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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Os sentidos da monumentalidade em sítios gregos da Idade do Ferro Inicial (séculos XII-VIII a. C.) / The meaning of monumentality in Greek sites of the Early Iron Age (XII - VIII B.C.)

Vinicius Dian Martin 10 March 2015 (has links)
Com o final da Idade do Bronze na Grécia Continental se tornou possível vislumbrar uma série de mudanças que afetaram o modo de vida de toda sociedade grega. Neste trabalho pretendemos estudar como as formas arquitetônicas registraram essas mudanças e quais interpretações são possíveis de serem formuladas a partir do registro arqueológico e análises das fontes textuais. Será dado destaque aos sentidos da monumentalidade em edificações de usufruto coletivo. O momento em questão abrange os séculos XII - VIII e as estruturas estudadas serão as Casas de Chefe com particular ênfase na função que possuíam, sua arquitetura e de que maneira sucederam os palácios da época Micênica. / With the end of the Bronze Age Continental Greece became possible to envisage a series of changes that have affected the way of life of the entire Greek society. In this paper we intend to study how architectural forms recorded these changes and interpretations which are possible to be made from the archaeological record and analysis of the textual sources. Emphasis will be placed to the senses of the monumentality in buildings of collective usufruct. The moment in question covers the centuries XII - VIII and the studied structures will be the Rulers\' Dwellings with particular emphasis on the function that had, its architecture and how succeeded the palaces of the Mycenaean era.

Dynamics and drivers of Turkish regional development : a Curate’s Egg

Ersoy, Aksel January 2012 (has links)
Understanding of the economic processes shaping regional economies is in a constant state of change. These processes are important to understand for policy making as governments seek to improve the economic well-being of citizens. Existing empirical research in this field has focussed on regions in economically advanced and technologically innovative economies. As a consequence, the broader picture of the dynamics of regional development in less developed countries, particularly its social and political origins and the overall changes in regional inequality, have remained elusive and less clear. The purpose of this thesis has been to develop an understanding of the local and regional dynamics of economic development in the context of the transitioning and emerging economy of Turkey. The approach has been to unpack a series of local and regional development theories and, from the drivers identified, to develop an econometric model calibrated for the Turkish context using available and appropriate proxy measures. Document analysis supported by interviews with groups of policy makers has been intertwined with the results of the model. The results of the study explain that implications of the current local and regional economic development theories are a Curate’s Egg – good in parts – because these theories are only partially relevant in the Turkish context.

Taksonomija i zoogeografija paukova (Arachnida,Araneae) Republike Makedonije / Taxonomy and zoogeography of spiders (Arachnida, Araneae) of Republic of Macedonia

