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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Density of States and Charge Carrier Transport in Organic Donor-Acceptor Blend Layers / Zustandsdichte und Ladungsträgertransport in Organischen Donator-Akzeptor-Mischschichten

Fischer, Janine 12 June 2015 (has links)
In the last 25 years, organic or "plastic" solar cells have gained commercial interest as a light-weight, flexible, colorful, and potentially low-cost technology for direct solar energy conversion into electrical power. Currently, organic solar cells with a maximum power conversion effciency (PCE) of 12% can compete with classical silicon technology under certain conditions. In particular, a variety of strongly absorbing organic molecules is available, enabling custom-built organic solar cells for versatile applications. In order to improve the PCE, the charge carrier mobility in organic thin films must be improved. The transport characterization of the relevant materials is usually done in neat layers for simplicity. However, the active layer of highly efficient organic solar cells comprises a bulk heterojunction (BHJ) of a donor and an acceptor component necessary for effective charge carrier generation from photo-generated excitons. In the literature, the transport properties of such blend layers are hardly studied. In this work, the transport properties of typical BHJ layers are investigated using space-charge limited currents (SCLC), conductivity, impedance spectroscopy (IS), and thermally stimulated currents (TSC) in order to model the transport with numerical drift-diffusion simulations. Firstly, the influence of an exponential density of trap states on the thickness dependence of SCLCs in devices with Ohmic injection contacts is investigated by simulations. Then, the results are applied to SCLC and conductivity measurements of electron- and hole-only devices of ZnPc:C60 at different mixing ratios. Particularly, the field and charge carrier density dependence of the mobility is evaluated, suggesting that the hole transport is dominated by exponential tail states acting as trapping sites. For comparison, transport in DCV5T-Me33:C60, which shows better PCEs in solar cells, is shown not to be dominated by traps. Furthermore, a temperature-dependent IS analysis of weakly p-doped ZnPc:C60 (1:1) blend reveals the energy-resolved distribution of occupied states, containing a Gaussian trap state as well as exponential tail states. The obtained results can be considered a basis for the characterization of trap states in organic solar cells. Moreover, the precise knowledge of the transport-relevant trap states is shown to facilitate modeling of complete devices, constituting a basis for predictive simulations of optimized device structures.:1 Introduction 2 Organic Semiconductors and Solar Cells 2.1 Structural, Optical, and Energetic Properties 2.2 Charge Carrier Transport 2.2.1 Classical Transport Models 2.2.2 Hopping and Tunneling Transport 2.2.3 Limitations of Transport Characterization 2.3 Doping 2.4 Single Carrier Devices 2.4.1 Theory of Space-Charge Limited Currents 2.4.2 Electrical Potential