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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Composing biodiversity indicators for the conservation of mangrove ecosystem in Xuan Thuy National Park, Vietnam / Xây dựng chỉ thị đa dạng sinh học cho bảo tồn hệ sinh thái rừng ngập mặn ở Vườn quốc gia Xuân Thủy, Việt Nam

Haneji, Choshin, Do, Van Tu, Vu, Duc Loi, Duong, Tuan Hung 09 December 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Biodiversity indicators for the conservation of mangrove ecosystems of Xuan Thuy National Park were composed, taking into account the environmental, biotic, and anthropological factors, based on suggested indicators provided by the Convention on Biological Diversity. Relevant environmental, biotic, and anthropological factors, identified by bibliographic and field surveys, were ordered by Pressures, State, Benefits, and Responses categories following the guidance of the Biodiversity Indicators Partnership. Furthermore, the linked relationships among the indicators were identified for effective monitoring of biodiversity in Xuan Thuy National Park. / Dựa trên các chỉ thị được gợi ý từ Công ước về Đa dạng sinh học, các chỉ thị đa dạng sinh học phục vụ công tác bảo tồn các hệ sinh thái rừng ngập mặn của Vườn Quốc gia Xuân Thủy đã được xây dựng, có tính đến các yếu tố môi trường, sinh học và con người. Các yếu tố môi trường, sinh học và con người có liên quan, được xác định bằng việc tổng hợp và đánh giá các tài liệu và các đợt điều tra ngoài thực địa, dưới trật tự các nhóm Áp lực, Tình trạng, Lợi ích và Đáp ứng theo hướng dẫn của Đối tác chỉ thị đa dạng sinh học. Hơn thế nữa, các mối quan hệ liên kết giữa các chỉ thị đã được xác định nhằm quan trắc hiệu quả đa dạng sinh học ở Vườn Quốc gia Xuân Thủy.

Oxidative Thiol Modifications in Pro- and Eukaryotic Organisms / Oxidative Thiol Modifikationen in Pro- und Eukaryotischen Organismen

