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Vägledning i ett mångkulturellt samhälle : En studie om hur individer med utländsk bakgrund upplever vägledningen på vuxenutbildningen / Counseling in a multicultural society : A study of how individuals with non-Swedish background experience career and vocational counseling offered to them at adult educationTapio, Jeanette, Salén, Linda January 2013 (has links)
Samhället blir mer och mer globaliserat. Som studie- och yrkesvägledare kommer man varje dag i kontakt med människor med olika bakgrunder. I vårt examensarbete var vårt syfte att få ökad kunskap om vad individer med utländsk bakgrund har för upplevelse av studie- och yrkesvägledning på vuxenutbildningen. Det centrala i vårt arbete var att få ta del av respondenternas upplevelser för att vi och även andra skulle få ökad kunskap om hur studie- och vägledning kan upplevas då man inte är född och uppvuxen i ett svenskt skolsystem. Detta har vi gjort med hjälp av en kvalitativ metod. Vi har intervjuat fyra individer. Vår förhoppning var inte att skapa en generell bild utan att få ta del av individernas upplevelser. Resultatet visade att individerna inte har full förståelse om innebörden av studie- och yrkesvägledning och att de inte heller helt förstår syftet med studie- och yrkesvägledningen. Ingen av våra respondenter har blivit erbjuden studie – och yrkesvägledning utan samtliga har sökt upp vägledningen på egen hand. Sammanfattningsvis efterfrågar våra respondenter en mer rådgivande och stöttande studie- och yrkesvägledning än vad de upplever sig ha fått idag. Faktorer som påverkar detta har visat sig vara t.ex. brist på information, språk, typ av vägledningssamtal, tid och studie- och yrkesvägledarens nyfikenhet och intresse. Vi har i vår studie jämfört respondenternas upplevelser med forskning och styrdokument som berör området. / The society is becoming more and more globalized. As a guidance counselor you will have daily contact with people who have different backgrounds and conditions. In our study our aim was to enhance the understanding of what kind of experience people with different ethnic background than Swedish have of guidance and counseling in adult education. The essence of our work was to take part of our respondent’s experiences. We wanted to understand how the study and career guidance can be experienced when one is not born and raised in a Swedish school system. We have done this by using a qualitative approach. We have interviewed four individuals. Our aim was not to create a general picture but more to get the benefit of the individuals' experiences. The results show that individuals do not have a full understanding of the meaning of study and career guidance, and they do not fully understand the purpose of it either. None of our respondents have been offered guidance. In conclusion, our respondents want a more consultative and supportive guidance than what they feel they have received. Factors that influence this has proved to be such as lack of information, language, type of counseling, time and the career guidance counselor’s curiosity and interest. We have in our study compared our respondents' experiences with relevant research and policy documents.
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Online delivery of career choice interventions: Preferences of first-year students in higher educationVenable, Melissa 01 June 2007 (has links)
Career services professionals are increasingly involved in decisions regarding the use of technology to perform their jobs. The millennial generation, increasingly enrolling in distance education, is characterized as being comfortable with technology, expecting efficient services, and valuing convenience. Understanding the technology-related preferences of today's students is fundamental for those planning and developing student career services. Brown and Ryan Krane (2000) identified five critical interventions important to career decision-making: (a) Written Exercises, (b) Individualized Interpretations and Feedback, (c) Information on the World of Work, (d) Modeling, and (e) Attention to Building Support.
This study investigated the following questions: (1) what are first-year students' preferences for the delivery method of critical career choice interventions and (2) to what extent are there differences in first-year students' preferences for delivery method based on their prior experience. Specific areas of prior experience included online courses, career counseling, and technology.Participants included 318 undergraduate students enrolled in a two-credit first-year student seminar. A web-based survey was distributed to students via their instructors. Students selected e-mail most frequently as a preferred delivery method for career choice activities followed by in person delivery. Students were most interested in participating in activities related to Modeling and Information on the World of Work.
