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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A influência da antibioticoterapia na microbiota fecal de crianças em idade escolar. / The influence of antibiotic theray in fecal microbiota of schoolchildren.

Miriam Rodriguez Fernandes 12 May 2015 (has links)
De todas as influências exógenas que possam alterar a microbiota intestinal, os antimicrobianos são capazes de causar as mais rápidas e drásticas mudanças. O impacto da exposição aos antimicrobianos na microbiota intestinal causa diminuição no número de microrganismos ou mesmo supressão, dependendo do antimicrobiano utilizado, da dose e do tempo de exposição. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi analisar de forma comparativa alguns microrganismos que compõem a microbiota fecal de crianças com e sem antibioticoterapia em idade escolar; bem como avaliar a susceptibilidade aos antimicrobianos e os genes de resistência envolvidos. Foram coletadas amostras fecais não diarreicas de 30 crianças sem antibiótico (controle) e 31 de crianças com antibioticoterapia. Na análise quantitativa foi observada redução no número de cópias por g/fezes de: Bifidobacterium spp., B. fragilis, C. perfringens, E. coli, M. smithii e do filo Firmicutes nas amostras das crianças com antibióticos em relação ao grupo controle, exceto para Lactobacillus spp. e P. distasonis que apresentaram quantificação maior no grupo antibióticos quando comparados com o controle. E. coli foi isolada em 26 (86,7%) crianças controles e em 23 (74,2%) tratadas com antibióticos. A resistência foi verificada para diversas drogas no grupo controle exceto para ciprofloxacina, meropenem e tigeciclina; entretanto o grupo com antibioticoterapia apresentou elevada resistência para todas as drogas avaliadas, caracterizando os isolados desse estudo como MDR. Todos os isolados do grupo controle e antibióticos albergaram diversos genes de resistência, entretanto o gene blaKPC foi o único não detectado nos isolados do grupo controle. Desta forma, nossos dados demonstram que a antibioticoteria causa alterações qualitativas e quantitativas na microbiota intestinal; além disso, a elevada resistência as diversas classes de antimicrobianos das cepas de E. coli, bem como a presença de diversos genes de resistência ressalta a importância de cepas comensais serem MDR e albergarem esses genes. / Of all the exogenous influences that may alter the intestinal microbiota, antimicrobial agents are able to cause the more rapid and dramatic changes. The impact of exposure to antimicrobial agents on intestinal microbiota causes a decrease in the number of certain genera and species, depending on the antimicrobial agent used, dose and duration of exposure. Thus, the aim of this study was to analyze comparatively some microorganisms that composing the fecal microbiota of children with and without antibiotic therapy in school age; and evaluates the antimicrobial susceptibility and resistance genes involved. Stool samples (not diarrhea) were collected of 30 children without antibiotic (control) and 31 children with antibiotic therapy. In quantitative analysis was observed decrease in the number of copies per g/feces: Bifidobacterium spp., B. fragilis, C. perfringens, E. coli, M. smithii and the phylum Firmicutes in samples of children with antibiotic therapy in relation to control group, except Lactobacillus spp. and P. distasonis that showed a higher quantification in the antibiotics group when compared with control group. E. coli was isolated in 26 (86.7 %) children controls and in 23 (74.2 %) children treated with antibiotics. The resistance was verified for several drugs in the control group except for ciprofloxacin, meropenem and tigecycline; however the group with antibiotic therapy showed high resistance to all drugs evaluated, characterizing isolates of this study as MDR. All isolates from control group and antibiotics harbored several resistance genes, however blaKPC gene was the only one not detected in isolates from the control group. Thus, our data demonstrate that the antibiotic therapy cause qualitative or quantitative changes in intestinal microbiota leading to a decrease in the diversity and the elimination of microorganisms; in addition, the high resistance the various classes of antimicrobial of the strains of E. coli, as well as the presence of several genes of resistance highlights the importance of commensal strains are MDR and harboring these genes.

Suscetibilidade antimicrobiana de Staphylococcus spp. isolados de cães com pioderma superficial / Antimicrobial susceptibility of Staphylococcus spp. isolated from canine superficial pyoderma

