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Konkursgäldenärs skiljeavtal : när binder avtalet konkursboet?Persson, Emilia, Larsson, Nina January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats är att beskriva gällande rätt kring om och när en konkursgäldenärs skiljeavtal binder dess konkursbo samt konsekvenserna av detta. I dagsläget är rättsområdet osäkert och enbart grundat på praxis, uppsatsen utreder därför även om lagstiftning eller annan utveckling på området är erforderlig. Det har i praxis konstaterats att en konkursgäldenärs skiljeavtal binder dess konkursbo då tvister gäller obligationsrättsliga anspråk och bevakningsförfaranden är aktuella. I praxis kan vidare konstateras att i tvister av sak- och föreningsrättslig karaktär är ett konkursbo inte bundet av konkursgäldenärs skiljeavtal. Tvister avgörs då i enlighet med konkursrättens tvistlösningsmetoder. Juridisk metod används för att beskriva gällande rätt och för att bringa klarhet i de grundläggande bestämmelserna på området används en deskriptiv metod. En problemorienterad metod används för att analysera rättsläget. Konsekvenserna av att ett konkursbo är bundet av konkursgäldenärens skiljeavtal är att en borgenär kan, genom sin skiljeklausul, komma att tillgodogöra sig mer ur konkursboets egendomsmassa än övriga borgenärer med bevakade fordringar i konkursen som inte avtalat om skiljeförfarande. Att konkursboet i obligationsrättsliga fall är bundet att tvista i ett skiljeförfarande, trots att boet inte existerat vid skiljeavtalets uppkomst, innebär att en kollision mellan offentlig- och civilrätt uppstår. Författarna anser avslutningsvis att konkursgäldenärs skiljeklausul inte ska binda dess konkursbo. De sak- och föreningsrättsliga rättsfallen är mer klara i sina argument och utveckling av rättsläget bör därför, enligt författarna, ske i samförstånd med dessa bedömningar. / The purpose of this bachelor’s thesis is to investigate current law whether if and when a bankruptcy debtor’s arbitration agreement is binding towards its bankrupt’s estate and the consequences of this. The legal position is in the current situation uncertain and is solely based on legal cases; the thesis investigates therefore whether legislation or other development within the area is required. It has been stated through legal cases that bankruptcy debtor’s arbitration agreement is binding towards its bankruptcy estate when the conflict refers to claims on law of obligations and when monitoring procedures are in question. Case law furthermore state that the bankruptcy estate is not bound by its bankruptcy debtor’s arbitration agreement in conflicts concerning law of property and rights of association. A traditional legal method has been used in order to investigate current law and a descriptive method has been used to clarify the fundamental provisions in the area. A problem-oriented method has been used in order to analyze the legal position. The consequences of the binding effect of the arbitration agreement towards the bankruptcy’s estate is that a creditor can, through its arbitration clause, utilize more from the bankruptcy’s estate property than the rest of the creditors, whom have not agreed on an arbitration clause. That the bankruptcy’s estate is considered forced to dispute in arbitration, even though the bankruptcy’s estate did not exist when the arbitration agreement occurred, implies that an impact between public- and civil law arises. The authors consider that the bankruptcy’s debtor arbitration clause should not be binding towards its bankruptcy’s estate. The authors is of the opinion that the case law conflicts concerning law of property and rights of association are more clear in their argument’s and development of the legal position should take guidance from these legal cases.
