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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att vårda flyktingar, asylsökande och papperslösa : En litteraturöversikt / Nurses’ experiences of caring for refugees, asylum seekers and undocumented migrants : A literature review

Hermansson, Elin, Riikonen, Johanna January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Generellt betraktas flyktingar, asylsökande och papperslösa ingå i en sårbar population. Med hänsyn till det ökande antalet asylsökande i Sverige det senaste decenniet, kommer de flesta som arbetar inom hälso- och sjukvård troligen att möta patienter som har en flyktingbakgrund. Många yrkesgrupper i vården saknar däremot kunskaper om migrationens påverkan och vilka rättigheter patienten har. Sjuksköterskor måste ha förmågan att tillgodose patientens såväl fysiska, psykiska, sociala, andliga som kulturella behov, och göra detta på ett kulturellt känsligt sätt. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att vårda flyktingar, asylsökande och papperslösa. Metod: En litteraturöversikt enligt Fribergs metod genomfördes. Arbetet baseras på tolv vetenskapliga artiklar av både kvalitativ och kvantitativ metod från databaserna CINAHL och PubMed. Efter analys av materialet utkristalliserades teman och subteman. Resultat: Resultatet redogörs i form av två huvudteman med tillhörande subteman. Det första huvudtemat Erfarenheter av hinder i vårdmötet behandlar de olika hindrande faktorer för sjuksköterskan i mötet med patienter som är flyktingar, asylsökande och papperslösa. Det andra huvudtemat Sjuksköterskors känslomässiga reaktioner behandlar de subjektiva känslorna som väckts hos sjuksköterskorna i arbetet med denna patientgrupp. Diskussion: Resultatet tyder på att sjuksköterskorna erfor svårigheter i kommunikationen, samt svårigheter i att vårda på grund av olika syn på hälsa. Stereotypbilder och föreställningar om patienter kunde även förekomma, vilket påverkade vårdandet negativt. Dessa betydande fynd diskuteras i relation till Leiningers teori om transkulturell omvårdnad. / Background: In general, refugees, asylum seekers and undocumented migrants are considered to be a vulnerable population. With regards to the increasing number of asylum applicants during the last decade in Sweden, health care staff is likely to encounter individuals with a refugee background. Although, many working in health care have limited knowledge about the effects of migration and legal rights. Nurses are required to have the ability to meet patients’ physical, psychological, social, spiritual as well as cultural needs, and to deliver the care in a culturally sensible way. Aim: The aim of this bachelor’s thesis was to illustrate nurses’ experiences of caring for refugees, asylum seekers and undocumented migrants. Method: A literature review according to Friberg’s method was conducted. Twelve scientific articles of both qualitative and quantitative design are the foundation of this paper. Data was collected from the databases CINAHL and PubMed. Themes and subthemes were then formed after analyses of the material. Results: The results are presented in two main themes along with their subthemes. The first main theme Experiences of obstacles in caring describes various difficulties the nurses encountered while caring for patients who are refugees, asylum seekers and undocumented migrants. The second main theme The nurses’ emotional reactions describes subjective feelings the nurses expressed while working with patients who have this background. Discussion: The results show that nurses experienced difficulties in the communication and difficulties giving care related to different cultural views on health. Stereotyping and bias of patients could also occur among nurses, which affected the care negatively. These consequential findings are discussed in relation to Leininger’s theory of transcultural nursing.

