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Společenská odpovědnost vybrané firmy / Corporate Social Responsibility of a particular companyMarič, Irma January 2012 (has links)
The Master's thesis deals with corporate social responsibility. The first part is dedicated to the definition of the term Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and to historical development of the whole strategy. It also includes explanation of the main theoretical concepts related to the topic (Tripple Bottom Line, Carroll's Pyramid, Stakeholder Theory, etc.) Following part deals with the implementation of CSR into practice and with advantages and disadvantages of the whole concept. Next chapter is focused on national and international organizations, initiatives and certificates that help companies to put the strategy of CSR in place. The practical part of the thesis deals with corporate social responsibility of Pilsner Urquell, one of the world's best known Czech breweries. Emphasis is put on the matter of CSR seen as philantrophic activity in comparison with CSR seen as a part of marketing and PR strategy.
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CSR strategie pro firmu Liho Blanice / CSR strategy for the company Liho BlaniceBřezinová, Ilona January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to propose a socially responsible activities, which could a smaller company, like Liho Blanice, deals with and implement them in practice. The theoretical part focuses on the introduction of the concept of CSR, its basic features and principles, as well as the methodology of Standard Responsible Company, and some concepts related to CSR. The next part deals with the application of CSR practices, from initial planning to its measurement. CSR strategies of three global producers of alcohol are compared. The practical part introduces the current activities of the company, the results of research to costumers, and based on them are then designed individual activities within CSR.
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Circular Economy, the future economy model for retailers : A qualitative study on retailers understanding of Circular Economy and their sustainability work progress.Brodersen, Pauline, Håkansson, Johanna, Pombal Rodrigues Coelho, Viktor January 2020 (has links)
This thesis is about Circular Economy and sustainability through a retailer’s perspective. There has also been a focus on researching and trying to find out if the size of the retailer matters in a sustainability perspective and to achieve a Circular Economy. The research that has been made is done with a deductive approach and a qualitative method. Interviews have been held over a timeframe of a week in May 2020. Because of the pandemic, Covid-19, all of the interviews were held over telephone or email to ensure safety for all respondents, including the safety for the authors. The theory chapter has been conducted through peer-reviewed articles and literature. This chapter has then been divided into smaller parts chapters, as Circular Economy, Sustainability and Supply chain, and Triple bottom line. After the theory chapter the method in how the research have been done and why specific methods have been preferred over others. Following chapter is the empirical findings bundled together with analysis, each interview comes first separately and divided in the same way as the theory and are then compared in an analysis. The conclusion is that retailers need to continue working to become more sustainable. A way for retailers to present their work towards Circular Economy and sustainability is to be transparent and will reach consumers’ which can lead to higher reliability. There is a difference between larger and smaller retailers, it is in how the larger retailers have worked more towards incorporate Circular Economy model and sustainability in comparison to the smaller retailers.
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The pursuit of sustainability in the oil industry : A case study in an international companySeinelä, Visa, Galouk, Yara January 2020 (has links)
Abstract Background: The oil industry is experiencing tremendous challenges due to the shifts in global markets and decreasing profits from oil. These challenges have steered companies to select more profitable investments and disregarding different matters of sustainability. However, the oil companies aim to be seen as more sustainable, since the demands of the public and governments increased toward sustainability. Thus, improving sustainability capabilities in the oil industry has become more critical than ever. In this study, the triple bottom line framework is used, which covers the social, environmental, and economical dimensions of sustainability. This study focuses on reactive and proactive practices that can overcome the barriers to achieving sustainability. Furthermore, the focus is on the oil industry’s pursuit of sustainability is facilitated by connecting reactive and proactive practices to improve the sustainability capabilities of a company. Purpose: The purpose of this study is first to identify the barriers to achieving sustainability in the oil industry and understand how companies can overcome these barriers by conducting reactive and proactive practices. Furthermore, the purpose is to understand how reactive and proactive practices can improve companies' capabilities for sustainability performance. Method: This study follows the inductive approach, as the aim was to discover new insights and assumptions from the studied phenomenon. Furthermore, the study is conducted as exploratory and qualitative, in order to provide a rich understanding of the barriers of sustainability within the oil industry, and how reactive and proactive practices can facilitate the capabilities for improving sustainability in companies. For the data collection method, semi-structured interviews were conducted with experts working within a single company that operates in the oil industry. The collected empirical data was analyzed with grounded analysis. Conclusion: With the empirical findings and existing literature, the internal and external barriers to achieving sustainability are identified. Furthermore, the connection with identified barriers and reactive and proactive practices is introduced, as well as how the practices facilitate overcoming these barriers. Also, the study connects reactive and proactive practices that improve sustainability capabilities in companies. The study suggests that practitioners focus on developing a solid foundation of reactive practices, on which to build strategies with proactive practices. Primarily the focus on the oil industry should be in the creation of environmental capabilities, as this potential is disregarded with the current set of practices. Improving triple bottom line dimensions is identified as a win-win process, which argues for the potential of improvement in environmental sustainability would assist in matching the economic and social demands of the oil industry.
