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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lietuvos Respublikos vyriausybių programų nuostatos finansų srityje 1999-2006 metais / Financial provisions in the programmes of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania in the year of 1999-2006

Bagdonaitė, Inga 30 January 2008 (has links)
Vyriausybės programa- tai Vyriausybės veiklos pagrindas. Vyriausybė savo veiklos programoje įtvirtina esmines finansų politikos kryptis ir gaires, kuriomis vadovaujamasi įgyvendinant šalies finansų politiką. Tačiau tikėtina, kad egzistuoja prieštaravimas tarp Vyriausybių programose įtvirtintų finansinių nuostatų ir jų praktinio įgyvendinimo. Taigi, egzistuoja Vyriausybių programų finansinių nuostatų atitikimo jų įgyvendinimui praktikoje problema. Būtent tai paskatino šiame darbe tyrinėti Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausybių programose įtvirtintas finansines nuostatas bei jų įgyvendinimą. Šio darbo tikslas yra nustatyti, kurios iš 1999-2006 metų Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausybių program�� finansinės nuostatos bei kokia apimtimi buvo įgyvendintos praktikoje. Tyrimas atliktas naudojant dokumentų analizės, lyginimo bei statistinės analizės metodus. Atlikus tyrimą, paaiškėjo 1999-2006 metų LR Vyriausybių programose įtvirtintos finansinės nuostatos nebuvo pilnai įgyvendintos. / The Cabinet's policy serves as the grounds of the Cabinet's activity. The Cabinet fixes the essential directions and landmarks of the State's financial policy, which it refers to while implementing the financial policy of the country, in the program of its activity. However, it is likely that discrepancy between the financial provisions, fixed in the Cabinets' programs, and their practical implementation exists. Thus, the problem of conformity of the financial provisions, fixed in the Cabinets' programs, and of their practical implementation exists. It's particularly this circumstance, which prompted the author to investigate the financial provisions, fixed in the programs of the Cabinets of the Republic of Lithuania, and their implementation. The present thesis aimed at ascertaining which financial provisions, fixed in the programs of the Cabinets of the Republic of Lithuania within the years 1999-2006, and to which extent were implemented in practice. The investigation was carried out by analyzing the documents, by applying the comparative and the statistical analysis methods. After having carried out the investigation, it was revealed that the financial provisions, fixed in the programs of the Cabinets of the Republic of Lithuania within the years 1999-2006, were not implemented to the full extent.

Why won’t they join? An exploratory investigation of the Belgian government crisis of 2010

Borthwick, Stephanie Frances January 2013 (has links)
Belgium has recently undergone a 541-day period with no elected government following the 2010 general election. This has been called a government and cabinet crisis. This thesis aims to determine what is different about Belgium in 2010/11 compared to past years and what has contributed to Belgium’s difficulty forming coalitions recently. By using coalition formation theory and investigating institutional and sociological aspects of Belgian politics, this research project has found an initial explanation for why the Belgian government crisis of 2010 occurred. Several institutional and sociological aspects are now working against each other and hindering cooperative behaviour among the Belgian political parties. Belgium has become the victim of its own well-adapted and unique political system.

Conceptual Speaker Study

Morberg, Hampus January 2014 (has links)
This thesis project is a stand-alone project with the goal to develop an optimized material suited for speaker cabinets, with the focus on acoustic abilities, production possibilities and environmental impact. And to further on design a high performance to price speaker, using the developed material properties and todays technology. The thesis is focused heavily on testing material, starting with research and thereafter creating and testing samples, to continue with find a material combination that would work for a product fit for the market. The final product should fulfill the demands of typical furniture handling, meaning it should be able to be moved around and withstand moderate abuse from daily events. The project results in a functional prototype for evaluation of material and the overall design. The project is based on design methods and design thinking.

