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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Weber, Paula Damião 16 December 2011 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / In aquatic environments, heavy metals are produced from natural and anthropogenic sources and the degree of contamination in fish tissues depend on pollutant type, fish species, sampling site, trophic level and their mode of feeding. The heavy metal concentration (Al, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Zn and Pb) in water, sediment and liver of two fish species (Oligosarcus spp - carnivore and Chyphocarax voga - detritovore) was analyzed at two sampling sites in Sinos River, Brazil, during the four seasons. The highest heavy metals concentration was observed in the sediment, followed by water and lowest in fish. As the sediment was the major sink for pollution by metals in this river, it probably played an important role in the uptake of these metals by the detritivore species, which accumulated more metals in the liver than the carnivore species. Furthermore, potential ecological risk was low for both sampling sites, showing the low metal contamination in this area. / Em ambientes aquáticos, metais pesados são produzidos a partir de fontes naturais e antropogênicas e o grau de contaminação nos tecidos dos peixes depende do tipo de poluente, da espécie de peixe, do local da amostragem, do nível trófico e seu modo de alimentação. A concentração de metais pesados (Al, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Zn e Pb) na água, sedimento e fígado de duas espécies de peixes (Oligosarcus spp - carnívoro e Chyphocarax voga - detritívoro) foram analisados em dois pontos do Rio do Sinos, Brasil, durante as quatro estações do ano. O objetivo foi testar as hipóteses que o nível trófico e a proximidade com áreas impactadas influenciam o nível de contaminação por metais. As maiores concentrações de metais pesados foram observadas no sedimento, seguidas pela água e menores nos peixes. Como o sedimento foi o maior dreno para poluição por metais neste rio, provavelmente desempenhou um importante papel na captação destes metais pela espécie detritívora, a qual acumulou mais metais no fígado que a espécie carnívora. Além disso, o potencial risco ambiental foi baixo para os dois pontos amostrados, demonstrando a baixa contaminação por metais na área.

Ecology and diet of the caracal (Caracal caracal) on lethal and non-lethal control farms in the Karoo

Jooste, Erin Cecilia January 2020 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / Human-wildlife conflict is an ongoing issue worldwide. Within South Africa, human-carnivore conflict (HCC) as a result of carnivore depredation on small-livestock causes large-scale losses, and promotes the use of predator management tools by farmers. Despite being one of the major offenders involved in HCC, caracals, and their ecology in particular, are understudied. This is mainly due to high levels of persecution, coupled with their elusive nature. Within the Karoo region of South Africa, pastoralists make use of large-scale lethal predator controls in an attempt to remove the offenders, or non-lethal predator controls to protect livestock and deter predators. However, the effects of these various predator control techniques on caracal ecology have not been widely tested. Therefore, the aims of this thesis were, firstly, to assess caracal diet on lethal and non-lethal treatment farms in the Karoo; secondly, to investigate the drivers of caracal habitat selection on a non-lethal farm in the Karoo; and finally, to evaluate caracal activity patterns on the non-lethal farm. To do this, I made use of two non-invasive techniques (i.e. scat analysis and camera trapping). Caracals appeared to favour natural prey across all sites, with livestock remains only found in scats collected at the lethal treatment farm. Caracals had the broadest dietary breadth on the non-lethal treatment site, and the narrowest on the lethal treatment site. The main components of caracal diet included small mammals, lagomorphs, rock hyraxes (Procavia capensis), wild ungulates and arthropods. Caracal habitat selection was explained by resource dispersion and environmental features Interestingly, the presence of livestock was not a major consideration in caracal habitat selection. Caracals were mainly nocturnal but became increasingly crepuscular during winter. In addition, caracal activity overlapped significantly with black-backed jackals (Canis mesomelas), lagomorphs and common duikers (Sylvicapra grimmia). Caracals showed plasticity in their activity patterns based on seasonal temperature fluctuations, and partially human avoidance. This study contributes to understanding how caracal ecology differs on differently managed livestock farms. Throughout this study, the importance of both a natural prey base, as well as natural lands to caracal survival have been revealed. These findings can contribute to caracal conservation in HCC areas.