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An Understanding for CSR Communication Strategies : A content analysis of furniture & interior retailers CSR communication strategiesSörman, Oskar, Karlsson, Joel January 2022 (has links)
The increased interest and awareness of sustainability from an consumer perspective has also implicated increased interest among furniture and interior retailers. Sustainability does not only imply environmentally friendly products and have become a discussed topic in multiple contexts. Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) have been implemented in several businesses to align with what society demands, which includes sustainability in multiple aspects. The increased interest for this matter has also implied communicating CSR practices as an answer to consumers and stakeholders demands. CSR and communication has a strong connection in theory but excludes detailed CSR communication strategies. Therefore, in this thesis, the aim is to gain a deeper understanding for CSR communication strategies from a consumer perspective in the form of a content analysis of the Swedish furniture and interior retailers. The purpose is to benefit both a theoretical and managerial perspective with contribution of CSR communication strategies main foundation. The research that has been conducted is a content analysis of 8 companies' content conveyed in their communication. The content analysis includes sustainability reports, CSR related documents and annual reports that have been analyzed from the Triple Bottom Line (TBL) framework. To fortify the research, a deductive approach with previous research has been conducted to analyze the findings. The conclusion of the research results in a clear pattern of content conveyed by furniture and interior retailers. Presentation of goals and practices, including only positive CSR material and a focus on the environmental aspect are distinct. The large and less complex retailers convey their CSR practices more than smaller and more complex retailers. Conclusion can also be drawn that the economical aspect is often underlying in the conveyed content and the three aspects of TBL are often merged together.
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“Vi måste berätta en ny historia om biblioteket” : Folkbibliotekschefer om det digitala utanförskapet / “We need to tell a new story about the library” : Public library managers about the digital exclusionBäcklin, Gustav, Rönnertz, Tobias January 2019 (has links)
In the wake of the increased digitalisation of the Swedish society, people who experience difficulties to utilise digital services turn to the public library for assistance. As a result, questions concerning how and to what extent the public library is supposed to support people in need of digital services is raised amongst the public library staff. The purpose of this thesis is thus to examine public library managers understanding of what role the institution should uphold in the midst of the depicted development, and how they enact in order to implement the defined role within the organisations they manage. The findings are based on qualitative interviews with seven public library managers from different municipalities i Västra Götalandsregionen. The interviews were transcribed and analysed using qualitative content analysis methodology, and the results were interpreted by means of Shaffer’s (2018) criterias for social sustainability within public library organisations. The findings display that the public library managers perceive a direct link between the Swedish library act and the role as information supplier and tutor of people in need of digital support. In order to utilise this understanding, the public library managers undertake various actions including securing good communications with staff, users and local politicians, facilitation of adequate training for staff members etc. while trying to establish abovenamed role, chiefly amongst the employees. Measured against Shaffer’s criterias and against literature on the viewpoints of librarians, users and politicians, these actions may have positive as well as negative effect on the public library’s social sustainability.
