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Occupational self-efficacy as a mediator between strength- and deficiency-based approaches and work engagement in a sample of South African employees / Lani van der Merwe.Van der Merwe, Lani January 2012 (has links)
To stay competitive organisations need to harness and develop their human potential. Traditionally, a deficiency-based approach (DBA) was followed i.e. the focus was set on the development of employees’ deficiencies and weaknesses. However, focusing on an employee’s weaknesses and deficiencies was not sufficient. Consequently, a positive approach was developed that focuses on an individual’s strengths and talents. Unfortunately, exclusively focusing on only strengths or on weaknesses is not sufficient for optimum human functioning. Therefore, it is suggested that South African organisations make use of a balanced approach (i.e. a balanced focus on both the development and use of strengths and weaknesses). This will assist employees to be more positive and engaged in terms of their work. However, there seems to be a lack of research regarding the use of a balanced approach in organisations.
The general objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between job resources, a strength-based approach (SBA), a DBA, occupational self-efficacy (OSE), and work engagement. This study was further aimed at determining whether OSE mediated the relationship between these variables among South African employees. An availability sample (N = 699) was taken from various South African organisations. This study made use of a quantitative, cross-sectional design to collect data; a biographical questionnaire; a job resources questionnaire (VBBA); an organisational SBA and DBA questionnaire; a OSE questionnaire and a work engagement questionnaire (UWES). Structural equation modelling was chosen as the method to test the hypothesised model. Mediating effects were tested by using the bootstrapping method.
The research results have indicated that there is a positive correlation between autonomy, SBA, DBA, OSE and work engagement. This research found that no correlations existed between relationship with supervisor, information sharing and participation in decision-making and work engagement. There seems to be a significant relationship between autonomy, relationship with colleagues and OSE. From the results OSE can only be seen as the mediator between autonomy and work engagement. From this one can assume that using SBA and DBA in a balanced approach can lead to higher work engagement.
Recommendations were made for the organisation and future research. / Thesis (MCom (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.
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Occupational self-efficacy as a mediator between strength- and deficiency-based approaches and work engagement in a sample of South African employees / Lani van der Merwe.Van der Merwe, Lani January 2012 (has links)
To stay competitive organisations need to harness and develop their human potential. Traditionally, a deficiency-based approach (DBA) was followed i.e. the focus was set on the development of employees’ deficiencies and weaknesses. However, focusing on an employee’s weaknesses and deficiencies was not sufficient. Consequently, a positive approach was developed that focuses on an individual’s strengths and talents. Unfortunately, exclusively focusing on only strengths or on weaknesses is not sufficient for optimum human functioning. Therefore, it is suggested that South African organisations make use of a balanced approach (i.e. a balanced focus on both the development and use of strengths and weaknesses). This will assist employees to be more positive and engaged in terms of their work. However, there seems to be a lack of research regarding the use of a balanced approach in organisations.
The general objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between job resources, a strength-based approach (SBA), a DBA, occupational self-efficacy (OSE), and work engagement. This study was further aimed at determining whether OSE mediated the relationship between these variables among South African employees. An availability sample (N = 699) was taken from various South African organisations. This study made use of a quantitative, cross-sectional design to collect data; a biographical questionnaire; a job resources questionnaire (VBBA); an organisational SBA and DBA questionnaire; a OSE questionnaire and a work engagement questionnaire (UWES). Structural equation modelling was chosen as the method to test the hypothesised model. Mediating effects were tested by using the bootstrapping method.
The research results have indicated that there is a positive correlation between autonomy, SBA, DBA, OSE and work engagement. This research found that no correlations existed between relationship with supervisor, information sharing and participation in decision-making and work engagement. There seems to be a significant relationship between autonomy, relationship with colleagues and OSE. From the results OSE can only be seen as the mediator between autonomy and work engagement. From this one can assume that using SBA and DBA in a balanced approach can lead to higher work engagement.
Recommendations were made for the organisation and future research. / Thesis (MCom (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.