Marjan Komnenov 30 September 2019 (has links)
<p>Doktorska&nbsp; disertacija&nbsp; predstavlja&nbsp; studiju&nbsp; faune paukova (Arachnida, Araneae) Makedonije baziranu na&nbsp; kritičkoj&nbsp; analizi&nbsp; publikovanih&nbsp; podataka&nbsp; koji obuhvataju&nbsp; period&nbsp; od&nbsp; 1907.&nbsp; do&nbsp; 2018.&nbsp; godine, taksonomskoj reviziji relevantnih arahnolo&scaron;kih zbirki iz osam evropskih prirodnjačkih muzeja i rezultatima sopstvenih tridesetogodi&scaron;njih istraživanja. Terenski&nbsp; rad&nbsp; je&nbsp; baziran&nbsp; na&nbsp; sakupljanju&nbsp; materijala<br />kori&scaron;ćenjem&nbsp; standardnih&nbsp; metoda&nbsp; kao&nbsp; &scaron;to&nbsp; su&nbsp; ručno sakupljanje&nbsp; i&nbsp; sakupljanje&nbsp; putem&nbsp; klopki&nbsp; i&nbsp; noviju metodu&nbsp; upotrebom motornog&nbsp; usisivača. Materijal je<br />laboratorijski obrađivan standardnim postupcima uz pomoć binokularne lupe i mikroskopa. Ukupno&nbsp; su&nbsp; registrovane&nbsp; 742&nbsp; vrste&nbsp; paukova&nbsp; iz&nbsp; 40 familija.&nbsp; Pet&nbsp; taksona&nbsp; pretstavljaju&nbsp; nove&nbsp; vrste&nbsp; za nauku. Dve vrste predstavljaju nove&nbsp; nalaze za&nbsp; faunu paukova&nbsp; Balkanskog&nbsp; poluostrva.&nbsp; &Scaron;ezdeset&nbsp; i&nbsp; dva taksona&nbsp; su&nbsp; po&nbsp; prvi&nbsp; put&nbsp; zabeležene&nbsp; za&nbsp; faunu Makedonije. Drevna familija Anapidae je sa jednom vrstom po prvi put registrovana u fauni Makedonije. Revizijom publikovanih podataka, ustanovljeno je da je179&nbsp; vrsta&nbsp; pogre&scaron;no&nbsp; identifikovano&nbsp; i&nbsp; navedeno&nbsp; za<br />faunu Makedonije. Vrste&nbsp; su&nbsp; kategorisane&nbsp; prema&nbsp; trenutnom&nbsp; poznavanju njihove rasprostranjenosti, na osnovu čega je izvr&scaron;ena zoogeografska&nbsp; analiza&nbsp; faune.&nbsp; Ustanovljena&nbsp; su&nbsp; 32 horotipa&nbsp; u&nbsp; fauni&nbsp; paukova&nbsp; Makedonije,&nbsp; svrstana&nbsp; u četiri&nbsp; horolo&scaron;ka&nbsp; kompleksa:&nbsp; &scaron;ire&nbsp; rasprostranjene, evropske, mediteranske i endemske vrste. Najveći broj vrsta registrovano je u kompleksu &scaron;iroko rasprostranjenih&nbsp; vrsta&nbsp; (44,3%)&nbsp; koji&nbsp; daju&nbsp; glavni karakter fauni. Visok stepen zastupljenosti evropskih (19,1%)&nbsp; i&nbsp; eurosibirskih&nbsp; (11,3%)&nbsp; horolo&scaron;kih elemenata,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; dva&nbsp; pojedinačno&nbsp; najzastupljenija&nbsp; u fauni&nbsp; paukova&nbsp; Makedonije,&nbsp; je&nbsp; odraz&nbsp; dominantnog planinskog&nbsp; karaktera&nbsp; reljefa&nbsp; Makedonije.&nbsp; Horolo&scaron;ki kompleks&nbsp; mediteranskih&nbsp; vrsta&nbsp; zastupljen&nbsp; je&nbsp; sa&nbsp; 99 vrsta&nbsp; (13,3%).&nbsp; Visok&nbsp; udeo&nbsp; vrsta&nbsp; (11,3%)&nbsp; koje pripadaju horolo&scaron;kim elementima koji su zastupljeni na prostorima Južne Evrope, Mediterana, Zapadne i<br />Srednje&nbsp; Azije&nbsp; govori&nbsp; o&nbsp; bogatoj&nbsp; fauni&nbsp; paukova kserofilnih,&nbsp; termofilnih&nbsp; i&nbsp; aridnih&nbsp; terena.&nbsp; Lokalni karakter faune može se sagledati u relativno velikom broja&nbsp; vrsta&nbsp; iz&nbsp; kompleksa&nbsp; endemskih&nbsp; vrsta&nbsp; (87).&nbsp; Iz ovog kompleksa najdominantniji su vrste iz horotipa &quot;endemiti užeg područja&quot; sa 45 vrsta.Doktorska&nbsp; disertacija&nbsp; predstavlja&nbsp; studiju&nbsp; faune paukova (Arachnida, Araneae) Makedonije baziranu na&nbsp; kritičkoj&nbsp; analizi&nbsp; publikovanih&nbsp; podataka&nbsp; koji obuhvataju&nbsp; period&nbsp; od&nbsp; 1907.&nbsp; do&nbsp; 2018.&nbsp; godine,<br />taksonomskoj reviziji relevantnih arahnolo&scaron;kih zbirki iz osam evropskih prirodnjačkih muzeja i rezultatima sopstvenih tridesetogodi&scaron;njih istraživanja.Terenski&nbsp; rad&nbsp; je&nbsp; baziran&nbsp; na&nbsp; sakupljanju&nbsp; materijala kori&scaron;ćenjem&nbsp; standardnih&nbsp; metoda&nbsp; kao&nbsp; &scaron;to&nbsp; su&nbsp; ručno sakupljanje&nbsp; i&nbsp; sakupljanje&nbsp; putem&nbsp; klopki&nbsp; i&nbsp; noviju metodu&nbsp; upotrebom motornog&nbsp; usisivača. Materijal je laboratorijski obrađivan standardnim postupcima uz pomoć binokularne lupe i mikroskopa. Ukupno&nbsp; su&nbsp; registrovane&nbsp; 742&nbsp; vrste&nbsp; paukova&nbsp; iz&nbsp; 40<br />familija.&nbsp; Pet&nbsp; taksona&nbsp; pretstavljaju&nbsp; nove&nbsp; vrste&nbsp; za nauku. Dve vrste predstavljaju nove&nbsp; nalaze za&nbsp; faunu paukova&nbsp; Balkanskog&nbsp; poluostrva.&nbsp; &Scaron;ezdeset&nbsp; i&nbsp; dva taksona&nbsp; su&nbsp; po&nbsp; prvi&nbsp; put&nbsp; zabeležene&nbsp; za&nbsp; faunu Makedonije. Drevna familija Anapidae je sa jednom vrstom po prvi put registrovana u fauni Makedonije. Revizijom publikovanih podataka, ustanovljeno je da je179&nbsp; vrsta&nbsp; pogre&scaron;no&nbsp; identifikovano&nbsp; i&nbsp; navedeno&nbsp; za<br />faunu Makedonije. Vrste&nbsp; su&nbsp; kategorisane&nbsp; prema&nbsp; trenutnom&nbsp; poznavanju njihove rasprostranjenosti, na osnovu čega je izvr&scaron;ena zoogeografska&nbsp; analiza&nbsp; faune.