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A linguagem da reflex?o de uma professora de L?ngua Inglesa: um estudo de caso sob a perspectiva do sistema de avaliatividadeAquino, Maria de Lourdes de 06 February 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-02-06 / Research about teacher education, carried out in the area of Applied Linguistics (AL),
reveals the importance of reflective practices in the professional development of
teachers. With the aim of contributing to this area, we present this case study
conducted at a technical school in Natal, RN. The corpus of the study is formed
mainly from the teacher‟s discourse, generated during a stimulated recall session
and the instruments used to collect the data: an initial questionnaire, a video
recording of a class and the text transcript of the stimulated recall session. The
central objective is to understand the way in which the reflection-on-action (SCH?N,
1983, 1987) can contribute to raise the awareness of an English as a Foreign
Language teacher (EFL) about her actions in the classroom. With this proposal, we
begin our discussion presenting the origins, the presuppositions and characteristics
of the concept of reflection according to Sch?n (1983, 1987), and supported by other
authors (PERRENOUD, 2002; G?MEZ, 1995; IMBERN?N, 2009, among others); of
critical reflection (LISTON e ZEICHNER, 1993; PIMENTA, 2002; DUTRA e MELLO,
2004, among others); and of the process of critical reflection (SMYTH, 1992). To
evidence the reflections that emerge in the teacher‟s discourse, we found support in
the theories and methods of Systemic Functional Grammar (SFG), which was initially
proposed by Halliday (1985, 1994), Halliday and Hasan (1989), Halliday and
Matthiessen (2004) and followers, such as, Eggins (1994), Thompson (1996), among
others. We focus mainly on the subsystem of Attitude, an integral component of the
system of discourse resources, Appraisal, presented by Martin (2000), Martin and
Rose (2003, 2007), Martin and White (2005). The results reveal that the actions of
the teacher in the classroom reflect not only her professional experiences, but also
her values and concepts about teaching/learning languages. The results also show
the teacher‟s awareness of the need for changes in her practices. Faced with these
findings, we believe that this study reveals important concepts that can direct teacher
educators to rethink new ways of approaching teacher training courses. In addition, it
also reveals the importance of discourse analysis based on a systemic functional
approach. / Pesquisas sobre forma??o de professores realizadas na ?rea de Lingu?stica
Aplicada (LA) revelam a import?ncia da pr?tica reflexiva no desenvolvimento do
profissional docente. Visando apresentar contribui??es nessa ?rea, esta pesquisa
mostra um estudo de caso desenvolvido em uma escola t?cnica na cidade de
Natal/RN. Seu corpus ? formado principalmente do discurso de uma professora,
gerado durante uma sess?o de visionamento. Os instrumentos utilizados para a
coleta dos dados foram um question?rio inicial, a grava??o de uma aula em v?deo e
o texto transcrito da sess?o de visionamento. O objetivo central ? compreender o
modo pelo qual a reflex?o-sobre-a-a??o (SCH?N, 1983, 1987) pode contribuir para
a tomada de consci?ncia de uma professora de Ingl?s como L?ngua Estrangeira
(ILE) sobre suas a??es em sala de aula. Com esse prop?sito, iniciamos nossa
discuss?o apresentando as origens, os pressupostos e as caracter?sticas do
conceito de reflex?o de acordo com Sch?n (1983, 1987), e complementado por
outros autores (PERRENOUD, 2002; G?MEZ, 1995; IMBERN?N, 2009, dentre
outros); de reflex?o cr?tica (LISTON e ZEICHNER, 1993; PIMENTA, 2002; DUTRA e
MELLO, 2004, entre outros) e do processo de reflex?o cr?tica (SMYTH, 1992). Para
evidenciar as reflex?es que emergem no discurso da professora, buscamos suporte
te?rico-metodol?gico na Gram?tica Sist?mico-Funcional (GSF), proposta
inicialmente por Halliday (1985, 1994), Halliday e Hasan (1989), Halliday e
Mathiessen (2004) e seguidores, tais como Eggins (1994), Thompson (1996), entre
outros. Focamos especificamente no subsistema de Atitude, parte integrante do
sistema de Avaliatividade apresentado por Martin (2000), Martin e Rose (2003,
2007), Martin e White (2005). Os resultados revelaram que as a??es da professora
em sala de aula refletem n?o apenas sua experi?ncia profissional, mas tamb?m
seus valores e concep??es de ensino-aprendizagem de l?nguas. Eles tamb?m
demonstram sua conscientiza??o para a necessidade de mudan?as de sua pr?tica
pedag?gica. Diante desses achados, acredita-se que este estudo revela concep??es
importantes que podem levar os formadores de professores a repensar novas
formas de abordar os cursos de forma??o docente, al?m de revelar a import?ncia da
an?lise do discurso sob a perspectiva sist?mico-funcional.