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‘n Narratiewe lewensgeskiedenis oor die manifestasie van bates by ‘n kleuter met Spina Bifida Miëlomeningoseel (Afrikaans)Smuts, Elaine 15 March 2005 (has links)
Although these discourses construct disability differently, three of them – the lay, charity and medical discourses – view disability very negatively. The lay discourse sees disability as something to be fearful of and therefore chooses to ignore it. According to the charity discourse people who are disabled should be pitied and helped because they are dependent and helpless. The medical discourse defines disability as abnormal – a “sickness” that requires treatment by medical experts. This study endeavors to challenge the stereotypical “picture” of a person with a disability. By conducting a narrative research design the life-world of a unique boy (who has a physical disability, called spina bifida) is captured in the telling of his life-story. A narrative research design was specifically chosen to portray the context and life-experiences (good and bad) of this little boy – a child in totality. The narrative life-story was written in the first person in order to invite the reader as a co-participant into the world of a boy with spina bifida. An asset-based approach accompanied the narrative research design in order to explore whether positive aspects of this boy’s life-world could be identified. Where disability is concerned, the asset-based approach proposes a shift from the traditional “deficit approach” towards a “strength-based approach”. This study not only tells the captivating life-story of a boy with a physical disability, but also identifies and embraces the positive side of living with a disability. / Dissertation (MEd (Educational Psychology))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Educational Psychology / unrestricted
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Dreigende werksverlies : ’n multi-dissiplinêre uitdaging vir die pastoraat (Afrikaans)Schoeman, Roelf Petrus Gerhardus 17 April 2008 (has links)
Changing working conditions in South Africa are currently characterised by various challenges to individuals in the workplace, such as affirmative action, voluntary severance packages and discharges. Discharges are often associated with employment insecurity and threatening loss of employment. Insecurity about employment can be very stressful to remaining workers after a discharge process. Their lack of control over what happens to them, can lead to high levels of stress and deteriorating attitudes in the workplace. Insecurity about employment may last for months or even years and could have a negative influence on not only the “mental health” of the individual worker, but also on their entire existence. A psychological approach to threatening loss of employment on its own is inadequate. The spiritual needs of human beings should also be taken into account. Therefore pastoral care and support should be available to people in order to help them to cope effectively with painful, frustrating and frightening situations. The threat of loss of employment requires a holistic approach to helping. At present holistic approaches include emphases on holistic medicine, meditation, prayer and the role of spiritual healing. Pastoral care is increasingly taking note of what is happening in the secular professions and how it can be supportive. This development challenges the practical theologian to be part of a multi-disciplinary approach when dealing with people who are subject to the threat of loss of employment. The aim of this study is to examine the possibilities of a holistic approach as part of pastoral support to persons experiencing threatening loss of employment. Although pastoral care can benefit from a multi-disciplinary approach to threatening loss of employment, this cooperation is not a simple or straightforward matter. Pastoral care is in need of guidelines for its relationship with psychology and for how to deal with faith in the counselling process. In order to provide some guidelines for pastoral care for individuals who feel a protracted threat of loss of employment, this study will make use of Gerkin’s model for pastoral care which will be brought into dialogue with a cognitive behavioural therapeutic model. Pastoral care should not focus on only “problem-solving”, but the counsellee should experience that healing takes place within the “pastoral relationship”. In this “relationship” the counsellee should always be reassured that human suffering cannot separate people from the love of God as it was revealed in Christ. Pastoral care may never lose sight of the Christian traditions that shaped its identity and should strive for an approach to counselling in which the Bible as testimony to God’s love is taken seriously. Pastoral care should take the lead in involving the Christian community in caring for one another and for the human needs in the wider community. A strong, healing Christian community that is open to the challenges and opportunities in secular society can make a contribution to a global partnership. / Dissertation (MA (Theology))--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Practical Theology / MA / unrestricted