Namų ūkio vaistų krepšelio tyrimas ir vaistų vartojimo patirties vertinimas / Research on home medication cabinet and estimation of drug use experience

Lukaševičius, Artūras 18 June 2014 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas – įvertinti namų ūkio vaistų krepšelį ir vaistų vartojimo patirtis. Tyrimo uždaviniai: įvertinti vaistų krepšelio vertę, nustatyti farmakoterapines grupes, vaistų laikymo sąlygas, įvertinti vaistų tinkamumo terminus, vaistų utilizavimo įpročius bei nustatyti vaistų vartojimo patirtis. Metodai. Atliktas kiekybinis tyrimas: respondentams pateikta anketa sudaryta iš 34 klausimų. Tyrime dalyvavo 148 respondentai. Respondentai buvo lankomi jų namuose: jiems pateikta pildymui anketa, tyrėjas vaistų registracijos lape registravo turimus vaistus. Statistinė duomenų analizė atlikta, naudojant statistinę programą IBM SPSS Statistics 20 versiją. Statistinių ryšių įvertinimui naudotas susijusių požymių χ2 (chi kvadrato) kriterijus, laisvės laipsnių skaičius ir statistinis reikšmingumas (p). Gautų duomenų tikrinimui pasirinktas statistinio reikšmingumo lygmuo lygus 0,05. Rezultatai. Vaistų krepšelio vidutinė vertė buvo 241,9 Lt. Vidutinė vieno vaisto kaina siekė 14,96 Lt. Įvertinus vaistų krepšelio sudėtį nustatyta, kad vaistų krepšelyje vidutiniškai buvo 16,2 vaisto. 70,25% visų vaistų sudarė nereceptiniai vaistai. Daugiausiai užregistruota kvėpavimo sistemą veikiančių vaistų (24,57%), virškinimo traktą ir metabolizmą veikiančių vaistų (14,63%), nervų sistemą veikiančių vaistų (13,87%), raumenų ir skeleto sistemą veikiančių vaistų (13,83%). Nustatytas receptinių ir nereceptinių vaistų santykis – atitinkamai 1:2,36. Įvertinus vaistų laikymo sąlygas nustatyta, kad 18,92%... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Objective: To evaluate home medication cabinet and to fix drug using experience. Tasks: To evaluate home medication cabinet price, to set pharmacological groups, to estimate drug storage, drug expiry date, to evaluate habits of expired drug utilization and to fix drug using experience. Methods: Was made a qualitative study: questionnaire with 34 questions were given for respondents. Were 148 participants in study. They were visited in their homes: respondents filled in the questionnaire and their home medication cabinet was inventoried. Statistical data analysis was performed using the statistical software IBM SPSS Statistics 20 version. Statistical relationships were used to estimate the relevant features χ2 (chi-square) test, degrees of freedom and statistical significance (p). For received data verification chosen statistical significance level of 0.05. Results: An average price of 241,9 Lt were estimated per home medication cabinet. 14,96 Lt was at an average price of one drug package. A mean of 16,2 drug packages were identified per household. Prescription medications accounted 70.25% of all drugs. The most frequently encountered categories of registered medicines were respiratory system drugs (24.57%), alimentary tract and metabolism drugs (14.63%), nervous system drugs (13.87%), musculo-skeletal system drugs (13.83%). Ratio of prescription and non-prescription drug was 1:2.36. In 18.92% of the cases, the drug packages were not stored safely: 18.47% were not stored in... [to full text]

Edward Scissorhands : En genusanalys / Edward Scissorhands : An analysis of gender

