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Palaeobiology of cretaceous inoceramid bivalvesCrampton, James Scutts January 1993 (has links)
No description available.
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A GIS-Based Landslide Susceptibility Evaluation Using Bivariate and Multivariate Statistical AnalysesNandi, Arpita, Shakoor, A. 10 January 2010 (has links)
Bivariate and multivariate statistical analyses were used to predict the spatial distribution of landslides in the Cuyahoga River watershed, northeastern Ohio, U.S.A. The relationship between landslides and various instability factors contributing to their occurrence was evaluated using a Geographic Information System (GIS) based investigation. A landslide inventory map was prepared using landslide locations identified from aerial photographs, field checks, and existing literature. Instability factors such as slope angle, soil type, soil erodibility, soil liquidity index, landcover pattern, precipitation, and proximity to stream, responsible for the occurrence of landslides, were imported as raster data layers in ArcGIS, and ranked using a numerical scale corresponding to the physical conditions of the region. In order to investigate the role of each instability factor in controlling the spatial distribution of landslides, both bivariate and multivariate models were used to analyze the digital dataset. The logistic regression approach was used in the multivariate model analysis. Both models helped produce landslide susceptibility maps and the suitability of each model was evaluated by the area under the curve method, and by comparing the maps with the known landslide locations. The multivariate logistic regression model was found to be the better model in predicting landslide susceptibility of this area. The logistic regression model produced a landslide susceptibility map at a scale of 1:24,000 that classified susceptibility into four categories: low, moderate, high, and very high. The results also indicated that slope angle, proximity to stream, soil erodibility, and soil type were statistically significant in controlling the slope movement.
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An Evaluation of a Program for Incarcerated Mothers: Parenting Training and the Enhancement of Self-EsteemMoore, Alvin R. 01 January 1995 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of parenting training on the acquisition of parenting skills and its impact on self-esteem of incarcerated mothers. The program under study is the "Mothers Inside Loving Kids" (M.I.L.K.) program, which is a holistic training/visitation program designed for incarcerated mothers.Study participants included 40 volunteer incarcerated mothers at the Virginia Correctional Center for women. The treatment group consisted of 20 participants who were already involved in the "M.I.L.K." program. The comparison group was made up of 20 mothers who were on the waiting list for the program due to the lack of space. All participants were administered a battery of pre-tests and post-tests. Instruments utilized for the study included the Adult-Adolescent Parenting Inventory (AAPI), the Nurturing Quiz, the Index of Self Esteem (ISE), and a participant satisfaction survey.Bivariate analyses were used to test the difference between pre-test and post-test mean scores. Both parametric and non-parametric tests were conducted to determine if change scores revealed significant differences. Using independent t-tests to determine if there were significant differences between treatment and comparison groups on change scores, no significant differences were noted. However, in reviewing the direction of change scores for the two groups, the treatment group did show changes in the desired direction in four areas. Specifically, positive directional change occurred on the "Lack of Empathy for the Child" sub-scale, the "Belief in Corporal Punishment" sub-scale, the "Reversing Family Roles" sub-scale, and on the "Nurturing Quiz."Using the Wilcoxon non-parametric test, one measure revealed statistically significant differences between pre-test and post-test scores. Specifically, participants in the treatment group revealed significantly higher scores on the "Nurturing Quiz" at post-testing from pre-testing (z = -2.81, p = .005). This indicates an overall increase in knowledge about positive child management techniques. No significant pre-test to post-test differences were noted in any of the remaining areas under study. However, positive directional change scores were noted in the three different areas of "Inappropriate Expectations of the Child", "Nurturing", and "Self-Esteem."Overall, the findings suggest that the M.I.L.K. Program training positively impacts parenting techniques. Self-esteem appears more difficult to impact.
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Factors influencing the patterns of dominance in decision-making for the use of fertility control: evidence from the 1998 SADHSGlover-Walton, Christine A. 13 May 2008 (has links)
Context: Although over half of married South African women of reproductive age (15-49
years) use a method of fertility control, 15 percent of them have an unmet need for family
planning. Women’s unmet need for family planning is often attributed to traditional norms
ascribing decision-making power to men. However, rural-urban migration, exposure to
western style education; constitutional guarantee of gender equity and exposure to
outside influences via the internet and mass media make such an assumption untenable
in contemporary society.
Method: Using logistic regression, eight models are separately fitted for the independent
variables related to the background and socio-economic characteristics of the woman;
the characteristics of the husband; their comparative characteristics; sexual and
reproductive factors; sources of information and communication; reproductive as well as
HIV/AIDS knowledge and attitudes. The final model, using backward stepwise analysis,
estimates the effects of the factors associated with a joint or a male vs. a female pattern
of dominance in decision-making about using fertility control.
Results: The final model shows that joint decision-making is positively correlated with
fifth or higher birth order, being raised in a town, living in a household in the middle
wealth quintile, having between four and five children; using fertility control to limit births
getting a lot of information about HIV/AIDS from the husband, spousal discussions about
family planning and not knowing whether good nutrition stops HIV transmission. Male
dominance is positively associated with having only one union, having the same amount
of education as the husband or not knowing how much education he has, spousal
communication about family planning, first marriage occurring 5-19 years ago, not
knowing if the condom was used at last intercourse, knowing that condoms are used for
family planning only, not getting information about family planning from posters and
irregular exposure to the radio.
Conclusions: In the era of the HIV/AIDS pandemic and emphasis on the reproductive
health approach in family planning, there is a need for studies, at the local level, that
include both individuals in the relationship. Qualitative studies focusing on the nature,
context and content of couple communication about sexuality and reproduction can
provide important information about gender relationships in the South African context.
