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Postavení dotčených osob v územních a stavebních procesech / The position of persons concerned within land-use plainning and building procedureZýka, Matěj January 2014 (has links)
The position of persons concerned within land-use planning and building procedure The purpose of my thesis is to analyse issue of the status of concerned persons within the planning and building processes regulated by the Act on Planning and Building Regulations (Building Act No. 183/2006 Coll.) and provide a basic overview in a defined area. In doing so, it aims to take into account the widest possible range of instruments which in total and mutual relations determine the content of fundamental rights of particular groups of persons during these procedures as well as following these procedures and so to involve the instruments of direct defense whose purpose is systematic enforcement of these rights and legitimate interests in planning processes and enforcement of these rights and interests against specific objectives throughout the planning and building processes as well as to treatise on accompanying mandatory procedures whose purpose is to ensure the effectiveness of application of the instruments of direct defense, especially through application of mandatory procedures to inform concerned persons. The reason for my research is considerable practical value attaching to the arrangement and explanation of the topic especially in relation to the definition of group of persons to whom such legal instruments...
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The Participation Myth : outcomes of participatory constitution building processes on democracySaati, Abrak January 2015 (has links)
Since the early 1990s a growing number of constitution building processes in countries transitioning from authoritarian rule or recovering from war or severe institutional crisis have involved public participation. This increase stems from an assumption made by many peacebuilding scholars and practitioners that public participation in constitution building will lead to higher levels of democracy. This assumption has not, however, been the subject of systematic or comprehensive analysis. Therefore, the overarching purpose of this thesis is to scrutinize the participation-hypothesis - as it is referred to in this study. The study is a two-step investigation. The first part begins with an analysis of twenty cases of participatory constitution building that have occurred in post-conflict states, transitioning states and countries that have experienced a severe institutional crisis. In order to differentiate the cases in terms of how much influence participants were granted, an analytical framework is developed and the cases are categorized as either false, symbolic, limited, consultative or substantial participation. The participation-hypothesis is then empirically investigated by comparing democracy levels prior to and after the process for each of the 20 cases. In order to further test the hypothesis, cases of constitution making in which there was no public participation are then added to the investigation. These cases are included as a point of reference – the democratic outcome in this group is compared with the democratic outcome in the twenty participatory processes. The empirical results reveal that there is no relationship between public participation in constitution building processes and higher levels of democracy. On the contrary, some cases that involved considerable influence for participants have not experienced improved levels of democracy, while cases with low levels of influence for participants have shown democratic improvement. Moreover, a majority of cases of constitution making without public participation have also experienced increases in their democracy scores. Therefore, the conclusion of the first part of the study is that the participation-hypothesis does not stand up to empirical scrutiny. Particularly challenging for the participation-hypothesis is the fact that the analysis in part one shows that similar participatory processes have been followed by democratic improvement in some countries and democratic decline in others. Two such cases are Kenya and Zimbabwe. While democracy levels have increased in Kenya since the conclusion of the process, they have steadily declined in Zimbabwe. In the second part of the study, these two countries are therefore the object of intense, systematic and comparative scrutiny in order to explore factors beyond participation in constitution building that might explain the different trajectories of democracy. The comparison shows that the actions of political elites – in particular their ability to cooperate with each other – is the major explanation as to why the two wind up on different paths. The importance of elite cooperation is well-established in the democratization literature. One major conclusion of this study is therefore that the participation-hypothesis needs to be informed by insights drawn from this literature.
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Architecture's Red Tape : Government Building Construction in Sweden, 1963-1973. The example of the National Board of Public Building, KBS (Kungliga Byggnadsstyrelsen)Sigge, Erik January 2017 (has links)
Architecture’s Red Tape is a critical study of the relation between public architecture and public administration in the 1960s and 1970s. The thesis focuses on the work of the Swedish National Board of Public Building, KBS, which was a government agency in charge of providing premises for the Swedish state at that time. KBS expanded its construction of new buildings during the 1960s and did extensive research and development work to find new rational and efficient working methods and building systems. The development of KBS culminated in the implementation of an official architectural philosophy in 1968, called the “structure philosophy.” The architectural ideas were drafted parallel to new administrative systems that were in turn based on rational choice theories. The thesis studies the developments of KBS’ architecture, both as processes of building production (architecture practice) and as the built result of these processes (buildings), through the analysis of four different instruments. These instruments – Program Budgeting, KBS’ Structure Philosophy, Incentive Contract, and System Building – were important means in KBS’ efforts to rationalize building production and make operations more efficient. KBS highlighted new features in the practices of architecture – emphasizing process, the user, functionality, performance, evaluations, results, etc. – that could be reviewed as a redefinition of the architectural project. This review is explicit on two different levels: firstly, as a redefinition of the architectural object most clearly found in KBS’ publicly announced shift from building construction to “premises production.” Secondly, there is a redefinition of architectural practice that relocates the interest of design, making it more about programming with a heightened interest in the processes of defining the scope and problems of design. / <p>QC 20170825</p>