Bobcat and coyote management scenarios: evaluating the flexibility of management preferences in probable scenarios

Stanger, Melissa Eileen 26 October 2022 (has links)
No description available.

The Influence of Anthropogenic Development of Water on Coyotes and Kit Foxes in the Great Basin and Mojave Deserts

Hall, Lucas Keith 13 March 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Anthropogenic provisioning of water (water developments) to enhance abundance and distribution of wildlife is a common management practice in arid regions where water is limiting. Despite the long-term and widespread use of water developments, little is known about how they influence distribution, competition dynamics, and behavior of native species. To elucidate the potential influences of water developments on native species, we tested hypotheses concerning the occurrence and behavior of native kit foxes (Vulpes macrotis). First, we tested the indirect effect of water hypothesis (IEWH) which proposes that water developments negatively affect the arid-adapted kit fox by enabling a water-dependent competitor (i.e., coyote; Canis latrans) to expand distribution in arid landscapes. We tested the two predictions of the IEWH (i.e., coyotes will visit areas with water more frequently and kit foxes will avoid coyotes) and evaluated relative use of water by canids in the Great Basin and Mojave Deserts from 2010 to 2012. We established scent stations in areas with (wet) and without (dry) water and monitored visitation by canids to scent stations and water sources using infrared-triggered cameras. There was no difference in the proportions of visits to scent stations in wet or dry areas by coyotes or kit foxes at either study area. There was no correlation between visits to scent stations by coyotes and kit foxes. Visitation to water sources was not different for coyotes between study areas, but kit foxes visited water sources more in Mojave than Great Basin. The intense visitation to water by kit foxes in Mojave challenges our understanding that this species does not readily drink water. Our results did not support the IEWH in the Great Basin or Mojave Deserts for these two canids. Second, we tested three hypotheses that have been proposed to explain spatial variation in vigilance behavior. The predator-vigilance hypothesis (PVH) proposes that prey increase vigilance where there is evidence of predators. The visibility-vigilance hypothesis (VVH) suggests that prey increase vigilance where detection of predators is impeded or visibility is obstructed. The refuge-vigilance hypothesis (RVH) proposes that prey may perceive areas with low visibility (greater cover) as refuges and decrease vigilance. We evaluated support for these hypotheses using the kit fox, a solitary carnivore subject to intraguild predation, as a model. From 2010 to 2012, we used infrared-triggered cameras to record video of kit fox behavior at water developments in the Mojave Desert. The RVH explained more variation in vigilance behavior of kit foxes than the other two hypotheses (AICc model weight = 0.37). Kit foxes were less vigilant at water developments with low overhead cover (refuge) obstructing visibility. Based on our results, the PVH and VVH may not be applicable to all species of prey. Solitary prey, unlike gregarious prey, may use areas with concealing cover to maximize resource acquisition and minimize vigilance.

Using Geospatial Techniques to Assess Responses of Black Bear Populations to Anthropogenically Modified Landscapes: Conflict & Recolonization

McFadden, Jamie Elizabeth 14 December 2018 (has links)
The convergence of three young scientific disciplines (ecology, geospatial sciences, and remote sensing) has generated unique advancements in wildlife research by connecting ecological data with remote sensing data through the application of geospatial techniques. Ecological datasets may contain spatial and sampling biases. By using geospatial techniques, datasets may be useful in revealing landscape scale (e.g., statewide) trends for wildlife populations, such as population recovery and human-wildlife interactions. Specifically, black bear populations across North America vary greatly in their degree of distribution stability. The black bear population in Michigan may be considered stable or secure, whereas the population in Missouri is currently recolonizing. The focus of the research in this dissertation is to examine the ecological and anthropogenic impacts 1) on human-black bear interactions in Michigan (see Chapter 2) and 2) on black bear presence in Missouri (see Chapter 3), through the use of black bear reports provided by the public to the state wildlife agencies. By using generalized linear modeling (GLM) and maximum entropy (MaxEnt), I developed spatial distribution models of probability of occurrence/presence for the 2 study areas (Michigan and Missouri). For the Missouri study, I quantified the spatiotemporal shifts in the probability of bear presence statewide. The results from my statewide studies corroborate previous local-scale research based on rigorous data collection. Overall, human-black bear interactions (e.g., wildlife sightings, conflicts), while very dynamic, appear greatest in forested and rural areas where the preferred habitat for black bears (i.e., forest) intersects with low density anthropogenic activities. As both human and black bear populations continue to expand, it is reasonable to expect human-black bear interactions to spatiotemporally increase across both study areas. The results from my studies provide wildlife managers with information critical to management decisions such as harvest regulations and habitat conservation actions across the landscape and through time. The ability to detect and monitor ecological changes through the use of geospatial techniques can lead to insights about the stressors and drivers of population-level change, further facilitating the development of proactive causeocused management strategies.