Silva, Ana Paula da 01 March 2013 (has links)
Superficial pyoderma is the bacterial infection of the epidermis and hair follicle and is a common skin disease in dogs. The main etiological agents involved are bacteria of the Staphylococcus genus. This skin disease represents one of the main indications for antimicrobial therapy by small animal practitioners, a procedure usually performed empirically. The emergence of multidrug-resistant staphylococci species in skin infections has been reported in many countries and implies difficulties in the treatment. This study aimed to determine the antimicrobial susceptibility and evaluate the presence of multidrug resistance in 154 isolates of Staphylococcus spp. from skin lesions of dogs with superficial pyoderma that were assisted by the Veterinary Dermatology Service at the Hospital Veterinário Universitário (HVU) of the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM). After bacterial culture and identification, the isolates were tested for antimicrobial susceptibility, and the results showed high rates of resistance to amoxicillin (60.4%) and penicillin G (60.4%), moderate resistance to potentiated sulfonamides (29.9%), enrofloxacin (20.1%), ciprofloxacin (18.8%) and azithromycin (17.5%), and low percentages of resistance to the amoxicillin and clavulanic acid association (1.9%), cephalexin (1.9 %), cefadroxil (1.9%) and vancomycin (0.6%). The multidrug resistance was detected in 23.4% (11/154) and the methicillin resistance in 5.8% (9/154) of the samples. It may be concluded that the Staphylococcus spp. isolates present high susceptibility to key antimicrobials used in the treatment of superficial pyodermas in dogs at the HVU-UFSM, such as cephalexin and the amoxicillin and clavulanic acid association, confirming the preference for these drugs when treating dogs with this disorder. The susceptibility of the isolates to fluoroquinolones, also recommended in the literature as an alternative in the treatment of pyodermas, allows suggesting that such drugs should not be considered in the empirical selection. The identification of multidrug-resistant Staphylococcus spp. in the studied canine population justifies periodic and regional bacteriological tests of skin lesions in dogs with superficial pyoderma, to minimize bacterial resistance, possible therapeutic failures and also motivates wise use of antimicrobial therapy. / Pioderma superficial é a infecção bacteriana da epiderme e folículo piloso e é considerada uma das doenças de pele mais frequentes em cães. Os principais agentes etiológicos envolvidos são bactérias do gênero Staphylococcus. Essa dermatopatia representa uma das principais indicações de antimicrobianoterapia pelos clínicos de pequenos animais, procedimento habitualmente realizado de forma empírica. A emergência de espécies estafilococos multirresistentes em infecções cutâneas tem sido relatada em diversos países e implica em dificuldades no tratamento. Este estudo teve como objetivo determinar a suscetibilidade antimicrobiana e avaliar a presença de multirresistência em 154 isolados de Staphylococcus spp. oriundos de lesões cutâneas de cães com pioderma superficial atendidos no Serviço de Dermatologia Veterinária do Hospital Veterinário Universitário (HVU) da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM). Após cultura e identificação bacteriana, os isolados foram submetidos ao teste de sensibilidade aos antimicrobianos, cujos resultados evidenciaram elevados percentuais de resistência frente à amoxicilina (60,4%) e penicilina G (60,4%), moderada resistência às sulfonamidas potencializadas (29,9%), enrofloxacina (20,1%), ciprofloxacina (18,8%) e azitromicina (17,5%) e baixos percentuais de resistência à associação amoxicilina e ácido clavulânico (1,9%), cefalexina (1,9%), cefadroxil (1,9%) e vancomicina (0,6%). A multirresistência foi detectada em 23,4% e a resistência à meticilina em 5,8% das amostras. Pode-se concluir que os isolados de Staphylococcus spp. apresentam elevada suscetibilidade aos antimicrobianos comumente utilizados no tratamento dos piodermas superficiais em cães no HVU-UFSM, como a cefalexina e a amoxicilina associada ao ácido clavulânico, confirmando a eleição desses fármacos para o tratamento de cães com esta afecção. A suscetibilidade dos isolados frente às fluoroquinolonas, também recomendadas pela literatura como opção terapêutica nos piodermas, permite sugerir que esses fármacos não devem ser considerados na seleção empírica. A identificação de Staphylococcus spp. multirresistentes na população canina estudada justifica análises bacteriológicas periódicas e regionais de lesões cutâneas de cães com pioderma superficial, a fim de minimizar resistência bacteriana, possíveis falhas terapêuticas e também motiva a antimicrobianoterapia prudente.

Maîtrise de la résistance bactérienne : réflexions sur la phase empirique de l'antibiothérapie en réanimation / The control of bacterial resistance : considerations on the empiric phase of the antibiotic therapy in critically ill patients

Boyer, Alexandre 27 June 2012 (has links)
En réanimation, les facteurs de risque d’infection à bactéries résistantes sont nombreux et il est nécessaire d’instaurer une antibiothérapie rapide et adéquate. Cela conduit donc souvent au choix empirique d’antibiotiques à large spectre. Ce travail de thèse regroupant quatre études porte sur les éléments de ce choix. Dans la première étude, les critères de "pneumopathie associée aux soins" sont discutés. Dans la seconde, il est rapporté que le traitement antibiotique prescrit au début du séjour en réanimation est associé à l’acquisition de Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Dans le diagnostic d’une pneumopathie acquise sous ventilation, la troisième étude décrit une technique rapide d’antibiogramme permettant une désescalade antibiotique plus précoce. La néphrotoxicité des aminoglycosides dans le traitement empirique des patients en sepsis sévère est présentée dans la dernière étude. Ces travaux participent à la bonne gestion des antibiotiques à la phase empirique du traitement des infections sévères en réanimation. / Intensive care units (ICU) are a niche for risk factors of infection due to multidrug resistant bacteria. ICU patients are in a need for a rapid and adequate antibiotic therapy. This leads ICU physicians to use empirical broad spectrum antibiotics. This thesis comprises four studies which focus on the empirical step of the treatment. In the first study, the criteria for "health-care-associated pneumonia" are discussed. The second shows that the antibiotic selection pressure administered early during the ICU stay could lead to Pseudomonas aeruginosa acquisition. In the third study, a rapid direct specimen testing method was assessed for ventilator-associated pneumonia diagnosis in order to hasten antibiotic de-escalation. Finally, a review on aminoglycosides’ nephrotoxicity in the severe sepsis setting represents the fourth study. These studies bring a loop forward into the understanding of the antibiotic stewardship of patients with severe sepsis, with particular focus on the empirical antibiotic treatment.