There is also a need to understand the effect of gender and community norms on sexual
and reproductive decision-making. Studies on HIV discordant couples can provide
important information on the impact of the epidemic on sexual and reproductive decisionmaking.
Studies focusing on family formation can provide information on the impact of
social change on intergenerational and gender relationships as well as trends in
reproductive attitudes and behaviours in transitional South African society
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Méthodes d'analyse génétique de traits quantitatifs corrélés : application à l'étude de la densité minérale osseuse / Statistical methods for genetic analysis of correlated quantitative traits : application to the study of bone mineral densitySaint Pierre, Aude 03 January 2011 (has links)
La plupart des maladies humaines ont une étiologie complexe avec des facteurs génétiques et environnementaux qui interagissent. Utiliser des phénotypes corrélés peut augmenter la puissance de détection de locus de trait quantitatif. Ce travail propose d’évaluer différentes approches d’analyse bivariée pour des traits corrélés en utilisantl’information apportée par les marqueurs au niveau de la liaison et de l’association. Legain relatif de ces approches est comparé aux analyses univariées. Ce travail a étéappliqué à la variation de la densité osseuse à deux sites squelettiques dans une cohorted’hommes sélectionnés pour des valeurs phénotypiques extrêmes. Nos résultats montrentl’intérêt d’utiliser des approches bivariées en particulier pour l’analyse d’association. Parailleurs, dans le cadre du groupe de travail GAW16, nous avons comparé lesperformances relatives de trois méthodes d’association dans des données familiales. / The majority of complex diseases in humans are likely determined by both genetic andenvironmental factors. Using correlated phenotypes may increase the power to map theunderlying Quantitative Trait Loci (QTLs). This work aims to evaluate and compare theperformance of bivariate methods for detecting QTLs in correlated phenotypes by linkageand association analyses. We applied these methods to data on Bone Mineral Density(BMD) variation, measured at the two skeletal sites, in a sample of males selected forextreme trait values. Our results demonstrate the relative gain, in particular for associationanalysis, of bivariate approaches when compared to univariate analyses. Finally, we studythe performances of association methods to detect QTLs in the GAW16 simulated familydata.
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Makroekonomiska faktorers påverkan på svenskt och amerikanskt aktieindex : En studie om hur olika makroekonomiska variabler påverkar aktiemarknaden mellan 1970–2021 / Macroeconomic determinants of Swedish and American stock index : A study about various macroeconomic variables effects the stock market between 1970-2021Brolin, Magnus, Olsson, David January 2022 (has links)
Under ekonomiska konjunkturcykler är sambandet mellan grundläggande makroekonomiska variabler och aktiemarknadens avkastning högst intressant att undersöka. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur aktiepriser på den svenska- och amerikanska aktiemarknaden påverkas av relevanta makroekonomiska faktorer under tidsperioden 1970–2021. Genom ko-integrationstest, Vector Error Correction modeller och kausalitetstest på årsdata finner vi signifikanta resultat för att den svenska aktiemarknaden divergerar från jämvikt av en chock i penningmängd. För den amerikanska aktiemarknaden finner vi fler signifikanta resultat och att en chock i statsskulden skapar en divergerande effekt i fjärde laggen men en konvergerande effekt i andra. För att fördjupa undersökningen genomförs en bivariat analys för att undersöka hur aktiepriser påverkas av BNP som en indikation på ekonomisk tillväxt och även hur aktiepriser påverkas av lång och kort ränta som en konjunkturindikator. Resultaten varierar för Sverige och USA. Det kausala sambandet mellan aktiepris och BNP visar att aktiepris påverkar BNP för Sverige. För USA finner vi däremot inga signifikanta resultat gällande det kausala sambandet. För sambandet mellan amerikanskt aktiepris mot kort och lång ränta så visade det sig att kort ränta orkar divergens mot jämvikt för aktiemarknaden. För Sverige påvisade resultaten att kort ränta orsakar konvergens och lång ränta divergens vid en chock i aktiemarknaden. / During economic cycles, the relationship between fundamental macroeconomic variables and stock market returns is highly interesting to examine. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how share prices in the Swedish and American stock markets are affected by relevant macroeconomic factors during the period 1970–2021. Through co-integration tests, Vector Error Correction models and causality tests on annual data, we find significant results for the Swedish stock market to diverge from equilibrium by a shock in the money supply. For the US stock market, we find more significant variables and a result that a shock in the central government debt creates a divergent effect in the fourth layer but a converging effect in the second. To deepen the survey, a bivariate analysis is carried out to examine how share prices are affected by GDP as an indication of economic growth and how share prices are affected by long-term and short-term interest rates as a business cycle indicator. The results vary for Sweden and the USA. The causal relationship between share price and GDP shows that share price affects GDP for Sweden. For the United States, however, we find no significant results regarding the causal relationship. For the relationship between the US share price against short and long interest rates, it turned out that short interest rates can withstand divergence towards equilibrium for the stock market. For Sweden, the results showed that short-term interest rates cause convergence and long-term interest rate divergence in the event of a shock in the stock market.
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Le lien entre la stratégie d'affaires et la participation syndicale dans le secteur privé au Québec : le rôle médiateur de la satisfaction au travailLamaute, Dominique January 2008 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
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Le lien entre la stratégie d'affaires et la participation syndicale dans le secteur privé au Québec : le rôle médiateur de la satisfaction au travailLamaute, Dominique January 2008 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
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