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Avaliação de desempenho de profissionais da saúde em uma instituição hospitalar pública / Performance appraisal of health professionals in a public hospital / Evaluación de desempeño de profesionales de la salud en una institución hospitalaria públicaCardoso, Adriana Serdotte Freitas January 2016 (has links)
A sistematização da avaliação de desempenho, levando-se em consideração a história da organização do trabalho, apresenta uma trajetória relativamente recente. Entretanto, o ato de avaliar sempre esteve presente no processo evolutivo da humanidade e o ser humano, desde o seu nascimento, é constantemente avaliado no âmbito de seus pares. O objetivo geral do estudo consistiu em analisar o processo de avaliação de desempenho de profissionais da saúde em uma instituição hospitalar pública. Desse eixo, desdobraram-se os objetivos específicos: caracterizar aspectos do ato de avaliar e do espaço/momento de ser avaliado na percepção dos sujeitos envolvidos nesse processo; identificar os aspectos que dinamizam e/ou obstaculizam o processo de avaliação de desempenho e discutir com a equipe multiprofissional estratégias facilitadoras do processo de avaliação de desempenho. Em Paulo Freire encontrou-se o marco teórico conceitual para ancorar a questão de estudo. A pesquisa tramitou na Plataforma Brasil, obtendo aprovação sob o CAAE número 47689015.0.0000.5347 e foi desenvolvida com profissionais da saúde de um hospital público, localizado em Porto Alegre, RS. Propôs-se uma investigação qualitativa, descritiva-exploratória, numa perspectiva dialética-emancipatória, em duas etapas, tendo coletado os dados entre novembro de 2015 e abril de 2016. Na primeira etapa participaram 65 trabalhadores em dupla condição de avaliador-avaliado, mediante preenchimento de um Questionário Semiestruturado Autoaplicado. Os resultados parciais desta etapa constituíram-se nos disparadores dos debates na segunda etapa da pesquisa. Houve três encontros de Grupo Focal com a participação de seis profissionais provenientes da primeira etapa. Para análise dos resultados das questões fechadas do questionário empregou-se a análise descritiva, enquanto que as informações das questões abertas e aquelas oriundas do grupo focal foram submetidas à análise de conteúdo temática e colocadas em diálogo com os conceitos do marco conceitual que norteia o estudo. O perfil dos participantes caracteriza predomínio do sexo feminino (89%), idade média de 42,68 anos, mediana de 18 anos de tempo de serviço na área da saúde e 10 anos na instituição. Na condição de avaliados (35%) e de avaliadores (44%), os respondentes consideram satisfatória a condução da entrevista avaliativa. Já a privacidade e confidencialidade no processo avaliativo é assegurada em ambas condições, alcançando índice de 65% das respostas. Para 51% dos participantes, o instrumento é adequado e supre demandas, mas, embora não explicitados, houve menção a entraves que derivam da cultura organizacional. Nos debates do grupo focal, os trabalhadores sinalizaram que a finalidade da avaliação de desempenho está vinculada à oportunidade para o desenvolvimento profissional, enfatizando a necessidade de alicerçá-la em um contexto dialógico capaz de potencializar a autorreflexão, a troca de saberes e a construção coletiva do conhecimento. Também, foi pontuado a respeito da cultura sobre avaliação de desempenho enquanto dinamizador/obstaculizador do processo avaliativo. Ainda, estratégias foram discutidas pelo grupo, reforçando a consolidação e fomento de espaços para diálogo e o impulso à noção de co-responsabilidade entre avaliador e avaliado para o exercício de um processo avaliativo crítico e propositivo. / Considering the history of work organization, the systematization of performance appraisal is somewhat recent. However, evaluation has always been part of the evolutionary process of mankind, once man is constantly assessed by his peers. This study aims to analyze the process of performance appraisal of professionals in a public hospital. More specifically, it focuses on three objectives: to characterize the evaluation process and the location/moment of one’s state of being assessed under the perspective of the subjects; to identify points that enhance and/or hinder such process; and to discuss with the multi-professional team strategies to facilitate the performance appraisal process. This study was based on Paulo Freire’s conceptual framework. It was submitted to Plataforma Brasil, and approved under the CAAE code 47689015.0.0000.5347. It was carried out with health professionals in a public hospital in Porto Alegre, Brazil. This research employed a qualitative, descriptive-exploratory approach under a dialetical-emancipatory perspective. The data were collected between November 2015 and April 2016. The study comprised two phases. In the first phase, 65 professionals took part in the study both as evaluator and the person being assessed, filling out a Semi-Structured Questionnaire. The partial results from this phase triggered the debates in the second phase of the research. There were three focus group sessions with six professionals from the first phase. Descriptive analysis was employed for the results of the closed-ended questions, while the information gathered from the open-ended questions and focus groups was examined through thematic- content analysis and later discussed based on Freire’s conceptual framework. The subjects were mostly female (89%) and their average age was between 42 and 68 years old. They had been working for approximately 18 years in health care and 10 years at the hospital. The subjects being assessed (35%) as well as the evaluators (44%) considered the conduct of the appraisal interview satisfactory. Privacy and confidentiality of the evaluation process were also ensured in both conditions, reaching 65% of the answers. According to 51% of the participants, the tool is appropriate and meets the demands, but obstacles derived from organizational culture were mentioned, although not explicitly. In the focus group sessions, the employees linked the aim of the performance appraisal to professional development, which reinforces the need to base it on a dialogical context that promotes self-reflection, knowledge exchange, and collective construction of knowledge. Moreover, the subjects also highlighted that the culture of performance appraisal both enhanced and hindered the evaluation process. The group also discussed strategies, which shows the need for fostering opportunities for dialogue as well as for the encouragement of accountability between the evaluator and the one being assessed, in order to promote a critical and constructive evaluation process. / La sistematización de la evaluación de desempeño, llevándose en consideración la historia de la organización del trabajo, presenta una trayectoria relativamente reciente. Sin embargo, el acto de evaluar siempre estuvo presente en el proceso evolutivo de la humanidad y el ser humano, desde su nacimiento, es constantemente evaluado en el ámbito de sus pares. El objetivo general del estudio consistió en analizar el proceso de evaluación de desempeño de profesionales de la salud en una institución hospitalaria pública. De ese eje, se desdoblan los objetivos específicos: caracterizar aspectos del acto de evaluar y del espacio/momento de ser evaluado en la percepción de los sujetos involucrados en ese proceso; identificar los aspectos que dinamizan y/u obstaculizan el proceso de evaluación de desempeño y discutir con el equipo multiprofesional estrategias facilitadoras del proceso de evaluación de desempeño. En Paulo Freire se encontró el marco teórico conceptual para anclar la cuestión de estudio. La investigación tramitó en la Plataforma Brasil, obteniendo aprobación bajo el CAAE número 47689015.0.0000.5347 y fue desarrollada con profesionales de la salud de un hospital público, ubicado en Porto Alegre, RS. Se propuso una investigación cualitativa, descriptiva-exploratoria, en una perspectiva dialéctica-emancipatoria, en dos etapas, habiendo recolectado los datos entre noviembre de 2015 y abril de 2016. En la primera etapa participaron 65 trabajadores en doble condición de evaluador-evaluado, mediante llenado de un Cuestionario Semiestructurado Autoaplicado. Los resultados parciales de esta etapa se constituyeron en los disparadores de los debates en la segunda etapa de la investigación. Hubo tres encuentros de Grupo Focal con la participación de seis profesionales provenientes de la primera etapa. Para análisis de los resultados de las preguntas cerradas del cuestionario se empleó el análisis descriptivo, mientras que las informaciones de los temas abiertos y aquellos oriundos del grupo focal se sometieron al análisis de contenido temático y colocados en diálogo con los conceptos del marco conceptual que guía el estudio. El perfil de los participantes caracteriza predominio del sexo femenino (89%), edad promedio de 42,68 años, mediana de 18 años de tiempo de servicio en el área de la salud y 10 años en la institución. En la condición de evaluados (35%) y de evaluadores (44%), los que respondieron consideran satisfactoria la conducción de la entrevista evaluativa. Ya la privacidad y confidencialidad en el proceso evaluativo es asegurada en ambas condiciones, alcanzando índice del 65% de las respuestas. Para el 51% de los participantes, el instrumento es adecuado y suple demandas, pero, aunque no se explicite, hubo mención a trabas que derivan de la cultura organizacional. En los debates del grupo focal, los trabajadores señalaron que la finalidad de la evaluación de desempeño está vinculada a la oportunidad para el desarrollo profesional, enfatizando la necesidad de cimentarla en un contexto dialógico capaz de potenciar la autorreflexión, el intercambio de saberes y la construcción colectiva del conocimiento. También, se puntuó sobre la cultura sobre evaluación de desempeño como dinamizador/obstaculizador del proceso evaluativo. También, el grupo discutió estrategias, reforzando la consolidación y fomento de espacios para diálogo y el impulso a la noción de corresponsabilidad entre evaluador y evaluado para el ejercicio de un proceso evaluativo crítico y propositivo.
