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Gênero em processos de escolha profissional / Gender in Vocational Guidance ProcessesAlexandre dos Santos 26 June 2012 (has links)
Atualmente, os estudos de orientação profissional têm se ocupado de analisar o modo como o indivíduo constrói sua carreira e sua vida a partir de uma perspectiva social construcionista. As abordagens biográficas baseadas em narrativas têm se mostrado eficientes para que orientandos contem suas estórias, reflitam sobre elas, entendam seu significado e reformulem intenções, o que serve como ferramenta para processos de orientação profissional baseados no paradigma de construção de vida. Alguns aspectos transversais como gênero, raça e classes sociais necessitam que sejam investigados seus efeitos nas trajetórias sociais dos indivíduos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi buscar compreender como ocorre a relação entre a categoria gênero e a construção social de trajetórias profissionais femininas e masculinas e o valor dessa categoria para processos de orientação profissional. Este estudo realizou-se a partir de dois grupos de atendimento em orientação profissional com base na metodologia de ateliês biográficos de formação. Os grupos foram constituídos, cada um deles, por três mulheres com grau de instrução de ensino superior. No primeiro grupo, as atividades centraram-se na produção de narrativas biográficas focadas na trajetória profissional sem inclusão de qualquer tema para discussão. No segundo grupo, as atividades incluíram a temática gênero para discussão e reflexão, visando a uma produção de narrativas biográficas. Os resultados mostram o aparecimento espontâneo da categoria gênero nas narrativas das participantes sem necessariamente se constituir em um aspecto para reflexão. Nas mulheres com uma carreira profissional mais desenvolvida, o gênero foi percebido como determinante na construção de suas carreiras e, nas mulheres em início de carreira, o gênero apresentou-se no discurso, porém não foi percebido como relevante nas trajetórias profissionais desenvolvidas. Para o processo de orientação profissional proposto, a introdução da categoria gênero como temática de discussão não demonstrou diferença significativa do processo desenvolvido sem a presença da mesma. No entanto, no plano individual, as mulheres que julgaram ser o gênero determinante nas suas trajetórias profissionais, incorporaram uma nova tomada de posição acerca dos seus projetos, demonstrando o valor dessa discussão para intervenções em orientação profissional. O estudo aponta para a necessidade de introdução da temática gênero como eixo transversal na formação teórico prática de orientadores profissionais / At the present time, the vocational guidance studies are more likely to analyze both professional and life development of an individual from the perspective of social constructionism. The biographical approaches based on narratives are efficient in order to make individuals tell their own stories, reflections and the real importance of those experiences, which are tolls that stimulate vocational guidance to develop their inner lives. Some transverse aspects gender, race and social classes and their consequences on individual lives must be examined carefully. The aim of this work is to comprehend the relation between the following specific points: the genders and male/ female professional development processes. This study, which has the biographic workshop parameter, analysed two groups attending vocational guidance. Each group constituted of three women in tertiary education. The first group focused on a free biographical narrative about professional developments. The second group focused on a gender biographical narrative. The results show that in both cases free and non free biographical narratives the issue gender was a common point. Whereas women with successful professional careers (group one) mentioned the issue gender as meaningful in their professional development, the beginner professionals in group two just mentioned it in their speech. Arise gender in the vocational guidance discussion did not convincingly demonstrated a difference in the proposed work. Nevertheless, in an individual perspective, the data obtained from women who believe that the issue gender is determinant in their professional developments, shows that vocational guidance has to discuss this specific aspect. The study shows the real necessity to introduce gender as a transverse point of discussion among the professional counselors
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Examining the relationship between career decision self-efficacy, ethnic identity, and academic self-concept and achievement of African American high school studentsBounds, Patrice Sheri Robinson 01 December 2013 (has links)
The exploration of African American adolescents' career development has gained increasing attention in light of literature describing various barriers impacting their educational and career development and goals. Social Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT) was used as a theoretical framework to help shed light on the contextual factors that influence their career development. This study examined the relationship between career decision self-efficacy, ethnic identity, academic self-concept, and achievement of African American high school students. The sample consisted of African American high school students enrolled in Upward Bound programs. Through quantitative methods, this study adds to the career development literature by including ethnic identity, academic self-concept, and achievement as combined factors that may impact the career development of African American adolescents. Specifically, the results of this study assists teachers, administrators, parents, and school counselors with understanding career decision self-efficacy as it relates to ethnic identity, academic self-concept, achievement, and demographic variables. This study also provides implications for career counseling interventions in schools designed to assist with career development.
