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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Affinity Based Capture of Circulating Tumour Cells Using Designed Ankyrin Repeat Proteins (DARPins) in a Microfluidic System

Spåre, Emil January 2021 (has links)
Designade ankyrinupprepningsproteiner (DARPiner) är små, mycket stabila antikroppsmimetiska proteiner. I det här projektet användes anti-EpCAM-DARPiner tillsammans med mikrofluidik för att avgära om de kunde fånga upp HCT116-celler mer effektivt än anti-EpCAM-antikroppar. Ytorna på insidan av mikroffluidikkanaler förändrades genom bindning av N-γ-maleimidobutyryl-oxysuccinimidester (GMBS) och merkaptopropyltrietoxysilan (MPTES) för anti-EpCAM-antikroppar och GMBS och (3-aminopropyl)trietoxysilan (APTES) för DARPiner. Båda kanaltyperna testades genom inflöde av cancerceller och helblod blandat med cancerceller. Ingen effektiv och konsekvent celluppfångst åstadkoms trots att det visades att antikropparna och DARPinerna kunde binda till cellerna direkt och att test med fluorescenta DARPiner och antikroppar visade att ytförändringskemin var fungerande. Slutsatsen blev att de mest troliga orsakerna till misslyckandena var att ytförändringskemin påverkade proteinernas bindningsförmåga negativt eller att proteinerna bands till kanalernas yta i fel riktning. DARPiner är fortfarande intressanta för tillämpningar inom mikrofluidik, men vidare förbättring av det experimentella protokollet behövs. / Designed ankyrin repeat proteins (DARPins) are small and highly stable antibody mimetics. In this project, anti-EpCAM DARPins were used in conjunction with microfluidics to determine if they could capture HCT116 cells more effectively than anti-EpCAM antibodies. The inside surfaces of microfluidic chips were modified using N-γ-maleimidobutyryl-oxysuccinimide ester (GMBS) and mercaptopropyltriethoxysilane (MPTES) for anti-EpCAM antibodies, and surface modifications for anti-EpCAM DARPins were made using GMBS and (3-aminopropyl)triethoxysilane (APTES). Both chip types were tested using cancer cells and whole blood mixed with cancer cells. No effective and consistent cell capture was achieved, despite the antibodies and DARPins being shown to be able to bind to the cells directly and tests with fluorescently labelled DARPins and antibodies showing that the surface modification chemistry used was functional. It was concluded that the most likely causes of the failures were surface modifications interfering with the binding ability of the proteins, or improper orientation of the bound proteins. The DARPin remains a protein of interest for microfluidic applications, but further changes and optimisation of the experimental protocol is necessary.

Structural basis of modulation by pH and calcium in a ligand-gated ion channel

Andén, Olivia January 2021 (has links)
Pentameriska ligandstyrda jonkanaler (pLGICs) är avgörande för omvandlingen av kemisk till elektrisk signalöverföring i djurs nervsystem. Dysfunktion i dessa kanaler har visat sig vara kopplad till flera sjukdomar inklusive epilepsi, schizofreni, Alzheimers och autism, vilket gör dem till en måltavla för en mängd olika läkemedel. Att studera eukaryota kanaler är dock mycket utmanande, så upptäckten av prokaryota homologer, som är mycket lättare att studera, har därmed bidragit mycket till förståelsen för struktur och funktion hos proteiner i denna familj. I detta projekt producerades och renades en prokaryotisk pLGIC kallad DeCLIC från Escherichia coli. Strukturell bestämning av kanalen genomfördes med användning av kryo-elektronmikroskopi vid lågt pH och i närvaro av kalcium. En elektrontäthet med 3.4 Å upplösning uppnåddes och jämfördes med tidigare bestämda strukturer vid olika förhållanden i ett försök att bestämma hur proteinets struktur moduleras av kalcium och pH. Resultaten visar flera skillnader i kanalens konformation i närvaro och frånvaro av kalcium såväl som vid olika pH-värden. Dessutom antyder analys av den bestämda elektrontätheten ett möjligt intermediärt tillstånd vid lågt pH i närvaro av kalcium. / Pentameric ligand-gated ion channels (pLGICs) are crucial for the conversion of chemical to electrical signaling in the nervous system of mammals. Dysfunction in these channels has been found to be connected to several diseases including epilepsy, schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s, and autism, making them the target of a wide variety of therapeutic agents. However, studying eukaryotic channels is challenging so the discovery of prokaryotic homologs that are much easier to study has thus greatly helped in the understanding of the structure and function in this family of proteins. In this project, a prokaryotic pLGIC called DeCLIC was produced and purified from Escherichia coli. Structural determination of the channel was pursued using cryo-electron microscopy at a low pH and in the presence of calcium. An electron density at 3.4 Å resolution was achieved and compared to previously determined structures at different conditions in an attempt to determine the structural modulation of calcium and pH. Results show multiple differences in channel conformation in the presence and absence of calcium as well as in different pH conditions. Furthermore, analysis of the determined electron density suggests a possible intermediate state at low pH in the presence of calcium.