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Die effek van postmoderne beroepsfasilitering op die prestasiemotivering van ʼn tradisioneel benadeelde adolessent (Afrikaans)Vermaak, B.A. (Bianca Amanda) 08 February 2008 (has links)
The primary goal of my study was to explore the possible ways in which postmodern career facilitation can be utilized to improve the achievement motivation of a traditionally disadvantaged adolescent. The study was conducted by means of a case study in which the achievement motivation of a traditionally disadvantaged adolescent was measured by the Achievement Motivation Profile test (Friedland, Mandel&Marcus, 1982) prior to, and on completion of the postmodern career facilitation process. The inquiry into the participant’s motivation to achieve was dependent on a qualitative integration of psychometric test results and information obtained from narrative techniques. The study was motivated by previous research indicating that traditional disadvantagement does not support the development of sufficient achievement motivation beliefs. Sufficient achievement behaviour appears to be preceded by both the will, and the skill, to achieve. / Dissertation (MEd(Educational Psychology))--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Educational Psychology / MEd / unrestricted
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Die ontwikkeling van diensbare leierskap in ‘n post-moderne geloofsgemeenskap : ‘n prakties-teologiese ondersoek van Suid-Afrikaanse immigrante in Brisbane, Australië (Afrikaans)Oberholzer, Gerhard J 14 June 2011 (has links)
AFRIKAANS: In hierdie studie word daar na die narratiewe van Suid-Afrikaans gebore immigrante, wat hulself in Brisbane, Australië, gevestig het, geluister. Die plaaslike konteks word in die gereformeerde gemeente van Mansfield gevind en die ontwikkeling van diensbare leierskap word beskryf as deel van die kultuur van die gemeente wat fokus op die nood van immigrante. Die navorsing vind plaas vanuit ‘n epistemologie wat uit ‘n narratiewe benadering vloei. Die post-fundamentele teologiese posisionering inkorporeer die sosiale konstruksionisme, met die doel om ‘n dieper verstaan van die narratiewe navorsing te bewerkstellig. Die praxis word as die beginpunt van navorsing in hierdie post-fundamentele prakties-teologiese studie gesien. Die gevolg is dat eerstehandse kennis opgedoen en geïnterpreteer word deurdat die verhale van mede-navorsers aangehoor en beskryf word. Die plaaslike geloofsgemeenskap in Mansfield bied in-kontekstuele ervaringe wat deur die mede-navorsers vertel word en wat deur die tradisies van interpretasie beïnvloed word. Hierdie ervaringe word deur die aanstelling van respondente vanuit verskillende vakgebiede verder geïnterpreteer en betekenis word aan die verhale gegee in ‘n inter-dissiplinêre gesprek. Die inter-dissiplinêre gesprek word vanuit die teorie van transversale rasionaliteit gestimuleer en ‘n relevante literatuurstudie komplementeer die navorsingsproses en word in die studie geïntegreer. Aan die einde van die navorsingsproses word alternatiewe interpretasies en voorstelle gemaak wat dui op die konteks groter as net die plaaslike. Die navorsingsproses word dus ontwikkel vanuit ‘n post-fundamentele teologiese posionering met die doel om die narratiewe van immigrante aan die orde te stel. Hierdie narratiewe word geïnterpreteer en ‘n dieper verstaan word ontwikkel deurdat sekere diskoerse geïdentifiseer word deur ‘n proses van dekonstruksie. Kritiese vrae word gevra en die spesifieke temas vanuit die verhale word bespreek met die doel om die werklikheid van immigrasie te beskryf soos wat die mede-navorsers dit beleef. Die taalkwessie en hoe taal aangewend word om betekenis aan verhale te gee word bespreek. Die eie interpretasies van mede-navorsers word in opvolggesprekke getoets en die verhale word hierdeur toegelaat om te ontwikkel. Die geloofstaal en die taal van die twyfel van immigrante word aangehoor ten einde hulle belewenisse van die teenwoordigheid van God in hulle lewens tydens immigrasie te verstaan. Die ontwikkeling van Diensbare Leierskap word as ‘n natuurlike uitvloeisel van die immigrasieproses bespreek. Die immigrante beleef die diensbaarheid van die leiers in die gemeente van Mansfield positief. Hierdie studie vertel die verhale van immigrante wat deur die diensbaarheid van ander, self ook die kultuur van diensbaarheid aanneem en deelneem aan omgee-aksies