Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bern"" "subject:"ber""
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Investigation of South African estuarine microbial species and genome diversity.Kaambo, Eveline January 2006 (has links)
<p>A study of the microbial diversity in sediments of the Great Berg River estuary is carried out using modern molecular phylogenetic methods. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of (pollution by) the effluents of the fish industry on the composition of the microbial community in the sediments. The diversity in microbial groups of sediment samples that received wastewater from the local fishing industry was investigated by a PCR-DGGE (polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis) approach and compared to an unaffected site.</p>
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Die Verwaltung der Jülich-Bergischen Landsteuern während der Regierungszeit des Pfalzgrafen Wolfgang Wilhelm (1609-1653)Tornow, Ulrike, January 1974 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität, Bonn. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 7-13) and index.
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Skolfilmslandet Sverige : En historisk undersökning av argumentationen för skol- och bildningsfilm på 1920-taletSüdow, Emil January 2018 (has links)
The focus of this thesis is to analyze the monthly magazine Tidskrift för svensk skolfilm och bildningsfilm (magazine for Swedish Educational Movies and Learning Movies) in the startup years of the magazine from 1924-1926. I use three theoretical concepts from sociology professor Tomas Gieryn called epistemic authority, credibility contest and the larger sum of the two - boundary work - to examine how the magazine argues for educational movies. My line of questioning is firstly: How does the magazine argue for and describe educational movies, and secondly: How does the magazine argue to be a part of the advancement of society? In my historically interpretation of the source material I find six themes. The first is movies seen as the foremost form of visually pedagogy (åskådningspedagogik), which was a highly rated educational phenomenon in the early 20th century. In short, the magazine argues that no other educational material such as books or oral learning affected the students as much as movies. Therefore, the school should use educational (nonfiction) movies on a broader scale. The second theme is that movies make the school subjects more interested, and therefore the students will be more motivated to learn. The third theme of arguing I have found in the magazine is that movies can be used as a historical time capsule for later generations. These three themes are especially aiming to answer my first question in the thesis. The other three highlights my second question. As the fourth theme I see Gustaf Berg, the publisher and headman of the magazine, and the magazine itself as pioneers for the mission of greater use of educational movies. In addition, the magazine also argues that the biggest Swedish movie company Svensk Filmindustri (SF), should be seen as an ally to the cause of spreading the educational movies. The fifth theme I have found is that a group Bildningsfilmens vänner (The Friends of Educational Movies) appear frequently in the magazine. They act both as writers and audience and are described in the magazine with utmost positive metaphors. I see the group as a created and imagined society that help the cause gaining credibility. The last theme is that the magazine describes itself and its writers as international versed, which is used to further improve the image and credibility of the magazine and the boundary work it does. My conclusion is that all six themes show that the magazine use itself and its headman Berg as a rhetorical platform to argue from, to gain higher credibility for educational movies.
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Prolongation in Post-Tonal Music: A Survey of Analytical Techniques and Theoretical Concepts with an Analysis of Alban Berg's Op. 2, No. 4, Warm Die LüfteHuff, David, 1976- 12 1900 (has links)
Prolongation in post-tonal music is a topic that music theorists have engaged for several decades now. The problems of applying Schenkerian analytical techniques to post-tonal music are numerous and have invited several adaptations of the method. The bulk of the thesis offers a survey of prolongational analyses of post-tonal music. Analyses of theorists such as Felix Salzer, Allen Forte, Joseph Straus, Edward Laufer, and Olli Väisälä are examined in order to reveal their various underlying theoretical principles. The thesis concludes with an analysis of Alban Berg's Warm die Lüfte from his Op. 2 collection that focuses on the prolongation of a referential sonority that forms the background of the song. The analysis highlights the most significant analytical techniques and theoretical concepts explored in the survey and codifies them in a generally applicable method of post-tonal prolongational analysis.
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The relationship between the drama and the form in the sonata-allegro movement of LuluStein, Donald A. 01 January 1973 (has links) (PDF)
Lulu, the second opera by Alban Berg, is not a unique creation, It is a synthesis of several theories of composition and a number of traditional compositional practices found in the history of Western music.
This paper will attempt to trace the relationship between the drama Lulu and Verg’s musical interpretation of the drama in the selection of the opera designated as the sonata-allegro movement (in Act I, Sc. ii and iii).
