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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Влияние когнитивных искажений на эффективность труда сотрудников промышленного предприятия : магистерская диссертация / The influence of cognitive biases on the labor efficiency of employees of an industrial enterprise

Тобышева, А. А., Tobysheva, A. A. January 2022 (has links)
Целью работы является исследование повышения эффективности труда сотрудников промышленного предприятия с учетом влияния когнитивных искажений. Для этого был разработан методический подход, в основу которого положен учет когнитивных искажений, включающий в себя классификацию групп рабочих по уровню когнитивных искажений и эффективности труда, а также комплекс мероприятий, направленных на нивелирование влияния когнитивных искажений, что позволит снизить воздействие когнитивных искажений и достигнуть более высоких показателей эффективности труда на промышленном предприятии. / The aim of the work is to study the improvement of the labor efficiency of employees of an industrial enterprise, taking into account the influence of cognitive distortions. For this purpose, a methodical approach was developed, which is based on the account of cognitive distortions, including the classification of groups of workers by the level of cognitive distortions and labor efficiency, as well as a set of measures aimed at leveling the influence of cognitive distortions, which will reduce the impact of cognitive distortions and achieve higher labor efficiency indicators at an industrial enterprise.

Psykologiska bias påverkan på försäkringsbranschen : En kvalitativ studie om samvariationen mellan psykologiska bias och efterfrågan på företagsförsäkringar

Byman, David, Köhler, Gustav January 2023 (has links)
Titel: Psykologiska bias påverkan på försäkringsbranschen – En kvalitativ studie om samvariationen mellan psykologiska bias och efterfrågan på företagsförsäkringar. Författare: David Byman & Gustav Köhler Handledare: Mikael Knutsson Bakgrund: Att vara felaktigt försäkrad kan leda till allvarliga ekonomiska konsekvenser för företag. Perioden mellan år 2021–2023 har präglats av stora ekonomiska och geopolitiska påfrestningar vilka påverkat inflationen, världsekonomin och den internationella handeln. De unika marknadsförhållandena har resulterat i stor osäkerhet på de finansiella marknaderna och gett upphov till nya bedömningar inom risk och försäkring. Omfattande forskning har visat att både bedömningar och beslut påverkas av psykologiska faktorer. Av denna anledning är det relevant att studera hur psykologiska faktorer påverkar dessa bedömningar inom risk och försäkring för att hjälpa företag fatta bättre beslut i framtiden. Syfte: Undersökningens syfte är att, genom en abduktiv ansats, analysera i vilken utsträckning experter inom risk- och försäkringsområdet upplever att de psykologiska faktorerna risktolerans, vana, överkonfidens, förlustaversion, dispositionseffekten, kognitiv förmåga och optimism och pessimism påverkat svenska företags riskbedömningar mellan 2021–2023. Metod: För att besvara studiens syfte har en kvalitativ metod med elva semistrukturerade intervjuer utförts. Slutsats: Resultaten från de studerade experterna visar att samtliga undersökta psykologiska faktorer kan påverka företags beslutsfattande inom risk och försäkring, dock på olika sätt och i varierande omfattningar. Av de undersökta fallgroparna är det risktolerans, överkonfidens, förlustaversion, vana och känslor som har haft störst påverkan. / Title: Psychological biases' impact on the insurance industry – A qualitative study on the covariation between psychological biases and the demand for corporate insurance. Authors: David Byman & Gustav Köhler Supervisor: Mikael Knutsson Background: Being wrongly insured can lead to serious financial consequences for businesses. The period between the years 2021-2023 has been marked by major economic and geopolitical strains which have affected the inflation, world economy and international trade. The unique market conditions have resulted in great uncertainty in the financial markets and given rise to new assessments in risk and insurance. Extensive research has shown that both assessments and decisions are influenced by psychological factors. For this reason, it is relevant to study how psychological factors influence these decisions in risk and insurance to help companies make better decisions in the future. Purpose: The purpose of the survey is to, through an abductive approach, analyze the extent to which experts in the risk and insurance field perceive that the psychological factors risk tolerance, habit, overconfidence, loss aversion, the disposition effect, cognitive ability and optimism and pessimism have influenced Swedish companies' risk assessments during the years 2021-2023. Method: To fulfill the purpose of the study, a qualitative method with eleven semi- structured interviews has been conducted. Conclusion: The results from the studied experts show that all the examined psychological factors can influence companies' decision-making within risk and insurance, however in different ways and to varying extents. Among the investigated pitfalls, risk tolerance, overconfidence, loss aversion, habit, and emotions have had the greatest impact.

