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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pedagogers syn på hur man kan arbeta för att underlätta skoldagen för elever med Aspergers syndrom / Pedagogu´s views how to facilitate school work for students diagnosed with Asperger´s syndrom

Ekström, Sofia January 2008 (has links)
<p>I chose the diagnosis Asperger’s syndrome as subject for my graduation paper, because I believe it is relevant to my education. As a future pedagogue I may very well come in contact with children and adolescents diagnosed with different syndromes and I want to be prepared. The purpose of my paper is to investigate pedagogues’ views on how to facilitate school work for children diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome.</p><p>In order to find out how school pedagogues work I chose interviews as method for my research. Initially, my idea was to interview five teachers, but during the course of my work my opinion and my choices have changed. My final interview subjects were: three teachers, one assistant and one special pedagogue. These five persons share purpose and goals but use different methods. Their approach, I believe, contains a high level of aspiration towards creating a pleasant school environment where children and adolescents diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome can develop. To cumulate background facts on Asperger’s syndrome and its symptoms, I have used literature and electronic resources.</p><p>Upon completing my research it became evident that all subjects interviewed agree that these students need a structured and tranquil environment. To assist a student during the day one can place a schedule on the blackboard that is used by either the entire group or place an individual schedule at the student’s seat. The interview subjects also stressed the fact that as pedagogues it is important to implement flexibility in one’s teaching as well as in one’s planning of classes. It is also important that these children and adolescents are met in a way that matches their abilities and knowledge.</p><p> </p> / <p>Jag valde att skriva mitt examensarbete om diagnosen Aspergers syndrom. Anledningen är att jag anser ämnet relevant för den utbildning jag läser. Som blivande pedagog vill jag vara förberedd då jag kan möta barn och ungdomar med olika former av diagnoser. Syftet med arbetet är att undersöka pedagogernas syn på hur man kan underlätta skoldagen för elever med Aspergers syndrom.</p><p>För att få reda på hur pedagoger ute i skolorna arbetar valde jag intervju som metod för min undersökning. Min tanke var från början att intervjua fem lärare men under arbetets gång ändrades min uppfattning och mina val. De val jag slutligen gjorde var att intervjua; tre lärare, en assistent samt en specialpedagog. Dessa fem personer arbetar mot samma mål och med samma syfte men på olika sätt. Deras arbetssätt anser jag är en hög strävan mot att barn och ungdomar med Aspergers syndrom skall trivas samt att det skall finnas möjlighet för utveckling i skolan.  För att få bakgrundsfakta om diagnosen Aspergers syndrom samt information om vilka symptom som kan finnas hos barnen har jag använt mig av litteratur samt elektroniska källor.</p><p>Resultatet efter att ha genomfört min undersökning visar att alla intervjupersoner är eniga om att elever med Aspergers syndrom behöver en strukturerad och lugn miljö. För att hjälpa eleven under dagen kan man använda sig av schema på tavlan som hela gruppen följer eller ett enskilt schema som kan placeras vid elevens plats. Intervjupersonerna tar även upp att det som pedagog gäller att vara flexibel i sin undervisning samt i sin planering av lektionerna. Det är även viktigt att dessa barn och ungdomar bemöts efter deras förmåga och kunskap.</p>

Predicting Variation in Social Outcome among Adolescents with High-Functioning Autism

Schwartz, Caley Bryce 20 May 2009 (has links)
Even among the most high-functioning individuals with autism, there is a wide range of variation in outcome. This study examined within-child factors, such as temperament, that contribute to variation in social outcomes, the most salient area of deficit among individuals with high-functioning autism (HFA). Approach/withdrawal tendencies and effortful control were used to predict variation in symptoms and social skills. A unique multi-method approach employing self- and parent-report measures, physiological assessment, and social observation was used to determine whether temperament could be used to predict variation in social skills and symptom presentation. Results indicated that compared with an age- and gender-matched control group, the HFA group self-reported higher levels of negative affect and lower levels of surgency and were observed to exhibit higher levels of approach tendencies and lower levels of social skills. Across all participants, higher levels of effortful control were predictive of more adaptive social skills and higher levels of observed approach behavior were predictive of higher levels of anxiety. These results are discussed in relation to the variability in outcomes seen among individuals with autism and the implications for the development of interventions to enhance adaptive outcomes.