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Land-cover change in the Berg River catchment : implications for biodiversity conservationStuckenberg, Tristan 12 1900 (has links)
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Biodiversity refers to the variety of life on earth at all scales of observation. Its persistence underlies ecological and evolutionary processes and is pivotal for the sustenance and future development of human societies through the provision of ecosystem services. Especially since the industrial revolution, anthropogenic land-cover change has placed ever-increasing strain on natural systems through the destruction and degradation of habitat. The Cape Floristic Region (CFR) is a global biodiversity hot spot which contains some of the highest levels of floristic diversity and endemism on the planet. Since European settlement large swathes of this region have been transformed to facilitate socio-economic development, placing tremendous pressure on indigenous biodiversity.
Due to the intimate relationship that exists between land cover and biodiversity it is possible to draw inferences on the current state of the biodiversity of an area, assess the pressures that will likely face it in the future and plan accordingly based on an analysis of land-cover change. As a means of assessing the state of biodiversity in the CFR, this thesis has developed a series of three land-cover maps for the Berg River catchment in the Western Cape province for 1986/1987, 1999/2000 and 2007 using Landsat TM and ETM+ data. Areas of natural vegetation were delineated on the land-cover maps using an object-orientated nearest neighbour supervised classification. Remnants of natural vegetation were classified according to potential vegetation boundaries described by Mucina and Rutherford’s map of the vegetation of South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland.
Contrary to initial expectations, the area occupied by natural vegetation had increased by 14%. However, considerable variation was recorded between vegetation types with certain types exhibiting marked increases in extent while others had been encroached by expanding cultivated and urban areas. An assessment of the accuracy of the 2007 land-cover map showed that significant swathes of natural vegetation were infested with alien invasive species or dominated by particularly resilient species which are not as severely affected by anthropogenic activities as other species. It is concluded that the methodology employed in this study provides a scoping mechanism by which more intensive research may be directed toward areas exhibiting significant land-cover change. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Biodiversiteit verwys na die verskeidenheid lewe op aarde op alle waarnemingsvlakke. Die volhouding daarvan onderlê ekologiese en ewolusionêre prosesse en die verskaffing van ekosisteemdienste is deurslaggewend vir die onderhoud en toekomstige ontwikkeling van menslike samelewings deur. Veral sedert die industriële rewolusie het veranderinge in antropologiese gronddekking toenemende druk op natuurlike sisteme geplaas, grootliks deur die vernietiging en ontaarding van habitatte. Die Kaapse Floristiese Streek (KFS) met van die hoogste vlakke van floristiese diversiteit en endemisiteit op aarde, is ‘n brandpunt van wêreldwye biodiversiteit. Sedert die vestiging van Europese setlaars is uitgebreide dele van hierdie streek omskep om sosio-ekonomiese ontwikkeling te bevorder, wat geweldige druk op inheemse biodiversiteit geplaas het.
Te wyte aan die intieme verhouding wat tussen gronddekking en biodiversiteit bestaan, is dit moontlik om deur middel van ‘n ontleding van gronddekkingsveranderinge afleidings te maak rakende die huidige stand van biodiversiteit in ‘n streek. Sodoende kan bepaal word watter druk ʼn streek moontlik in die toekoms sal moet weerstaan. Vooruitbeplanning kan dienooreenkomstig gedoen word. Ten einde die stand van biodiversiteit in die KFS te beraam, het hierdie tesis ‘n reeks van drie gronddekkingskaarte (1986/1987, 1999/2000 en 2007) vir die Bergrivier-opvangsgebied in die Wes-Kaapprovinsie met behulp van Landsat TM en ETM+ data ontwikkel. Areas met natuurlike plantegroei is met behulp van ‘n voorwerp-georiënteerde naaste-buurman klassifikasie afgebaken. Oorblyfsels van natuurlike plantegroei is volgens potensiële plantegroeigrense, soos beskryf deur Mucina en Rutherford se kaart van die plantegroei van Suid-Afrika, Lesotho en Swaziland, geklassifiseer.
In teenstelling met aanvanklike verwagtinge, het die area wat deur natuurlike plantegroei bedek word met 14% toegeneem. Tog is aansienlike variasie tussen plantegroeitipes opgemerk, met sekere soorte wat opvallende omvangstoename toon, terwyl ander plantegroeitipes deur landbou en stedelike groei vervang is. ‘n Beraming van die akkuraatheid van die 2007-gronddekkingkaart toon dat noemenswaardige stroke natuurlike plantegroei deur uitheemse indringerspesies besmet word of deur uiters weerstandige spesies, wat nie so ernstig as ander spesies deur antropologiese aktiwiteite beïnvloed word nie, gedomineer word. Die gevolgtrekking is dat die metodologie wat in hierdie studie gebruik is ‘n meganisme verskaf waardeur meer intensiewe navorsing op areas wat aansienlike verandering in gronddekking ten toon stel, gerig kan word.