Impact d’une antibiothérapie sur le microbiote intestinal / Impact of an antibiotic treatment on the intestinal microbiota

Burdet, Charles 12 June 2018 (has links)
Le développement des méthodes de séquençage de nouvelle génération a permis d’approfondir les connaissances sur le rôle des communautés bactériennes commensales pour la santé de leur hôte, et l’impact négatif de la perturbation de leur équilibre. Les antibiotiques sont les principaux perturbateurs de cet équilibre, mais leur impact n’a pas été quantifié précisément.Nous avons quantifié la relation entre les concentrations fécales d’antibiotiques et la perturbation de la diversité bactérienne au sein du microbiote intestinal, et modélisé le lien entre la perte de diversité bactérienne et la probabilité de décès dans un modèle animal de colite à Clostridium difficile induite par les antibiotiques. Nous avons montré que l’indice de diversité de Shannon et la distance UniFac non pondérée étaient les indices de diversité qui étaient le plus prédictif du décès dans ce modèle d’infection.Chez des volontaires sains, nous avons développé un modèle mathématique semimécanistique de l’évolution de la diversité au sein du microbiote, mesurée par deux indices de diversité, après perturbation antibiotique, et quantifié la relation entre l’exposition individuelle plasmatique et fécale à un antibiotique, et son effet sur la perturbation de la diversité bactérienne au cours du temps. Nous avons également analysé le rôle de la voie d’élimination des antibiotiques pour la limitation de l’impact d’un antibiotique sur le microbiote. Ces travaux nous ont permis de montrer que le microbiote intestinal présente une grande sensibilité aux antibiotiques, et que la voie d’élimination ne semble de ce fait pas jouer un rôle prépondérant dans la perspective de limiter l’impact des antibiotiques sur le microbiote intestinal. / The development of next generation sequencing broadened our knowledge on the role of commensal bacterial communities on their host’s health, and the negative impact of their disruption. Antibiotics are the main disrupting factor, but their impact has not been precisely quantified.We quantified the relationship between antibiotic fecal concentrations and the loss of bacterial diversity in the intestinal microbiota, and modelled the link between the loss of diversity and mortality in a hamster model of antibiotic-induced Clostridium difficile infection. We showed that the Shannon diversity index and the unweighted UniFrac distance are the 2 indices that best predict mortality in this model. In healthy volunteers, we developed a semi-mechanistic model of the evolution over time of bacterial diversity – measured by two indices – after an antibiotic perturbation, and quantified the relationship between antibiotic concentrations in plasma and feces and the loss of bacterial diversity in the intestinal microbiota. We also analyzed the role of the antibiotic elimination pathway in the reduction of their impact on the microbiota. In this work, we showed that the intestinal microbiota is highly susceptible to antibiotics, and that the elimination route doesn’t have a major role, in the perspective of limiting antibiotics’ impact on the intestinal microbiota.

Activité et inhibition d'une famille d'enzymes hautement résistantes au triméthoprime