Brandes, Nicolas January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Cystein spielt eine wichtige Rolle in der Biochemie vieler Proteine. Aufgrund der Redox-Eigenschaften und der hohen Reaktivität der freien Thiol-Gruppe sowie dessen Fähigkeit Metallionen zu koordinieren, ist Cystein oft Bestandteil von katalytischen Zentren vieler Enzyme. Zudem lassen sich Cysteine durch reaktive Sauerstoff- und Stickstoffspezies leicht reversibel oxidativ modifizieren. In den letzten Jahren wurde gezeigt, dass Proteine redox-bedingte Thiol-Modifikationen nutzen, um Veränderungen ihrer Aktivität zu steuern. Diese redox-regulierten Proteine spielen eine zentrale Rolle in vielen physiologischen Prozessen. Das erste Ziel meiner Arbeit war die Identifizierung von Stickstoffmonoxid (NO)-sensitiven Proteinen in E. coli. Die redox-bedingten Funktionsänderungen solcher Proteine erklären möglicherweise die veränderte Physiologie von E. coli Zellen, die unter NO-Stress leiden. Um E. coli Proteine zu identifizieren, die unter Einwirkung von NO-Stress reversibel Thiol-modifiziert werden, wandte ich eine Kombination aus differentiellem Thiol-Trapping und 2D Gel-Elektrophorese an. Es wurden zehn Proteinen identifiziert, welche NO-sensitive Thiol-Gruppen enthalten. Genetische Studien ergaben, dass Modifikationen an AceF & IlvC mitverantwortlich sind für die NO-induzierte Wachstumshemmung. Bemerkenswert ist es, dass die Mehrheit der identifizierten Proteine speziell nur gegen reaktive Stickstoffspezies empfindlich ist, welches an einem der identifizierten Stickstoffmonoxid-sensitiven Proteinen, der kleinen Untereinheit von Glutamate synthase, getestet wurde. In vivo und in vitro Aktivitätsstudien zeigten, dass es zu einer schnellen Inaktivierung von Glutamate synthase nach NO-Behandlung kommt, das Protein aber resistent gegenüber anderen Oxidationsmittel ist. Diese Resultate implizieren, dass reaktive Sauerstoff- und Stickstoffspezies unterschiedliche physiologische Vorgänge in Bakterien beeinflussen. Das zweite Ziel meiner Arbeit war es, redox-sensitive Proteine in S. cerevisiae zu identifizieren und deren Redox-Zustand als in vivo Read-Out zu verwenden, um die Rolle von oxidativen Stress während des Alterungsprozess eukaryotischer Zellen zu analysieren. Zunächst bestimmte ich in Hefezellen mit Hilfe von OxICAT, einer hochsensiblen quantitativen Methode, die Thiol-Trapping mit Massenspektrometrie verbindet, den exakten in vivo Thiol-Status von fast 300 Proteinen. Diese Proteine lassen sich in vier Gruppen einteilen: 1) Proteine, deren Cysteinreste resistent gegen Oxidation sind; 2) Proteine, in denen Cysteinmodifikationen strukturelle Aufgaben übernehmen; 3) Proteine mit oxidationsempfindlichen Cysteinen, die bereits eine gewisse Oxidation in exponentiell wachsenden Hefezellen aufweisen; 4) Proteine, die reduziert sind, aber redox-sensitive Cysteinreste enthalten, die die Funktion der Proteine bei Vorhandensein von oxidativen Stress beeinflussen. Die Sensitivität dieser Proteine gegenüber oxidativen Stress wurde durch Exposition subletaler Konzentrationen von H2O2 oder Superoxid auf Hefezellen nachgewiesen. Es wurde gezeigt, dass die wichtigsten zellulären Angriffspunkte von H2O2- und Superoxid-bedingtem Stress Proteine sind, die an Vorgängen der Translation, Glykolyse, des Citratzyklus und der Aminosäure-Biosynthese beteiligt sind. Diese Zielproteine zeigen, dass Zellen für die Bekämpfung von oxidativen Stress Metabolite schnell in Richtung des Pentosephosphatweges umleiten, um die Produktion des Reduktionsmittels NADPH sicherzustellen. Die hier präsentierten Ergebnisse belegen, dass die quantitative Bestimmung des Oxidationsstatus von Proteinen eine wertvolle Methode ist, um redox-sensitive Cysteinreste zu identifizieren. Die OxICAT Technologie wurde dann verwendet, um das genaue Ausmaß und die Entstehung von oxidativen Stress in chronologisch alternden S. cerevisiae Zellen zu bestimmen. Für diese Bestimmung wurde der Oxidationsstatus von Proteinen in alternden Hefezellen als physiologischer Read-Out verwendet. Ich zeigte, dass die zelluläre Redox-Homöostase in chronologisch alternden Hefezellen global zusammenbricht, wobei es sich dabei um einen Prozess handelt, der dem Zelltod vorausgeht. Der Beginn dieses Zusammenbruchs scheint mit der Lebensdauer der Hefezellen zu korrelieren, da Kalorienrestriktion die Lebensdauer der Hefezellen erhöht und den Zusammenbruch des Redox-Gleichgewichts verzögert. Die Oxidation einer kleinen Anzahl an Proteinen (z.B. Thioredoxin reductase) geht dem Redox-Zusammenbruch deutlich voraus, was maßgeblich zum Verlust der Redox-Homöostase beitragen könnte. Diese Studien an alternden Hefezellen erweitern unser Verständnis, wie sich Veränderungen in der Redox-Homöostase auf die Lebensdauer von Hefezellen auswirken. Zudem bestätigen die hier präsentierten Ergebnisse die Bedeutung von oxidativen Thiol-Modifikationen als eine der wichtigsten posttranslationalen Proteinmodifikationen in pro-und eukaryotischen Organismen / Cysteines play important roles in the biochemistry of many proteins. The high reactivity, redox properties, and ability of the free thiol group to coordinate metal ions designate cysteines as the amino acids of choice to form key catalytic components of many enzymes. Also, cysteines readily react with reactive oxygen and nitrogen species to form reversible oxidative thiol modifications. Over the last few years, an increasing number of proteins have been identified that use redox-mediated thiol modifications to modulate their function, activity, or localization. These redox-regulated proteins are central players in numerous important cellular processes. First aim of this study was to discover nitric oxide (NO) sensitive proteins in E. coli, whose redox-mediated functional changes might explain the physiological alterations observed in E. coli cells suffering from NO-stress. To identify E. coli proteins that undergo reversible thiol modifications upon NO-treatment in vivo, I applied a differential thiol trapping technique combined with two-dimensional gel analysis. 10 proteins were found to contain thiol groups sensitive to NO-treatment. Subsequent genetic studies revealed that the oxidative modifications of AceF & IlvC are, in part, responsible for the observed NO-induced growth inhibition. Noteworthy, the majority of identified protein targets turned out to be specifically sensitive towards reactive nitrogen species. This oxidant specificity was tested on one NO-sensitive protein, the small subunit of glutamate synthase. In vivo and in vitro activity studies demonstrated that glutamate synthase rapidly inactivates upon nitric oxide treatment but is resistant towards other oxidative stressors. These results imply that reactive oxygen and nitrogen species affect distinct physiological processes in bacteria. The second aim of my study was to identify redox-sensitive proteins in S. cerevisiae and to use their redox state as in vivo read-out to assess the role of oxidative stress during the eukaryotic aging process. I first determined the precise in vivo thiol status of almost 300 yeast proteins located in the cytosol and sub-cellular compartments of yeast cells using a highly quantitative mass spectrometry based thiol trapping technique, called OxICAT. The identified proteins can be clustered in four groups: 1) proteins, whose cysteine residues are oxidation resistant; 2) proteins with structurally or functionally important cysteine modifications 3) proteins with highly oxidation-sensitive active site cysteines, which are partially oxidized in exponentially growing yeast cells due to their exquisite sensitivity towards low amounts of ROS; 4) proteins that are reduced in exponentially growing cells but harbor redox-sensitive cysteine(s) that affect the catalytic function of the protein during oxidative stress. These oxidative stress sensitive proteins were identified by exposure of yeast cells to sublethal concentrations of H2O2 or superoxide. It was shown that the major targets of peroxide- and superoxide-mediated stress in the cell are proteins involved in translation, glycolysis, TCA cycle and amino acid biosynthesis. These targets indicate that cells rapidly redirect the metabolic flux and energy towards the pentose phosphate pathway in an attempt to ensure the production of the reducing equivalent NADPH to counterattack oxidative stress. These results reveal that the quantitative assessment of a protein’s oxidation state is a valuable tool to identify catalytically active and redox-sensitive cysteine residues. The OxICAT technology was then used to precisely determine extent and onset of oxidative stress in chronologically aging S. cerevisiae cells by utilizing the redox status of proteins as physiological read-out. I found that chronological aging yeast cells undergo a global collapse of the cellular redox homeostasis, which precedes cell death. The onset of this collapse appears to correlate with the yeast life span, as caloric restriction increases the life span and delays the redox collapse. These results suggest that maintenance of the redox balance might contribute to the life expanding benefits of regulating the caloric intake of yeast. Clustering analysis of all oxidatively modified proteins in chronological aging yeast revealed a subset of proteins whose oxidative thiol modifications significantly precede the general redox collapse. Oxidation of these early target proteins, which most likely results in a loss of their activity, might contribute to or even cause the observed loss of redox homeostasis (i.e., thioredoxin reductase) in chronologically aging yeast. These studies in aging yeast expand our understanding how changes in redox homeostasis affect the life span of yeast cells and confirm the importance of oxidative thiol modifications as key posttranslational modifications in pro- and eukaryotic organisms.

