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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Geração de espécies reativas por fluconazol em Candida glabrata : ativação de enzimas antioxidantes e dano oxidativo no DNA

Mahl, Camila Donato January 2014 (has links)
A participação das espécies reativas de oxigênio (ERO) no mecanismo de ação dos antifúngicos azólicos, bem como a relação entre resistência aos antifúngicos e resposta ao estresse oxidativo, têm sido sugeridos. Entretanto, os dados ainda são inconclusivos e diferem entre os micro-organismos. Neste estudo estão apresentados os resultados da geração de ERO pelo fluconazol em isolados de C. glabrata sensíveis e resistentes a esse antifúngico e a resposta antioxidante da levedura. Nesses isolados, tratados e não tratados com fluconazol em concentração subinibitória, de acordo com sua concentração inibitória mínima (CIM), até fase de crescimento estacionário, foi avaliado se o fluconazol geraria ERO. Subsequentemente, foram analisadas as defesas antioxidantes glutationa peroxidase (GPx), superóxido dismutase (SOD), glutationa-S-transferase (GST), consumo de peróxido de hidrogênio e glutationa total, bem como possível dano oxidativo causado pelo fluconazol em lipídeos, proteínas e ácidos nucleicos e os níveis de nitritos e nitratos. Os resultados mostram que nos isolados de C. glabrata sensíveis e resistentes ao fluconazol, na presença do antifúngico, houve um aumento da geração ERO e maior atividade enzimática da GPx e SOD comparada a dos isolados não tratados com fluconazol, não havendo diferença estatística entre isolados sensíveis e resistentes nesses três parâmetros citados. Em relação à enzima GST, os isolados sensíveis mostraram maior atividade enzimática comparada aos resistentes, e quando as células sensíveis foram tratadas com fluconazol, a atividade da GST diminuiu. O fluconazol não induziu dano oxidativo em proteínas e em lipídeos, entretanto foi observado dano oxidativo ao DNA. Diante disso, sugere-se que o fluconazol gera ERO como parte do seu mecanismo antifúngico em C. glabrata em fase de crescimento estacionário, induzindo dano oxidativo no DNA. Como resposta, observa-se aumento na atividade enzimática da SOD e da GPx na levedura. O entendimento da resposta antioxidante de leveduras patogênicas tem importante interesse clínico, uma vez que o desenvolvimento racional de novas drogas antifúngicas requer conhecimento do metabolismo fúngico. / The participation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in azoles antifungal mechanism of action has been suggested, as well as the relation between antifungal resistance and oxidative stress response. However, data are still inconclusive and differ between microorganisms. This study presents the results of ROS generation by fluconazole in fluconazole-susceptible and resistant C. glabrata strains and their antioxidant response. It was evaluated whether fluconazole generates ROS in those isolates treated and untreated with fluconazole at sub-inhibitory concentration according to their minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC). This treatment was conducted until stationary growth phase was reached. Subsequently, the antioxidant defenses glutathione peroxidase (GPx), superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione-S-transferase (GST), consumption of hydrogen peroxide and total glutathione, the possible oxidative damage in lipids, proteins and nucleic acids and the levels of nitrites and nitrates were analyzed. Results showed increased ROS generation in fluconazole-susceptible and resistant C. glabrata strains treated with fluconazole, and also higher GPx and SOD enzymatic activity, compared to untreated cells. No statistical difference of those three parameters was observed between susceptible and resistant strains. In relation to GST, susceptible strains demonstrated higher activity compared to the resistant ones, and when susceptible cells were treated with fluconazole the GST activity decreased compared to untreated. Fluconazole did not induce oxidative damage in proteins and in lipids, however oxidative DNA damage was observed. Therefore, it is suggested that fluconazole generates ROS as part of its antifungal mechanism in C. glabrata at stationary growth phase, inducing oxidative DNA damage. In response, there was increase in the enzymatic activity of SOD and GPx in yeast. The understanding of the pathogenic yeast antioxidant response has important clinical interest, since the rational development of new antifungal drugs requires knowledge about the fungal metabolism.