om ander immigrante te bedien. Die literatuur oor diensbare leierskap wys self-leierskap, leierskap in spanverband, leierskapontwikkeling en strategiese leierskap uit as kritiese areas in die ontwikkeling van diensbare leierskap. Die gevolgtrekking op hierdie studie is dat diensbare leierskap as ‘n integrale deel van gelowige immigrasie verstaan word en dat dit intensioneel deel vorm van die leierskapkultuur in ‘n immigrant-vriendelike gemeente. Die voorstel wat hieruit voortvloei is dat verskillende gemeentes en kerkverbande kan baat by die aanwending van diensbare leierskap binne die konteks van immigrasie. ENGLISH: In this study narratives of immigration are listened to and described from the local context of the Christian Reformed Church, Mansfield in Brisbane, Australia. The development of servant leadership is described as part of the culture of the congregation. The congregation focuses on the needs of immigrants as an immigrant-friendly church. The research approach in this study flows from an epistemology based on a narrative theory. The post foundational approach incorporates social constructionism as part of the process in exploring a deeper meaning of the stories told by immigrants. Within this framework of post foundational practical theology, the praxis is the starting point of research. This consists of local knowledge, described and interpreted by the co-researchers and informed by traditions of interpretation. The experiences of co-researchers are interpreted on a second level with the appointment of four interdisciplinary respondents. The respondents take part in an interdisciplinary conversation and they each contribute from their field of experience. This is done by using transversal rationality and the in-context experiences are thickened through interdisciplinary investigation. Furthermore, a study of relevant literature is introduced and added to the conversation. At the end of the research process some suggestions and alternative interpretations that point beyond the local context, are made. The research process is therefore developed from a post foundational theological positioning with the aim of describing immigration narratives and interpreting these narratives in order to facilitate a deeper knowledge and insight into the immigration process. Different discourses will be explored by asking critical questions and using a process of deconstruction. The in-context experiences of co-researchers are the primary narrative and their interpretations of experiences will be studied. The language of co-researchers and how they use language will be discussed. Their own interpretations will be used as discussion points in follow up conversations and their narratives will therefore be allowed into a process of growth. Their language, pointing to their experience of the presence of God as well as their language of doubt in the process of immigration will be listened to. Servant leadership will be discussed as an integral part of immigration for believers. The stories of the co-researchers reveal servant leadership in many different forms as part of the culture of the congregation in Mansfield. The narratives show the co-researchers becoming part of the ministry of servant leaders in the congregation. Co-researchers experience the influence of the servant leadership of others in their lives and tell stories of how their needs as immigrants are met by the servant leaders in the congregation. The literature on servant leadership points to self leadership, team leadership, leadership development and strategic leadership as relevant themes to be explored. The conclusion of this study shows servant leadership as an integral part of immigration and that an intentional focus on a culture of servanthood will benefit an immigration friendly congregation. The proposal following from this study is to engage other congregations and churches in a conversation on the effect of servant leadership within the context of immigration. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Practical Theology / unrestricted
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'n Model vir korporatiewe-sosialeverantwoordelikheidskommunikasie : 'n toepassing in die landbousektor / Elizabeth Maria KloppersKloppers, Elizabeth Maria January 2015 (has links)
In hierdie studie word betoog dat korporatiewe sosialeverantwoordelikheid (KSV) minstens twee funksies het: om tot volhoubare ontwikkeling by te dra; en om strategiese voordeel vir die maatskappy te skep. Doeltreffende kommunikasie word as noodsaaklik beskou om beide bogenoemde funksies te vervul. Gevolglik word betoog dat maatskappye oor (om strategiese voordeel te trek) en in (om tot volhoubare ontwikkeling by te dra) KSV behoort te kommunikeer. Daaruit volg dat ʼn model vir KSV-kommunikasie beide soorte KSV-kommunikasie moet insluit.