Active Chiral Processes in Soft Biological Matter / Aktive chirale Prozesse in Weicher biologischer Materie

Fürthauer, Sebastian 13 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Biological matter is driven far from thermodynamic equilibrium by active processes on the molecular scale. These processes are usually driven by the chemical reaction of a fuel and generate spontaneous movements and mechanical stresses in the system, even in the absence of external forces or torques. Moreover these active stresses effectively fluidify the material. The cell cytoskeleton, suspensions of swimming microorganisms or tissues are prominent examples of active fluids. Active processes in biological systems often exhibit chiral asymmetries. Examples are the chirality of cytoskeletal filaments which interact with motor proteins, the chirality of the beat of cilia and flagella as well as the helical trajectories of many biological micro-swimmers. Moreover, large scale chiral flows have been observed in the cell cortex of C. elegans and Xenopus embryos. Active force generation induces force and torque dipoles in the material. If all forces are internal the total force and torque vanish as required by the conservation of momentum and angular momentum. The density of force dipoles is an active stress in the material. In addition, active chiral processes allow for the existence of active torque dipoles which enter the conservation of angular momentum and generate an active antisymmetric stress and active angular momentum fluxes. We developed a generic description of active fluids that takes into account active chiral processes and explicitly keeps track of spin and orbital angular momentum densities. We derived constitutive equations for an active chiral fluid based on identifying the entropy production rate from the rate of change of the free energy and linearly expanding thermodynamic fluxes in terms of thermodynamic forces. We identified four elementary chiral motors that correspond to localized distributions of chiral force and torque dipoles that differ by their symmetry and produce different chiral fluid flows and intrinsic rotation fields. We employ our theory to analyze different active chiral processes. We first show that chiral flows can occur spontaneously in an active fluid even in the absence of chiral processes. For this we investigate the Taylor-Couette motor, that is an active fluid confined between two concentric cylinders. For sufficiently high active stresses the fluid generates spontaneous rotations of the two cylinders with respect to each other thus breaking the chiral symmetry of the system spontaneously. We then investigate cases where active chiral processes on the molecular scale break the chiral symmetry of the whole system. We show that chiral flows occur in films of chiral motors and derive a generic theory for thin films of active fluids. We discuss our results in the context of carpets of beating cilia or E. coli swimming close to a surface. Finally, we discuss chiral flows that are observed in the cellular cortex of the nematode C. elegans at the one cell stage. Two distinct chiral flow events are observed. The first chiral flow event (i) is a screw like chiral rotation of the two cell halves with respect to each other and occurs around 15min after fertilization. This event coincides with the establishment of cortical cell polarity. The second chiral flow event (ii) is a chiral rotation of the entire cell cortex around the anterior posterior axis of the whole cell and occurs around 30min after fertilization. Measuring densities of molecular motors during episode (i) we fit the flow patterns observed using only two fit parameters: the hydrodynamic length and cortical chirality. The flows during (ii) can be understood assuming an increase of the hydrodynamic length. We hypothesize that the cell actively regulates the cortical viscosity and the friction of the cortex with the eggshell and cytosol. We show that active chiral processes in soft biological matter give rise to interesting new physics and are essential to understand the material properties of many biological systems, such as the cell cortex.