Lafontaine, Kiana 08 1900 (has links)
L’usage excessif d’antibiotiques a provoqué l’émergence de résistance, constituant un problème sanitaire mondial. L’antibiotique triméthoprime (TMP) inhibe l’enzyme dihydrofolate réductase (FolA) des bactéries, interrompant la production d’un précurseur essentiel dans la synthèse des purines et empêchant ainsi la croissance bactérienne. Cependant, certaines bactéries produisent une seconde dihydrofolate réductase : une DfrB, appartenant à une famille d’enzymes hautement résistantes au TMP. Actuellement, dix membres de la famille DfrB ont été identifiés, qui partagent une identité de séquence élevée (74 – 98 %). Les enzymes DfrB sont constituées de domaines identiques de 78 acides aminés, de type ‘SH3-like’, qui s’homotétramérisent afin de former l’enzyme active. Les DfrB ne partagent aucune homologie de séquence ou de structure avec les FolA et aucun antibiotique n’a encore été développé pour contourner la résistance au TMP causée par les DfrB. Afin de mieux comprendre le domaine SH3-like, des homologues (DfrB-H) partageant 10 à 80 % d’identité avec la DfrB1 ont été identifiés et caractérisés. Ils possèdent une activité dihydrofolate réductase (Dfr) et confèrent de la résistance au TMP. De plus, afin de vérifier si les gènes dfrB se retrouvent dans divers environnements, une recherche dans une base de données métagénomiques a été entreprise, permettant de caractériser 10 nouvelles séquences homologues aux DfrB connues. En 2012, le groupe Pelletier a rapporté le premier inhibiteur spécifique d’une DfrB, et plusieurs autres depuis. Seule la DfrB1 a été caractérisée concernant son profil d’inhibition ainsi que sa thermostabilité inhabituelle. Ici, une méthode semi-automatisée sera développée pour caractériser les profils d’inhibition, de thermostabilité, de résistance au TMP et d’activité enzymatique de toutes les DfrB et des homologues identifiés, afin de les comparer à ceux de la DfrB1. Pour atteindre ces objectifs, des nouvelles méthodes à haut débit de détermination d’activité ainsi que des tests de concentration minimale inhibitrice (CMI) furent développés. Ces méthodes ont permis de déterminer que les profils de thermostabilité et d’inhibition de plusieurs DfrB et DfrB-H sont comparables aux profils de la DfrB1. De plus, le criblage de dizaines de composés potentiellement inhibiteurs a été effectué afin de poursuivre la recherche d’inhibiteurs spécifiques aux DfrB. En outre, nous signalons 10 nouvelles séquences homologues de DfrB qui confèrent une résistance élevée au TMP et possèdent une activité Dfr. La caractérisation de tous les membres DfrB et les homologues nous permettra d’acquérir une meilleure connaissance de leur mécanisme de résistance, de leur prévalence dans divers environnements et de soutenir notre développement de nouveaux inhibiteurs des DfrB. / The intensive usage of antibiotics has provoked the emergence of antibiotic resistance, causing a worldwide health issue. The antibiotic trimethoprim (TMP) targets the microbial dihydrofolate reductase enzyme (FolA), abrogating the production of an essential precursor in the synthesis of purines and thus preventing bacterial proliferation. However, some bacteria produce an additional dihydrofolate reductase: the highly TMP-resistant DfrB. Currently, ten DfrB family members have been identified, that share high sequence identity (74 – 98 %). DfrB enzymes consist of identical, 78 amino acid-long SH3-like domains, that homotetramerize to form the active enzyme. DfrB share no sequence or structural homology with FolA and no antibiotic has yet been developed to circumvent the TMP resistance caused by DfrB. In order to gain insight into the SH3-like domain of DfrB, homologues (DfrB-H) sharing 10 to 80 % identity with DfrB1 were identified and characterized, which displayed dihydrofolate reductase (Dfr) activity and conferred high TMP resistance. Also, to investigate if dfrB genes are identified in various environments, a metagenomic database search was undertaken to characterize ten new DfrB1 homologue sequences. In 2012, the Pelletier group reported the first specific inhibitor of a DfrB, and several others since. Only DfrB1 has been characterized regarding its inhibition profile as well as its unusual thermostability. Here, semi-automated methods will be developed to compare the