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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Protection of the right of healthcare of people infected with ebola virus disease (EVD) : a human rights-based approach

Nwafor, Gloria Chidimma January 2016 (has links)
LLM / Department of Public Law / Human rights are those inalienable rights of an individual by virtue of being a human being. They are guaranteed by various domestic and international instruments. This research argues that despite the existence of these instruments and wide acceptances of international human rights standards that seek to protect the right to healthcare, the people infected with Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) are victims of a wide range of constraints to their right to healthcare as a result of the failure by the governments of the respective nations where the impacts of the EVD are mostly felt to discharge their obligations under those instruments. The rights of the people infected with EVD are often violated because of their presumed or known EVD status, causing them to suffer both the burden of the disease and the social burden of discrimination and stigmatisation which could deter the infected persons from accessing available treatment. This would invariably contribute to the spread of the disease. The research further exposes the dilemma posed by the EVD to the healthcare system, where healthcare providers are caught between the rock of selfpreservation from a highly virulent disease and the hard place of discharging their Hippocratic Oath which prescribes ethical guidelines for the discharge of the duties of the medical profession. The present research, which is novel in the field of medico-legal research, seeks to proffer answers to this conundrum.

The future and sustainability of private medical care in South Africa

Loubser, Petrus Abel 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study provides an overview of the medical aid industry in South Africa and highlights the impact of the formation of the Council for Medical Schemes through the implementation of the Medical Schemes Act of 1998. The regulatory framework that governs the medical aids in South Africa is analysed. In this study. different medical aid funds are compared in terms of administration costs, required solvency levels and membership numbers relative to the acceptable industry averages. The main cost drivers of medical aid funds that could also threaten the future of private medical care are identified, as these services may not be affordable to most South Africans in the future. The new vision of government in terms of healthcare is outlined, and the regulations that will be implemented to transform the healthcare sector into a Social Health Insurance system, and ultimately into a National Health Insurance system. are analysed. The proposed mechanisms, such as the Risk Equalisation Fund, the Government Employees Medical Scheme and lowincome medical schemes, are discussed, highlighting all their advantages as well as the associated risks for the sustainability of private medical care. The proposed new legislation and the potential negative financial impact on the private medical industry are analysed with detailed reference to the Medical Schemes Act of 1998 and the Medicines and Related Substance Control and Amendment Act of 1997. The implications of fundamental changes proposed in private health insurance, such as community risk rating versus the traditional individual risk rating, are discussed. The negative impact of prescribed minimum benefits (which include HIV/Aids) on the financial sustainability of the medical aid industry is highlighted. The impact of HIV/Aids on the sustainability of the medical aid industry is discussed and some conclusions and recommendations are made regarding the financial sustainability of the medical aid industry and hence the future of private medical care in South Africa. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie is 'n oorsig van die mediesefondsbedryf in Suid·Afrika, en beklemtoon die impak van die totstandkoming van die Raad van Mediese Skemas deur die impJementering van die Wet op Mediese Skemas van 1998. Hierdie regulatoriese raamwerk, wat mediese fondse in SuidAfrika tans reguleer, word in die studie ondersoek. In hierdie studie word van die grootste mediese fondse in tenne van administratiewe koste, voorgeskrewe fondsreserwes en lidmaatskapgetalle relatief tot die aanvaarde bedryfsnonne met rnekaar vergelyk. Die belangrikste koste-items vir mediese fondse wat die voortbestaan van privaat gesondheidsorg kao bedreig, word ontleed cmdat hierdie dienste in die toekoms vir die rneeste Suid-Afrikaners onbekostigbaar kan word. Die regering se nuwe visie vir gesondheidsorg word uiteengesit. asook die regulasies wat germplementeer sal word om die gesondheidsektor na 'n sosiale gesondheidsversekeringstelsel en uiteindelik na tn nasionale gesondheidstelsel te transfonneer. Die voorgestelde meganismes, seos die Risiko-egalisasiefonds, GEMS en laeinkomste-mediesefondse word bespreek, met al die relevante voor- en nadele, tesame met die geassosieerde risiko's vir die voortbestaan van privaat mediese dienste. Die voorgestelde wetgewing en die gevolglike negatiewe finansiele impak op die privaat gesondheidsbedryf, met spesifieke verwysing na die Wet op Mediese Skemas van 1998 asook die Wet op die Beheer van Medisyne en Verwante Middels van 1997, word ondersoek. Die implikasies van fundamentele veranderinge wat in terme van gesondheidsversekering voorgestel word, soos gemeenskapsrisikogradering teenoor individuelerisikogradering, word bespreek. Voorgeskrewe minimum voordele (wat MIV insluit) wat nou ingevolge wetgewing ten volle deur fondse betaal moet word, se potensiele negatiewe impak op die finansiele lewensvatbaarheid van mediese fondse word beklemtoon. Die potensiele negatiewe impak van die MIV-epidemie op die lewensvatbaarheid van die mediesefondsbedryf word bespreek en gevolg deur aanbevelings om die fmansiele lewensvatbaarheid en toekoms van die privaat gesondheidsbedryf in Suid-Afrika te verseker.