Ecology and restoration of Sumatran tigers in forest and plantation landscapes

Sunarto, Sunarto 25 April 2011 (has links)
Tigers (Panthera tigris Linnaeus, 1758) are in danger of extinction. Their populations have declined from ~100,000 to only ~3,000 individuals in a century and their habitat has shrunk to less than 7% of the historic range. Of the five extant tiger subspecies, the Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae Pocock, 1929) is the most seriously threatened. Currently determined as Critically Endangered under IUCN criteria, the Sumatran tiger is likely to become extinct unless effective conservation measures are enacted. Threats to the tiger include habitat destruction, killing due to conflict with humans and livestock, and poaching for illegal wildlife trade. Long-term survival of Sumatran tigers depends largely on the effectiveness of current conservation efforts in every tiger landscape. Successful conservation and management require accurate information on ecology of the species upon which decisions can be based. This study investigated basic ecological aspects of tigers and developed strategies for management and restoration to improve tiger viability in the Central Sumatra landscape. This landscape is comprised of natural forests and plantations managed for timber and agricultural commodities. The first chapter assesses the variation in tiger abundance across forest types in Southern Riau, and over time in Tesso Nilo National Park, all in Central Sumatra. Using camera traps, my team and I systematically sampled five blocks representing three major forest types in the region: peat land, flat lowland, and hilly lowland. I found that tiger abundance varied by forest type and through time. Excluding two sampling blocks where no tigers were photographed, the lowest tiger density was in peat land forest of Kerumutan, and the highest density was in the flat lowland forest of Tesso Nilo. Repeated sampling in the newly established Tesso Nilo National Park documented a trend of increasing tiger density (SE) from 0.90 (0.38) individuals/100 km2 in 2005 to 1.70 (0.66) individuals/100 km2 in 2008. Overall, tiger densities from this study were lower than most previous estimates from other parts of Sumatra. The trend of increasing tiger density in Tesso Nilo, however, suggests that the tiger population could be augmented by protection of habitats that were previously logged and severely disturbed. The second chapter examines the occupancy and habitat-use of the tiger across the major landcover types (natural forest, acacia plantation, oilpalm plantation, rubber plantation, and mixed agriculture). I found that tigers used some plantation areas, although they significantly preferred forests over plantations. In all landcover types, sites with tiger detections had thicker understory cover than sites without tiger detection. Modeling tiger occupancy while recognizing that probability of detection is not always perfect, I found that tiger occupancy covaried positively and significantly with altitude and negatively, but not significantly, with distance-to-forest-cores. Probability of habitat use by tigers covaried positively and significantly with understory cover and altitude, and negatively and significantly with human settlement and landcover rank. The results suggested that with adjustments in plantation management, tigers could use or roam through plantations within the habitat mosaic provided that the plantations had adequate understory cover and low level of human activity. They also could use riparian forests (as corridors) and smaller forest patches (as stepping stones) to travel between the main habitat patches across the forest and plantation landscape. The third chapter investigates the ecological characteristics and possible inter-specific interactions among wild felids, including tigers and smaller cats, based on data collected using systematic camera trapping in combination with information on their natural history. I found that despite overlap in resource needs of the five felid species, each appears adapted to specific environmental conditions allowing coexistence with other felids. The five felid species used statistically different elevations, with the golden cat found to inhabit the highest elevation. Two-species occupancy models showed that only leopard cats were found to co-occur with other felid species more frequently than expected by chance under independence. Species of similar size or eating similar-sized prey generally tended to have low coefficients of temporal activity overlap, suggesting avoidance. Temporal avoidance is likely occurring in three pairs of felids, namely clouded leopards and golden cats, clouded leopards and marbled cats, and marbled cats and leopard cats. Based on the differences in morphological and ecological characteristics, and on patterns of spatial and temporal occurrence, I identified six possible mechanisms by which felids in Central Sumatra maintain coexistence. I discussed the implications of this study for management, focusing on how to balance diversity and abundance of felids. The fourth chapter presents the tiger distribution models as a case study to illustrate the importance of accounting for uncertainty in species distribution mapping. I applied four modeling approaches, differing in how the response variable (tiger presence) is constructed and used in the models. I compared the performance and output of different models based on the relative importance of variables, descriptive statistics of the predictions, cross comparison between models using an error matrix, and validation using tiger presence data collected from independent surveys. All models consistently identified forest area within the grid as one of the most important variables explaining tiger probability of occurrence. Three models identified altitude as another important factor. While the four models were consistent in predicting relatively high probability of tiger occurrence for high elevation forest areas such as Rimbang Baling and Bukit Tigapuluh, they generally had a lower level of agreement in predictions for low elevation areas, particularly the peat land in the northeastern part of the study area. Based on the results of cross evaluation of the predictions among models and validation with the independent data, I considered the occupancy model to be superior to the others. If data collection format permits, I advocate the use of occupancy instead of the other modeling techniques to develop predictive species distribution maps. The last chapter constructs a strategy to restore the tiger population across the ecosystem of Central Sumatra through integration of knowledge on tiger ecology from previous chapters with consideration of the ecological conditions of the landscape in the region. The strategy combines existing knowledge of tiger conservation and regional ecosystem restoration. It recognizes the limitations and challenges of traditional nature protection and considers existing and new opportunities. Emerging opportunities and new mechanisms, such as direct and indirect economic incentives for nature conservation and restoration, are taken into account. These, coupled with increased awareness of the stakeholders, better policies and implementation of good governance, and the willingness and know-how to maintain coexistence with wildlife among the local people, are expected to support and accelerate the recovery of tigers and their ecosystem. / Ph. D.