Simonsson, Emelie January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att analysera mansbilden av karaktären Edward i filmen Edward Scissorhands (Tim Burton, 1990). Genom attstudera hans personlighet och egenskaper ur olika perspektiv, som kan uppfattas som både manligt och kvinnligt, har jag försökt att ta reda på vem denna utstickande karaktär är. Med hjälp av genusteorier och jämförelser av tidigare filmatiseringar som Ed Wood (Tim Burton, 1994), Sleepy Hollow (Tim Burton, 1999) och The cabinet of Dr. Caligari (Robert Weine, 1920) har jag även kunnat fördjupa mig i mansbilden av Edward. Jag har dessutom fokuserat kring Tim Burtons säregna filmskapande, men också kring stjärnskapet hos Johnny Depp, skådespelaren som Burton ofta samarbetar med. Edward Scissorhands har visat sig vara en man med både manliga och kvinnliga attribut, vilket gör honom till en icke stereotypisk man som saknar hjältemod och en muskulös kropp. Trots det så tyder inget på att han är mindre man bara för att han har mer eller mindre egenskaper som generellt uppfattas som manliga. Alla människor är olika, och besitterblandade egenskaper som kan tolkas som både maskulint och feminint. Det är just sådana unika personligheter som är intressanta för både Burton och Depp, vilket syns i deras samarbeten kring filmer som tidigare nämnda Ed Wood och Sleepy Hollow. Maskulinitet går aldrig att fastställa, och därmed kan inte heller mansbilden av Edward Scissorhands förklaras som om han har brist på manliga attribut. Han är bara en väldigt unik man som aldrig blev helt färdigställd.

Compréhension de l'anglais oral et TICE -Les conditions d'un apprentissage signifiant

Guichon, Nicolas 06 December 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Cette recherche pose la question des conditions, propres à l'environnement d'apprentissage médiatisé, qu'il est possible de mettre en place pour que des apprenants puissent développer leur compréhension de l'oral dans un dispositif intégrant les TICE. Nous nous intéressons tout d'abord aux fondements théoriques qui guident la conception et l'intégration d'un dispositif d'apprentissage multimédia dédié à la compréhension de l'anglais oral pour des étudiants francophones selon trois approches que nous souhaitons complémentaires : psychosociale (représentations sociales des apprenants et des enseignants), psycholinguistique (construction du sens) et didactique (tâches et scénario d'apprentissage). Nous abordons également certains aspects méthodologiques (modélisation de l'activité d'apprentissage, processus de développement, évaluations croisées) qui participent à la mise au point d'un dialogue collaboratif entre didacticien et médiatiseur. Deux enquêtes permettront de démontrer qu'un dispositif d'apprentissage médiatisé se structure autour de valeurs sensibles et de valeurs tangibles. Enfin, nous présentons un certain nombre de conditions pour faire en sorte que les TICE puissent constituer une valeur ajoutée pour développer la compréhension de l'anglais oral et servir de levier pour propager une culture de l'innovation au sein d'un dispositif existant.

Entre domínios : dimensões científicas e cenográficas em situações ficcionais Porto Alegre 2016