inhibition, thermostability, TMP-resistance and enzymatic activity profiles of all DfrB and DfrB homologues to those of DfrB1. To address this objective, new high-throughput activity assays as well as Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) assays were developed. Using those methods, we determined that thermostability and inhibition profiles of several DfrB and DfrB-H were comparable to those of DfrB1. Also, a screen of several dozen potential inhibitory compounds was performed, to attempt to identify further specific DfrB inhibitors. In addition, we report 10 new DfrB homologues that confer high TMP resistance and possess Dfr activity. The characterization of all DfrB members and DfrB homologues will allow us to acquire greater knowledge on their antimicrobial resistance mechanism, their prevalence in different environments and support our development of new DfrB-specific inhibitors.

Synthèse d'analogues nucléotidiques visant l'inhibition de la Thymidylate Synthase Flavine-Dépendante / Synthesis of nucleotides analogs targeting the inhibition of Flavin-Dependent Thymidylate Synthase

Chevrier, Florian 24 October 2018 (has links)
Ces dernières années, l’OMS a émis un signal d’alarme à propos de l’occurrence majeure de résistance bactérienne qui constitue un problème de santé publique global. A ce titre, la recherche de nouvelles cibles enzymatiques et le développement de nouveaux antibactériens ciblant ces dernières de manière sélective constitue alors un enjeu actuel impératif. La mise en évidence d’une nouvelle enzyme de la famille des thymidylates synthases par l’équipe de Myllykallio en 2002 et son étude a permis de faire de cette dernière une cible de choix pour la conception de nouveaux antibactériens par sa présence exclusive chez des bactéries pathogènes pour l’Homme, sa non-similarité structurelle avec l’enzyme thymidylate synthase classique et son mécanisme particulier mettant en jeu un couple de cofacteurs oxydo-réducteurs(NADPH/FAD). Ce manuscrit, divisé en trois grandes parties, s’intéresse dans un premier temps à la synthèse métallo-catalysé de nouveaux analogues nucléotidiques du FAD substitué sur l’azote centrale par une chaîne acyclique de type alkényle phosphonate. Dans un second temps, le manuscrit traite de la translation de cette même chaîne latérale sur l’azote N1 couplée à un large panel de base hétéroaromatiquebicyliques ou tricycliques par deux réactions clés : une alkylation régiosélective en conditions deVorbrüggen et une étape de métathèse croisée. Enfin, la troisième partie porte sur la préparation d’acyclonucléosides comportant un motif d’intérêt de type gem-difluoromethylphosphonate connu comme étant un mime isostérique et isoélectronique du groupement phosphate. L’incorporation de ce motif a permis la synthèse de petite librairie d’ANPs inédits à visée anti-FDTS et anti-virales. / In recent years, WHO has warned against the major occurrence of bacterial resistance as a global public health problem. As such, the search for new enzymatic targets and the development of new antibacterials targeting them selectively is therefore an imperative challenge. The discovery of a new enzyme among the family of thymidylate synthases by Myllykallio’s team in 2002 and its study has made it a prime target for the design of new antibacterials by its sole presence in pathogenic bacteria, its structural dissimilarity with the classical thymidylate synthase enzyme and its singular mechanism involving a pair of oxido-reducingcofactors (NADPH / FAD).This manuscript, divided into three main parts, is initially interested in the metallocatalytic synthesis of new nucleotide analogues of FAD substituted on the central nitrogen by analkenyl phosphonate acyclic chain. In the second part, the manuscript deals with the translation of this same side chain on nitrogen N1 on a large panel of bicylic or tricyclic heteroaromatic base through two keyreactions: a regioselective alkylation under Vorbrüggen conditions and a cross metathesis step. Finally, th ethird part relates to the preparation of acyclonucleosides comprising a gem-difluoromethylphosphonatefunctional group which is known to be an isosteric and isoelectronic mimic of the phosphate group. The incorporation of this moeitie has allowed the synthesis of a small library of novel ANPs for anti-FDTS andanti-viral purposes.

