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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Psychische Belastung am Arbeitsplatz für Musikschullehrkräfte: Vorstudie zur Entwicklung eines Fragebogens zur Erstellung einer Gefährdungsbeurteilung

Mangold, Katja 23 November 2023 (has links)
Wird Arbeit heute als anstrengend und belastend bezeichnet, so sind damit weniger körperlich schwere Arbeiten, sondern zunehmend psychische Anforderungen gemeint, die den Einzelnen fordern bzw. überfordern. Seit 2013 besteht laut Arbeitsschutzgesetz die gesetzliche Pflicht des Arbeitgebers, psychische Belastungen am Arbeitsplatz für Beschäftigte im Rahmen einer Gefährdungsbeurteilung zu erfassen. Auch am Arbeitsplatz von Musikschullehrkräften treffen eine Vielzahl psychischer Belastungen zu, die zu einem erhöhten Gesundheitsrisiko führen. Allein die Definition desselben stellt schon die erste Herausforderung dar, denn in der Regel gibt es mehrere. Mangelnde Wertschätzung durch Gesellschaft, Politik, Vorgesetzte, durch Schüler und Eltern, mangelnde Sichtbarkeit in der Öffentlichkeit, mangelnde Anerkennung des Berufsstandes belasten einen Großteil stark. Hinzu kommt die mangelhafte finanzielle Ausstattung von Musikschulen. Personalmangel im pädagogischen Bereich, in der Verwaltung und im technischen Bereich, eine unzufriedenstellende Vergütungssituation für Angestellte, prekäre Beschäftigungsverhältnisse für freie Mitarbeiter und eine mangelhafte Ausstattung mit benötigten Arbeitsmitteln sind das Ergebnis. Arbeitsplatzalternativen sind kaum vorhanden, Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten rar. Viele finden letztere eher außerhalb der Musikschule. Eine wesentliche Eigenschaft von Musikschularbeit besteht darin, dass die Verteilung der Arbeitszeit extremen Schwankungen unterliegt und besonders in Stoßzeiten die zur Verfügung stehende Regenerationszeit nicht ausreicht. Überdies wird nur ein Teil der Arbeitszeit, i.d.R. die Unterrichtstätigkeit erfasst, jedoch nicht oder nur teilweise Tätigkeiten, die damit im Zusammenhang stehen. Die Grenzen zwischen Arbeits- und Freizeit verschwimmen zunehmend. Die Lage der Arbeitszeit erschwert eine Vereinbarkeit von Familien- und Berufsleben überdies. Zunehmende Digitalisierung im Musikschulbereich führen zu Arbeitsverdichtung, Beschleunigung, hohem Erwartungs- und Flexibilitätsdruck, Aktualitätszwang sowie einer beständig wachsenden Fülle an zu verarbeitenden Informationen. Zusätzlich findet eine weitere Entgrenzung der Arbeitszeit statt. Aufgrund schwieriger Rahmenbedingungen wird die Tätigkeit in Kooperationen mit Schulen und Kindertagesstätten als besonders belastend erlebt, zumal eine Ausweitung in Anbetracht des gesetzliches Anspruchs auf Ganztagesbetreuung ab 2026 zu erwarten ist. An keiner der Musikschulen, an der die Befragten arbeiten, wurde eine Gefährdungsbeurteilung zur psychischen Belastung erstellt. Unterweisungen dazu fanden ebenfalls nicht statt. In 23 leitfadenbasierten Experteninterviews habe ich zum einen die jeweiligen psychischen Belastungen in den verschiedenen Merkmalsbereichen nach GDA-Checkliste“ sowie zusätzliche Belastungen ermittelt, die bisher noch keine Berücksichtigung finden. Zum anderen wurde erforscht, wie Fragestellungen formuliert sein müssen, um das Tätigkeitsfeld von Musikschullehrkräften umfassend abzubilden und vom Großteil der Zielgruppe beantwortet werden zu können. Die Auswertung der Interviews erfolgte nach der Methode der qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse von Experteninterviews nach Gläser und Laudel. Im Ergebnis meiner Vorstudie habe ich Fragebogenitems für die einzelnen Merkmalsbereiche konstruiert, die in jeweils adaptierter Form für Musikschulen bei der Erstellung einer passgenauen Gefährdungsbeurteilung hilfreich sein können. Die Aufgabe der einzelnen Institutionen besteht nun darin, im Anschluss Maßnahmen gezielter betrieblicher Gesundheitsförderung abzuleiten und dabei besonders interne und externe Ressourcen in den Blick zu nehmen.

Quality Assessment and Quality Improvement for UML Models

Jalbani, Akhtar Ali 28 February 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Formativ bedömning och självreglerat lärande : vad behöver vi för att få det att hända? / Formative assessment and self-regulated learning : what do we need to make it happen?

