in studying the archival appraisal function was diversified to deepen theoretical principles (Jenkinson, 1922; Schellenberg, 1956; Samuels, 1992; Cook, 1992b; Eastwood, 1992b; Duranti, 1994; Couture, 1999), strategies (Booms, 1972; Samuels, 1986; Cook, 1992b; Eastwood, 1992b; Couture, 1999) and their implementation process - techniques, instruments and criteria - (Ham, 1984; Boles & Young, 1991; Cook, 2001a, 2001b). However, all these contributions have not yet studied the nature of appraisal results that compose historical archives.
The following four elements explain the nature of this problem. First, from the perspective of documentary heritage, the lack of studies on the definition and measurement of the quality of historical archives prevents verification as whether archive materials are significant. Second, at the administrative level, the current practice of appraisal does not yet invest in a meticulous examination of the nature of its results. Third, in economic terms, the lack of methods and tools used to measure the quality of archives, affects whether these records are judged to be worth the material, technical, financial and human investment that their preservation requires. Finally, from a professional standpoint, the absence of methods and instruments to assess the quality of archives prevents professionals from supporting their decisions on archival appraisal.
To remedy this situation, our research seeks to define and measure the quality of archives resulting from their appraisal. For the implementation of the research, we use a quantitative descriptive methodology, and apply it to an unexplored topic (Fortin, 2006) as the operationalization of archival quality.
Two phases constitute the strategy of research. A conceptual phase, in which four quality dimensions of historical archives have been identified and defined. Then an empirical phase aimed to verify the measurability of variables derived from two quality dimensions in the context of historical archives.
The data collection was based on the application of a historical archives measurement grid. The completion of data collection which took place at the Bibliothèque Archives nationales du Québec and their processing has enabled the operationalization of 10 specific indicators out of 13 belonging to two dimensions of quality: "Credible evidence" and "Exploitability" of archives. This means that three specific indicators out of 13 were without measures because of some weakness related to their measurement that we have identified and verified during pre-testing research. These three specific indicators are the "Creator" in the context of the size of the "Credible evidence" and "Comprehensibility" and "Findability" in the dimension of "Exploitability". The measurements were conducted to identify weaknesses and improve several variables related to the creator, the conservation office or the state and the nature of the support. Targeting the improvement of a product or service is, as demonstrated in the literature review, the ultimate goal of a study on the dimensions of quality.
Our research promises three significant benefits. In theory, it develops a conceptual framework that offers the definition of the dimensions of the concept of historical archival quality derived from the appraisal process. At the methodological level, it offers a method for measuring the quality of historical archives already tested in the context of a government agency. At the professional level, firstly, it allows the assessment of the results of the exercise of archival appraisal; furthermore, it provides professionals with not only a measurement grid for measuring historical archival qualities already tested, but also the guide that facilitates its application.
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Excessive Fluid Overload Among Haemodialysis Patients : Prevalence, Individual Characteristics and Self-regulation of Fluid IntakeLindberg, Magnus January 2010 (has links)
This thesis is comprised of four studies and concerns haemodialysis patients’ confidence in being able to manage fluid intake between treatment sessions, and whether the fluid intake is influenced by certain modifiable characteristics of the persons in question. The overall aim was to study aspects of excessive fluid overload and haemodialysis patients’ self-regulation of fluid allotment from a bio-psychosocial and behavioural medicine perspective. The extent of non-adherence to fluid allotment was described in Study I. National registry data were used. Three out of ten Swedish haemodialysis patients had excessive fluid overload and one out of five was at risk for treatment related complications due to too rapid ultrafiltration rate. The objective in Study II was to develop and psychometrically evaluate a self-administered scale to measure situation-specific self-efficacy to low fluid intake. The measure (the Fluid Intake Appraisal Inventory) was found to be reliable and valid in haemodialysis settings. Subgroups based on individual profiles of self-efficacy, attentional style and depressive symptoms were explored in Study III using a cluster analytic approach. Three distinct subgroups were found and the subgroup structure was validated for clinical relevance. The individuals’ profile concerning self-efficacy, attentional style and depressive symptoms has to be taken into account in nursing interventions designed to reduce haemodialysis patients’ fluid intake. In Study IV, an intervention designed to reduce haemodialysis patients’ fluid intake was introduced and its acceptability, feasibility and efficacy were evaluated and discussed. Acceptability of such an intervention was confirmed. Addressing beliefs, behaviours, emotions and physical feelings is clinically feasible and may reduce haemodialysis patient’s excessive fluid overload. This thesis indicates that there is a potential for improvement in the fluid management care of haemodialysis patients. Behavioural nursing strategies that aim to assist patients to achieve fluid control should be applied more extensively. Cognitive profiles of the patients should be taken into account when targeted nursing intervention aiming to encourage and maintain the patient’s fluid control is introduced.
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