They were least interested in participating in activities related to Attention to Building Support.Overall, participants reported a high level of previous experience with e-mail, Internet text chat, and Internet websites. Participants reported low levels of experience with discussion boards, podcasts, and virtual rooms. Participants also reported low levels of previous experience with online courses and career counseling.While no significant differences in preferences for delivery were found based on previous experience, a comparison of students' experiences and preferences did provide interesting information. E-mail is the only technology with which there were high levels of experience and preference. Students also reported high level of experience with text chat, but a low level of preference for text chat as a delivery mode for career choice activities.
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Task Comparison Between Career Counselors and Vocational Evaluators: What's the Difference?Flansburg, Jill 01 January 2012 (has links)
This investigation compared the essential tasks of career counselors and vocational evaluators by surveying experts and practitioners in each specialization. Although both services advise persons about their work and training options, career counseling often takes place in university career centers and vocational evaluation is made available in not-for-profit settings. The null hypothesis is that there are no differences in task importance or frequency between these two jobs. Previous literature and current job descriptions from Florida workplaces are used to identify tasks, which are then presented to experts for input regarding frequency and relative importance to job performance.
Tasks endorsed by Delphi method were also rated by persons working at these occupations for both frequency and importance to job performance. Current practitioners included persons working as career counselors in Florida state universities and as vocational evaluation vendors under the state of Florida Department of Education.
Examination of means, mean differences, and standard deviations indicate differences in the task ratings between experts and practitioners and between practitioners of these populations. Correlations between practitioners did not reveal any strong positive relationships between tasks, but there was a negative relationship between these two professions when rating the relative importance of teaching counselees self-directed techniques. Even though the results did not pass the tests of assumption for multiple analyses of variance (MANOVA), significant differences are suggested. These differences include a proclivity for career counselors to teach self-direction, and a proclivity for vocational evaluators to provide and present assessments, make recommendations, and perform transferable skills analysis.
Implications for education and professional certification point to a need for additional instruction for vocational evaluators in the areas of report writing, concluding services, and fulfilling the role they play in interdisciplinary activities. Both groups of counselors endorsed the use of basic counseling skills to understand and overcome personal problems, which typically requires licensure.
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Desenvolvimento de carreira em psicólogos : tarefas evolutivas do estágio de estabelecimento / Career development of psychologists: developmental tasks of establishment stageBedin, Lívia Maria January 2010 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi compreender como psicólogos porto-alegrenses estão vivenciando as tarefas evolutivas do desenvolvimento de carreira inerentes ao estágio de estabelecimento, de acordo com a teoria de Donald Super. Além disso, buscou-se verificar as diferenças percebidas entre a realização das tarefas do desenvolvimento de carreira de psicólogos com relação ao tipo de vínculo empregatício, seja ele público, privado ou autônomo e, também, conhecer como os profissionais relacionam a atual conjuntura sócio-econômica na inserção do psicólogo no mercado de trabalho. Foram entrevistados 15 trabalhadores psicólogos (12 mulheres e 3 homens) com idades entre 30 e 38 anos, escolhidos de modo a contemplar a forma de seu contrato trabalhista (público, privado ou autônomo). A entrevista considerou as tarefas do desenvolvimento de carreira que dizem respeito ao estágio de estabelecimento: estabilização, consolidação e progresso. Os dados coletados foram analisados qualitativamente. Os resultados apontaram seis categorias relacionadas ao estabelecimento de carreira dos psicólogos participantes: a rede de relacionamento, o processo desenvolvimental, a realização profissional, a legalização do vínculo de trabalho, a preocupação com o desempenho e a busca constante por qualificação. / The objective of this study was to understand how psychologists from Porto Alegre are experiencing developmental tasks of career establishment stage, according to Donald Super’s theory. In this research there were interviewed 15 psychologists (12 women and 3 men) aged between 30 and 38 years old, chosen to reflect the form of their labor contract (public, private or autonomous). In addition, we attempted to verify the perceived differences between the tasks of the career development of psychologists regarding the type of employment relationship, whether public, private or autonomous, and also know how professionals relate to current socio- economic configuration in the placing of psychologists in the labor market. The interview included career development tasks related to establishment stage: stabilization, consolidation and progress. Data collected were analyzed using qualitative research methods. The results showed six categories associated with participant’s career establishment: relationship network, developmental process, professional achievement, work contracts’ legalization, performance concern and constantly seeking qualification.