Papel da Candida albicans na desmineralização do esmalte dental e no potencial acidogênico de biofilmes de Streptococcus mutans : estudo in vitro

Eidt, Gustavo January 2017 (has links)
Objetivos: avaliar o papel da Candida albicans (ATCC 90028) no potencial cariogênico e acidogênico de biofilmes in vitro de Streptococcus mutans (UA159). Métodos: biofilmes de dupla-espécie (C. albicans + S. mutans) e de espécie única (S. mutans ou C. albicans) foram cultivados sobre a superfície hígida de blocos de esmalte bovino com dureza inicial conhecida na presença de meio de cultura suplementado com glicose 20 mM e sacarose 3 mM por 24, 48 e 72 horas. O meio foi substituído diariamente e seu pH foi registrado. Blocos de esmalte foram então coletados ao final de cada período experimental e contagens de células viáveis foram realizadas. A desmineralização foi avaliada através da porcentagem de alteração de microdureza superficial (% SMC) e análise de microradiografia transversal (perda mineral integrada e profundidade de lesão). Resultados: o pH do meio de cultura permaneceu constante nos biofilmes de espécie única de C. albicans causando quase nenhuma desmineralização no esmalte. Não houve diferença no potencial acidogênico dos biofilmes de espécie única de S. mutans ao longo dos períodos experimentais sendo estes valores de pH sempre menores quando comparados ao pH relacionado aos demais biofilmes (p < 0.01) A % SMC dos biofilmes de espécie única de S. mutans aumentou significativamente com o tempo. Além disso, lesões de cárie após 72 horas de crescimento de biofilme bacteriano apresentaram maior perda mineral integrada e foram mais profundas do que lesões de cárie relacionadas a biofilmes de dupla-espécie (p < 0.01). O pH do meio de cultura relacionado a biofilmes de dupla-espécie foi baixo no primeiro dia, mas aumentou no decorrer do tempo para valores acima do pH crítico para desmineralização do esmalte. Em consequência, a % SMC permaneceu a mesma depois de 48 horas de crescimento de biofilmes de dupla-espécie e foi significantemente menor do que os valores relacionados a S. mutans em espécie única (p < 0.01). Conclusões: os presentes dados sugerem que a C. albicans apresenta um baixo potencial de desmineralização de esmalte e esse micro-organismo parece reduzir tanto o potencial cariogênico quanto acidogênico de biofilmes de S. mutans pela modulação do pH extracelular durante o crescimento in vitro de biofilmes de dupla-espécie. / Aim: evaluate the role of Candida albicans (ATCC 90028) on the cariogenic and acidogenic potentials of Streptococcus mutans (UA159) in vitro biofilms. Methods: dual-species (C. albicans + S. mutans) and single-species (S. mutans or C. albicans) biofilms were grown on the surface of sound bovine enamel slabs with known baseline hardness in the presence of culture medium supplemented with 20 mM glucose and 3 mM sucrose for 24, 48 and 72 hours. The medium was replaced daily and its pH was recorded. Enamel slabs were collected at the end of each experimental period and counts of viable cells were performed. Demineralization was evaluated through percentage of surface microhardness change (% SMC) and transversal microradiography analysis (integrated mineral loss and lesion depth). Results: spent medium pH remained neutral in C. albicans single-species biofilms causing almost no enamel demineralization. No difference in acidogenic potential of S. mutans single-species biofilms was found among experimental periods and its pH was always lower than pH related to other biofilms (p < 0.01). The % SMC in S. mutans single-species biofilms significantly increased with time. In addition, caries lesions after 72 hours of S. mutans biofilm growth had higher integrated mineral loss and were deeper than caries lesions related to dual-species biofilms (p < 0.01). Spent medium pH related to dual-species biofilms was low in the first day, but increased with time to values above critical pH for enamel demineralization. As a consequence, the % SMC remained the same after 48 hours of dual-species biofilm growth and was significantly lower than S. mutans single-species related values (p < 0.01). Conclusions: the present data suggest that C. albicans has low enamel demineralization potential and may decrease both the cariogenic and acidogenic potentials of S. mutans by modulating extracellular pH during in vitro dual-species biofilm growth.

Leveduras isoladas de pacientes internados em hospital universitário da cidade de Taubaté - SP. / Yeasts isolated from patients in University hospital city of Taubate-SP.

