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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O uso do orçamento empresarial como ferramenta de apoio à tomada de decisão e ao controle gerencial em indústrias farmacêuticas de médio porte / The use of corporate budget as a tool to support the process of decision making and management control in middle sized pharmaceutical industries

Dariane Reis Fraga Castanheira 22 October 2008 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como objetivo o estudo do uso do orçamento empresarial como ferramenta de apoio às decisões e ao controle gerencial em indústrias farmacêuticas de médio porte. Como objetivos específicos, este estudo verifica se essas indústrias possuem um sistema de informações contábil-gerenciais adequado à necessidade dos gestores, a adoção de uma estrutura formal para planejamento dos resultados em curto e longo prazos, o modelo aplicado na elaboração do orçamento empresarial e a avaliação dos gestores sobre o processo orçamentário adotado. O referencial teórico apresenta a visão de renomados autores e está dividido em quatro partes. A primeira contempla decisões gerenciais e o sistema de informação contábil-gerencial. A segunda, o planejamento estratégico. Em seguida, o orçamento empresarial e, finalmente, o controle gerencial. A metodologia de pesquisa adotada foi o estudo de caso múltiplo, com a participação de cinco empresas. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas roteirizadas individuais, realizadas pela pesquisadora, com os gestores administrativo-financeiros dessas empresas. A conclusão apresentada neste trabalho revela que o orçamento empresarial é utilizado como ferramenta de apoio às decisões e ao controle gerencial pelos gestores das cinco empresas e que o processo orçamentário adotado é adequado às necessidades, mas ainda cabem melhorias. / This dissertation aims at the study of corporate budget as a tool to support the decisions and the management control in medium sized pharmaceutical industries. As specific objectives, the study checks if the industries have a managerial accounting information system that suits the managers needs, the adoption of a formal structure for the planning of long and short term results, the pattern applied in the elaboration of the corporate budget and the managers evaluation of the budgetary process that has been adopted. The theoretical reference presents the point of view of renowned authors and it is divided into four parts. The first one describes managerial decisions as well as the managerial accounting information system. The second one is about strategic planning. Then the corporate budget and finally the management control. The adopted research methodology was multiple case study in which five enterprises participated. The data was collected by researchers through individual interviews with administrative-finance managers from the companies. The conclusion presented by this work reveals that the managerial corporate budget is used by managers from the five enterprises as a support tool for the decisions and managerial control and that the adopted budgetary process suits the needs, but there is still the need for improvement.

Uma investigação da relação das características do processo orçamentário sobre a performance da execução orçamentária na percepção dos gestores do Serviço de Saúde / An investigation on the relation between the budget process characteristics and the budgetary execution performance under the perspective of Health Service managers