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Vägledarens Verktygslåda : En beskrivning av vägledares kompetens och vad som möjliggör att använda den / Career counselor´s toolbox : A description of counselor competence and what enables its useJonsberg, Karin January 2011 (has links)
Studie- och yrkesvägledning är en profession vilken samtliga, som gått i skolan i Sverige, har en relation till. Vi har samtliga någon gång under skoltiden mött en vägledare. Lika många möten verkar generera lika många historier och de är inte alltid av god karaktär. Det hänger förhoppningsvis ihop med att det idag inte finns något krav på behörighet för att få arbeta som studie- och yrkesvägledare. Det gör att många möten med vägledare har skett utan de kunskaper, förförståelse och professionalism som en utbildad vägledare med behörighet medför. Forskningsfältet är enigt om att yrkesrollen måste stärkas, undersökas och framhållas på bred front. Denna studie bidrar till att förtydliga vikten av vägledarutbildningens betydelse för yrkesrollen och förtydligar vad som påverkar hur en utbildad vägledare arbetar. Studien är kvalitativt genomförd med respondenter som har gått vägledarutbildningen vid Stockholms universitet. Resultatet visar på ett tydligt samband mellan hur vägledarutbildningen och arbetsplatskulturen samverkar och påverkar hur vägledarna arbetar. Även att vägledarnas arbete kan härledas till kända vägledningsteorier och metoder. Viss kritik mot vägledarutbildningens relevans för yrkesrollen framkommer. Studien resulterar i en modell som kan användas för att beskriva vägledaryrket. / Study and career counseling is a profession which all who have attended school in Sweden is familiar with. We have all at some time during the school day met a counselor. Just as many meetings seem to generate as many stories and they are not always of good character. Hopefully it hangs together with the fact that today there is no requirement for competency to work as a study and career counselor. This means that many meetings with guidance counselors have been conducted without the knowledge, understanding and professionalism as a trained counselor with competence entails. The researchers are agreed that the professional role must be strengthened, investigated and acknowledged on a broad front. This study helps to clarify the importance of the counselor’s education and what this means for the profession and clarify what influences how an educated counselor performs in his professional role. The study is qualitative and conducted with respondents who have studied counseling at Stockholm University. The results show a clear correlation between how counseling education and workplace culture interact and affect how counselors work, even how the counselors work can be traced to accepted theories and methods and also some criticism against counseling educations relevance to their professional role. The study results in a model that can be used to describe the counseling profession.
