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Detektory a deskriptory oblastí v obrazu / Region Detectors and Descriptors in ImageŽilka, Filip January 2016 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with an important part of computer vision field. Main focus of this thesis is on feature detectors and descriptors in an image. Throughout the thesis the simplest feature detectors like Moravec detector will be presented, building up to more complex detectors like MSER or FAST. The purpose of feature descriptors is in a mathematical description of these points. We begin with the oldest ones like SIFT and move on to newest and best performing descriptors like FREAK or ORB. The major objective of the thesis is comparison of presented methods on licence plate localization task.
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Evaluation of the screening and brief intervention for risky alcohol use in Sibasa Primary Health Care Clinic in Thulamela MunicipalityRamarumo, Mpho 11 February 2015 (has links)
Department of Psychology / PhD (Psychology)
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An analysis of the relationship between psychosocial safety climate and the work-school-interface for non-traditional students in South AfricaApril, Kelly 12 January 2022 (has links)
The growth of a country's economy is highly dependent on the levels of skills available in that country. South Africa has a stark shortage of skilled individuals due to an inadequate and failing education system (Horwitz, 2013). As a response to this problem the South African government actively incentivises organisations to develop the skillset of their employees in order to build a strong economy, improve job creation and promote social development (Department of Higher Education and Training, 2019). It is therefore important that all stakeholders involved yield a return on this investment. It is also a global phenomenon that an increasing number of fulltime employees are also engaging in formal further studies due to the rapid changes in the labour market. For example, advancements in technology have had a major impact on traditional business models and the roles, and skills needed. These employees are referred to as non-traditional students and are the subject of this study. Research shows that trying to manage both work and school simultaneously can cause psychological strain for non-traditional students (Adebayo et al., 2008). The psychosocial safety climate (PSC) is an emerging construct which refers to the shared perceptions regarding policies, practices and procedures designed to protect the psychological health of employees (Dollard et al., 2012). This study builds on existing research in the work - school interface by investigating its application within the South African context. Participants in this research (n=127), comprised of non-traditional students (n=40) and employees who are not engaged in further studies (n=87). Correlation analysis demonstrated that PSC had a positive relationship with work school facilitation (WSF) and a negative relationship with work school conflict (WSC). It was further confirmed that job control (JC) mediated the relationship between PSC and WSF and that PSC mediated the relationship between JC and WSF. These findings show that PSC is an antecedent to the work school interface in that it promotes the positive outcomes of studying while working (work school facilitation). It further demonstrates that PSC also reduces the negative outcomes (work school conflict). This study confirmed that the working environment plays a crucial role in the work school interface and introduces PSC as a construct South African organisations should be concerned with and make a priority, based on the resources it provides employees, more especially their non-traditional students. This study's findings will add to the existing body of research and provide practical insights for enhancing the PSC application within South African organisations who have non-traditional students.
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Are We Going In There? The Role of Brief Narratives (TV ADs and PSAs) in Narrative Transportation and Second-Order Cultivation EffectsQuillin, Michael J. January 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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An Evaluation of the completion and Recidivism Rates for a Collaborative Community - College Based Alcohol and Other Drug Offenders Diversion ProgramMinor, Dale Michael 24 September 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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[pt] O Comprometimento cognitivo vascular subcortical (CCVs) caracteriza-se, do ponto de vista cognitivo, por déficits em funções executivas em seus estágios iniciais, levando a dificuldades funcionais precoces na população acometida. Contudo, dados da literatura indicaram que a condição é frequentemente subdiagnosticada, o que pode ser atribuído, dentre outras razões, à falta de instrumentos de rastreio acurados para a condição, cujas características clínicas diferem dos quadros neurodegenerativos. Esta escassez foi evidenciada pela revisão sistemática realizada como parte do presente trabalho. O Teste Breve de Memória e Funções Executivas (BMET) foi desenvolvido por Brookes e cols. (2012) especificamente para a detecção destes quadros clínicos. O objetivo desta dissertação foi discorrer sobre o CCVs e adaptar o BMET para o uso na população acima dos 60 anos do Brasil. Para tanto, seguiram-se etapas de tradução, avaliação de juízes de linguística e de neuropsicologia, avaliação por representante do público-alvo, retrotradução e, por fim, aplicação à amostra. Foi conduzido um estudo piloto para verificar a aplicabilidade e fornecer dados psicométricos preliminares do teste. Conclui-se que o BMET é de simples e rápida aplicação, podendo ser administrado por diferentes profissionais da saúde e possivelmente adequado à atenção primária em saúde. Considerando o contexto atual de um rápido envelhecimento populacional e do consequente aumento na prevalência de agravos associados às faixas etárias avançadas, tais como os transtornos neurocognitivos, é de grande relevância a detecção precoce do CCVs visando ao planejamento de intervenções e medidas de profilaxia secundária, contribuindo assim, para a qualidade de vida da população idosa. / [en] Subcortical Vascular Cognitive Impairment (sVCI) is characterized, upon a cognitive perspective, by the presence of dysexecutive function in its initial stages, leading to early functional difficulties for sufferers of this condition. However, data has indicated that it is often underdiagnosed, which could be attributed to the lack of accurate screening tools for the disorder. This shortcoming has been evidenced by a systematic review conducted as part of the current project. The Brief Memory and Executive Test (BMET) has been
specifically developed by Brookes et al. (2012) for the detection of sVCI. This thesis aimed to discuss about sVCI and to adapt BMET for use in subjects over 60 years old from Brazil. For this purpose, consecutive stages, comprising translation, evaluation by experts in linguistics and neuropsychology, assessment by representant of the target population, retro-translation and, finally, application to an older sample, have been performed. A pilot study has been carried out to analyze the applicability and to draw preliminary information about psychometric properties of the scale. In conclusion, BMET has revealed to be easy and rapid to administer, feasible to be applied by different categories of health practitioners and possibly adequate for primary health settings. Considering the current context of a fast population aging and a rise in the prevalence of conditions associated with late-life, such as neurocognitive disorders, it is relevant to detect sVCI in its early stages, so that therapeutic and secondary preventive strategies could be planned, which could impact on the quality of lives of older population.