Schenkungen aus dem Vermögen Betreuter unter rechtsvergleichender Betrachtung der Erwachsenenschutzrechte und deren Entwicklung in Österreich und der Schweiz / Donations from the assets Supervised comparative law under consideration in adult rights and their development in Austria and Switzerland

Schiefer, Florian 05 March 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Stillborn autonomy : why the Representation Agreement Act of British Columbia fails as advance directive legislation

Rush, Joan L. 05 1900 (has links)
An advance directive is an instruction made by a competent person about his or her preferred health care choices, should the person become incapable to make treatment decisions. Legal recognition of advance directives has developed over the last half century in response to medical advances that can prolong the life of a patient who is no longer sentient, and who has decided to forego some or all treatment under such circumstances. Two types of directive have emerged in the law: an instructional directive, in which a person sets out treatment choices, and a proxy directive, which enables the person to appoint a proxy to make treatment decisions. Development of the law has been impeded by fear that advance directives diminish regard for the sanctity of life and potentially authorize euthanasia or assisted suicide. In Canada, this fear explains the continued existence of outdated criminal law prohibitions and contributes to provincial advance directive legislation that is disharmonized and restrictive, in some provinces limiting personal choice about the type of advance directive that can be made. The British Columbia Representation Agreement Act (RAA)1 is an example of such restrictive legislation. The RAA imposes onerous execution requirements, is unduly complex and restricts choice of planning instrument. Respect for patient autonomy requires that health care providers honour patients' prospective treatment preferences. Capable persons must have ready access to a choice of health care planning instruments which can be easily executed. B.C. should implement advance directive legislation that meets the needs and respects the autonomy of B.C. citizens. The Criminal Code must be amended to eliminate physicians' concern about potential criminal liability for following an advance directive. Advance directive legislation across Canada should be harmonized. Finally, health care providers should receive training on effective ways to communicate with patients about end-of-life treatment decisions to ensure that patients' health care choices are known and respected. / Law, Peter A. Allard School of / Graduate

Healthcare fraud and non-fraud healthcare crimes: A comparison

Ponce, Michael 01 January 2007 (has links)
Healthcare fraud is a major problem within the healthcare industry. The study examined medical fraud, its laws, and punishments on federal and state levels. It compared medical fraud to non-fraud crimes done in the healthcare industry. This comparison will be done on a state level. The study attempted to analyze the severity of fraud against non-fraud and that doctors would commit fraud offenses more often than non-fraud offenses.

Die inhoud van ouerlike gesag, quo vadis?

Venter, Ivanda 30 November 2005 (has links)
Through the centuries the parental authority has dwindled from the absolute power of the father to the rights of autonomy of the child. At present in the South African law the parental authority is still largely determined by the common law and can be described as the sum total of rights and obligations which parents enjoy in relation to their children. Guardianship and custody are the separate incidents of parental authority. The Child Care Act 74 of 1983, The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa 108 of 1996, The Guardianship Act 192 of 1993, The Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act 92 of 1996, the ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989 by South Africa on 16 June 1995 and case law have contributed to increasing limitations on the exercise of parental authority. A balance needs to be found between the parental authority and the rights of the child to ensure that neither is absolute. Parents need to respect the evolving capacities of the child and children need to respect the guidance of the parents. / Jurisprudence / LL.M

The right to have access to health care services for survivors of gender-based violence

