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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Diens as kommunikasievoertuig van die evangelie in 'n post-apartheid samelewing

Kruger, Johannes Stephanus 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Apartheid is verby. Die nuwe Suid-Afrika het gekom. Maar met die koms van die nuwe Suid-Afrika het die oue nie verdwyn nie. Die oue van die apartheidsverlede is nog met ons. Ons is die erfgename van apartheid en dra die letsels van apartheid nog saam met ons. Armoede, werkloosheid, behuisingsnood en geweld en misdaad is deel van die post-apartheid samelewing en kan nie weggewens word nie. Die kerk is geroep om die evangelie in die samelewing aan alle mense te kommunikeer. In hierdie kommunikasie moet die evangelie in 'n post-apartheid samelewing gesien en ervaar kan word in dade van diens. Daarom staan dade van diens in hierdie studie sentraal. Hierdie studie handel dus oor die diens van gelowiges wat 'n kommunikasievoertuig is van die evangelie in 'n post-apartheid samelewing. Vanuit die nood en behoeftes van mense in die post-apartheid samelewing is twee dade van diens geidentifiseer wat sentraal staan in die kommunikasie van die evangelie. Dit is bemagtiging en versoening. Omdat 'n groot dee! van die samelewing in die verlede geen mag op ekonomiese en politieke terreine gehad het nie, is dade van diens wat mense bemagtig noodsaaklik. In hierdie bemagtiging speel ekonomiese-, sosiale- en psigologiese bemagtiging 'n groot rol. En omdat mense deur die verlede van apartheid op grond van velkleur van mekaar geskei en geisoleer is, vra dit dat mense met mekaar versoen word. In die proses om versoening tussen mense te bewerkstellig speel verantwoordelikheid, erkenning van apartheidskuld, restitusie, regstellende aksie, die luister na mense se stories en vergifnis 'n baie belangrike rol. Vanuit 'n geloofsperspektief is die <liens van die gelowige in 'n post-apartheid samelewing in verband gebring met Jesus Christus se di ens wat Hy as voorbeeld voorgehou het vir al sy navolgers. Omdat gelowiges navolgers is van Christus is alle gelowiges die subjekte van diens aan mense in die samelewing. Vir hierdie diens in die samelewing word die gelowige in die geloofsgemeenskap (of gemeente) deur gemeenskap (koinonia) opgebou en deur die geestelike leiers toegerus om diensbaar aan mense in die samelewing te wees. / Apartheid is a thing of the past. The new South Africa has dawned. But that does not mean that the "old" South Africa has disappeared. The "old" South Africa is still present. We are the inheritors of apartheid and have to live with the scars of apartheid. Poverty, joblessness, a shortage of housing and violence and crime are an integral part of the post-apartheid society and cannot be wished away. The church is called upon to communicate the gospel to all people in society. In a post-apartheid society it is important that in this process of communication, the gospel is seen and experienced in deeds of service. Deeds of service are thus central in this study. This study entails service of believers as communication vehicles of the gospel in a post-apartheid society. Derived from the needs of people in the post-apartheid society two deeds of service are identified which are essential in the communication of the gospel. These are empowerment and reconciliation. A large part of the society previously had no power on the economical and political fronts - therefore deeds of service that cultivate empowerment are essential. In this process economic, social and psychological empowerment plays an important role. And because people were separated and isolated on the ground of skin colour, people need to be reconciliated. In the process of establishing reconciliation among people, it has to be recognised that responsibility, confession of guilt, restitution, affirmative action, listening to people's stories and forgiveness have an important role. From a Christian perspective the service of the believer in a post-apartheid society is orientated to the service of Jesus Christ. His service serves as an example to all his followers. Because believers are followers of Christ, they are all his instruments of service. For this service believers are edified in their local churches by community (koinonia) and equipped by the spiritual leaders to be of service to people in the society. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D. Th. (Praktiese Teologie)

Rural housing and rural development in Northern Namibia

Wienecke, Martin Andreas 11 1900 (has links)
When Namibia became independent in March 1990, the new government pledged to alleviate poverty, unemployment and to improve the living standards of the formerly disadvantaged groups in the country. Rural development was presented as one of the priorities because the majority of the people live in or still have strong ties to the rural areas. Rural housing and rural development consist of a number of components. Both have similar objectives, inter alia, the improvement of living standards. Development efforts are often impeded by an urban bias in government policies and projects. In the case of Namibia, certain areas do not even have a formulated policy to guide developments, especially in communal areas with a high population concentration. This study explores to what extent the government has realised rural development policies and in particular rural housing in Northern Namibia as a means to improve living standards. / Public Administration and Management / M.A. (Development Administration)