Gisele Cristina dos Santos 06 October 2016 (has links)
O controle orçamentário é apontado como um mecanismo gerencial adequado para redução, controle de custos e avaliação do desempenho de uma instituição hospitalar. No ambiente da Saúde, onde se inserem os hospitais, o orçamento atua como um instrumento de alocação de recursos, coordenação, controle e comunicação das estratégias da instituição, já que há crescente busca pela redução de custos e eficiência devido à escassez de recursos presente nesse setor. O processo orçamentário nesse ambiente pode ser influenciado por características peculiares desta área, como complexidade, frequência e incerteza da tarefa, e também da tensão existente entre as áreas clínica e administrativa do hospital no estabelecimento de metas. A pesquisa observará o fenômeno do processo orçamentário sob a ótica da área clínica, dos profissionais do Serviço de Saúde, predominantemente do Serviço de Enfermagem, cujo objetivo é investigar a relação das características do processo orçamentário no Serviço de Saúde sobre a efetividade da Execução Orçamentária. O modelo teórico da pesquisa e a definição das cinco hipóteses analisadas são alicerçados na literatura e apresentam a relação de cada característica do processo orçamentário - Participação Orçamentária, Feedback Orçamentário, Avaliação Orçamentária, Clareza e Dificuldade da meta orçamentária - com o Indicador de Execução Orçamentária Meeting the budget. Para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa, o questionário desenvolvido foi aplicado aos gestores do Serviço de Saúde, selecionados pela técnica de amostragem não probabilística snowball. As técnicas utilizadas para tratamento e análise dos dados foram de estatística descritiva e Modelagem em Equações Estruturais. Após a coleta e organização das respostas dos 33 questionários respondidos, as hipóteses foram testadas utilizando o software SmartPls, cujos resultados dessa análise do modelo foram: somente a Hipótese 3 foi suportada estatisticamente, afirmando que há uma relação positiva e significante da característica Avaliação Orçamentária sobre a performance da Execução Orçamentária, cujo coeficiente de caminho dessa relação foi de 0,487, o qual explica aproximadamente 50% da variação do efeito da Avaliação Orçamento sobre a efetividade do orçamento; as hipóteses H1 e H5 foram rejeitadas, mas verificou-se uma relação positiva com o Indicador de Execução Orçamentária; as hipóteses H2 e H4 não foram testadas devido à retirada dos construtos Dificuldade da meta orçamentária e Feeback Orçamentário. O achado dessa pesquisa foi uma constatação relevante para esse ambiente do setor de Saúde, no que se refere à amostra estudada, pois se constatou que mesmo havendo Participação Orçamentária e Clareza das Metas, esses gestores se orientam pela questão da Avaliação Orçamentária, ou seja, o quanto as variações orçamentárias ocorridas são reportadas aos responsáveis e utilizadas na avaliação de desempenho desses gestores. Nesse ambiente, com características peculiares, as decisões desses gestores se orientam para a prestação do serviço de assistência ao paciente, mas se importam com a alocação dos recursos escassos, expressa nas metas orçamentárias traçadas, cuja Avaliação Orçamentária dessa alocação interfere diretamente na execução orçamentária do seu setor/unidade. / Budget control is indicated as a management tool suitable to reduce and control costs and valuate a hospital performance. In the health services field, where the hospitals fit in, the budget works as an instrument to allocate resources, coordinate, control and communicate the institution strategies, aiming costs reduction e efficiency, taking in consideration the scarce resources available in the area. The budget process in this area could be influenced by peculiar characteristics, such as complexity, frequency, the task uncertainty and also the tension between the clinical and management departments of a hospital concerning establishment of goals. The research will show the budgetary process from the clinical department, health providers and specially from the Nursing Service perspective. Its goal is to investigate the relation between characteristics of the budgetary process in the health service and the budgetary execution. The theoretical framework of the research and also the definition of the five hypotheses analyzed are based on the literature and present the relationship between each budgetary process characteristic - Budgetary Participation, Budgetary Feedback, Budgetary Evaluation, Budget Goal Difficulty and Budget Goal Clarity - and the Budgetary Execution Indicator Meeting the budget. For the research, the questionnaire was applied to the health service managers selected by the non-probability sampling snowball. For the treatment and analysis of data we used descriptive statistics and Structural Equation modeling. After the data collection and organization that came from 33 questionnaires, the hypothesis were tested using SmartPls that showed the following results: only hypothesis H3 was supported statistically, stating that there is a positive and significant relation between budgetary evaluation and the Budgetary Execution performance, whose coefficient was 0,487. This figure explains the approximately 50% variation in effect of budgetary evaluation over the efficacy of the budget. The hypotheses H1and H5 were rejected. It was, however, observed that they both presented a positive relation with the Budgetary Execution Indicator. The hypotheses H2 and H4 were not tested due the removal of the constructs budget goal difficulty and budgetary feedback. The research finding was a relevant realization for the health area, concerning the samples analyzed as we observed that even when the budgetary participation and the budget goal clarity happened, these managers were guided by the budgetary evaluation. In other words, the budgetary variations are reported depending on their use for the managers\' performance evaluation. In this field, which presents peculiar characteristics, these managers\' decisions are towards the patient and their needs, considering, however, how to allocate the scarce resources they have as determined in the budgetary goals. Also, the budgetary evaluation impacts directly the department/unity budget execution.

A concretização do direito financeiro: os efeitos do contingenciamento na execução orçamentária / The achievement of the public finance law: budgetary curtailment effects on the budget execution.