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Escala de adaptabilidade de carreira : evidências de validade e fidedignidade em uma amostra de universitários brasileirosSilveira, Alyane Audibert January 2013 (has links)
Este estudo objetivou revisar a versão brasileira da Escala de Adaptabilidade de Carreira (EAC) e obter evidências de validade e fidedignidade. A EAC é composta por quatro dimensões: preocupação, controle, curiosidade e confiança. Participaram 990 universitários (64,2% mulheres), com média de idade de 25,8 anos (DP=7,45). A coleta foi realizada de duas formas, online e presencial, não tendo sido encontradas diferenças significativas nos escores obtidos. Os instrumentos utilizados foram uma Ficha Sociodemográfica, a EAC, a Escala de Percepção de Oportunidades Profissionais, a Bateria Fatorial de Personalidade e as Escalas de Desenvolvimento de Carreira para Universitários. Conforme esperado, os resultados de análises fatoriais confirmatórias indicaram um ajuste satisfatório para o modelo de quatro fatores hierárquico. Os índices de fidedignidade obtidos para as subescalas e escala total foram adequados. Os fatores da personalidade realização e extroversão foram os mais relacionados à adaptabilidade. Decisão de carreira, autoeficácia profissional e exploração ampliada foram as variáveis mais fortemente associadas às dimensões da adaptabilidade. Discutem-se as limitações do estudo e sugerem-se possibilidades para estudos futuros. / This study aimed at reviewing the Brazilian version of the Career Adapt-Abilities Scale, and obtaining validity and reliability evidences. The scale is composed of four dimensions: concern, control, curiosity and confidence. Nine hundred and ninety college students participated (64.2% women), with an age mean of 25.8 (Standard Deviation (SD)=7.45). The data was collected both online and on a face-to-face basis. No significative differences were found in the scores. The instruments used were a Sociodemographic Questionnaire, the Career Adapt-Abilities Scale, the Perception of Professional Opportunities Scale, the Factorial Battery of Personality and the Career Development Scales for University Students. As expected, confirmatory factorial analysis results showed a satisfactory adjustment for the model of four hierarchic factors. Reliability indices for the subscales and the total scale were also appropriate. The personality factors of conscientiousness and extraversion showed the highest correlations with adaptability. Career decision, professional self-efficacy, and amplified exploration were the variables more strongly related to the adaptability dimensions. Limitations of the study are discussed and possibilities for future investigations are suggested.