Enzyme selectivity as a tool in analytical chemistry

Hamberg, Anders January 2007 (has links)
Enzymes are useful tools as specific analytical reagents. Two different analysis methods were developed for use in the separate fields of protein science and organic synthesis. Both methods rely on the substrate specificity of enzymes. Enzyme catalysis and substrate specificity is described and put in context with each of the two developed methods. In paper I a method for C-terminal peptide sequencing was developed based on conventional Carboxypeptidase Y digestion combined with matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry. An alternative nucleophile was used to obtain a stable peptide ladder and improve sequence coverage. In paper II and III, three different enzymes were used for rapid analysis of enantiomeric excess and conversion of O-acylated cyanohydrins synthesized by a defined protocol. Horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase, Candida antarctica lipase B and pig liver esterase were sequentially added to a solution containing the O-acylated cyanohydrin. Each enzyme caused a drop in absorbance from oxidation of NADH to NAD+. The conversion and enantiomeric excess of the sample could be calculated from the relative differences in absorbance. / QC 20101108

Non-canonical amino acid incorporation as a strategy for labeling membrane bound Na+/K+-ATPase for fluorescence microscopy imaging

Johansson Holopainen, Adam January 2023 (has links)
Natrium-kaliumpumpen spelar en väsentlig roll i en rad fysiologiska funktioner då den upprätthåller den elektrokemiska gradienten över cellmembranet. Ytterligare så är störningar i dess funktion associerade med flera neurologiska sjukdomar. Proteinet är en heterodimer av α– och β–subenheter, ibland även associerat med en tredje γ (FXYD) subenhet, vilket gör det problematiskt att studera dess högre ordningens organisation i cellmembranet med hjälp av konventionella, relativt storskaliga inmärkiningsprober såsom antikroppar. Inkorporering av icke-kanoniska aminosyror är ett nyutvecklat och växande område som erbjuder en lösning. Genom CuAAC– och SPIEDAC–klickkonjugationsreaktioner kan organiska färgämnen (fluoroforer) snabbt och specifikt fästas i sidokedjor med motsvarande reaktiva grupper på jonpumpen, vilket skapar en liten och icke-invasiv inmärkningsprob för fluorescensmikroskopi. För att specifikt studera alla tre subenheter samtidigt krävs inmärkning med tre olika fluoroforer). Syftet med detta projekt var att lyckas med trefärgsinmärkning genom inkorporering av icke-kanoniska aminosyror, och därigenom underlätta studerandet av hur natrium-kaliumpumpens subenheter ordnar sig i cellmembranet. Transient transfekterade HEK293T-celler med membraninmärkta jonpumpar studerades med hjälp av