Att gå vidare från att släcka bränder : En kvalitativ studie om organisatoriska faktorer vid HVB-hem för ensamkommande barn ur ett personalperspektiv

Persson, Hanna, Arvidsson, Therése January 2016 (has links)
Under de senaste åren har ett ökande antal ensamkommande barn kommit till Sverige för att söka asyl. Majoriteten av barnen blir placerade på hem för vård eller boende (HVB). Denna kvalitativa studie syftar till att få en djupare förståelse för hur arbetet på tre HVB-hem i en medelstor kommun kan se ut och vara organiserat. Data har samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex anställda vid HVB-hem; tre sektionschefer och tre personal. Organisationskultur har använts som huvudsakligt analysinstrument med organisationsstruktur som komplement. Resultatet visar att fyra organisatoriska faktorer som är viktiga för personal i arbetet med ensamkommande barn är enhet, meningsfullhet, struktur och flexibilitet samt kompetens. Dessa faktorer kan ses som viktiga i arbetet med att utveckla verksamheterna. En välorganiserad verksamhet kan bättre leda till den stabilitet som de ensamkommande barnen behöver. / During the past years, an increasing amount of unaccompanied children have come to Sweden to apply for asylum. The majority are placed in residential care units. This qualitative study aims to get a deeper understanding of how the work in three residential care units in a medium-large municipality can look and be organized. Data has been collected through interviews with six employees at residential care units; three executives and three staff members. Organizational culture has been used as the main analysis instrument with organizational structure as complement. The findings show that four organizational factors that are important for staff when working with unaccompanied children are unity, meaningfulness, structure and flexibility, and competence. These factors can be viewed as important in developing the establishments. A well-organized establishment is superior in the way that it can lead to the stability that the unaccompanied children need.

"Att få eller skaffa svenska kompisar det är inte lätt faktiskt." : En studie om ensamkommande flyktingungdomars sociala nätverk i Sverige

Egerström, Cecilia, Gammelgård, Julia January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka ensamkommande flyktingungdomars sociala nätverk i Sverige, samt vad de upplever kan försvåra respektive främja upprättande av sociala nätverk. I studien användes kvalitativ metod och semi-strukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med fem ensamkommande flyktingungdomar i åldrarna 17-18. Under intervjuerna använde vi oss av visuell elicitering i form av en nätverkskarta. Det empiriska materialet analyserades med social nätverksteori, socialantropologisk nätverksteori, Robert Putnams distinktion i överbryggande respektive sammanbindande socialt kapital samt rasifieringsteori.   Resultatet pekar på att samtliga ungdomar i föreliggande undersökning har ett socialt nätverk i Sverige som de kan vända sig till för såväl känslomässigt som praktiskt stöd. Deras sociala nätverk består främst av professionella vuxna samt ungdomar av samma etnicitet som dem själva, alternativt annan etnicitet än svensk. Samtliga ungdomar beskrev vad som kan främja respektive försvåra upprättande av sociala nätverk. Intervjupersonerna framhöll bland annat vikten av språk, gemensamma intressen och aktiviteter samt kultur och bakgrund. Svenska ungdomar är enligt intervjupersonerna svårast att lära känna i Sverige. Skälet till detta angavs främst vara svenska ungdomars återhållsamhet gentemot intervjupersonerna. / The aim of this study was to investigate unaccompanied asylum-seeking adolescents’ social networks in Sweden, and what they believe aggravate or facilitate the forging of social networks. In the study a qualitative method was used and semi-structured interviews were conducted with five unaccompanied asylum-seeking adolescents in the ages of 17-18. During the interviews we used visual elicitation in the form of a network map. The empirical material was analysed with social network theory, anthropological network theory, Robert Putnam’s distinction in bonding capital and bridging capital, and racialization theory.   The result suggests that all of the adolescents, in this study, have a social network in Sweden to which they can turn for both emotional and practical support. Their social networks consist primarily of professional adults and adolescents of the same ethnicity as themselves, alternatively other ethnicity than Swedish. All of the interviewees described what might facilitate or aggravate the forging of social networks. The interviewees stressed for instance the significance of language, common interests and activities, culture and background. Swedish adolescents are, according to the interviewees, the most difficult people to get to know in Sweden. The reason for this was primarily stated to be the Swedish adolescents’ restraint against the interviewees.