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Desenvolvimento de carreira em psicólogos : tarefas evolutivas do estágio de estabelecimento / Career development of psychologists: developmental tasks of establishment stageBedin, Lívia Maria January 2010 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi compreender como psicólogos porto-alegrenses estão vivenciando as tarefas evolutivas do desenvolvimento de carreira inerentes ao estágio de estabelecimento, de acordo com a teoria de Donald Super. Além disso, buscou-se verificar as diferenças percebidas entre a realização das tarefas do desenvolvimento de carreira de psicólogos com relação ao tipo de vínculo empregatício, seja ele público, privado ou autônomo e, também, conhecer como os profissionais relacionam a atual conjuntura sócio-econômica na inserção do psicólogo no mercado de trabalho. Foram entrevistados 15 trabalhadores psicólogos (12 mulheres e 3 homens) com idades entre 30 e 38 anos, escolhidos de modo a contemplar a forma de seu contrato trabalhista (público, privado ou autônomo). A entrevista considerou as tarefas do desenvolvimento de carreira que dizem respeito ao estágio de estabelecimento: estabilização, consolidação e progresso. Os dados coletados foram analisados qualitativamente. Os resultados apontaram seis categorias relacionadas ao estabelecimento de carreira dos psicólogos participantes: a rede de relacionamento, o processo desenvolvimental, a realização profissional, a legalização do vínculo de trabalho, a preocupação com o desempenho e a busca constante por qualificação. / The objective of this study was to understand how psychologists from Porto Alegre are experiencing developmental tasks of career establishment stage, according to Donald Super’s theory. In this research there were interviewed 15 psychologists (12 women and 3 men) aged between 30 and 38 years old, chosen to reflect the form of their labor contract (public, private or autonomous). In addition, we attempted to verify the perceived differences between the tasks of the career development of psychologists regarding the type of employment relationship, whether public, private or autonomous, and also know how professionals relate to current socio- economic configuration in the placing of psychologists in the labor market. The interview included career development tasks related to establishment stage: stabilization, consolidation and progress. Data collected were analyzed using qualitative research methods. The results showed six categories associated with participant’s career establishment: relationship network, developmental process, professional achievement, work contracts’ legalization, performance concern and constantly seeking qualification.
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Escala de adaptabilidade de carreira : evidências de validade e fidedignidade em uma amostra de universitários brasileirosSilveira, Alyane Audibert January 2013 (has links)
Este estudo objetivou revisar a versão brasileira da Escala de Adaptabilidade de Carreira (EAC) e obter evidências de validade e fidedignidade. A EAC é composta por quatro dimensões: preocupação, controle, curiosidade e confiança. Participaram 990 universitários (64,2% mulheres), com média de idade de 25,8 anos (DP=7,45). A coleta foi realizada de duas formas, online e presencial, não tendo sido encontradas diferenças significativas nos escores obtidos. Os instrumentos utilizados foram uma Ficha Sociodemográfica, a EAC, a Escala de Percepção de Oportunidades Profissionais, a Bateria Fatorial de Personalidade e as Escalas de Desenvolvimento de Carreira para Universitários. Conforme esperado, os resultados de análises fatoriais confirmatórias indicaram um ajuste satisfatório para o modelo de quatro fatores hierárquico. Os índices de fidedignidade obtidos para as subescalas e escala total foram adequados. Os fatores da personalidade realização e extroversão foram os mais relacionados à adaptabilidade. Decisão de carreira, autoeficácia profissional e exploração ampliada foram as variáveis mais fortemente associadas às dimensões da adaptabilidade. Discutem-se as limitações do estudo e sugerem-se possibilidades para estudos futuros. / This study aimed at reviewing the Brazilian version of the Career Adapt-Abilities Scale, and obtaining validity and reliability evidences. The scale is composed of four dimensions: concern, control, curiosity and confidence. Nine hundred and ninety college students participated (64.2% women), with an age mean of 25.8 (Standard Deviation (SD)=7.45). The data was collected both online and on a face-to-face basis. No significative differences were found in the scores. The instruments used were a Sociodemographic Questionnaire, the Career Adapt-Abilities Scale, the Perception of Professional Opportunities Scale, the Factorial Battery of Personality and the Career Development Scales for University Students. As expected, confirmatory factorial analysis results showed a satisfactory adjustment for the model of four hierarchic factors. Reliability indices for the subscales and the total scale were also appropriate. The personality factors of conscientiousness and extraversion showed the highest correlations with adaptability. Career decision, professional self-efficacy, and amplified exploration were the variables more strongly related to the adaptability dimensions. Limitations of the study are discussed and possibilities for future investigations are suggested.