Mapping by Thickness Variation 2.4.3 Influence of the Contacts 2.5 Organic Solar Cells 2.5.1 Principles 2.5.2 The p-i-n Concept 2.5.3 Recombination 2.5.4 Electrical Characterization 3 Numerical Drift-Diffusion Simulations 3.1 Modeling Organic Semiconductors 3.2 System of Differential Equations 3.3 Simulation Algorithm and Modules 4 Exploiting Contact Diffusion Currents for Trap Characterization in Organic Semiconductors 4.1 Motivation 4.2 Drift-Diffusion Model 4.3 Results and Discussion 4.4 Conclusion 5 Transport Characterization of Donor-Acceptor Blend Layers 5.1 Motivation 5.2 Device Fabrication 5.3 Hole Transport in ZnPc:C60 Blends with Balanced Mixing Ratios 5.3.1 Current-Voltage Measurements 5.3.2 Drift-Diffusion Model 5.3.3 Modeling Results 5.3.4 Discussion 5.4 Hole Transport in Fullerene-Rich ZnPc:C60 Blends 5.4.1 Results and Discussion 5.5 Electron Transport in ZnPc:C60 (1:1) 5.5.1 Results and Discussion 5.6 Transport in Blend Layers with the High Efficiency Donor DCV2-5T-Me33 5.6.1 Hole Transport in DCV2-5T-Me33:C60 5.6.2 Electron Transport in DCV2-5T-Me33:C60 5.7 Conclusions for Transport in Blend Layers 6 Doping-Enabled Density of States Determination in Donor-Acceptor Blend Layers 6.1 Motivation 6.2 Theory 6.3 Methods 6.4 Results 6.4.1 Impedance Spectroscopy 6.4.2 Fermi level, Mott-Schottky Analysis, and Band Diagram 6.4.3 DOOS Determination 6.4.4 Thermally Stimulated Currents 6.4.5 Solar Cell Characteristics 6.5 Discussion 6.6 Conclusions on the DOS of ZnPc:C60 (1:1) 7 Conclusion and Outlook Materials, Symbols, Abbreviations Bibliography / Organische oder "Plastik"-Solarzellen haben in den letzten 25 Jahren eine rasante Entwicklung durchlaufen. Kommerziell sind sie vor allem wegen ihres geringen Gewichts, Biegsamkeit, Farbigkeit und potentiell geringen Herstellungskosten interessant, was zukünftig auf spezielle Anwendungen zugeschnittene Solarzellen ermöglichen wird. Die Leistungseffzienz von 12% ist dabei unter günstigen Bedingungen bereits mit klassischer Siliziumtechnologie konkurrenzfähig. Um die Effzienz weiter zu steigern und damit die Wirtschaftlichkeit zu erhöhen, muss vor allem die Ladungsträgerbeweglichkeit verbessert werden. In organischen Solarzellen werden typischerweise Donator-Akzeptor-Mischschichten verwendet, die für die effziente Generation freier Ladungsträger aus photo-induzierten Exzitonen verantwortlich sind. Obwohl solche Mischschichten typisch für organische Solarzellen sind, werden Transportuntersuchungen der relevanten Materialien der Einfachheit halber meist in ungemischten Schichten durchgeführt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird der Ladungstransport in Donator-Akzeptor-Mischschichten mithilfe raumladungsbegrenzter Ströme (space-charge limited currents, SCLCs), Leitfähigkeit, Impedanzspektroskopie (IS) und thermisch-generierter Ströme (thermally stimulated currents, TSC) untersucht und mit numerischen Drift-Diffusions-Simulationen modelliert. Zunächst wird mittels Simulation der Einfluss exponentiell verteilter Fallenzustände auf das schichtdickenabhängige SCLC-Verhalten unipolarer Bauelemente mit Ohmschen Kontakten untersucht. Die Erkenntnisse werden dann auf