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Intégration et désintégration dans le concept de matériau musical d’AdornoMann, Niall B. 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire se propose d’aborder le concept adornien de matériau musical selon deux de ses moments essentiels : l’intégration et la désintégration. Dans un premier temps, il s’agira d’analyser la critique de l’Aufklärung, selon laquelle la rationalité éclairée, par la domination progressive de la nature, se transforme en son contraire, le mythe. Cette analyse servira de base théorique pour la compréhension du concept de matériau. Dans un deuxième temps, il conviendra d’examiner la tendance progressiste—exemplifiée dans la sonate classique de Beethoven—vers l’intégration du matériau musical, comprise comme un moment dans le processus plus large de rationalisation sociale identifié par Max Weber. Dans un troisième temps, il conviendra d’examiner la tendance régressive—exemplifiée dans les œuvres du Beethoven tardif, de Mahler et de Berg—vers la désintégration du matériau musical, une tendance qui reflète les aspects noirs de l’Aufklärung, à savoir la fragmentation sociale et la réification. Enfin, nous évaluerons quelques commentaires critiques soulevant des doutes quant à la validité d’un concept de matériau musical basé sur une philosophie de l’histoire qui, malgré ses distances, ne s’échappe pas de ses origines hégéliennes. / This thesis will examine integration and disintegration in Adorno’s concept of musical material. Chapter one will analyze the dialectic of the Enlightenment, according to which rationality, through the progressive domination of nature, turns into its opposite, myth. This analysis will serve as the theoretical basis for understanding Adorno’s concept of material. Chapter two will examine the progressive tendency—exemplified in Beethoven’s classical sonata—towards the integration of musical material, understood as a moment in the larger process of social rationalization identified by Max Weber. Chapter three will examine the regressive tendency—exemplified in the works of late Beethoven, Mahler and Berg—toward the disintegration of musical material, a tendency correlative with Enlightenment’s dark side, with social fragmentation and reification. The thesis will conclude by discussing a few criticisms which cast doubt on the validity of understanding musical material on the basis of a philosophy of history which, despite its distances, remains bound to its Hegelian origins.
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Caracterização e conservação pós-colheita de cambuci, fruto nativo da Mata Atlântica / Postharvest characterization and conservation of Cambuci, native fruit from the Brazillian Atlantic ForestTokairin, Tatiane de Oliveira 31 March 2017 (has links)
Diversas mirtáceas são nativas dos biomas brasileiros, sendo que a Mata Atlântica é o local onde muitas das espécies desta família ocorrem e têm grande importância pela qualidade de seus frutos. Dentre as espécies do gênero, o cambuci [Campomanesia phaea (O. Berg.) Landrum] é apontado com grande potencial funcional e sensorial que pode ser explorado comercialmente, devido às suas características nutricionais e funcionais. Entretanto, a carência de informações técnicas sobre a espécie, aliada à falta de tecnologias adequadas à conservação in natura e processamento dos frutos, colocam em risco a exploração do seu potencial comercial e de consumo. Em decorrência desse panorama, os objetivos do presente trabalho foram: (1) avaliar a diversidade entre cambucizeiros originados de semente, quanto aos seus aspectos físicos e químicos, compostos bioativos e compostos voláteis, (2) determinar o ponto adequado de colheita e comportamento respiratório dos frutos e por fim, (3) investigar a influência da temperatura de armazenamento na qualidade e na fisiologia pós-colheita de cambuci, com o intuito de fornecer subsídios técnicos/científicos à exploração comercial desta frutífera. Os resultados da caracterização físico-química dos frutos e dos teores de voláteis revelaram diferenças entre as árvores matrizes, os locais de colheita e entre as safras dos anos de 2014 e 2015. O estádio de maturação 2, caracterizado por frutos maduros colhidos na planta, com coloração verde-amarelada e região equatorial levemente arredondada, foi definido como o ponto de colheita ideal para cambuci. Os frutos do E2 possuíam qualidade igual ou superior aos frutos dos outros estádios avaliados, tendo menor adstringência, conteúdo superior de ácido ascórbico e vida-útil pós-colheita acrescida em pelo menos 