Francisco Secaf Alves Silveira 01 October 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho visa investigar em que medida o contingenciamento (artigo 9º da Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal) tem sido aplicado fora de seus parâmetros jurídicos e, consequentemente, representado um obstáculo à concretização do Direito Financeiro. Por trás desse objetivo está a ideia de que, atualmente, o grande desafio do Direito Constitucional Financeiro é a sua concretização. O trabalho está estruturado em cinco capítulos. No primeiro capítulo, são estabelecidas as premissas: o que se entende por concretização do Direito Constitucional Financeiro e quais são os principais obstáculos para esta. Nessa linha, destaca-se, em primeiro lugar, que o Direito Financeiro está inserido em um novo paradigma, no qual o orçamento deve ser encarado como meio de dar efetividade à Constituição, como instrumento de implementação do Estado Democrático de Direito e dos direitos fundamentais. Em segundo lugar, discute-se a prática relativa aos instrumentos de flexibilização orçamentária e como esta representa, em larga medida, um entrave à concretização do Direito Financeiro. No segundo capítulo, adentra-se na análise do instrumento de flexibilização orçamentária objeto de estudo o contingenciamento , interpretando-se o artigo 9º da Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal. Delineados os principais aspectos da norma que prevê o contingenciamento, no terceiro capítulo passa-se a olhar para sua aplicação. A partir de uma revisão doutrinária e de um levantamento de dados da execução orçamentária federal dos anos de 2010 a 2013, verifica-se em que medida há uma prática relativa ao contingenciamento fora dos parâmetros jurídicos. O quarto capítulo aponta para os efeitos do contingenciamento na execução do orçamento sob quatro perspectivas: (i) da realização de políticas públicas e consolidação de direitos sociais, (ii) do planejamento, (iii) da transparência e (iv) da legitimidade democrática do gasto público. Por meio dessa análise, além de reforçar as considerações do capítulo anterior, é possível configurar que a prática do contingenciamento tem sido um obstáculo à concretização do Direito Financeiro no Brasil. Por último, no quinto capítulo, apresentaram-se algumas propostas para o controle do contingenciamento no âmbito do Tribunal de Contas, do Poder Legislativo e do Poder Judiciário, verificando-se que é possível um controle jurídico do contingenciamento que, consequentemente, permita uma maior concretização do Direito Financeiro. / The present study aims to investigate if the budgetary curtailment (Article 9 of the Fiscal Responsibility Law) has been applied according to its legal rules and if it represents an obstacle to the achievement of the Brazilian Public Finance Law. The thesis is structured in five chapters. The first chapter establishes two premises: the meaning of achieving the Public Finance Law and the main obstacles for it. We assume that the Public Finance Law is inserted into a new paradigm, in which the budget should be seen as a way to give effectiveness to the Constitution and as an instrument for implementing democratic rules and fundamental rights. We also discuss the practice regarding the flexibility instruments and how they can be an obstacle to the Public Finance Law achievement. In the second chapter, we analyse the budgetary curtailment regulation, specifically the article 9 of the Fiscal Responsibility Law. The third chapter looks to the use of the curtailment in the federal budget execution. From a doctrinal review and from a data collection of 2010-2013 federal budget execution, we demonstrate that there is an illegal use of the curtailments. The fourth chapter points out to the effects of curtailment in budget execution from four perspectives: (i) the accomplishment of public policies, (ii) the budget planning, (iii) the fiscal transparency and (iv) the democratic legitimacy of public expenditure. By this analysis, we conclude that the use of the curtailment in the federal budget execution has been an obstacle to the achievement of the Public Finance Law in Brazil. Finally, the fifth chapter presents some proposals for controlling the budget curtailment within the Federal Court of Accounts, the Legislative and the Judiciary. We verify that it is possible a legal control of the budget curtailment to strengthen the achievement of Public Finance Law.