Elektronen- und Lochtransport in ZnPc:C60-Mischschichten mit verschiedenen Mischverhältnissen angewendet. Dabei wird die Beweglichkeit als Funktion von elektrischem Feld und Ladungsträgerdichte dargestellt, um SCLC- und Leitfähigkeitsmessungen zu erklären, was mit einer exponentiellen Fallenverteilung gelingt. Zum Vergleich werden dieselben Untersuchungen in DCV2-5T-Me33:C60, dem effizientesten der bekannten Solarzellenmaterialien dieser Art, wiederholt, ohne Anzeichen für fallendominierten Transport. Des weiteren werden erstmals schwach p-dotierte ZnPc:C60-Mischschichten mit temperaturabhängiger IS untersucht, um direkt die Dichte besetzter Lochfallenzustände zu bestimmen. Dabei werden wiederum exponentielle Fallenzustände sowie eine Gaußförmige Falle beobachtet. Insgesamt tragen die über Fallenzustände in Mischschichten gewonnenen Erkenntnisse zum Verständnis von Transportprozessen bei und bilden damit eine Grundlage für die systematische Identifizierung von Fallenzuständen in Solarzellen. Außerdem wird gezeigt, dass die genaue Beschreibung der transportrelevanten Fallenzustände die Modellierung von Bauelementen ermöglicht, auf deren Grundlage zukünftig optimierte Probenstrukturen vorhergesagt werden können.:1 Introduction 2 Organic Semiconductors and Solar Cells 2.1 Structural, Optical, and Energetic Properties 2.2 Charge Carrier Transport 2.2.1 Classical Transport Models 2.2.2 Hopping and Tunneling Transport 2.2.3 Limitations of Transport Characterization 2.3 Doping 2.4 Single Carrier Devices 2.4.1 Theory of Space-Charge Limited Currents 2.4.2 Electrical Potential Mapping by Thickness Variation 2.4.3 Influence of the Contacts 2.5 Organic Solar Cells 2.5.1 Principles 2.5.2 The p-i-n Concept 2.5.3 Recombination 2.5.4 Electrical Characterization 3 Numerical Drift-Diffusion Simulations 3.1 Modeling Organic Semiconductors 3.2 System of Differential Equations 3.3 Simulation Algorithm and Modules 4 Exploiting Contact Diffusion Currents for Trap Characterization in Organic Semiconductors 4.1 Motivation 4.2 Drift-Diffusion Model 4.3 Results and Discussion 4.4 Conclusion 5 Transport Characterization of Donor-Acceptor Blend Layers 5.1 Motivation 5.2 Device Fabrication 5.3 Hole Transport in ZnPc:C60 Blends with Balanced Mixing Ratios 5.3.1 Current-Voltage Measurements 5.3.2 Drift-Diffusion Model 5.3.3 Modeling Results 5.3.4 Discussion 5.4 Hole Transport in Fullerene-Rich ZnPc:C60 Blends 5.4.1 Results and Discussion 5.5 Electron Transport in ZnPc:C60 (1:1) 5.5.1 Results and Discussion 5.6 Transport in Blend Layers with the High Efficiency Donor DCV2-5T-Me33 5.6.1 Hole Transport in DCV2-5T-Me33:C60 5.6.2 Electron Transport in DCV2-5T-Me33:C60 5.7 Conclusions for Transport in Blend Layers 6 Doping-Enabled Density of States Determination in Donor-Acceptor Blend Layers 6.1 Motivation 6.2 Theory 6.3 Methods 6.4 Results 6.4.1 Impedance Spectroscopy 6.4.2 Fermi level, Mott-Schottky Analysis, and Band Diagram 6.4.3 DOOS Determination 6.4.4 Thermally Stimulated Currents 6.4.5 Solar Cell Characteristics 6.5 Discussion 6.6 Conclusions on the DOS of ZnPc:C60 (1:1) 7 Conclusion and Outlook Materials, Symbols, Abbreviations Bibliography