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Pratiques de conseil en orientation professionnelle et transformation des formes d'anticipation de soi face à une situation de transition : le cas des jeunes docteurs en reconversion vers le privé.Bangali, Marcelline 07 March 2011 (has links)
L’étude conduite à l’occasion de cette thèse porte sur l’analyse des processus de transformations identitaires observables à l’occasion des interactions de conseil en orientation professionnelle. Elle s’intéresse aux stratégies d’insertion des jeunes docteurs en dehors de la recherche publique qui constitue généralement pour la majorité d’entre eux, un point d’ancrage majeur de leurs anticipations. L’objet est de repérer certaines figures de remaniements identitaires qui paraissent aller de pair avec une reconversion réussie vers le secteur privé et de formuler quelques hypothèses explicatives relatives aux processus et facteurs en jeu. Cette recherche (conduite au sein de l’association Bernard Grégory) s’appuie sur le modèle de la subjectivité individuelle, conçue comme un système dynamique de formes identitaires subjectives (Guichard, 2004). Certaines formes de ce système représentent les anticipations de soi qui peuvent jouer un rôle majeur dans le sens que l’individu donne à son existence à un moment donné. Deux formes de réflexivité en tension sont au principe du développement de ces anticipations : l’une (la réflexivité duelle) vise une stabilisation de soi dans un modèle désiré, alors que l’autre (la réflexivité trinitaire) pousse à une mise en perspective des expériences passées et présentes. C’est cette seconde forme de réflexivité que l’intervention de conseil développée dans cette étude vise à observer. La description de cas concrets de jeunes docteurs montre l’impact des processus de réflexivité dialogique sur la manière dont ces derniers renoncent progressivement à l’ancrage académique de leurs anticipations professionnelles, pour développer de nouveaux modes d’interpréter et de mise en perspectives futures de l’expérience doctorale / This thesis focuses on the effectiveness of career counseling intevention on self and career construction processes. The study was led at the Bernard Gregory association (ABG), whose mission is to help PhD graduates develop their working skills. The purpose is to identify self-construction patterns that go alongside successful reorientation towards the private sector and to formulate hypotheses to explain what factors and processes are involved. Our conceptual reference is the theory of self-construction (Guichard, 2004). This model is based on two types of reflexivities : on the one hand, dual reflexivity aims at stabilising the self in a desired pattern, on the other hand trinitarian reflexivity leads to revisiting present and past experiences. The current study focuses on this second type of reflexivity. Case studies of young PhD graduates show the impact of dialogical reflexivity processes on how these individuals progressively turn away from their anticipated academic.
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Pratiques de conseil en orientation professionnelle et transformation des formes d'anticipation de soi face à une situation de transition : le cas des jeunes docteurs en reconversion vers le privé. / Not availableBangali, Marcelline 07 March 2011 (has links)
L’étude conduite à l’occasion de cette thèse porte sur l’analyse des processus de transformations identitaires observables à l’occasion des interactions de conseil en orientation professionnelle. Elle s’intéresse aux stratégies d’insertion des jeunes docteurs en dehors de la recherche publique qui constitue généralement pour la majorité d’entre eux, un point d’ancrage majeur de leurs anticipations. L’objet est de repérer certaines figures de remaniements identitaires qui paraissent aller de pair avec une reconversion réussie vers le secteur privé et de formuler quelques hypothèses explicatives relatives aux processus et facteurs en jeu. Cette recherche (conduite au sein de l’association Bernard Grégory) s’appuie sur le modèle de la subjectivité individuelle, conçue comme un système dynamique de formes identitaires subjectives (Guichard, 2004). Certaines formes de ce système représentent les anticipations de soi qui peuvent jouer un rôle majeur dans le sens que l’individu donne à son existence à un moment donné. Deux formes de réflexivité en tension sont au principe du développement de ces anticipations : l’une (la réflexivité duelle) vise une stabilisation de soi dans un modèle désiré, alors que l’autre (la réflexivité trinitaire) pousse à une mise en perspective des expériences passées et présentes. C’est cette seconde forme de réflexivité que l’intervention de conseil développée dans cette étude vise à observer. La description de cas concrets de jeunes docteurs montre l’impact des processus de réflexivité dialogique sur la manière dont ces derniers renoncent progressivement à l’ancrage académique de leurs anticipations professionnelles, pour développer de nouveaux modes d’interpréter et de mise en perspectives futures de l’expérience doctorale / This thesis focuses on the effectiveness of career counseling intevention on self and career construction processes. The study was led at the Bernard Gregory association (ABG), whose mission is to help PhD graduates develop their working skills. The purpose is to identify self-construction patterns that go alongside successful reorientation towards the private sector and to formulate hypotheses to explain what factors and processes are involved. Our conceptual reference is the theory of self-construction (Guichard, 2004). This model is based on two types of reflexivities : on the one hand, dual reflexivity aims at stabilising the self in a desired pattern, on the other hand trinitarian reflexivity leads to revisiting present and past experiences. The current study focuses on this second type of reflexivity. Case studies of young PhD graduates show the impact of dialogical reflexivity processes on how these individuals progressively turn away from their anticipated academic.