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Arbitration law in Qatar : the way forwardAl-Obaidli, Jassim Mohammed A. A. January 2016 (has links)
Qatar is among the fastest growing developing countries in all fields. Since the State of Qatar gained independence from the United Kingdom, the Qatari government has been focusing on the formation of state institutions to keep pace with global development. In 1971, Qatar released the first civil and commercial law. The country established the first step towards the separation of civil and commercial transactions of Islamic law. However, the ever-changing nature of business and global economy requires significant economic and societal changes. With the increase of foreign investors in Qatar, there had to be a law governing arbitration in contracts. Therefore, the government promulgated the arbitration clause in commercial contracts; the first code of civil and commercial procedure contains a chapter of the arbitration. However, the provisions of arbitration included in this law are not compatible with the UNCITRAL Model Law. Although there is a shortage in literature regarding arbitration in Qatar, several studies discussed issues related to arbitration in Qatar and called for the adoption of a new separate arbitration law in Qatar compatible with the UNCITRAL one. This prompted Qatar to work on a new draft law of arbitration, especially after the ratification of the New York Convention 1985 by Qatar. However, these studies did not cover other factors which affect arbitration; such as cultural attitude towards arbitration and issues affecting the practice of arbitration in Qatar. Unlike previous studies regarding arbitration in Qatar, this thesis uses multi-methods to get an answer of the main question of the research, which is: “Will the new Arbitration Draft Law solve all the issues related to arbitration in Qatar, thereby attracting international companies to Qatar and its law for their arbitration?” The thesis reviews the related literature in the first stage. Then it analyses interviews which were held with a number of arbitration stakeholders, the recent Qatari draft law of arbitration, the GCC unified arbitration draft law and the Qatar Financial Centre (QFC) draft law. After that it conducts a comparison between the current provisions of arbitration, the Qatari arbitration draft law and the GCC unified arbitration draft law in light of the UNCITRAL Model Law and the Egyptian Arbitration Law. This multi-methods study results in recommendations which are listed in its conclusion. It is worth mentioning that both the Qatari arbitration draft law and the QFC draft law are considered for the first time in a research study. Also, the interviews which were held for the purpose of this research enrich the outcome as the participants were chosen from various categories of arbitration stakeholder, where some of them represent official entities; such as the Legislation Department of the Ministries Council and some of them are high ranking officials of these entities; such as the Minister of Justice.
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La convention d’arbitrage dans le contrat de transport maritime de marchandises : étude comparée des droits français, hellénique et anglais / Arbitration agreement in contracts of carriage of goods by sea : a comparative study of french, greek and english lawPapadatou, Marina 26 May 2014 (has links)
Cette étude porte sur la question de l’efficacité de la convention d’arbitrage à l’égard des opérateurs du transport maritime de marchandises. Dans un premier temps, la question qui se pose est celle de la détermination du droit applicable à l’efficacité de ladite clause. A cet égard, notre attention se concentre sur l’interprétation et l’application des principes propres à l’arbitrage international par la jurisprudence maritime. L’examen des clauses d’arbitrage insérées dans un contrat de transport maritime ne saurait échapper aux spécificités du droit de transport maritime ainsi qu’aux dispositions des conventions maritimes internationales. Par ailleurs, l’approche du sujet par la méthode comparative nous permettra de découvrir, à travers les solutions concrètes finalement retenues dans les trois systèmes juridiques en question, que l’effet juridique de la clause compromissoire est directement lié à l a position contractuelle de ces opérateurs. Parmi les personnes impliquées dans le transport maritime, le destinataire des marchandises nous intéresse plus particulièrement. Ce dernier n’étant pas présent, en effet, au moment de la formation du contrat, les conditions de son engagement par une clause compromissoire insérée, presque toujours « par référence » dans le titre de transport, font l’objet d’un vif débat doctrinal et jurisprudentiel. / This study is primarily focused on the enforceability of arbitration agreements incorporated in contracts of carriage of goods by sea. First, we will cover the important issue of determining the law applicable to these arbitration agreements. Special attention will be given to how courts tend to implement general international arbitration principles to maritime disputes. An arbitration agreement incorporated in acontract of carriage of goods by sea should also be analyzed in light of the specificities of maritime transport law and applicable international shipping conventions. Moreover, the comparative methodology used herein will show that the enforceability of arbitration agreements is closely related to the qualification of the operators involved in the contract. In particular, among the commercial players involved in the carriage of the goods, we sought to examine the legal position of the consignee of the goods. Indeed, since the consignee is absent at the moment of the contract formation, the binding effect there upon of the arbitration agreement, which is generally incorporated “by reference” to the bill of lading, is highly debated by scholars and judges.