Combining artificial Membrane Systems and Cell Biology Studies: New Insights on Membrane Coats and post-Golgi Carrier Formation

Stange, Christoph 13 December 2012 (has links)
In mammalian cells, homeostasis and fate during development relies on the proper transport of membrane-bound cargoes to their designated cellular locations. The hetero-tetrameric adaptor protein complexes (APs) are required for sorting and concentration of cargo at donor membranes, a crucial step during targeted transport. AP2, which functions at the plasma membrane during clathrin-mediated endocytosis, is well characterized. In contrast, AP1 a clathrin adaptor mediating the delivery of lysosomal hydrolases via mannose 6-phosphate receptors (MPRs) and AP3 an adaptor ensuring the proper targeting of lysosomal membrane protein are difficult to study by classic cell biology tools. To gain new insights on these APs, our lab has previously designed an in vitro system. Reconstituted liposomes were modified with small peptides mimicking the cytosolic domains of bona fide cargoes for AP1 and AP3 respectively and thereby enabling the selective recruitment of these APs and the identification of the interacting protein network. In the study at hand we utilize above-described liposomes to generate supported lipid bilayers and Giant Unilamellar Vesicles (GUVs), large-scale membrane systems suited for analysis by fluorescence microscopy. By using cytosol containing fluorescently-tagged subunits, we visualized clathrin coats on artificial membranes under near physiological conditions for the first time. Moreover, we demonstrated clathrin-independent recruitment of AP3 coats on respective GUVs. Presence of active ARF1 was sufficient for the selective assembly of AP1-dependent clathrin coats and AP3 coats on GUVs. By using dye-conjugated ARF1, we show that ARF1 colocalized with AP3 coats on GUVs and that increased association of ARF1 with GUVs coincided with AP1-dependent clathrin coats. Our previous study identified members of the septin family together with AP3 coats on liposomes. Here we show on GUVs, that active ARF1 stimulated the assembly of septin7 filaments, which may constrain the size and mobility of AP3 coats on the surface. Subsequent cell biology studies in HeLa cells linked septins to actin fibers on which they may control mobility of AP3-coated endosomes and thus their maturation. An actin nucleation complex, based on CYFIP1 was identified together with AP1 on liposomes before. Here we show on GUVs, that CYFIP1 is recruited on the surface surrounding clathrin coats. Upon supply of ATP, sustained actin polymerization generated a thick shell of actin on the GUV surface. The force generated by actin assembly lead to formation of long tubular protrusions, which projected from the GUV surface and were decorated with clathrin coats. Thereby the GUV model illustrated a possible mechanism for tubular carriers formation. The importance of CYFIP1-reliant actin polymerization for the generation of MPR-positive tubules at the trans-Golgi network (TGN) of HeLa cells was subsequently demonstrated in our lab. The notion that tubulation of artificial membranes could be triggered by actin polymerization allowed us to perform a comparative mass spectrometry screen. By comparing the abundance of proteins on liposomes under conditions promoting or inhibiting actin polymerization, candidates possibly involved in stabilization, elongation or fission of membrane tubules could be identified. Among the proteins enriched under conditions promoting tubulation, we identified type I phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinases. Their presence suggested an involvement of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PI(4,5)P2) in tubule formation. By cell biology studies in HeLa we show, that down regulation of these enzymes altered the dynamics of fluorescently-tagged MPRs, illustrating the importance of locally confined PI(4,5)P2 synthesis during formation of coated carriers at the TGN. Bin–Amphiphysin–Rvs (BAR) domains are known to sense membrane curvature and induce membrane tubulation. Among various BAR domain proteins, Arfaptin2 was enriched under conditions allowing tubulation of liposomes. By microscopy studies on HeLa cells we show, that Arfaptin2 as well as its close paralog Arfaptin1 were present on AP1-coated MPR tubules emerging from the TGN. We further show, that tubule fission occurred at regions were Arfaptin1 is concentrated and that simultaneous down regulation of both Arfaptins lead to increased number and length of MPR tubules. Since fission of coated transport intermediates at the TGN is poorly understood, our findings contribute a valuable component towards a model describing the entire biogenesis of coated post-Golgi carriers. In conclusion, combining artificial membrane systems and cell biology studies allowed us to propose new models for formation as wall as for fission of AP1-coated transport intermediates at the TGN. Further we gained new insights on AP3 coats and the possible involvement of septin filaments in AP3-dependent endosomal maturation.

A techno-economic comparison between outdoor macro-cellular and indoor offloading solutions