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Growth Mindset Training to Increase Women's Self-Efficacy in Science and Engineering: A Randomized-Controlled TrialJanuary 2014 (has links)
abstract: Undeclared undergraduates participated in an experimental study designed to explore the impact of an Internet-delivered "growth mindset" training on indicators of women's engagement in science, engineering, technology, and mathematics ("STEM") disciplines. This intervention was hypothesized to increase STEM self-efficacy and intentions to pursue STEM by strengthening beliefs in intelligence as malleable ("IQ attitude") and discrediting gender-math stereotypes (strengthening "stereotype disbelief"). Hypothesized relationships between these outcome variables were specified in a path model. The intervention was also hypothesized to bolster academic achievement. Participants consisted of 298 women and 191 men, the majority of whom were self-identified as White (62%) and 18 years old (85%) at the time of the study. Comparison group participants received training on persuasive writing styles and control group participants received no training. Participants were randomly assigned to treatment, comparison, or control groups. At posttest, treatment group scores on measures of IQ attitude, stereotype disbelief, and academic achievement were highest; the effects of group condition on these three outcomes were statistically significant as assessed by analysis of variance. Results of pairwise comparisons indicated that treatment group IQ attitude scores were significantly higher than the average IQ attitude scores of both comparison and control groups. Treatment group scores on stereotype disbelief were significantly higher than those of the comparison group but not those of the control group. GPAs of treatment group participants were significantly higher than those of control group participants but not those of comparison group participants. The effects of group condition on STEM self-efficacy or intentions to pursue STEM were not significant. Results of path analysis indicated that the hypothesized model of the relationships between variables fit to an acceptable degree. However, a model with gender-specific paths from IQ attitude and stereotype disbelief to STEM self-efficacy was found to be superior to the hypothesized model. IQ attitude and stereotype disbelief were positively related; IQ attitude was positively related to men's STEM self-efficacy; stereotype disbelief was positively related to women's STEM self-efficacy, and STEM self-efficacy was positively related to intentions to pursue STEM. Implications and study limitations are discussed, and directions for future research are proposed. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Counseling Psychology 2014
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Contribuições acerca da orientação profissional e de carreira com adultos: o caso de pessoas com trajetórias de trabalho precário / Contributions on career counseling for adults: the case of people with precarious work trajectoriesGuilherme de Oliveira Silva Fonçatti 08 April 2016 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem como questão de pesquisa a descrição e análise das características do processo de orientação profissional e de carreira voltada a pessoas adultas com escolaridade até o Ensino Médio completo e com alguma trajetória no mundo do trabalho marcada pela precarização. Para isso, foi feito um estudo do contexto socioeconômico brasileiro no período que compreende os primeiros quinze anos do presente século. Como suporte teórico para a pesquisa foi realizado um estudo sobre os conceitos de carreira, trabalho, emprego/desemprego e trajetória, articulando-os com o contexto brasileiro do mundo do trabalho. Identificou-se uma demanda reprimida que começa a se explicitar, na busca dessa população pelo atendimento em orientação profissional e de carreira. Foi realizado um levantamento bibliográfico sobre o tema da orientação profissional e de carreira com populações marginalizadas ou em condição de vulnerabilidade social, no âmbito nacional e internacional. Concluiu-se que há pouca produção bibliográfica sobre orientação profissional para adultos em situação de trabalho precário. Os participantes dessa pesquisa são adultos, trabalhadores que cursaram até o Ensino Médio, com histórico de inserção no trabalho pela informalidade, ou por vias formais, mas em trabalhos precários e considerados de restrito prestígio social. Esses trabalhadores buscaram voluntariamente o Serviço de Orientação Profissional (SOP) do Instituto de Psicologia da Universidade de São Paulo. Foram