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Annars är vi dödens! : En studie om förutsättningar för samarbete med nyastartup företag för omställning till cirkulär ekonomiinom textilindustrin / Or else we ́re dead! : Prerequisites for a collaboration with newstartup companies for a shiftto circular economy in the textile industryIssa, Samer, Konac, Marcus January 2020 (has links)
Dagens textilindustri präglas av en linjär värdekedja och har visat sig orsaka en av världens största negativa miljöpåverkan. I en alltmer växande befolkning och mellanklass ökar efterfrågan på klädprodukter, vilket sätter stor press på utbudet inom textilindustrin som i sin tur exploaterar mer råvaror och material samt orsakar föroreningar i naturen. Cirka 80 procent av miljöavtrycken sker inom produktionsledet inom värdekedjan och resterande 20 procent sker inom konsumtionsledet. Klädkonsumtionen har fördubblats mellan åren 2000 och 2015 i ett allt mer ”slit och släng” kultur. Huvudproblemen är resursexploatering och förorening av råvaror, vatten och kemikalieanvändning på stor global skala som orsakar natur och miljöproblem. Hoppet för dessa utmaningar kan vara en framtid med textila startup företag som drivs av cirkulära affärsmodeller och påbörjar omställningen till cirkulär ekonomi. På senare år har samhället belyst hållbarhetsproblem med en global omfattning. Det är avgörande för alla intressenter att balansera ekonomisk, ekologisk och social hållbarhet, som även kallas för Triple Bottom Line. Detta om vi ska undvika natur och miljömässiga katastrofer världen över. Studien syftar till att studera förutsättningar för ett samarbete med nya startup företag för att påbörja omställningen mot en cirkulär ekonomi i textilindustrin. Ekonomier för många företag och organisationer riskerar att välta om inte omställningen mot cirkulär ekonomi påbörjas snarast. Därför är det viktigt att etablerade företag inom linjära värdekedjan och startup företag med cirkulär affärsmodell samarbetar med varandra. Med de etablerade företagens ekonomiska hållbarhet får de ett socialt ansvar att stötta startup företag som bär på ekologisk hållbarhet och på så sätt skapar de social hållbarhet när ett framgångsrikt integrations samarbete uppfylls. Kunskapsbidraget med studien är våra framförda utvecklingsförslag och krav på hur ett samarbete kan se ut, i kontrast till dagens linjära värdekedja. På så sätt hoppas vi att våra slutresultat ska vara användbara för nuvarande och framtida företag inom textilindustrin. / Today’s textile industry is characterized by a linear value chain and one of the world's largest negative environmental impacts. In a growing population and middle-class economy, demand for clothing products is increasing. This puts a great deal of pressure on supply in the textile industry, which in turn exploits more raw materials and causes pollution in nature. About 80 percent of the environmental imprints occur in production within the value chain and the remaining 20 percent occur within the consumption. Clothing consumption has doubled between 2000 and 2015 in an increasingly "wear and tear" culture. The main problems are resource exploitation and pollution of raw materials, water and chemical use on a large global scale that causes nature and environmental problems. The hope for these challenges may be a future with textile startup companies that are driven by circular business models and begin the shift to circular economy. In recent years, society has highlighted sustainability problems with a global scale. It is crucial for all stakeholders to balance economic, ecological and social sustainability, also known as the Triple Bottom Line. This is to avoid nature and environmental disasters all over the world. The thesis aims to study the prerequisites for a collaboration with new startup companies to begin the shift towards a circular economy in the textile industry. Economies for many companies and organizations risk to fall if the shift towards circular economy doesn’t initiate as soon as possible. Therefore, it is important that established companies within the linear value chain and startup companies with circular business models cooperate with each other. The economical sustainability of the established companies gives them the role with social responsibility to support startup companies that carry ecological sustainability and thus create social sustainability when a successful cooperation is fulfilled. The contribution with the thesis is our developed proposals and requirements for how a collaboration could look like, in contrast to todays linear value chain. This way, we hope our results can be useful for current and future companies in the textile industry.
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The Triple Bottom Line and Social Responsibility Framework in Public Sector ManagementAjiake, Matthew 01 January 2015 (has links)
Leaders of public sector agencies must incorporate the voices of diversified stakeholders into planning and decision-making processes. With aging infrastructures around the world, public agencies are challenged to move public benefit projects forward when citizens are not engaged or empowered to participate in the process. The purpose of this triple bottom line (social, ecological, and financial) and social responsibility study was to explore whether public sector organizations are socially responsible by law. A case study was developed using data from publicly available documents and interviews that explored how the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) implemented a social responsibility framework that was grounded using the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 26000 guidelines, stakeholder theory, and corporate social responsibility theory. Data were collected using a researcher-developed questionnaire for face-to-face interviews with 20 elected officials, public agency executives, program managers, advisory group members, regional public sector members, and community stakeholders. Data were analyzed using direct interpretation, detailed description, establishment of correspondence and patterns, and categorical aggregation. Three themes emerged that demonstrated the existence of a socially responsible organizational framework at the SFPUC: unequivocal leadership support, allocation of adequate resources to fund the program, and a dynamic stakeholder-driven performance metrics and reporting system. The research findings may contribute to social change by demonstrating how ISO 26000 can help frame the performance measurement and reporting systems of public sector agencies and serve as a foundation for implementing stakeholder policies and procedures thus benefiting the public.