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Självskattning av exekutiva funktioner vid kognitiv träning : En utvärdering av The behavior rating inventory of executive functioning - self report / Self Rating of Executive Functioning After Cognitive Training : An Evaluation of The Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Functioning - Self ReportJakobsson, Erik, Stocke, Elin January 2015 (has links)
Traditionellt utvärderas effekter av kognitiv träning med objektiva prestationsmått. Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka självskattad exekutiv funktion som ett alternativt mått för att utvärdera effekter av kognitiv träning. Som utfallsmått valdes The behavior rating inventory of executive functioning - self report (BRIEF-SR). Vidare användes blandad design med för- och eftermätning samt tre oberoende grupper. Gymnasieelever (n = 63) delades in i; aktiv träningsgrupp, aktiv placebogrupp och passiv kontrollgrupp. Tränings- och placebogruppen genomförde datoriserad kognitiv träning med respektive utan adaptiv svårighetsgrad. ANCOVA med arbetsminneskapacitet som kovariat visade inga signifikanta träningseffekter på självskattade exekutiva funktioner, oavsett grupptillhörighet. Sammantaget kan BRIEF-SR vara ett lämpligt instrument vid utvärdering av kognitiv träning när ekologisk validitet prioriteras. Resultaten diskuteras avseende inverkan av tid mellan för- och eftermätning, population och förväntanseffekter. / Performance based measures have been the Golden standard when evaluating effects of cognitive training. By using The Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Functioning-Self Report (BRIEF-SR), this thesis aimed to explore self- rating scales as an alternative when evaluating effects of cognitive training. A sample of high school students (n = 63) and a mixed- effect model with pre- and post-measurements were chosen. The students were divided into three groups: active training, training with placebo or passive control. The two groups in training practiced with a computerized cognitive training program. The two training groups practiced with an adaptive and non-adaptive computer program, respectively. With working memory as covariate ANCOVA reported no significant effects on self-rated executive functions independent of group condition. In sum, if ecological validity is of priority BRIEF-SR can be considered when measuring effects following cognitive training. In addition the results are discussed with regards to time between pre- and post-measurements, population and effects of expectancy. / Effekter av kognitiv träning på skolprestationer och självreglering av beteende (dnr 1,2009/0 018,5-0)
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Kliënte se ervarings van narratiewe terapie met reflekterende groepeSteyn, Abraham Johannes Christiaan 08 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Some of the limited research available on narrative reflecting team therapy was used in this study to develop a reflecting team therapy story.
The reflecting team therapy story was developed using qualitative
methodology in the form of an experimental text, which was strongly
influenced by narrative discourse. The adopted methodology contributed to allowing the reflecting team therapy story as experienced by the client to speak very clearly to us.
The following issues, inter alia, emerged: therapy is faster, clients are
empowered, gender is important in therapy, the process is promoted by the multiplic ity of interactions and clients experience a scense of enpathy.
The reflecting team therapy story can therefore serve as a working document which the reader can co-author. In the true spirit of narrative methology, I believe that every story contains an alternative story. There is no one true and final story. / Van die beperkte beskikbare navorsing oor reflekterende spanwerk is in
hierdie studie gebruik om 'n reflekteringspanterapieverhaal daar te stel.
Die reflekteringspanterapieverhaal is ontwikkel deur gebruik te maak van
kwalitatiewe metodologie, in die vorm van 'n 'experimentele teks', wat sterk deur narratiewe diskoerse belnvloed is. Die veranderde metodologie het daartoe bygedra dat die verhaal van die reflekteringspanterapie soos ervaar deur die klient baie duidelik tot ons spreek.