2 dias, por terem menor perda por podridões, maior firmeza da polpa e menor perda de massa frutos. Os frutos cambuci apresentaram padrão respiratório não-climatérico. Apresentaram também alteração da qualidade sensorial, ao longo dos dias após a colheita, entre os estádios de maturação, constatado pelo perfil dos compostos voláteis, tanto pela abundância de metabólitos, como pela nota aromática. Frutos mais verdes apresentam aromas herbáceo, etéreo ou pungente e à medida que amadureceram passaram a apresentar aromas frutados e canforados. O armazenamento dos frutos a baixa temperatura comprovou ser uma alternativa viável para a pós-colheita dos frutos de cambuci, contribuindo para a sua conservação, prolongando sua vida útil. Os resultados obtidos abrem perspectivas para o desenvolvimento da fruticultura do cambuci, haja vista a variabilidade genética entre os genótipos produtivos aqui demonstrada. Dessa forma, há subsídios para a implementação de programas de melhoramento da espécie com vistas ao aumento na produtividade dos plantios, atendendo à sua cadeia produtiva. Ademais, os resultados dão suporte para a definição de procedimentos de pós-colheita do cambuci, fundamentados em informações técnicas que garantem metodologia específica para a colheita e armazenagem dos frutos de cambuci. Portanto, os resultados descritos representam um avanço frente à definição de práticas de colheita e armazenagem dos frutos, garantindo assim a expansão da fruticultura da espécie. / There are several Myrtaceae native to the Brazilian biomes, being the Atlantic Forest the place where many of them occur, having great importance for the quality of its fruits. Among the species of the genus, cambuci [Campomanesia phaea (O. Berg.) Landrum] has great functional and sensorial potential, being able to be exploited commercially due to its nutritional and phytotherapeutic characteristics. However, the lack of technical information about the species, coupled with the lack of appropriate technologies for in natura conservation and fruit processing, delay the exploitation of its commercial and consumption potential. Due to this background, the objectives of this study were: (1) assess the diversity among cambucizeiros originated by seeds and their physical and chemical quality, bioactive compounds and volatile compounds, (2) determine the appropriate maturity stage for harvest and respiration rate, (3) to investigate the influence of storage temperature on cambuci quality and postharvest physiology, with the purpose of providing technical/scientific subsidies to the commercial exploitation of this fruit. The results of the physicochemical characterization of the fruits and the volatile contents revealed differences between the matrix trees, harvesting sites and between the harvests of 2014 and 2015. The maturation stage 2, characterized by ripe fruits harvested in the plant, with a yellowish-green coloration and slightly rounded equatorial region, was defined as the ideal picking for cambuci. The fruits had an equal or higher quality than the fruits of the other maturity stages, with lower astringency, higher ascorbic acidcontent and postharvest life at least 2 days larger. These results were obtained because in this maturity stages, fruits had less rot loss, greater pulp firmness and fresh weight loss. The cambuci fruits showed a non-climacteric respiratory pattern. They also showed changes in the sensorial quality, along the days after harvesting and between the stages of maturation, verified by the volatile compounds, the abundance of metabolites and aromatic notes. Greener fruits have herbaceous, ethereal or pungent aromas, and as they mature, they have fruity and camphorated aromas. The fruits storage at low temperature proved to be a viable alternative for the postharvest of cambucis, contributing to its conservation, prolonging its shelf-life, without compromising its quality. The results obtained open perspectives for the development of cambuci produce, given the genetic variability among the productive genotypes demonstrated here. Thus, there are subsidies for the implementation of breeding programs of the species for increasing the productivity, considering their productive chain. In addition, the results support the definition of postharvest procedures for cambuci, foundations in technical information that guarantee specific methodology for the harvest and storage of cambuci fruits. Therefore, the results described here represent an advance in harvesting practices and storage of the cambuci fruits, guaranteeing the expansion of production of the species.