Schröpel, Daiana January 2016 (has links)
A pesquisa parte da investigação de procedimentos construtivos implicados na representação e apresentação dos trabalhos Um mosaico misterioso (2015), Gabinete de Coleta, Identificação e Significação de Espécies (2015) e Gabinete para Observação e Identificação Ornito- lógica do Delta do Rio Jacuí (2015). Cada situação ficcional é com- posta por diferentes linguagens justapostas (desenho, fotografia, texto, objeto, vídeo), estruturada por narrativas ficcionais e construída em torno de personagens. Ao transitar entre a realidade e a ficção, as ins-talações estabelecem diálogos com a literatura e o teatro. Ao penetrarem o campo das ciências naturais (zoologia, botânica, entomologia, entre outros), apropriam-se de sistemas de representação e simulam regras de funcionamento destas disciplinas. Desta forma, as questões ampliam-se para uma reflexão teórica acerca da definição da noção de instalação por intermédio de seus aspectos cenográficos e teatrais e de seus elementos estruturais, quais sejam a personagem fic- cional e o conjunto de objetos e dados que a compõem. A investigação se debruça sobre as correspondências entre o trabalho artístico e os históricos Gabinetes de Curiosidades, no que concerne a formas de apresentação e disposição dos objetos, artefatos e espécimes. São analisados sistemas de classificação e denominação científicos, ao obser- var seus aspectos objetivos e subjetivos como propulsores da criação poética. O presente estudo aborda, nesse contexto, aspectos ficcionais e representacionais, diálogos entre arte e ciência e trânsitos entre linguagens e gêneros artísticos, amparando-se em obras referenciais dos artistas Marcel Broodthaers, Mark Dion, Joan Fontcuberta e Ilya Kabakov. / The research stems from the investigation of constructive procedures involved in representation and presentation of the artworks Um mosaico misterioso (2015), Gabinete de Coleta, Identificação e Signi- ficação de Espécies (2015) and Gabinete para Observação e Iden- tificação Ornitológica do Delta do Rio Jacuí (2015). Each fictional situation is composed by different juxtaposed languages (drawing, photography, text, object, video), structured by fictional narratives and built around characters. Through transits between reality and fiction, the installations establish dialogues with literature and theater. By penetrating the field of natural sciences (zoology, botany, entomology, among others), they appropriate representation systems and simulate these disciplines modus operandi. Thus, the research scope widens towards a theoretical pondering on the definition of installation through its scenography and theatrical aspects and its structural elements, namely the fictional character and the set of objects and data that comprise it. The research focuses on the correspondences between the artwork and historical Cabinets of Curiosities, regarding the forms of presentation and arrangement of objects, artifacts and specimens. Scientific classification and designation systems are analyzed by observing their objective and subjective aspects as drivers of poetic creation. The reasearch addresses, in this context, fictional and representational aspects, dialogues between art and science and transits between languages and artistic genres, with the support of referencial works authored by the artists Marcel Broodthaers, Mark Dion, Joan Fontcuberta and Ilya Kabakov.

Entre domínios : dimensões científicas e cenográficas em situações ficcionais Porto Alegre 2016

Schröpel, Daiana January 2016 (has links)
A pesquisa parte da investigação de procedimentos construtivos implicados na representação e apresentação dos trabalhos Um mosaico misterioso (2015), Gabinete de Coleta, Identificação e Significação de Espécies (2015) e Gabinete para Observação e Identificação Ornito- lógica do Delta do Rio Jacuí (2015). Cada situação ficcional é com- posta por diferentes linguagens justapostas (desenho, fotografia, texto, objeto, vídeo), estruturada por narrativas ficcionais e construída em torno de personagens. Ao transitar entre a realidade e a ficção, as ins-talações estabelecem diálogos com a literatura e o teatro. Ao penetrarem o campo das ciências naturais (zoologia, botânica, entomologia, entre outros), apropriam-se de sistemas de representação e simulam regras de funcionamento destas disciplinas. Desta forma, as questões ampliam-se para uma reflexão teórica acerca da definição da noção de instalação por intermédio de seus aspectos cenográficos e teatrais e de seus elementos estruturais, quais sejam a personagem fic- cional e o conjunto de objetos e dados que a compõem. A investigação se debruça sobre as correspondências entre o trabalho artístico e os históricos Gabinetes de Curiosidades, no que concerne a formas de apresentação e disposição dos objetos, artefatos e espécimes. São analisados sistemas de classificação e denominação científicos, ao obser- var seus aspectos objetivos e subjetivos como propulsores da criação poética. O presente estudo aborda, nesse contexto, aspectos ficcionais e representacionais, diálogos entre arte e ciência e trânsitos entre linguagens e gêneros artísticos, amparando-se em obras referenciais dos artistas Marcel Broodthaers, Mark Dion, Joan Fontcuberta e Ilya Kabakov. / The research stems from the investigation of constructive procedures involved in representation and presentation of the artworks Um mosaico misterioso (2015), Gabinete de Coleta, Identificação e Signi- ficação de Espécies (2015) and Gabinete para Observação e Iden- tificação Ornitológica do Delta do Rio Jacuí (2015). Each fictional situation is composed by different juxtaposed languages (drawing, photography, text, object, video), structured by fictional narratives and built around characters. Through transits between reality and fiction, the installations establish dialogues with literature and theater. By penetrating the field of natural sciences (zoology, botany, entomology, among others), they appropriate representation systems and simulate these disciplines modus operandi. Thus, the research scope widens towards a theoretical pondering on the definition of installation through its scenography and theatrical aspects and its structural elements, namely the fictional character and the set of objects and data that comprise it. The research focuses on the correspondences between the artwork and historical Cabinets of Curiosities, regarding the forms of presentation and arrangement of objects, artifacts and specimens. Scientific classification and designation systems are analyzed by observing their objective and subjective aspects as drivers of poetic creation. The reasearch addresses, in this context, fictional and representational aspects, dialogues between art and science and transits between languages and artistic genres, with the support of referencial works authored by the artists Marcel Broodthaers, Mark Dion, Joan Fontcuberta and Ilya Kabakov.