Crosariol, Sonia Khouri 13 September 2010 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, têm ocorrido um aumento considerável das infecções fúngicas em ambiente hospitalar. As estimativas da incidência das infecções causadas por fungos não correspondem à realidade, devido às dificuldades diagnósticas destes microrganismos. Embora as infeções fúngicas, principalmente leveduras do gênero Candida, estejam ganhando importância nos pacientes hospitalizados, a grande maioria das instituições ainda não está preparada para o diagnóstico destes episódios. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo realizar um estudo epidemiológico, determinando a ocorrência leveduras isoladas de diversos materiais, de diferentes setores em pacientes internados de um Hospital Universitário da região do Vale do Paraíba-SP. Neste estudo foram isoladas 55 cepas de leveduras das 558 amostras analisadas, no período de fevereiro a agosto de 2002. O gênero Candida ocupou a 2ª posição (9,85%) em relação aos 10 microrganismos mais isolados em amostras positivas com suspeita clínica de infecção hospitalar. Das amostras positivas para leveduras, a espécie mais freqüente foi C.albicans com 40,0 %, seguida de C.tropicalis com 25,5%, C.parapsilosis com 23,6%, C.glabrata com 9,1% e C. norvagensis com 1,8%. A clínica médica foi o setor que apresentou maior número de amostras positivas para leveduras (63,6%), seguido por UTI neonatal ( 20,0%) e UTI adulto ( 16,4%).Dentre os espécimes clínicos analisados, as secreções ( 47,3%), de um modo geral, foram os que apresentaram maior número de amostras positivas para leveduras, em 2º lugar ponta de sonda ( 29,1%) e em 3º lugar sangue( 12,7%), com predomínio de C. albicans. Dos 38 pacientes que apresentaram cultura positiva para leveduras do gênero Candida, 26 casos de colonização foram identificados (68,4%) e 22 casos foram classificados como casos de infecção hospitalar ( 57,8%), onde 50% destes casos de pacientes foram a óbito . Os resultados obtidos demonstram a importância da identificação correta dos episódios de infecção, na caracterização do perfil epidemiológico,auxiliando assim, no diagnóstico e terapêutica destes agentes emergentes. / In recent years, there have been a considerable increase of fungal infections in hospitals. Estimates of the incidence of fungal infections do not correspond to reality, due to diagnostic difficulties of these microorganisms. Although fungal infections, especially Candida species, are gaining importance in hospitalized patients, the vast majority of institutions are not yet prepared for the diagnosis of these episodes. The present work aims to perform an epidemiological study, determining the prevalence of these strains isolated from different materials, different sectors in inpatients of a university hospital in the region of Vale do Paraíba-SP. In this study we isolated 55 yeast strains from 558 samples in the period from February to August 2002. The genus Candida occupied the 2nd position (9.85%) for the 10 microorganisms isolated from positive samples with clinical suspicion of nosocomial infection. Samples were positive for yeasts, the most frequent species was C. albicans with 40.0%, followed by C. tropicalis 25.5% C. parapsilosis with 23.6% and 9.1% with C. glabrata and C. norvagensis 1.8%. The medical clinic was the sector that had the greatest number of samples positive for yeast (63.6%), followed by neonatal ICU (20.0%) and adult ICU (16.4%). Among the clinical specimens examined, the secretions (47.3%), in general, presented the largest number of samples positive for yeast, in 2nd place probe tip (29.1%) and blood in 3rd place (12.7%), predominantly C. albicans. Of the 38 patients who presented positive culture for Candida species, 26 cases of colonization were identified (68.4%) and 22 cases were classified as cases of nosocomial infection (57.8%), where 50% of these cases were patients died. The results demonstrate the importance of correct identification of episodes of infection, to characterize the epidemiological profile, thereby aiding in the diagnosis and treatment of these emerging agents.

Hidrofobicidade superficial e colonização de Candida albicans sobre resina acrílica termopolimerizável para confecção de bases de próteses totais após desinfecção química / Surface hydrophobicity and Candida albicans colonization on heat-cure acrylic resin for denture base after chemical disinfection

