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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Upper body strength and endurance and its relationship with freestyle swim performance in elite swimmers

Storck, Natalie January 2017 (has links)
Background: Strength is considered an important part in swimming and is usually included in training programs for swimmers. However, studies assessing the relationship between muscle strength, muscle endurance and swim performance are not many and have showed different results. Aim: The aim of this study was to assess the correlation between bench press, pull-up and 400 meter freestyle swim performance in elite swimmers. Method: The subjects (n=15, age 16-20) performed a one repetition maximum (1RM) bench press test to measure maximal muscle strength and to measure muscle endurance the subjects performed as many pull-up repetitions as possible during 30 seconds. A velocity four (V4) speed test was performed to assess swim performance by measuring time over covered distance and blood lactate levels. Results: The results of this study showed a moderate correlation (r=-0.54) between one repetition maximum in bench press and 400 meter freestyle swim performance. It showed a strong correlation (r=-0.63) between number of pull-ups repetitions during 30 seconds and 400 meter freestyle swim performance. Conclusion: These results suggest that upper body strength contributes to swim performance over 400 meter. The stronger correlation between pull-ups and swimming may indicate that muscle endurance of m. latissimus dorsi and the back muscles may be important to incorporate in a training program since it has shown to have a strong correlation with swim performance at 400 meters. / Bakgrund: Styrka anses vara en viktig del i simning och är ofta inkluderat i träningsprogram för simmare. Dock har endast ett mindre antal studier undersökt relationen mellan muskelstyrka, muskel uthållighet och simprestation och de som har gjort det visar olika resultat. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att utvärdera korrelationen mellan bänkpress, pull-ups och 400m simprestation hos elitsimmare. Metod: Deltagarna (n=15, ålder 16-20) utförde ett en repetition maximum (1RM) i bänkpress för att mäta maximal muskel styrka och för att mäta muskeluthållighet utförde deltagarna så många pull-ups repetitioner som möjligt under 30 sekunder. Ett velocity four (V4) hastighets test utfördes för att utvärdera simprestation genom att mäta tid över simmad distans och blod laktat värden. Resultat: Resultatet i denna studie visade på en moderat korrelation (r=-0,54) mellan en repetition maximum i bänkpress och 400 meter fristil simprestation. Den visade på en stark korrelation (r=-0,63) mellan antalet pull-ups repetitioner under 30 sekunder och 400 meter fristil simprestation. Konklusion: Dessa resultat tyder på att överkroppsstyrka bidrar till simprestation över 400 meter. Den starkare korrelationen mellan pull-ups och simning kan indikera att muskeluthållighet hos m. latisimus dorsi och ryggmusklerna kan vara viktigt att lägga in i ett träningsprogram då det visat på en stark korrelation till simprestation på distansen 400 meter.

Batteries Lithium-ion innovantes, spécifiques pour le stockage de l'énergie photovoltaïque / Innovative lithium-ion batteries, especially for the storage of solar energy