relatados dois atendimentos de orientação profissional e de carreira, sendo um homem de 36 anos e uma mulher de 47 anos. Como resultados da análise dos atendimentos, percebeu-se como produto da orientação: apropriação da trajetória profissional como uma carreira, a partir da ressiginificação da história profissional; percepção de si como um trabalhador qualificado em diversas áreas, apropriação do seu fazer pela identificação de si mesmo como o alguém que o faz, maior possibilidade controle e autonomia do fazer; apropriação da percepção do próprio desejo para além da necessidade; apropriação de um projeto de carreira, a partir da significação do processo de orientação profissional; o projeto como articulador do futuro: aberto, porém não solto. Conclui-se que o trabalho de orientação de carreira com esse público é possível e pode resultar na construção de um projeto de carreira apropriado pela pessoa em seu contexto social / This is a thesis about the research on the characteristics of the career counseling process of adults who have studied up to complete high school degree, and who have a work trajectory marked by precarious works. For this, we made a study of the Brazilian socioeconomic context of the period comprising the first fifteen years of this century. As a theoretical support for the research we studied the concepts of career, work, employment/unemployment and trajectory, connecting them with the Brazilian work context. In this scenario, there is a repressed demand that begins to emerge, as this population starts to look for career counseling process. A bibliographic research was made on the topic of the career counseling process for marginalized or social vulnerable populations, including national and international papers. It was concluded that there is little bibliographical production on career counseling process for adults in precarious work situation. The participants of this research were adult workers who had not completed high school and have a work trajectory marked by informal and formal works that are precarious or are considered with low social prestige. These workers voluntarily sought the Serviço de Orientação Profissional (SOP) of the Instituto de Psicologia at Universidade de São Paulo (USP). In this thesis two career counseling process are reported, one of them of a 36-year-old man and the other one of a 47-year-old woman. As results, it was perceived as a product of the career counseling process the following points: appropriation of work trajectory; greater awareness of oneself as a qualified worker in various areas; greater control and autonomy in the performed professional activity; resignificance and appropriation of the professional career; stronger consolidation of occupational identity; the capacity of develop his/her own career project; and the concept of project as an articulator of future and present. In conclusion, we found that the career counseling process can be done with this population and results in a career project lined up with the person in his social context
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Construção da carreira de egressos de um serviço de orientação profissional: um estudo de acompanhamento / Career Construction of those who attended a Professional Guidance Service: a follow-up study.Laura de Oliveira Marangoni 23 June 2017 (has links)
A Orientação Profissional e de Carreira, como domínio teórico e prático, vem passando por várias mudanças ao longo de um século. Paradigmas desenvolvimentistas e mais construtivistas ganharam destaque, focalizando a construção da carreira com ênfase em maior flexibilidade, adaptabilidade e aprendizagem ao longo da vida. Para compreender os processos, estudos do tipo follow-up são úteis. Neste estudo, questões são formuladas sobre as trajetórias profissionais, sobre as narrativas de egressos do atendimento em Orientação Profissional, sobre as articulações possíveis entre conteúdos obtidos por diferentes estratégias e em diferentes momentos da carreira. Assim, este estudo, de natureza qualitativa, de caráter exploratório, visa analisar as narrativas de egressos de um Serviço de Orientação Profissional (SOP), compreender as histórias produzidas por meio do instrumento BBT-Br e desvelar a memória que permaneceu do processo de Orientação Profissional. Os participantes foram atendidos entre os anos de 2004 e 2009. Foram entrevistados 12 egressos, tendo como critérios para a inclusão na amostra determinadas condições na época do atendimento: a) cursar o ensino médio ou curso preparatório para o vestibular, (b) ter sido atendido em grupo no intervalo em 5 e 10 anos, anteriormente ao início