Acosta, Emilio Jose Tabare Rodriguez 17 August 2009 (has links)
A utilização de soluções químicas para desinfecção de próteses totais constitui atualmente uma das opções para a manutenção da limpeza e saúde na cavidade oral de pacientes portadores de dentaduras. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito de duas soluções desinfetantes (Hipoclorito de sódio 1% e Gluconato de clorexidina 4%), na hidrofobicidade superficial e adesão de Candida albicans ATTC 90028 sobre resina acrílica termopolimerizável, inicialmente e após 1, 7, 15 e 30 ciclos de desinfecção química, além de verificar o efeito da formação da película adquirida salivar sobre as duas variáveis avaliadas através de mensuração de ângulo de contato e microscopia de fluorescência. Para a mensuração da hidrofobicidade superficial 18 espécimes (10 x 25 x 2 mm) foram confeccionados em resina acrílica termopolimerizável e desinfetados, simulando a implementação de um protocolo de desinfecção diária durante 30 dias. Após completar o número de desinfecções de cada um dos períodos avaliados, mensurações de ângulo de contato foram feitas antes e depois da formação da película adquirida salivar. Para os testes de adesão de C. albicans à resina acrílica termopolimerizável, 180 espécimes (5 x 5 x 1 mm) foram confeccionados em resina acrílica termopolimerizável e desinfetados e divididos em vários períodos (Inicial-1-7-15-30 ciclos de desinfecção). Após completar o número de desinfecções de cada um dos períodos avaliados, foram feitos ensaios de adesão de C. albicans utilizando o fluorocromo laranja de acridina para posterior visualização mediante o uso de microscópio de fluorescência. Os dados de hidrofobicidade superficial foram analisados através do teste paramétrico ANOVA medidas repetidas e T-Student. Para os resultados de adesão de C. albicans foi utilizado o teste não paramétrico Kruskall Wallis e teste de Dunn. Para correlacionar as variáveis foi utilizado o teste de Pearson. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que a imersão da resina acrílica em soluções desinfetantes diminui a adesão de C. albicans e os valores de hidrofobicidade superficial em todos os grupos após 30 desinfecções químicas. A formação da película adquirida salivar diminui a adesão de C. albicans e hidrofobicidade Resumo superficial, em todos os grupos após 30 desinfecções químicas. Não existe correlação entre os valores de adesão de C. albicans e hidrofobicidade superficial da resina acrílica termopolimerizável após desinfecção química, exceto para os grupos controle e Gluconato de clorexidina 4% prévio a formação da película adquirida salivar. / The use of chemical solutions for dentures disinfection currently constitutes one of the options for the maintenance of the cleanness and oral health of dentures users. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of two disinfecting solutions (Sodium Hypochlorite 1% and Gluconate chlorhexidine 4%), on the acrylic resin surface hydrophobicity and adhesion of Candida albicans ATTC 90028 on the heat-cure acrylic resin before and after 1, 7, 15 and 30 chemical disinfectant cycles. Furthermore to verify the effect of the formation of the acquired salivary pellicle on the variables, evaluated through contact angle measurements and fluorescence microscopy. For the surface hydrophobicity assay, 18 specimens (10 x 25 x 2 mm) had been confectioned in heat cure acrylic resin and disinfected, simulating the implementation of a daily dentures chemical disinfection protocol, during 30 days. After each disinfection period, contact angle measurements were made before and after the acquired salivary pellicle formation. For C. albicans adhesion assay, 180 specimens (5 x 5 x 1 mm) had been confectioned in heat cure acrylic resin, chemically disinfected and divided in: Initial, 1, 7, 15 and 30 disinfection cycles. After completed each period of chemical disinfection C. albicans adhesion analysis had been made using, fluorocrome acridine orange for posterior visualization by the use of fluorescence microscope. The data of acrylic resin surface hydrophobicity had been analyzed through parametric test ANOVA repeated measures and T-Student. For the C. albicans adherence results, Kruskall Wallis no parametric test and Dunns test were used. To correlate the variables Pearson test were used. The results had demonstrated that the immersion of the heat cure acrylic resin in disinfecting solutions diminishes the adhesion of C. albicans and the values of acrylic resin surface hydrophobicity, in all the groups, in a period of 30 cycles. The formation of the acquired salivary pellicle diminishes the adhesion of C. albicans and acrylic surface hydrophobicity in all the groups in a period of 30 cycles. Correlation does not exist Abstract between the values of C. albicans adhesion and acrylic surface hydrophobicity after chemical disinfection, except for the Control group and Gluconate chlorhexidine 4% group before the formation of the acquired salivary pellicle.