Ciclos políticos municipais brasileiros : um estudo empírico

Gaston, Luiz Henrique Zago January 2017 (has links)
A teoria do ciclo político orçamentário tradicional sugere que os governantes são tentados a manipular os instrumentos de política fiscal aumentando o gasto público ao seguirem o calendário eleitoral. A percepção, por parte do eleitorado, de que o governante mais capaz corresponde àquele que provê o maior número de bens públicos através das funções governamentais, apresenta a evolução recente da teoria. O presente estudo objetiva testar a hipótese de ocorrência do ciclo político orçamentário tradicional nas variáveis representantes de bens públicos, identificando aquelas onde parece haver evidência de manipulação eleitoral, nos municípios brasileiros, entre os anos de 2002 e 2015. Foram utilizados métodos econométricos de regressão de dados em painel nos anos que precedem às eleições, nos anos eleitorais e nos pós-pleitos. Os resultados não descartam a hipótese de que o ciclo político orçamentário no gasto ocorreria e que se privilegiariam algumas funções, possivelmente, alterando a percepção do eleitorado sobre a competência dos prefeitos. / The theory of the traditional budgetary policy cycle suggests that rulers are tempted to manipulate fiscal policy instruments by increasing public spending by following the electoral calendar. The perception by the electorate that the most capable ruler corresponds to the one who provides the greatest number of public goods through governmental functions, presents the recent evolution of the theory. The present study aims to test the hypothesis of the occurrence of the traditional budget political cycle in the variables representing public goods, identifying those where there seems to be evidence of electoral manipulation in Brazilian municipalities between 2002 and 2015. Econometric regression Panel Data Models were used in the years leading up to the elections, electoral years and post-election. The results shows the hypothesis that the political budget cycle in spending would occur and that some functions would be privileged, possibly changing the perception of the electorate on the competence of mayors.

Spillover Effects and Freedom: An Experimental Investigation of the Indirect Effects of Managerial Autonomy and Firms’ Rationale for the Implementation of Internal Controls Across the Organizational Hierarchy

Masters, Erin M 01 January 2019 (has links)
The creation of excessive budgetary slack can be costly, causing organizations to implement internal controls to motivate employees to report more honestly. Internal control research explores many control-related motivations; however, the behavioral effects of autonomy in expanded organizational hierarchies are not well understood in budgeting contexts. This paper examines managerial autonomy and firms’ rationales for the implementation of internal controls in a setting that extends the common participatory dyad utilized in prior literature to an organizational hierarchy that includes owners, mid-level managers, and employees. This setting is explored through the lens of self-determination theory and psychological reactance theory, which offer complementary yet opposite conceptualizations of autonomy. This paper posits that owner restrictions on mid-level manager autonomy can spillover and indirectly influence budgeting decisions. Additionally, the potential for this spillover to influence the relationship between a firm’s rationale for the implementation of internal controls and subsequent budgetary decisions is examined. Findings indicate that the autonomy of mid-level managers has a spillover effect that influences manager’s rejection rates between rounds, but not across rounds and does not interact with a firm’s control implementation rationale.

Budgetlös styrning : -Är det dags att lämna den traditionella budgetn bakom sig? / Beyond budgeting : - Is it time to leave the traditional budget behind us?

önder, Lucy, Garcia, Nathalie January 2009 (has links)
<p> </p><p><strong>Problem:</strong>      Majoriteten av alla företag budgeterar. Frågan är om budgeten är ett nödvändigt ont eller bara en gammal vana.</p><p><strong>Syfte:</strong>            Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka småföretagares uppfattning om budget- och budgetlös styrning. Detta för att ta reda på om det är dags att lämna den traditionella budgeten bakom sig?</p><p><strong>Metod:          </strong>Insamlingen av empirisk data har skett genom direkt intervjuer med fyra företag i Eskilstuna. Dessa företag har mellan 20-49 anställda. En litteratursökning har även gjorts för att få fram en referensram på området. Genom sökningen har relevant information hittats inom ämnet.<strong></strong></p><p><strong>Slutsats:</strong>        Vi har kommit fram till att det inte är dags att lämna den traditionella budgeten bakom sig. Budgeten är en gammal vana och en trygghet i de flesta företag. Efter denna studie har vi också kommit fram till att små företag är i behov av kunskap om budgetlös styrning, detta för att företagen ska kunna reflektera över sin styrning och inte bara ha en budget för att andra företag har det eller för att det anses vara rätt att ha en.<strong></strong></p> / <p> </p><p><strong>Problem:      </strong>The majority of companies are budgeting. The question is, if the budget is something necessary or an outdated fashion.<strong></strong></p><p><strong>Purpose:       </strong>The purpose of this study is to investigate how small companies understands budget and beyond budgeting in order to answer the question if it is time to leave the traditional budget behind us?    <strong></strong></p><p><strong>Method:       </strong>Empirical data was collected through interviews in four companies in the City of Eskilstuna. All four companies have 20-49 employees. A literature review has been used to create a theoretic base for the interviews.      <strong></strong></p><p><strong>Conclusion:  </strong>Our conclusion is that it is not time to leave the traditional budget behind us. We think that the budget is an old habit and that it creates stability for the most of the companies we have studied. We can also conclude that small companies also are in need of more knowledge about beyond budgeting. We believe that more companies should reflect over their choice of budgeting and consider go beyond budgeting as an alternative option. </p>