desta investigação; (c) encontrar-se na situação problemática/de resolução ou na pré-dilemática/dilemática, e (d) ter o registro de alguma profissão ao final do processo de orientação. Para a obtenção de dados foram utilizados os instrumentos: (a) roteiro de triagem; (b) histórico do atendimento; (c) história das cinco fotos preferidas do Teste de Fotos de Profissões (BBT-Br); e (d) registros da entrevista de acompanhamento. A análise dos dados foi embasada nos referenciais teórico desenvolvimentista da Teoria da Construção da Carreira de Savickas e da Construção da Vida (Life Design) de Duarte e colaboradores. Os dados foram organizados e analisados de acordo com as seguintes categorias: (a) caminho imaginado e o caminho traçado - história do BBT-Br e resumo biográfico; (b) dificuldades encontradas nas trajetórias e recursos pessoais e contextuais para a solução dos problemas; (c) planos para o futuro: compreensão de si, expectativas, e atividades significativas; e (d) memórias da orientação profissional e possíveis influências. Os resultados mostram que há coerência e continuidade nas narrativas de construção da vida/carreira, corroborando as bases teóricas utilizadas. E que os conteúdos das narrativas no BBT-Br apresentam relações com os temas de vida obtidos por meio de outras estratégias. As redes de apoio exercem papel importante, mas não são suficientes se os comportamentos não forem adaptativos. E, a maioria dos participantes relata possuir lembranças do processo de Orientação Profissional, creditando os ganhos com a experiência como aprendizagem transferível para outros momentos, sobretudo quando precisam fazer uso das competências para a comunicação e as decisões relativas à construção da vida/carreira. / Vocational and Career Guidance, as a theoretical and practical domain, has been substantially changing over the last century. Developmental and more constructivist paradigms are promote, focusing on career building and, under this scope, emphasizing greater flexibility, adaptability and lifelong learning. To understand these processes, follow-up studies are useful. In this study, questions were formulated on the professional trajectories, on the egress reports from people who undertook Professional Guidance Services (SOP), and on the possible articulations among contents obtained by different strategies and at different moments of the career. Thus, this exploratory, qualitative study aims to analyze the egress reports of those who attended a SOP, to understand the stories produced through the Photo Test of Professions (BBT-Br) instrument and to uncover the remaining memory of these people regarding the career guidance. The researcher interviewed twelve people, who attended between 2004 and 2009. The criteria for inclusion in the sample were the following specific conditions at the time of attendance: a) to be enrolled at a high school or at a preparatory course for the University Entrance Examination; (b) to have participated in SOP Group sessions between five and ten years before the beginning of this survey; (c) to be in the problematic/resolution or pre-dilemma/dilemma situation; and (d) to register a profession at the end of the orientation process. The following instruments were used to obtain the data: (a) screening script; (b) service history; (c) history of the five favorite photos of the Photo Test of Professions (BBT-Br); and (d) records of the follow-up interview. The data analysis was based on the developmental theoretical framework of the Career Construction Theory of Savickas and the Life Design of Duarte et al. The data were organized and analyzed according to the following categories: (a) imagined path and the path actually followed - BBT-Br history and biographical summary; (b) difficulties faced in the trajectories and personal and contextual resources for problem solving; (c) plans for the future: self-understanding, expectations, and meaningful activities; and (d) memories and possible influences of the career guidance. The results show that there is coherence and continuity in the life/career construction narratives, corroborating the theoretical bases used, and that the contents of the narratives in the BBT-Br are congruent with the life themes obtained through other strategies. In addition, support networks play an important role, but are insufficient if the behavior is not adaptive. Finally, most participants report having memories of the career guidance process, acknowledging the gains from the experience as transferable learning to other moments, especially when they need to use communication skills and make decisions regarding life/career building.