Landscape dynamics from 1990--2010 and the human to apex predator (red-tailed hawk) relationship on La Gonave, Haiti

White, Justin Haehlen 21 January 2013 (has links)
The island of La Gonave, ~50 km northwest of Port-au-Prince, represents the subsistence Haitian lifestyle. Little is known about human--environment interactions on La Gonave. The first objective of this research was to investigate landscape dynamics through image classification, change detection, and landscape pattern analysis using Landsat 5 (TM) imagery from 1990--2010. Five land cover classes were considered: Agriculture, Forest/Dense Vegetation (DV), Shrub, Barren/Eroded, and Nonforested Wetlands. Overall image classification accuracy was 87%. The area percent change was -39.7, -22.7, 87.4, -7.0, 10.2%, for the respective classes. Landscape pattern analysis illustrated the encroachment of Shrub in core Forest/DV patches and the decline of Agricultural patch integrity. Agricultural abandonment, deforestation, and forest regrowth generated an increasingly fragmented landscape. The second objective of this research was to better understand the survival of the red-tailed hawk (RTH) on La Gonave by exploring the human--RTH relationship. We implemented a survey (n = 121) in 10 rural villages on La Gonave regarding their perceptions and interactions with the RTH during May--June, 2012. During fieldwork we sighted seven RTHs and found one nest. Many respondents noted the aggressive behavior of RTHs during nesting, suggesting reproductive behavior on the island. Our results indicate that RTHs inhabiting this island were not persecuted, despite intense predation of domestic chickens. Aside from predation near homes, villagers do not interact with the hawk as it remains out of sight. The RTH currently has no known predators, but it remains in danger of island extirpation due to ecological degradation. / Master of Science

Coévolution des niches écologiques d’Homo sapiens et de la guilde des carnivores au Paléolithique supérieur