Die teoretiese veld van KSV-kommunikasie is tans ontoereikend en daarom word teorieë uit ander velde geraadpleeg om ʼn teoretiese begronding voor te stel. Daar word geredeneer dat kommunikasie oor KSV aan die uitgangspunte van drie kommunikasiebestuursbenaderings behoort te voldoen, aangesien hierdie benaderings dieselfde doelwitte as kommunikasie oor KSV nastreef. Die benaderings sluit in: simmetriese tweerigtingkommunikasie, die reflektiewe benadering asook strategiese kommunikasiebestuur. Betreffende kommunikasie in KSV word betoog dat hierdie vorm van kommunikasie aan die uitgangspunte van die deelnemende benadering tot ontwikkelingskommunikasie behoort te voldoen, aangesien dit volhoubare ontwikkeling as doelwit nastreef.
Op grond van ʼn literatuurstudie oor bogenoemde kommunikasiebenaderings, word ʼn teoretiese model vir KSV-kommunikasie in die huidige studie voorgestel. Die empiriese deel van die studie fokus op die landbousektor en die teoretiese KSV-kommunikasiemodel word in die landbousektor toegepas om vas te stel hoe nuttig dit is.
Hierdie studie stel voor dat ondersteuning aan opkomende boere die hooffokus van landboumaatskappye se KSV behoort te wees. Daar word gevolglik aanvaar dat landboumaatskappye met opkomende boere (as bevoordeeldes) in KSV behoort te kommunikeer, terwyl hulle met kommersiële boere (as kliënte, verskaffers en soms aandeelhouers) oor KSV behoort te kommunikeer.
Die huidige studie het twee landboumaatskappye – Senwes en NWK – se KSV-kommunikasie ondersoek. Die empiriese deel van die studie is kwalitatief benader en die navorsingsmetodes is semigestruktureerde onderhoude, fokusgroepe en kwalitatiewe inhoudsanalise. Kwalitatiewe inhoudsanalise is ook ingespan om die resultate te ontleed wat deur die ander navorsingsmetodes bekom is.
Daar is bevind dat kommunikasie tussen die betrokke werknemers van die landboumaatskappye en opkomende boere in KSV grootliks aan die uitgangspunte van die deelnemende benadering tot ontwikkelingskommunikasie voldoen. Die opkomende boere was oor die algemeen heel tevrede met kommunikasie soos dit tans geskied. Daarteenoor wil dit voorkom asof die landboumaatskappye so ver moontlik vermy om oor hulle KSV-inisiatiewe met kommersiële boere te kommunikeer. Geen van die kommersiële boere wat aan die studie deelgeneem het, was bewus van die maatskappye se betrokkenheid by ontwikkelende landbou nie, en was uiters negatief oor hierdie gebrek aan kommunikasie.
Uit die voorgestelde model vir KSV-kommunikasie blyk dat die kommunikasiekanale, aard van kommunikasie en kommunikasiebeginsels grootliks dieselfde is vir kommunikasie in en oor KSV. Die doelwitte van hierdie twee soorte KSV-kommunikasie stem gedeeltelik ooreen, maar dit kan ook uiteenlopend wees. Die integrasie van kommunikasie in en oor KSV in een model word egter bemoeilik deurdat die metateoretiese raamwerke wat die relevante basisteorieë vir die ondersoek onderlê, oënskynlik uiteenlopende beskouings oor die doel van kommunikasie huldig. / PhD (Communication Studies), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015
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'n Model vir korporatiewe-sosialeverantwoordelikheidskommunikasie : 'n toepassing in die landbousektor / Elizabeth Maria KloppersKloppers, Elizabeth Maria January 2015 (has links)
In hierdie studie word betoog dat korporatiewe sosialeverantwoordelikheid (KSV) minstens twee funksies het: om tot volhoubare ontwikkeling by te dra; en om strategiese voordeel vir die maatskappy te skep. Doeltreffende kommunikasie word as noodsaaklik beskou om beide bogenoemde funksies te vervul. Gevolglik word betoog dat maatskappye oor (om strategiese voordeel te trek) en in (om tot volhoubare ontwikkeling by te dra) KSV behoort te kommunikeer. Daaruit volg dat ʼn model vir KSV-kommunikasie beide soorte KSV-kommunikasie moet insluit.