Barn med Asperger syndrom / Children with Asperger syndrom

Ahlström, Hanna January 2003 (has links)
Det här examensarbetet handlar om barn med Asperger syndrom. Syftet med arbetet var att ta reda på vad Asperger syndrom är och hur man som lärare kan hjälpa dessa elever på bästa sätt. Jag är intresserad av elever som har det svårt och antar att jag någon gång under min tid som lärare kommer att stöta på dessa elever. Arbetet inleds med en teorigenomgång där jag främst går igenom de utmärkande dragen hos barn med Asperger syndrom. Där går jag också bl a igenom orsaker till Asperger och diagnostisering. Andra delen av arbetet är praktiska råd till lärare som arbetar med elever som har Asperger syndrom, vad läraren bör tänka på. Skolans främsta uppgifter, hur klassrummet bör se ut och arbetsmetoder är saker som jag går igenom där. Det som jag kommer fram till där är att det är mycket viktigt med struktur och ordning. Alla barn mår bra av att veta hur dagen ser ut, men för barn med Asperger så är det mycket viktigt att dagen följer vissa rutiner. För att barnen ska kunna ha det så bra som möjligt så är det bra att ha mål utsatta för eleven, både kortsiktiga och långsiktiga. Det är också viktigt med ett personligt dagsschema, så eleven vet vad som kommer att hända under dagen.

Att utmana erfarenheter : Kunskapsutveckling i en forskningscirkel / To challenge experience : Generation of knowledge in a research circle

Andersson, Fia January 2007 (has links)
This thesis aims at describing and analysing the process and content in knowledge development within a research circle. The participants in this circle are seven teachers who work with multilingual children diagnosed within the autism spectrum, and me as a researcher. The study is conducted within the tradition of participatory-oriented research. The research issue concerns the questions these teachers ask themselves in their everyday work. The study, consisting of twelve meetings, was carried out during 2004-2005. In the final meeting material collected in the circle was analysed together by all participants. The knowledge-content analysis disclosed four main themes: mother-tongue issues, disabilities and diagnoses, the issue of frames and matters related to working with parents and other professionals. The results show that once a child is diagnosed within the autism spectrum the diagnosis “takes over” and mother-tongue instruction is seldom discussed. The participants in the circle found it difficult to collaborate with the various authorities involved in working with a child and its family. They also found it difficult to communicate with parents, due to language barriers, different cultural contexts, and the observation that interpreters did not translate properly. The participants noted an existing hierarchy in relation to doctors and psychologists, regarded as having the mandate to assess a child’s ability and suggest placement in class. A conclusion is that the work of the teachers entails a high degree of complexity, and that knowledge meetings and collaboration between parents, teachers, and the various authorities are needed. During the circle process emancipating collective knowledge was constructed transcending what any participant had from the start. Experiences discussed in continuing dialogues, and in an on-going process, seem to be essential for generation of knowledge. When experiences were challenged, potentials for different actions were revealed.

Pedagogers syn på hur man kan arbeta för att underlätta skoldagen för elever med Aspergers syndrom / Pedagogu´s views how to facilitate school work for students diagnosed with Asperger´s syndrom

Ekström, Sofia January 2008 (has links)
I chose the diagnosis Asperger’s syndrome as subject for my graduation paper, because I believe it is relevant to my education. As a future pedagogue I may very well come in contact with children and adolescents diagnosed with different syndromes and I want to be prepared. The purpose of my paper is to investigate pedagogues’ views on how to facilitate school work for children diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome. In order to find out how school pedagogues work I chose interviews as method for my research. Initially, my idea was to interview five teachers, but during the course of my work my opinion and my choices have changed. My final interview subjects were: three teachers, one assistant and one special pedagogue. These five persons share purpose and goals but use different methods. Their approach, I believe, contains a high level of aspiration towards creating a pleasant school environment where children and adolescents diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome can develop. To cumulate background facts on Asperger’s syndrome and its symptoms, I have used literature and electronic resources. Upon completing my research it became evident that all subjects interviewed agree that these students need a structured and tranquil environment. To assist a student during the day one can place a schedule on the blackboard that is used by either the entire group or place an individual schedule at the student’s seat. The interview subjects also stressed the fact that as pedagogues it is important to implement flexibility in one’s teaching as well as in one’s planning of classes. It is also important that these children and adolescents are met in a way that matches their abilities and knowledge. / Jag valde att skriva mitt examensarbete om diagnosen Aspergers syndrom. Anledningen är att jag anser ämnet relevant för den utbildning jag läser. Som blivande pedagog vill jag vara förberedd då jag kan möta barn och ungdomar med olika former av diagnoser. Syftet med arbetet är att undersöka pedagogernas syn på hur man kan underlätta skoldagen för elever med Aspergers syndrom. För att få reda på hur pedagoger ute i skolorna arbetar valde jag intervju som metod för min undersökning. Min tanke var från början att intervjua fem lärare men under arbetets gång ändrades min uppfattning och mina val. De val jag slutligen gjorde var att intervjua; tre lärare, en assistent samt en specialpedagog. Dessa fem personer arbetar mot samma mål och med samma syfte men på olika sätt. Deras arbetssätt anser jag är en hög strävan mot att barn och ungdomar med Aspergers syndrom skall trivas samt att det skall finnas möjlighet för utveckling i skolan.  För att få bakgrundsfakta om diagnosen Aspergers syndrom samt information om vilka symptom som kan finnas hos barnen har jag använt mig av litteratur samt elektroniska källor. Resultatet efter att ha genomfört min undersökning visar att alla intervjupersoner är eniga om att elever med Aspergers syndrom behöver en strukturerad och lugn miljö. För att hjälpa eleven under dagen kan man använda sig av schema på tavlan som hela gruppen följer eller ett enskilt schema som kan placeras vid elevens plats. Intervjupersonerna tar även upp att det som pedagog gäller att vara flexibel i sin undervisning samt i sin planering av lektionerna. Det är även viktigt att dessa barn och ungdomar bemöts efter deras förmåga och kunskap.

