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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

估價師部分調整行為之研究-以不動產證券化重估價為例 / Appraiser partial adjustment behavior: evidence from T-REITs reappraisals

賴靖雯 Unknown Date (has links)
估價平滑相關研究大多採取Quan and Quigley(1991)提出的理性行為解釋估價師的部分調整行為。然而財務行為學認為行為人通常具有非理性的行為,因此本研究以保守性心理偏誤解釋部分調整行為,探討非理性心理對於估價師之影響。為了捕捉估價師個體的行為資訊,本研究以台灣不動產投資信託的重估價結果作為研究資料,檢視估價師對市場新資訊和過去估值的處理行為。本研究首先應用部分調整模型進行實證分析,結果發現台灣估價師確實具有部分調整行為,相對較低估市場價值資訊的權重,而此類保守性偏誤即為總體估價平滑效果的展現。此外進一步以Tobit Model進行市場價值資訊權重的影響因素分析,結果發現市場資訊的權重會受到心理效果而改變,當估價方法價值差異率越大時,估價師會降低市場資訊的權重,展現了對模糊事件的趨避傾向。捷思法可以幫助估價師提升效率,但過度依賴捷思法亦有可能引發錯誤和偏差;本研究發現模糊趨避效果顯示估價師更重視市場資訊的可信度,似較符合估價證據之要求,故非理性心理偏誤對估價師言非全為負面影響。 / Previous appraisal smoothing studies were based on the appraiser rational behavior assumptions which developed by Quan and Quigley (1991) and found that appraisers do insufficiently react to market fluctuate. However, this paper starts with behavioral finance theory to investigate the partial adjustment behavior of Taiwan appraisers, using the reappraisals of Taiwan Real Estate Investment Trust (T-REITs) to show each appraiser’s behavioral intention at disaggregate level which could be diversified away at aggregate level. This study tests the partial adjustment model to observe the weights of new market information and previous estimates of the same property reappraisal. The results show that Taiwan appraisers more rely on the previous estimates, namely the conservatism bias, which will induce the appraisal smoothing at aggregate level. Further, the Tobit Model is employed to test the influence factors of appraisers’ weight on new market information, and the results show weights on new market information will be affected by appraisers’ heuristics. There is a negative effect to weights on new market information which stands for the ambiguity aversion of appraisers. It shows appraiser do concern about the reliability of market evidence which is much accord with the appraisal normative model.

外匯報酬三因子模型之利差、動能交易策略成因分析 / The driving forces behind the carry trade and momentum strategy in three-factors foreign exchange returns model

黃品翔, Huang, Ping Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要是以「外匯報酬三因子模型」為基礎,故先檢視在本樣本期間內(1985/2至2016/10) ,以雙分類法將37國主流貨幣分為9個投組後,外匯超額報酬解釋力,是否會因加入動能策略因子形成之三因子模型,而較原本兩因子模型(市場因子、利差策略因子)來的強?最終測得三因子模型在判斷係數及殘差等適切度表現較佳。 接著利用逐步迴歸分析法(限制所有自變數均須於90%信心水準內顯著)嘗試尋找獲利成因,主要挑選出不同面向之11種經濟成因因子(股價指數波動、投機活動、流動性、貨幣波動、落後短期利率、落後股利率、落後期限利差、落後違約利差、)落後避險基金套利資本、工業生產量及通膨率因子)來檢測可否解釋三因子模型中獲取報酬之利差、動能策略因子,並利用Fama-MacBeth兩步驟橫斷面迴歸法評估模型市場定價能力。結果發現定價能力均顯著,而利差交易策略之成因為股價指數波動因子(△EVOL),因其可能連動匯率波動而呈現負相關;動能交易策略成因則為股價指數波動因子(△EVOL)及落後期限利差因子(△LTS),主要因動能交易主要來自於市場資訊反應不完全,前者成因因子提供更大的動量執行交易策略、後者則因投資人在不同景氣循環下而有不同的投資反應,如景氣擴張的過度自信與樂觀、景氣衰退下產生行為財務領域中的處置效果,使兩成因與動能策略因子呈現正相關。 / This paper is based on the model of three-factors foreign exchange returns. So we test whether three-factors FX model which adds the factor of momentum can have stronger ability to explain currency excess return than two-factors FX model in the sampling period of February 1985 to October 2016. And the 37 kinds of currency are sorted by double sort method and become 9 portfolios. Finally, no matter coefficient of determination or residual error, three-factors FX model performs well. Further, we use stepwise LS regression (independent variable should have statistical significance in 90% confidence interval) to find which factor we choose can cause carry and momentum strategy profit in three-factors FX model. Next, using Fama-MacBeth two-step regression to estimate the asset pricing ability. The results represent that all contribution factors which get from stepwise LS method are significant. Carry trade strategy and △EVOL are negative correlation, because volatility of stock index will influence volatility of FX. And there have the positive correlation between momentum trade strategy and two factors(△EVOL and △LTS). Just because the profit from momentum strategy comes from the incomplete reaction of market information and △EVOL give more motive force. Besides, there have different investment reactions in diverse business cycle. Investors are over confident and optimistic during the period of recession and have disposition effect during the period of boom.