Etude fonctionnelle et inhibition de la protéine Bdf1 chez Candida albicans / Functional role and inhibition of Bdf1 protein in Candida albicans

Champleboux, Morgane 04 November 2016 (has links)
Candida albicans représente la première cause d’infection fongique chez l’Homme. Chez les patients immunodéficients, ce pathogène est extrêmement virulent et le nombre de décès suite à une infection systémique par Candida atteint 200 000 chaque année dans le monde. Quatre classes de médicaments antifongiques existent mais les traitements ont un coût élevé et des problèmes récurrents de résistance. Il y a donc un besoin urgent de trouver de nouvelles options thérapeutiques.Notre projet explore une nouvelle cible potentielle de la famille des protéines BET (Bromo and extra-terminal) pour traiter les infections fongiques. Nous étudions la protéine BET de levure, bromodomain factor 1 (Bdf1), impliquée dans la régulation de la transcription. Afin de caractériser son rôle fonctionnel, j’ai combiné différentes approches en biochimie, protéomique et transcriptomique. J’ai démontré que Bdf1 et ses deux bromodomaines, Bd1 et Bd2, sont essentiels pour la croissance et la survie de C. albicans.La seconde partie de ma thèse s'inscrit dans un projet de recherche d'inhibiteurs des bromodomaines de Bdf1 chez C. albicans, inspiré par la découverte de composés anti-cancéreux ciblant les bromodomaines mammifères. Grâce à un criblage haut débit, nous avons identifié des inhibiteurs sélectifs des bromodomaines de Bdf1. Ils agissent comme des molécules antifongiques et inhibent la croissance de C. albicans.Ces découvertes indiquent que les bromodomaines de Bdf1 sont une nouvelle cible pour le développement de nouveaux traitements antifongiques. Leurs inhibitions pourraient représenter une stratégie thérapeutique innovante pour traiter les patients infectés par C. albicans. / C. albicans is the most prevalent human fungal pathogen. In immunocompromised patients, this pathogen is highly virulent and the number of deaths because of systemic infections by C. albicans reaches 200.000 per year worldwide. The limited number, high cost and toxicity of currently available antifungal drugs indicate that new therapeutic agents against C. albicans are urgently needed.We propose to investigate a novel target of BET (Bromo and extra-terminal) proteins family to treat fungal infections. We are interested in the yeast BET protein named bromodomain factor 1 (Bdf1), involved in transcription regulation. To characterize its functional role, I combined several approaches in biochemistry, proteomic and transcriptomic. I discovered that Bdf1 and its two bromodomains Bd1 and Bd2 are essentials for the growth of C. albicans.The second part of my thesis is involved in a research project that aims to identify Bdf1 bromodomains inhibitors in C. albicans, inspired by recently discovered anti-cancer compounds that target mammal bromodomains. High-throughput chemical screens have identified selective Bdf1 bromodomain inhibitors. They act as antifungal compounds and inhibit the growth of C. albicans.Altogether, these discoveries indicate that Bdf1 bromodomains are a valid antifungal target. Hopefully, their inhibition represents a new and innovative therapeutic strategy to treat patients infected with C. albicans

Les médiateurs de l'immunité anti-candida : outils d'analyse physiopathologique et intérêt diagnostique / Anti-candida immune mediators : pathophysiological analysis tools and diagnosis interest