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Gestão por competências : preparo do processo avaliativo pelos enfermeiros de uma unidade de internação / Competence-based management : the preparation of the assessment process conducted by nurses at an inpatient unit / Gestión por competencias : preparación del proceso evaluativo por enfermeros de una unidad de internaciónFoppa, Luciana January 2018 (has links)
Contemporaneamente, o modelo de gerenciamento por competências tem alcançado o âmbito da avaliação do trabalhador na saúde e enfermagem. Nesta perspectiva, o processo avaliativo requer planejamento e organização. O objetivo geral consistiu em compreender como ocorre o preparo do processo avaliativo dos técnicos e auxiliares de enfermagem pelos enfermeiros de uma unidade de internação clínica adulto do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, na perspectiva da gestão por competências. O estudo, caracterizado como descritivo, de abordagem qualitativa, foi desenvolvido com 13 enfermeiros e os dados coletados entre maio e junho de 2017, por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas. A análise de conteúdo temática resultou em três categorias: processo avaliativo, uma trajetória a ser discutida; no momento da avaliação, aspectos intervenientes; e, gestão por competências, um novo modelo de avaliação. Os resultados indicam que os enfermeiros se organizam para realizar as avaliações dos técnicos e auxiliares de enfermagem no último trimestre do ano, geralmente em duplas, estabelecendo um cronograma e posterior comunicação aos avaliados. Noções sobre conhecimentos, habilidades e atitudes perpassam o entendimento dos entrevistados sobre avaliação por competências, embora ainda de modo incipiente. Houve referência à modificação no comportamento dos avaliados em momentos que antecedem à apreciação e às inconveniências logísticas relacionadas ao local das avaliações e ao tempo disponível, comprometendo a privacidade da entrevista avaliativa. Conclui-se sobre a importância de se apropriar de conhecimentos, habilidades e atitudes, bem como dos recursos proporcionados pelo sistema de gestão por competências da instituição para realizar avaliações com responsabilidade e compromisso. / Currently, the competence-based management model has reached the scope of employee assessment in health and nursing. Under this perspective, the evaluation process requires planning and organization. The general objective of this study was to understand how the nurses at an adult inpatient unit at Hospital de Clínicas dePorto Alegre prepare the assessment process of the unit’s nursing technicians and assistants based on the competence-based management perspective. This qualitative descriptive study was developed with 13 nurses, and data were collected between May and June, 2017 through semi-structured interviews. The analysis of the thematic content resulted in three categories: 1) evaluation process: a path yet to be discussed; 2) aspects that affect the moment of the evaluation; and 3) competence-based management: a new assessment model. The results indicate that the nurses usually get organized in pairs to conduct the evaluations of nursing technicians and assistants in the last quarter of the year. They design a schedule and subsequently inform these staff members. The interviewees demonstrated, although still in an incipient way, some understanding of the knowledge, skills, and attitudes involved in competence-based assessment. Changes in the behavior of the nursing technicians and assistants some moments before the assessment were reported. In addition, logistic inconveniences related to the venue and the time available for the assessment compromised the privacy of the evaluation interview. It can be concluded that it is important for the institution’s competence-based management system to master the required knowledge, skills, and attitudes, as well as to provide the necessary resources, in order to carry out evaluations with responsibility and commitment. / Actualmente, el modelo de gestión por competencias ha alcanzado el ámbito de la evaluación del trabajador en salud y enfermería. En esta perspectiva, el proceso evaluativo requiere planificación y organización. El objetivo general constituye en comprender cómo ocurre la preparación del proceso evaluativo de técnicos y auxiliares de enfermería por los enfermeros de una unidad de internación clínica adulta del Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, en la perspectiva de la gestión por competencias. El estudio, caracterizado como descriptivo, de enfoque cualitativo, ha sido desarrollado con 13 enfermeros, y los datos recogidos entre mayo y junio de 2017, a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas. El análisis de contenido temático ha resultado en 3 categorías: proceso evaluativo, una trayectoria a debatirse; en el momento de la evaluación, aspectos intervinientes; y, gestión por competencias, un nuevo modelo de evaluación. Los resultados indican que los enfermeros se organizan para realizar las evaluaciones de los técnicos y auxiliares de enfermería en el último periodo trimestral del año, generalmente en parejas, estableciendo un cronograma y posterior comunicación de los evaluados. Nociones de conocimientos, habilidades y actitudes atraviesan el entendimiento de los entrevistados sobre evaluación por competencias, aunque aún de manera incipiente. Ha sido referenciada la modificación en el comportamiento de los evaluados en momentos que anteceden la apreciación y también las inconveniencias logísticas relacionadas al local y al tiempo disponible para las evaluaciones, lo que compromete la privacidad de la entrevista evaluativa. Se concluye sobre la importancia de apropiarse de conocimientos, habilidades y actitudes, así como de los recursos proporcionados por el sistema de gestión por competencias de la institución para realizar evaluaciones con responsabilidad y compromiso.
