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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Development Of A Membrane Based Treatment Scheme For Water Recovery From Textile Effluents

Capar, Goksen 01 January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
A membrane based treatment scheme was developed for the recovery of the print dyeing wastewaters (PDWs) and the acid dye bath wastewaters (ADBWs) of carpet manufacturing industry. The treatment schemes were developed by selecting the best pre-treatment and treatment processes among the alternatives of chemical precipitation (CP), microfiltration (MF), ultrafiltration (UF) and nanofiltration (NF). The best process train for PDW was CP+NF, where organic matter, color, turbidity and total hardness were removed at &gt / 95%. The alternative process train CP+UF also removed color and turbidity almost completely, however organic matter rejection was low, being 25% at highest. The quality of NF permeates were suitable for dyeing of light colors whereas UF permeates were suggested for washing of the printed carpets or dyeing of the dark colors. The best process train for ADBW was MF (1.0 mm)+NF, where organic matter rejection increased from 65% to 97% due to pH neutralization. Alternatively, sequential NF was required up to three stages in order to achieve similarly high rejections at the acidic pH of ADBW. Therefore, pH neutralization was realized to be a very important operational parameter affecting the treatment scheme. Although pH neutralization increased the flux declines by almost 5%, chemical cleaning was very effective to restore the original fluxes. Finally, ADBW was mixed with PDW, which already had a pH around neutral, so that the pH of ADBW would rise towards neutral without chemical consumption. The results suggested that these wastewaters could be treated together as long as they were mixed up to equal volumes at pH around neutral. Therefore, a final treatment scheme, which involved single NF for the mixture of PDW and ADBW, following their individual pre-treatment stages, was proposed as the most efficient process train.

Rigidité quasi-symétrique, tapis de Julia et le débarquement de dynamique resp. paramètres rayons / Quasisymmetric rigidity, carpet Julia sets and the landing of dynamic resp. parameter rays

Zeng, Jinsong 13 May 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse est constituée de cinq parties distinctes. La première partie est consacrée au problème de rigidité quasi-symétrique associé à un nouveau modèle de tapis de Sierpinski, qui ne sont pas quasi-symétriquement équivalent aux tapis de Sierpinski usuels. La seconde partie est une discussion portant sur la géométrie quasi-symétrique des ensembles de tapis de Julia, incluant en outre le quasi-cercle uniforme, ainsi que certaines propriétés de séparation uniforme. Lors de la troisième partie, nous déterminerons une condition permettant de savoir quand deux rayons externes d'un polynôme tendent vers un même point. Comme application, nous montrerons également la monotonie de l'entropie associée à une famille de polynômes quadratiques. La quatrième partie est inspirée du travail récent de Cui Guizhen et Tan Lei. En utilisant des outils classiques (module d'anneau et chirurgie quasi-conforme), nous étudierons la convergence de certains rayons en campagne locus espace des paramètres. Enfin, la dernière partie pore sur la famille des transformations de renormalisations générées. Plus précisément, cette partie abordera la connexité de ces ensembles de Julia, et le lieu de confinement dans l'espace des paramètres, ainsi que la formule asymptotique de la dimension d'Hausdorff des ensembles de Julia. / The thesis consists of five parts. The first part is concerned with the quasisymmetric rigidity of a new Sierpinski carpet, which are not quasis-ymmetrically equivalent to the standard Sierpinski carpets. The second part discusses the quasisymmetrically geometry of the carpet Julia sets, including the uniformly quasicircle and uniformly separated properties. The third part is to determine when two external rays of a polynomial land at the same point. As an application, we also show the monotonicity of core-entropy on a family of quadratic polynomials. In the fourth part, following Cui and Tan's work, we use the classic tools modulus of annulus and quasi-conformal surgery to study the landing of some parameter rays in shift locus parameter space. The last part discusses a family of generated renormal-ization transformations. Specifically, it is on the connec-tivity of its Julia sets and the non-escaping locus in its parameter space, the asymptotic formula of the Hausdorff dimention of the Julia sets.