Budgetlös styrning : -Är det dags att lämna den traditionella budgetn bakom sig? / Beyond budgeting : - Is it time to leave the traditional budget behind us?

önder, Lucy, Garcia, Nathalie January 2009 (has links)
Problem:      Majoriteten av alla företag budgeterar. Frågan är om budgeten är ett nödvändigt ont eller bara en gammal vana. Syfte:            Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka småföretagares uppfattning om budget- och budgetlös styrning. Detta för att ta reda på om det är dags att lämna den traditionella budgeten bakom sig? Metod:          Insamlingen av empirisk data har skett genom direkt intervjuer med fyra företag i Eskilstuna. Dessa företag har mellan 20-49 anställda. En litteratursökning har även gjorts för att få fram en referensram på området. Genom sökningen har relevant information hittats inom ämnet. Slutsats:        Vi har kommit fram till att det inte är dags att lämna den traditionella budgeten bakom sig. Budgeten är en gammal vana och en trygghet i de flesta företag. Efter denna studie har vi också kommit fram till att små företag är i behov av kunskap om budgetlös styrning, detta för att företagen ska kunna reflektera över sin styrning och inte bara ha en budget för att andra företag har det eller för att det anses vara rätt att ha en. / Problem:      The majority of companies are budgeting. The question is, if the budget is something necessary or an outdated fashion. Purpose:       The purpose of this study is to investigate how small companies understands budget and beyond budgeting in order to answer the question if it is time to leave the traditional budget behind us?    Method:       Empirical data was collected through interviews in four companies in the City of Eskilstuna. All four companies have 20-49 employees. A literature review has been used to create a theoretic base for the interviews.       Conclusion:  Our conclusion is that it is not time to leave the traditional budget behind us. We think that the budget is an old habit and that it creates stability for the most of the companies we have studied. We can also conclude that small companies also are in need of more knowledge about beyond budgeting. We believe that more companies should reflect over their choice of budgeting and consider go beyond budgeting as an alternative option.

Setting Discretionary Fiscal Policy within the Limits of Budgetary Institutions: Evidence from American State Governments

Guo, Hai 02 June 2008 (has links)
Unanticipated economic fluctuations exert pressure on state governments to adjust their discretionary fiscal policies to accommodate the changing fiscal situation. Even though states adjust fiscal policy as the economy fluctuates, the typical cyclical economic factors are not the sole determinant of such adjustments. State governments budgeting systems in the United States operate under a variety of budgetary institutions. The most prominent state government budgetary institutions include balanced budget rules (BBRs), tax and expenditure limits (TELs), and supermajority voting requirements for tax increases. This dissertation examines how these budgetary institutions affect state government choices of fiscal policy under different economic conditions. To better understand the effect of state level TELs, a stringency index of state level TEL is constructed considering the major structural features. The fixed-effect panel regressions are used for the analysis of impact of TEL and BBR and tax changes and the fixed-effect Tobit is adopted to test the impact of TEL and BBR on spending cuts after the budget is adopted. The result suggests that TEL plays a more important role affecting states discretionary fiscal adjustment from the tax side, while BBR plays a more important role affecting states discretionary fiscal adjustment from the expenditure side. Results of this research show that TEL exerts pressure on states that hinder state ability to deal with volatile fiscal situations, especially in the case of periods of budget crises.