fluorescensmikroskopi, vilket kompletterades med gelfluorescensavbildning och immunoblotting. Samtidigt gjordes proteinuttryck och tvåfärgsinmärkning av alla nonsenskodonmuterade subenheter i kombination med varandra och var synlig i proteingel, där endast α och β tidigare hade samuttryckts. α/γ parinmärkning visade sig framgångsrik när de samtransfekterades med β av vildtyp. En autofluorescenseffekt i en av färgkanalerna påverkade resultaten för mikroskopin. Trefärgsinmärkning observerades inte i gelen, och uttrycket av subenheterna (varav α var ersatt för detta experiment) var i stort sett obefintligt. Otydlighet består därmed huruvida trefärgsinmärkning eller trippelsamuttryck är möjligt med de bioortogonala translationssystemen som användes i detta projekt på jonpumpen. / Na+/K+-ATPase is an essential ion pump protein in a host of physiological functions as it maintains the electrochemical gradient across cell membranes. Additionally, its dysfunction is implicated in several neurological diseases. The protein is a heterodimer of α and β subunits, occasionally associated with a third γ (FXYD) subunit, which makes studying its higher order organization in the cell membrane difficult using conventional, relatively large scale labeling probes such as antibodies. Non-canonical amino acid incorporation is an emerging field which offers a solution. Via CuAAC and SPIEDAC click conjugation reactions, organic fluorophores can be specifically attached to the side chains of residues of the ion pump with corresponding reactive moieties, creating a small and noninvasive probe for fluorescence microscopy imaging. In order to specifically image all three subunits concurrently, three color labeling is required. The objective of this project was to achieve three color labeling via non-canonical amino acid incorporation to aid in the study of the cell membrane localization of the subunits of Na+/K+-ATPase. Fluorescence microscopy of transiently transfected and live cell labeled HEK293T cells was complemented by in gel fluorescence imaging and immunoblotting. Coexpression and two color labeling of all nonsense codon subunit mutants in combination was shown in gel, of which only α and β had previously been coexpressed. α/γ dual labeling proved successful when cotransfected with wild type β. An autofluorescent effect in one of the color channels compromised the microscopy results. Three color labeling was not observed in gel, and expression of the subunits (including a substitute for α) was middling to absent. It remains unclear whether three color labeling or triple coexpression is a possibility with the bioorthogonal translation systems used in this project.

Characterization of diazepam binding inhibitor as a structure-function tool for human ɣ-aminobutyric acid-A receptors