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Caracterização e conservação pós-colheita de cambuci, fruto nativo da Mata Atlântica / Postharvest characterization and conservation of Cambuci, native fruit from the Brazillian Atlantic ForestTatiane de Oliveira Tokairin 31 March 2017 (has links)
Diversas mirtáceas são nativas dos biomas brasileiros, sendo que a Mata Atlântica é o local onde muitas das espécies desta família ocorrem e têm grande importância pela qualidade de seus frutos. Dentre as espécies do gênero, o cambuci [Campomanesia phaea (O. Berg.) Landrum] é apontado com grande potencial funcional e sensorial que pode ser explorado comercialmente, devido às suas características nutricionais e funcionais. Entretanto, a carência de informações técnicas sobre a espécie, aliada à falta de tecnologias adequadas à conservação in natura e processamento dos frutos, colocam em risco a exploração do seu potencial comercial e de consumo. Em decorrência desse panorama, os objetivos do presente trabalho foram: (1) avaliar a diversidade entre cambucizeiros originados de semente, quanto aos seus aspectos físicos e químicos, compostos bioativos e compostos voláteis, (2) determinar o ponto adequado de colheita e comportamento respiratório dos frutos e por fim, (3) investigar a influência da temperatura de armazenamento na qualidade e na fisiologia pós-colheita de cambuci, com o intuito de fornecer subsídios técnicos/científicos à exploração comercial desta frutífera. Os resultados da caracterização físico-química dos frutos e dos teores de voláteis revelaram diferenças entre as árvores matrizes, os locais de colheita e entre as safras dos anos de 2014 e 2015. O estádio de maturação 2, caracterizado por frutos maduros colhidos na planta, com coloração verde-amarelada e região equatorial levemente arredondada, foi definido como o ponto de colheita ideal para cambuci. Os frutos do E2 possuíam qualidade igual ou superior aos frutos dos outros estádios avaliados, tendo menor adstringência, conteúdo superior de ácido ascórbico e vida-útil pós-colheita acrescida em pelo menos 2 dias, por terem menor perda por podridões, maior firmeza da polpa e menor perda de massa frutos. Os frutos cambuci apresentaram padrão respiratório não-climatérico. Apresentaram também alteração da qualidade sensorial, ao longo dos dias após a colheita, entre os estádios de maturação, constatado pelo perfil dos compostos voláteis, tanto pela abundância de metabólitos, como pela nota aromática. Frutos mais verdes apresentam aromas herbáceo, etéreo ou pungente e à medida que amadureceram passaram a apresentar aromas frutados e canforados. O armazenamento dos frutos a baixa temperatura comprovou ser uma alternativa viável para a pós-colheita dos frutos de cambuci, contribuindo para a sua conservação, prolongando sua vida útil. Os resultados obtidos abrem perspectivas para o desenvolvimento da fruticultura do cambuci, haja vista a variabilidade genética entre os genótipos produtivos aqui demonstrada. Dessa forma, há subsídios para a implementação de programas de melhoramento da espécie com vistas ao aumento na produtividade dos plantios, atendendo à sua cadeia produtiva. Ademais, os resultados dão suporte para a definição de procedimentos de pós-colheita do cambuci, fundamentados em informações técnicas que garantem metodologia específica para a colheita e armazenagem dos frutos de cambuci. Portanto, os resultados descritos representam um avanço frente à definição de práticas de colheita e armazenagem dos frutos, garantindo assim a expansão da fruticultura da espécie. / There are several Myrtaceae native to the Brazilian biomes, being the Atlantic Forest the place where many of them occur, having great importance for the quality of its fruits. Among the species of the genus, cambuci [Campomanesia phaea (O. Berg.) Landrum] has great functional and sensorial potential, being able to be exploited commercially due to its nutritional and phytotherapeutic characteristics. However, the lack of technical information about the species, coupled with the lack of appropriate technologies for in natura conservation and fruit processing, delay the exploitation of its commercial and consumption potential. Due to this background, the objectives of this study were: (1) assess the diversity among cambucizeiros originated by seeds and their physical and chemical quality, bioactive compounds and volatile compounds, (2) determine the appropriate maturity stage for harvest and respiration rate, (3) to investigate the influence of storage temperature on cambuci quality and postharvest physiology, with the purpose of providing technical/scientific subsidies to the commercial exploitation of this fruit. The results of the physicochemical characterization of the fruits and the volatile contents revealed differences between the matrix trees, harvesting sites and between the harvests of 2014 and 2015. The maturation stage 2, characterized by ripe fruits harvested in the plant, with a yellowish-green coloration and slightly rounded equatorial region, was defined as the ideal picking for cambuci. The fruits had an equal or higher quality than the fruits of the other maturity stages, with lower astringency, higher ascorbic acidcontent and postharvest life at least 2 days larger. These results were obtained because in this maturity stages, fruits had less rot loss, greater pulp firmness and fresh weight loss. The cambuci fruits showed a non-climacteric respiratory pattern. They also showed changes in the sensorial quality, along the days after harvesting and between the stages of maturation, verified by the volatile compounds, the abundance of metabolites and aromatic notes. Greener fruits have herbaceous, ethereal or pungent aromas, and as they mature, they have fruity and camphorated aromas. The fruits storage at low temperature proved to be a viable alternative for the postharvest of cambucis, contributing to its conservation, prolonging its shelf-life, without compromising its quality. The results obtained open perspectives for the development of cambuci produce, given the genetic variability among the productive genotypes demonstrated here. Thus, there are subsidies for the implementation of breeding programs of the species for increasing the productivity, considering their productive chain. In addition, the results support the definition of postharvest procedures for cambuci, foundations in technical information that guarantee specific methodology for the harvest and storage of cambuci fruits. Therefore, the results described here represent an advance in harvesting practices and storage of the cambuci fruits, guaranteeing the expansion of production of the species.
