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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Un utile e stabile occupazione : Le origini della professione di maestra nella Lombardia della Restaurazione

TATULLI, NATALIA 21 March 2012 (has links)
Per soddisfare la domanda educativa per le ragazze dei ceti più agiati il governo napoleonico diede corso oltre all’apertura dei noti collegi Reali ad un sistema di case d’educazione private ispirate al modello delle maisons d’éducation con convitto diffuse in Francia, già a partire dagli ultimi decenni del Settecento, e dirette da donne laiche. In Lombardia, con il ritorno degli Asburgo, questo modello formativo per fanciulle si consolidò e conquistò una fetta sempre più ampia del mercato educativo. Inoltre accanto a questi istituti videro una enorme crescita le scuole private giornaliere per fanciulle dirette da maestre laiche, le quali si diffusero a partire dall’entrata in vigore del Regolamento per le scuole elementari del 1818 parallelamente al lento affermarsi dell’istruzione pubblica femminile. L’elevato numero di donne coinvolte in questa attività (più di 2200 dal 1818 al 1848) e l’obbligo di sostenere degli esami e seguire un iter formativo standardizzato sia per l’insegnamento privato che per l’insegnamento pubblico, dimostrano come la figura della maestra, selezionata attraverso un esame e un percorso formativo ad hoc non comparve in Italia a partire dall’Unità, ma, in particolare nel Regno Lombardo-Veneto, fosse già ampiamente diffusa e socialmente e pubblicamente riconosciuta a partire dagli anni Venti dell’Ottocento. / The rise of women as teaching professionals in Restoration Lombardy. In order to satisfy the large number of application requests from girls of the wealthiest classes, the Napoleonic government started, besides the well known Real colleges, a system of boarding school directed by laywomen, inspired by the model of the maisons d’éducation boarding schools which were already popular in France since the last decades of the 18th century. With the return of the Asburgos family in Lombardy ,those institutes increased as well as daily private schools for young girl directed by layteachers. As those private schools became popular pretty fast, the affirmation of the feminine public teaching was very slow. The big amount of women committed in this activity (more than 2200 from 1818 to 1848), the compulsoriness of examinations and to follow a standardized formative iter,shows how the role of the teacher,selected by exams and by a specific formative training, didn't start in Italy with the unification ,but -especially in the Kingdom of Lombardy–Venetia -was already diffused and recognized both socially and publicly from the first decades of 18th century.

The relationship between perceived parents’ parenting style and socioeconomic status among gifted students living in a residential academy in a midwestern state

Strong, Elizabeth A. 29 June 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between gifted students’ perceived parents’ parenting styles living in a residential academy and socioeconomic status. It was also the purpose to investigate if a relationship exists between students’ perceived parents’ parenting styles and their gender. Parenting style was measured by a validated 60-question Parenting Style Questionnaire. The findings were unlike previous research and suggest that residential gifted students may perceive their parents’ parenting styles more negatively than average ability students. Participants did not perceive their parents’ parenting styles differently among socioeconomic status (SES) which is unlike previous research which uses socioeconomic status as a predictor of parenting style among non-gifted students (Pinderhughes, Bates, Dodge, Pettit, & Zelli, 2000) . Statistically significant differences were also found between gifted students’ perceptions of their mothers and fathers. It is the intention of this study to use the results as a starting point for others to investigate residential gifted students and dedicate more studies to gifted research. / Department of Family and Consumer Sciences