Soares, Adrien 22 October 2012 (has links)
Le travail de thèse, présenté dans ce mémoire, est consacré à l'étude de nouveaux matériaux d'électrode pour batterie lithium-ion pour le stockage d'énergie photovoltaïque. Ce type de production d'énergie impose de nombreuses intermittences de charge, des non synchronisations entre les périodes de production et de consommation, etc. L'objectif est d'évaluer le comportement de différents types de matériau d'électrode dans des batteries soumises à des profils de charge photovoltaïque pour ensuite sélectionner les plus adaptés à ce stockage spécifique d'énergie. Les matériaux choisis, Li4Ti5O12, Li2Ti3O7, NiP3, TiSnSb, présentent tous des mécanismes de réaction vis-à-vis du lithium très différents. Afin d'améliorer la durée de vie de ces matériaux d'électrodes, un travail d'optimisation des performances électrochimiques a été effectué en travaillant sur leur synthèse puis sur la formulation des électrodes. La formulation d'électrode en utilisant la carboxymethylcellulose sodique a notamment donné d'excellents résultats. La caractérisation de leurs propriétés physico-chimiques a été réalisée par diffraction des rayons X, in situ et en température, MEB, ATD, cyclage galvanostatique, etc.). Afin de reproduire des profils représentatifs de la production photovoltaïque à l'échelle des accumulateurs expérimentaux de laboratoire, un banc de simulation a été élaboré et validé avec un accumulateur de référence à base de Li4Ti5O12. Après cette étape de validation, les différents matériaux d'électrode ont été testés en condition photovoltaïque. Cette étude a permis de montrer que les intermittences de courte de durée (passages nuageux) et les régimes variables qu'impose ce type de production n'ont pas que peu d'influence sur les propriétés électrochimiques de l'ensemble de ces matériaux. Cependant, les périodes d'absence de production (nuit, journée pluvieuse, etc.) correspondant à une relaxation pour le matériau peuvent avoir un impact important. Les matériaux de conversion (NiP3, TiSnSb) ont montré de surprenants bons résultats. Enfin, les observations montrent que chaque type de matériau (mécanisme électrochimique différent) pourrait convenir i) à un type de production photovoltaïque, c'est à dire à une zone géographique et ii) à un type d'application particulière. / The thesis work, presented in this manuscript, is devoted to the study of new materials for lithium-ion battery for storing solar energy. This type of energy production imposes intermittent loading, non-synchronization between periods of production and consumption, etc. The objective is to evaluate the behavior of different types of electrode material in batteries under photovoltaic (PV) charge profiles and then to select the most suitable for this specific energy storage. The chosen materials, Li4Ti5O12, Li2Ti3O7, NiP3, TiSnSb, follow all very different reaction mechanisms versus lithium. To improve the cycling life of these electrode materials, a work on electrochemical performance optimization was performed by working on the synthesis and the electrode formulation. The electrode formulation, using in particular carboxymethyl cellulose, presented excellent results. Characterization of their physico-chemical properties was carried out by X-ray diffraction, in situ and as function of temperature, SEM, DTA, galvanostatic cycling, etc.). To reproduce representative profiles of the photovoltaic production at the experimental batteries scale, a test bench has been developed and validated with reference batteries (Li4Ti5O12). After this step of validation, different electrode materials were tested under photovoltaic conditions. This study shows that both intermittences with short duration (clouds) and variable rates of current imposed by this type of production don't strong influence on the electrochemical properties of all these materials. However, periods of no production (night, rainy day, etc.), corresponding to a relaxation for the material, can impact significantly. Materials following conversion mechanism (NiP3, TiSnSb) showed surprising good results. Finally, the observations indicated that each type of material (with different electrochemical mechanism) could be adapted to i) a type of photovoltaic production, ie to a geographical area and ii) a type of application.

Miroirs acylindriques et asphériques à échelle microscopique : principes, technologie et applications aux bancs optiques miniatures / Acylindrical and aspherical microscale mirrors : principles, technology and applications to miniature optical benches

Sabry Gad Aboelmagd, Yasser Mohammed 24 October 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objectif ultime d'améliorer notre compréhension de la réflexion de la lumière sur des surfaces micro-courbes, en particulier lorsque les dimensions physiques des surfaces (rayons de courbure de l'ordre de 50-300 μm) sont comparables aux paramètres dimensionnels d'un faisceau optique Gaussien, typique des faisceaux issus d'une fibre optique ou d'un microlaser. A cet effet, une étude théorique et des simulations numériques ont été menées ; elles ont été confrontées à une étude expérimentale. Pour ce faire, la réalisation des micro-miroirs à concavité contrôlée n'étant pas chose aisée, un premier jalon de cette thèse a consisté à atteindre les avancées technologiques nécessaires à la réalisation de tels micro-miroirs(par procédé de gravure plasma de type DRIE) en vue de leur caractérisation expérimentale. Une motivation importante du choix de ce sujet est son potentiel applicatif à la réalisation de micro-bancs optiques sur puce silicium, de sorte à augmenter les capacités de couplage et de manipulation de lumière de façon intégrée dans un espace ultra-compact. A titre d'illustration des possibilités de la nouvelle micro-instrumentation optique que nous proposons, nous avons conçu et réalisé un microsystème de balayage spatial à grand angle (110°) d'un faisceau laser dont le spot optique ne se déforme pas tout au long de l'opération de balayage, ce qui en fait, entre autres, la pièce maîtresse de systèmes portables d'imagerie médicale par tomographie à cohérence optique / The ultimate objective of this thesis is to improve our understanding of light reflection on micro-curved surfaces, especially when the physical dimensions of the surfaces (radii of curvature in the order of 50-300 microns) are comparable to typical dimensional parameters of a Gaussian optical beam, such as those coming from an optical fiber or from a micro-laser. To this end, a theoretical study and numerical simulations were conducted; they were confronted with an experimental study. To do this, the realization of micro-mirrors controlled concavity being not easy, a first step of this thesis was to achieve the technological advances necessary for the realization of such micro-mirrors (by plasma etching method of DRIE type) for their subsequent experimental characterization. An important motivation for choosing this topic is its potential application in the production of micro-optical benches on a silicon chip, so as to increase the coupling efficiencies and capabilities of manipulation of light, in an integrated way and in an ultra compact space. As an illustration of the new micro-optical instrumentation which is attainable, we have designed and implemented a micro-device able of wide-angle (110 °) spatial scanning of a laser beam, the optical spot being not deformed during the scanning operation, which makes this device, the centerpiece of portable medical imaging systems by optical coherence tomography, among others