Gender equality in decision-making processes: the case of the Zimbabwean cabinet

Muzvidziwa, Itai January 2012 (has links)
Although Zimbabwe is a signatory to various regional and international conventions, treatises, declarations and protocols that seek to promote and create an environment conducive the attainment of gender equality, despite all these commitments, the Zimbabwean Government still lags behind in the area of political participation of women. This study was done to investigate gender equality and the level of participation in governmental decision making processes with specific reference to the cabinet of Zimbabwe. The subject for discussion was traced back to 1980 when Zimbabwe gained its independence and the researcher aimed to ascertain whether there was any significant improvement in terms of women’s participation in governmental decision-making processes and structures. The study also unravelled reasons why women have been at the peripherals of decision- making in cabinet. The study also brought out and evaluated the strategies used by the government of Zimbabwe in managing a gender-sensitive working environment and the legislation that has been put in place to guide the process. At the same time an evaluation was done among the respondents to ascertain the strengths and weaknesses of the strategies identified. Political parties were also included in the process since women who find their way into parliament do so using the tickets of their respective political parties. The political parties have a role to play since they have their respective constitutions in gender sensitive issues and it remains to be seen if they are implementing this which would result in identifying the numbers of women who are in the cabinet. The study is of significance to the Zimbabwean situation at the moment as the country is in the process of drafting a new constitution. The current Constitution in its Section 23 which provides for “protection from discrimination on the grounds of race, tribe, political opinion or physical disability of the persons concerned it is not clear as to what form of representation or position women should occupy in politics and decision-making positions. Given the above research analysis it is possible to conclude that indeed women have an impact on decision making in cabinet. The findings show the impact of considering the value of women in decision-making bodies as they spearheading development in their respective wards and the nation at large. Women were also viewed as decision makers who would contribute in the development of the nation just as much as men are assumed to do. The empowerment of women legislators and the aspiring candidates is a process that has a long way to go to ensure gender equality in governmental decision making processes but it is a necessary process.

Shadow cabinet organization in Canada 1963-78

Ort, Karen January 1978 (has links)
The study, focuses on shadow cabinet organization, the practice; of appointing members to shadow the activities of cabinet ministers by Opposition parties. This practice is analyzed in Canada between 1963 and 1978, a period of continual Progressive Conservative Opposition. The underlying question is whether shadow cabinet organization has become more or less institutionalized during the period. In the introduction Samuel Huntington's four tests of institutionalization are outlined. They were used in assessing Canadian shadow cabinet institutionalization. To operationalize the tests for this study it proved useful to analyze the institution of the Canadian cabinet system along these dimensions. A comparative study of the British and Australian parliamentary systems in which the appointment of shadow cabinets is an accepted convention also helped isolate the variables to study in the Canadian context. Although the analysis centers on the period from 1963 to 1978, a brief history of Opposition organization is included. It provides the background for the period and an understanding of the roots of the present organization. The results of the study reveal that a shadow cabinet organization existed in Canada throughout the period 1963-78. For most of the 15 years its structure and practices were constantly changing. The change was in the direction of increased institutionalization on at least three of Huntington's four dimensions. On the basis of this study, therefore it is argued that shadow cabinet organization has become an established practice of at least Progressive Conservative Opposition in Canada. / Arts, Faculty of / Political Science, Department of / Graduate

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