Die teoretiese veld van KSV-kommunikasie is tans ontoereikend en daarom word teorieë uit ander velde geraadpleeg om ʼn teoretiese begronding voor te stel. Daar word geredeneer dat kommunikasie oor KSV aan die uitgangspunte van drie kommunikasiebestuursbenaderings behoort te voldoen, aangesien hierdie benaderings dieselfde doelwitte as kommunikasie oor KSV nastreef. Die benaderings sluit in: simmetriese tweerigtingkommunikasie, die reflektiewe benadering asook strategiese kommunikasiebestuur. Betreffende kommunikasie in KSV word betoog dat hierdie vorm van kommunikasie aan die uitgangspunte van die deelnemende benadering tot ontwikkelingskommunikasie behoort te voldoen, aangesien dit volhoubare ontwikkeling as doelwit nastreef.
Op grond van ʼn literatuurstudie oor bogenoemde kommunikasiebenaderings, word ʼn teoretiese model vir KSV-kommunikasie in die huidige studie voorgestel. Die empiriese deel van die studie fokus op die landbousektor en die teoretiese KSV-kommunikasiemodel word in die landbousektor toegepas om vas te stel hoe nuttig dit is.
Hierdie studie stel voor dat ondersteuning aan opkomende boere die hooffokus van landboumaatskappye se KSV behoort te wees. Daar word gevolglik aanvaar dat landboumaatskappye met opkomende boere (as bevoordeeldes) in KSV behoort te kommunikeer, terwyl hulle met kommersiële boere (as kliënte, verskaffers en soms aandeelhouers) oor KSV behoort te kommunikeer.
Die huidige studie het twee landboumaatskappye – Senwes en NWK – se KSV-kommunikasie ondersoek. Die empiriese deel van die studie is kwalitatief benader en die navorsingsmetodes is semigestruktureerde onderhoude, fokusgroepe en kwalitatiewe inhoudsanalise. Kwalitatiewe inhoudsanalise is ook ingespan om die resultate te ontleed wat deur die ander navorsingsmetodes bekom is.
Daar is bevind dat kommunikasie tussen die betrokke werknemers van die landboumaatskappye en opkomende boere in KSV grootliks aan die uitgangspunte van die deelnemende benadering tot ontwikkelingskommunikasie voldoen. Die opkomende boere was oor die algemeen heel tevrede met kommunikasie soos dit tans geskied. Daarteenoor wil dit voorkom asof die landboumaatskappye so ver moontlik vermy om oor hulle KSV-inisiatiewe met kommersiële boere te kommunikeer. Geen van die kommersiële boere wat aan die studie deelgeneem het, was bewus van die maatskappye se betrokkenheid by ontwikkelende landbou nie, en was uiters negatief oor hierdie gebrek aan kommunikasie.