Manufacturing and characterization of single cell intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cells for APU in transportation application / Synthèse et caractérisation de cellules pour pile à combustible de type IT-SOFC utilisée en tant que système APU dans les transports

Sivasankaran, Visweshwar 09 July 2014 (has links)
La fabrication de cellules de piles à combustible IT-SOFC de large dimension par un nouveau procédé simple et peu coûteux est présentée dans ce manuscrit. L’optimisation de ce nouveau procédé en regard de l’utilisation d’agents de porosité, d’épaisseur de couches et de température de frittage a été réalisée. Les résultats des tests électrochimiques sur des cellules de surface active 10 cm2 réalisés dans le dispositif Fiaxell semi-ouvert ont été détaillés pour différentes cellules. Des tests de performance de longue durée ont également été menés sur le dispositif Fiaxell, présentés et discutés. La préparation et la réalisation d’un nouveau banc de test de stack a également été mené et présenté dans ces travaux. / The fabrications of large area IT-SOFC planar cell by new simple and cost effective process were explained. The optimization of the new process with respect to pore formers, thickness of layers, sintering temperature were performed. The electrochemical results of 10cm2 performed in Fiaxell open flange set up were detailed with respect to different configuration. Long term ageing performance tests of single cells were conducted in Fiaxell device and results are discussed. Preparation of new test bench and stacking process performed till now were briefed.

Caracterização de cascalhos de perfuração de poços de petróleo por técnicas analíticas instrumentais. / Characterization of petroleum well drill cutting by instrumental analytical techniques.