Vergleichende kalorimetrische Untersuchungen zur Ermittlung der mikrobiellen Aktivitäten von Pseudomonas putida

Lißner, Andreas 04 July 2012 (has links) (PDF)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden Untersuchungen zur mikrobiellen Aktivität von Pseudomonas putida DSM12735 durchgeführt. Als Messgröße diente die mikrobielle Wärmeleistung, basierend auf dem Stoffumsatz durch die Mikroorganismen. Ziel war es, die Vor- und Nachteile der verwendeten Kalorimeter herauszuarbeiten. Dafür wurden klassische Batch-Wachstumskurven aufgenommen. Ein weiteres Ziel bestand darin, eine Methode zur schnellen kalorimetrischen Detektion der mikrobiellen Aktivität insbesondere für die stationäre Phase zu entwickeln. In dieser Phase findet kein signifikanter Stoffumsatz statt. Durch das gezielte Auslösen einer zweiten Wachstumsphase und damit einem Stoffumsatz wird die mikrobielle Aktivität kalorimetrisch wieder messbar. Eingesetzt wurden folgende Kalorimeter: der Thermal Activity Monitor 2277 (TAM) mit den Kalorimetern Micro Reaction System 2250-4 ml und 2250-20 ml (kurz: TAM-4ml, TAM-20ml), das IC-Chip-Kalorimeter FCC22 (Institut für Physikalische Chemie, TU Freiberg) und das Kalorimeter Micro-DSC II (MDSC).

In-vivo und In-vitro-Stabilität und Metabolismus von Gemischtligandkomplexen des 99m Tc

Gupta, Antje 07 November 2000 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Ionisierende Strahlung: Ursprung, Wirkung, Nutzen, Risiko

Dörr, Wolfgang, Herrmann, Thomas 05 March 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The public perception of ionising radiation focuses on its exploitation for energy production and medicine (diagnostics, therapy). In contrast, natural sources of ionising radiation are rarely considered, which contribute to more than half of the total radiation exposure. With regard to biological consequences, stochastic radiation effects (e. g. mortality of radiation-induced cancer, genetic effects), where the probability increases with dose, and deterministic radiation effects (pathological changes, e. g. changes of gonads, embryo and fetus) for which severity increases with dose, must be distinguished. Ionizing radiation is frequently linked to various risks (cancer, genetic damage, acute radiation syndrome). Usually, these risks are over-estimated. / Bei der öffentlichen Auseinandersetzung mit ionisierender Strahlung steht deren Nutzung im Rahmen der Energieerzeugung und der Medizin (Diagnostik, Strahlentherapie) im Vordergrund. Selten wird bedacht, dass ionisierende Strahlung auch natürlich vorkommt und damit mehr als die Hälfte der Gesamt-Strahlenbelastung bedingt. Die biologische Wirkung ionisierender Strahlung wird eingeteilt in stochastische Effekte, bei denen die Wahrscheinlichkeit eines Effektes mit der Dosis zunimmt (z. B. Tod durch strahleninduzierten Krebs, genetische Effekte), sowie deterministische Effekte (pathologische Veränderungen, z. B. an Fortpflanzungsorganen oder der Leibesfrucht), bei denen der Schweregrad dosisabhängig ist. Ionisierende Strahlung wird häufig mit verschiedenen Risiken (Krebs, Erbschäden, Strahlenkrankheit) in Verbindung gebracht, wobei diese in der Regel überschätzt werden.