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Desempenho de enfermeiros na coleta de material para o exame de papanicolau / Performance of nurses in the collection of material for the examination of PapanicolaouNancy Costa de Oliveira 20 January 2007 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / O exame de Papanicolaou tem reconhecimento mundial enquanto estratÃgia segura para detectar o cÃncer de colo uterino precocemente. Envolve trabalho manual, da coleta do material atà a emissÃo do resultado. Portanto, o desempenho dos recursos humanos contribui para a seguranÃa ou nÃo dos resultados. Este exame à realizado por mÃdicos e enfermeiros que compÃem as equipes do Programa SaÃde da FamÃlia (PSF), todavia, predominantemente, pelos enfermeiros. Neste contexto, decidiu-se pela realizaÃÃo deste estudo que teve por objetivo geral avaliar a coleta de material para o exame de Papanicolaou por enfermeiras e como objetivos especÃficos verificar o conhecimento e a prÃtica dessas profissionais com relaÃÃo à coleta citolÃgica; identificar a disponibilidade dos recursos materiais necessÃrios à realizaÃÃo da coleta e avaliar adequabilidade do material coletado baseado no laudo laboratorial. Trata-se de um pesquisa avaliativa, com carÃter exploratÃrio-descritivo. Realizou-se em unidades do Programa SaÃde da FamÃlia (PSF) de Maranguape-CE, cujos dados foram coletados de agosto a outubro de 2006 por observaÃÃo estruturada direta e participativa junto Ãs 21 (100%) enfermeiras, em seus sÃtios de atuaÃÃo, e atravÃs da revisÃo dos laudos laboratoriais de 63 lÃminas coletadas. A observaÃÃo estruturada seguiu o Instrumento de Reconhecimento da Qualidade da Metodologia Proquali, sendo os dados anotados mediante sistema de checagem. Dados da observaÃÃo participativa foram registrados em diÃrio de campo. Os resultados foram apresentados nos itens: caracterizaÃÃo das enfermeiras; formaÃÃo, acesso a manuais tÃcnicos e conhecimentos para lidar com a coleta citolÃgica; desempenho das enfermeiras na coleta de material para o exame (medidas de biosseguranÃa, conforto e seguranÃa das mulheres durante exame e tÃcnica de coleta); disponibilidade de recursos para a realizaÃÃo do procedimento; e adequabilidade das lÃminas. A maioria das enfermeiras tinha entre nove e 11 anos de formadas. Dezessete (81%) se auto-avaliaram seguras para realizar o procedimento e 16 (76%) demonstraram ter conhecimento adequado sobre o local da coleta citolÃgica. O acesso à prÃtica de coleta citolÃgica na GraduaÃÃo foi referida por somente 7 (33%) das enfermeiras. Apenas 4 (19%) lavaram as mÃos antes do procedimento, 21 (100%) utilizaram luvas de procedimento nas duas mÃos e o descarte do lixo mostrou-se inadequado em todas as unidades. O conforto da usuÃria avaliado sob o ponto de vista de certificar-se se a mulher havia esvaziado a bexiga antes do exame e explicÃ-lo para usuÃria foi atendido por 2 (9,5%) e 4 (19%) das enfermeiras, respectivamente. A privacidade, avaliada pelos critÃrios de cobrir a mulher, manter a porta do consultÃrio fechada e impedir o âentra e saiâ de pessoas durante o exame foi alcanÃado por 20 (95%), 17 (81%) e 14 (67%), respectivamente. A tÃcnica da coleta foi satisfatÃria entre 90,5% ou mais dos enfermeiros em sete dos 11 itens avaliados e a adequabilidade das lÃminas mostrou-se satisfatÃria em 100% dos 63 laudos. O desempenho das enfermeiras foi o ideal esperado em termos de garantir lÃminas de qualidade ao rastreamento do cÃncer de colo, todavia, lavagem das mÃos, descarte adequado do lixo, conforto e seguranÃa da usuÃria e entrevista sobre condiÃÃes da mulher para a realizaÃÃo da coleta precisam melhorar. Risco de dessecamento, presenÃa de sangue e material hipocelular foram observados, porÃm nÃo geraram lÃminas insatisfatÃrias, sobre o que se sugere que estudos sejam realizados com o objetivo de avaliar recomendaÃÃes desnecessÃrias ou excessivas à coleta. / The Pap test has world-wide recognition as a safe strategy to detect cervical cancer early. Its execution includes manual work, from the material collection to the result emission. Thus, the performance of human resources contributes to the security or not of the results. This is carried out by doctors and nurses that compose the teams of Health Family Program (PSF), but mainly by nurses. In this context, it was decided to carry out this study which had as a general objective to evaluate the material collection for the Pap test by nurses and as specific objectives to verify knowledge and practice of these professionals in relation to cytological collection; to identify the availability of material resources which are necessary for the execution of the collection and to evaluate if the collected material is adequate based on the laboratorial report. It is an evaluative research, with descriptive exploratory character. It was executed in units of the Family Health Program (PSF) in Maranguape-CE, whose data was collected from August to October, 2006, through the direct and participative structured observation made with 21 (100%) nurses, in their area, and through the review of the laboratorial reports of 63 collected slides. The structured observation followed the Instrument of Quality Recognition of Proquali Methodology, and the data was annotated using checking system. The participative observation data was registered in field books. The results were presented under nurse characterization; formation, access to technical handbooks and knowledge to deal with cytological collection; performance of nurses in the material collection for the exam (biosecurity measures, comfort and security of women during exam and collection technique); availability of resources for the execution of the procedure and; suitability of the slides. Most nurses were graduated for 9 to 11 years and had 8 years of experience with cytological collection. Seventeen (81%) evaluated themselves as secure to execute the procedure and sixteen (76%) showed to have the adequate knowledge about the exact localization of the cytological collection. The access to the practice of cytological collection at college was referred by only 7 (33%) of them. Only 4 (19%) washed the hands before the procedure, 21 (100%) used procedure gloves in both hands and the discard of the trash was inadequate in all the units. Usersâ comfort was evaluated according to the standpoint of making sure if the woman had emptied the bladder before the exam and of explaining it to the user and was achieved by 2 (9,5%) and 4 (19%) of the nurses respectively. The privacy was evaluated by the criteria of covering the woman, maintaining the officeâs door closed and preventing peopleâs getting in and out during the exam. It was achieved by 20 (95%), 17 (81%) and 14 (67%), respectively. The collection technique was satisfactory with 90,5% or more of the nursed in 7 of the 11 evaluated items and the suitability of blenders was satisfactory in 100% of the 63 reports. The nursesâ performance was the ideal expected in terms of guaranteeing slides with good quality to search cervical cancer. However, practice at college, washing of hands, adequate discard of the trash, usersâ comfort and security and the interview about womenâs conditions for the execution of the collection need improvement. It was observed risk of desiccation, presence of blood and hypocelular material, but unsatisfactory slides were not generated. It is suggested that studies need to be carried out with the objective of evaluating unnecessary or excessive recommendations for the collection.