Moulianitakis, Feidias January 2015 (has links)
Mobile penetration rates have already exceeded 100% in many countries. Nowadays, mobile phones are part of our daily lives not only for voice or short text messages but for a plethora of multimedia services they provide via their internet connection. Thus, mobile broadband has become the main driver for the evolution of mobile networks and it is estimated that until 2018 the mobile broadband traffic will exceed the level of 15 exabytes. This estimation is a threat to the current mobile networks which have to significantly improve their capacity performance. Furthermore, another important aspect is the fact that 80% of the mobile broadband demand comes from indoor environments which add to the signal propagation the burden of building penetration loss. Keeping these facts in mind, there are many potential solutions that can solve the problem of the increasing indoor mobile broadband demand. In general, there are two approaches; improve the existing macro-cellular networks by for example enhancing them with carrier aggregation or enter the buildings and deploy small cell solutions such as femtocells or WiFi APs. Both the academia and the industry have already shown interest in these two approaches demonstrating the importance of the problem. Various research papers and reports have been produced describing the technologies and presenting their capability to satisfy the perpetual increase in mobile broadband demand. However, according to the best of our knowledge, no research has been done so far that compares the two different approaches with a techno-economic perspective. Hence, the contribution of this thesis project is a holistic techno-economic study of the two approaches (macrocells with carrier aggregation and small cells) to encounter the tremendous growth of indoor mobile broadband demand. In order to achieve this goal, an indoor deployment scenario is presented and the different indoor and outdoor solutions are applied and studied in terms of radio performance (capacity) as well as total cost of ownership. The final result of the project is a comparison of the two approaches as well as a proposed strategy to deal with the problem. The result will help network operators to plan the evolution of their networks, vendors to focus their production as well as regulatory bodies to set the rules and supervise operators’ deployments. The simulations have shown that all the examined technologies are capable of supporting the mobile broadband demand of the studied scenario but macrocells enhanced with carrier aggregation is the most cost effective solution. However, if the requirements for guaranteed data rate and thus the QoS provided increase then eventually MNOs will have to abandon outdoor solutions and extend their infrastructure inside the buildings where the mobile data traffic is mainly generated. / Graden av mobilpenetration har redan nått över 100% i många länder. Nuförtiden är mobiltelefoner en del av vårt dagliga liv inte bara för röstsamtal eller korta textmeddelanden men också för en lång rad multimediatjänster som de tillhandahåller via sin Internetuppkoppling. På grund av detta har mobilt bredband blivit den huvudsakliga drivkraften för utvecklingen av mobila nätverk och det uppskattas att fram till 2018 kommer den mobila bredbandstrafiken överstiga 15 exabyte. Denna uppskattning är ett hot mot de nuvarande mobila nätverken som måste öka sin kapacitet avsevärt. Utöver det är en annan viktig aspekt det faktum att 80% av efterfrågan på mobilt bredband kommer från inomhusmiljöer vilket ger spridningen av radiosignaler problem med minskad penetrationsförmåga orsakad av byggnaden. Med hänsyn till dessa faktorer finns det många potentiella lösningar som kan åtgärda problemet med den ökande efterfrågan på bredband i inomhusmiljöer. Generellt sett finns två tillvägagångssätt; förbättra de existerande makrocells-baserade nätverken exempelvis genom att förstärka dem med carrier aggregation alternativt att i byggnader installera lösningar baserade på små celler som femtoceller eller WiFi-accesspunkter. Både den akademiska världen och industrin har redan visat intresse för dessa två tillvägagångssätt vilket visar att detta är ett viktigt problem. Ett antal forskningsartiklar och rapporter har producerats vilka beskriver teknologierna och deras förmåga att tillfredställa den ständigt ökande efterfrågan på mobilt bredband. Med det sagt, enligt vår kunskap i dagsläget har dock ingen forskning hittills utförts som jämför dessa två tillvägagångssätt från ett teknoekonomiskt perspektiv. Följaktligen är det bidrag denna uppsats ger en holistisk teknoekonomisk studie av de två metoderna (makroceller med carrier aggregation och lösningar baserade på små celler) för att möta den mycket stora ökningen av efterfrågan på mobilt bredband inomhus. För att uppnå detta mål presenteras ett scenario med installation i inomhusmiljö och de olika lösningarna för inomhus- och utomhusmiljöer appliceras och studeras med hänsyn till radioprestanda (kapacitet) och även total ägandekostnad. Projektets slutgiltiga resultat är en jämförelse mellan de två metoderna och ett förslag på en strategi som kommer hjälpa nätverksoperatörer att planera utvecklingen av sina nätverk, leverantörer att fokusera sin tillverkning och tillsynsmyndigheter att upprätta regler samt övervaka att dessa efterföljs. Simuleringarna har visat att alla de granskade teknikerna klarar av att uppfylla efterfrågan på mobilt bredband i de studerade scenariona men att makroceller med carrier aggregation är den mest kostnadseffektiva lösningen. Men om kraven på garanterad datahastighet, och med det den QoS som tillhandahålls, ökar så kommer MNOs till slut att behöva överge utomhuslösningar och utöka deras infrastruktur inuti byggnader där den mobila datatrafiken i huvudsak genereras.