Linking health and human rights to advance the well-being of gay, lesbian and bisexual people in Botswana

Visser, Johanna Regina 12 1900 (has links)
This study explored how the well-being of the gays, lesbians and bisexuals (GLBs} in Botswana could be promoted. The health and human rights approach that places dignity before rights was selected as a framework for investigation. The respondents' (n=47) levels of well-being were assessed through a questionnaire with 76 items that included the General Well-Being Schedule. The findings indicated that varying degrees of distress were experienced by 64 % of the GLBs in this study. The GLBs identified a need for HIV/AIDS education and had concerns about their general health, discrimination and vulnerability for violence including sexual attacks. Their levels of well-being were influenced by both positive internal acceptance of their sexual orientation and negative external acceptance by society. Levels of involvement of health professionals was poor, and linkage between health and human rights was proposed to reduce dignity violations and improve the quality of life of the GLBs in Botswana. / Health Studies / M.A. (Nursing Science)

La compétence en emploi peut-elle prédire la santé psychologique des enseignants?

Stamate, Alina Nusa 12 1900 (has links)
La présente thèse de doctorat porte sur la relation entre la santé psychologique au travail, les besoins fondamentaux et la compétence en emploi. En plus de valider un questionnaire de compétences en emploi (QCE), cette thèse propose que les compétences en emploi puissent prédire la santé psychologique au travail par la satisfaction des besoins fondamentaux dans le domaine de l’enseignement. Le premier article a pour objectif de présenter la conception et la validation de l’instrument de mesure des compétences en emploi dans le domaine de l’enseignement. Une première étape dans notre étude a permis l’identification de trois solutions factorielles possibles : structure à un seul facteur, structure à deux facteurs et structure à un facteur de deuxième ordre. Les matrices des corrélations des énoncés étaient fiables, se prêtaient bien à l’analyse factorielle exploratoire et présentaient de bonnes cohérences internes. La deuxième étape de notre étude a été de type confirmatif. Chacune des trois solutions factorielles proposées a été analysée, ce qui a permis l’identification du modèle le mieux ajusté compte tenu des seuils empiriques des indices retenus pour l’analyse par équations structurelles. L’étude réalisée sur un échantillon d’enseignants québécois démontre que nous pouvons conclure aux bonnes qualités psychométriques de l’instrument analysé. Les limites et les apports de cette étude seront aussi présentés. Le deuxième article examine les liens entre les compétences en emploi dans le domaine de l’enseignement, la santé psychologique au travail et la satisfaction des trois besoins fondamentaux (autonomie, compétence et affiliation). Un modèle de médiation est testé par des analyses de modélisation par équations structurelles. Dans ce modèle, on considère que la satisfaction des trois besoins fondamentaux (autonomie, compétence et affiliation sociale) agisse comme médiateur dans la relation entre les compétences en emploi et la santé psychologique au travail. Une relation de médiation partielle (Baron & Kenny, 1986) a été trouvée dans notre échantillon, en utilisant l’analyse de rééchantillonnage par « bootstrap », dans le cadre de la modélisation par équations structurelles. Les limites de la recherche, ainsi que des suggestions de recherches futures seront proposées. / This following thesis bears on relationship between psychological health, the basic needs and work competence. In addition to validating a questionnaire for work competencies (QCE), this thesis composed of two articles, proposes that the work competencies can predict psychological health in the workplace by meeting the basic needs, in the field of teaching. The first article aims to present the design and validation of the measurement instrument of work competencies in teaching. A first step in our study allowed the identification of three possible solutions factor: a single factor structure, two-factor structure and factor structure of the second order. The correlation matrix of the statements was reliable, lend them well to exploratory factor analysis and showed good internal consistency. The second step of our study was confirmatory type. All three possible solutions factor were analyzed, which allowed the identification of the best-fitting model given the empirical evidence threshold selected for the structural equation analysis. The study conducted on a sample of teachers in Quebec shows that we can conclude with good psychometric properties of the instrument analyzed. The limitations and contributions of this study are also presented. The second article examines the relation between work competencies, psychological health at work and the satisfaction of the basic needs (autonomy competence and affiliation). A mediation model is tested by analysis of structural equation modeling. In this model it is assumed that the satisfaction of the basic needs act as mediator in the relationship between work competencies and psychological health at work. A relationship of partial mediation (Baron & Kenny, 1986) was found in our sample, using the analysis of resampling by bootstrap in the context of structural equation modeling. The limitations of the research and suggestions for future research are proposed.