Damiens, Sébastien 12 December 2012 (has links)
Candida albicans, endo-saprophyte du tube digestif, est responsable d’infections superficielles ou invasives. Les candidoses invasives (CI) constituent un problème persistant de santé publique avec une mortalité attribuable de 40% en réanimation et une morbidité exponentielle liée à la consommation d’antifongiques ou aux séjours prolongés des patients. Cet impact médico-économique est principalement lié aux difficultés diagnostiques. En effet, ni la symptomatologie, ni l’imagerie ne sont spécifiques des CI. Le diagnostic biologique demeure complexe et souvent tardif. Les tests conventionnels (hémoculture) sont peu sensibles, et les tests alternatifs à la culture manquent souvent de sensibilité ou de spécificité. Dans ce contexte, il est nécessaire de développer de nouvelles stratégies diagnostiques en mesure d’améliorer la précocité du diagnostic, d’identifier les sujets à haut risque d’infection et de permettre la mise en place d’un traitement antifongique approprié. Notre travail a porté sur deux médiateurs circulants de l’immunité anti-Candida, la mannose-binding lectin (MBL) et les anticorps anti- proteines (Ab) en relation le diagnostic des CI.En ce qui concerne la détection d’anticorps, nous avons produit 6 protéines recombinantes (Hwp1, Eno1, Hsp90, Fba1, Mp65 et Sod5), surexprimées pendant la phase pathogène de C. albicans et développés 5 prototypes de tests EIA. L’association de ces biomarqueurs avec la détection du mannane circulant (Mn) par EIA a permis d’identifier 3 protéines à fort potentiel diagnostique. Pour une spécificité fixée arbitrairement à 80%, la sensibilité des associations Fba1-Ab/Mn, Hwp1-Ab/Mn et Hsp90-Ab/Mn étaient de 84%, 84% et 81% respectivement. Le délai moyen de positivité était de 5 jours avant l’isolement de Candida d’hémoculture. Les Odds ratios associés aux trois combinaisons de marqueurs étaient de 108, 65 et 77 pour Fba1-Ab/Mn, Hwp1-Ab/Mn et Hsp90-Ab/Mn.En ce qui concerne la MBL, nous avons montré i) une évolution dynamique de la MBL au cours des CI, ii) une interaction directe avec le mannane pariétal de levure ainsi qu’une iii) prédisposition à la colonisation chez les patients déficients en MBL. Outre les aspects quantitatifs, nous avons mis en place un modèle d’évaluation fonctionnels de la MBL par resonance plasmonique de surface (SPR) en impliquant des cellules entières ou des glycannes fongiques issus de la paroi de C. albicans ou des oligommanosides de synthèse. Ce modèle nous a permis de mieux caractériser les épitopes reconnus par la MBL et de montrer l’interaction de cette lectine avec un panel d’espèces Candida communément isolées en pathologie humaine.Ces médiateurs de l’immunité humorale ou innée permettent d’envisager des perspectives cliniques en termes diagnostique ou pronostique. Ils permettent également d’améliorer notre compréhension de la physiopathologie des CI et d’optimiser la prise en charge des patients. / Candida albicans, digestive tract endo-saprophyte, is responsible of superficial and invasive infections. Invasive candidiasis (IC) is a persistent public health with an attributable mortality of 40% in intensive care unit and an exponential morbidity related to the antifungals consumption and extended hospital stays of patients. This medico-economic impact is mainly related to diagnostic difficulties. Indeed, neither clinical symptoms nor the imaging are specific of IC. Biological diagnosis remains complex and often late. Conventional tests (blood culture) have a low sensitivity, and non-culture based methods often lack sensitivity or specificity. In this context, it’s necessary to develop new diagnostic strategies to improve the early diagnosis, to identify patients with high risk of infection and to lead the prescription of an appropriate antifungal therapy. Our work has focused on two circulating anti-Candida immunity mediators, mannose-binding lectin (MBL) and anti-protein antibodies (Ab) in relation to IC diagnosis. Regarding the detection of antibodies, we produced six recombinant proteins (Hwp1, Eno1, Hsp90, FBA1, Mp65 and Sod5) overexpressed during the C. albicans pathogen phase and developed five prototypes of EIA. The association of these biomarkers with the detection of circulating mannan (Mn) revealed three proteins with high diagnostic performances. For a specificity fixed arbitrarily at 80%, the sensitivity of combinations of Fba1-Ab/Mn, Hwp1-Ab/Mn and Hsp90-Ab/Mn were 84%, 84% and 81%, respectively. The average delay of positivity was 5 days before isolation of Candida from blood culture. Odds ratios associated with these three combinations of markers were 108, 65 and 77 for Fba1-Ab/Mn, Hwp1-Ab/Mn and Hsp90-Ab/Mn, respectively. Our findings on serum MBL have shown i) dynamic evolution of MBL levels during IC, ii) direct interaction with circulating cell wall mannan and iii) susceptibility to colonization in MBL deficient patients. Besides quantitative aspects, we have developed a model for assessing the MBL functionality by surface plasmon resonance (SPR) involving whole cells, fungal cell wall glycans from C. albicans cell wall or synthetic oligommanosides. This model was used to better characterize the epitopes recognized by MBL and showed the interaction of this lectin with a panel of Candida species commonly isolated in human pathology.These mediators of innate or humoral immunity open new clinical perspectives in terms of diagnostic or prognosis of IC. These findings may participate to improve our understanding of IC pathophysiology and to optimize management of patients.