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The doctrine of separability in respect of the arbitration clause of a contract :|ba comparative study of English law and South African law / Anthony Lehlohonolo DiteduDitedu, Anthony Lehlohonolo January 2014 (has links)
Most jurisdictions have over the past two decades experienced reforms with regard to arbitration law. These include England, America, France, Germany and the Netherlands. These reforms were necessary as the trend in the modern era shows that businessmen situated in different countries usually prefer to have their disputes resolved by arbitration as opposed to court litigation. To have disputes resolved effectively, it is surely a desirable thing to have laws that would promote the use of arbitration as an alternative dispute resolution. This would also ensure progressive international trade which is an important aspect of development in the South African constitutional state.
One aspect of the law that would ensure a speedy and effective resolution of dispute by means of arbitration is the incorporation of the doctrine of separability in a country's law. The doctrine of separability provides that an arbitration agreement is a separate and independent contract from the main contract in which it is incorporated. In light of the above, the primary purpose of this study is to compare and analyse the English legal system with that of South Africa with specific focus on the doctrine of separability. / LLM (Import and Export Law), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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The doctrine of separability in respect of the arbitration clause of a contract :|ba comparative study of English law and South African law / Anthony Lehlohonolo DiteduDitedu, Anthony Lehlohonolo January 2014 (has links)
Most jurisdictions have over the past two decades experienced reforms with regard to arbitration law. These include England, America, France, Germany and the Netherlands. These reforms were necessary as the trend in the modern era shows that businessmen situated in different countries usually prefer to have their disputes resolved by arbitration as opposed to court litigation. To have disputes resolved effectively, it is surely a desirable thing to have laws that would promote the use of arbitration as an alternative dispute resolution. This would also ensure progressive international trade which is an important aspect of development in the South African constitutional state.
One aspect of the law that would ensure a speedy and effective resolution of dispute by means of arbitration is the incorporation of the doctrine of separability in a country's law. The doctrine of separability provides that an arbitration agreement is a separate and independent contract from the main contract in which it is incorporated. In light of the above, the primary purpose of this study is to compare and analyse the English legal system with that of South Africa with specific focus on the doctrine of separability. / LLM (Import and Export Law), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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Alternatívne spôsoby riešenia sporov v obchodných vzťahoch / Alternative dispute resolutions in trade relationsŠtávorská, Zuzana January 2010 (has links)
This thesis discusses the alternative dispute resolution methods in trade relations. The main objective of this thesis is to describe and analyze ADR as a group of methods used to resolute disputes with focus on two main methods - mediation and arbitration. My objective is to describe the main principles of ADR, to compare their main advantages and disadvantages and to analyse the process of resoluting disputes by these methods. Another objective is to evaluate and analyze the development of ADR in the Czech Republic, their legal regulation and its current status. A short part of the thesis concerns about regulation of mediation in the EU and the analysis of implementation of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2008/52/EC dated May 21, 2008 to national legislation. Thesis is divided into five separate chapters. The first, introductory chapter only briefly discusses about dispute and conflict and ways they can be solved. The second chapter already characterizes ADR as a group methods of dispute resolution, its main principles, advantages and disadvantages and finally briefly describes some of the ADR. The third and fourth chapter focuses on the mediation, its principles, advantages, disadvantages, the mediation process and mediator. It monitors the development of mediation in the Czech republic and the current situation in the legal regulation of mediation in the country. The last chapter deals with arbitration. It describes its basic principles, advantages and disadvantages again. The conclusion discusses the czech Arbitration law and the forthcoming amendment.