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“Para inglês ver”? Análise linguístico-discursiva sobre o ensino de língua inglesa nas escolas municipais no âmbito do Programa Rio Criança Global (SME/RJ)Oliveira, Nathália da Silva de 29 May 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Fabiano Vassallo (fabianovassallo2127@gmail.com) on 2017-05-17T18:58:03Z
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Dissertação - Nathália da Silva de Oliveira.pdf: 8353115 bytes, checksum: a9352f19431f7a80cf6082f7fdd12354 (MD5) / Esta pesquisa teve como foco de análise o Programa Rio Criança Global (PRCG) criado, em
2009, pela Secretaria Municipal de Educação do Rio de Janeiro (SME/RJ) em “parceria” com
o curso de idiomas Cultura Inglesa, uma instituição que oferece serviços privados. Esses
serviços não passam por nenhuma fiscalização específica e/ou avaliação, nem são regulados
pelo Ministério da Educação. Nesta parceria entre setor público e privado, a Cultura Inglesa
responde pela seleção de professores em concurso público e pelo acompanhamento
pedagógico (“revitalizações”) dos docentes. Sua editora, a Learning Factory, publica o
material didático utilizado nas escolas, apesar de a SME/RJ ser signatária do termo de adesão
ao Programa Nacional do Livro Didático (PNLD) e receber as coleções didáticas compradas
pelo Fundo Nacional de Desenvolvimento da Educação (FNDE). Desta forma, esta pesquisa
buscou responder às seguintes questões: Como se faz possível dentro de uma rede pública a
presença de um programa estabelecido em associação com um curso de idiomas privado? O
PRCG contempla princípios e práticas pedagógicas previstos na legislação educacional
brasileira? A coleção didática Interaction ED (Manual do professor e Livro do aluno)
contempla as exigências do PNLD, especificamente o PNLD Língua estrangeira - anos finais
do Ensino Fundamental? A partir dessas perguntas que nortearam nossa análise, foram nossos
objetivos: (a) reunir informações acerca do contexto em que se insere o PRCG; (b) conhecer
os textos legais que dão sustentação ao programa; (c) verificar como o PRCG se adequa a
princípios e práticas pedagógicas garantidas na legislação educacional brasileira em vigor; (d)
analisar a partir de critérios estabelecidos pelo PNLD o Manual do professor e (e) identificar,
do ponto de vista discursivo-enunciativo, como se estabelece a interação enunciador do livro
didático (LD) e coenunciadores professor e aluno na coleção Interaction ED. Nossa
vinculação acadêmica considera saberes diversos, escolhas feitas pelo pesquisador e pauta-se
numa concepção de Linguística Aplicada que visa responder a demandas advindas do social.
Na área dos estudos da linguagem, recorre a pressupostos teóricos da Análise do Discurso de
base enunciativa e às categorias de prática discursiva (FOUCAULT 2014a, 2014b;
MAINGUENEAU, 1997, 2008a, 2008b) e cenografia discursiva (MAINGUENEAU, 1997,
2008a, 2008b). Os resultados da análise da coleção didática identificam uma cenografia
discursiva instituída por: uma locução discursiva na qual o enunciador regula as
possibilidades de dizer dos coenunciadores aluno e professor; uma topografia de um espaço
escolar delimitado por práticas controladas e descontextualizadas; e uma cronografia da
imutabilidade. As conclusões do estudo remetem a um ensino-aprendizagem instrucional,
comum a uma concepção de educação como serviço pedagógico que se distancia de princípios
e práticas pedagógicas previstas pela atual legislação educacional brasileira / The present research has focused on the Rio Criança Global Program (PRCG) created in 2009
by the Municipal Secretariat of Education in Rio de Janeiro (SME/RJ) in partnership with the
language school Cultura Inglesa, an institution that offers private services. These services do
not undergo any specific monitoring or evaluation nor are they regulated by the Ministry of
Education. In this partnership between public and private sectors, Cultura Inglesa responds for
the selection of teachers in public tender and the pedagogical training and pedagogical
mentoring (retraining) of the teaching staff. Their publishing house, Learning Factory,
publishes the pedagogical materials used in schools, despite the SME/RJ being signatory of
the term of adhesion to the Textbook National Program (Programa Nacional do Livro
Didático-PNLD) and receiving the pedagogical textbooks bought by the National Fund of
Education Development (Fundo Nacional de Desenvolvimento da Educação-FNDE). In his
manner, this research has been aimed at answering the following questions: How is it possible
that we find the presence of a program -which is established in association with a private
language school- within a public context? Does the PRCG comprehend the principles and
pedagogical practices established by the Brazilian Educational Legislation? Does the
Interaction-ED didactic collection, including the teacher and student materials comprehend
the demands required by PNLD, especially the foreign language PNLD for the final years of
basic education? Starting off from these questions which have directed our analysis our goals
have been: (a) to gather information on the context in which the PRCG is inserted; (b) to
grasp the legal texts which maintain the program; (c) to monitor how the PRCG adapts to
principles and pedagogical practices assured by the current Brazilian legislation; (d) to
analyze –based on criteria established by the PNLD- the teacher’s manual and identify, from
the enunciative-discursive point of view, how an interaction is established between textbook
enunciator and coenunciators (teacher and students) in the Interaction ED collection. Our
academic entailment considers several forms of knowledge, it focuses on choices made by the
researcher and is grounded on a concept of Applied Linguistics which aims to respond to
socially emerged demands. In the area of Language Studies, this research resorts to the
Discourse Analysis of theoretical assumptions of enunciative basis and to the categories of
discursive practice (FOUCAULT, 2014a, 2014b; MAINGUENEAU, 1997, 2008a, 2008b)
and discursive scenery (MAINGUENEAU, 1997, 2008a, 2008b). The results of the didactic
collection identify discursive scenery instituted by: a discursive speech in which the
enunciator regulates the possibilities of affirming, of the coenunciators teacher and student; a
topography of a school space limited by controlled and non contextualized practices, and a
chronography of immutability. The conclusions of this study refer to an instructional
teaching-learning process, common to a concept of education as a pedagogical service which
pulls away from principles and pedagogical practices required by the current Brazilian
educational legislation