[pt] Como os retornos das carteiras formadas por ações de setores econômicos brasileiros são utilizados pelos investidores? As informações contidas nesses retornos são capazes de explicar os movimentos das ações brasileiras? O objetivo do presente trabalho é ajudar a responder a essas perguntas ao pesquisar se os retornos e a volatilidade dos fatores SMB e HML do modelo de três fatores de Fama e French podem ser previstos pelos retornos passados de 16 carteiras formadas por empresas de um mesmo setor econômico listadas na BM&FBOVESPA no período de 1995 a 2012. A análise revela que 14 de 16 setores preveem o retorno do SMB para um mês à frente. Ademais, os retornos de um número significante de setores preveem a volatilidade do SMB e HML para até três meses adiante. Considerando a capacidade explicativa do modelo de Fama e French para o mercado brasileiro, os resultados desta pesquisa indicam que os retornos setoriais brasileiros contêm informações valiosas para os fatores SMB e HML, demonstrando que os investidores não conseguem absorver todas as informações disponíveis em um tempo hábil, fazendo com que estas se difundam gradualmente no mercado. / [en] How are the brazilian industry returns used by investors? Can the information contained in these returns explain the movements of Brazilian shares? The purpose of this work is to help answer these questions by examining whether the returns and the volatility of SMB and HML factors of Fama-French threefactor model can be predicted by past returns of 16 portfolios formed by companies from the same industry listed on São Paulo Stock Exchange (BM&FBOVESPA) between 1995 and 2012. The analysis reveals that 14 of 16 industries predict the SMB returns one month ahead. Furthermore, the returns of a significant number of industries predict the volatility of SMB and HML factors up to three months ahead of time. Considering the explanatory capability of the Fama-French model for the Brazilian market, the results of this research show that Brazilian industry returns contain valuable information for the SMB and HML factors, demonstrating that investors cannot absorb all the information in a timely manner, resulting in their gradual diffusion throughout the market.

Financial Market Actors: Cognitive Biases, Portfolio Diversification and Forecasting Ability

Nahmer, Thomas 26 April 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Nudging : Ett verktyg för ett ökat hållbart sparande? / Nudging : A tool for increased sustainable investments?