Carrier Dynamics in InGaN/GaN Semipolar and Nonpolar Quantum Wells

Mohamed, Sherif January 2013 (has links)
InGaN based light emitting devices operating in the blue and near UV spectral regions are commercialized and used in many applications. InGaN heterostructures experience compositional inhomogeneity and thus potential fluctuations, such that regions of higher indium composition are formed and correspond to lower potentials. The indium rich regions form localization centers that save carriers from non-radiative recombination at dislocations, thus despite the large defect density, their quantum efficiency are surprisingly large. However, the conventional c-plane InGaN QWs suffer from high internal piezoelectric and spontaneous fields. These fields are detrimental for the performance of such structures as they lead to the quantum confined stark effect causing red-shift of the emission as well as reducing the electrons and holes wavefunctions overlap, thereby reducing the radiative recombination rate. However, growth of InGaN QWs on semipolar and nonpolar planes greatly reduced the polarization fields. Semipolar and nonpolar QWs experience an outstanding property which is polarized luminescence, opening a new frontier for applications for InGaN emitting devices. While nonpolar QWs have larger degree of polarized emission than semipolar QWs, semipolar QWs can emit in longer wavelengths due to their higher indium uptake. In this thesis, semipolar 20¯21 and nonpolar m-plane InGaN/GaN QWs were investigated. Photoluminescence, spectral and polarization dynamics were all studied in order to form a whole picture of the carrier dynamics in the QWs. Time resolved photoluminescence measurements were conducted for following carriers distribution between extended and localized states. Both the semipolar and nonpolar samples showed efficient luminescence through short radiative recombination times, as well as carrier localization in lower potential sites after thermal activation of excitons. Carrier localization was found to be benign as it didn’t degrade the performance of the samples or decrease the polarization ratio of their emission. However, the structures showed modest potential variations with the absence of deep localization centers or quantum dots. High polarization ratios were measured for both samples, which is well-known for nonpolar QWs. The high polarization ratio for the semipolar sample is of great importance, thus semipolar 20¯21 QWs should be considered for longer wavelength emitters with highly polarized spontaneous emission.

Design and optimization of next-generation carrier-grade wi-fi networks / Conception et optimisation des réseaux wi-fi opérateur de nouvelle génération

Ben Jemaa, Fatma 27 September 2016 (has links)
Comme le Wi-Fi est devenu de plus en plus important dans les réseaux actuels, ainsi que dans les réseaux du futur, de nouvelles exigences " opérateur " se sont apparues afin de supporter les attentes des utilisateurs et de fournir des réseaux Wi-Fi de haute performance. Dans ce contexte, nous étudions plusieurs problèmes liés à la conception et l'optimisation des réseaux Wi-Fi opérateur de nouvelle génération. Dans la première étape, notre objectif est d'améliorer l'expérience utilisateur Wi-Fi et de lui offrir un accès personnalisé et transparent aux réseaux et services Wi-Fi. Pour cela, nous proposons une extension des trames de gestion IEEE 802.11 pour activer la découverte des services locaux avant l'association Wi-Fi, tout en évitant la surcharge du canal. Nous définissons également un ensemble d'étiquettes de service pour identifier d'une manière standardisée les services les plus connus. Dans la deuxième étape, nous adressons les problèmes liés à l'architecture et la gestion du réseau dans un environnement Wi-Fi opérateur de nouvelle génération. Plus précisément, nous proposons, tout d'abord, une nouvelle architecture Wi-Fi qui exploite les concepts de NFV et du Edge Cloud Computing. Nous visons à travers cette architecture à apporter plus d'agilité et d'adaptabilité et d'améliorer la QoS perçue par l'utilisateur en plaçant des fonctions réseau et certains services à proximité de lui. Pour faire face à certains problèmes de gestion dans cette architecture, nous proposons ensuite des stratégies de placement et de provisionnement des fonctions de réseau virtuelles en s'appuyant sur des exigences de QoS. / As Wi-Fi is gaining a lot of momentum in today’s networks as well as in future networks, new carrier-grade requirements are emerging to support future user expectations and provide high-performance Wi-Fi networks. In this context, we investigate several problems surrounding the design and optimization of carrier-grade next-generation Wi-Fi networks. In the first stage, our objective is to improve the Wi-Fi user experience and offer to him a personalized and seamless access to Wi-Fi networks and services. For this, we propose an extension to the IEEE 802.11 management frames to enable venue service discovery prior to Wi-Fi association while avoiding channel overhead. We define also a set of extensible service labels to uniquely and globally identify the most known venue-based services. In the second stage, we deal with network architecture and management issues in next-generation carrier Wi-Fi environment. More specifically, we first propose a novel carrier-managed Wi-Fi architecture that leverages NFV and Edge Cloud Computing concepts. We aim through this architecture to bring more agility and adaptability and improve user perceived QoS by placing network functions and certain services close to end-users. To address some major management issues in this proposed architecture, we then propose placement and provisioning strategies of Virtual Network Functions based on QoS requirements. These strategies can also be applied to any edge-central wireless carrier architecture, since they do not make any assumption about the underlying wireless technology.