Fagundes, Thais Bortotti 13 April 2018 (has links)
O presente trabalho visou a caracterização dos cascalhos de perfuração de um poço de petróleo pertencente à Bacia de Santos, utilizando diferentes técnicas analíticas instrumentais. O enfoque foi dado a aplicação da difração de raios X como alternativa às práticas de estudo rotineiramente aplicadas na cabine de mud-logging, onde essencialmente são efetuadas classificações visuais das unidades litológicas do poço e geralmente em amostras de granulação fina, conferindo incertezas às descrições. Um total de 164 amostras de cascalhos foram analisadas quimicamente por espectroscopia por fluorescência de raios X e classificadas de acordo com suas similaridades mineralógicas utilizando o recurso de análise estatística multivariada de dados de difração de raios X. Esse recurso permitiu minimizar o conjunto de amostras para os estudos seguintes de caracterização. A definição e a quantificação dos minerais constituintes das amostras, assim como a determinação dos tamanhos e das formas das partículas por análise dinâmica de imagens foram efetuadas apenas em amostras representativas de cada um dos grupos de similaridades definidos. Os resultados foram comparados com os dados do perfil de acompanhamento geológico (dados de perfuração) e com as interpretações realizadas na cabine de mud-logging pelo geólogo, sendo identificada uma elevada correlação entre esses dados. A avaliação da viabilidade de utilização de difratômetros de bancada durante a etapa de perfuração de um poço de petróleo foi também verificada considerando o levantamento de procedimentos de preparação amostras viáveis de serem aplicados no local (tempo adequado de pulverização e eventuais erros de amostragem) e a qualidade das respostas obtidas por diferentes equipamentos de difração de raios X (condições de análise e resolução de picos). O uso de difratômetros de bancada no estudo de cascalhos de perfuração se mostrou viável do ponto de vista operacional, trazendo diversas vantagens para a correta caracterização dos fragmentos, com melhor acurácia nos resultados, diminuição das incertezas e se mostrando uma ferramenta muito ágil. / The present research aimed at characterization of the drill cuttings of an oil well belonging to the Santos Basin, using different instrumental analytical techniques. The main focus was given to the application of X-ray diffraction as an alternative to the routinely applied mud-logging study practices, where essentially visual classifications of the lithological units of the well are carried out and generally in fine granulation samples, giving uncertainties to the descriptions. A total of 164 samples of drill cuttings were chemically analyzed by X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy and classified according to their mineralogical similarities using the multivariate statistical analysis of X-ray diffraction data. This feature allowed minimizing the sample set for subsequent characterization studies. The identification and quantification mineral phases present in all samples, as well as the determination of the sizes and forms of the particles by dynamic images analysis, were carried out only in representative samples of each one of the defined groups of similarities. Results were compared with the data of the geological monitoring profile (drilling data) and the interpretations carried out in the mud-logging unit by geologist, and a high correlation between these data was identified. The viability of using a bench scale diffractometers during the drilling stage of an oil well was also studied considering the feasibility study on representative samples to be applied on site (adequate pulverization time and possible sampling errors) and quality of the results obtained by different X-ray diffraction equipment (collecting conditions and resolution of spikes). The use of bench diffractometers in the study of drill cutting proved to be feasible from the operational point of view, bringing several advantages for the correct characterization of the fragments, with better accuracy in the results, decrease of the uncertainties and a very agile tool.

Identifica??o de ofensores via an?lise da sensibilidade de esta??es na vaz?o de redes IEEE 802.11

Marques, Claurem Paulus Ceolin 16 December 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:31:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CLAUREM PAULUS CEOLIN MARQUES.pdf: 2422547 bytes, checksum: 2d773d7c7ef4720e6c9be1460abdf5e3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-12-16 / This paper presents an analysis of the behavior of wireless networks on the presence of offenders devices that cause the phenomenon known as the MAC-Anomaly in IEEE 802.11 networks. This analysis allows a better understanding of network behavior and it is necessary to observe patterns that characterize the cause the anomaly; making possible the identification of the offender from the network so that you can go to the next step which is to mitigate the problem. Through an arrangement of hardware and software components, specify a test bench that allows for the collection of the necessary information from the access point, such as, the received power and the effective throughput of the stations connected to the wireless network. Using a synthesis of this information collected, in the presence of offenders, could observe patterns in the behavior of the network that made clear a difference in sensitivity of the offending station in relation to the total flow of the network characterized as offending. / Este trabalho apresenta uma an?lise do comportamento das redes sem fio diante da presen?a de ofensores dispositivos causadores do fen?meno conhecido como Anomalia da MAC em redes IEEE 802.11. Essa an?lise permite um melhor entendimento do comportamento da rede e isso ? necess?rio para que se possa observar padr?es que caracterize o causador da anomalia, tornando poss?vel a identifica??o do ofensor da rede para que se possa partir para a pr?xima etapa que ? a de mitigar o problema. Por meio de um arranjo de componentes de hardware e software, especificou-se uma bancada de testes que permite a coleta das informa??es necess?rias a partir do ponto de acesso, tais como, a pot?ncia recebida e a taxa de transfer?ncia efetiva das esta??es conectadas ? rede sem fio. Utilizando uma s?ntese dessas informa??es coletadas, na presen?a de ofensores, p?de-se observar padr?es no comportamento da rede que deixaram evidente uma diferen?a na sensibilidade da esta??o ofensora em rela??o ? vaz?o total da rede, o que a caracteriza como ofensora.