The Decline of the International Refugee Regime: Asylum Seekers and the Pursuit of Refugee Status in Canada and Australia

Heshmat, Gary 06 January 2015 (has links)
Many oppressed people wish to seek permanent refuge within the borders of affluent Western liberal democratic states such as Canada and Australia. Since the conclusion of the Second World War, the International refugee regime has established a global legal migration framework for contracting states such as Canada and Australia to grant admission to asylum seekers into each respective political community while retaining effective border control measures to maintain public safety. This thesis argues that the international refugee regime has suffered a gradual decline during the last two decades, especially during the post-9/11 era, primarily due to the dominance of the notions of national sovereignty and security in Canada and Australia. The author recognizes the importance of realpolitik and pays tribute to the concept of national sovereignty. However, he contends that the predominance and prevalence of the securitization phenomenon in recent years in both Canada and Australia, has given rise to a culture of suspicion which primarily perceives and publicly portrays asylum seekers as entities with ulterior motives. Such views have subsequently culminated in the normalization of national refugee determination policies which inherently favor the implementation of human containment measures such as arbitrary and indefinite detention and Temporary Protection Visas (TPVs); restrictive measures which inherently violate some of the core legal principles of the international refugee regime. The author recommends a return by both Ottawa and Canberra to a more balanced refugee determination system which is aligned with the 1951 Refugee Convention and 1967 Protocol and further explores several alternative solutions that may be employed by Canada and Australia to effectively manage asylum seeker populations in each country. / Graduate / gheshmat@uvic.ca

Restricting participation : Unaccompanied children in interpreter-mediated asylum hearings in Sweden / Begränsad delaktighet : Ensamkommande barn i tolkmedierade utredningsintervjuer i Sverige

Keselman, Olga January 2009 (has links)
The overall goal of this thesis was to highlight different communicative aspects of participation in interpreter-mediated asylum hearings with unaccompanied Russianspeaking children who had applied for asylum in Sweden between 2001 and 2005. Participation in the asylum process is guaranteed to these children by the Swedish Administrative Law and the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), which are incorporated in the Swedish Aliens Act. The Migration authorities in their work with asylum seeking minors have integrated principles of the best interests of the child and the principle of respecting the children’s views on matters concerning them. In this thesis, we have studied the conditions of participation in a highly complex, hybrid activity type, where participants face contradictory demands. Hybridity can be traced in communicative dilemmas which are difficult to solve and handle for all the participants involved, including the caseworkers, interpreters and children. The caseworkers are expected to control an interview in which whole of the communicative exchange is rendered by interpreters who influence the progress of the encounter. Contradiction lies in the fact that the caseworkers are expected to treat all asylum seekers equally both as a group and individually, by relating to general legal regulations and at the same time, take into account the interests and individual needs of an individual child. It might be difficult for these caseworkers to stay neutral and meet underage clients whose life stories and experiences, conduct and needs differ considerably from what is usually ascribed to children. Asylum seeking children come to Sweden to stay. Our results have shown that they take an active role in their attempts to lead to a positive outcome in their cases. In this respect, children’s testimonies and the impression they make as informants play a salient role. The communicative tasks faced by the adolescents are, however, difficult to achieve. Previous life conditions, vulnerability, psychosomatic problems, and memory and concentration difficulties may affect their performance. Other factors which might further impede these children from achieving their task is the pragmatic and linguistic deficiency, which they experience in a context where they lack communicative means and are not fully aware of the norms and regulations relevant for the encounter. Despite hese limitations, it seems that these minors try hard to shoulder their role as asylum seekers and informants actively and strategically. One strategy chosen by the children was to disclose information selectively. They tried to avoid answering questions which could reveal their age, origin or the whereabouts of their caregivers and thereby enable authorities to establish their identity and send them back. To compensate for their uncooperativeness in this area, the adolescents tended to provide information which had not been asked for. Our studies have shown that children could have been prevented by both the caseworkers and interpreters from expressing their views and opinions in a free and self-chosen way. In this respect, interpreters’ contributions were salient for what information was forwarded to the caseworkers. In some cases, they changed both the language and the format of the responses provided by the children. Some of the communicative strategies which were initiated by the interpreters could be linked to both their professional skills and to the hybridity and the complexity of the situation. Interpreters had difficulties staying neutral in relation to the children and orient them in the encounters. Age differences between the participants could also have an impact on how the children were treated and the respect and importance attributed to their voices. We have identified sequences where interpreters initiated monolingual exchanges with one of the interlocutors where they actively tried to exclude and discredit the children’s voices, something which often happened with the tacit approval of the caseworkers. Thus, it can be seen that communicative premises which are inherent in the asylum hearings influence the participant statuses of the children and their possibilities to express their asylum claims.