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Förskolebarns fria lek : En studie om pedagogers arbete med yrken i förskolan / The free play of preschool children : A study how preschool-staff work with occupations in preschoolModén, Maria, Andersson, Marie-Louise January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to investigate how teachers and teaching assistants work with gender roles and vocational pattern among the children in preschool. To find out, a qualitative survey was conducted in the form of 11 interviews with preschool teachers and assistant personnel, who worked with children aged 1-6 years. The teachers and assistants worked in different areas and had differentlevels of education. The collected data was categorized into different themes based on the research questions. The material was analyzed based on Gottfredsson´s theory of circumscription and compromise, Hirdman´s theory of gender and also on earlier research. The result showed that the staff did not consciously work with the professions in preschool, but on the other hand unconsciously in different projects and themes. The children did not play vocations very often and children in vulnerable areas did not play vocations at all. Furthermore, the result of the study showed that most preschool-staff worked to achieve as gender-neutral-environment as possible, because preschool-staff considered that the indoor environment and material things affected the children to gender stereotypes. The study found that the forest is a gender-neutral environment in which cross-border-activities were established. Our conclusion of the study showed that the staff did not notice gender stereotypes among children playing vocations, although earlier research and theory show that these patterns develop at an early age. Furthermore, we concluded that preschool-staff lack knowledge about the methods and tools that best suit the work on gender issues and gender stereotypes. This has meant that the work and attitude of the staff varied. Personnel without preschool education and who worked for a long time have difficulty breaking old routines, where boys and girls are treated differently. / Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur pedagoger arbetar med könsstereotypa roller ochyrkesmönster bland barnen i förskolan. För att ta reda på detta gjordes en kvalitativ undersökning iform av 11 intervjuer med förskolepedagoger som arbetade med barn i åldern 1-6 år. Pedagogernaarbetade i olika upptagningsområden och hade olika utbildningsnivåer. Insamlad data kategoriseradesin i olika teman med utgångspunkt i frågeställningarna. Materialet analyserades utifrån Gottfredssonsteori om begränsningar och kompromisser, Hirdmans teori om genussystemet och tidigare gjordforskning. Resultatet visade att pedagogerna inte medvetet arbetade med yrken i förskolan, mendäremot omedvetet i olika projekt och teman. Barnen lekte inte yrken särskilt ofta och barn i utsattaupptagningsområden lekte överhuvudtaget inte yrken. Vidare visade resultatet av undersökningen attde flesta pedagoger arbetade för att få till en så könsneutral förskolemiljö som möjligt, då pedagogernaansåg att inomhusmiljön och materiella ting påverkar barnen till könsstereotypa mönster. I studienframkom att skogen är en könsneutral miljö där gränsöverskridande aktiviteter kom till stånd. Vårslutsats av undersökningen, visade att pedagogerna inte lagt märke till könsstereotypa yrkesmönsterbland barn, trots att tidigare forskning och teori påvisar att dessa mönster utvecklas i tidig ålder.Vidare drog vi slutsatsen att pedagoger saknar kunskap om vilka metoder och verktyg som bäst lämparsig vid arbetet med genusfrågor och könsstereotypa mönster. Det har gjort att arbets- ochförhållningssätt bland pedagogerna varierat. Personal utan förskoleutbildning och som arbetat längehar svårt att bryta gamla rutiner, där pojkar särbehandlas.
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Motivace kariérových poradců k dalšímu profesnímu vzdělávání / Motivation of career counsellors for further professional educationTurzová, Lucie January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to find out what motivation career counsellors have for further professional education. Based on these findings, recommendations have been formulated to overcome obstacles or barriers to such motivation. The theoretical part presents the importance of adult education, which has an impact on the quality of counselling services offered by schools. This thesis also represents the main strategic documents of the Czech Republic, which are related to career counselling. Thesis defines the position of a career counsellor in school and educational counsellor, the qualification exam according to the National qualifications system, a study of an educational counsellor and a new university study program for career counsellors. It also introduces the possibilities and forms of further education in the field of career counselling. The empirical part is based on qualitative data in the form of controlled interviews with thirteen counsellors at schools located in the Ústí and Labem region. The results of the research survey based on respondents' answers pointed out that school counsellors were motivated to further their education by the directors of schools and that they had their own internal motivation to provide professional services.
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