Gesovski, Daniel, Gunhamn, Erik January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Det finns ett starkt intresse kring klimat- och hållbarhetsrelaterade frågor idag vilket speglar sig i allmän opinion och i politiska debatter. Den rationella investeraren antas placera sina pengar med hänsyn tagen till beslutskriterier som risk och avkastning. Men frågan är om etiska och hållbara ställningstaganden kommer till uttryck i människors val av placeringar? Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att testa ifall individer tenderar att välja socialt hållbara investeringar i större utsträckning då de reflekterar över sina attityder och värderingar kring etik och hållbarhet i samband med ett placeringsval. Teori: Studien grundar sig i en deduktiv ansats, där vi utifrån rådande teorier inom ekonomi och beteendevetenskap skapat ett antagande om människan. Antagandet är att människan investerar utifrån beslutskriterierna risk och avkastning, men att denne även har etiska värderingar och attityder som tenderar att falla bort vid placeringsvalet p.g.a. bristande rationalitet och kognitiv bias. Det uppstår därmed en dissonans mellan människans beteende och dess attityder och värderingar. Denna dissonansen ska reduceras genom en system 2 nudge som låter investeraren reflektera över sina värderingar och attityder rörande hållbarhet och etik innan placeringsvalet. Detta för att se om det kan leda till en högre andel placeringar i socialt hållbara investeringar. Empirisk metod: Den empiriska metoden bestod av ett enkätexperiment där två grupper av respondenter fick göra ett hypotetiskt placeringsval, men där experimentgruppens enkät innehöll en system 2 nudge innan valet. Resultat: Vår nudge fick ingen signifikant påverkan på respondenternas placeringsval. Detta kan delvis förklaras av ett felaktig antagande om människan som redan placerade mer hållbart än förväntat samt bristande effektivitet av vår system 2 nudge i kontexten av denna studie. / Background: Climate- and sustainable related questions are strong topics in today’s society and are highly debated by decision-makers. The rational investor is supposed make investments based on risk and return. But the question is if the concerns about sustainability and ethics really influence the decision of the investor? Purpose: The purpose of this study is to test if individuals tend to invest more in SRI (Socially responsible investments) if they have a moment of reflection regarding ethics and sustainability before an investment decision. Theory: We apply a deductive approach, by creating an assumption of how humans function according to economics and behavioral science. Due to theory, humans can be seen as rational investors who solely make investment decision based on risk and return. But they can also have strong attitudes and values regarding social responsibility, which because of bounded rationality and cognitive bias tend not to be included as criteria in investment decisions. This creates a dissonance between the person's values and attitudes and their investment decisions. To make people invest more in consonance with their values and attitudes we construct a system 2 nudge that let them reflect about their view of ethics and sustainability before an investment decision. This can lead to increased investments in SRI. Empirical method: The empirical method consisted of a survey experiment in which the participants were asked to make a hypothetical investment decision. The treatment survey contained a system 2 nudge before the investment decision, while the control survey remained neutral. Results: The nudge, or the reflection of attitudes and values by the investor, had no significant effect on their investment decision. This can partly be explained by a wrong assumption of the rational investor who already invested according to their values and attitudes, and by a lack of effectiveness of our system 2 nudge in the context of this study.

Three essays on the informational efficiency of financial markets through the use of Big Data Analytics / Trois essais sur l'efficience informationnelle des marchés financiers : une approche big data