Candida Berkhout genties mielių paplitimas, biologiniai savitumai ir prevencinių priemonių prieš jas paieška / Candida Berkhout yeasts: distribution, biological peculiarities and search for preventive measures against them

Švedienė, Jurgita 27 December 2012 (has links)
Disertacijoje aprašomas Candida mielių paplitimas įvairiuose substratuose bei žmogų supančioje aplinkoje, aiškinami jų biologiniai savitumai, tiriamos prevencinės priemonės užterštumui šiomis mielėmis sumažinti. Tyrimų metu iš gamtinių substratų (dirvožemio, vandens ir filosferos) maisto produktų, gyvenamosios ir darbo aplinkos oro, žmogaus patologinės medžiagos buvo išskirti ir identifikuoti 498 mielių izoliatai. Candida genčiai priklausančios mielės sudarė 31% visų mielių rūšių. Išskirtos 26 Candida rūšys, iš jų 4 naujos Lietuvos mikobiotai – C. magnoliae, C. saitoana, C. oleophila ir C. sorboxylosa. Ištirti iš įvairių substratų išskirtų Candida mielių morfologiniai, fiziologiniai ir biocheminiai savitumai. Įvertintas C. albicans (C.A.4) ir C. parapsilosis (C.P.1), išskirtų iš maisto produktų, vienkartinių dozių ūmus toksiškumas/patogeniškumas per os ir intraperitonealiai šiltakraujams gyvūnams. Atliktas 11 dezinfekcinių priemonių ir 8 antigrybinių preparatų poveikio patogeninėms Candida mielėms įvertinimas. Nustatytas 12 augalų eterinių aliejų, bakterijų Pantoea citrea (T1x, T2x, T3x) ir Streptomyces sp. (Ux, Ux308) poveikis Candida mielėms. / Aim of the work was to determine the distribution of Candida yeasts in various substrates and the surrounding environment, to define their biological characteristics and preventive measures to reduce the pollution. During the study 498 yeast isolates from soil, water, phyllosphere, food products, human body and the surrounding residential and occupational environment were isolated and identified. It was revealed that they belong to 21 genera and 63 species. Candida yeasts comprised 31% of all isolated yeasts; new to Lithuanian mycobiota species were recorded: C. magnoliae, C. saitoana, C. oleophila and C. sorboxylosa. Assess the Candida yeast morphological, physiological and biochemical characteristics. Acute toxicity/pathogenicity of single doses of C. albicans (C.A.4) and C. parapsilosis (C.P.1) administered per os or intraperitoneally to warm-blooded animals was ascertained. Assessment of the impact of 11 disinfectants and 8 antifungal preparations on pathogenic Candida yeasts was conducted. The effects of 12 essential oils, Pantoea citrea (T1x, T2x, T3x), Streptomyces sp. (Ux, Ux308) on Candida yeasts were determined.

Candida Berkhout yeasts: distribution, biological peculiarities and search for preventive measures against them / Candida Berkhout genties mielių paplitimas, biologiniai savitumai ir prevencinių priemonių prieš jas paieška

Švedienė, Jurgita 27 December 2012 (has links)
Aim of the work was to determine the distribution of Candida yeasts in various substrates and the surrounding environment, to define their biological characteristics and preventive measures to reduce the pollution. During the study 498 yeast isolates from soil, water, phyllosphere, food products, human body and the surrounding residential and occupational environment were isolated and identified. It was revealed that they belong to 21 genera and 63 species. Candida yeasts comprised 31% of all isolated yeasts; new to Lithuanian mycobiota species were recorded: C. magnoliae, C. saitoana, C. oleophila and C. sorboxylosa. Assess the Candida yeast morphological, physiological and biochemical characteristics. Acute toxicity/pathogenicity of single doses of C. albicans (C.A.4) and C. parapsilosis (C.P.1) administered per os or intraperitoneally to warm-blooded animals was ascertained. Assessment of the impact of 11 disinfectants and 8 antifungal preparations on pathogenic Candida yeasts was conducted. The effects of 12 essential oils, Pantoea citrea (T1x, T2x, T3x), Streptomyces sp. (Ux, Ux308) on Candida yeasts were determined. / Disertacijoje aprašomas Candida mielių paplitimas įvairiuose substratuose bei žmogų supančioje aplinkoje, aiškinami jų biologiniai savitumai, tiriamos prevencinės priemonės užterštumui šiomis mielėmis sumažinti. Tyrimų metu iš gamtinių substratų (dirvožemio, vandens ir filosferos) maisto produktų, gyvenamosios ir darbo aplinkos oro, žmogaus patologinės medžiagos buvo išskirti ir identifikuoti 498 mielių izoliatai. Candida genčiai priklausančios mielės sudarė 31% visų mielių rūšių. Išskirtos 26 Candida rūšys, iš jų 4 naujos Lietuvos mikobiotai – C. magnoliae, C. saitoana, C. oleophila ir C. sorboxylosa. Ištirti iš įvairių substratų išskirtų Candida mielių morfologiniai, fiziologiniai ir biocheminiai savitumai. Įvertintas C. albicans (C.A.4) ir C. parapsilosis (C.P.1), išskirtų iš maisto produktų, vienkartinių dozių ūmus toksiškumas/patogeniškumas per os ir intraperitonealiai šiltakraujams gyvūnams. Atliktas 11 dezinfekcinių priemonių ir 8 antigrybinių preparatų poveikio patogeninėms Candida mielėms įvertinimas. Nustatytas 12 augalų eterinių aliejų, bakterijų Pantoea citrea (T1x, T2x, T3x) ir Streptomyces sp. (Ux, Ux308) poveikis Candida mielėms.