GUSTAVO VIANNA CEZAR 03 May 2019 (has links)
[pt] Com o aumento das restrições às emissões veiculares e uma busca contínua pela melhora no desempenho dos motores a combustão interna, a necessidade de realizar testes em bancos de prova de motor se torna cada vez maior. Porém, devido ao alto investimento inicial e custo de manutenção desses sistemas, a execução de ensaios confiáveis torna-se restrita a determinadas empresas e instituições acadêmicas. Neste cenário, o presente trabalho visa projetar, construir e integrar equipamentos e instrumentos, em sua grande maioria nacionais, através do desenvolvimento de um sistema de controle que seja capaz de operar o conjunto desenvolvido. O projeto pretende contribuir com a redução de custos dos bancos de prova e, ao mesmo tempo, possibilitar a realização de testes confiáveis. Serão descritas as etapas do projeto e construção de uma bancada para ensaios de motores de até 175 cv, 587 Nm e 4.620 rpm. Testes foram conduzidos a fim de verificar o comportamento do banco de provas em diferentes situações de operação. Os resultados obtidos mostram que o sistema é capaz de realizar os mais diversos ensaios que um banco de provas está sujeito com precisão e robustez. / [en] With increasing restriction on emission and a continuous search for improvement and development of new engines, a need for internal combustion engines test bed is becoming greater. However due to high initial investments and maintenance costs of these systems, the execution of reliable tests becomes restricted to certain companies and academic institutions. In this scenario, this present work aims at the integration of equipment and instruments, mostly national, by the development of a control system. This project aims to contribute with test benches cost reduction and at the same time, allow for reliable testing. Will be described the project steps of a test bench for engines up to 175 hp, 587 Nm and 4.620 rpm and will be shown the results obtained.

Resisted Sprint Training in Swimming : A Quasi-Experimental Study on Swedish National Level Swimmers

Lutula, Antonio January 2019 (has links)
Aim The aim of this study was to ascertain the effect of resisted sprint training in swimming on maximal swimming velocity and performance characteristics. The aim was also to examine how maximal swimming velocity is related to maximal swim power and maximal dry-land power. Method Eighteen competitive national level swimmers (9 male and 9 female; age: 18.3 ± 2.3 years, body mass: 72 ± 8.3 kg, height: 177.2 ± 4.6 cm, mean ± SD) were recruited to this study. Subjects were assigned to either resisted sprint training (RST) or unresisted sprint training (UST). Sprint training was performed two times per week during 6 weeks as 8x15m with a 2min send-off interval. RST performed sprint training using individualized load corresponding 10% of maximum drag load (L10), UST performed sprint training with no added resistance. A test-battery including dry-land strength assessment; maximal strength (MxS) and explosive strength (ExS), a timed 25m front-crawl swim and in-water force-velocity profiling was performed prior and following the training intervention. Maximal swim power (Pmax), maximum drag load (F0), theoretical maximum velocity (v0) and slope of force-velocity curve (SFv) was computed though force-velocity profiling. Results No significant within group differences occurred in neither RST nor UST following the 6-week intervention period in: swimming velocity, MxS, ExS, Pmax, F0, v0, and SFv. Strong correlations were found between swimming velocity and MxS (r = 0.75), ExS (r =0.82) and Pmax (r = 0.92). Conclusion Resisted sprint training in swimming using L10 did in the present study not elicit any improvements in maximal swimming velocity or examined performance characteristics. Resisted sprint training does not appear to be a superior method of improving swimming performance compared to unresisted sprint training. MxS, ExS and Pmax can be used as robust predictors of swim performance, however only Pmax was found to be casually related to swimming velocity.

Validation de descriptions VHDL fondée sur des techniques issues du domaine du test de logiciels