"Vi vet ju redan, men vi måste veta. Vad har du på dig?" : En kvalitativ studie av genusföreställningar och stereotyper på Oscarsgalans röda matta / “We already know, but we have to know. Who are you wearing?” : A qualitative study of gender representation and stereotypes on the Oscars red carpet

Jönsson, Josefi, Zainea, Astrid January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine which impact social media has on gender equality. During The Oscars Red Carpet Live 2014 the hashtag #Askhermore arose in the social media sphere. The hashtag implies an existing difference in the questions asked towards women and men on the red carpet. To get a closer look into the climate on the red carpet this study focuses merely on the American Broadcasting Channel’s (ABC) broadcasts from the Oscars red carpet. To be able to follow up the movement and its’ potential effect, the study views two broadcastings done before the establishment of the hashtag and two done after. Focusing on the verbal communication (the language being used), as well as the visual communication (the camera movements and angles), our study shows that #Askhermore has had a great impact on ABC’s Oscars red carpet broadcasts. By looking at these two types of communication in our analysis, it is revealed that women, before the establishment of #Askhermore, were mainly asked about their looks and clothes - while men were asked about their accomplishments in acting. Something that was drastically changed during the two later years of reporting, where women instead were asked the same type of questions as the male actors attending the event. Which indicates a fair amount of stereotypes being reproduced by the reporters at this Hollywood event.

Metamaterials for surface plasmons / Métamatériaux pour les plasmons de surface

Kadic, Muamer 29 November 2011 (has links)
Le travail présenté dans cette thèse comporte différents attrayant sujetsde l'optique comme les métamatériaux, l’optique transformationnelle, lescristaux photoniques, la réfraction négative et les interactions thermoplasmoniques.Nous avons développé plusieurs métamatériaux pour les plasmons desurface basés sur l'optique de transformation. Tout d'abord, nous avonsdémontré théoriquement, numériquement et expérimentalement certainsdispositifs mettant en scène le phénomène d’invisibilité.Deuxièmement, nous avons démontré la réfraction négative des plasmonsde surface en utilisant le concept d'espace de pliage (space folding) pourdes lentilles plates et anisotropes et enfin avec seulement desmétamatériaux diélectriques. Additionnellement, nous avons démontréqu’un damier structuré de films d'or peut exhiber une transmission extraordinairesur toute la gamme de fréquences visible.Enfin, nous avons étudié un problème multiphysique en mixant l'optiqueet thermique et leurs effets induits. Nous avons pu montrer que joueravec l'amplitude d'une onde électromagnétique ou une impulsion, peutinduire un gradient de température et le contrôle parfait d’un tel dispositifthermo-plasmonique. / The work which has been presented in this thesis includes differentappealing subjects of optics such as metamaterials, transformationaloptics, photonic crystals, negative refraction and thermo-plasmonicinteractions. In this manuscript we have developed several metamaterialsfor Surface Plasmon Polaritons based on the transformational optics.Firstly we have demonstrated theoretically, numerically andexperimentally some SPP cloaking devices. Secondly, we havedemonstrated SPP negative refraction using the concept of space foldingthen with some dielectric metamaterial, flat and anisotropic SPP lenses.Additionaly we have demonstrated that subwavelength checkerboardstructured thick gold films have demonstrated an extra-ordinarytransmission over the visble range of frequencies.Finally, we have investigated a general multiphysics problem to mix opticsand thermally induced effects. We have been able to show that playingwith the amplitude of an electromagnetic wave or a pulse, we can inducea gradient of temperature and control heat of a plasmonic device.

Real-Time Fluid Simulation and Visualization / Simulering och visualisering av vätskor i realtid

Wolmerud, Markus January 2015 (has links)
This thesis presents a method based on Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics to simulate sparse particle systems with fluid like properties in real-time. The simulation supports interactions with terrain and objects and is scaled depending on activity of the fluid. We use a carpet method on the GPU to visualize the water surface with translucency, reflection, refraction and added topology. Splash effects and foam are imitated and added as a last step.