Improving Multilingual Models for the Swedish Language : Exploring CrossLingual Transferability and Stereotypical Biases

Katsarou, Styliani January 2021 (has links)
The best performing Transformer-based Language Models are monolingual and mainly focus on high-resource languages such as English. In an attempt to extend their usage to more languages, multilingual models have been introduced. Nevertheless, multilingual models still underperform on a specific language when compared to a similarly sized monolingual model that has been trained solely on that specific language. The main objective of this thesis project is to explore how a multilingual model can be improved for Swedish which is a low-resource language. We study if a multilingual model can benefit from further pre-training on Swedish or on a mix of English and Swedish text before fine-tuning. Our results on the task of semantic text similarity show that further pre-training increases the Pearson Correlation Score by 5% for specific cross-lingual language settings. Taking into account the responsibilities that arise from the increased use of Language Models in real-world applications, we supplement our work by additional experiments that measure stereotypical biases associated to gender. We use a new dataset that we designed specifically for that purpose. Our systematic study compares Swedish to English as well as various model sizes. The insights from our exploration indicate that the Swedish language carries less bias associated to gender than English and that higher manifestation of gender bias is associated to the use of larger Language Models. / De bästa Transformerbaserade språkmodellerna är enspråkiga och fokuserar främst på resursrika språk som engelska. I ett försök att utöka deras användning till fler språk har flerspråkiga modeller introducerats. Flerspråkiga modeller underpresterar dock fortfarande på enskilda språk när man jämför med en enspråkig modell av samma storlek som enbart har tränats på det specifika språket. Huvudsyftet med detta examensarbete är att utforska hur en flerspråkig modell kan förbättras för svenska som är ett resurssnålt språk. Vi studerar om en flerspråkig modell kan dra nytta av ytterligare förträning på svenska eller av en blandning av engelsk och svensk text innan finjustering. Våra resultat på uppgiften om semantisk textlikhet visar att ytterligare förträning ökar Pearsons korrelationspoäng med 5% för specifika tvärspråkiga språkinställningar. Med hänsyn till det ansvar som uppstår från den ökade användningen av språkmodeller i verkliga tillämpningar, kompletterar vi vårt arbete med ytterligare experiment som mäter stereotypa fördomar kopplade till kön. Vi använder en ny datauppsättning som vi har utformat specifikt för det ändamålet. Vår systematiska studie jämför svenska med engelska samt olika modellstorlekar. Insikterna från vår forskning tyder på att det svenska språket har mindre partiskhet förknippat med kön än engelska, samt att högre manifestation av könsfördomar är förknippat med användningen av större språkmodeller.

Three Essays On Sellers’ Behavior In The Housing Market

Alexandrova, Svetoslava N. 06 April 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Occupational Cohort Studies and the Nested Case-Control Study Design

Hein, Misty 09 November 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Exploring Common Antecedents of Three Related Decision Biases

Westfall, Jonathan E. 25 September 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Peeling Back Biases: : Exploring Consumer Perceptions of 'Ugly' Foods

Hörnfeldt, Natalie January 2024 (has links)
This thesis explores consumer perceptions of aesthetically imperfect, or 'ugly,' foods and investigates the willingness to purchase and consume these products as a strategy to reduce food waste. The study delves into cognitive biases that lead to the rejection of nutritionally sound yet visually unappealing foods, significantly contributing to food wastage. Through a comprehensive food perception survey, this research examines the impact of visual appeal, expected taste, price, and bundling strategies on consumer choices, particularly focusing on the enhancement of the attractiveness of 'ugly' foods when paired with aesthetically pleasing ones.Key findings highlight that while consumer biases heavily influence the initial reaction of 'ugly' foods based on appearance, innovative marketing strategies like bundling can shift perceptions and increase consumer willingness to purchase. Crucially, the thesis identifies post-purchase ownership perception as a significant factor in influencing future consumer behavior. Ownership of 'ugly' foods, even in a hypothetical sense, positively affects consumers’ perceptions and behaviors, increasing their likelihood to repurchase and recommend these products, thus indicating a sustainable shift in consumption patterns. This research provides actionable insights for stakeholders in the food industry to mitigate consumer biases against 'ugly' foods, thereby enhancing sustainability and ethical consumption practices. The broader implications of these findings suggest that addressing post-purchase perceptions can effectively contribute to reducing global food wastage and fostering more environmentally responsible food consumption.

Confiance en soi et économie comportementale du travail : trois essais expérimentaux / Self-confidence and behavioral labor economics : three experimental essays