Bannister, Tarryn 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (LLM)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / Includes bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In South Africa gender-based violence (hereafter “GBV”) has reached extreme levels. This violent manifestation of gender inequality is compounded by the fact that women are disproportionately affected by poverty, the HIV/AIDS epidemic and inadequate health care services. This is in spite of South Africa’s progressive constitutional and legislative framework which appears highly conducive to combating gender inequality and GBV. For example, the Constitution protects the right to equality (section 9), human dignity (section 10), life (section 11), freedom and security of the person (section 12) and the right to have access to health care services, including reproductive health (section 27(1)(a)). Extensive legislation has also been enacted for the protection of women. For example, the preamble to the Domestic Violence Act 116 of 1998 (hereafter “DVA”) recognises domestic violence as a serious social evil. While the DVA is notably silent as to the role of the health care sector, the DVA is progressive in that it contains a broad definition of domestic violence, and recognises a wide range of relationships. The Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Amendment Act 32 of 2007 also seeks to afford complainants of sexual offences “the maximum and least traumatising protection that the law can provide”. In addition to this, South Africa has international law obligations to address GBV and gender inequality. For example, under the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (1979), States are obliged to address private acts of violence and to remove discrimination against women in all fields, including health. However, despite this progressive framework of rights, some interpretations of these integral rights have been unduly formalistic, in addition to being disengaged from the lived reality of many women. There is also a substantial gap between policy and practice, with the implementation of existing legislation a continuing problem. It is therefore imperative that we analyse the right to have access to health care services through a gender lens so as to transcend a purely legalistic perspective and to interrogate gendered social processes and power relations. This thesis analyses how existing law and policy can be transformed so as to be more responsive to these lived realities and needs of survivors of GBV. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Geslagsgebaseerde geweld (hierna ‘GGG’) in Suid-Afrika het uiterste vlakke bereik. Hierdie gewelddadige manifestasie van geslagsongelykheid word vererger deur die feit dat vroue buite verhouding erg deur armoede, die MIV/vigs-epidemie en ontoereikende gesondheidsorgdienste geraak word. Dit is ondanks Suid-Afrika se vooruitstrewende grondwetlike en wetsraamwerk wat op die oog af hoogs bevorderlik vir die bestryding van geslagsongelykheid en GGG voorkom. Die Grondwet verskans, byvoorbeeld, die reg op gelykheid (artikel 9), menswaardigheid (artikel 10), lewe (artikel 11), vryheid en sekerheid van die persoon (artikel 12) en toegang tot gesondheidsorgdienste, met inbegrip van reproduktiewe gesondheidsorg (artikel 27(1)(a)). Omvattende wetgewing oor vrouebeskerming is ook reeds uitgevaardig. Die aanhef tot die Wet op Gesinsgeweld 116 van 1998 (hierna die ‘WGG’) identifiseer, byvoorbeeld, huishoudelike geweld as ’n ernstige maatskaplike euwel. Hoewel die WGG swyg oor die rol van die gesondheidsorgsektor, is dit nietemin vooruitstrewend aangesien dit ’n uitgebreide omskrywing van huishoudelike geweld bevat en ’n wye verskeidenheid verhoudings erken. Die Wysigingswet op die Strafreg (Seksuele Misdrywe en Verwante Aangeleenthede) 32 van 2007 is ook daarop afgestem om klaagsters van seksuele oortredings “die omvattendste en mins traumatiese beskerming te gee wat die wet kan bied”. Daarbenewens verkeer Suid-Afrika onder internasionale regsverpligtinge om GGG en geslagsongelykheid aan te spreek. Ingevolge die Konvensie vir die Uitwissing van Alle Vorme van Diskriminasie teen Vroue (1979), byvoorbeeld, is state verplig om privaat geweldsdade teen te staan en diskriminasie teen vroue op alle gebiede te verwyder, insluitend gesondheid. Nietemin, benewens hierdie vooruitstrewende menseregteraamwerk is sommige interpretasies van hierdie onafskeidbare regte nie net oormatig formalisties nie, maar ook verwyderd van die daaglikse realiteit van baie vroue. Daar is ook ʼn wesenlike gaping tussen beleidsmaatreëls en die praktyk, terwyl die uitvoering van bestaande wetgewing ʼn voortgesette probleem verteenwoordig. Dit is dus gebiedend om die reg op toegang tot gesondheidsorgdienste deur ʼn geslagslens te analiseer om sodoende ʼn bloot regsgedrewe perspektief te bo te gaan en om maatskaplike prosesse en magsverhoudinge in oënskou te neem. Hierdie tesis analiseer hoe bestaande wetsraamwerke en beleidsmaatreëls getransformeer kan word om beter te reageer op die realiteite en behoeftes van oorlewendes van GGG. / Stellenbosch University Hope Project / Bradlow Foundation