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The Incremental Effects of Ethnically Matching Animated Agents in Restructuring the Irrational Career Beliefs of Chinese American Young WomenJanuary 2013 (has links)
abstract: Believe It! is an animated interactive computer program that delivers cognitive restructuring to adolescent females' irrational career beliefs. It challenges the irrational belief and offers more reasonable alternatives. The current study investigated the potentially differential effects of Asian versus Caucasian animated agents in delivering the treatment to young Chinese American women. The results suggested that the Asian animated agent was not significantly superior to the Caucasian animated agent. Nor was there a significant interaction between level of acculturation and the effects of the animated agents. Ways to modify the Believe It! program for Chinese American users were recommended. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.C. Counseling 2013
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Escala de adaptabilidade de carreira : evidências de validade e fidedignidade em uma amostra de universitários brasileirosSilveira, Alyane Audibert January 2013 (has links)
Este estudo objetivou revisar a versão brasileira da Escala de Adaptabilidade de Carreira (EAC) e obter evidências de validade e fidedignidade. A EAC é composta por quatro dimensões: preocupação, controle, curiosidade e confiança. Participaram 990 universitários (64,2% mulheres), com média de idade de 25,8 anos (DP=7,45). A coleta foi realizada de duas formas, online e presencial, não tendo sido encontradas diferenças significativas nos escores obtidos. Os instrumentos utilizados foram uma Ficha Sociodemográfica, a EAC, a Escala de Percepção de Oportunidades Profissionais, a Bateria Fatorial de Personalidade e as Escalas de Desenvolvimento de Carreira para Universitários. Conforme esperado, os resultados de análises fatoriais confirmatórias indicaram um ajuste satisfatório para o modelo de quatro fatores hierárquico. Os índices de fidedignidade obtidos para as subescalas e escala total foram adequados. Os fatores da personalidade realização e extroversão foram os mais relacionados à adaptabilidade. Decisão de carreira, autoeficácia profissional e exploração ampliada foram as variáveis mais fortemente associadas às dimensões da adaptabilidade. Discutem-se as limitações do estudo e sugerem-se possibilidades para estudos futuros. / This study aimed at reviewing the Brazilian version of the Career Adapt-Abilities Scale, and obtaining validity and reliability evidences. The scale is composed of four dimensions: concern, control, curiosity and confidence. Nine hundred and ninety college students participated (64.2% women), with an age mean of 25.8 (Standard Deviation (SD)=7.45). The data was collected both online and on a face-to-face basis. No significative differences were found in the scores. The instruments used were a Sociodemographic Questionnaire, the Career Adapt-Abilities Scale, the Perception of Professional Opportunities Scale, the Factorial Battery of Personality and the Career Development Scales for University Students. As expected, confirmatory factorial analysis results showed a satisfactory adjustment for the model of four hierarchic factors. Reliability indices for the subscales and the total scale were also appropriate. The personality factors of conscientiousness and extraversion showed the highest correlations with adaptability. Career decision, professional self-efficacy, and amplified exploration were the variables more strongly related to the adaptability dimensions. Limitations of the study are discussed and possibilities for future investigations are suggested.