Simon-Guth, Szabolcs January 2023 (has links)
Gammaaminosmörsyrareceptorer typ A (GABAAR) är pentameriska ligandstyrda kloridkanaler som uppvisar neurohämmande egenskaper. Därmed är de primära läkemedelsmål för flera ångestdämpande och lugnande läkemedel som används för att minska förekomsten av aktionspotential i neuroner. Trots vikten av dessa receptorer har strukturen av öppen receptor för GABAAR inte lösts hittills, på grund av deras snabba desensibiliseringskinetik. Diazepambindande hämmare (DBI) är en neuropeptid som tidigare rapporterats vara en positiv modulerare för α5β3 GABAAR. I denna studie framställdes DBI genom rekombinant proteinexpression, och den positiva moduleringen undersöktes och karakteriserades med hjälp av voltage-clamp med två elektroder på Xenopus laevis oocyter. För att kunna studera DBI moduleringen skapades GABA dos-responskurvan, och dess karakteristik undersöktes. Baserat på resultaten verkar den positiva moduleringen av DBI vara koncentrationsberoende. Vidare orsakar moduleringen en 2,16-faldig ökning av GABA-framkallad ström vid dess maximala modulationskoncentration. Trots att ström signaler från voltage-clamp uppvisar en viss grad av variabilitet stämmer resultaten överens med tidigare rapporterade observationer som utredde DBI moduleringen respektive GABA dos-responskurvan för α5β3 GABAAR. Dessa resultat kan utnyttjas för att stödja framtida strukturella studier av GABAAR genom att använda denna kunskap om DBI för att potentiellt kunna stabilisera den öppna receptorn, såväl som för att förstå mekanismen för interaktionen mellan DBI och GABAAR. / γ-Aminobutyric acid type-A receptors (GABAARs) are pentameric ligand-gated chloride channels which exhibit neuro inhibitory effects. Hence, they are the primary drug-targets of multiple anxiolytic and sedative drugs used to inhibit the firing rate of neurons. Despite the importance of these receptors, the open structure of GABAAR has not been resolved, owing to their rapid desensitization kinetics. Diazepam binding inhibitor (DBI) is a neuropeptide previously reported to positively modulate the α5β3 GABAARs. In this study, DBI was recombinantly expressed, and this positive modulation was further investigated and characterized by using two-electrode voltage clamp of Xenopus oocytes. For the purpose of studying DBI modulation, GABA dose-response curve was generated, and its characteristics were assessed. Based on the results, the positive modulation of DBI appears to be concentration dependent. Furthermore, the modulation causes a 2.16-fold increase in GABA-elicited current at its maximum modulatory concentration. Although the current traces present some degree of variability, the results are supported by being consistent with previously reported findings investigating DBI modulation and the dose-response curve for α5β3 GABAARs, respectively. These findings can be used to support future structural studies of GABAARs by utilizing this knowledge of DBI to potentially stabilize the open structure of the receptor, as well as in understanding the mechanism of interaction between DBI and GABAARs.

Identifiering av promotorregionen för Cyt c Id1 samt undersökning av genuttrycket i närvarooch frånvaro av syre / Identification of the promoter region for Cyt c Id-1 and investigation of geneexpression in the presence and absence of oxygen

Nabo, Slava January 2023 (has links)
In this work, the identification of the promoter for c-cytochromes Cyt c Id-1 in Ideonella dechloratans has been investigated. Additionally, the study examined investigating whether gene expression is affected by the presence and absence of oxygen. This was investigated by amplifying the promoter region of Cyt c Id-1 (389 bp) and then cloning it into a reporter vector lacking a functional promoter for the upstream gene β-galactosidase. The reporter vector was transformed into E. coli RM101 and grown under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. To examine the gene expression of Cyt c Id-1 the activity of β-galactosidase has been measured in both the aerobic and anaerobic cultures. The result showed that the gene is induced more in an anaerobic environment than in an aerobic environment, by comparing the activity of β-galactosidase under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. / I detta arbete har identifiering av promotorn för c-cytokromer Cyt c Id-1 i Ideonella dechloratans undersökts, samt att undersöka om genuttrycket påverkas av närvaro och frånvaro av syre. Detta är undersökts genom att amplifiera promotorregionen för Cyt c Id-1 (389 bp) för att sedan klona in den in i en reportervektor som saknar en fungerande promotor för uppströms genen β-galaktosidas. Reportervektorn transformerades till E. coli RM101 och odlades under både aeroba och anaeroba förhållanden.  För att undersöka genuttrycket av Cyt c Id-1 har aktiviteten hos β-galaktosidas uppmätts i både de aeroba och anaeroba odlingarna. Resultatet visat att genen induceras mer i anaerob miljö än i aerob miljö, genom att jämföra aktiviteten av β-galaktosidas under både aerob och anaerob förhållande.