Découverte d'inhibiteurs de la dihydrofolate réductase R67 impliquée dans la résistance au triméthoprime

Bastien, Dominic 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Découverte d'inhibiteurs de la dihydrofolate réductase R67 impliquée dans la résistance au triméthoprime.

Bastien, Dominic 08 1900 (has links)
Le triméthoprime (TMP) est un antibiotique communément utilisé depuis les années 60. Le TMP est un inhibiteur de la dihydrofolate réductase (DHFR) bactérienne chromosomale. Cette enzyme est responsable de la réduction du dihydrofolate (DHF) en tétrahydrofolate (THF) chez les bactéries, qui lui, est essentiel à la synthèse des purines et ainsi, à la prolifération cellulaire. La résistance bactérienne au TMP est documentée depuis plus de 30 ans. Une des causes de cette résistance provient du fait que certaines souches bactériennes expriment une DHFR plasmidique, la DHFR R67. La DHFR R67 n'est pas affectée par le TMP, et peut ainsi remplacer la DHFR chromosomale lorsque celle-ci est inhibée par le TMP. À ce jour, aucun inhibiteur spécifique de la DHFR R67 est connu. En découvrant des inhibiteurs contre la DHFR R67, il serait possible de lever la résistance au TMP que la DHFR R67 confère aux bactéries. Afin de découvrir des inhibiteurs de DHFR R67, les approches de design à base de fragments et de criblage virtuel ont été choisies. L'approche de design à base de fragments a permis d'identifier sept composés simples et de faible poids moléculaire (fragments) inhibant faiblement la DHFR R67. À partir de ces fragments, des composés plus complexes et symétriques, inhibant la DHFR R67 dans l'ordre du micromolaire, ont été élaborés. Des études cinétiques ont montré que ces inhibiteurs sont compétitifs et qu'au moins deux molécules se lient simultanément dans le site actif de la DHFR R67. L'étude d'analogues des inhibiteurs micromolaires de la DHFR R67 a permis de déterminer que la présence de groupements carboxylate, benzimidazole et que la longueur des molécules influencent la puissance des inhibiteurs. Une étude par arrimage moléculaire, appuyée par les résultats in vitro, a permis d'élaborer un modèle qui suggère que les résidus Lys32, Gln67 et Ile68 seraient impliqués dans la liaison avec les inhibiteurs. Le criblage virtuel de la librairie de 80 000 composés de Maybridge avec le logiciel Moldock, et les essais d'inhibition in vitro des meilleurs candidats, a permis d'identifier quatre inhibiteurs micromolaires appartenant à des familles distinctes des composés précédemment identifiés. Un second criblage virtuel, d'une banque de 6 millions de composés, a permis d'identifier trois inhibiteurs micromolaires toujours distincts. Ces résultats offrent la base à partir de laquelle il sera possible de développer iv des composés plus efficaces et possédant des propriétés phamacologiquement acceptables dans le but de développer un antibiotique pouvant lever la résistance au TMP conféré par la DHFR R67. / Trimethoprim (TMP) is a common antibiotic which is used since the 60's. TMP is an inhibitor of the bacterial chromosomal dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR). This enzyme catalyses the reduction of the dihydrofolate (DHF) to tetrahydrofolate (THF) which is essential to the biosynthesis of purines thus to cellular proliferation. Bacterial TMP resistance is documented since about 30 years. One of the cause of this resistance comes from the fact that certain bacteria express a plasmidic DHFR, the R67 DHFR, which confers TMP resistance. The R67 DHFR is not inhibited by TMP and can replace the chromosomal DHFR when the latter is inhibited by TMP. The discovery of R67 DHFR inhibitors would allow to break the trimethoprim resistance granted by R67 DHFR. In order to discover R67 DHFR inhibitors, fragment based design and virtual screening approaches were selected. By fragment based design, seven simple compounds with a low molecular mass which inhibited weakly R67 DHFR (fragments) were identified. From these fragments, more complex and symmetrical compounds inhibiting R67 DHFR in the micromolar range were identified. Kinetic studies showed these inhibitors were competitive and at least two molecules bind simultaneously to the active site of the R67 DHFR. Test of the micromolar inhibitors analog showed that the presence of carboxylate, benzimidazole and the length of the molecule all have an effect on the potency of the inhibitors. Molecular docking of the inhibitors, supported by in vitro data, were used to develop a model which suggest that residue like Lys32, Gln67 and Ile68 would be involved in the binding of the inhibitors to the R67 DHFR. Virtual screening of the 80 000 compound Maybridge library with Moldock software, followed by in vitro test of the best candidate, identified four micromolar inhibitors which are chemically distinct from the inhibitor beforehand identified. A second virtual screening of a 6 million compounds bank identified three micromolar inhibitors which are also distinct from the inhibitor beforehand identified. vi These results offer a basis which will allow further development of more potent inhibitors with more acceptable pharmacologic properties in order to develop an antibiotic which would break the TMP resistance granted by the R67 DHFR.