Renault, Thomas 06 September 2017 (has links)
L’augmentation massive du volume de données générées chaque jour par les individus sur Internet offre aux chercheurs la possibilité d’aborder la question de la prédictibilité des marchés financiers sous un nouvel angle. Sans prétendre apporter une réponse définitive au débat entre les partisans de l’efficience des marchés et les chercheurs en finance comportementale, cette thèse vise à améliorer notre compréhension du processus de formation des prix sur les marchés financiers grâce à une approche Big Data. Plus précisément, cette thèse porte sur (1) la mesure du sentiment des investisseurs à fréquence intra-journalière, et le lien entre le sentiment des investisseurs et les rendements agrégés du marché,(2) la mesure de l’attention des investisseurs aux informations économiques et financières en temps réel, et la relation entre l’attention des investisseurs et la dynamique des prix des actions des sociétés à forte capitalisation, et enfin, (3) la détection des comportements suspicieux pouvant amoindrir le rôle informationnel des marchés financiers, et le lien entre le volume d’activité sur les réseaux sociaux et le prix des actions des entreprises de petite capitalisation. Le premier essai propose une méthodologie permettant de construire un nouvel indicateur du sentiment des investisseurs en analysant le contenu des messages publiés sur le réseau social Stock-Twits. En examinant les caractéristiques propres à chaque utilisateur (niveau d’expérience, approche d’investissement, période de détention), cet essai fournit des preuves empiriques montrant que le comportement des investisseurs naïfs, sujets à des périodes d’excès d’optimisme ou de pessimisme, a un impact sur la valorisation du marché action, et ce en accord avec les théories de la finance comportementale. Le deuxième essai propose une méthodologie permettant de mesurer l’attention des investisseurs aux informations en temps réel, en combinant les données des médias traditionnels avec le contenu des messages envoyés par une liste d’experts sur la plateforme Twitter. Cet essai démontre que lorsqu’une information attire l’attention des investisseurs, les mouvements de marchés sont caractérisés par une forte hausse des volumes échangés, une hausse de la volatilité et des sauts de prix. Cet essai démontre également qu’il n’y a pas de fuite d’information significative lorsque les sources d’informations sont combinées pour corriger un potentiel problème d’horodatage. Le troisième essai étudie le risque de manipulation informationnelle en examinant un nouveau jeu de données de messages publiés sur Twitter à propos des entreprises de petite capitalisation. Cet essai propose une nouvelle méthodologie permettant d’identifier les comportements anormaux de manière automatisée en analysant les interactions entre les utilisateurs. Étant donné le grand nombre de recommandations suspicieuses d’achat envoyées par certains groupes d’utilisateurs, l’analyse empirique et les conclusions de cet essai soulignent la nécessité d’un plus grand contrôle par les régulateurs de l’information publiée sur les réseaux sociaux ainsi que l’utilité d’une meilleure éducation des investisseurs individuels. / The massive increase in the availability of data generated everyday by individuals on the Internet has made it possible to address the predictability of financial markets from a different perspective. Without making the claim of offering a definitive answer to a debate that has persisted for forty years between partisans of the efficient market hypothesis and behavioral finance academics, this dissertation aims to improve our understanding of the price formation process in financial markets through the use of Big Data analytics. More precisely, it analyzes: (1) how to measure intraday investor sentiment and determine the relation between investor sentiment and aggregate market returns, (2) how to measure investor attention to news in real time, and identify the relation between investor attention and the price dynamics of large capitalization stocks, and (3) how to detect suspicious behaviors that could undermine the in-formational role of financial markets, and determine the relation between the level of posting activity on social media and small-capitalization stock returns. The first essay proposes a methodology to construct a novel indicator of investor sentiment by analyzing an extensive dataset of user-generated content published on the social media platform Stock-Twits. Examining users’ self-reported trading characteristics, the essay provides empirical evidence of sentiment-driven noise trading at the intraday level, consistent with behavioral finance theories. The second essay proposes a methodology to measure investor attention to news in real-time by combining data from traditional newswires with the content published by experts on the social media platform Twitter. The essay demonstrates that news that garners high attention leads to large and persistent change in trading activity, volatility, and price jumps. It also demonstrates that the pre-announcement effect is reduced when corrected newswire timestamps are considered. The third essay provides new insights into the empirical literature on small capitalization stocks market manipulation by examining a novel dataset of messages published on the social media plat-form Twitter. The essay proposes a novel methodology to identify suspicious behaviors by analyzing interactions between users and provide empirical evidence of suspicious stock recommendations on social media that could be related to market manipulation. The conclusion of the essay should rein-force regulators’ efforts to better control social media and highlights the need for a better education of individual investors.

Biases and Heuristics in Portfolio Management – Determinants for non-optimal Portfolio Diversification

Filiz, Ibrahim 23 January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Evidências da influência dos tipos psicológicos no comportamento dos tomadores de decisões financeiras / Evidence of the influence of psychological types of behavior financial decision makers