Kansanopistopedagogiikka kolmessa kristillisessä kansanopistossa

Tuomisto, T. (Timo) 04 December 2018 (has links)
Abstract Danish Nikolai Grundtvig (1783–1872) is considered the founder of the folk high school movement. He wanted Danish young people to have a school where they could be taught knowledge and skills needed in life. Based on the results of my study, Grundtvig’s pedagogical principles, such as school for life, living word and interaction, still have a relevant role in folk high schools. The aim of this study was to evaluate the implementation of folk high school pedagogics in the Jämsä, Reisjärvi and Ranua Christian Folk High Schools. The survey was done to obtain information for the development of these schools. The focus was on teachers’ and students’ views of the schools as educational institutions and boarding schools. The goals listed by the teachers were regarded as indicative of what they considered important in folk high school pedagogics. Their goals highlighted life skill guidance, their own pedagogic skills as well as instruction and ways to develop it. The life skill goals included support to students’ intellectual growth, personal values and identification of their personal strengths. The goals pertaining to pedagogic skills focused on the development and maintenance of teacherhood. The goals for instruction and its development included the need to inspire students’ interest in school subjects and the development of folk high school pedagogics. The majority of teachers felt that they had been able to accomplish their goals well and hence to work in line with the principles of folk high school pedagogics. The listed weaknesses included scarcity of special student support, occasional absences from class and heterogeneous student groups. For the students, the year spent in a folk high school meant that they developed new friendships, their values deepened, and they acquired cognitive and practical abilities. They said they felt more confident about the future, and their view of the world widened in the international environment. The students’ social and language skills as well as their self-confidence also seemed to improve. They considered the boarding school environment and the leisure activities a significant part their overall pedagogic experience. The things they listed as obstacles to learning and studying included occasional restlessness in the dorms and being tired in the morning. / Tiivistelmä Kansanopistoliikkeen perustajana pidetään tanskalaista Nikolai Grundtvigia (1783–1872). Hän halusi perustaa maansa nuorille koulun, jossa heille opetettaisiin elämässä tarvittavia tietoja ja taitoja. Tutkimukseni tulosten pohjalta Grundtvigin pedagogisilla periaatteilla, kuten koulu elämää varten, elävä sana ja vuorovaikutus, on kansanopistoissa yhä merkityksensä. Tutkimuksessani on kyse kansanopistopedagogiikan arvioinnista Jämsän, Ranuan ja Reisjärven kristillisissä kansanopistoissa. Arvioinnin tarkoituksena oli saada opistojen kehittämistyötä varten tietoa siitä, miten opettajat ja opiskelijat kokivat kyseiset kansanopistot oppilaitoksina ja internaatteina. Opettajien tavoitteiden katsottiin heijastavan sitä, mitä he pitivät tärkeänä myös kansanopistopedagogiikassa. Tavoitteissa korostuivat kasvatus ja oma ammattitaito sekä opetus ja sen kehittäminen. Kasvatuksellisissa tavoitteissa nähtiin merkityksellisiksi opiskelijoiden henkisen kasvun tukeminen, arvokasvatus ja omien vahvuuksien tunnistaminen. Omaa ammattitaitoa koskevissa tavoitteissa pidettiin tärkeinä opettajuuden kehittämistä ja ylläpitoa. Opetuksen ja sen kehittämisen tavoitteissa tähdennettiin kiinnostuksen herättämistä omaan oppiaineeseen ja kansanopistopedagogiikan kehittämiseen. Suurin osa opettajista katsoi, että heidän tärkeät tavoitteensa olivat toteutuneet hyvin. Opetusta heikensivät aika ajoin opiskelijoiden erityistuen riittämättömyys, ajoittaiset poissaolot oppitunneilta ja heterogeeniset opetusryhmät. Opiskelijoille opistovuosi merkitsi ystävien ja kavereiden saamista, arvojen syventymistä sekä tiedollisten ja taidollisten asioiden oppimista. Opiskelijoiden mukaan heidän luottamuksensa tulevaisuuteen vahvistui ja maailmankuvansa kansainvälisessä ympäristössä avartui. Vaikuttaa siltä, että opiskelijoiden sosiaaliset taidot ja kielitaidot vahvistuivat samoin kuin heidän itseluottamuksensa. Opiskelijat pitivät opiston internaattiluonnetta merkittävänä liittäen siihen myös vapaa-ajan. Opiskelun esteiksi opiskelijat mainitsivat asuntoloiden ajoittaisen levottomuuden ja aamväsymyksen.

Efektivita primární prevence v prostředí kolejní školy / Effectivity of primary prevence in the enviroment of a boarding school

Haspeklová, Elen January 2015 (has links)
This master's project on the topic of "Effectiveness of primary prevention in the environment of a boarding school" offers a glimpse of some irregularities of primary prevention and their causality relation with their respective environments. The theoretical part of the project considers the characteristics and views on the area of pathological issues; it is also extended by the problem of bullying, the area of prevention, and especially primary prevention. The empirical part is composed out of two parts. In the first part a group of students from Sekunda performs sociometry; afterwards, the group completes a primary prevention programme for three years, and then a control sociometry is completed. The second part includes another group of students from Sekunda undergoing the same process as the first group of students; however, the primary prevention programme is based on valid information not only from the environment of school, but also from the dormitories. The summary will offer view on the problem of primary prevention on boarding school and all its possible applications.

Fitting in: Exploring the experiences of middle schools students’ transition into an elite international boarding school

Hatch, Jared P. 22 March 2011 (has links)
No description available.