&nbsp; Ustanovljena&nbsp; su&nbsp; 32 horotipa&nbsp; u&nbsp; fauni&nbsp; paukova&nbsp; Makedonije,&nbsp; svrstana&nbsp; u četiri&nbsp; horolo&scaron;ka&nbsp; kompleksa:&nbsp; &scaron;ire&nbsp; rasprostranjene, evropske, mediteranske i endemske vrste. Najveći broj vrsta registrovano je u kompleksu &scaron;iroko rasprostranjenih&nbsp; vrsta&nbsp; (44,3%)&nbsp; koji&nbsp; daju&nbsp; glavni karakter fauni. Visok stepen zastupljenosti evropskih (19,1%)&nbsp; i&nbsp; eurosibirskih&nbsp; (11,3%)&nbsp; horolo&scaron;kih elemenata,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; dva&nbsp; pojedinačno&nbsp; najzastupljenija&nbsp; u fauni&nbsp; paukova&nbsp; Makedonije,&nbsp; je&nbsp; odraz&nbsp; dominantnog planinskog&nbsp; karaktera&nbsp; reljefa&nbsp; Makedonije.&nbsp; Horolo&scaron;ki kompleks&nbsp; mediteranskih&nbsp; vrsta&nbsp; zastupljen&nbsp; je&nbsp; sa&nbsp; 99 vrsta&nbsp; (13,3%).&nbsp; Visok&nbsp; udeo&nbsp; vrsta&nbsp; (11,3%)&nbsp; koje pripadaju horolo&scaron;kim elementima koji su zastupljeni na prostorima Južne Evrope, Mediterana, Zapadne i<br />Srednje&nbsp; Azije&nbsp; govori&nbsp; o&nbsp; bogatoj&nbsp; fauni&nbsp; paukova kserofilnih,&nbsp; termofilnih&nbsp; i&nbsp; aridnih&nbsp; terena.&nbsp; Lokalni karakter faune može se sagledati u relativno velikom broja&nbsp; vrsta&nbsp; iz&nbsp; kompleksa&nbsp; endemskih&nbsp; vrsta&nbsp; (87).&nbsp; Iz ovog kompleksa najdominantniji su vrste iz horotipa &quot;endemiti užeg područja&quot; sa 45 vrsta.</p> / <p>The PhD research project is a study of fauna of spiders (Arachnida,&nbsp; Araneae)&nbsp; of&nbsp; Macedonia&nbsp; based&nbsp; on&nbsp; a critical analysis of published data covering the period from &nbsp; 1907&nbsp; to&nbsp; 2018,&nbsp; taxonomic&nbsp; review&nbsp; of&nbsp; relevant arachnological&nbsp; collections&nbsp; from&nbsp; eight&nbsp; European Natural history museums and the results of author&rsquo;s thirty years of research. Field&nbsp; work&nbsp; is&nbsp; based&nbsp; on&nbsp; the&nbsp; collection&nbsp; of&nbsp; materials using standard methods such as manual collection and trapping and a newer method using a motor&nbsp; vacuum cleaner.&nbsp; The&nbsp; material&nbsp; was&nbsp; processed&nbsp; with&nbsp; standard procedures&nbsp; using&nbsp; a&nbsp; dissecting&nbsp; binocular&nbsp; and&nbsp; a microscope.A total of 742 species of spiders from 40 families have been registered. Five taxa are new species for science. Two species present new findings for the fauna of the spiders of the Balkan Peninsula. Sixty&nbsp; two taxa were recorded for the first time&nbsp; for the fauna of Macedonia.An&nbsp; ancient&nbsp; family&nbsp; Anapidae&nbsp; with&nbsp; one&nbsp; species&nbsp; has been&nbsp; registered&nbsp; for&nbsp; the&nbsp; first&nbsp; time&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; fauna&nbsp; of Macedonia. By reviewing&nbsp; the&nbsp; published data, it was established&nbsp; that&nbsp; 179&nbsp; species&nbsp; were&nbsp; incorrectly identified&nbsp; and&nbsp; listed&nbsp; for&nbsp; the&nbsp; fauna&nbsp; of&nbsp; Macedonia. Species&nbsp; are&nbsp; categorized&nbsp; according&nbsp; to&nbsp; the&nbsp; current knowledge of their distribution, on the basis of which a zoogeographic analysis of the fauna was performed.32&nbsp; chorotypes&nbsp; were&nbsp; established&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; fauna&nbsp; of&nbsp; the spiders&nbsp; of&nbsp; Macedonia,&nbsp; classified&nbsp; into&nbsp; four chorological&nbsp; complexes:&nbsp; widespread,&nbsp; European, Mediterranean and endemic species. The&nbsp; largest&nbsp; number&nbsp; of&nbsp; species&nbsp; is&nbsp; registered&nbsp; in&nbsp; the complex of widespread species (44.3%), which give the main character of the fauna. The high degree of representation of European (19.1%) and Eurosiberian (11.3%)&nbsp; chorological&nbsp; elements,&nbsp; as&nbsp; the&nbsp; two individually&nbsp; most&nbsp; represented&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; fauna&nbsp; of&nbsp; the spiders of Macedonia, is a reflection of the dominant mountain&nbsp; character&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; relief&nbsp; of&nbsp; Macedonia.&nbsp; The chorological&nbsp; complex&nbsp; of&nbsp; Mediterranean&nbsp; species&nbsp; is represented&nbsp; by&nbsp; 99&nbsp; species&nbsp; (13.3%).&nbsp; The&nbsp; high proportion&nbsp; of&nbsp; species&nbsp; (11.3%)&nbsp; belonging&nbsp; to&nbsp; the chorological elements that are present on the territory of&nbsp; Southern&nbsp; Europe,&nbsp; the&nbsp; Mediterranean,&nbsp; West&nbsp; and Central&nbsp; Asia&nbsp; speaks&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; rich&nbsp; fauna&nbsp; of&nbsp; spiders&nbsp; of&nbsp; xerophilic,&nbsp; thermophilic&nbsp; and&nbsp; arid&nbsp; terrain.&nbsp; The&nbsp; local character of the fauna can be seen in a relatively large number&nbsp; of&nbsp; species&nbsp; from&nbsp; the&nbsp; complex&nbsp; of&nbsp; endemic species&nbsp; (87).&nbsp; From&nbsp; this&nbsp; complex&nbsp; are&nbsp; the&nbsp; most dominant&nbsp; species&nbsp; from&nbsp;&nbsp; the&nbsp; chorotype&nbsp; &quot;narrower endemic&quot; with 45 species.Western&nbsp; Macedonia&nbsp; is&nbsp; the&nbsp; richest&nbsp; with&nbsp; fauna&nbsp; of spiders, with 23 species from the group of endemites of&nbsp; the&nbsp; narrower&nbsp; area,&nbsp; which&nbsp; speaks&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; great importance of this region as a refugium and space in which&nbsp; the&nbsp; processes&nbsp; of&nbsp; speciation&nbsp; were&nbsp; intensively carried out.</p>