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A evolução das técnicas construtivas em São Paulo: residências unifamiliares de alto padrão. / The evolution of constructive techniques in São Paulo: high standard single-family residences.Sato, Luana 08 June 2011 (has links)
Existe uma lacuna de registros históricos relacionada à evolução das técnicas construtivas utilizadas em São Paulo, sobretudo as envolvidas na construção de edificações de pequeno porte, que ficaram à margem das pesquisas desde o advento da construção em altura. Isto torna apropriado o levantamento de tais técnicas, bem como a investigação sobre os aspectos históricos que contribuíram para a sua modificação. O objetivo do presente estudo foi o registro sistemático das técnicas construtivas de habitações unifamiliares de alto padrão - representantes da boa técnica, por não haver a barreira de recursos, falta de planejamento e projeto -, bem como a análise dos motivos que levaram a suas transformações. Desse modo, este estudo visa a contribuir para o registro da história da construção paulistana. Para tanto, realizou-se uma ampla revisão bibliográfica, incluindo a consulta de publicações relevantes e periódicos especializados. / There is a lack of historical data related to evolution of the constructive techniques used in Sao Paulo, especially those involved in the construction of small buildings, which have become a subject of minor interest to researches since the advent of high-rise buildings. This makes a survey of the constructive techniques appropriate, as well as a research on the historical aspects that contributed to their modification. The aim of this study was to systematically record the high standard single-family residences constructive techniques - which represent good technique, for in this case there is no lack of resources, planning and design -, as well as to analyze the reasons that led to changes in such techniques. Therefore, this study seeks to contribute to the record of the construction history of Sao Paulo. To this end, we carried out an extensive literature review, including consultation of relevant publications and specialized serials.
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A evolução das técnicas construtivas em São Paulo: residências unifamiliares de alto padrão. / The evolution of constructive techniques in São Paulo: high standard single-family residences.Luana Sato 08 June 2011 (has links)
Existe uma lacuna de registros históricos relacionada à evolução das técnicas construtivas utilizadas em São Paulo, sobretudo as envolvidas na construção de edificações de pequeno porte, que ficaram à margem das pesquisas desde o advento da construção em altura. Isto torna apropriado o levantamento de tais técnicas, bem como a investigação sobre os aspectos históricos que contribuíram para a sua modificação. O objetivo do presente estudo foi o registro sistemático das técnicas construtivas de habitações unifamiliares de alto padrão - representantes da boa técnica, por não haver a barreira de recursos, falta de planejamento e projeto -, bem como a análise dos motivos que levaram a suas transformações. Desse modo, este estudo visa a contribuir para o registro da história da construção paulistana. Para tanto, realizou-se uma ampla revisão bibliográfica, incluindo a consulta de publicações relevantes e periódicos especializados. / There is a lack of historical data related to evolution of the constructive techniques used in Sao Paulo, especially those involved in the construction of small buildings, which have become a subject of minor interest to researches since the advent of high-rise buildings. This makes a survey of the constructive techniques appropriate, as well as a research on the historical aspects that contributed to their modification. The aim of this study was to systematically record the high standard single-family residences constructive techniques - which represent good technique, for in this case there is no lack of resources, planning and design -, as well as to analyze the reasons that led to changes in such techniques. Therefore, this study seeks to contribute to the record of the construction history of Sao Paulo. To this end, we carried out an extensive literature review, including consultation of relevant publications and specialized serials.
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Les enjeux du patrimoine au Liban : Baalbek : quelles échelles pour quels patrimoines ? / The stakes of heritage in Lebanon : Baalbek : what scales for which heritages?Salem, Ghada 20 December 2011 (has links)
Pays où se croisent influences occidentale et arabe, le Liban est un laboratoire heuristique pour analyser la question patrimoniale. Son système politique confessionnel, sa société communautaire et sa situation stratégique au Moyen Orient en font un enjeu géopolitique. La construction nationale a approprié le regard orientaliste pour postuler une identité libanaise assise sur des mythes fondateurs ; elle a mobilisé les Libanais autour des valeurs communes de la nation afin de diluer les identités communautaires. La guerre civile a réactualisé ces identités et les communautés se sont emparées de leurs particularismes religieux au profit des acteurs divers qui s’affrontent au Moyen Orient et qui instrumentalisent la carte communautaire libanaise dans leurs confrontations. Le Liban a traversé deux périodes de construction identitaire : nationale et communautaire ; chacune de ces périodes a sécrété un patrimoine particulier. À Baalbek, ville connue par l’Occident à travers les récits des voyageurs, la construction nationale désigne le site archéologique comme patrimoine national. Or, ce site se caractérise par une sédimentation de couches culturelles qui sollicite une lecture patrimoniale différente selon des échelles : alors que le regard occidental y voit des temples romains, la