As instituições totais no romance: a trajetória do herói no ambiente repressor / The Total Institutions in the Novel: the hero\'s path in the coercive environment

Santana, Ana Carolina Rhormens de 15 March 2017 (has links)
Esta pesquisa pretende analisar a trajetória dos protagonistas de três romances A Cidade e os cachorros de Mario Vargas Llosa, Manhã submersa de Vergílio Ferreira e O Ateneu de Raul Pompéia que apresentam como núcleo temático comum a opressão sofrida no espaço específico de um internato. O objetivo é traçar uma comparação entre as experiências desses personagens desde o período anterior à entrada no internato ao seu posterior retorno à sociedade, a fim de poder avaliar os efeitos do confinamento no comportamento de cada um deles. Como embasamento teórico, o trabalho recorre ao conceito de total institution, definido pelo sociólogo Erving Goffman, para melhor examinar em que medida esses ambientes se configuram como uma instituição de confinamento totalizante, que faz com que seus internos passem por dolorosas mortificações, degradações e, consequentemente, transformações na concepção que têm sobre si mesmos e os outros. Também se recorre à noção de formação de corpos dóceis, desenvolvida por Foucault, para investigar como as particularidades dos coercitivos métodos adotados pelos dirigentes dessas instituições podem ser tomadas como variações de um mesmo sistema de controle disciplinar, o qual visa moldar o comportamento do interno, induzindo-o a um tal estado de alienação que aplaque a sua capacidade de diferenciação e de contestação. Prevê-se, ainda, explorar o processo de amadurecimento desses protagonistas, que, à custa do embate com o meio repressor e os demais personagens, seguem rumo a uma consciência crítica da realidade, verificando a possibilidade de aproximação das mencionadas narrativas com o signo literário do Bildungsroman (ou romance de formação). / This research intends to analyze the protagonists\' path in three novels, which present a common point: the oppression arose in a specific setting, a boarding school. The above-mentioned novels are Misty Morning by Vergilio Ferreira, O Ateneu by Raul Pompeia and The time of the hero by Mario Vargas Llosa. The aim is to draw a comparison among these characters experiences from the period before the admission to the boarding school until their return to the society, in order to be able to evaluate the confinements effects on the behavior of each one of them. As a theoretical basis, this research resorts to the concept of total institution, defined by the sociologist Erving Goffman, to better examine to what extent these environments are totalizing institutions, that make that their boarders live painful mortifications, degradations and, as a consequence, changes in their conception about themselves and the others. It also resorts to the idea of docile bodies conformation, developed by Foucault, to investigate how the particularities of coercive methods adopted by those institutions leaders may be taken as variations of the same system of disciplinary control, which aims to determine the boarders behavior, inducing him to such a level of alienation that appeases his autonomy and ability to question this system in which he is inserted. There is also the intention to explore these protagonists physical and intellectual growing up process, which proceeds, after their struggles with the repressive environment and the others characters, towards a critical awareness of reality, and to consider the possibility of setting the mentioned narratives under the title of Bildungsroman.

Nödhjälp på villovägar : implementering av en filantropisk välfärdsidé, Norrbottens arbetsstugor 1903-1954

Nilsson Ranta, Daniel January 2008 (has links)
This thesis examines the implementation of a philanthropically project called Norrbottens arbetsstugor which were launched during the famine of 1903. The project initially aimed to hinder starvation among children to poor families and was arranged in a similar way as boarding-out schools. Children to poor families were offered this temporary solution and during their stay they received board and lodging as well as schooling and work practice. However, the project continues until 1954 although the threat of famine is hindered fairly promptly which indicates that new policies were introduced. Therefore, the inquiry focuses on how actors on different levels in the implementation structure adapt and transform the philanthropically policy to suit their respective needs and goals. The study is divided into two phases, a so called initial phase and an expansion phase. The implementation is investigated via archive material from the philanthropically organisation itself, Stiftelsen Norrbottens Läns arbetsstugor, as well as from local governments (kommunala skolråd) and representatives of the Swedish government (folkskoleinspektörer). The study shows how policies of childcare becomes blurry or difficult to fulfil due to insufficient means, lack of control or because of absence of recognized tools to evaluate the activity. Commonly, implementation studies sought to show how well or misused the policy has been obeyed after its introduction. This study shows rather how a policy can work fruitfully even though, or thanks to, its intentions are reformulated by different actors. This of course, awakes questions of moral characters. The study also highlights the importance to investigate, in this case a philanthropically case, not only as such, but as a project that is ongoing on several levels. This gives us the opportunity to see what, for example, the conception of ‘good childcare’ means and how it is defined depending on the level studied. To put it short: when studied in different levels, we may unveil the different meanings of a concept. Keywords: Norrbotten, early 20th century, childcare, boarding-school, philanthropy, assimilation, implementation.