Alberto, Gabriel Santos 24 September 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T16:44:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Gabriel Santos Alberto.pdf: 1530144 bytes, checksum: 5d3e547ec9c1168ac27b5519e48cd67d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-09-24 / The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the theory of psychological types and the decision-making, focusing on behavioral biases, anchoring, overconfidence, representativeness, mental accounting and loss aversion. A questionnaire was developed and 319 valid responses were obtained. We used descriptive statistics, parametric and nonparametric tests, and structural equation modeling, using IBM SPSS Statistics and AMOS. The results show that decision-making is influenced by the dimension extraversion-introversion, sensation-intuition, thinking-feeling, judgment-perception, gender, education, income and age. The extraversion-introversion dimension influence on the anchoring and loss aversion bias, sensation-intuition on the representativeness bias; thinking-feeling on the overconfidence, representativeness and loss aversion bias; judgment-perception on the overconfidence, representativeness, mental accounting and loss aversion bias; gender on the anchoring, overconfidence, representativeness, mental accounting and loss aversion bias; education on the overconfidence, representativeness and loss aversion bias; income on the anchoring, overconfidence, representativeness, mental accounting and loss aversion bias, and age on the anchoring, overconfidence, representativeness and mental accounting bias. This work contributes adding new evidence that behavior of decision makers is influenced by psychological types and therefore bias is possible to be mitigated / O objetivo do trabalho foi verificar a relação entre a teoria dos tipos psicológicos e as decisões dos indivíduos, sob a luz dos vieses comportamentais, ancoragem, excesso de confiança, representatividade, contabilidade mental e aversão a perdas. Foi elaborado um questionário e foram obtidas 319 respostas válidas. Utilizou-se de análises descritivas, teste paramétrico, não paramétrico e modelagem de equações estruturais, utilizando o IBM SPSS Statistics e o AMOS. Os resultados mostram que as tomadas de decisões são influenciadas pela dimensão extroversão-introversão, sensação-intuição, pensamento-sentimento, julgamento-percepção, gênero, escolaridade, renda e idade. A dimensão extroversão-introversão influencia no viés ancoragem e aversão a perdas; a sensação-intuição no viés representatividade, o pensamento-sentimento no viés excesso de confiança, representatividade e aversão a perdas; o julgamento-percepção no viés excesso de confiança, representatividade, contabilidade mental e aversão a perdas; o gênero no viés ancoragem, excesso de confiança, representatividade, contabilidade mental e aversão a perdas; a escolaridade com o viés excesso de confiança, representatividade e aversão a perdas; a renda com o viés ancoragem, excesso de confiança, representatividade, contabilidade mental e aversão a perdas, e a idade com o viés ancoragem, excesso de confiança, representatividade e contabilidade mental. O presente trabalho contribui agregando novas evidências da influência dos tipos psicológicos no comportamento dos tomadores de decisão, que certos tipos psicológicos estão mais propensos a certos vieses comportamentais, e, assim sendo, há possibilidade de mitigar os vieses, seja na esfera corporativa ou governamental

Novas finanças: um estudo sobre a fragilidade da hipótese de mercados eficientes / The new finance: a study about the fragility of the efficiency market hiperlink