Developing a protocol for RT-qPCR of wing-tissue gene expression and investigating the dynamics of photoperiodically induced polyphenism in the water strider Gerris buenoi

Andersson, Elin January 2023 (has links)
Wing polyphenism in insects is a type of phenotypic plasticity where environmental factors trigger the development of a set of discrete wing morphologies. In the water strider Gerris buenoi, photoperiods are the main environmental cue that trigger wing morph determination. The genetic mechanisms connecting environmental cues and the determination of wing morph in G. buenoi are not clear. However, recent experimental work suggests that engagement of the Hippo pathway via ecdysone signalling is a promising model for further investigation. In this study, a reverse-transcription quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) protocol was developed, aimed at elucidating this potential transduction pathway by quantifying gene expression of Fat, Dachsous, Yorkie, EcR, E75 and E74. This was done using melt curve analysis, gel electrophoresis, sequencing of RT-qPCR products and qPCR standard curves. Additionally, wing morph distribution in extreme and intermediate photoperiods were examined. Wing morph proportions were significantly different between adults emerging in the intermediate photoperiods 15.30:8.30 and 15:9 (hours light : hours dark). An effect of sex was observed, with a higher probability of males becoming long-winged compared to females. This has likely evolved as a result of a dispersal-reproduction trade-off. Taken together, this study provided insight for future investigations of periodically induced wing morph determination and its genetic mechanisms in G. buenoi that will contribute to the understanding of phenotypic plasticity.

The receptor tyrosine kinase Met and the protein tyrosine phosphatase PTPN2 in breast cancer

Veenstra, Cynthia January 2017 (has links)
Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in women worldwide and the second leading cause of cancer death. It is a heterogeneous disease and is subdivided into different subtypes, all with different treatment responses and survival outcomes. Luminal breast cancers are characterised by the expression of oestrogen receptor and generally have a good prognosis. More aggressive tumours are marked by the presence of growth stimulating receptor tyrosine kinase HER2 (HER2-like breast cancer) or the absence of oestrogen receptor, progesterone receptor, and HER2 (triple-negative breast cancer,TNBC). The latter is the most aggressive form and is difficult to treat due to lack of treatment targets. This thesis aimed to explore possible prognostic and predictive biomarkers in different subtypes and study their role in breast cancer. To this aid, breast cancer tumours of pre- and post-menopausal patients enrolled in two cohorts were analysed for gene copy numbers and expression of proteins involved in cell proliferation. Gene copy numbers of receptor tyrosine kinases MET and EGFR, Met’s ligand HGF, and protein tyrosine phosphatase PTPN2 were determined by droplet digital PCR or quantitative PCR in both cohorts. Met, phosphorylated Met (pMet), HGF, and PTPN2 protein expression levels were analysed with immunohistochemical staining in the pre-menopausal cohort. Moreover,the role of the aforementioned proteins was investigated in breast cancer cell lines. Amplification of MET, HGF, and EGFR in breast tissues was found to be low (5-8%). These three genes, all located on chromosome 7, were found to be strongly correlated with eachother and to be associated with shortened distant recurrence-free survival. High protein expression of Met, pMet, and HGF was found in 33%, 53%, and 49% of the breast tumours. MET and EGFR were found to be more often amplified in TNBC disease, correlating with worse survival. Moreover, stromal expression of HGF was associated with shorter survival in TNBC. EGF stimulation in TNBC cell line MDA-MB-468 led to inhibited cell proliferation and migration. Partial knockdown of EGFR caused TNBC cells to proliferate and migrate more upon EGF treatment, mirroring EGFR inhibitor resistance. Knockdown of Met had in part the opposite effects, indicating that Met inhibitors might be useful in the treatment of TNBC. The increase in proliferation and migration upon EGFR depletion could be counteracted with simultaneous knockdown of EGFR and Met, indicating that dual inhibition of these proteins might be a future treatment option in TNBC. Copy loss of PTPN2 was reported in 15% of the cases in both pre- and post-menopausal cohorts. Low cytoplasmic PTPN2 protein expression was found in half of the cases. Loss of PTPN2 gene or protein was associated with a shorter distant recurrence-free survival in Luminal A and HER2-positive tumours, not in TNBC, suggesting a subtype-related prognostic value of PTPN2. Subtype relevance of PTPN2 was further implied by in vitro analyses. Whereas PTPN2 knockdown had no observed effect on TNBC cell lines, knockdown in the Luminal A cell line MCF7 inhibited Met phosphorylation and promoted phosphorylation of Akt, a key regulator of cellular proliferation and survival. The cell growth and survival regulating RAS/MAPK pathway remained unaffected. Knockdown in the HER2-positive cell line SKBR3 led to increased Met phosphorylation and decreased RAS/MAPK-related Erk phosphorylation as well as EGF-mediated transcription factor STAT3 phosphorylation. These results indicate that the role of PTPN2 in breast cancer is subtype-related and needs to be further investigated for future treatment options.