The gatekeepers of Moroccan cultural heritage : Amazigh women and the status quo

Macdonald, Madisson January 2021 (has links)
This study aims to determine the role of Amazigh/Berber women in maintaining and preserving the cultural heritage of their people through carpet weaving, as well as how this tradition contributes to gender norms and tourism in rural Morocco. The research method consisted of conducting semi-structured interviews and a literature review of intangible cultural heritage preservation, traditional gender norms in rural areas, and nomadic tourism theories. Analysis of the interviews concluded that Amazigh women keep their traditional culture alive through carpet weaving, and they are simultaneously valued and marginalized within their society. The necessity and pressure placed upon them leads to issues related to gender equality and girls’ rights/accessibility to a quality education in the modern context. Though in a constant state of change and shifting with time, the nomadic lifestyle and traditional Berber carpet weaving are still participated in today and nevertheless hold deep significance for those who partake in these activities. Traditional mentalities regarding gender norms remain intact, although they are challenged more frequently. Women’s weavings are critical in preserving Amazigh culture and symbolize a heritage identity in an overt manner, making women central to the Berber story and Berber heritage.

Reinterpreting traditional weave : Revisiting vernacular architecture / En omtolkning av traditionell vävning

Cemal, Havar January 2014 (has links)
I am interested in experiences and knowledge that is passed on from generation to generation, and in a broad sense this is the starting point of my thesis project.  I am of Kurdish descent, and I knew early on that I wanted to make a project that related to Kurdish tradition. I was specially intrigued by Kurdish weaving craft and how this particular tradition could be architecturally interpreted and used as a tectonic component. I wasn´t interested in simply reproducing traditional architecture, but rather using certain techniques and methods as a way of conceiving something new. Within my family, there is experience in weaving. With their knowledge, it has helped me technically but also with issues relating to the social and traditional. The study is based on developing design techniques of Kurdish weaving techniques and principles. My design technique has mostly been focused on the slit tapestry technique, more commonly known as kelim, where openings are created when two separately woven areas of weft meet along adjacent warps and do not interlock. Using this technique, there is room for spontaneity, which has allowed me to use the weave frame and warp to develop my design technique. In addition to weaving tradition, the project is also based on Kurdish vernacular architecture as well as Islamic architecture in terms of climatic and social aspects. / Jag är intresserad av erfarenheter och kunskap som förs vidare från generation till generation, och i en bred mening är detta utgångspunkten för mitt examensarbete. Jag är av kurdisk härkomst, och jag visste tidigt att jag ville göra ett projekt som relaterade till kurdisk tradition. Jag var speciellt fascinerad av kurdisk vävning och hantverk, och hur denna tradition kunde omtolkas arkitektoniskt och användas som en tektonisk komponent. Jag var inte intresserad av att helt enkelt reproducera traditionell arkitektur, utan snarare att använda vissa tekniker och metoder som ett sätt att skapa något nytt. Inom min familj, finns det erfarenhet av vävning. Med sin kunskap, har det hjälpt mig tekniskt men även med frågor som rör den sociala och traditionella. Studien bygger på att utveckla designtekniker and kurdisk vävtekniker och principer. Min designteknik har främst varit inriktad på slit tapestry tekniken, mer känd som kelim, där öppningar skapas när två separat vävda områden väft möts längs intilliggande varptrådar utan att låsas. Med denna teknik, finns det utrymme för spontanitet, vilket har tillåtit mig att använda väv ramen och varpen att utveckla min designteknik. Förutom vävning tradition, är projektet också baserat på den lokala successiva arkitekturen samt islamisk arkitektur när det gäller klimat-och sociala aspekter.