L'Epire du treizième au quinzième siècle : autonomie et hétérogénéité d'une région balkanique / Epirus from the thirteenth to the fifteenth century : autonomy and heterogeneity of a Balkan region

Osswald, Brendan 16 November 2011 (has links)
La région de l'Epire du XIIIème au XVème siècle est étudiée sous plusieurs aspects liés aux thèmes de l'autonomie et de l'hétérogénéité qui ont marqué l'histoire de la région durant la période concernée.Tout d’abord, le bilan de l’historiographie politique montre l’agitation de cette période intercalée entre les longues périodes de stabilité que sont la période byzantine en amont et la période ottomane en aval. Les trois siècles étudiés ont en effet vu se succéder la Quatrième croisade (1204), les règnes de la dynastie des Comnènes (1205-1318), puis de la branche de Céphalonie (1318-1340), l’invasion serbe et les migrations albanaises (années 1340-1350), l’expansion de Carlo Ier Tocco (début XVème siècle) et enfin la conquête progressive par les Ottomans de 1418 à 1502.Ensuite, l’étude de la géographie historique de la région (territoire, vocabulaire, géographie administrative, politique, ecclésiastique, bâtiments officiels) montre l’interdépendance entre les événements historiques et les conditions géographiques. On observe en effet que l’hétérogénéité du territoire préexistait aux diverses migrations.Enfin, on a cherché à savoir quelles furent les réactions idéologiques aux bouleversements politiques subis par la région. D’une part, on assista à l’émergence d’un modèle politique à la fois en rupture et en continuité avec le modèle politique byzantin traditionnel. D’autre part, les diverses migrations placèrent la problématique ethnique sur le devant de la scène politique. Néanmoins, les clivages ethniques ne furent pas aussi déterminants que les clivages sociaux, politiques et géographiques ; ils ne débouchèrent en tout cas pas sur l’idée anachronique d’État-Nation. / The region of Epirus from the 13th to the 15th century is studied within several aspects linked to the notions of autonomy and heterogeneity by which the history of the region was marked during the examined period. First of all, the recapitulation of political historiography shows the agitation of this period interposed between the long periods of stability that are the byzantine period and the ottoman one. The above mentioned three centuries actually witnessed the succession of the Fourth Crusade (1204), the reigns of the Comnenian dynasty (1205-1340), then of the Cephalonian branch (1318-1340), the Serbian invasion and the Albanian migrations (1340’s and 1350’s), the expansion of Carlo I Tocco (beginning of the 15th century) and finally the progressive conquest by the Ottomans from 1418 to 1502.Then, the study of historical geography of the region (territory, vocabulary, administrative, political and ecclesiastical geography, official buildings) shows the interdependency between historical events and geographical conditions. Indeed we can notice that the heterogeneity of the territory existed before the various migrations.Finally, we have tried to learn which were the ideological reactions to the political upheavals undergone by the region. On the one hand a political pattern emerged both in rupture and continuity with the traditional byzantine political pattern. On the other hand, the various migrations put the ethnic issue on the political foreground. Nevertheless, the ethnical cleavages were not as determining as the social and political ones; anyway they did not lead to the anachronistic idea of Nation-State.