Paoli, Christophe 20 December 2001 (has links) (PDF)
L'objectif de cette dissertation est de développer une approche originale de validation de circuits digitaux complexes décrits dans le langage VHDL. Nous proposons de générer automatiquement, à partir d'une description VHDL comportemental au niveau algorithmique, les vecteurs de test à appliquer sur une description de niveau RTL. Nous présentons d'abord la validation de descriptions VHDL au niveau algorithmique dans le contexte général du processus de conception de circuits complexes. Ce type de description étant similaire à un programme, nous explorons les techniques utilisées dans le domaine du test de logiciels, notamment celles basées sur un critère de couverture. Nous présentons le critère du test structuré, qui est fondé sur l'utilisation du graphe de flot de contrôle du programme sous test, et de la complexité cyclomatique de McCabe comme index du nombre de chemins à tester. Nous présentons également l'algorithme de Poole qui permet de générer cet ensemble de chemins. Cependant, le langage VHDL possède des caractéristiques que l'on ne retrouve pas dans les langages de programmation traditionnels (notion de temps, interconnexion de « process » s'exécutant en parallèle, mécanisme de « retard delta »). Nous proposons donc une modélisation adéquate sous forme de graphes, permettant d'appliquer les techniques précédentes à des descriptions VHDL restreintes à un sous-ensemble prenant en compte un style de description algorithmique : un graphe de flot de contrôle, un graphe de modélisation de « process », un graphe de dépendance. Nous exposons ensuite une méthodologie pour la génération de vecteurs de test à partir des chemins générés depuis ces graphes : application de l'algorithme de Poole sur la base de la complexité cyclomatique, analyse et modification éventuelle des chemins, génération et résolution des contraintes, extraction des vecteurs de test. L'approche est finalement illustrée par la réalisation du prototype logiciel GENESI qui nous a permis d'obtenir des résultats sur les « benchmarks ITC'99 ».

Streamlining of Hydraulic Testing / Effektivisering av Hydraulisk Provning

Hardell, Henrik, Lind, Niclas January 2012 (has links)
ST Aerospace located at Arlanda airport maintain and repair aircraft components. The maintenance activities that the workshop conducts require testing of the component’s function. For a long time the repair shop has experienced problems with the efficiency in this hydraulic testing. The efficiency problems are partially derived by the fact that the manufacturer’s component maintenance manuals (CMM) are not adapted to the specific test equipment that the shop uses. A lack of suitable training material also causes problems for new operators. The purpose of this thesis work was therefore to streamline this part of ST Aerospace’s operation, first by rewriting the test section of the manuals but also to produce a basic description of the test bench that is used in the testing activities. By studying the operator’s work with component testing a fundamental understanding of the test bench was obtained along with the specific knowledge that was required in order to rewrite the manuals to a version that ST can use with their specific test equipment. Along with the training material a total of four rewritten component manuals were produced on ST’s behalf. Since the purpose of this work was to streamline the company’s entire testing business, there are post-doubts about whether the correct way to address the issue was chosen. As the work continued it became increasingly more obvious that a more appropriate way of handling the efficiency problems should have been to fully focus on the training material for the test bench. By performing the work this way around the future rewriting of the hundreds of component manuals can be drastically simplified and more efficient, therefore the time required for rewriting can be drastically reduced. / ST Aerospace på Arlanda underhåller och reparerar flygplanskomponenter. I de underhållsåtgärder som verkstaden bedriver krävs testning av komponenternas funktion. Under en lång tid har verkstaden upplevt problem med effektiviteten i denna hydrauliska provning. Problemen med effektiviteten härstammar till viss del av att komponenttillverkarens testningsmanualer inte är anpassade till den specifika testutrustning som verkstaden använder sig av. Problemen härstammar också till viss del av att verkstaden haft problem med att utbilda nya operatörer av testutrustningen då lättförståeligt utbildningsmaterial till den avancerade utrustningen saknats. Syftet med detta examensarbete var därför att effektivisera denna del av ST Aerospace:s verksamhet genom att dels skriva om manualers testavsnitt men även att tillverka en lättförståelig beskrivning av verkstadens testutrustning i utbildningssyfte. Genom att följa operatörerna i deras arbete med av företaget utvalda komponenttester kunde en grundläggande förståelse både för testbänken men även för de utvalda testerna erhållas. Erfarenheten från testningen användes till att producera en lättförståelig beskrivning av provbänken samt till omskrivning av de utvalda komponentmanualerna. Utöver utbildningsmaterialet producerades totalt fyra omskrivna komponentmanualer för ST:s räkning. Då syftet med arbetet var att effektivisera hela ST:s provningsverksamhet är det i efterhand tveksamt till om angripningssättet av effektiviseringsproblemen varit rätt. Alltefter arbetets gång insågs i ökande grad att ett mer lämpligt angripningssätt hade varit att lägga all arbetstid på utbildningsmaterialet till provbänken för att på så sätt förenkla de framtida omskrivningarna av komponentmanualer. Ett mer utförligt utbildningsmaterial till testutrustningen kan effektivisera produceringen av omskrivna komponentmanualer betydligt då företaget i dagsläget testar hundratals komponenter.

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