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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

“Ek het 'n roeping” : vrouepredikante se toelating in die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk : 'n kerkhistoriese en prakties-teologiese studie (Afrikaans)

Buchner, Elsje Petronella 27 August 2008 (has links)
In hierdie navorsing word die toelating van vrouepredikante in die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk vanuit ’n kerkhistoriese en prakties-teologiese hoek bestudeer. Die navorsingswaardes wat in die sosiaal-konstruksionisme geld, naamlik dat sodanige navorsing ’n deelnemende en verhalende proses is, dat die invloed van diskoerse bestudeer word en dat die belangrikheid van taal in ag geneem word, is in die navorsing verreken. Vanuit ’n post-fundamentele teologiese posisionering is van ’n paar van die bewegings in ’n postfundamentele prakties-teologiese metodologie gebruik gemaak om na die belewing van agt vroueproponente en -predikante deur die loop van die proses van toelating, én daarna, te luister en saam met hulle te interpreteer. Daar is van die volgende bewegings gebruik gemaak: Die beskrywing van die verskillende kontekste waarteen die roepingsverhale en loopbane van vrouepredikante afgespeel het; die aanhoor en beskrywing van die kontekstuele ervarings van die betrokke vroue; die interpretasie van en betekenisgewing aan die verhale in samewerking met die vroue wat as medenavorsers geag word en die beskrywing van en refleksie oor die ervaring van God se teenwoordigheid in hulle roepingsverhale en bedieninge as proponente en predikante. Hierdie postfundamentele prakties-teologiese metodologie is inherent narratief van aard en sluit ook nou aan by die denklyne wat in die sosiaal-konstruksionisme geld. Deur hierdie metodologie is daar probeer om ’n bydrae te lewer tot die ontwikkeling en uitbou van mondelinge geskiedenis. Die beskrywing van vroue se verhale is terselfdertyd ook vrouegeskiedenis wat poog om vroue meer hoor- en sigbaar in algemene geskiedenis, maar spesifiek ook kerkgeskiedenis te maak. Die metodologie pas ook binne ’n meer postmoderne benadering tot geskiedenis in. Aan die hand hiervan is die breër landkaart en historiese konteks waarteen die roepingsverhale van vrouepredikante en kerklike vergaderings oor ’n tydperk van bykans 107 jaar afgespeel is, in breë trekke en deur middel van tydlyne beskryf. Die ontwikkeling en uitbouing van die volksmoederdiskoers oor die dieselfde tydperk is van nader beskou. Daar is verder gekyk na die invloed wat die breër konteks en die volksmoederdiskoers op vroue gedurende die twintigste eeu gehad het, hoe vroue oor die algemeen hulleself in bepaalde vroueruimtes soos vroue-organisasies uitgeleef het en of Afrikanervroue se stemme in die openbaar gehoor is al dan nie. Teen hierdie agtergrond is die verloop van die kerklike debat oor die toelating van vroue tot die besondere ampte, naamlik diakens, ouderlinge en vrouepredikante, beskryf. Hierdie debat kan in drie tydperke opgedeel word. Die eerste tydperk wat van 1966-1978 strek kan as ’n tyd van nadenke beskryf word. Vanaf 1982 tot 1990 is die debat deur ’n sterk verskil in Skrifbeskouing gekenmerk. Die laaste tydperk wat vanaf 1991 tot 2007 strek, beskryf hoe die praktyk stadig pos gevat het en hoe die gesprek uiteindelik na gendersake uitgebrei het. Die vroueproponente en -predikante se roepingsverhale, hulle belewenis van God in die pad wat hulle moes loop en eerste treë in die bediening is weer deurgaans teen die agtergrond van die breër landkaart, volksmoederdiskoers en die NG Kerk se verskillende sinodes aangehoor, beskryf en in samewerking met hulle geïnterpreteer. Bykomend tot die groep persoonlike verhale is twee verhale van vroue wat reeds voor 1950 teologie studeer het en nie meer vandag leef nie, opgeteken. In al die gesprekke het die belangrikheid van vrouepredikante se roepingsverhale, hulle positiewe en negatiewe belewenisse in die kerk, die impak van oorwegend manlike kerktaal op vroue, die gemis en impak van rolmodelle, die frustrasies rondom proponentskap en hulle belewing van God onder andere na vore gekom. Dit is ook opmerklik dat vrouepredikante oor die algemeen nie aktief aan die debat deelgeneem nie en dat die meeste van die medenavorsers in hierdie studie ’n bepaalde stuk ongemak met gendersake en feminisme beleef. Hulle laat net soos in die volksmoederdiskoers die praatwerk aan ander oor. / Thesis (DD)--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Church History and Church Policy / unrestricted