Uit die voorgestelde model vir KSV-kommunikasie blyk dat die kommunikasiekanale, aard van kommunikasie en kommunikasiebeginsels grootliks dieselfde is vir kommunikasie in en oor KSV. Die doelwitte van hierdie twee soorte KSV-kommunikasie stem gedeeltelik ooreen, maar dit kan ook uiteenlopend wees. Die integrasie van kommunikasie in en oor KSV in een model word egter bemoeilik deurdat die metateoretiese raamwerke wat die relevante basisteorieë vir die ondersoek onderlê, oënskynlik uiteenlopende beskouings oor die doel van kommunikasie huldig. / PhD (Communication Studies), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015
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Adolessente ervaring van anorexia nervosaDe Klerk, Su-Marie 11 1900 (has links)
M. Diac. (Spelterapie) / Text in Afrikaans with summaries in Afrikaans and English / Anorexia nervosa is ‘n komplekse eetversteuring wat hoofsaaklik voorkom onder adolessente
meisies regoor die wêreld. Anorexia nervosa word geklassifiseer as ‘n versteuring wat ten
spyte van literatuur steeds nie ten volle verstaan of begryp kan word nie, weens die
kompleksiteit daarvan. Hierdie kompleksitieit het ‘n tekort aan insig en begrip van ander tot
gevolg wat weerstand by die adolessent wek. Die terapeutiese proses met hierdie individue
word sodoende negatief beïnvloed en lei tot beperkte groei en verandering.
In die betrokke studie is die ervaringswêreld van die adolessent wat lei aan anorexia nervosa
nagevors met die doel om lig te bring op hierdie komplekse, tog hedendaagse verskynsel. Na
die uitvoering van ongestruktureerde onderhoudvoering met adolessente meisies wat lei aan
anorexia nervosa, is verskeie temas, konsepte en kategorieë geïdentifiseer en bespreek aan
die hand van Gestalt terapeutiese konsepte. / Anorexia nervosa is a complex eating disorder that mainly affects adolescent girls all over the
world. Anorexia nervosa is classified as a disorder that, despite existing literature, cannot be
fully understood or comprehended, due to the complexity of the disorder. The complexity of
Anorexia nervosa makes it difficult for people to understand these individuals, which causes
resistance to occur within the adolescents. The resistance then complicates the therapeutic
process, which can lead to inefficient growth and change in therapy.
In this study, the experience of adolescent girls that suffer from anorexia nervosa is
researched with the aim of shedding some light on this complex, though common, issue.
After interviewing adolescents that suffer from anorexia nervosa, certain themes, concepts
and categories were identified and explained by the hand of Gestalt therapeutic concepts. / Social Work
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Adolessente ervaring van anorexia nervosaDe Klerk, Su-Marie 11 1900 (has links)
M. Diac. (Spelterapie) / Text in Afrikaans with summaries in Afrikaans and English / Anorexia nervosa is ‘n komplekse eetversteuring wat hoofsaaklik voorkom onder adolessente
meisies regoor die wêreld. Anorexia nervosa word geklassifiseer as ‘n versteuring wat ten
spyte van literatuur steeds nie ten volle verstaan of begryp kan word nie, weens die
kompleksiteit daarvan. Hierdie kompleksitieit het ‘n tekort aan insig en begrip van ander tot
gevolg wat weerstand by die adolessent wek. Die terapeutiese proses met hierdie individue
word sodoende negatief beïnvloed en lei tot beperkte groei en verandering.
In die betrokke studie is die ervaringswêreld van die adolessent wat lei aan anorexia nervosa
nagevors met die doel om lig te bring op hierdie komplekse, tog hedendaagse verskynsel. Na
die uitvoering van ongestruktureerde onderhoudvoering met adolessente meisies wat lei aan
anorexia nervosa, is verskeie temas, konsepte en kategorieë geïdentifiseer en bespreek aan
die hand van Gestalt terapeutiese konsepte. / Anorexia nervosa is a complex eating disorder that mainly affects adolescent girls all over the
world. Anorexia nervosa is classified as a disorder that, despite existing literature, cannot be
fully understood or comprehended, due to the complexity of the disorder. The complexity of
Anorexia nervosa makes it difficult for people to understand these individuals, which causes
resistance to occur within the adolescents. The resistance then complicates the therapeutic
process, which can lead to inefficient growth and change in therapy.
In this study, the experience of adolescent girls that suffer from anorexia nervosa is
researched with the aim of shedding some light on this complex, though common, issue.
After interviewing adolescents that suffer from anorexia nervosa, certain themes, concepts
and categories were identified and explained by the hand of Gestalt therapeutic concepts. / Social Work
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