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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Settling for Settlements : En studie av stenålderslokaler med utgångspunkt på Södertörn och begreppet boplats

Sallery, Thomas January 2023 (has links)
This paper will analyze archaeological material from a number of Stone Age sites, starting in the area of Södertörn, Sweden. There has been plenty of research on the Swedish Stone Age, however, there is an issue of classifying all Stone Age sites as settlements, regardless of what the archaeological material tells us. By comparatively analyzing the material from a number of Stone Age sites, a better understanding of these sites, and possibly the Stone Age in Södertörn and East Middle Sweden as a whole, will hopefully be attained. The paper will present information from a number of Stone Age sites in the area of Södertörn, along with material and interpretations from a few other Stone Age sites in East Middle Sweden, in order to help figure out if the term settlement is a correct one or simply something settled on. This in turn will help us find a clearer picture of how the Stone Age people of the area lived, which will be beneficial to current and future researchers.

Var vill framtidens lärare arbeta? : En intervjustudie om hur lärarstudenter resonerar och prioriterar i sitt val av arbets- och boplats

Dammert, Therese January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att bidra med kunskap om hur lärarstudenters föreställningar om arbetsmarknaden samspelar med tid och rum, samt hur de uppfattar möjligheter och begränsningar med att bo och arbeta i olika områden. Detta åskådliggörs genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med sju lärarstudenter med olika erfarenheter av att växa upp i landsbygd och mindre städer i olika delar av Sverige. Studenternas resonemang i intervjuerna om vart de vill bo och deras framtida arbetsplats synliggör platsers olika dragningskraft. Analysen har genomförts med teoretiska utgångspunkter från Hägerstrands tidsgeografi samt Bourdieus kapital och habitus för att förstå lärarstudenternas prioriteringar och resonemang utifrån tidsliga, rumsliga och individuella preferenser. Resultatet visar för det första betydelsen av temporalitet som framkommer när lärarstudenterna talar om hur de ser framtida arbetsplatser både utifrån livsfaser och dagliga intervaller kopplat till pendling. För det andra förhåller de sig till plats utifrån sociala relationer då deras vänner har en stark dragkraft under deras unga år medan familj har en större dragkraft senare. Om lärarstudenten har en partner blir även partnerns preferenser till plats aktuella i individens resonemang. För det tredje har ekonomiska incitament och yrkets förutsättningar betydelse eftersom skillnader i lön, huvudman och skolans socioekonomiska förutsättningar uppkommer i studenternas tankar.

Dräkt och identitet : En studie av tidigmedeltida dräktföremål från Västergarn

Bengtsson, Fanny January 2021 (has links)
Västergarn is a medieval settlement situated on the west coast of the island of Gotland in the Baltic Sea. It has for a long time been the focus of study for researchers due to its cultural heritage in regards of its church, rampart and archaeological remains of a settlement dating to the Early Middle Ages. The University of Uppsala conducted excavations at the site during 2005–2013 which have led to large amounts of archaeological material which enabled several theses being written about the place. This thesis aims to study metal dress accessories from Västergarn and the people behind these artifacts who lived there during the early medieval period. Gender identity, ethnicity and cultural belonging will be addressed. The main part of the thesis focuses on typology and chronology. This will be achieved by a morphological study of the material. In addition to this, an ArcGis study is conducted to study distribution patterns in the settlement. The conclusion is that dress accessories allow different conclusions on the population of Västergarn. In terms of gender, it is argued that both men and women were present, albeit artefacts of male gender dominate the assemblages. The majority of the material in terms of ethnicity and cultural identity can be attributed to a Gotlandic tradition, while some dress accessories seem to come from abroad, to the Slavonic areas and other regions in the Baltic Sea. Also, oriental influences can be seen, mainly in regard to the decorated belt mounts. in conclusion, the result of this thesis indicates that two separate groups, both Gotlanders and non-Gotlanders were active in Västergarn during the early Middle Ages which is visible in the two churches, the Baltic ware pottery and the form of dress accessories people wore at the time.

En gropkeramisk rundtur på Gotland : GIS-analyser av gropkeramiska lokaler på Gotland och osteologiska bedömningar av resursutnyttjande / A Pitted Ware round-trip on Gotland : GIS-analyses of Pitted Ware Culture sites on Gotland and osteological assessments of resource utilisation

Eriksson, Albin January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is to expand on the understanding of the resource utilisation on the 19 Gotlandic Pitted Ware Culture sites: Ajvide, Alvena, Fridtorp, Grausne, Gullrum,Gumbalde, Hau, Hemmor, Hoburgen, Ire, Kinner/Tjauls, Rangvide, Barshalder, Stenstugu,Stora Förvar, Sudergårds II, Visby, Västerbjers and Västerbys. The study utilises theoretical frameworks such as Site Catchment Analysis, Site Territorial Analysis and Optimal ForagingTheory and is based on two main questions: Which animals did the diet on each site consist of? And are there any apparent connections between diet and topography/environment? To answer these questions, osteological records have been studied to get an idea of the animal food resources utilised on each site. ArcGIS has also been used to create height- and soil maps with contemporary shorelines which show how the sites were located in the middle Neolithic Gotlandic landscape. The study has shown that most sites appear to have included a variety of animals like pig/boar, cattle, sheep/goat, fish, seal, porpoise and birds in their diet. The sites with the lowest number of confirmed animals also tend to have undergone the least archaeological investigation, suggesting that further excavations on these sites might unearth more animal species. Additional discoveries show a small albeit noticeable emphasis on marine animal resources, especially porpoise, on southern sites. Sites located in areas mostly consisting of sandy, meager soils also show an increased marine resource utilisation. This might suggest that the area around these sites were somewhat barren and lacking in terrestrial prey animals.

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