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Grupinių ir individualių kineziterapijos procedūrų poveikis pacientų, patyrusių galvos smegenų insultą, mobilumui / The impact of group therapy versus individual physiotherapy on stroke patients' mobilityBalčiūnienė, Jolita 18 June 2008 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas: pacientų, patyrusių galvos smegenų insultą funkcinis mobilumas.
Tyrimo problema. Insultas yra trečioji pagal dažnį mirties priežastis išsivysčiusiose šalyse (Dias et al., 2007). Įvykus insultui sutrinka motorinės, sensorinės ir pažintinės funkcijos. Gali būti labai pažeista ėjimo funkcija. Eisenos atgavimas yra svarbiausias reabilitacijos tikslas (Dias et al., 2007).
Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti grupinių ir individualių kineziterapijos procedūrų poveikį pacientų, patyrusių galvos smegenų insultą, mobilumui.
Tyrimo uždaviniai. 1) Įvertinti tiriamųjų pusiausvyrą pagal Berg skalę prieš ir po grupinių ir individualių kineziterapijos procedūrų taikymo; 2) Įvertinti tiriamųjų pusiausvyrą sėdint, atsistojimą iš sėdimos padėties bei ėjimą pagal judesių įvertinimo skalę prieš ir po grupinių ir individualių kineziterapijos procedūrų taikymo; 3) Įvertinti tiriamųjų ėjimą pagal testą „Stotis ir eiti“ prieš ir po grupinių ir individualių procedūrų taikymo; 4) Nustatyti koreliacinius ryšius tarp tirtų rodiklių.
Tyrimo metodika. Taikant grupinius ir individualius užsiėmimus buvo vertinama 30-ties tiriamųjų (amžius 74,4±4,3 m.) patyrusių insultą ne mažiau kaip prie 36 mėn. pusiausvyra ir ėjimas pagal Berg pusiausvyros skalę, modifikuotą judesių įvertinimo skalę bei „Stotis ir eiti“ testą prieš ir po kineziterapijos.
Rezultatai. Berg pusiausvyros skalės rezultatai individualios kineziterapijos grupėje prieš kineziterapiją buvo 39,6±5,89, po kineziterapijos – 44,5±6,0 balo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Problem. Stroke is the third common cause of mortality in developed countries (Dias et al., 2007). Several disabilities occur after stroke, including loss of motor, sensory and cognitive functions. Gait in stroke patients can be greatly disrupted. Restoration of gait is a major goal in the rehabilitation of stroke patients (Dias et al., 2007).
Aim: to compare the effectiveness of group therapy and individual physiotherapy on the functional mobility in stroke patients.
Objectives. 1) to assess balance in stroke patients according Berg Balance Scale before and after group and individual physiotherapy; 2) to assess sitting balance, standing and walking in stroke according Motor Assessment Scale before and after group and individual physiotherapy; 3) to evaluate walking in stroke patients according Up & Go test before and after group and individual physiotherapy; 4) to find correlation among assessed values.
Methods. Balance and walking were assessed in 30 stroke patients (age 74.4±4.3 years) according to Berg Balance Scale, Motor Assessment Scale and Up & Go test applying group or individual physiotherapy. Time after stroke was no less than 36 months. All measures were done before and after physiotherapy.
Results. Results of Berg Balance Scale before and after individual physiotherapy were: 39.6±5.89 and 44.5±6.0 score respectively; Results of Berg Balance Scale before and after group physiotherapy were: 39.0±6.21 and – 44.6±5.99 scores respectively.
Results of Motor... [to full text]
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