Návrh řešení problému kontroly zaměstnanců / Proposal of Problem Solution of Monitoring of Employees

Krbková, Lenka January 2009 (has links)
My diploma thesis will serve as a manual for personnel managers in which forms and methods of control of employees will be summarized focused on mystery calling and mystery shopping. I will create a programme of fuzzy logic called OCCUPATIONAL INSPECTOR wherebly personnel managers will analyse and check their employees and therably save a part of financial resources which would otherwise be spent on external subject.

Aspekty podnikové kultury z hlediska křesťanské etiky / Company Culture Aspects in View of Christian Ethics

Kadlec, Rostislav January 2017 (has links)
The subject of the thesis "Aspects of corporate culture from the viewpoint of Christian ethics" is to analyze the phenomenon of corporate culture in the perspective of Christian ethics and the requirements of sustainable development as the basic prerequisite for sustainable development of life on Earth. An integral part of the research is to explore the terms under which employees are willing not only to meet the tasks set by their employers, but also provide their best abilities and skills for the good of their enterprise. "Learning organization", Christian ethics in the organization and the principles of sustainability are the three discourses which are involved. The theoretical part of the thesis summarizes the theoretical knowledge about corporate culture and its meaning, its specific type of "learning organization", Christian ethics and especially the Catholic morality applied in terms of business administration while respecting sustainability for quality of life and the environment. Comprehensive evaluation of whether and to what extent the ideal corporate culture of "learning organization" meets the Christian ethics requirements are stated in the conclusion of the thesis, where are also summarized suggestions and recommendations to eliminate some of the shortcomings of this type of corporate...

Recorrido subjetivo a lo largo del proceso de reelección vocacional en jóvenes universitarios / The subjectivity throughout the process of the switch majors in university students

Najar Santa Cruz, Kenia Briset 25 September 2020 (has links)
Investigación con enfoque cualitativo y diseño fenomenológico, cuyo objetivo fue analizar los procesos subjetivos y de subjetivación durante el proceso de reelección vocacional en jóvenes universitarios. La muestra estuvo conformada por diez estudiantes de universidades privadas limeñas, entre 18 y 21 años de edad, que optaron por la reelección vocacional en una sola ocasión. Se encontró que el proceso de reelección vocacional estuvo conformado por tres momentos: primera elección vocacional, crisis vocacional y reelección vocacional. En un primer momento, los jóvenes se posicionaron subjetivamente de manera pasiva, por lo que sus elecciones respondieron a exigencias sociales y familiares para asegurar un lugar social. No obstante, posteriormente, durante la crisis vocacional, la insatisfacción, el desinterés y el malestar emocional experimentados movilizaron recursos personales para encontrar una profesión que satisficiera sus deseos vocacionales. Finalmente, los jóvenes se reposicionaron creativamente frente a lo social y familiar, apropiándose de sus deseos y construyendo trayectorias vocacionales singulares. / Research with a qualitative approach and phenomenological design, whose objective was to analyze the subjective and subjectivation processes during the process of the switch majors in university students. The sample was ten students from private universities in Lima, between 18 and 21 years old, who opted for the change course only once. It was found that the process of the switch majors consisted of three moments: declaring a major, vocational crisis and switch majors At first, the young people were subjectively positioned in a passive way, so that their choices responded to social and family demands and to ensure a social place. However, later, during the vocational crisis, the dissatisfaction, disinterest, and emotional distress they experienced mobilized personal resources to find a profession that satisfied their vocational desires. Finally, young people creatively repositioned themselves against the social and family, appropriating their desires and building unique vocational trajectories. / Tesis

Envisioning a Career With Purpose: Calling and Its Spiritual Underpinnings Among College Students

Gregory, David 07 May 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Ondersoek na die volhoubaarheid van jeugwerk as professie in die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk

Swartz, Liezl 30 November 2003 (has links)
An applied study was undertaken to describe the current position of youth work as profession in the Dutch Reformed Church and to identify factors influencing the sustainability. A review of relevant literature, as well as an empirical survey were conducted to investigate pertinent factors such as the working conditions, the person and the training of the youth worker. In the empirical research respondents completing questionnaires consisted of former students of the Huguenot College currently employed as church youth workers, and those who left the ministry. Interviews were conducted with congregations currently employing or having employed youth workers. It is evident from this study that the youth work profession is not yet satisfactorily established and thus contributes to youth workers leaving the ministry. In the interest of youth ministry, it is essential for the Dutch Reformed Church to acknowledge these factors influencing the sustainability of youth work as profession, in order to get this occupation properly established. / Practical Theology / M.Diac. (Jeugwerk-rigting)

Perspective vol. 19 no. 1 (Feb 1985)

de Haan, Phil, Zylstra, Bernard, Woods, Dave, VanderVennen, Robert E. 28 February 1985 (has links)
No description available.

Ondersoek na die volhoubaarheid van jeugwerk as professie in die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk

Swartz, Liezl 30 November 2003 (has links)
An applied study was undertaken to describe the current position of youth work as profession in the Dutch Reformed Church and to identify factors influencing the sustainability. A review of relevant literature, as well as an empirical survey were conducted to investigate pertinent factors such as the working conditions, the person and the training of the youth worker. In the empirical research respondents completing questionnaires consisted of former students of the Huguenot College currently employed as church youth workers, and those who left the ministry. Interviews were conducted with congregations currently employing or having employed youth workers. It is evident from this study that the youth work profession is not yet satisfactorily established and thus contributes to youth workers leaving the ministry. In the interest of youth ministry, it is essential for the Dutch Reformed Church to acknowledge these factors influencing the sustainability of youth work as profession, in order to get this occupation properly established. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M.Diac. (Jeugwerk-rigting)

Perspective vol. 19 no. 1 (Feb 1985) / Perspective (Institute for Christian Studies)

de Haan, Phil, Zylstra, Bernard, Woods, Dave, VanderVennen, Robert E. 26 March 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Oproepingsproses van verbande op onroerende sake in die Suid-Afrikaanse reg = Foreclosure of mortgage bonds over immovable property under South African law / Foreclosure of mortgage bonds over immovable property under South African law

Fuchs, Maria Magdalena 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In hierdie verhandeling ontleed ek die oproeping van ʼn verband op ʼn onroerende saak in die Suid-Afrikaanse reg. Indien ʼn verbandskuldenaar wanpresteer, kan die verbandskuldeiser sy beperkte saaklike reg afdwing deur die verband op te roep ten einde die uitstaande skuld te delg. Om dit te bereik, word die sekerheidsobjek op ʼn eksekusieverkoping te gelde gemaak, nadat die regte prosedure gevolg is. Die oproepingsproses is in die laaste dekade ingrypend verander, grotendeels as gevolg van artikel 26 van die Grondwet, 1996, en artikels 129 en 130 van die National Credit Act 34 van 2005. Die volgende stadiums in die oproepingsproses word onderskei: die voorverhoorprosedure; jurisdiksiebepaling; die hofprosedure; beslaglegging en die eksekusieverkoping. Wetgewing en regspraak het onlangs ingrypende veranderings ten aansien van die voorverhoorprosedure en die hofprosedure teweeggebring. Alhoewel die oproepingsproses tans bevredigend deur wetgewing en in die regspraak gereël word, is daar nog verontrustende aspekte van eksekusieverkopings wat die wetgewer se aandag verdien. / In this dissertation I analyse the calling up of a mortgage bond over immovable property under South-African law. If a mortgagor defaults, the mortgagee can enforce his limited real right by calling up the mortgage bond to satisfy the outstanding debt. To accomplish this, the secured property will be sold at an execution sale, after the correct procedure has been followed. Over the past decade, foreclosure proceedings have undergone significant changes, largely owing to section 26 of the Constitution, 1996, and sections 129 and 130 of the National Credit Act 34 of 2005. The following stages in the foreclosure process are identified: pre-trial debt enforcement procedure; determination of jurisdiction; court procedure; attachment and execution sale. Both the pre-trial debt enforcement procedure and the court procedure have recently been substantially amended by legislation and case law. Although legislation and case law currently regulate the foreclosure process satisfactorily, some disturbing aspects of execution sales remain and these deserve the legislator’s attention. / Private Law / LL.M.

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