Characterization of Airborne Antenna Group Delay as a Function of Arrival Angle and its Impact on Accuracy and Integrity of the Global Positioning System

Raghuvanshi, Anurag 01 October 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Expression of the formin Daam 1 in pyramidal neurons of the hippocampus affects spine morphology

Salomon, Steven. January 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Pushing frontiers in Carrier-Envelope Phase stabilization of ultrashort laser pulses

Borchers, Bastian 16 February 2015 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit ist der Verbesserung der Carrier-Envelope Phasenstabilisierung von ultrakurzen Laserimpulsen gewidmet. Zur Realisierung von Fortschritten auf diesem Gebiet werden die grundlegenden Rauschquellen identifiziert, die das erzielbare Restphasenrauschen limitieren, und geeignete Maßnahmen zu deren Verringerung vorgeschlagen. Es wird gezeigt, dass sowohl die Messung der Carrier-Envelope Phase (CEP) als auch deren Kontrolle durch verschiedene Rauschbeiträge beeinträchtigt wird. Der Detektionsprozess ist dabei einerseits durch technische Rauschquellen beeinflusst, die vor allem in den verwendeten nichtlinearen Interferometern auftreten. Andererseits repräsentiert das Detektionsrauschen während der elektro-optischen Wandlung eine fundamentale Limitierung, da das optische Schrotrauschen sowie das Rauschen des Lichtdetektors die Messung der CEP unausweichlich beeinträchtigen. Es wird demonstriert, wie solche Beschränkungen durch geeignete Wahl der Interferometertopologie, bzw. durch Optimierung des spektralen Verbreiterungsmechanismus verringert werden können. Experimentell gelingt es dadurch den Signal-Rauschabstand der Phasenmessung um 20 Dezibel zu steigern. Hinsichtlich der CEP Kontrolle von Oszillatoren wird in dieser Arbeit ein neuartiges Doppelstabilisierungskonzept vorgestellt, welches eine feed-forward Stabilisierung, die auf einem akustooptischen Frequenzschieber beruht, mit einer klassischen Feedback Regelung kombinert. Mit diesem Konzept gelingt eine Reduzierung des Phasenrestrauschen auf beispiellose 20 Milliradian. Darüber hinaus werden weitere neue Stabilisierungskonzepte vorgestellt, die ohne Feedback zu dem Laseroszillator auskommen. Bei einem dieser Konzepte, handelt es sich um eine gepulste feed-forward Stabilisierung, die speziell für das Zusammenwirken mit einer Verstärkerstufe konzipiert ist. Erste experimentelle Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Phasenrestrauschen von weniger als 100 Milliradian auch für Verstärkersysteme erreichbar sind. / The present thesis is dedicated to improvements of the carrier-envelope phase stabilization of ultrashort laser pulses. In order to realize such improvements, the fundamental noise sources are identified, and suitable measures for their reduction are proposed. It is shown that both, the measurement of the carrier-envelope phase (CEP) as well as its control are corrupted by different noise contributions. On the one hand, the detection process is influenced by technical noise sources, which arise especially in the used nonlinear interferometers. On the other hand, the detection noise in the electro-optic conversion represents a fundamental limitation, since the optical shot noise as well as the noise induced by the light detector inevitably influence the measurement of the CEP. It is demonstrated how such limitations can be minimized by a suitable choice of the interferometer topology and by an optimization of the spectral broadening process in a micro-structured fiber. This way an enormous improvement of the signal-to-noise ratio by 20 dB is obtained experimentally, which significantly reduces the limitation of detection noise. For controlling the CEP of mode-locked oscillators, a novel double stabilization scheme is introduced in this thesis, which combines a feed-forward stabilization based on an acousto-optic frequency shifter, with a classical feedback loop. This method enables a reduction of the residual phase jitter to an unprecedented value of 20 milliradian. Beyond that, several further concepts are introduced that are capable of stabilizing the CEP without any feedback to the laser oscillator. One of these concepts, represents a pulsed feed-forward stabilization, which is specifically designed for the use in combination with a subsequent amplification stage. First experimental results indicate that residual phase jitters of less than 100 milliradian are within reach also for amplified laser systems.