"Hela världen på vår tröskel" : lokala reaktioner på en utlokaliserad flyktingförläggning

Wikström, Eva January 2008 (has links)
This thesis describes, conceptualizes and analyzes local reactions to the establishment of a refugee center in a small, remote mining community in Malmliden, rural Sweden, in the early 1990s. The purpose of the study was to explore and describe the local and wider contexts in which the reactions took place and to understand reactions in relation to these contexts. The study combined qualitative interviews, participant observation and the analysis of texts from different sources: daily press, historical and policy documents. Twenty-seven persons were included in the interview study (nineteen respondents and eight key infor-mants). Interviews with the nineteen respondents (nine men and ten women) were based on a semi-structured interview manual and were carried out during the winter of 1993 and the spring of 1994. Theo-retical frames and concepts were chosen in an elaborative way that was suitable for the empirical findings that gradually developed. In short, theoretical considerations that focus on social and political processes of inclusion and exclusion, ethnic relations and categorizations and the interplay between the social and the individual frame the analysis. The analysis is more closely informed by perspectives on how the atti-tudes toward the asylum seeker (as an immigrant but also as a welfare-state client), as a representation of “the other”, are socially produced. This study revealed that the inhabitants had dual reactions to the localized refugee center in Malm-liden. The reactions could neither be characterised as positive nor negative. They were summarized as ambivalent and were expressed spatially and socially. The spatial aspects include a number of inhabitants’ positive experiences of the refugee center as something that brought vitality to the slumbering neighbor-hood, while others thought of the refugee center as something disturbing and displaced. The social aspects involved a number of inhabitant’s embrace of the refugee center and the asylum seekers, whereas others distance themselves from the center and the refugees. While some inhabitants were enriched by the con-tact with asylum seekers, others dissociated themselves from the refugees and other inhabitants who were involved with the refugee centre. Some of the reactions were expressed as resistance. These reactions were mostly expressed latently, toward the authorities or local Policy makers and not directly toward the refugees or the refugee center The inhabitants blamed the establishment of the refugee center and those employed there for the poor state of things because they represented symbols of change and uncertainty. Therefore, initially the resistance could not be understood as rooted in emotional antipathy toward refu-gees as a (ethnic) group or as individuals, but rather as resistance against a perceived intrusion into the neighborhood autonomy. However, the strategies of the inhabitants were avoidance of contact with the refugee center and the stigmatization of the refugees. Therefore, the actions of resistance resulted in a racialization of place and ethnic segregation. The dual reactions of the inhabitants were contextual, and in which local as well as national circumstances played a considerable role in shaping the inhabitants’ experiences. At both national and local levels, the attitudes and practices directed toward asylum seekers and refugees were ambivalent. The reasons for the local acceptance of asylum seekers were ambivalent, and in which both actions of solidarity and economic considerations came into play. An external circum-stance influenced expectations and reactions to the refugee center was an ambivalent refugee policy which aimed to integrate the asylum seeker with a normalized habitat but with an institutional framing, which clearly made the asylum seeker into a client. Another external factor was the welfare state position of the asylum seeker, as he or she was positioned in an ambivalent juridical, social and political position. The overall conclusion is that the positions of the asylum seekers in the neighborhood of Malmliden were further stressed as welfare state clients and not as ordinary neighbors. A concluding image is that the contextual ambivalent positioning of the asylum seekers was reflected in the way the inhabitants regarded the asylum seekers as others in the neighborhood community.