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Flourish or perish in a turbulent environment : A qualitative study from the perspective of environmentally sustainable SMEs.Drake, Douglas, Berling, Simon January 2023 (has links)
Since the beginning of the 2020’s the world has drastically changed and forced organisations to re-adapt, adjust and reconfigure their business in order to survive. The Covid-19 pandemic rewrote the map of conducting business, as well as the war in Ukraine was a catalyst for inflation, and thereafter rising interest rates. Simultaneously, the climate is suffering greatly from the human footprints, forcing humanity to act swiftly to avoid collapse of ecosystems and an irreversible global warming. Organisations and societies are therefore forced to change their way of production and consumption, to be able to adapt to these changes. However, there is limited research inwhat successful aspects make environmentally sustainable SMEs outlast business environments embedded by turbulence. Therefore, this study aims to shed light on the capabilities required and answer the research question: How do Swedish SMEs maintain their environmentally sustainable business practices when faced with a turbulent business environment? The raison d'être of this thesis is to investigate and deliver insights on how Swedish Small- and Medium sized Enterprises (SME) manoeuvre their environmentally sustainable business practices in an uncertain environment, and what characteristics are proven to be successful to cope with such conditions. In order to answer the research question and fulfil the purpose of this study, semi-structured interviews with 8 top managers within environmentally sustainable SMEs, were conducted under an inductive approach. Henceforth, the primary data offers important insights in how environmentally sustainable SMEs navigate through business environments embedded by turbulence. The findings suggest how the turbulent conditions of today are both of economic, as well as environmental aspect, forcing SMEs to implement environmentally sustainable practices at the core of their operations to be able to succeed. Hence, the SME must constantly manage the balance between profitability and environmental sustainability in order to make a positive impact on society. The findings further indicate that in order tomanage these turbulent conditions, it is evident that it is vital to be close to the market and understand its changing conditions, in combination with having the ability to be proactive and reactive towards the changes. Aside from this, the findings also emphasise the importance of valuable stakeholder relationships, as well as having an active and independent owner, in order to stay competitive during tough times. In conclusion, this study contributes to the theoretical aspects of Dynamic Capabilities and VUCA with emphasis on environmentally sustainable SMEs. Nevertheless, it also contributes with practical knowledge regarding how these types of organisations manage their environmentally sustainable business practices when times are tough.
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Residents’ perceptions of tourism development in Bali : A comparative field study in Canggu and UbudEriksson, Maja, Roos, Jessica, Helmer, Filippa January 2023 (has links)
The rapid and to some extent uncontrolled tourism expansion in Bali is likely to have major impacts on the island and its residents. Tourism development in Bali is a top priority for economic growth and is the main economic sector on the island. Sustainable tourism has become an increasingly important and recognized topic due to tourism’s inherent nature to generate both positive and negative economic, socio-cultural and environmental impacts. Sustainable tourism development is about striking a balance between meeting the needs of local communities, satisfying tourist demand and protecting the natural environment. Residents of host communities are seen as a vital component of the tourism experience as they are the first to interact with tourists. The residents' perceptions are essential to assessing the feasibility of all types of development initiatives, as well as their perceptions are of great importance linked to their personal well-being. Social exchange theory (SET) and triple bottom line (TBL) were used as theoretical frameworks to fulfil the purpose of this study. The study aimed to create an understanding of how residents in Bali experienced the island’s tourism development, and whether and how it differed between residents of the two different destinations: Ubud and Canggu. By examining Bali residents' perceptions of tourism on the island, a small contribution can be made to tourism research from a resident-centric perspective. In turn, this can contribute to subjective indications concerning tourism that are likely to be important in a developing island context. The results showed that the perceived economic benefits outweighed both the socio-cultural, and environmental perceived costs. This result can be interpreted as being due to the residents' strong dependency on tourism, where their vulnerability should be taken into account in sustainable tourism development.
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