Paauglių sveikatos ir ją įtakojančių veiksnių įvertinimas Vilniaus miesto bendrojo lavinimo internatinėse mokyklose / Evaluation of adolescent health and factors influencing it in boarding schools of Vilnius city

Krupskienė, Aušra 14 June 2006 (has links)
Aim of the study to evaluate adolescent health and factors influencing it in boarding schools of Vilnius city. Objectives to evaluate adolescent health; to estimate the prevalence of behavior and psychosocial environmental factors influencing health; to identify and evaluate the peculiarities of health services provided to adolescents. Methods. An anonymous survey of 191 pupils aged 11-18 and interview method of health care specialists in two boarding schools were applied in the study. State of pupils’ health was analysing medical records. Results were compared between two boarding schools. SPSS statistics software was used for date analyze. Values were considered significant, when p<0.05. Results. Most of disorders reported were attributed to respiratory diseases. Almost half of adolescents from both institutions reported facing health problems. 36.1 % of adolescents were reported not being involved in extra curricular physical activities, 42.9 % indicated being smoking, 27.7 % frequent alcohol abuse. 42.8 % of adolescents reported that their interaction with teachers was not satisfactory. 59.7 % of adolescents experienced bullying; one in every two pupils felt not being safe. The analysis of inter-institutional comparison points to the significant differences in smoking, alcohol abuse and bullying prevalence. Adolescents lack knowledge regarding stress coping and readiness to live on their own. Data gathered from adolescents demonstrated general satisfaction with... [to full text]

Sveikatos priežiūros organizavimas internatinėse mokyklose / Healthcare service organizing in boarding schools of Vilnius city

Varvuolienė, Rasa 14 June 2006 (has links)
Aim of the study: to survey pupils’ opinion regarding healthcare service organizing in boarding schools of Vilnius city. Objectives: to evaluate healthcare service organizing, to evaluate factors haveing influence in the relations between doctors and children; to compare health care service organizing between boarding schools of Vilnius city. Methods: a sample anonymous survey of 193 pupils aged between 10 and 18 was conducted. Results were compared between two surveyed boarding schools. SPSS statistics software (SPSS 10.0) was used to measure the statistical significance of the results. Results: School nurses play an important role in health care organizing within schools. Almost a half of pupils reported to have been registered with a doctor by school nurses. 84 % of younger pupils stated that nurses accompany them to the health centers. More than a half of pupils surveyed (53.9 %) indicated that average waiting time in health centre, prior to being admitted to the consulting-room, was between 10 to 20 minutes. The majority of pupils asserted that doctors have not provided them with accurate information regarding their health status; only 51 % of them believe that doctors would keep information about their health status in secret. Only 1 of ten children remarked, that doctor wasn’t attentive to him. Conclusions: Sufficient attention has been paid to the healthcare organization in Vilnius boarding schools, healthcare services have been provided in time, unfortunately... [to full text]