Asperger syndrome and emotional intelligence

Montgomery, Janine Marie 02 January 2008
Individuals with Asperger syndrome (AS), an autism spectrum disorder, are characterized by average to superior intelligence while at the same time experiencing severe and pervasive deficits in social interaction. While many individuals with AS report that they keenly desire social relationships, the combination of repeated social failures and intelligence sufficient to appreciate these difficulties increases the risk for developing depression, anxiety, and other mental health concerns (Tantam, 1998; 2000). <p>Emotional intelligence (EI) is a construct that offers potential to understand individual emotional and social characteristics. The broad purpose of the two studies in this project was to examine ability and trait approaches to EI to understand if EI offers enriched understanding of social outcomes in AS. Further, this study explored EI, executive functions (EF), and theory of mind (ToM) to understand whether EI singularly or in combination with other theoretical explanations best accounts for social outcomes in individuals with AS. <p>The participants in this study were 25 young adults (aged 16-21) diagnosed with AS in Alberta and Manitoba. In study 1, trends and differences between AS and normative groups were examined. Further, correlation and multiple regression were employed to explore relationships amongst variables. Results indicated that trait EI was impaired for individuals with AS; however ability EI was intact. Regression analyses revealed that trait and ability EI together predicted 57% the variance for self-reported interpersonal skills and 31% of the variance for parent-reported social skills. Trait EI alone predicted 19% of the variance for self-reported social stress. <p>In study 2, EI, EF, and ToM were explored as predictors of social outcomes. Low correlations between EF and outcome variables precluded further analysis with this particular set of variables. Multiple regression procedures revealed that together ToM and trait EI predicted 33 % of the variance for self-reported Social Stress. The findings suggest that including ToM and EI measures in assessment protocols for individuals with AS provides important information to inform interventions.

Att gå i skolan med diagnosen Asperger syndrom : En kvalitativ studie om hur elever med diagnosen Asperger syndrom, deras lärare och föräldrar uppfattar elevernas skolsituation / Being in school with the diagnosis Asperger syndrome : A Qualitative Study on how the student with the diagnosis Asperger syndrom, their teachers and parents apprehension the students schoolsituation

Söderman, Andreas, Perttu, Torbjörn January 2005 (has links)
Diagnosen Asperger syndrom är ett relativt nytt begrepp inom autismspektrumet. För bara 20 år sedan var syndromet relativt okänt världen över. År 1988 hölls den första internationella kongressen i London och där presenterades de första diagnoskriterierna av makarna Gillberg. Efter kongressen har ytterliggare tre kriterier uppkommit. Vi vill undersöka hur elever med Asperger syndrom uppfattar sin skolgång. Vi vill även undersöka hur lärare och föräldrar till barn med diagnosen upplever barnets skolsituation. Vi har utfört en kvalitativ studie, där vi med hjälp av sju ungdomar med diagnosen Asperger syndrom, fyra lärare som arbetar med barn i behov av särskilt stöd och två föräldrar som har barn med diagnosen Asperger syndrom. Resultatet av intervjuerna visar att eleverna är väl medvetna om vad som krävs av skola och lärarna för att de ska känna delaktighet i undervisningen. Vår studie visar att regelbunden kontakt med hemmet är mycket viktigt för både barnet, föräldern och läraren. Denna studie ger tänkvärd information för pedagoger och föräldrar som antingen arbetar eller kommer i kontakt med barn med diagnosen Asperger syndrom.