Transkulturell omvårdnad : En litteraturöversikt om immigranters upplevelser av bemötandet i vården / Transcultural nursing : A literature review on immigrants’ experiences of meeting health care professionals

Rehn, Malin, Ränkesjö, Linnéa January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

The resigned, the restless and the resilient : risk perceptions among Afghan migrants in Turkey

Kaytaz, Esra Stephanie January 2015 (has links)
This thesis seeks to account for diversity in the migratory decisions of Afghan migrants who have recently arrived in Turkey. It proposes that social theories on risk provide a framework that rectifies a theoretical gap in the migration literature with respect to intra-group heterogeneity in the decision-making processes of migrants. The thesis adopts Rosa’s (1998: 28) definition of risk as: ‘a situation or event where something of human value (including humans themselves) has been put at stake and where the outcome is uncertain.' I argue that variation in what migrants view as being ‘at stake’ and in how they evaluate the associated uncertainties— in other words, how migrants perceive risk— accounts for the diversity in the migration decisions of similarly situated migrants. Risk is therefore an analytical tool for understanding decision-making in its subjective and socio-cultural context. The thesis offers a typology as an analytical device for categorising the ways in which informants managed the risks associated with migration decisions. I identify three modes of managing risk, defined as resigned, restless and resilient, on the basis of migrants’ engagements with their social environment, their efforts at advocating for themselves and others, and their ability to gather and disseminate information. The thesis also explores subsidiary themes concerning migrants’ legal consciousness with regard to irregular immigration status, and the process of embodying the physical and emotional consequences of migration. Most of the ethnographic fieldwork for this project was conducted in the cities of Istanbul, Van, Kayseri and Sivas from February 2011 until December 2012.

Definice uprchlíka v mezinárodním právu / Definition of a refugee under international law

Burová, Petra January 2011 (has links)
Refugee definition in international law The definition of the term "refugee" in international law is a very wide issue which can be conceived from many different points of view. One of the best ways how to deal with it is to focus on only one part of the generally most widely accepted definition of a refugee. This is the definition according to the 1951 Geneva Convention relating to the Status of Refugees. According to this document a refugee is a person who "owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group, or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality, and is unable to or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country..." This definition is more than fifty years old and still actual. It has been adopted in response to the Second World War and the mass refugee flood. The missing interpretation of the term "persecution", which is the fundamental element of the Geneva Convention refugee definition, is still one of the biggest problems of refugee law. The aim of my thesis is to find out whether the missing definition of the term "persecution" is really such a serious imperfection as it is brought out sometimes. I try to answer this question through researching the...

Správní zajištění cizince / Administrative Detention of Foreigners

Zelenková, Adéla January 2013 (has links)
of the thesis This thesis deals with the institute of administrative detention according to the Czech legal system. The term administrative detention is used to designate deprivations of liberty under administrative law for the reasons that are directly linked to the immigration policies of the state. In the context of migration law the detention may be basically used for two purposes. First purpose is to ensure the realization of administrative deportation of the foreigner. Second purpose is to prevent the foreigner from an unauthorized entry into the country. Both irregular migrants and asylum seekers fall under the scope of this work. Although different norms are applicable to each of these categories, both of them are subject to detention on the same ground - the lack of state authorization for their presence on national territory. The purpose of this paper is to detail the legal framework with which deprivation of liberty of migrants must comply in particular for what concerns the fundamental principle of international law that no one should be subjected to arbitrary detention. International human rights norms, principles and standards define the content of that principle. Such norms, principles and standards apply both to criminal and administrative proceedings including migrants and asylum...

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