Modulation der Candida albicans Biofilmbildung und Expression von Pathogenitätsfaktoren durch Lactobacillus spp.

Dreßel, Tilmann 08 August 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Lactobacillus- Spezies, die zur Gattung der Milchsäurebakterien gehören, haben bereits hemmende Eigenschaften gegen Candida albicans gezeigt. Dieser dimorphe Hefepilz ist einer der bedeutendsten Erreger von Pilzinfektionen beim Menschen und einer der häufigsten Verursacher Katheter- assoziierter Infektionen. Eine bedeutende Rolle bei der Pathogenität von C. albicans spielt die Biofilmbildung, die sowohl die körpereigene Abwehr als auch die antimykotische Therapie einer invasiven Infektion erheblich erschwert. Zu den Virulenzfaktoren zählt eine Vielzahl von Genen, darunter auch die sekretorischen Aspartylproteasen (SAPs), die zur Infektion sowohl in vitro als auch in vivo beitragen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde der Einfluss verschiedener Lactobacillus- Stämme auf die Biofilmbildung des invasiv pathogenen C. albicans SC 5314 und des in der Pathogenität abgeschwächten Stammes ATCC 10231 untersucht, sowohl phänotypisch als auch hinsichtlich der metabolischen Aktivität durch den semi- quantitativen XTT- Reduktions- Assay. Zudem erfolgten Expressionsanalysen ausgewählter Gene von C. albicans, deren Zusammenhang mit der Biofilmbildung und Pathogenität bekannt ist. Dabei konnte gezeigt werden, dass L. johnsonii DSM 10533 die metabolische Aktivität beider C. albicans- Stämme erheblich verringern kann (um bis zu 80%) und auch einen phänotypisch drastisch reduzierten Biofilm verursacht. In Anwesenheit dieses Stammes kam es zu stark verringerter Aktivität der beobachteten SAP- Gene vor allem des invasiven Stammes C. albicans SC 5314. Andere Pathogenitäts- assoziierte Gene wie Als 3 und Hwp 1 wurden dagegen eher hochreguliert. L. rhamnosus DSM 20021 und ein klinisches Isolat verursachten ebenfalls eine Verringerung der metabolischen Aktivität, sorgten phänotypisch aber eher für vermehrte Hyphenbildung des Pilzes. Ersterer verursachte eine deutlich reduzierte Aktivität von Hwp 1 und Ume 6 bei C. albicans ATCC 10231. L. reuteri DSM 20016 zeigte keinen signifikanten Einfluss auf Biofilmbildung, Aktivität und Genexpression der beobachteten C. albicans- Stämme. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen deutlich, dass unterschiedliche Lactobacillus- Stämme sich in ihrem Einfluss auf C. albicans erheblich unterscheiden. Auch die Reaktion verschiedener C. albicans- Stämme auf Lactobacillus- Spezies ist sehr verschieden. In dieser Arbeit zeigte L. johnsonii DSM 10533 ein deutliches Potential, C. albicans in der Biofilmbildung und Expression von Pathogenitätsfaktoren zu hemmen. Dieser Stamm erscheint damit für weiterführende Untersuchungen hinsichtlich probiotischen Potentials geeignet. Die Ergebnisse einer Lactobacillus Spezies können nicht generell auf andere Lactobacillus Spezies übertragen werden. Ob sich innerhalb einer Spezies alle Stämme gleichermaßen verhalten, bedarf ebenfalls der Überprüfung. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit werfen auch die Frage auf, ob Lactobacillus Spezies sogar die Pathogenität von C. albicans erhöhen können.

Interactions between Candida albicans, salivary proteins, and resilient denture liners

McLain, Nealoo. January 1998 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Medical University of South Carolina, 1998. / eContent provider-neutral record in process. Description based on print version record. Includes bibliographical references.

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