Die volgende sake het onder andere na vore getree: terapie is vinniger, kliente word bemagtig, geslag is van belang by terapie, die proses word bevorder as gevolg van die meervoudigheid van interaksie en kliente beleef 'n gevoel van empatie.
Die reflekteringspanterapieverhaal kan dus dien as 'n werksdokument waaraan die leser as ko-redakteur deelneem. In die ware gees van narratiewe metodologie glo ek dat daar in elke verhaal 'n alternatiewe verhaal skuil. Daar is dus geen ware en finale verhaal nie. / Philosophy, Practical & Systematic Theology / M.Th. (Praktiese Teologie)
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"MINDING THE HEART": fattori di rischio psicosociale e motivazione al cambiamento tra pazienti in riabilitazione cardiologica / MINDING THE HEART: PSYCHOSOCIAL RISK FACTORS & MOTIVATION TOCHANGE IN CARDIAC REHABILITATION PATIENTSPIETRABISSA, GIADA 17 March 2016 (has links)
Il presente lavoro di tesi è stato condotto in ambito psicocardiologico, e riguarda l’indagine delle determinanti psicosociali potenzialmente coinvolte nell’eziopatogenesi, digressione e prognosi delle malattie cardiache. Più studi preliminari sono stati condotti a fini esplorativi, e solo le varabili risultate caratteristiche del campione mantenute in indagini successive.
Dopo aver indagato il ruolo del benessere psicologico nell’influenzare la Capacità Funzionale dei pazienti, uno degli indicatori di esito di maggiore importanza in Riabilitazione Cardiologica (RC) (studio 1), si è proceduto a verificare quali tra le variabili cognitive e psicologiche tradizionalmente associate alle malattie cardiache caratterizzasse lo specifico campione, condizionandone Qualità della Vita (QdV) e benessere psicologico (studio 2). Esclusa l’influenza delle variabili cognitive sullo stato emotivo dei soggetti, si è, poi, approfondito il ruolo delle variabili psicologiche nel determinarne la QdV percepita dei degenti (studio 3). Obiettivo del quarto studio è, infine, valutare efficacia ed efficienza dell’aggiunta di tecniche e principi propri del Colloquio Motivazionale (CM) al trattamento psicologico standard (Terapia Breve Strategica, TBS), al di la del solo trattamento breve strategico, nell’incrementare autoefficacia percepita, disponibilità al cambiamento ed aderenza al trattamento riabilitativo nel malati di cuore. Un esempio dell’uso di tale stile comunicativo viene, inoltre, proposto mediante caso clinico (studio 5). / The general aim of this thesis is to seek evidence on how to achieve long-term maintenance of lifestyle changes in a sample of obese inpatients with heart diseases referred to Cardiac Rehabilitation by investigating the influence of selected variables on their physical and psychological status, as well as by examining the efficacy and effectiveness of a motivational-based intervention. Study 1 is aimed at evaluating whether psychological well-being represents an independent predictor of Exercise Capacity. Study 2 focuses on investigating the influence of cognitive abilities and established psychosocial risk factors on the sample’s subjective Quality of life (QoL) and well-being. Since no effect of different levels of cognitive impairments on the expression of psychological distress among the study participants has been identified, in study 3 the effect of emotional impairments on QoL has been further explored. To conclude, the MOTIV-HEART study (study 4) is aimed at testing the incremental efficacy of a brief strategic treatment including motivational components (BST + MI) in improving physical and psychological outcomes over and beyond the stand-alone brief strategic treatment (BST) and whether results will be maintained/increased at 3-month follow-up. An example of this style of communication is also presented through a case study (study 5).
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Teorie a praxe dodržování lidských práv v České republice, zejména s ohledem na práva seniorů v zařízení sociálních služeb / The Theory and Practice of Human Rights in the Czech Republic, in Particular the Rights of Seniors in Social ServicesCmuntová, Petra January 2013 (has links)
Diploma thesis "The Theory and Practice of Human Rights in the Czech Republic, in Particular the Rights of Seniors in Social Services" deals with the theory and practice of human rights in our country with regard to the rights of seniors in social services. The work is divided into two parts. The first and second chapters forming the first part of the thesis deal with basic concepts and principles of human rights; how the idea of existence of human rights is explained, and they also focus on the history of human rights, so that the context, in which the idea of human rights was born, is clear and introduce a general view of the chosen topic to readers. The second part of the thesis, chapters three and four, at the beginning deals with the history of human rights in the Czech Republic with an emphasis on the period after 1945, and thereafter on a period after 1989 to the present. From the perspective of today, the rights of seniors in social services are presented. Governmental and non-governmental institutions dealing with human rights are introduced and the thesis also states the reports on the conditions of the rights of seniors in the social services, which result mainly from the Ombudsman's reports.
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