Velasquez, Cinára Dalla Costa 29 March 2016 (has links)
Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul / The purpose of this Thesis was to show a study about the educational history in Rio Grande do Sul, specifically, within the catholic confessional education and the students educational formation, in a boarding school, which was organized by the Imaculado Coração de Maria Sisters from 1892 to 1980. It were problematized the subject s memories that lived the formation as boarders, in a catholic religion private school, in a community from Vale Vêneto in a Rio Grande do Sul central region. People that lived the specifically educational experience, they were students from a catholic confessional school with mixed boarding school. Such specificity stands up because the mixed boarding is characterized by a diferential trace, in the interior of Rio Grande do Sul s state, it wasn t offered this kind of boarding school. From the analyses of different storage media, written, visuals and orals, about the history of the school, evidences indicated that school consolidation, since the decade of 1954, when it started to offer junior high school, transforming itself in a first catholic religious high school with a mixed boarding, in the interior of Rio Grande do Sul. By following this reasoning and from this intersection of different memorialistic documents analyzed, as draft, chronic books, school and students pictures and the oral narratives done by a methodological approach by the oral history, it allowed to notice that it became a remarkable school because it had being a confessional and offering a mixed school that accepted both genders as students. A scholar institution that received its students in an internal condition with a different profile, because they were from different places in the state, which turn it an Educated Education space with strong cultural hybrid, and also, understood as a total institution by closing trace representation that it established the student and contributor s narratives, internal in the period from 1960 to 1970, markedly the isolation and family separation emerge with acute critical woven for them. It interested me to understand how the ex-students narrative memories were built/ the recompose the educational experience in a college / Catholic boarding school and gives way to such training , either in your personal or professional experiences ?The student s memory building, from the representations produced in the interviews showed that the educational experience educated and the formation that they received were produced when they were boarders shows narrative thread of thanks as discipline, although recognized as being extremely rigid, brought them lessons for their personal and professional lives, the values embodied in their lives, such as limits, the organization, are heavily credited to this rigorous disciplinary training; paradoxically bring the critical tone about the closure, especially on the isolation and longing for the family, this seems to be the sad mark of your images-memories woven light of that past. The research allowed pointing out that the memory is woven through the evocation of an experience in a group in an institution and bears the marks of the team, so the memory of the College boarding Sisters - well expressed by them- brought the marks. A memory community, graduates who lived in the school admitted on condition; memories profiled in a strong narrative thread that says the feeling of belonging to the school and the recognition and gratitude to training, but the longing and isolation, brought, also, the critical tone. / A proposta desta Tese foi apresentar um estudo sobre a história da educação do Rio Grande do Sul, especificamente, no âmbito da história da educação confessional católica e da formação escolar de alunos/as, num internato escolar, numa instituição de ensino, que se organizou à luz do carisma das Irmãs do Imaculado Coração de Maria de 1892 a 1980. Foram problematizadas as memórias de sujeitos que viveram a formação como alunos/as internos/as, em uma escola particular de religiosas católicas, na comunidade de Vale Vêneto - região central do estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Sujeitos que vivenciaram uma experiência educativa específica, foram alunos/as de uma escola confessional católica com internato misto. Tal especificidade se destaca porque o internamento misto caracteriza-se por seu traço diferencial, visto que a maioria das escolas confessionais, no interior do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, não ofertava essa modalidade de internato. A partir da análise dos diferentes suportes de memórias, escritos, visuais e orais, sobre a história dessa escola, indícios sinalizam para a consolidação daquele educandário, a partir da década dos anos de 1954, quando passou a ofertar o curso ginasial, transformando-se no primeiro ginásio religioso católico com internato misto, no interior do estado. Seguindo por esse viés de raciocínio e a partir do entrecruzamento dos diferentes documentos memorialísticos analisados, como as atas, os livros crônicas, as imagens fotográficas da escola e de seus escolares e as narrativas orais operacionalizadas através da abordagem metodológica da historia oral, permitiu perceber que se tornou uma destacada instituição de ensino, em parte por ser confessional e oferecer o internamento escolar que aceitava clientela de ambos os gêneros. Uma instituição escolar que recebeu alunos e alunas na condição de internados com um perfil diferenciado, visto serem procedentes de diferentes localidades do estado, o que a constituiu como um espaço de educação escolarizada com um híbrido cultural forte, e, também, compreendida como instituição total pelo traço de fechamento - representação que marca o fio das narrativas dos alunos e das alunas, colaboradores nesta investigação, internos no período de 1960 a 1970, marcadamente o isolamento e a separação da família despontam com aguda crítica tecida por eles e elas. Interessou-me compreender como a construção narrativa de memórias de ex-alunos/as recompõe a experiência educativa em um colégio/internato católico e atribui sentidos a essa formação, seja em suas experiências pessoais ou profissionais?A construção da memória dos alunos e alunas, a partir das representações produzidas nas entrevistas apontam que a experiência educativa escolarizada e a formação que tiveram no período quando foram internos sinaliza um tom narrativo de reconhecimento e gratidão à escola, sendo que atribuem a essa formação, principalmente, pelo rigor disciplinar, um fio narrativo de agradecimento visto que a disciplina, embora reconhecida como sendo extremamente rígida, lhes trouxe ensinamentos para as suas vidas pessoais e profissionais, os valores incorporados às suas vidas, como os limites, a organização , são fortemente creditados a essa formação disciplinar rigorosa; paradoxalmente trazem o tom crítico sobre o fechamento, principalmente sobre o isolamento e saudade da família, essa, parece ser a marca triste de suas imagens-lembranças tecidas à luz desse passado. A pesquisa permitiu apontar que a memória foi tecida através da evocação de uma experiência vivida em por um grupo em uma instituição e traz as marcas do coletivo, portanto a memória do Colégio internato de Irmãs - assim expressado por eles elas-, trouxe as marcas de uma comunidade de memória, egressos que viveram na escola na condição de internados; memórias perfiladas sob um forte fio narrativo que diz do sentimento de pertença à escola e de reconhecimento e gratidão a formação, mas a saudade e o isolamento, trazem o tom, também, da crítica.

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