Vingsle, Charlotta January 2017 (has links)
Previous research has shown that substantial learning gains are possible when formative assessment and support for students’ development of self-regulated learning skills are implemented in classroom practice. Such implementation is not straightforward and there is a need for both further understanding of the knowledge and skills teachers require to practice formative assessment, and further insights into how different characteristics of ordinary teaching practices support students’ in becoming proficient self-regulated learners. This doctoral thesis includes a licentiate thesis and two articles. In the licentiate thesis, classroom observations are used to investigate the knowledge and skills used by a teacher engaged in a comprehensive formative classroom practice. The results show that the teacher's practice is complex and requires advanced knowledge and skills that are often used simultaneously and under time pressure. For example, the teacher, sometimes in a matter of seconds, handles new (to her) mathematics, makes inferences from students’ responses to their understanding, and based on these inferences makes decisions about her teaching. The first article is a literature review focusing on the effects of formative assessment on student achievement in mathematics since there is a lack of knowledge of the effects of formative assessment on student achievement, in particular for subject areas such as mathematics. In the review, a systematic literature search is made for articles studying the effects of both teacher-centered approaches and approaches emphasizing student involvement in the formative assessment processes. The latter type of approaches includes teacher practices that support students’ development of aspects of self-regulated learning competence. The results show that all approaches included in the review have significant positive effects on student achievement in mathematics. The second article examines in what ways learning situations in authentic classroom practices provide opportunities for the students to develop self-regulated learning skills, and how students experience these opportunities. The analysis is based on data from classroom observations of three teachers’ mathematics lessons, and on interviews with their students. The results show that instruction in self-regulated learning skills mostly occurred implicitly, and the opportunities to develop the skills were mainly provided and experienced at the observational level.

Att klargöra, dela och förstå lärandemålen och framgångskriterierna i idrott och hälsa : en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av idrottsdidaktiska böcker

Källvant, Lovisa January 2017 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar Syftet med undersökningen är att undersöka hur nyckelstrategin ”att klargöra, dela och förstå lärandemålen och framgångskriterierna” beskrivs i idrottsdidaktisk litteratur. Följande frågeställning syftar till att uppfylla syftet: Hur skildras nyckelstrategin i de idrottsdidaktiska böckerna? Den övergripande frågeställningen förtydligas med följande frågor: 1) Nämns nyckelstrategin explicit i texterna? 2) Finns det spår av nyckelstrategin i texterna? Metod För att uppfylla syftet och besvara frågeställningarna analyserades fyra idrottsdidaktiska böcker med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Insamlandet av relevant material har gjorts manuellt utifrån ett antal kodningsprinciper. Efter insamlandet av data kodades materialet och sorterades in i teman. Resultat Analysen visar att nyckelstrategin inte nämns explicit i någon av texterna, däremot finns det spår av nyckelstrategin i texterna. Dessa spår förmedlar i princip samma innehåll som nyckelstrategin. Dock är det tveksamt om läsare kommer att förstå detta som viktiga aspekter eller veta hur de ska arbeta med detta som lärare då det relevanta innehållet inte har en framträdande roll i böckerna. Slutsats Det verkar fortfarande, även fast uppdaterade böcker inom ämnet nyligen publicerats, finnas en brist på information om bedömning för lärande och nyckelstrategin ifråga i den här typen av böcker. Det finns ett behov av mer forskning om hur vi kan arbeta med bedömning för lärande inom ämnet och även ett behov av att detta förmedlas till lärare i ämnet. / <p>Fristående kurs Idrott III</p>

Education For Sustainability: Exploring Teaching Practices And Perceptions Of Learning Associated With A General Education Requirement

Natkin, Lisa Watts 01 January 2017 (has links)
Nationwide, higher education institutions are increasingly interested in infusing sustainability content into their curricula. The world is facing complex and interconnected problems creating a need for college graduates with an understanding of the ecological, economic, and social dimensions of sustainability. There is a shortage of research studying sustainability-related teaching practices, particularly in higher education contexts. The University of Vermont (UVM) recently established Sustainability Learning Outcomes (SLOs) as a general education requirement. As a result of this initiative, sustainability-designated courses are offered across the university that fulfill the requirement, creating a unique opportunity to explore related teaching practices. The purpose of this study was to explore how instructors structured and taught the SLOs, how students learned UVM's SLOs, and which teaching practices students found helpful to their learning, within courses designed to meet this general education requirement. To systematically gather people's perceptions of and experiences with the new general education requirement, this study used the following methods: 1) instructor interviews; 2) course document reviews; 3) classroom observations; 4) student focus groups; and 5) an online student survey. Data were collected from eight sustainability-designated courses. The variety of data collection methods enabled identification and triangulation of strong themes. Instructors used class discussions, papers, readings, projects, guest speakers, case studies, and reflective activities to teach sustainability content and skills. Students reported the following teaching practices as particularly helpful: experiencing a real world application, discussing sustainability issues in class, exploring different perspectives, and hosting guest speakers. Moreover, certain instructional methods may be better received with students with prior exposure to sustainability content. Findings suggest that learning from case studies, guest speakers, and written papers may be more helpful to students with higher levels of prior exposure to sustainability courses. This study's findings add to what we know about how instructors teach sustainability content and students' experiences of their teaching practices. They also suggest a number of implications for policy and practice around supporting professional development opportunities in teaching practices and assessment strategies, creating a teaching culture of experimentation and reflection, and using a variety of methods to assess teaching and learning.