The Budget Of The European Union: Need For A Reform

Guvenc, Muge Hayriye 01 June 2007 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis assesses the underlying political and financial reasons of the recent budgetary crisis of the European Union. It aims to discuss the possible reform alternatives for the European Union budget in order to improve it to better serve for the objectives of the enlarged Union and to enable the Member States to share the budget burden more fairly. To this purpose, the thesis first analyzes the budget of the European Union in terms of its aims, evolution and structure of revenue and expenditure items and than presents a general overview of the shortcomings of the present own resources system. In general, the thesis discusses possible reform areas, in which the reform process could take place. The thesis also shows how the Union overcame the policy challenges, and particularly the budgetary implications brought out with the inclusion of Central and Eastern European countries and how its financial perspectives covering the 2000-06 and 2007-2013 periods were finalized.

The Effects of Pay Scheme, Social Pressure, Internal Norm and Organizational Commitment on Budgetary Slack

Chen, Huo-Kun 20 December 2001 (has links)
Two significant differences were found between theoretical expectation and empirical results to budgetary slack in managerial accounting study. First, subjects under the slack-inducing pay schemes set their budgets well above zero regardless of their risk-neutral or risk-averse characteristics, although their maximum rewards arise from setting their budgets at zero (Waller, 1988; Chow, Cooper, and Waller, 1988; Chow, Cooper, and Haddad, 1991). Second, theoretically subjects operating under truth-inducing pay schemes set budgets at their best estimate performance, that is, no budgetary slack. But in violation of traditional economic theory, truth-inducing pay schemes have not been found to drive all slack out of the budget (Chow, Cooper, and Haddad, 1991). These results suggest that the existence of other non-pecuniary factors impacting slack, such as personal integrity and conscience, or social pressure (Chow, Cooper, and Waller, 1988). Moreover, the other potential causes in methodology may affect the congruence with theoretical expectation: (1) single-period experimental setting may limit the subjects¡¦ learning effect (Chow, Cooper, and Haddad, 1991), or (2) social pressure that was not controlled between subjects results in measurement errors. This study investigates the impacts of pay scheme, social pressure, internal norm and organizational commitment on budgetary slack in the participative budgeting setting. Specifically, this research executes an experimental test of the effects of a truth-inducing pay scheme, superior-generated social pressure, and subordinates¡¦ intern norm and their organizational commitment on the propensity to set their budgets below expected performance. In the experimental setting budgets were participatively set under three kinds of pay scheme and under the condition of either existence of social pressure or no social pressure. Pay schemes are categorized by three factors: truth-inducing pay scheme, fixed-pay-plus-bonus pay scheme, and fixed-pay-plus-bonus pay scheme with ratchet. The social pressure manipulation involved having subordinates either personally submit their budgets and performance to a superior, or enter their budgets into a computer with no personal interaction. Moreover, internal norm and organizational commitment are measured by questionnaires built in the personal computer. The experiment was conducted by computerizing the multi-period task on the screen of man-machine interactive personal computer. To eliminate the potential social pressure, subjects in the group with no social pressure executed the computerized procedure to create a ¡¨doubled-blinded¡¨ environment where there was inter-participant anonymity (anonymity between subjects) and experimenter-participant anonymity (anonymity between experimenter and subjects), hence the effects of internal norm and organizational commitment on budgetary slack were investigated. This study tested the following hypotheses with 120 production unit managers that sampled from one manufacturing company in Kaohsiung. (1) Managers will build the least slack into their budget under a truth-inducing pay scheme, the second slack under a fixed-pay-plus-bonus pay scheme with ratchet, and the most slack under a fixed-pay-plus-bonus pay scheme. (2) Managers will build less slack into their budget as social pressure from superior is increased. (3) The difference in budgetary slack between the truth-inducing pay scheme and fixed-pay-plus-bonus pay scheme with ratchet will be reduced as social pressure from superior is increased. That is, there is an interaction between pay scheme and social pressure. (4) The level of slack built into the budget will be negatively correlated with the managers¡¦ degree of internal norm in condition of no social pressure. (5) The level of slack built into the budget will be negatively correlated with the managers¡¦ degree of organizational commitment in condition of no social pressure. The test result verified the mentioned-above hypotheses except item (1) that is partially supported. This study not only extends the management accounting literature that investigates the effects of pay schemes, but also further examines the potential effects of social pressure from superior, subordinates¡¦ internal norm and organizational commitment on budgetary slack. Especially, the results that isolated the effects of internal norm from social pressure on budgetary slack have shown the implications of personnel recruitment and managerial style in the enterprises organization.

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