Om Jag gör som Ni, vem är Jag då? : Konflikt och integration ur ett etnicitetsperspektiv

Aksentijevic, Sasa, Alghazi, Mine, Almqvist, Petter, Persson, Sebastian January 2010 (has links)
Sverige blir alltmer mångkulturellt. I dagens samhälle finns det många individer och grupper av olika härkomst. Detta har lett till många diskussioner kring integration samt konflikter mellan olika folkgrupper. Vad kan dessa konflikter mellan de olika folkgrupperna innebära för individernas identitetsskapande? Och hur kan vissa av dessa individers identitet och livsvillkor formas under en integrationsprocess? Denna antologi kommer att behandla identitet ur ett etnicitetsperspektiv. Det kommer att omfatta fyra olika delar som berör ämnet etnicitet med en rad olika fält. Två av dessa delar kommer att beröra ämnet konflikt varav den ena fokuserar på serber och bosniernas förhållande under och efter krigstiden under 1990-talet. Den andra kommer att beröra assyriernas och syrianernas brokiga förflutna med fokus på konflikt, assimilation och hur det formar dem idag. De två övriga delarna i antologin kommer att beröra ämnet integration varav den första kommer att fokusera på integration ur ett grannskapsperspektiv Den sista delen kommer att undersöka utlandsstudenter och deras situation i Sverige.

New Custom for the Old Village Interpreting History through Turkish Village Web-Sites

Sabancioglu, Musemma 27 May 2011 (has links)
It is estimated that there are 35.000 villages in Turkey, and a great number of them have their own unofficial web-sites created as a result of individual efforts. The individuals who prepare these web-sites try to connect with the world via the internet, and represent their past with limited information. Pages on these web-sites that are titled "our history" or "our short history" provide some unique historical, cultural, and anthropological information about the villager's life in rural area. This thesis examines amateur historians' methods of reinterpretation in the past, and as such explore Turkish local history from a new point of view.