Costa, Tiago Alves 29 April 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T16:45:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tiago Alves Costa.pdf: 830440 bytes, checksum: 40b830a47bb712666dd4a4ecfbcde61c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-04-29 / The finance science, as all sciences, shows an evolutionary line and according to Kuhn (1970), it is marked by shortly periods of knowledge accumulation. However, according to the author, such periods are inserted with scientific revolutions. In other words, the scientific evolution is stamped by revolutions which abandon oldfashioned paradigm and create new ones. The revolution is followed by a period where the researches are guided by the new paradigm and its purpose is strengthen the own paradigm. In other way, the finance science has today a central paradigm well-known by efficiency market hyperlink (EMH) which was witnessed and adopted by the entire scientific community around the 70 s. And since those times, almost entire research done in finance, mainly until the de 90 s, was leaded and done to validate the EMH. This dissertation attempted to evidence that the finance evolutionary line proposed by Haugen (2000) follows the same principle evidenced by Kuhn (1970), and in the present-day, the EMH find itself in a period which precede the scientific revolution which is called by time crisis by Kuhn (1970). This time crisis could weaken the EMH and open a space to create a new paradigm. This way, the proposal of dissertation is to prove how the revolutionary process will happen in finance too, soon after, to prove what would the candidates more inclined to replace the EMH be as a central paradigm in finance. To do so, this work considered only two candidates: the behavioral finance and the chaos theory. To do this analyze it was used the schooling principles nominated by Mckinley, Mone and Moon (2002). Such authors propose that a thought must display a combination of novelty, continuity, and scope to achieve school status in organizational theory. The purpose of this dissertation is to do a theory ransom which intends to show the fragility of the EMH as a central paradigm that orients the finance researches. The dissertation concludes that the current finance faces a crisis, and in this period, the behavioral finance displays the biggest chance to replace the EMH in the near future, however, the chaos theory provides the bigger promise considering a far future / A ciência das finanças, como toda ciência, apresenta uma linha evolutiva que de acordo com Kuhn (1970) é marcada por períodos de breve acumulação de conhecimento. Porém, de acordo com o autor, tais períodos são intercalados com revoluções científicas. Em outras palavras, a evolução científica é marcada por revoluções que abandonam antigos paradigmas e criam novos. Posteriormente à revolução, segue se um período onde as pesquisas são guiadas pelo novo paradigma com o propósito de fortalecer o próprio paradigma. De outra forma, a ciência financeira possui hoje um paradigma central conhecido como a hipótese de mercados eficientes (HME) que foi reconhecida e adotada pela comunidade científica por volta da década de 70. E desde aquela época, quase toda pesquisa feita na área, principalmente até a década de 90, foi guiada, e feita para validar e fortalecer a própria HME. Nesse sentido, este trabalho procurou evidenciar que a linha evolucionária das finanças proposta por Haugen (2000) segue o mesmo princípio evidenciado por Kuhn (1970), e que no momento atual, a HME encontra-se em um período que antecede a revolução científica e que é chamado de período de crise por Kuhn (1970). Esse período de crise, que antecede as revoluções, poderia enfraquecer a HME e abrir espaço para a criação de um novo paradigma. Sendo assim, o trabalho também propõe a evidenciar como que o processo de revolução poderá acontecer em finanças, e em seguida, também propõe quais seriam os candidatos mais propensos a substituir a HME como paradigma central em finanças. Para tanto, o trabalho considerou apenas dois candidatos: as finanças comportamentais e a teoria do caos. Para fazer tal análise, foram utilizados os princípios de escolarização propostos por Mckinley, Mone e Moon (2002). Tais autores propõem que um pensamento tem que possuir três características (novidade, continuidade e escopo) para ser considerado uma escola em teoria organizacional. O propósito do trabalho é de um resgate teórico básico que procura evidenciar a fragilidade da HME enquanto paradigma principal norteador das pesquisas em finanças. Assim sendo, o trabalho conclui que as finanças atuais enfrentam uma crise, e que nesse período, as finanças comportamentais apresentam a maior chance de substituir a HME em um futuro próximo, porém, a teoria do caos fornece uma promessa maior considerando um futuro mais distante


邱俞華, Chiu ,Yu Hua Unknown Date (has links)
本研究根據行為財務學中反應不足的理論針對台灣上市股票進行動能策略的研究。首先根據台股1992到2005年之上市股票為樣本進行單純動能策略研究,發現台股具有中期及長期動能現象(長期在此定義為持有期三年),接著以Fama and French 三因子模型進行風險調整,結果發現動能策略具有顯著的可行性,其報酬不受三因子調整而損失。並再加入公司特徵變數,發現大規模公司具有較大之動能效果,且低帳面市值比公司也具較大之動能效果,而大型股具有較大的動能效果與一般認知的反應不足理論不符,而由後續之研究針對規模及帳面市值比做相關分析發現兩者間具有高度的負相關,因此大型股子樣本與低帳面市值比子樣本可能具高度的雷同,因此大型股的動能策略報酬較高,其實可能反應的是成長股所具有的反應不足現象。 接著根據單純動能表現結果,結合前期兩期表現為條件,組合成中長期動能策略之構想。結果發現,中長期動能策略在大型股與成長股此兩個子樣本集中有較高的可行性。由於中長期動能策略的基礎是建立在運用兩股單純動能策略的力量,因此單純動能策略的顯著性是中長期動能策略能否成功的重要關鍵,也因此由實證結果發現,在不同的子樣本集中,受到其單純動能策略顯著性強弱的影響,使得中長期動能策略的報酬顯著性受到影響,其中尤以低帳面市值比(成長股)之中長期動能策略動能效果最為顯著。

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