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Limites subjetivos da convenção de arbitragem / Parties to the arbitration agrément.Cardoso, Paula Butti 04 June 2013 (has links)
A convenção de arbitragem pode possuir uma abrangência subjetiva maior do que aquela que aparentemente lhe é conferida pelo contrato no qual está inserida. Podem ser partes sujeitos que a ela não aderiram expressamente, o que não contraria a autonomia da vontade, pois o fato de não terem consentido por escrito não impede que o tenham feito de maneira tácita. Dessa forma, é possível que não signatários sejam partes da convenção de arbitragem. A prática arbitral identificou algumas situações que frequentemente colocam os julgadores diante da missão de determinar se há consentimento por parte de não signatários: a existência de um grupo de sociedades ou de um grupo de contratos; a incorporação por referência; a estipulação em favor de terceiro; a existência de representação; a transferência de um contrato por meio de cessão ou sucessão e a subrogação; e o desvio da personalidade jurídica, que pode levar à sua desconsideração. Além disso, os tribunais norte-americanos se utilizam da teoria chamada estoppel, de acordo com a qual um sujeito, sob determinadas circunstâncias, fica impedido de negar a aplicabilidade da cláusula compromissória. Os limites subjetivos da convenção de arbitragem são objeto de estudo no meio arbitral há bastante tempo, mas não faz muitos anos que a questão começou a ser debatida no Brasil. A análise da Lei de Arbitragem brasileira demonstra que muitas das lições aprendidas no cenário internacional podem ser aproveitadas no país. / The arbitration agreement may have a larger subjective scope than the one that is actually conferred to it by the agreement in which it operates. Individuals who have not adhered expressly to the arbitration agreement may be subject to it, and such situation does not imply that referred arbitration agreement is against their free will, since the fact that they have not consented in writing does not mean that they have not done so tacitly. Thus, it is possible that non-signatories are parties to the arbitration agreement. The arbitral practice identified several situations in which judges and arbitrators often have to determine whether there is a consent by non-signatories: the existence of a group of companies or a group of contracts; incorporation by reference; the stipulation in favor of third party; the existence of representation; the transfer of an agreement by assignment or succession and subrogation; and the abuse of legal personality, which can lead to the piercing of the corporate veil. Moreover, U.S. courts make use of a theory called estoppel, according to which an individual, under certain circumstances, is estopped from denying the enforceability of the arbitration clause. The limits of the arbitration agreement have been object of study in the arbitration scene for a long period of time, but only recently the question began to be discussed in Brazil. Analysis of the Brazilian Arbitration Law demonstrates that many of the lessons learned in the international arena may be applicable in Brazil.
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Pojetí rozhodčí smlouvy ze srovnávacího hlediska / Concept of the arbitration agreement from a comparative perspectiveNaučová, Tereza January 2012 (has links)
Concept of the arbitration agreement from a comparative perspective The theme of this doctoral thesis is a detailed analysis of the concept of the arbitration agreement under international conventions, specifically the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (the "New York Convention"), the European Convention on International Commercial Arbitration (the "European Convention"), under the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration (the "Model Law") and under Czech and German Law. The thesis covers all aspects of the arbitration agreement, analysing it from the perspective of material norms. The regulation of any conflict of rules is mentioned only if it is appropriate for an analysis of the substantive norms of the elements of an arbitration agreement. The individual chapters of this thesis address the concept and elementary characteristics of the arbitration agreement and the formal and material requirements, effects, extent and ending of the arbitration agreement. Special attention is paid to arbitration agreements concluded regarding disputes arising from and in connection with agreements entered into between consumers and entrepreneurs (sellers or suppliers), because the Czech regulation of such arbitration agreements was regarded as insufficient...