Quels facteurs explicatifs du burnout et du bien-être subjectif ? Déterminants psychologiques, sociaux et organisationnels auprès des cadres à responsabilités et élaboration d'un modèle / Potential factors of burnout and subjective well-being ? psychological, social and organizational parameters about business executives and development of a model

Fremont, Nathalie 15 January 2013 (has links)
Notre société accorde au travail une importance considérable, il constitue le socle de l'identité, promesse d'accomplissement et de réalisation de soi. Pourtant aujourd'hui, les cadres sont fatigués d'en faire toujours plus et d'aller au-delà de leurs limites. L'évolution de nos organisations a instauré des nouveaux modes d'organisation du travail tels que le management par objectifs, la gestion prévisionnelle des emplois et des compétences, des politiques d'individualisation, une évaluation continue des personnes et des process. Les exigences du travail que sont la quantité et la complexité du travail, le pression temporelle, liées à une injustice organisationnelle et un soutien au travail défaillants vont générer une réduction des ressources psychiques et physiques menant à l'épuisement émotionnel, voire à l'effondrement. Partant de ce constat, les résultats mis en évidence dans cette étude permettent d'insister sur un ensemble de déterminants de la santé et sur les influences imbriquées de ces facteurs. Les différents facteurs qui induisent les problèmes de santé au travail et sur lesquels il faudra agir concernent la charge de travail, l'organisation du travail et les pressions liées au temps, à la multiplicité des tâches et, en particulier, le manque de soutien et de feed-back positifs. Il est important aussi d'insister sur la place de la satisfaction des besoins. Chaque besoin fondamental doit pouvoir être satisfait sous peine de déséquilibre de la personne et d'atteinte à sa vitalité et à son existence. Une atteint à un niveau supra-ordonné (estime, reconnaissance,...) dans les contextes organisationnels néolibéraux déséquilibre fondamentalement la personne qui vit par et pour son organisation. Nous avons montré également l'importance de développer une justice organisationnelle forte notamment en termes des procédures et d'informations. / Our society provides great importance to the job, it is the foundation of identity, the promise of fulfillment and self-realization. However, today, business executive are tired to do more and more and go beyond their limits. The evolution of our organizations has introduced new forms of work organization such as management by objectives, management of jobs and skills, individual careers, based on assessment of people and processes. Work requirements such as the amount and complexity of work, time pressure, related to organizational injustice and lack of social support will generate a reduction in mental and physical resources leading to emotional exhaustion, or even collapse. From this basis, the results demonstrated in this study allow to insist on a set of health problems at work and on which we have to act, concern : workload, work organization and time pressures, multiple tasks and, in particular, the lack of support and of positive feedback. It is also important to emphasize the place of the satisfaction of needs. each basic need must be satistied under penalty of unbalanced person and affect its vitality and its existence. Infringement of a supra-ordered (esteem, recognition,...) in neoliberal organizational contexts imbalances fundementally the person who lives by and for the organization. We have also demonstrated the importance of developping a strong organizational justice particularly in terms of procedures and information.

Relationships among quality of life, self-care, and affiliated individuation in persons on chronic warfarin therapy

Goldstein, Leigh Ann 31 October 2013 (has links)
This descriptive, correlational, cross-sectional study explored the relationships among the variables self-care action, self-care knowledge, and affiliated individuation and quality of life for persons on chronic warfarin therapy. This study also explored the moderating effects of self-care knowledge and affiliated individuation on quality of life. This research was guided by a theoretical framework based on modeling and role-modeling theory (Erickson, Tomlin, & Swain, 1983). The sample consisted of 83 adults between the ages of 30 to 91 years. The majority of participants were Caucasian, educated, retired and almost evenly distributed between male and female. Each subject completed the following instruments: the Oral Anticoagulation Knowledge (OAK) test, the Duke Anticoagulation Satisfaction Scale (DASS), the Basic Needs Satisfaction Inventory (BNSI), and the generic quality of life survey (SF36v2). Data was analyzed using correlation and hierarchical multiple regression analysis. Results indicated significant correlations among most of the study variables. Self-care action significantly explained variances in all but two quality of life variables. Self-care knowledge and affiliated individuation had statistically significant moderating effects on the DASS negative impact and hassles/burdens subscales. Self-care knowledge also demonstrated a significant moderating effect on the SF36v2 physical function subscale. These findings support the concepts proposed by the study's theoretical framework. This research serves as validation of Acton's (1997) study findings for the concept of affiliated individuation and its value as a self-care resource in a specific clinical population. / text