利益議價行為與決策--以動態博奕分析全民健保法制定過程 / Bargaining behavior--A game-theoretic analysis in the National Health Care Law-making

王志宏, Wang, Vincent C.H. Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要運用博奕理論,分析全民健保法中各涉入者的議價行為,包括政黨及利益團體兩個層次之互動。主要探討下列問題:1、瞭解議價行為之動態賽局結構。2、參與者如何運用策略及其資源,以達到其偏好的理想點。3、如何透過議價來調節分歧的利益,規避社會衝突。4、如何透過理性的計算,如移動、反制、反反制的過程,達柏雷圖邊界。 第一章說明研究範圍與方法,及本文研究架構等。 第二章為理論基礎,先對傳統博奕理論提出修正,再介紹本文所採用之移動理論。 第三章說明本研究範圍內之行為者的立場、偏好等,並採二階賽局之觀點對兩層次之行為者的互動做一分析。 第四章把健保法立法過程依重要事件分為三段,分別運用賽局結 構分析其議價過程與結果。 第五章在針對第四章之均衡結果提出更進一步之分析,以康多賽贏家、中間選民定理、空間理論等來分析議題之社會選擇結果。 第六章提出研究限制和檢討,及本文結論。 / In the thesis , the author use game theory to analysis thebargaining behavior of the actors,including political parties and interest groups,in the Nationl Health Care Law-making. The purpose of this thesis contains four points.First of all,to figure out the structure of bargaining game.Second,how does the actors use their strategies and resourse to reach their ideal point.Third,how does the bargaining goes to come to an agreement, and avoid social conflict.forth and last,how can the rational actors use their strategies like move,counter-move,even counter counter-move to reach Pareto frontier.

Die inhoud van ouerlike gesag, quo vadis?

Venter, Ivanda 30 November 2005 (has links)
Through the centuries the parental authority has dwindled from the absolute power of the father to the rights of autonomy of the child. At present in the South African law the parental authority is still largely determined by the common law and can be described as the sum total of rights and obligations which parents enjoy in relation to their children. Guardianship and custody are the separate incidents of parental authority. The Child Care Act 74 of 1983, The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa 108 of 1996, The Guardianship Act 192 of 1993, The Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act 92 of 1996, the ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989 by South Africa on 16 June 1995 and case law have contributed to increasing limitations on the exercise of parental authority. A balance needs to be found between the parental authority and the rights of the child to ensure that neither is absolute. Parents need to respect the evolving capacities of the child and children need to respect the guidance of the parents. / Jurisprudence / LL.M

Les droits et les obligations du patient face à l'assurance maladie / Patient's rights and obligations to health insurance

Fontaine, Marie 07 November 2016 (has links)
Acteur essentiel du droit de la santé, le patient est au cœur du système de santé français. Néanmoins, l'assurance maladie, financeur du système de santé, est très souvent éludée lorsqu'il s'agit de s'interroger sur le patient. Or, c'est la figure même du patient assuré social qui émerge du système de santé. Aussi, les articulations entre le droit de la santé et de l'assurance maladie soulèvent des questions. Par ailleurs, le patient assuré social est également titulaire de droits qui semblent avoir pour corollaire des obligations. La compréhension de l'articulation de ces droits au regard du droit de la santé et de l'assurance maladie paraît inéluctable tout comme la nécessaire recherche et qualification d'obligations. C'est ainsi une certaine vision de notre système de santé qui se dégage de la recherche de ces normes applicables. / As an essential character in the health care law, the patient is the cornerstone of the French health care system. But the French Health Insurance, which is the financial base of this system, is often ignored in the studies dedicated to the patient. Nevertheless, a real concept of an insured patient has emerged from the French health care system. Consequently, the connections between health care law and health insurance law have to be questioned. Furthermore, the rights owned by this insured patient seem to have corollary duties ; understanding the combinations between these rights under the health care law and health insurance law is unavoidable, as well as the necessary research and qualification of related duties. In the end, it appears that the research of these rules reveals a particular conception of the health care system.

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