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The Saudi Arbitration Law 2012 assessed against the core principles of modern international commercial arbitration : a comparative study with the model law and Scots lawAlrajaan, Turki January 2017 (has links)
Following the Aramco arbitration in 1963, Saudi Arabia’s approach to international arbitration resulted in a reputation for being an arbitration unfriendly country. This was addressed to some extent by the Arbitration Law of 1983. However, arbitration under the 1983 law remained dependent on the approval of the national courts. With too much scope for judicial intervention, the legal framework undermined the final and binding nature of the award, constrained party autonomy and created inefficient delays. In 2012, a new Law of Arbitration was passed to replace the 1983 law with a legal framework intending to meet the needs of international commercial parties. The question addressed by this thesis is whether the Arbitration Law of 2012 (SAL 2012) succeeds in creating a legal framework that is consistent with the three core principles that provide the foundations for modern international commercial arbitration. These core principles of party autonomy, procedural justice and cost-effectiveness were used as normative tools for assessing the provisions of the SAL 2012, which were based on the UNCITRAL Model Law. Relying on those principles, the SAL 2012 was subjected to a comparative legal analysis, using the Model Law and the Arbitration (Scotland) Act 2010 as comparators. Although hampered by a lack of available case law involving the SAL 2012, the analysis concluded that the SAL 2012 is a very significant development, providing a legal framework that facilitates arbitration, encourages a pro-arbitration culture and achieves a balance between the three core principles that should meet the needs of international commercial parties. Despite this, the law could be further reformed to make Saudi Arabia even more attractive as a location for arbitration. While acknowledging that future reform should be guided by empirical research on arbitration in Saudi Arabia, proposals were made for the further development of a pro-arbitration legal framework.
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Autonomia da vontade, consensualismo e arbitragem: A extensão da cláusula compromissória a partes não-signatárias fundamentada na teoria dos grupos de sociedades. A prática da Corte Internacional de Arbitragem da Câmara de Comércio Internacional (CCI) e sua compatibilidade com o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro / Consensualism and arbitration - the extension of the arbitration clause to a non-signatory on the basis of the group of companies doctrineLeonardo José de Campos Melo 26 August 2010 (has links)
A prática da arbitragem comercial internacional tem se deparado, há pelos menos quatro décadas, com a problemática da extensão da cláusula compromissória a uma parte não-signatária, integrante do mesmo grupo de sociedades a que pertence uma das partes integrantes da convenção, em razão do comportamento adotado pela parte não-signatária nas fases de negociação do contrato, execução ou extinção. Nesse sentido, a prática da Corte Internacional de Arbitragem da Câmara de Comércio Internacional dos últimos trinta anos e reiteradas decisões judiciais em países de diferentes tradições jurídicas como a França, Suíça e Estados Unidos têm se manifestado favoravelmente a essa extensão subjetiva da convenção de arbitragem. O estudo da doutrina nacional e da jurisprudência do Superior Tribunal de Justiça sobre os grupos de sociedades e seus efeitos, e a análise detida de diversos precedentes do Superior Tribunal de Justiça e do Supremo Tribunal Federal sobre a homologação de sentenças arbitrais estrangeiras, revelam a compatibilidade da referida prática arbitral internacional com o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. / The possibility of extending an arbitration clause so that it binds a non-signatory company which is a member of the same corporate group as one of the signatories, on the basis of the conduct of said non-signatory during the negotiation, performance and termination of the contract, has been an issue in international commercial arbitration for the past three decades. The precedents of the International Arbitration Court of the International Chamber of Commerce during the past thirty years, and judicial decisions in countries such as France, Switzerland and the United States have been favorable to the extension of the arbitral convention to non-signatories. Analysis of the work of Brazilian legal commentators and the case law of the Superior Court of Justice relating to the group of companies doctrine [teoria dos grupos de sociedades], as well as analysis of several precedents of both the Superior Court of Justice and the Federal Supreme Court on the recognition of foreign arbitral awards, indicates that the international arbitration practice of the ICC on the extension of the arbitral agreement to non-signatories is compatible with the Brazilian legal system.
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