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Nyköping, en berättande kommun med aktiva invånare : en fallstudie om de roller, relationer och attityder som förekommer i kampanjen Bo i NyköpingKralli, Niki January 2012 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen handlar om de berättelser och bilder som förekommer i kampanjen Bo i Nyköping på hemsidan boinykoping.nu under kampanjperioderna 2011 – 2012. Syftet är att undersöka hur kommunen och Nyköpingsborna framställs i kampanjtexterna och de tillhörande bilderna. De metoder som tillämpas är en ideationell och interpersonell analys, en attitydanalys genom appraisal samt en visuell analys av bildernas ideationella och interpersonella grammatik. Resultatet visar att Nyköpingsborna framställs som handlingskraftiga och kommunen som informativ och vetandes. Relationen mellan dem framställs som dialogisk. Syftet är dessutom att undersöka de identiteter som kampanjen erbjuder läsaren. Detta utifrån resultatet av den språkliga analysen och genom begreppet modelläsare. Berättelser och bilder erbjuder en trygg uppväxtmiljö och ekonomisk trygghet till läsaren. Den dialogiska relationen presupponerar att det finns en god relation mellan kommunen och invånarna. / This bachelor's essay is about the stories and images that appear in the campaign Bo i Nyköping on the website boinykoping.nu during the campaign period 2011-2012. The aim is to examine how the municipality and citizens that appear in the campaign are described in the campaign texts and associated images. The methods applied in the linguistic analysis are an ideational and an interpersonal analysis, an attitude analysis within the method appraisal and a visual analysis of the ideational and interpersonal grammar of images. The results show that the citizens are described as active and the municipality as informative and knowing. The relationship between them is presented as dialogical. The aim is also to investigate the identities that the campaign offers the reader. This is based on the results of the linguistic analysis and the concept of the model reader. The campaign stories and the images provide a safe environment to grow up in and an economic security to the reader. The dialogic relationship that appears in the campaign between the municipality and the citizens show a presumptive good relationship between them.
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L’élaboration des politiques environnementales au prisme de l’Analyse d’Impact de la Commission européenne :discours, gouvernementalité et performativitéJempa Kanko Mutombo, Emilie 07 December 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse interroge la performativité de l’instrumentation au cœur du processus de prise de décision de l’union européenne en étudiant la procédure d’analyse d’impact de la Commission européenne (AI-CE), et son application en particulier aux politiques environnementales. Mise en place en 2002 afin d’évaluer les impacts économiques, sociaux et environnementaux des propositions émises par la CE, la procédure d’AI est formellement l’instrument de la stratégie de développement durable (SDD), mais elle est aussi un pilier de la politique de ‘Better Regulation’ (BR) (« Mieux légiférer ») et penche progressivement dans le sens de ce second agenda avec une préférence pour l’analyse coûts-bénéfices et le choix d’instruments non légaux. En réponse à la question de la rationalité et de la performativité de l’AI-CE, la thèse défendue dans cette recherche conçoit l’analyse d’impact de la CE comme une technique de la gouvernementalité néolibérale placée au cœur de la fabrique des politiques environnementales de l’UE, en appui notamment sur l’opération de monétarisation des impacts. L’hypothèse est celle du renforcement du discours de la modernisation écologique, avec pour effet de contribuer au phénomène d’économicisation des problématiques environnementales dans le sens d’un nécessaire alignement sur l’étalon d’une utilité économique. Pour mener à bien ce projet, la thèse déploie une analyse du discours de la CE et combine analyse de documents, entretiens et analyse lexicométrique. A la suite de nos investigations, il s’avère que les résultats sont partiellement congruents par rapport à l’hypothèse introduite supra. En effet, la mise en œuvre du dispositif n’entraine, pour les cas spécifiques étudiés, ni la monétarisation systématique, ni même la quantification systématique des impacts environnementaux d’une part, ou le choix systématique d’instruments volontaires ou de marché d’autre part. De plus, l’analyse lexicométrique nous permet de mettre en évidence la cohabitation de deux types de gouvernementalités distinctes, bien que se chevauchant partiellement, au travers des discours de la modernisation écologique et de la gouvernementalité verte. Cependant, nous constatons également le poids et la force structurante du terme et de la notion de « coût » et le recours systématique à un registre de justification économique de l’action environnementale au travers de ressorts typiques du discours de la modernisation écologique, avatar de la gouvernementalité néolibérale. En dépit de l’incomplétude de la réalisation des engagements pris par la CE, ou de ce fait même, nous constatons que la mise en œuvre de l’AI-CE contribue à l’économicisation de la fabrique des politiques environnementales comme insertion des problématiques environnementales dans une logique d’utilité économique et à la subordination de l’évaluation des impacts « économiques, sociaux et environnementaux » à la question du coût de l’intervention et aux critères de comparaison favorables à la dimension économique. / This PhD thesis questions the performativity of the European Commission Impact Assessment (EC-IA) as decision-support instrument at the heart of the European policy process in the case of European environmental policy-making.Adopted in 2002, the EC-IA is meant to address “all” significant economic, social and environmental impacts of the EC proposals. It is an instrument of the Sustainable Development strategy, as well as of the Better Regulation agenda. It will progressively mainly contribute to this second agenda, with a focus of the guidelines on cost-benefit analysis and non-legal instruments.Questioning the EC-IA rational and performativity, the thesis conceives the EC-IA as a neoliberal governmentality technique within the European environmental policy-making process, among other leaning on the monetisation of impacts. The hypothesis is the reinforcement of the ecological modernisation discourse, contributing to the economicisation of environmental issues, with economic utility as yardstick.Following our investigations (made of discourse analysis, combining document analysis, interviews and lexicometry), it turns out that results are only partially congruent with our research hypothesis. As a matter of fact, the implementation of the EC-IA does not involve, for the case studied, systematic monetisation, nor quantification of environmental impacts or the systematic proposal of voluntary or market instruments. Moreover, the lexicometric analysis highlights two parallel types of governmentalities, partially overlapping, with the ecological modernization and green governmentality discourses.However, we also highlights the important weight and structuring strength of the word and concept of “cost”, and the systematic economic justification of environmental action, a.o. through storyline elements typical of the modernization discourse, avatar of neoliberal governmentality. In spite of the partial implementation of the EC-IA guidelines, or du to this incompleteness, we observe that EC-IA implementation contributes to the economicisation of the making of European environmental policies through the embedding of environmental issues in an economic utility logic, and through the subordination of the assessment of “economic, social and environmental” impacts to the question of the cost of action and to comparison criteria in line with the economic dimension. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Langage, engagement et émotions : les ressources de la génération linguistique et de l'intégration émotionnelle dans le discours scientifique / No titlePichard, Hugues 03 December 2012 (has links)