population locale y voit une Qalaa (citadelle) arabe. Entre la romanité et l’arabité du site, l’État libanais a opté pour sa dimension phénicienne qui affirme que les Libanais sont les descendants des Phéniciens. Avec la remontée du pouvoir communautaire chiite dans la ville, un nouvel objet patrimonial émerge : le mausolée de Sit Khawla répond par son référentiel identitaire et la dynamique économique qu’il induit dans la ville, aux aspirations de la population locale recomposée communautairement. Il s’ensuit deux pôles patrimoniaux qui coexistent dans l’espace de Baalbek. Cette bipolarité patrimoniale renvoie à des enjeux, des logiques d’acteurs et des acceptions du patrimoine que cette thèse s’attache à analyser. / A country influenced by both the Western and Arab world, Lebanon is a heuristic laboratory to analyze heritage questions. Its confessional political system, community social structures and strategic location in the Middle East contribute to make it an important geopolitical stake. The Lebanese nation-building process appropriated the Orientalist gaze to force a national identity based on several founding myths. It sought to gather the Lebanese around national common values, and so weaken the community identities by promoting the image of a socio-cultural mosaic. The civil war refreshed these identities, and the communities seized their specific religious particularisms, which the regional powers in the Middle East manipulated for their power game. Lebanon witnessed two periods of identity-building: national and community, each of them inventing a particular heritage object. In Baalbek, a city that was familiar to the West thanks to travellers, nation-building process appointed the archaeological site as a national heritage. However, the site is characterized by sedimentation of several cultural layers, each participating in different scales of heritage interpretation: while the Western gaze sees Roman temples, the local gaze sees an Arab Qalaa (citadel). In addition to the Roman and Arab identity of the site, the Lebanese state stressed its Phoenician dimension favourable to its national discourse which affirms that the Lebanese are the descendants of Phoenicians. With the rise of Shiite community power in the city, a new heritage object attracts the local level: the mausoleum of Sit Khawla responds to the aspirations of local population, by its referential identity and its economic dynamics which it has induced in the city, now recomposed on a community basis. As a result, two heritage centres coexist in Baalbek’s space. This bipolarity underlines heritage issues, the actors’ logics and the different significance of the conception of heritage, which this thesis attempts to analyze.
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Aktiviteter för passivhus : En innovations omformning i byggprocesser för energisnåla bostadshus / Activities for Passive Houses : Transformations of an Innovation in Building Processes for Energy-Saving DwellingsGlad, Wiktoria January 2006 (has links)
Avhandlingen behandlar byggprocesser i södra Sverige som hade ambitionen att åstadkomma lågenergihus liknande den tyska passivhusstandarden. Syftet med avhandlingen är att öka förståelsen för processer i införandet av ett energikoncept. Energikonceptet betraktas som en innovation för användning i en sektor som av många beskrivs som konservativ och inte särskilt mottaglig för innovationer. Byggprocesserna studeras genom att händelser rekonstrueras med hjälp av berät-tande källor såsom intervjuer och protokoll från olika möten. Även observationer har använts där tillfälle funnits. Fokus riktas mot hur arbetet organiserades och beslutsprocessen bakom valet av teknik till konceptet. Även massmedias rapporte-ring om byggprocesserna har studerats och hur deltagarna i byggprocesserna marknadsförde energikonceptet. Införandet av energikonceptet kan förstås som transformationer eller om-formningar. Omformningarna bestod av fem grundläggande aktiviteter som med Hägerstrands tidsgeografiska begrepp kallas: lösgörning, formning, hopsättning, transportering och lagring. Energikonceptet lösgjordes från ett specifikt lokalt sammanhang och transporterades till ett annat där det formades för att passa nya förutsättningar och sattes ihop till ett nytt energikoncept. Det nya energikonceptet lagrades i ett nytt hus. Genom att följa människors och teknikers trajektorier kunde slutsatser angående energikonceptets svagt och starkt kopplade delar dras. De starkt kopplade delarna är byggherrens organisering av arbetet som skulle underlätta en starkare styrning. Sinnliga upplevelser av lagrade energikoncept hade betydelse för användandet. Solfångare visade sig vara en svagt kopplad teknik och behövde teknikbärare för att användas. / This thesis explores building processes in the south of Sweden with the aim to accomplish low energy housing in accordance with the German standard for passive houses. In this thesis, the passive house is regarded as an innovative en-ergy concept which has been introduced to Sweden and to a conservative sector. The purpose of the study is to provide an understanding of processes in the im-plementation of an innovation for energy-saving dwellings. The process is recon-structed with data from interviews, minutes, articles, reports, etc, and presented as stories of different sequences including how the housing projects were organised, how the energy concept was established among the participants, how decisions were made and what messages were presented about the energy concept in mass media. The energy concept is followed in a process of transformation where it was subject to five fundamental acitivites: decomposition, moulding, composition, transportation and storage. The concepts originate from a time-geography per-spective, founded and developed by the Swedish geographer Torsten Hägerstrand. The energy concept was decomposed at a specific local context and transported to another, where it was moulded and composed into a new energy concept. The new energy concept was stored in a new setting. By following the trajectories of peo-ple and technologies, conclusions about the energy concept can be drawn. The building proprietors chose less conventional ways of managing the building proc-ess in order to have more control. The projects were started by people who them-selves had their own experience of passive houses. Solar collectors were loosely coupled to the energy concept and needed technology carriers.
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