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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Knubbsälen i Kalmarsund

Bergström, Lisa January 2014 (has links)
Knubbsälens beståndsutveckling i Kalmarsund styrs av flera faktorer som till exempel: överfiskning och bottendöd som reducerar mängden tillgänglig föda; fysiska störningar på reproduktionslokalerna vilket ökar kutdödligheten; miljögifter som påverkar hormonbalansen och immunförsvaret samt att populationen i Kalmarsund har en låg genetisk variation vilket gör dem extra sårbara (Härkönen, 2006). Att ha tillgång till en metod med vilken man kan konstatera små förändringar i en sälpopulation kan göra att man tidigt får en indikation om att något händer i den marina miljön. Trots en stor hotbild så visar inventeringar att populationen ökar årligen sedan inventeringens start på 70-talet. I detta examensarbete ges en bakgrund till vilka faktorer som kan tänkas påverka knubbsälspopulationen i Kalmarsund och i arbetet presenteras dessutom en inventeringsmetodik som med hög styrka kan avslöja relativt små populationsförändringar. Resultaten visar att det skulle räcka med 5-6 års inventering för att med nittiofem procents säkerhet kunna avslöja en femprocentig ändring i populationstillväxt för knubbsälarna i Kalmarsund. / The population of harbor seal in the Baltic Sea is affected by many factors such as over-fishing and benthic dead zones which reduce available food; haul-out sites disturbances which can increase pup mortality; environmental toxins which disturb their hormonal balance and immune system, and the harbor seal population in Kalmar sound has a low genetic variation that makes them vulnerable. To be able to observe early changes in the marine environment, it is important to have a survey methodology that is able to detect small changes in the seal population. Although many potential threats, the yearly population surveys shows an increase in the population since the start of the seventies. This thesis will give a background to the factors that might have an effect on the harbor seal population in Kalmar sound, and presents a population survey method with a high statistical power that is able to detect small population changes. The results show that it would take 5-6 years of surveying to detect a 5 percent increase in the population growth of the Kalmar sound harbor seals with a 95 percent statistical probability.

Djurens kulturella betydelse i den gropkeramiska kulturen / The Cultural Meaning of the Animal within the Pitted Ware Culture

Gottberg, Victoria January 2018 (has links)
As humans we function with a biological side and a psychological side. Both of these sides have their needs. We need to put food in our stomach to stop feeling hungry and we need to give things meaning. In a Human Behavioral Archaeological perspective, which focuses a lot on the economical aspect of the animal and the human, the animal was killed for food. But, how was the animal perceived in a cultural perspective, what was the meaning of this animal? This is the question that will have its answer in this thesis. The animal handling of the Pitted Ware culture  will be analyzed from an animistic point of view - meaning, that human, animals and object can have a soul or a personality. This makes the world seem more fluent. The sharp lines between culture and nature, life and death, human and animal get wiped out and we see a world view the modern Western human is not used to. As much as the animal was a prey, it also was a being with a purpose in the Pitted Ware culture. On the Pitted Ware sites at Jettböle on the Aland Island and at Ajvide on Gotland, the seal was the most prominent animal in both the economic and cultural sphere. The clay figurines of Jettböle show some sort of worship of the seal. Among many of the anatomical parts of the animal and human body, the head seems to be of most importance. Even differences within the same culture appear. At Ajvide, there is a clear burial tradition of the deceased humans, whereas at Jettböle, there is not. And as much as the seal is of dominance at Ajvide, the swine comes in at a close second, whereas at Jettböle, there is almost no swine at all.

Jakten och jägaren : En osteologisk analys av säl- och människoben från en begravningsplats på Gotska Sandön / The Hunt and the Hunter : An osteological analysis of seal and human bones from a cemetery on the island of Gotska Sandön

Wälivaara, Karolina January 2023 (has links)
I denna uppsats diskuteras jakten och nyttjandet av säl på Gotska Sandön, med utgångspunkt i en osteologisk analys av säl- och människoben från en begravningsplats på öns norra kust. Diskussionen inkluderar dessutom jämförelser med arkeologiska lokaler och etnografiska beskrivningar från öar som Gotland, Stora Karlsö, Fårö och Runö. Människobenen kommer från en individ och har daterats till 1400-talet e.Kr. Resultatet av den osteologiska analysen, jämfört med etnografiska källor, indikerar att individen kan ha varit en säljägare. Sälbenen talar om att gråsäl har jagats, och att jakten har inkluderat gamla sälar och sälhanar. Dessa sälar har jagats för sitt skinn och späck snarare än för sitt kött. Sälbenens förekomst på begravningsplatsen kan bero på en förkristen tradition, att de har misstagits för människoben eller att de har varit avfall från den närliggande medeltida boplatsen på Säludden. / This essay discusses the hunting and use of seals on Gotska Sandön, based on an osteological analysis of seal and human bones from a cemetery on the northern coast of the island. The discussion includes comparisons with archaeological sites and ethnographical descriptions from islands such as Gotland, Stora Karlsö, Fårö and Ruhnu. The human bones come from one individual and has been dated to the 15th century AD. The results of the osteological analysis, compared with ethnographical sources, indicate that the individual may have been a seal hunter. The seal bones indicate that grey seal was hunted, and that the hunt included old seals and male seals. These seals were hunted for their skin and blubber rather than their meat. The seal bones may have been buried in the cemetery because of a pre-Christian tradition, them being mistaken for human bones, or them being waste from the nearby medieval settlement on Säludden.

En gropkeramisk rundtur på Gotland : GIS-analyser av gropkeramiska lokaler på Gotland och osteologiska bedömningar av resursutnyttjande / A Pitted Ware round-trip on Gotland : GIS-analyses of Pitted Ware Culture sites on Gotland and osteological assessments of resource utilisation

Eriksson, Albin January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is to expand on the understanding of the resource utilisation on the 19 Gotlandic Pitted Ware Culture sites: Ajvide, Alvena, Fridtorp, Grausne, Gullrum,Gumbalde, Hau, Hemmor, Hoburgen, Ire, Kinner/Tjauls, Rangvide, Barshalder, Stenstugu,Stora Förvar, Sudergårds II, Visby, Västerbjers and Västerbys. The study utilises theoretical frameworks such as Site Catchment Analysis, Site Territorial Analysis and Optimal ForagingTheory and is based on two main questions: Which animals did the diet on each site consist of? And are there any apparent connections between diet and topography/environment? To answer these questions, osteological records have been studied to get an idea of the animal food resources utilised on each site. ArcGIS has also been used to create height- and soil maps with contemporary shorelines which show how the sites were located in the middle Neolithic Gotlandic landscape. The study has shown that most sites appear to have included a variety of animals like pig/boar, cattle, sheep/goat, fish, seal, porpoise and birds in their diet. The sites with the lowest number of confirmed animals also tend to have undergone the least archaeological investigation, suggesting that further excavations on these sites might unearth more animal species. Additional discoveries show a small albeit noticeable emphasis on marine animal resources, especially porpoise, on southern sites. Sites located in areas mostly consisting of sandy, meager soils also show an increased marine resource utilisation. This might suggest that the area around these sites were somewhat barren and lacking in terrestrial prey animals.

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