L'émotion et le discours scientifique sont traditionnellement deux domaines considérés comme incompatibles du fait du caractère subjectif de la première et des exigences d'objectivité et de neutralité du dernier. La thèse propose une étude des processus en œuvre dans la génération des émotions en relation avec la constitution du discours, et ensuite des stratégies ou modes d'intégration des phénomènes de manifestations émotionnelles dans le discours final. L'étude combine une approche psychologique et linguistique des émotions et s'articule autour de la transition entre le domaine mental et celui de la préparation et de l'expression finale des émotions générées dans le discours (lien entre l'évaluation cognitive et l'Appraisal theory en linguistique). Une synthèse de grandes typologies des modes d'inclusion, ainsi que des grands types de manifestations de charges émotionnelles-affectives globale est présentée dans la thèse. Cette même synthèse est issue de la recherche et de l'analyse de manifestations d'émotions incluses volontairement ou non dans un corpus d'articles de la presse scientifique anglophone soumise à comité de relecture. L'un des objectifs étant de déterminer si le discours scientifique présente des manifestations de subjectivité des auteurs, et par quels biais ces phénomènes de subjectivité et d'émotion s'encodent dans des textes devant, selon les normes et conventions, être aussi objectifs et neutres que possible, quelle que soit la discipline concernée. A donc été soulevée la question de la part prise par l'émotion dans le discours en général, de sa constitution à son expression. / Emotion and scientific discourse are, by tradition, considered to be incompatible due to the subjective nature of the former and the objectivity requirements of the latter. The thesis deals with a study of the processes involved in emotion generation in relation with discourse generation. This is followed by the approach of the modes or strategies of inclusion of emotion manifestation phenomena in the final discourse. The study combines a psychological and linguistic approach of emotions, and revolves around the transition stage between the mental domain and that of language elaboration, leading to communicating the previously generated emotions in discourse (link between cognitive appraisal and the Appraisal theory in linguistics). The thesis sums up the broad categories of inclusion modes, as well as the main global emotion/affect load manifestation types. This very synthesis is the result of the research and analysis of emotion manifestations deliberately or accidentally included into a selection of articles sampled out from english-speaking peer-reviewed scientific press. One of the goals was to determine if scientific discourse contains and displays the authors' subjectivity and emotion manifestations, and how these phenomena are encoded in texts that are primarily meant (according to norms and conventions) to be as objective and neutral as possible, regardless of the subject. Thus was raised the question of the importance of the share taken by emotion in any discourse, from its generation to the moment it is uttered.
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Étude du stress : le cas des personnels navigants commerciaux dans la prise en charge de la réanimation cardio-pulmonaire / Stress study : the case of cabin crew members in the management of cardiopulmonary resuscitationJeune, Patrick 25 September 2015 (has links)
À bord des aéronefs de transport commercial, lorsqu’un passager est victime d’un arrêt cardio-respiratoire, les membres d’équipage de cabine, appelés « PNC » (Personnel Navigant Commercial) dans la terminologie aéronautique, interviennent comme tout secouriste en initiant la chaîne de survie afin d’améliorer le pronostic vital de ce dernier. Dotés d’une formation très sérieuse et périodiquement mise à niveau, les PNC sont capables de prendre en charge des situations d’urgence médicales et de donner les premiers secours liés aux urgences potentielles, aux états de malaise, ainsi que ceux liés aux circonstances et à un environnement particulier. La réanimation cardio-pulmonaire, tâche exceptionnelle et rare en vol, génère le plus fréquemment des émotions négatives ainsi que du stress auprès des PNC. Cette recherche aborde le stress des membres d’équipage de cabine dans la prise en charge d’une réanimation cardio-pulmonaire en vol selon une approche psychologique et plus singulièrement celle en relation avec la théorie transactionnelle de Lazarus et Folkman (1984) dont l’évaluation cognitive et les « copings » des individus occupent une place centrale. Élaborée à partir d’un recueil de données construit par entretiens semi-directifs auprès d’un groupe de 32 PNC volontaires exerçant leur profession sur des aéronefs de petite capacité de transport passagers, elle se propose d’identifier les facteurs influençant le stress des PNC selon une perspective synchronique. Aussi, afin de cerner le plus d’explication possible de la variance du stress, nous avons pris en compte deux variables personnelles, l’expérience professionnelle et le lieu de contrôle des sujets. Les résultats indiquent que plusieurs facteurs peuvent prédire ou influencer l’état de stress des PNC. Ils montrent une relation significative entre le lieu de contrôle des sujets, l’évaluation cognitive de la situation aversive, le lieu de prise en charge de la victime en arrêt cardiaque et l’état de stress des PNC. Ainsi, les sujets « internalistes » évaluant la situation aversive comme un défi et développant des stratégies d’ajustement centrées sur les problèmes sont les moins stressés. Par ailleurs, le milieu aéronautique augmente l’état de stress des PNC en raison de la forte responsabilité morale envers la victime-passager, du confinement de la cabine, du délai de la mise en œuvre du quatrième maillon de la chaîne de survie ainsi que de la ressource sociale limitée en vol. Enfin, l’amélioration de la formation en premiers secours peut aider les PNC à mieux appréhender cette situation d’urgence en vol. / On board commercial transport aircraft when a passenger suffers from a cardiac arrest, the cabin crew members, called "PNC" (Personnel Navigant Commercial) in aviation terminology, act as any rescuer by initiating survival chain to improve the prognosis of the victim. With a very serious training and periodically upgrade, cabin crew members are able to handle medical emergencies and first-aid related to potential emergencies, discomfort states as well as those related to a circumstance and a particular environment. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, exceptional and rare task in flight, generates the most frequent negative emotions and stress from cabin crew members. This research deals with the stress of cabin crew members in the management of a cardiopulmonary resuscitation in flight using a psychological approach and particularly the related transactional theory of Lazarus and Folkman (1984) in which appraisal and coping are central. Developed from a data collection built by semi-structured interviews with a group of 32 cabin crew members volunteers flying on small passenger carrying capacity aircraft, it aims to identify the factors influencing their stress in a synchronic perspective. Also, in order to identify the most possible explanation for the variance of stress, we took into account both personal variables such as professional experience and locus of control of the subjects.The results indicate that several factors can predict or influence the cabin crew members’stress. They show a significant relationship between the subject’s locus of control, appraisal of aversive situation, place of management of the victim in cardiac arrest and the stress of the cabin crew members. Thus, « internalist » subjects who assess the situation as a challenge and develop strategies focused on the problems are less stressed. Furthermore, the aviation industry increases the stress state of the cabin crew because of the strong moral responsibility to the victim-passenger, confinement of the cabin, the period of the implementation of the fourth link in the chain of survival (medicalized CPR) and the limited social resource in flight. At last, the improvement of first-aid training can help cabin crew members to manage better this specific situation on board.