Adjacent Channel Interference Criteria for Aeronautical Telemetry Operations with the Tactical Targeting Network Technology System

Temple, Kip 10 1900 (has links)
ITC/USA 2009 Conference Proceedings / The Forty-Fifth Annual International Telemetering Conference and Technical Exhibition / October 26-29, 2009 / Riviera Hotel & Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada / This paper will provide recommended channel spacing requirements when the Tactical Targeting Network Technology (TTNT) System is utilized in conjunction with airborne telemetry systems at airborne test ranges. The recommendation will be in the form of an equation similar in form to the adjacent channel interference (ACI) equation currently in the Telemetry Standard IRIG-106. Test results will be presented to support this recommendation.

Optical fiber transmission systems for in-door next generation broadband access network

Okonkwo Igweani, Uchenna Titus January 2014 (has links)
This thesis investigates the generation and radio-over-fibre (RoF) transport of unlicensed 60 GHz millimetre-wave (mm-wave) frequency band. The investigated benefits of transmission schemes applicable for the mm-wave generation include optical carrier suppression (OCS), optical frequency multiplication (OFM) and remote heterodyne detection (RHD). For the in-door cabling of the mm-wave transmission, a low-cost polymer optical fibre (POF) along with bend-insensitive single mode fibre (BI-SMF) has been investigated for short-range networks. Transporting mm-wave generated signals over POF and BI-SMF cables based on OCS scheme showed results with the highest spectral efficiency and least inter-symbol interference over a 2.5 Gbit/s data delivery. Based on this thesis analysis, OCS simulation of POF showed the most reliable power penalty performance and receiver sensitivity at 30-m whilst the BI-SMF fiber produced equal observations at 150-m and more. In observing the free space links of delivering the RoF signal, the attenuation on the received signal power for both POF and BI-SMF was insignificant but expected, as the simulation assumed complete and total collimation of the light beams onto the aperture of the photodetector. OCS scheme for mm-wave generation and transport was explored based on the cost effectiveness of using one external modulator compared to other generation schemes that utilised more than one external modulator. OFM scheme was simulated to transport LTE and Wi-Fi signals along with 60 GHz RF band through both SMF and MMF-POF/BI-SMF cables. OFM transport scheme produced the highest attenuation on LTE, Wi-Fi and mm-wave signals carrying 100 Mbit/s data as simulated POF lengths increased. The best performance POF length was observed at 10-m. The application of offset launch technique at the coupling of SMF and POF showed insignificant improvement on signal bandwidth. The free space OFM transmission also demonstrated negligible change to the received signal power. This reinforces the attributes of deploying OWC system in an in-door environment. In other investigation, the simulated successful delivery of mm-wave signal using RHD scheme modulated and transported 10 Gbit/s data signal over POF and BI-SMF cables. Additional observed unrecorded result also showed BI-SMF cable maintained a 2% reduction of received power for 450-m fiber cable from 150-m. The attributes to RHD includes its low operating power system application and delivery of localised 60 GHz signal for uplink RoF transmission. The conceptualised design of Gigabit data delivery for indoor customer applications either through POF or BI-SMF cable, transporting various wireless channels has been presented in this thesis for the design of a robust next generation Broadband access network to reinforce the fiber-inside-the-home (FiTH) deployment.

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