State of the environment and natural resources in Vietnam / Biến động quần xã thực vật nổi tại hồ chứa Hòa Bình, Bắc Việt Nam

Chu, Thi Thu Ha 25 August 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Vietnam is considered as one of the countries having rich resources from forest and sea, with a high average annual rainfall. However, in view of IWRA, water volume per capita annually in Vietnam is lower than the standard for nations having water resources at average level. Vietnam was recognized by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) as having three out of more than 200 biological zones of the world. Flora and fauna in Vietnam are very rich and abundant, but due to indiscriminate exploitation, along with weak management, biodiversity levels are significantly reduced. This is also one of the causes of environmental pollution and degradation in Vietnam, besides the impacts from production activities, population migration from rural areas to urban areas, rapid urbanization, climate change and sea level rise, etc. / Tảo đóng vai trò quan trọng trong mạng lưới thức ăn và chu trình sinh địa hóa của thủy vực và chúng chịu sự chi phối của nhiều yếu tố môi trường như ánh sáng, pH, nhiệt độ và dinh dưỡng. Nghiên cứu này trình bày đa dạng thành phần loài và biến động sinh khối thực vật phù du tại hồchứa Hòa Bình từ tháng 3 đến tháng 12 năm 2011. Các mẫu thực vật nổi được thu thập hàng tháng tại 4 điểm. Kết quả đã xác định được 6 lớp tảo chính bao gồm: Vi khuẩn lam, tảo lục, tảo silic, tảo mắt, tảo giáp và tảo lông roi hai rãnh. Nhóm tảo silic và Vi khuẩn lam chiếm ưu thế với độ phong phú tương đối là 61% và 32% tương ứng trong quần xã thực vật nổi. Vi khuẩn lam dạng tập đoàn và dạng sợi (Microcystis aeruginosa, M. wesenberg, Oscillatoria sp. tương ứng) chiếm ưu thế trong quần xã thực vật nổi vào các thời điểm đầu hè và mùa thu (tháng 4 và tháng 9). Tổng mật độ tế bào thực vật nổi dao động từ 84210 đến 100 x106 cell/L. Mật độ thực vật nổi biển động theo mùa với sinh khối tê bào cao vào đầu hè và mùa đông (tháng 4 và tháng 12) và sinh khối tếbào thấp vào các mùa hè và thu (tháng 6 đến tháng 10).

Analysen zum nukleozytoplasmatischen Transport von Regulatorproteinen des circadianen Rhythmus / Analysis of the nucleocytoplasmic transport of circadian clock proteins

Loop, Susanne 30 June 2004 (has links)
No description available.

The biological role of Fusarium graminearum mycotoxins / Die biologische Funktion der Mykotoxine von Fusarium graminearum

Ahmed, Awais 18 November 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Dynamics of bacterial aggregates

Pönisch, Wolfram 23 April 2018 (has links) (PDF)
The majority of bacteria are organized in surface-associated communities, the so called biofilms. Crucial processes that drive the formation of such biofilms are the motility of bacteria on a substrate, enabling cells to reach each others vicinity, and attractive cell-cell-interactions, driving the formation of microcolonies. These colonies, aggregates consisting of thousands of cells, are the precursors of biofilms. In this thesis we investigate the role of cell appendages, called type IV pili, in the substrate motion of bacteria and the formation of bacterial microcolonies. Therefore, we study the bacterial dynamics with the help of experiments and theoretical models. We introduce a novel simulation tool in the tradition of Brownian dynamics simulations. In this computational model, that was developed alongside experimental observations, we study how explicit pili dynamics, pili-substrate and pili–pili interactions drive the cell dynamics. First, we apply our model to investigate how individual cells move on a substrate due to cycles of protrusion and retraction of type IV pili. We show that the characteristic features, in particular persistent motion, can solely originate from collective interactions of pili. Next, we perform experiments to study the coalescence of bacterial microcolonies. With the help of experiments and our computational model, we identify a spatially-dependent gradient of motility of cells within the colony as the origin of a separation of time scale, a feature which is in disagreement with the coalescence dynamics of fluid droplets. Additionally, we show that altering the force generation of pili can cause demixing of cells within bacterial aggregates. Finally, we combine our knowledge of the substrate motion of cells and of the pili-mediated interactions of colonies to identify the main processes (aggregation, fragmentation and cell divisions) that drive assembly of colonies. Starting from experiments, we develop a mathematical model and observe excellent qualitative and quantitative agreement to experimental data of the density of colonies of different sizes. In summary, hand in hand with experiments, we develop theoretical frameworks to unravel the role of type IV pili in bacterial surface motility, microcolony dynamics and colony formation.

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