Vialle, Isabelle 10 December 2010 (has links)
Ce manuscrit comporte trois essais qui partagent l’objectif commun d’évaluer l’impact de la confiance en soi sur les décisions des agents économiques à l’aide de la méthode expérimentale. Ce travail se concentre sur trois thèmes relatifs à l’économie comportementale du travail : le travail au noir, la recherche d’emploi et le travail en équipe. Le premier chapitre analyse les biais d’optimisme dans le contexte du travail irrégulier. Ce travail fournit une mesure des biais d’optimisme à travers un processus de décision. Les résultats montrent que les modalités d’annonce du contrôle altèrent la perception du risque : la désignation du nombre d’agents aléatoirement contrôlés tend à encourager l’optimisme des fraudeurs. Le second chapitre étudie comment l’incertitude quant à l’habileté et l’estime que les demandeurs d’emploi ont d’eux-mêmes affectent leurs décisions de recherche. Les résultats montrent qu’en moyenne les agents peu habiles ne modifient pas leur salaire de réserve, alors que les sujets très habiles tendent à diminuer leurs exigences salariales et donc à stopper plus rapidement leur recherche. Cependant, les décisions des agents peu habiles ne sont pas homogènes : les agents peu compétents ont des exigences salariales d’autant plus élevées qu’ils ont une haute estime d’eux-mêmes. Le troisième chapitre vise à évaluer dans quelle mesure l’image que les travailleurs ont d’eux-mêmes conditionne leur choix d’effort lorsqu’ils travaillent en groupe. Les résultats montrent que les agents qui sur évaluent (sous-évaluent) leur habileté exercent plus (moins) d’effort que les sujets qui ont une perception correcte de leurs compétences. Les résultats révèlent également que les individus bénéficient de la sur-confiance de leur partenaire, mais pas de leur propre biais, alors que la sous-confiance détériore le bien-être de tous les membres de l’équipe. / This dissertation contains three essays that estimate the effects of self-confidence on economic agents’ decisions. An experimental approach is used for those contributions. This work is interested in three topics concerning behavioral labor economics: moonlighting, job search and teamwork. The first chapter investigates the existence of optimism biases in the context of irregular work. This essay proposes a measure of optimism biases through a decision process. The results show that the way the monitoring policy is announced deeply affects the perception of the risk at stake: the designation of the number of randomly controlled agents tends to foster the cheats’ optimism. The second chapter studies how the uncertainty on ability and self-esteem of job-seekers affect their search behaviors. The results show that on average the low ability agents’ decisions are not affected by the uncertainty about their ability, whereas the high ability agents tend to decrease their reservation wage and thus to stop their search faster. However, the low ability agents’ decisions are not homogeneous: the higher the worker’s self-esteem is, the higher his reservation wage is. The third chapter aims at estimating how workers’ self-image biases affect effort choices and team production. The results show that the workers who overestimate (underestimate) their ability provide higher (lower) effort levels than the unbiased. The results also reveal that the agents benefit from their partner’s confidence, but not from their own bias. Conversely, the presence of underconfident agents in the team damages the welfare of both teammates.

The Effects of Alternative Presentation Formats on Biases and Heuristics in Human Decision Making

Van Dyke, Thomas P. (Thomas Peter) 05 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this research was to determine whether changes in the presentation format of items in a computer display could be used to alter the impact of specific cognitive biases, and to add to the knowledge needed to construct theory-based guidelines for output design. The problem motivating this study is twofold. The first part of the problem is the sub-optimal decision making caused by the use of heuristics and their associated cognitive biases. The second part of the problem is the lack of a theoretical basis to guide the design of information presentation formats to counter the effects of such biases. An availability model of the impact of changes in presentation format on biases and heuristics was constructed based on the findings of a literature review. A six-part laboratory experiment was conducted utilizing a sample of 205 student subjects from the college of business. The independent variable was presentation format which was manipulated by altering the visual salience or visual recency of items of information in a visual computer display. The dependent variables included recall, perceived importance, and the subjects' responses to three judgment tasks. The results clearly demonstrate that changes in presentation format can be used to alter the impact of cognitive biases on human decision making. The results also provide support for the availability model, with the exception of the proposed influence of learning style. Learning style was found to have no significant impact on decision making whether alone or in combination with changes in presentation format. The results of this investigation demonstrate that by using our knowledge of cognitive processes (e.g., the visual salience effect, the visual recency effect, and the availability heuristic), presentation formats can be altered in order to moderate the effects of certain biases and heuristics in human decision making. An understanding of these results may be useful in improving DSS design.


Ryan Peters (7027685) 15 August 2019 (has links)
Recent modeling work shows that patterns of shared perceptual features relate to the group-level order of acquisition of early-learned words (Peters & Borovsky, 2019). Here we present results for two eye-tracked word recognition studies showing patterns of shared perceptual features likewise influence processing of known and novel noun-concepts in individual 24- to 30-month-old toddlers. In the first study (Chapter 2, N=54), we explored the influence of perceptual connectivity on both initial attentional biases to known objects and subsequent label processing. In the second study (Chapter 3, N=49), we investigated whether perceptual connectivity influences patterns of attention during learning opportunities for novel object-features and object-labels, subsequent pre-labeling attentional biases, and object-label learning outcomes. Results across studies revealed four main findings. First, patterns of shared (visual-motion and visual-form and surface) perceptual features do relate to differences in early noun-concept processing at the individual level. Second, such influences are tentatively at play from the outset of novel noun-concept learning. Third, connectivity driven attentional biases to both recently learned and well-known objects follow a similar timecourse and show similar patterns of individual differences. Fourth, initial, pre-labeling attentional biases to objects relate to subsequent label processing, but do not linearly explain effects of connectivity. Finally, we consider whether these findings provide support for shared-feature-guided selective attention to object features as a mechanism underlying early lexico-semantic development.

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