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The implementation of developmental appraisal systems in a low-functioning South African schoolGallie, Muavia 19 June 2007 (has links)
Research on policy implementation suggests that many education reforms designed to improve the quality of education in general have been more rhetorical than substantive in their impact on the organisation of schools and classrooms. Schools and classrooms do change, but the extent and directions of change are not always consistent with the intention of policy initiatives. This same argument applies to the South African education policy process, where a substantial body of literature has documented the gaps between the intention of policy makers (intended policy) and their implementation (implemented policy) in schools. The gap has been especially relevant for those policies focusing on the change of the knowledge, skills and competency levels of teachers through accountability and professional development policies. The purpose of this investigative and descriptive study originated in a hypothesis that the lack of orientation, knowledge sharing, understanding and the capacity building of teachers on policy intentions make it difficult for teachers to implement policies. I assumed therefore that through information and workshop sessions the gap between the policy intentions and the practice of teachers can be solved. In particular, my involvement in the drafting of the Developmental Appraisal System (DAS) policy gave me the sense that there was nothing fundamentally wrong with the policy, but that the lack of capacity building among teachers is what is undermining the implementation of the policy in schools. The study therefore intended to investigate the impact of a five-day information session on the implementation process of the DAS policy at Cape Flats Secondary School (CFSS) – this is a pseudo name. These sessions were facilitated by me during the last semester of 2001. Thereafter, the school was given a year to implement the policy during 2002. Regular contact with the chairperson of the Staff Development Team (SDT) to ascertain the progress of implementation brought me to the realisation after eighteen months and still no implementation that the focus of my study had to change to understand the challenges of implementation at the school. As a member of the Policy Formulation team, I could not understand why a policy with such immense potential in enhancing professional development among teachers could not be implemented in a school where staff members publicly stated their commitment to implement the policy. This school (CFSS) in particular, had a high number of union leaders involved at numerous levels within the union who researched and developed the initial ideas and proposals of the DAS policy. The study is therefore guided by the following questions: 1. What made it difficult for the staff of Cape Flats Secondary School to implement the DAS policy, despite a high level of stated commitment to implement the policy and a thorough five-day information session (both theoretical and practical) on how to implement the policy? a) What was the expected level, scope or depth of the policy change, envisaged by policy formulators, necessary by the school to implement the policy? b) Which elements of the policy and the conditions at the school needed to be supported by implementation support agents (national, provincial and district officials) to facilitate the implementation at school level? and c) What was the level of functionality of the school to facilitate the successful implementation of this policy? This research explains how the different levels of functionality of schools affect the potential of implementation of a ‘one-size-fits-all’ policy. In particular, I reflect on the deliberations which inform the features of the DAS policy, during the policy formulation stage. I furthermore pay special attention to what interviewees called the ‘what was going on’ at the school, as if ‘outsiders’ don’t know what was going on in the school. The research therefore focuses on the functionality of the school through the lenses of ten school functionality components. Teachers at CFSS believe that policy makers do not understand and know what is going on at their school and therefore the effect, relevance and implementability of their policies are disconnected from the operational implementation contexts of schools. The data was collected over a period of six months. In this regard, I used multiple methods of data collection which include critical engagement with the entire staff through information workshop sessions, semi-structured interviews, critical engagements with the strategic liaison team, structured questionnaires, document analysis and photographic records. The main insights of the study include the following: -- Policy makers have to re-assess and re-conceptualise the current policy making paradigm in operation in developing ‘professional’ policy; -- The influence and power relations of employers and employee parties in the policy-making process must be re-assessed and re-conceptualised in order to clarify the policy-making process in South Africa; -- The lack of systems (both technical and human), at different levels of education, makes it impossible to monitor and evaluate the effective and efficient implementation of the DAS policy; -- Understanding schools as individual organisations with unique characteristics, is a key pre-requisite for developing policies that are aimed at addressing real problems at specific schools; -- Leadership and management skills are seriously lacking at South African schools; -- Educators should implement reform policies around clear performance standards and accountability expectations; -- Intervention support agents should help schools make informed choices among a variety of implementation strategies; -- Policy makers should allocate target funding to encourage adoption of proven change practice; -- Policy makers should focus on schools that are ready for change with an expectation that many schools not ready for change this year may in the normal course of events become ready within a few years. The key insights of this research make this study unique and offer critical advice to policy makers. In particular, the re-organisation of the literature on policy-practice gaps (PPG) is insightful. The utilisation of both qualitative and quantitative data adds validity and reliability to the study. More importantly, the study shows that quantitative data can contribute towards understanding the policy implementation challenges in schools. Finally, my ‘insider’ experience of the policy-making process shares rare deliberations of what are the ‘trade-offs’ during the policy formulation stage. / Thesis (PhD (Education Policy Studies))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Education Management and Policy Studies / unrestricted
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