How Poor is The Poverty Line? : A matter of dietary norms and perceptions

Lundgren, Monia January 2011 (has links)
Millennium Development Goal 1 (MDG 1) on halving extreme poverty is measured with the international poverty line. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the measurement of MDG 1 by reviewing the robustness of the international poverty line and some of its national sub-reports. There are at least two problems in assessing a reliable poverty line, namely what constitutes extreme poverty and what kind of life situation this refers to. Through a qualitative content analysis, the study shows that the selected national reports lack a reliable reference for human dietary energy requirements pivotal for estimating a fair threshold for food needs. In the case that a reliable source was used, the activity level was prone to a wide range of interpretations and lacked procedural consistency.  The FAO (2011) has presented minimum dietary energy requirements that are below the references used in the national reports, which could shift the poverty line. The study also shows that the concept of “extreme poverty” has been used inconsistently. MDG 1 identifies extreme poverty as the inability to meet basic food- and non-food needs. The international poverty line is based on a myriad of national poverty lines ranging from minimum- to generous needs, where extreme poverty is defined as people barely having enough for the food component alone. These two variables create obstacles in setting a reliable international poverty line. A small shift in the international poverty line changes the poverty rates substantially, making it difficult for poverty programs and MDG 1 in truly identifying the people in most need of help.

La compétence en emploi peut-elle prédire la santé psychologique des enseignants?

Stamate, Alina Nusa 12 1900 (has links)
La présente thèse de doctorat porte sur la relation entre la santé psychologique au travail, les besoins fondamentaux et la compétence en emploi. En plus de valider un questionnaire de compétences en emploi (QCE), cette thèse propose que les compétences en emploi puissent prédire la santé psychologique au travail par la satisfaction des besoins fondamentaux dans le domaine de l’enseignement. Le premier article a pour objectif de présenter la conception et la validation de l’instrument de mesure des compétences en emploi dans le domaine de l’enseignement. Une première étape dans notre étude a permis l’identification de trois solutions factorielles possibles : structure à un seul facteur, structure à deux facteurs et structure à un facteur de deuxième ordre. Les matrices des corrélations des énoncés étaient fiables, se prêtaient bien à l’analyse factorielle exploratoire et présentaient de bonnes cohérences internes. La deuxième étape de notre étude a été de type confirmatif. Chacune des trois solutions factorielles proposées a été analysée, ce qui a permis l’identification du modèle le mieux ajusté compte tenu des seuils empiriques des indices retenus pour l’analyse par équations structurelles. L’étude réalisée sur un échantillon d’enseignants québécois démontre que nous pouvons conclure aux bonnes qualités psychométriques de l’instrument analysé. Les limites et les apports de cette étude seront aussi présentés. Le deuxième article examine les liens entre les compétences en emploi dans le domaine de l’enseignement, la santé psychologique au travail et la satisfaction des trois besoins fondamentaux (autonomie, compétence et affiliation). Un modèle de médiation est testé par des analyses de modélisation par équations structurelles. Dans ce modèle, on considère que la satisfaction des trois besoins fondamentaux (autonomie, compétence et affiliation sociale) agisse comme médiateur dans la relation entre les compétences en emploi et la santé psychologique au travail. Une relation de médiation partielle (Baron & Kenny, 1986) a été trouvée dans notre échantillon, en utilisant l’analyse de rééchantillonnage par « bootstrap », dans le cadre de la modélisation par équations structurelles. Les limites de la recherche, ainsi que des suggestions de recherches futures seront proposées. / This following thesis bears on relationship between psychological health, the basic needs and work competence. In addition to validating a questionnaire for work competencies (QCE), this thesis composed of two articles, proposes that the work competencies can predict psychological health in the workplace by meeting the basic needs, in the field of teaching. The first article aims to present the design and validation of the measurement instrument of work competencies in teaching. A first step in our study allowed the identification of three possible solutions factor: a single factor structure, two-factor structure and factor structure of the second order. The correlation matrix of the statements was reliable, lend them well to exploratory factor analysis and showed good internal consistency. The second step of our study was confirmatory type. All three possible solutions factor were analyzed, which allowed the identification of the best-fitting model given the empirical evidence threshold selected for the structural equation analysis. The study conducted on a sample of teachers in Quebec shows that we can conclude with good psychometric properties of the instrument analyzed. The limitations and contributions of this study are also presented. The second article examines the relation between work competencies, psychological health at work and the satisfaction of the basic needs (autonomy competence and affiliation). A mediation model is tested by analysis of structural equation modeling. In this model it is assumed that the satisfaction of the basic needs act as mediator in the relationship between work competencies and psychological health at work. A relationship of partial mediation (Baron & Kenny, 1986) was found in our sample, using the analysis of resampling by bootstrap in the context of structural equation modeling. The limitations of the research and suggestions for future research are proposed.