Atividade antibacteriana de antibióticos, de desinfetantes e de extrações vegetais sobre Salmonella padrão e Salmonelas isoladas em produtos de origem animal

Maciel, Mônica Jachetti January 2015 (has links)
O gênero Salmonella constitui um problema para a saúde animal e humana. Com a finalidade de evitar a ocorrência da transmissão deste microrganismo e a interrupção da doença provocada por eles, deve-se utilizar desinfetantes e antibióticos. A exposição continuada a estes agentes pode resultar no surgimento de resistência microbiana. Tendo em vista este fenômeno, a pesquisa por novos agentes antimicrobianos a partir de extratos vegetais se faz necessária, pois existe a possibilidade de se encontrar substâncias eficazes contra a resistência de micro-organismos já disseminados no ambiente. Os objetivos deste estudo foram: monitorar a resistência das 134 amostras de Salmonella isoladas em produtos de origem animal frente a antibióticos comumente utilizados na rotina veterinária; testar a atividade dos desinfetantes frente às Salmonellas resistentes; testar a hipótese de resistência cruzada entre grupos antibióticos e desinfetantes; avaliar a atividade bactericida de extratos de plantas medicinais nativas no Rio Grande do Sul sobre salmonelas padrão; avaliar a atividade antibacteriana do macerado hidroalcoólico de Achyrocline satureioides frente às salmonelas resistentes; fazer prospecção fitoquímica do macerado hidroalcoólico e do decocto de Achyrocline satureioides, Realizou-se o teste de sensibilidade a antibióticos frente a 134 amostras de Salmonella spp. isoladas em produtos de origem animal. Cinquenta e uma (51) salmonelas foram resistentes a pelo menos um antibiótico. Após, utilizou-se o teste de suspensão da avaliação quantitativa da atividade bactericida de desinfetantes. Foram testados os desinfetantes cloreto de cetil trimetilamônio (amônia quaternária), digluconato de clorexidina (clorexidina), hipoclorito de sódio e iodóforo, em quatro concentrações frente salmonelas resistentes, nos tempos 5, 15 e 60 minutos, densidade populacional 107 UFC/ mL. O iodóforo e o hipoclorito de sódio inativaram os isolados na maior parte dos experimentos. Porém, cloreto de cetil trimetilamônio (amônia quaternária) e digluconato de clorexidina (clorexidina) mesmo nas maiores concentrações do desinfetante, houveram micro-organismos resistentes. Pode-se perceber que não houveram relações concomitantes de resistência entre antibióticos e desinfetantes, levando-se em consideração todas as variáveis testadas. Na triagem inicial da atividade antibacteriana das plantas medicinais, utilizou-se a proporção de 10 g de planta para 100 mL do líquido extrator, em 8 e 24 horas, densidade populacional de Salmonella Choleraesuis (ATCC 10.708) 107, 106 e 105 UFC/ mL e formas decocção e maceração hidroalcoólica das plantas Achyrocline satureioides, Bidens pilosa, Conyza bonariensis, Jacaranda micrantha, Myrciaria cuspidata e Smilax cognata. A. satureioides, como macerado hidroalcoólico apresentou inativação nos tempos 8 e 24 horas, mostrando maior redução logarítmica. A. satureioides no macerado hidroalcoólico foi testada frente a 51 salmonelas resistentes. Observou-se que quanto maior o tempo de contato, nas menores densidades populacionais, maior foi o número de inativações. A atividade antibactericida do macerado hidroalcoólico de A. satureioides sugere o seu uso como ingrediente antisséptico em pomadas para uso animal ou humano, ou ser empregado na imersão de utensílios e partes removíveis de maquinários das indústrias alimentícias, frigoríficos, tendo como objetivo promover a desinfecção destes insumos. A prospecção fitoquímica realizada com o decocto e com o macerado hidroalcoólico de A. satureioides detectou a presença de compostos fenólicos, taninos hidrolisáveis e condensados, flavonóis e saponinas. O decocto de A. satureioides, diferentemente do macerado hidroalcoólico, não apresentou taninos hidrolisáveis e saponinas. / The genus Salmonella constitutes a problem for animal and human health. In order to prevent the transmission of this organism and the interruption of the disease caused by them, you should use disinfectants and antibiotics. Continued exposure to these agents can result in the emergence of microbial resistance. In view of this phenomenon, the search for new antimicrobials from plant extracts is necessary, because there is a possibility to find effective substances against the resistance of microorganisms already disseminated in the environment. The objectives of this study were: to monitor the resistance of 134 samples of Salmonella isolated in products of animal origin in front of antibiotics commonly used in veterinary routine; test the activity of disinfectants against the salmonellas resistant; test the hypothesis of cross-resistance between antibiotics and disinfectants; evaluate the bactericidal activity of extracts of medicinal plants native to the Rio Grande do Sul on Salmonella standard; evaluate the antibacterial activity of hydroalcoholic macerate to Achyrocline satureioides to Salmonella resistant; do the hydroalcoholic macerate phytochemical prospecting and to Achyrocline satureioides vegetable water, antibiotic sensitivity testing in front of 134 samples of Salmonella spp. isolated in products of animal origin. Fifty-one (51) Salmonella were resistant to at least one antibiotic. After, we used the suspension test of quantitative evaluation of bactericidal activity of disinfectants. Have been tested the disinfectants cetyl trimetilamônio chloride (quaternary ammonia), chlorhexidine digluconate (chlorhexidine), sodium hypochlorite, iodophor in four concentrations Salmonella resistant front, 5 times, 15 and 60 minutes, population density 107 CFU/ mL. The iodophor and sodium hypochlorite inactivated isolates in most experiments. However, cetyl trimetilamônio chloride (quaternary ammonia) and chlorhexidine digluconate (chlorhexidine) even in the largest concentrations of disinfectant, there were resistant microorganisms. One can notice that there were no concurrent relationships of resistance between antibiotics and disinfectants, taking into account all the variables tested. In the initial screening of antibacterial activity of medicinal plants, the proportion of 10 g of plant for 100 mL of liquid Extractor, in 8 and 12:00 hour, population density of Salmonella Choleraesuis (ATCC 10,708) 107, 106 and 105 CFU/ mL decoction and hydroalcoholic maceration and the plants Achyrocline satureioides, Bidens pilosa, Conyza bonariensis, Jacaranda micrantha, Myrciaria cuspidata and Smilax cognate. A. satureioides hydroalcoholic macerate as presented 8 and 12 hour in inactivation, showing greater logarithmic reduction. A. satureioides in hydroalcoholic macerate has been tested in front of Salmonella resistant 51. It was observed that the longer the time of contact, the smallest population densities, higher number of inactivation. The antibacterial activity of hydroalcoholic macerate of A. satureioides suggests its use as an antiseptic ingredient in ointments for human or animal use, or be employed in the immersion of utensils and removable parts of machinery of food industries, refrigerators, aiming to promote the disinfection of these inputs. The phytochemical held prospecting with the vegetable water and hydroalcoholic macerate of A. satureioides detected the presence of phenolic compounds, hydrolysable and condensed tannins, flavonols and saponins. The vegetable water of A. satureioides, unlike the hydroalcoholic macerate, hydrolysable tannins and failed to provide saponins.