BFL - Ett framgångsrikt skolutvecklingsprojekt? : En studie av effekterna av ett uppifrån kommande utvecklingsinitiativ. / Formative Assessment - A successful school improvement project? : A study of the effects of a top-down improvement initiative.

Tengelin, Hannah January 2019 (has links)
Studien syftar till att belysa huruvida bedömning för lärande (BFL) har institutionaliserats bland lärarna på Lindängsgymnasiet efter ett genomfört skolutvecklingsprojekt. Den har också som mål att, med utgångspunkt i en teori om framgångsrik skolutveckling som utvecklats av Ulf Blossing, ta reda på vilka faktorer under initierings- och implementeringsfasen som kan ha varit avgörande för huruvida projektet nådde institutionaliseringsfasen eller inte. Studien syftar vidare till att klargöra om det finns skillnader mellan lärare som undervisar på yrkesförberedande program och lärare som undervisar på högskoleförberedande program samt mellan lärare som undervisar i karaktärsämnen och lärare som undervisar i allmänna ämnen när det gäller institutionaliseringen av BFL i undervisningen. Studiens ansats är kritiskt realistisk och består dels av en kvantitativ enkät, som besvarats av 58 lärare på Lindängsgymnasiet, och dels av en kvalitativ intervju med den förstelärare som fungerade som projektledare under skolutvecklingsprojektet. Enkätresultatet visar att BFL inte har institutionaliserats bland lärarna på Lindängsgymnasiet och analys av både enkätresultat och intervju gör gällande att förklaringarna står att finna i såväl initierings- som implementeringsfasen. För att ta reda på om det finns skillnader mellan lärare som undervisar på yrkesförberedande program och lärare som undervisar på studieförberedande program samt mellan lärare som undervisar i karaktärsämnen och allmänna ämnen användes Chi2-test, t-test och Mann-Whitney U-test. Resultaten av testen tyder inte på några skillnader mellan lärare som undervisar på yrkesförberedande och högskoleförberedande program när det gäller institutionaliseringen av BFL. Resultaten tyder dock på att lärare som undervisar på yrkesförberedande program i något större utsträckning upplever att de har förändrat sin undervisning beroende på BFL-projektets genomförande än lärare som undervisar på högskoleförberedande program. Testen visar inte på några skillnader mellan lärare som undervisar i karaktärs- respektive allmänna ämnen. Studien kan vara användbar för till exempel skolledare vid planering av utvecklingsarbete och kollegialt lärande, då studien bland annat pekar på vikten av en genomtänkt initieringsfas samt kontinuerlig medverkan av skolledare under ett skolutvecklingsprojekt. / This study aims to highlight whether assessment for learning (AFL) has become institutionalized among the teachers at Lindängsgymnasiet after a school improvement project. It also aims to investigate, based on a theory on successful school improvement developed by Ulf Blossing, what factors during the initiation and the implementation phase that may have been crucial for whether the project reached the institutionalization phase or not. The study further aims to clarify if there are differences between teachers who teach on vocational programs and teachers who teach on preparatory programs and between teachers who teach characteristic subjects and teachers who teach general subjects regarding the institutionalization of AFL in the classroom. The approach of the study is critical realistic and it consists of a quantitative survey, that was answered by 58 teachers at Lindängsgymnasiet. It also consists of a qualitative interview with the head teacher that had the role of project manager during the school improvement project. The results of the survey show that AFL has not been institutionalized among the teachers at Lindängsgymnasiet and analysis of both survey results and the interview claims that the explanations can be found in the initiation and implementation phase. In order to find out if there are differences between teachers who teach on vocational and teachers who teach on preparatory programs, and between teachers who teach characteristics and teachers who teach general subjects, Chi2 test, t-test and Mann-Whitney U test were used. The results of these tests do not indicate any differences between teachers who teach on vocational and on preparatory programs in the institutionalization of AFL. The results indicate that teachers who teach on vocational programs to a greater extent experience that they have changed their education due to the implementation of the AFL-project than teachers who teach on preparatory programs. The tests do not indicate any differences between teachers who teach characteristics and teachers who teach general subjects. The study can be useful for school leaders in planning of school improvement work and collaborative learning, as the study focuses on the importance of a well-considered initiation phase and continuous participation by school leaders during a school development project.