教師支持對學生需求滿足與學習投入之影響 - 以台灣地區高中學生為例 / The effect of teacher support on basic needs and learning engagement in Taiwanese high school context

林哲立, Lin, Che-Li Unknown Date (has links)
教師支持對學生需求滿足與學習投入之影響 - 以台灣地區高中學生為例 本研究之目的在探討在自我決定理論架構下,教師支持(teacher support)、心理需求(basic needs),以及學習投入(learning engagement)三變項間的關係。本研究針對台灣地區共八所高中之高中學生為研究對象,進行問卷調查有效樣本為945人。針對研究工具進行探索性因素分析與驗證性因素分析,並以結構方程模式檢驗本研究之假設模式,研究結果如下。 教師支持與基本需求的關係方面,教師的自主支持(teacher autonomy support)可以顯著的預測能力需求的滿足與學習投入,此結果呈現了自主支持的教學在台灣地區高中情境的跨文化應用。其次,教師投入(teacher involvement)可顯著的預測關連性的需求滿足與學習投入,此結果說明了教師的關心與支持對高中學生的重要性。 再者,不同過去的研究結果,能力需求的滿足則負向的預測行為投入與情緒投入;此結果呈現了課堂情境因素的重要性,可能影響學生之上課投入情形的因素,包括教師的教學方法、教室目標結構,以及學生知覺課堂活動的挑戰性與重要性等。 最後,本研究也發現,教師支持中的結構(structure)對於自主需求(need of autonomy)有負向的影響,即學生對於自主的需求較高者,對於教師的結構性教學會有負向的回應,這也說明了學習者在需求滿足(我覺得)與需求(我想要)兩者上的差異。 本研究建議未來的研究進一步探討需求滿足與需求對於學習與教師知覺上的差異情形,並且針對教師結構之問卷進行本土化的概念建構,亦可進一步探討教師支持與需求滿足間的調節效果或針對這些變項進行長期的調查或課室觀察。 / The effect of Teacher Support on Basic Needs and Learning Engagement in Taiwanese high school context Abstract Based on self-determination theory, the relationships among teacher support, basic needs, and learning engagement were examined. With a total of nine hundred and forty five valid participants from eight Taiwanese high schools, structure equation modeling was used to explore the propose model. The main results of the present study are as follows: Teacher autonomy support was the most predictive variable in explaining both behavioral and emotional engagement, which indicated the cross-cultural application of autonomy-supportive teaching in high school context in a collectivistic country. Moreover, teacher involvement could significantly affect basic need of relatedness and learning engagement, which showed that teachers’ caring and understanding should not be ignored in high school context. Also, this study found the differences between need satisfaction and needs among learners, which leaded to distinct results in reacting to teaching behaviors. Additionally, different from previous studies, this study found that basic need of competence predicted negatively to learning engagement. The specific features of classroom goal structure or teaching methods in Taiwanese high school classrooms might be the plausible explanations.

Understanding poverty: perspectives from poor rural people in Oyo State, Nigeria

Akindola, Rufus Boluwaji January 2006 (has links)
This thesis is an attempt to fill the gap in our knowledge about rural poverty and what it means to be poor. It has grown out of concerns that a lot has been said and written about poverty, yet poor people’s own understanding of their poverty is hardly ever included in policy and programs designed to reduce poverty. The rural poor are particularly marginalised in terms of voice as they are often represented by mere statistical figures. (For complete abstract open document)

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