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Para além da escola e da empresa: contribuições para o atendimento em orientação de carreira / For beyond school and company: contributions to the career counseling interventionsLiliane de Paula Toledo 12 November 2014 (has links)
Pesquisas internacionais a respeito da orientação de carreira revelam que se trata de um campo em fase de construção, principalmente se forem consideradas as propostas de atendimento para adultos. Observam-se estudos com nomenclaturas, abordagens teóricas, públicos-alvo e temáticas variadas e que, salvo exceções, não divulgam informações sobre os modelos e procedimentos de atendimento adotados. Por outro lado, no dia a dia de certas empresas, em instituições de ensino e no espaço clínico notam-se inquietações das mais diversas por parte de trabalhadores acerca de sua vivência laboral. Quando se trata de executivos, há consultorias especializadas em coaching e mentoring disponíveis para atendê-los; enquanto no caso de jovens estudantes de certas classes sociais do Ensino Médio, vale a tradicional orientação profissional. Porém, afora esses dois perfis - executivos e estudantes do Ensino Médio -, verifica-se a quase inexistência de um serviço baseado na Psicologia para atender os trabalhadores que desejam repensar suas carreiras, trajetórias laborais e escolhas profissionais. Esta investigação teve o intuito de aperfeiçoar uma proposta de atendimento clínico em orientação de carreira, a partir de diretrizes elaboradas por pesquisadores e integrantes do Serviço de Orientação Profissional do Instituto de Psicologia da Universidade de São Paulo (SOP-IPUSP). Buscou-se compreender a demanda dos participantes em relação à orientação de carreira e as variáveis presentes no campo sociolaboral de suas experiências para poder construir formas de intervenção que pudessem atender a seus desejos. O método adotado foi a pesquisa de intervenção, na qual foi colocada em prática uma forma de atender em orientação de carreira para três trabalhadores não-executivos adultos com, no mínimo, cinco anos de experiência profissional e que procuraram espontaneamente o SOP-IPUSP, visando testar e consolidar a prática em questão. Elementos do referencial psicanalítico nortearam a análise e a condução dos trabalhos. Os principais resultados apontaram que a narrativa funciona como guia da orientação de carreira, a partir da qual se planejam e organizam as intervenções do psicólogo e todas as atividades. Consolidou-se o desenho de dois momentos da orientação, a investigação conjunta e o projeto desejante e que constituem a proposta psicossocial em questão, integrando as dimensões subjetivas do projeto de vida com as dimensões objetivas de um plano de ação, o que denota a necessidade de uma proposta intervenção que articule e trabalhe com estas duas dimensões de forma conjunta para atender as demandas de adultos em orientação de carreira. As diretrizes dos atendimentos e pesquisas do SOP-IPUSP foram explicitadas e ampliadas e ressaltou-se a supervisão clínica, os constantes estudos e interlocuções como suas marcas. Foram identificadas nuances distintas no atendimento a trabalhadores dos setores privado e público de atuação. Ademais, apresentou-se o panorama internacional das pesquisas sobre carreira / International research reveals that career guidance and counseling is a field under construction, especially when the process for adults is considered. With few exceptions, studies for classification, theoretical approaches, target audiences and several themes do not disclose information about adopted models and procedures. On the other hand, on the daily routine of certain companies, educational institutes and in the clinical setting, a number of concerns towards workers labor experiences are observed. Additionally, when it comes to business executives, coaching and mentoring specialized consultancy is available to help; meanwhile, as for young students of Ensino Médio (High School) from certain social classes, the resource is the traditional vocational guidance and counseling. Yet, apart from these two profiles executives and Secondary School students -, there is barely a service based on Psychology to offer assistance to these workers who wish to rethink their career, their labor trajectories and their professional choices. This research aimed at improving a proposal to career counseling clinic service, departing from the directions developed by researchers and members of Serviço de Orientação Profissional do Instituto de Psicologia da Universidade de São Paulo (SOP-IPUSP) Department of Professional and Career Counseling at University of São Paulo. The purpose was to understand the demand of participants concerning career counseling and the variables present in their social and labor field experiences in order to build ways of interventions that could cater to their wishes. In order to evaluate and consolidate the practice, the method adopted was the intervention research. This was carried out by offering the service of career counseling to non-executive adult workers who had at least five years of professional experience and had searched the service at SOP-IPUSP spontaneously. Elements from Psychoanalysis guided the evaluation and the execution of the work, and the main results showed that the narrative works as a guide in career counseling, in such a way that the interventions of the psychologist as well as all other activities are planned and organized from the narrative itself. The design of two moments was consolidated in the process: the joint research and the desiring project, they constitute the psychosocial proposal in the matter as they incorporate the subjective dimensions of life project and the objective dimensions of an action plan. This means that there is a need for a proposal of intervention that articulates and works with both dimensions in order to meet adults demands in the process of career counseling. The directions for services and researches at SOP-IPUSP were described and expanded, besides, clinical supervision, constant studies and dialogs are highlighted marks. Different nuances were identified in providing service to workers coming from the public and private sectors. Moreover, the study presented an international overview on career researchesv
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