Bouchard, Catherine 12 1900 (has links)
Il y a deux millions d’années, les ancêtres d’Homo sapiens ont consommé de façon plus soutenue des protéines d’origine animale, ce qui leur a permis d’intégrer la guilde des carnivores, et ainsi marquer durablement le cours de leur histoire évolutive. L'ancienneté du phénomène étant associée à des limites matérielles, le contexte de la dispersion humaine dans l’ouest de la steppe à mammouth européenne, ainsi que la disponibilité des preuves archéologiques qui lui sont reliées, offre une occasion unique de se pencher sur cette étape importante de l’évolution des membres de la guilde des carnivores et des humains. La dispersion humaine, en tant qu’invasions biologiques, semble avoir mené à des impacts de nature maligne avec des conséquences qui ont affecté la diversité trophique, la compétition et les comportements des membres de la guilde, à la période culturelle associée au techno-complexe gravettien. Les méthodes d’analyses isotopiques ont aussi permis de mettre en lumière des informations permettant de participer à une meilleure compréhension du processus de transition Paléolithique moyen et supérieur et de mesurer l’influence des relations coévolutives intraguildes qui ont pu mener aux processus de domestication. / Two million years ago, the ancestors of Homo sapiens have increased their protein animal consumption, what it allowed them to join the guild of carnivores, and shaping a lasting way their evolution history. The antiquity of the phenomenon being associated with material limits, the context of human dispersal in the western European mammoth steppe, and the availability of archaeological evidence related to it, offers a unique opportunity to examine the evolution of carnivore guild members and humans. Human dispersal, as biological invasions, appears to have led to the impacts of a malignant nature with consequences that affected trophic diversity, competition, and behaviours of guild members, in the cultural period associated with the techno-complex Gravettian. The isotopic analysis methods have also used to highlight information allowing a better understanding of the Middle and Upper Palaeolithic transition process and to estimate the influence of intraguild coevolutionary relations which may have led to the domestication process.

Functional Morphology of Mastication in Musteloid Carnivorans

Davis, Jillian S. 23 September 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Niche segregation by cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) as a mechanism for co-existence with lion (Panthera leo) and spotted hyaena (Crocuta crocuta)

Broekhuis, Femke January 2012 (has links)
Intraguild competition and predation have been recognised as important ecological factors influencing the population dynamics of carnivores. The effects of these interactions are often asymmetrical due to a size-related dominancy hierarchy. However, it has been suggested that competitively subordinate carnivores can minimise the costs of predation and competition through spatial and temporal avoidance. Here I investigate the ecological and behavioural mechanisms by which cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) coexist with competitively stronger lions (Panthera leo) and spotted hyaenas (Crocuta crocuta). Fieldwork was carried out in the Okavango Delta, northern Botswana, between October 2008 and August 2011. A total of 20 Global Positioning System (GPS) radio-collars were fitted on all known cheetahs (n=6), lion prides (n=5) and spotted hyaena clans (n=6) in the study area (approx. 3 000 km<sup>2</sup>). Pre-programmed radio-collars recorded locations and activity continuously for each individual and these data were complemented with direct behavioural observations. Cheetah data were analysed with respect to the temporal and spatial likelihood of encountering lions and spotted hyaenas. Results suggest that the response to the risks posed by other predators is species-specific, habitat-specific and dependent on the immediacy of the risk. Resource partitioning was not the main mechanism for coexistence as cheetahs overlapped extensively with lions and spotted hyaenas in time, space and habitat use. Instead, cheetahs adjusted their spatial distribution in response to immediate risks or adapted their habitat use depending on their vulnerability (e.g. behaviours such as feeding or with differing levels of moonlight at night). In general, cheetah temporal and spatial distribution is a hierarchal process, firstly driven by resource acquisition and thereafter fine-tuned by predator avoidance. In addition, habitat heterogeneity seemed to be key in facilitating coexistence. Understanding the behavioural mechanisms that interacting apex predators adopt to regulate these negative interactions could be crucial to carnivore conservation, especially as human-related habitat loss is forcing species into ever smaller areas.

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