The Kosovo conflict : emerging relationships and implications for Greece /

Pattas, Ioannis. January 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.S.)--Naval Postgraduate School, 2002. / Thesis advisor(s): Cary A. Simon, Raymond E. Franck. Includes bibliographical references (p. 117-124). Also available online.

Politics of depoliticisation : a re-assessment of the post-2001 restructuring of the state and economic policy making in Turkey

Dönmez, Pınar E. January 2012 (has links)
The major motivation behind this thesis comes from an interest in the processes of depoliticisation and re-politicisation in economic management. The focus on the interaction between the national state and the global social relations positions the main problematic of the thesis within critical international political economy (IPE). This interaction is investigated in the context of the specific case study of Turkey. Given the fact that the existent literature on depoliticisation largely builds on the experiences of the advanced capitalist states and their managers, the thesis aims to contribute to this body of literature and assess the applicability of the conceptual framework in a different domestic political setting. On the other hand it aims to build on and contribute to the critiques of the existent literature on Turkey in the sense that the latter is often portrayed within an exceptional outlook and treated as a stand-alone case. The second chapter provides a critical overview of the literature on the conceptualisation of state and social relations in Turkey. The third chapter reviews the place of the state and the political and defines (de)politicisation not only as a governing strategy of the state managers to manage capitalist social relations but also in broader terms; as open-ended process in so far as its effects extend beyond the governmental realm. Chapter four proceeds to demonstrate the applicability of such a framework in the Turkish case through an evaluation of governing tactics and strategies in the post-WWII context. The subsequent three chapters explore the evolution of crisis and restructuring of social relations for the periods 1994-2001, 2002-2005 and 2006-present in an attempt to investigate the effects of the governing strategy and process in material and perceptional terms.

Rituals and repetitions : the displacement of context in Marina Abramovic's Seven Easy Pieces

Tomic, Milena 11 1900 (has links)
This thesis considers Seven Easy Pieces, Marina Abramović’s 2005 cycle of re-performances at the Guggenheim Museum, as part of a broader effort to recuperate the art of the 1960s and 1970s. In re-creating canonical pieces known to her solely through fragmentary documentation, Abramović helped to bring into focus how performances by Joseph Beuys, Bruce Nauman, Gina Pane, Vito Acconci, Valie Export, and herself were being re-coded by the mediating institutions. Stressing the production of difference, my analysis revolves around two of the pieces in detail. First, the Deleuzian insight that repetition produces difference sheds light on the artist’s embellishment of her own Lips of Thomas (1975) with a series of Yugoslav partisan symbols. What follows is an examination of the enduring role of this iconography, exploring the 1970s Yugoslav context as well as the more recent phenomenon of “Balkan Art,” an exhibition trend drawing upon orientalizing discourse. While the very presence of these works in Tito’s Yugoslavia complicates the situation, I show how the transplanted vocabulary of body art may be read against the complex interweaving of official rhetoric and dissident activity. I focus on two distinct interpretations of Marxism: first, the official emphasis on discipline and the body as material producer, and second, the critique of the cult of personality as well as dissident notions about the role of practice in social transformation. It is in this sense that a distinctly spiritualist vocabulary also acquires a political dimension in drawing upon movements such as Fluxus and Neo-Dada, and underscoring the value of the immaterial and the non-productive. Finally, I explain how a reversal of Slavoj Žižek’s tripartite structure of ideology can help to articulate how a repetition of Beuys’s actions in this context actually displaces their cosmological aspect by virtue of the re-enactment setting alone.

Gypsies (Roma) in the orbit of Islam : the Ottoman experience (1450-1600)

Çelik, Faika January 2003 (has links)
The main premise of this thesis is to demonstrate how the Gypsies, (Roma)---both Muslim and Christian, both settled and nomadic---were marginalized by the Ottoman State and society in Rumelia (Rumili) and Istanbul during the "Classical Age" of this tri-continental Islamic Empire. / The Ottoman state and the society's attitudes towards this marginal group are analyzed through the examination of the Muhimme Registers of the second half the sixteenth century and four major Kanunnames concerning the Gypsies issued in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Travelers' accounts and Turkish oral traditions have also been used to explore the social status of the Gypsies in Ottoman society, as well as their image in Ottoman popular culture. / The history of people who were marginal and voiceless in their societies is not just important for its own sake but for what it reveals about the nature of the societies in which they lived. Thus, this present work not only sheds light upon the history of the Gypsies but also attempts to open new grounds for further discussions on the functioning of the "Plural Society" of the Ottoman Empire.

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