Atividade antibacteriana de antibióticos, de desinfetantes e de extrações vegetais sobre Salmonella padrão e Salmonelas isoladas em produtos de origem animal

Maciel, Mônica Jachetti January 2015 (has links)
O gênero Salmonella constitui um problema para a saúde animal e humana. Com a finalidade de evitar a ocorrência da transmissão deste microrganismo e a interrupção da doença provocada por eles, deve-se utilizar desinfetantes e antibióticos. A exposição continuada a estes agentes pode resultar no surgimento de resistência microbiana. Tendo em vista este fenômeno, a pesquisa por novos agentes antimicrobianos a partir de extratos vegetais se faz necessária, pois existe a possibilidade de se encontrar substâncias eficazes contra a resistência de micro-organismos já disseminados no ambiente. Os objetivos deste estudo foram: monitorar a resistência das 134 amostras de Salmonella isoladas em produtos de origem animal frente a antibióticos comumente utilizados na rotina veterinária; testar a atividade dos desinfetantes frente às Salmonellas resistentes; testar a hipótese de resistência cruzada entre grupos antibióticos e desinfetantes; avaliar a atividade bactericida de extratos de plantas medicinais nativas no Rio Grande do Sul sobre salmonelas padrão; avaliar a atividade antibacteriana do macerado hidroalcoólico de Achyrocline satureioides frente às salmonelas resistentes; fazer prospecção fitoquímica do macerado hidroalcoólico e do decocto de Achyrocline satureioides, Realizou-se o teste de sensibilidade a antibióticos frente a 134 amostras de Salmonella spp. isoladas em produtos de origem animal. Cinquenta e uma (51) salmonelas foram resistentes a pelo menos um antibiótico. Após, utilizou-se o teste de suspensão da avaliação quantitativa da atividade bactericida de desinfetantes. Foram testados os desinfetantes cloreto de cetil trimetilamônio (amônia quaternária), digluconato de clorexidina (clorexidina), hipoclorito de sódio e iodóforo, em quatro concentrações frente salmonelas resistentes, nos tempos 5, 15 e 60 minutos, densidade populacional 107 UFC/ mL. O iodóforo e o hipoclorito de sódio inativaram os isolados na maior parte dos experimentos. Porém, cloreto de cetil trimetilamônio (amônia quaternária) e digluconato de clorexidina (clorexidina) mesmo nas maiores concentrações do desinfetante, houveram micro-organismos resistentes. Pode-se perceber que não houveram relações concomitantes de resistência entre antibióticos e desinfetantes, levando-se em consideração todas as variáveis testadas. Na triagem inicial da atividade antibacteriana das plantas medicinais, utilizou-se a proporção de 10 g de planta para 100 mL do líquido extrator, em 8 e 24 horas, densidade populacional de Salmonella Choleraesuis (ATCC 10.708) 107, 106 e 105 UFC/ mL e formas decocção e maceração hidroalcoólica das plantas Achyrocline satureioides, Bidens pilosa, Conyza bonariensis, Jacaranda micrantha, Myrciaria cuspidata e Smilax cognata. A. satureioides, como macerado hidroalcoólico apresentou inativação nos tempos 8 e 24 horas, mostrando maior redução logarítmica. A. satureioides no macerado hidroalcoólico foi testada frente a 51 salmonelas resistentes. Observou-se que quanto maior o tempo de contato, nas menores densidades populacionais, maior foi o número de inativações. A atividade antibactericida do macerado hidroalcoólico de A. satureioides sugere o seu uso como ingrediente antisséptico em pomadas para uso animal ou humano, ou ser empregado na imersão de utensílios e partes removíveis de maquinários das indústrias alimentícias, frigoríficos, tendo como objetivo promover a desinfecção destes insumos. A prospecção fitoquímica realizada com o decocto e com o macerado hidroalcoólico de A. satureioides detectou a presença de compostos fenólicos, taninos hidrolisáveis e condensados, flavonóis e saponinas. O decocto de A. satureioides, diferentemente do macerado hidroalcoólico, não apresentou taninos hidrolisáveis e saponinas. / The genus Salmonella constitutes a problem for animal and human health. In order to prevent the transmission of this organism and the interruption of the disease caused by them, you should use disinfectants and antibiotics. Continued exposure to these agents can result in the emergence of microbial resistance. In view of this phenomenon, the search for new antimicrobials from plant extracts is necessary, because there is a possibility to find effective substances against the resistance of microorganisms already disseminated in the environment. The objectives of this study were: to monitor the resistance of 134 samples of Salmonella isolated in products of animal origin in front of antibiotics commonly used in veterinary routine; test the activity of disinfectants against the salmonellas resistant; test the hypothesis of cross-resistance between antibiotics and disinfectants; evaluate the bactericidal activity of extracts of medicinal plants native to the Rio Grande do Sul on Salmonella standard; evaluate the antibacterial activity of hydroalcoholic macerate to Achyrocline satureioides to Salmonella resistant; do the hydroalcoholic macerate phytochemical prospecting and to Achyrocline satureioides vegetable water, antibiotic sensitivity testing in front of 134 samples of Salmonella spp. isolated in products of animal origin. Fifty-one (51) Salmonella were resistant to at least one antibiotic. After, we used the suspension test of quantitative evaluation of bactericidal activity of disinfectants. Have been tested the disinfectants cetyl trimetilamônio chloride (quaternary ammonia), chlorhexidine digluconate (chlorhexidine), sodium hypochlorite, iodophor in four concentrations Salmonella resistant front, 5 times, 15 and 60 minutes, population density 107 CFU/ mL. The iodophor and sodium hypochlorite inactivated isolates in most experiments. However, cetyl trimetilamônio chloride (quaternary ammonia) and chlorhexidine digluconate (chlorhexidine) even in the largest concentrations of disinfectant, there were resistant microorganisms. One can notice that there were no concurrent relationships of resistance between antibiotics and disinfectants, taking into account all the variables tested. In the initial screening of antibacterial activity of medicinal plants, the proportion of 10 g of plant for 100 mL of liquid Extractor, in 8 and 12:00 hour, population density of Salmonella Choleraesuis (ATCC 10,708) 107, 106 and 105 CFU/ mL decoction and hydroalcoholic maceration and the plants Achyrocline satureioides, Bidens pilosa, Conyza bonariensis, Jacaranda micrantha, Myrciaria cuspidata and Smilax cognate. A. satureioides hydroalcoholic macerate as presented 8 and 12 hour in inactivation, showing greater logarithmic reduction. A. satureioides in hydroalcoholic macerate has been tested in front of Salmonella resistant 51. It was observed that the longer the time of contact, the smallest population densities, higher number of inactivation. The antibacterial activity of hydroalcoholic macerate of A. satureioides suggests its use as an antiseptic ingredient in ointments for human or animal use, or be employed in the immersion of utensils and removable parts of machinery of food industries, refrigerators, aiming to promote the disinfection of these inputs. The phytochemical held prospecting with the vegetable water and hydroalcoholic macerate of A. satureioides detected the presence of phenolic compounds, hydrolysable and condensed tannins, flavonols and saponins. The vegetable water of A. satureioides, unlike the hydroalcoholic macerate, hydrolysable tannins and failed to provide saponins.

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