Evaluation of the potential environmental toxic effects of a nylon fibers additive

Degen, Marcia J. 30 March 2010 (has links)
New chemical substances being considered for use today are required by law to be evaluated for potential toxic effects upon disposal to the environment. A thorough evaluation, however, is complex, time-consuming, expensive, and impossible to perform on each new substance. In this study the potential toxic effects of a new carpet additive with antimicrobial properties and the associated process waste stream from a textile facility were considered. The wastewater from the rest of the plant was currently being treated in a land application disposal system. An assessment of the toxicity of the antimicrobial additive was made using conventional greenhouse studies. This assessment was compared to the results obtained from three short-term toxicity tests performed on the same set of solutions. The short-term tests used were a corn seedling bioassay, adenosine triphosphate measurements, and bacterial bioluminescence. These short-term tests were evaluated as to their utility as screening tools and as monitoring devices for toxic substances. / Master of Science

La dynamique ornementale des images : enjeux critiques, formels et perceptifs de l'ornement au cinéma / The ornamental dynamics of images : critical, formal and perceptual issues of the ornament in cinema

Grignard, Éline 24 November 2017 (has links)
En s’emparant de la question ornementale, le cinéma s’inscrit dans une réflexion reliant les territoires balkaniques de l’art, au-delà de l’opposition entre les beaux-arts, les arts décoratifs et le design. La pensée de l’ornement au cinéma ne relève pas de l’évidence, tant il est vrai que l’histoire de la notion est marquée par sa relégation au seuil de la création artistique. Pourtant, il semble bien que l’ornement soit présent partout où il faut combler du vide, décorer un objet, embellir le corps. À quoi tient l’attrait de l’ornement au cinéma ? Quelles sont les relations qu’entretient le cinéma avec la pensée ornementale des images ? Contre le préjugé qui frappe l’ornement d’insignifiance, il semble nécessaire d’éclairer ses implications morales, sociales et politiques. À travers un corpus circonstancié qui se déploie à l’entour du cinéma, de l’histoire de l’art et de la culture visuelle, ce travail de recherche entend cartographier les enjeux critiques, formels et perceptifs du régime visuel de l’ornement. Penser l’ornement aujourd’hui, c’est opérer un basculement dans l’ordre des valeurs dont il se fait l’héritier. Il s’agit non seulement de faire retour sur son histoire et son élaboration conceptuelle, mais également d’emmener l’ornement vers un au-delà du discours de la subsidiarité pour établir une pensée dynamique de l’ornemental au cinéma. À travers différentes propositions théoriques, se formulent autant de constellations articulant les enjeux esthétiques, historiques et politiques de l’ornement : le régime de la dépense et le corps féminin en exercice, le processus de réification de « l’ornement de la masse » dans la modernité, le discours sur la couleur ornementale et la hantise cosmétique, les formes naturelles et abstraites, le paradigme du tapis et la texture des images, les états altérés de la perception. Les questions ornementales adressées au cinéma s’intègrent dans une pensée rénovée du style – point vif de la tension qui anime l’art et la vie – en tant que procédure de qualification des formes. / As it seized the ornamental issue, cinema has become part of a reflection process relating the scattered territories of arts, beyond the opposition between fine arts, decorative arts and design. Thinking the ornament in cinema is far from obvious, since this notion, throughout its evolution, has always been marginalized at the threshold of artistic creation. Yet, it does seem that the ornament is present wherever a void needs to be filled, an object to be adorned or a body to be embellished. What makes the ornament appealing in cinema? What relationships does the cinema hold with the ornamental visual thinking? To counter prejudices confining the ornament within insignificance, it appears necessary to clarify its moral, social and political implications. Through a detailed corpus spreading around cinema, history of art and visual culture, this research paper aims at mapping the critical, formal and perceptual issues of the visual regime of the ornament. Thinking the ornament today means swaying the order of the values it has inherited. It is not only about looking back on its history and its conceptual elaboration, but also about bringing the ornament beyond the subsidiary speech to establish a dynamic thinking of the ornamental in cinema. By way of different theoretical suggestions, many constellations are being elaborated. They connect the aesthetic, historical and political stakes of the ornament: the regime of consumption and the gestures of the feminine body, the process of reifying the “mass ornament” into modernity, the speech on decorative colour and the cosmetic obsessive fear, the natural and abstract forms, the carpet paradigm and the texture of images, the altered states of the perception of ornaments. The ornamental issues, which are addressed to the cinema, blend into a renovated thinking on style – central in the tension that stirs arts and life – as a process of qualifying forms.