Kommunikation och pedagogiskt upplägg För barn med drag av autism/Asperger syndrom / Communication and pedagogical arrangements for children with a strain of autism/Asperger syndrome

Bodelsson Sundell, Marie January 1999 (has links)
Att ha barn med drag av autism i klassrummet kräver att man kan förstå deras speciella kognitiva problem, som yttrar sig bland annat i nedsatt språkförståelse, nedsatt förmåga till social interaktion och en del avvikande beteenden. Jag har genom litteraturstudier, fältstudier i tre veckor på autismenhet, föreläsningar om autism, och egna erfarenheter gjort ett examensarbete om kommunikationoch pedagogiskt upplägg för det här handikappet. Arbetet handlar om hur de här barnen uppfattar kommunikation och vilka svårigheter omgivningen kan möta, samt vad den bör tänka på när man tar kontakt med de här barnen. Det pedagogiska upplägget handlar om hur arbetet i klassrummet kan underlättas för dem. Mina slutsatser är att med rätt hjälp och stöd kan de klara av en hel del.

Asperger syndrome and emotional intelligence

Montgomery, Janine Marie 02 January 2008 (has links)
Individuals with Asperger syndrome (AS), an autism spectrum disorder, are characterized by average to superior intelligence while at the same time experiencing severe and pervasive deficits in social interaction. While many individuals with AS report that they keenly desire social relationships, the combination of repeated social failures and intelligence sufficient to appreciate these difficulties increases the risk for developing depression, anxiety, and other mental health concerns (Tantam, 1998; 2000). <p>Emotional intelligence (EI) is a construct that offers potential to understand individual emotional and social characteristics. The broad purpose of the two studies in this project was to examine ability and trait approaches to EI to understand if EI offers enriched understanding of social outcomes in AS. Further, this study explored EI, executive functions (EF), and theory of mind (ToM) to understand whether EI singularly or in combination with other theoretical explanations best accounts for social outcomes in individuals with AS. <p>The participants in this study were 25 young adults (aged 16-21) diagnosed with AS in Alberta and Manitoba. In study 1, trends and differences between AS and normative groups were examined. Further, correlation and multiple regression were employed to explore relationships amongst variables. Results indicated that trait EI was impaired for individuals with AS; however ability EI was intact. Regression analyses revealed that trait and ability EI together predicted 57% the variance for self-reported interpersonal skills and 31% of the variance for parent-reported social skills. Trait EI alone predicted 19% of the variance for self-reported social stress. <p>In study 2, EI, EF, and ToM were explored as predictors of social outcomes. Low correlations between EF and outcome variables precluded further analysis with this particular set of variables. Multiple regression procedures revealed that together ToM and trait EI predicted 33 % of the variance for self-reported Social Stress. The findings suggest that including ToM and EI measures in assessment protocols for individuals with AS provides important information to inform interventions.

Face Processing Patterns of Persons with Asperger Syndrome : an Eye Tracking Study

Bram, Staffan, Lönebrink, Mikael January 2011 (has links)
One of the main diagnostic criteria for Asperger Syndrome is a severe social impairment (American Psychiatric Association [DSM-IV-TR] 2000), something that has often been connected to a more specific impairment in facial recognition. However, the main diagnostic tool (the DSM-IV-TR) has received much criticism during later years and is soon to be revised (Woodbury-Smith &amp; Volkmar 2009). Among other things, many researchers claim that the diagnosis should be complemented with a sliding scale of severity (Ring, Woodbury-Smith, Watson, Wheelright &amp; Baron-Cohen 2008). The use of facial information is central in the social interaction of humans, evident in the special patterns of visual scanning that people employ for facial stimuli (Yarbus 1967). Because of that, this symptom of Asperger Syndrome has become a high research priority. The impairment in facial recognition has been connected to a bias towards detail based processing (McPartland, Webb, Keehn &amp; Dawson 2010). A recent study also connects this to an unusually high visual acuity, which could result in a disposition to focus on small facial features. In the present study. facial stimuli were prepared to provoke memory conjunction errors. This type of memory error means that a person erroneously claims to recognize a face assembled by pieces of previously shown stimuli. If a person is more prone to do so, that would imply that he or she is more focused on details than on configural information (Danielsson 2006). Two groups were tested, one consisting of non-diagnosed adults and one of adults diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome. A test for visual acuity was administered, which was followed by a series of facial recognition tasks. Responses in the latter part were given with a computer mouse, and eye fixations were recorded using a head mounted eye-tracking device. Three hypotheses were formulated. First, persons with AS were expected to perform more poorly in all facial recognition tasks. Second, persons with AS were expected to make more conjunction errors than test group subjects. Finally, persons with AS were expected to display a mean visual acuity significantly higher than that of the test group. However, no significant differences emerged between the groups in relation to either of the hypotheses, and results could not be referred to flaws in the experimental setup. Therefore, these results are taken to display the heterogeneity of the Asperger Syndrome population, and possibly the importance of early training measures to compensate for social impairments.

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