Hodnocení pro učení / Assessment for learning

Pučálková, Kristýna January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the primary pupils' assessment aimed to support effective learning. In the first section a theoretical background of school and formative assessment is discussed. The concept of assessment, its history, types and function are briefly commented. Further the proposed thesis addresses the idea of assessment for learning and respective approaches with direct connection to the research inquiries. The following section of the thesis concerns empirical investigation of the assessment of two primary school teachers from selected third and fifth-year primary school classes along with the perception of the formative assessment by their pupils. The practical part based on the gained theoretical insight is carried out in a qualitative manner. For the purpose of investigation, a case study of formative assessment aimed at mapping, analyzing and evaluation in the context of school learning systems is proposed. The proposed thesis provides findings about how is the formative assessment put into effect and how this innovative technique is viewed not only by pupils, but also elementary school teachers. According to the conducted research both interviewed teachers integrate formative assessment principles in their classes. Even though the teacher from the third-year class prefers the...

Teachers' Formative Assessment Use to Check for Understanding and to Adjust Instruction

Kenyon, Bobbi Jo 01 January 2019 (has links)
School leaders at an urban high school in the U.S. Midwest encouraged teachers to use formative assessment to help students meet learning goals; however, several years later, they found inconsistent implementation. Without a clear understanding of teachers' formative assessment practices, leaders could not establish needed supports for its consistent use in the classrooms. The purpose of this bounded qualitative case study was to examine teachers' formative assessment use to check for student understanding and to adjust instruction. Black and Wiliam's formative assessment theory formed the foundation of this study. Research questions focused on teachers' perceptions of formative assessment and usage of formative assessment for instruction. Ten state certified high school teachers, who had at least a bachelor's degree, passed basic skills and subject area examinations, and taught within their majors or minors, were purposefully selected to provide data. Data were gathered from observations, interviews, and teacher logs and were analyzed inductively using open and axial coding strategies. Results showed teachers collected and used formative assessment to modify instruction and determine student understanding from a limited number of students. Furthermore, they lacked the knowledge, skills, and strategies to implement formative assessment to help all students meet learning goals. Based on the findings, 3 professional development (PD) sessions were created to help school leaders provide support for teachers' consistent formative assessment implementation. These endeavors may contribute to positive social change when administrators provide teachers with PD to increase teachers' knowledge and skills using formative assessment, and, ultimately, to meet student learning goals.

應用模糊統計於試題難易度評量 / Application of fuzzy statistics in assessment for test difficulty

謝昇倫 Unknown Date (has links)
試題難易度評量一直是許多人研究的課題。但傳統方法的五點量表問卷只提供固定尺度的選擇,似乎無法完整地表達受測者真實且複雜的思考。因此本文將以模糊問卷調查進行試題難易度的探討。許多研究應用模糊平均數、模糊眾數或模糊中位數等概念於試題難易度評量。而本文將以此為基礎,定義一種新的距離,再透過一些轉換取得試題的難易度指標,進而比較各試題之間難度的差異。本文的另一個重點,是各個不同難度因子的向度來決定各試題的難度。再以模糊相對權重的概念,對各向度的難易度指標作加權,進而比較、分析。 / Assessment for test difficulty have been the subject of many studies. The traditional method of a Likert scale questionnaire provides only a fixed scale choice, but it seems that we can’t fully express the real and complex thinking of respondents. Therefore, the thesis will apply fuzzy questionnaire to probe into test difficulty. Concepts such as Fuzzy mean, Fuzzy mode or Fuzzy median are applied in studies of assessment for test difficulty. The thesis will be based on these conceptions to define a new distance, and obtain the difficulty index of test through some conversion. Moreover, it will compare the differences of difficulty among test items. Another focus of this paper is to determine the difficulty of each item according to various dimensions of difficulty factors. Afterwards, the difficulty index of each dimension will be weighted, compared, and analyzed with the concept of fuzzy relative weight.

The Effects of Self-evaluation Training on Writing of Students in Grades 5 & 6

Zapitis, Marina 11 August 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this action research is to discover how self-evaluation training affects students’ knowledge and understanding about their writing and needs for improvement. In this study of 46 fifth and sixth graders, students underwent a four-stage self-evaluation training process. This involved students in defining criteria for their stories, teaching them how to apply the criteria using a variety of samples, giving students feedback about their self-evaluations, and developing action plans The study showed that after the self-evaluation process was set into place, students had an increased awareness of what made a good fictional writing piece. The self-evaluation process helped students become more aware of writing practices and of themselves as a writer. The study also found that the self-evaluation process set clear guidelines for students, focused student attention on important writing criteria, and opened up the conversation between students and teachers about evaluation, goal setting and the writing process.

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