One Bead One Compound Screening for Cyclic Peptide Binding Partners

Utterström, Johanna January 2018 (has links)
In recent years a significant research focus has been on the development of biomimicking three-dimensional substrates for cell culturing. Hydrogels mimicking the extracellular matrix is a well-suited scaffold for this purpose and there are many different ways these can be cross-linked to retain their shape. The group of Molecular Materials at IFM, Linköping University, is focusing on the development of physical hydrogels hybridized through peptide-peptide interactions but all peptides used for this today are created using rational design and on top of this very large, making them time-consuming and expensive to fabricate. The aim of this project was to evaluate if One Bead One Compound (OBOC) libraries could be used as an alternative to rational design in the finding of cyclic peptide binding partners used in the hybridization of hydrogels. The results were not very promising though since only seven peptides passed all screening steps and of these only two could be sequenced. Of these two, only one was water soluble enough to enable binding interactions analysis but was then found to be a false hit. Nevertheless, it should be noticed that only a fraction of all possible combinations was screened and the results cannot exclude OBOC libraries as an approach in the quest of finding new cyclic peptide binding partners.

Development of Next-Generation Optical Tweezers : The New Swiss Army Knife of Biophysical and Biomechanical Research

Nilsson, Daniel January 2020 (has links)
In a time when microorganisms are controlling the world, research in biology is more relevant than ever and this requires some powerful instruments. Optical tweezers use a focused laser beam to manipulate and probe objects on the nano- and microscale. This allows for the exploration of a miniature world at the border between biology, chemistry and physics. New methods for biophysical and physicochemical measurements are continuously being developed and at Umeå University there is a need for a new system that combines several of these methods. This would truly be the new Swiss army knife of biophysical and biomechanical research, extending their reach in the world of optical tweezing. My ambition with this project is to design and construct a robust system that incorporates optical trapping with high-precision force measurements and Raman spectroscopy, as well as introducing the possibility of generating multiple traps by using a spatial light modulator (SLM). The proposed design incorporates four different lasers and a novel combination of signal detection techniques. To allow for precise control of the systems components and laser beams, I designed and constructed motorized opto-mechanical components. These are controlled by an in-house developed software that handles data processing and signal analysis, while also providing a user interface for the system. The components include, motorized beam blockers and optical attenuators, which were developed using commonly available 3D printing techniques and electronic controllers. By designing the system from scratch, I could eliminate the known weaknesses of conventional systems and allow for a modular design where components can be added easily. The system is divided into two parts, a laser breadboard and a main breadboard. The former contains all the equipment needed to generate and control the laser beams, which are then coupled through optical fibers to the latter. This contains the components needed to move the optical trap inside the sample chamber, while performing measurements and providing user feedback. Construction and testing was done for one sub-system at a time, while the lack of time required a postponement for the implementation of Raman and SLM. The system performance was verified through Allan variance stability tests and the results were compared with other optical tweezers setups. The results show that the system follows the thermal limit for averaging times (τ) up to ~1 s when disturbances had been eliminated, which is similar to other systems. However, we could also show a decrease in variance all the way to τ = 2000 s, which is exceptionally good and not found in conventional systems. The force-resolution was determined to be on the order of femtonewtons, which is also exceptionally good. Thus, I conclude that this optical tweezers setup could lie as a solid foundation for future development and research in biological science at Umeå University for years to come.

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