Elaboration et étude des propriétés mécaniques et thermiques de matériaux constitués de nanotubes de carbone verticalement alignés / Elaboration and study of both mechanical and thermal properties of vertically carbon nanotubes reinforced materials

Bouillonnec, Jonathan 17 July 2015 (has links)
Les tapis de nanotubes de carbone verticalement alignés sont des candidats potentiels pour des applications telles que les interconnexions ou les matériaux d'interface thermique. Ce travail de recherche porte sur la synthèse de tapis de nanotubes de carbone alignés selon le procédé de dépôt chimique en phase vapeur (CVD) d'aérosols liquides, sur l'élaboration de nanocomposites constitués de différentes nuances de matrices époxy infiltrées au sein de ces tapis, ainsi que sur l'étude des propriétés mécaniques et thermiques longitudinales et transverses des tapis secs eux-mêmes et des nanocomposites 1D formés. Les conditions de synthèse permettent notamment de faire varier les caractéristiques des tapis telles que leur épaisseur, leur masse volumique, le diamètre externe moyen des nanotubes de carbone (NTC), l'espace intertube et la teneur volumique en NTC, alors que leur structure cristalline peut être modifiée par le biais d'un traitement thermique à haute température. L'objectif principal de ce travail consiste à démontrer et quantifier l'effet de certaines caractéristiques des tapis de nanotubes de carbone sur les propriétés mécaniques et thermiques des différents types de tapis et matériaux composites obtenus. Les deux méthodes d'imprégnation mises en oeuvre, voie liquide et infusion, conduisent à des tapis de NTC alignés denses avec un alignement des NTC conservé et une répartition homogène des NTC au sein du système époxy. La fraction volumique en NTC s'avère être le paramètre-clé permettant d'exacerber, dans la direction longitudinale aux NTC, les propriétés mécaniques et thermiques des nanocomposites. Par ailleurs, les tapis de NTC et les nanocomposites voient leurs propriétés de conduction thermique longitudinale nettement exacerbées lorsque les NTC présentent une amélioration de leur structure cristalline. L'augmentation significative des performances apportées par les tapis de NTC verticalement alignés au sein de ces matériaux nanocomposites anisotropes par rapport aux matrices organiques non chargées est prometteuse et ouvre des pistes de réflexion visant à répondre aux nouvelles exigences de multifonctionnalité des secteurs de l'aéronautique et de l'aérospatial. / Vertically aligned carbon nanotube carpets are potential candidates for applications such as interconnections or thermal interface materials (TIMs). This research work deals with the synthesis of aligned carbon nanotube carpets from the aerosol assisted chemical vapour deposition (CVD) technique, with the elaboration of nanocomposites made of different grades of epoxy matrix infiltrated within these carpets, as well as the study of both longitudinal and transverse mechanical and thermal properties of dry carpets themselves and 1D-nanocomposites separately. The synthesis conditions notably enable to vary characteristics of the differents carpets such as their thickness, their density, the mean external diameter of the carbon nanotubes (CNT), the intertube space and the CNT volume fraction, whereas their crystalline structure can be modified with a high temperature thermal treatment. The main goal of this work is to prove and quantify the effect of some of the characteristics of the carbon nanotubes carpets on both mechanical and thermal properties of the different kinds of CNT carpets and resulting composite materials. The two impregnation methods used, liquid way and infusion, lead to dense CNT carpets with a preserved alignment of the CNT and an homogeneous distribution of these latest within the epoxy system. The CNT volume content is evidenced as the key-parameter exacerbating the mechanical and thermal properties mainly in the longitudinal direction compared with the alignment axis of the CNTs. Moreover the mechanical and thermal conduction properties of the CNT carpets and the 1D-nanocomposites are clearly increased when the crystalline structure of the CNT is improved. The significant increasing of the properties brought by the vertically aligned CNT within these anisotropic 1D-nanocomposites compared with the only organic matrixes is promising and opens new pathways aiming to meet the latest specifications related to multifunctionnality in fields such as aeronautics and aerospace.

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