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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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„Сероепидемиолошко истраживање инфекција коронавирусом, вирусом леукемије и вирусом имунодефицијенције мачака у Републици Хрватској” / „Seroepidemiološko istraživanje infekcija koronavirusom, virusom leukemije i virusom imunodeficijencije mačaka u Republici Hrvatskoj” / ”Seroepidemiologic research of coronavirus, leukemia virus and immunodeficiency virus infections in cats in Republic of Croatia”

Raukar Jelena 07 July 2016 (has links)
<p>&nbsp;Иако су 60&ndash;тих година прошлога века по први пут описане, леукемија мачке (FeLV; engl. Feline leukemia virus) и мачји заразни перитонитис (FIP; engl. Feline infectious peritonitis) који је узрокован мачјим коронавирусом (FCoV; engl. Feline Coronavirus), те 80&ndash;тих година прошлога века први пут инфекција вирусом мачје имунодефицијенције (FIV; engl. Feline Immunodeficiency Virus), те три болести су до данас остале неизлечиве, смртоносне, а леукемија и имунодефицијенција су повезане и с настајањем малигних оболења код домаћих и дивљих мачака. Многа питања везана уз епидемиологију и превенцију остала су до сада неразјашњена. Стога мачји коронавирус (FCoV), вирус мачје леукемије (FeLV) и вирус мачје имунодефицијенције (FIV) заузимају важно место у истраживањима и у ветеринарској свакодневној пракси. Главни епидемиолошки и превентивни проблем код свих трију зараза представљају инфициране мачке које не показују клиничке знаке болести или имају неодређене клиничке знаке, а шире инфекције путем пљувачке, урина, фецеса, суза, крви и осталих телесних течности. Тако се инфекција вирусом мачје леукемије (FeLV) и вирусом мачје имунодефицијенције (FIV) споро развија код мачака, па мачка у раздобљу обично дужем од четири године не показује клиничке знаке или има неодређене клиничке знаке, а представља стални извор заразе и шири инфекцију унутар мачје популације. Виремичне мачке представљају велику опасност за осталу мачју популацију посебно у домаћинствима с више мачака, ако иду напоље, у одгајивачницама, склоништима за мачке, ветеринарским амбулантама, клиникама и у ветеринарској трансфузиологији. Главни превентивни проблем код вируса мачје леукемије, мачјег заразног перитонитиса и вируса мачје имунодефицијенције је непостојање на тржишту комерцијално делотворне вакцине. Будући да су досадашња епидемиолошка истраживања показала да FCoV, FeLV и FIV показују велику разлику у вируленцији унутар различитих мачјих популација и да разлика у вируленцији зависи од географског положаја, начина држања и о пасмини, истраживања треба спровести за сваку поједину земљу. Циљеви овога епидемиолошког истраживања су били следећи:</p><p>&bull; одређивање преваленције инфекција и коинфекција узрокованих коронавирусима мачака (FCoV), вирусима леукемије (FeLV) и имунодефицијенције (FIV) на подручју Загреба и Вараждина;<br />&bull; одређивање епидемиолошких фактора ризика и њихова значаја за настанак, развој и ширење FCoV, FeLV и FIV у популацији домаћих мачака.<br />Ово епидемиолошко истраживање је спроведено на 106 мачака. Лабораторијски тестови вирусолошких показатеља су рађени на Ветеринарском факултету у Бечу. Узорци су претражени на FCoV антитела тестом имунофлуоресцентних антитијела (IFA), FeLV-п27 антиген помоћу имуноензимског теста (ELISA), FeLV специфичне нуклеинске киселине користећи real-time PCR (Applied Biosystem 7300 Real time PCR System) и FIV антитела са брзим имуномиграцијским тестом (RIM). Резултати лабораторијских претрага вирусолошких показатеља показали су да је:<br />&bull; 45,28% тестираних мачака било позитивно на FCoV инфекцију;<br />&bull; 6,60% тестираних мачака било позитивно на FeLV инфекцију;<br />&bull; 7,55% тестираних мачака имало коинфекцију са FeLV и FCoV;<br />&bull; 5,66% тестираних мачака имало коинфекцију са FIV и FCoV.<br />Резултати епидемиолошких показатеља показали су да је доказана:<br />&bull; статистички значајна асоцијација између здравственог статуса и групе FeLV+;<br />&bull; статистички значајна асоцијација између излажења напоље без власникове контроле и група FCoV+ и FIV/FCoV+.<br />Одређивање учесталости FCoV, FeLV и FIV уз факторе ризика за настанак, развој и ширење зараза је од великог значаја за спречавање ширења ова три вируса унутар популације мачака на градским подручјима.</p> / <p>&nbsp;Iako su 60&ndash;tih godina prošloga veka po prvi put opisane, leukemija mačke (FeLV; engl. Feline leukemia virus) i mačji zarazni peritonitis (FIP; engl. Feline infectious peritonitis) koji je uzrokovan mačjim koronavirusom (FCoV; engl. Feline Coronavirus), te 80&ndash;tih godina prošloga veka prvi put infekcija virusom mačje imunodeficijencije (FIV; engl. Feline Immunodeficiency Virus), te tri bolesti su do danas ostale neizlečive, smrtonosne, a leukemija i imunodeficijencija su povezane i s nastajanjem malignih obolenja kod domaćih i divljih mačaka. Mnoga pitanja vezana uz epidemiologiju i prevenciju ostala su do sada nerazjašnjena. Stoga mačji koronavirus (FCoV), virus mačje leukemije (FeLV) i virus mačje imunodeficijencije (FIV) zauzimaju važno mesto u istraživanjima i u veterinarskoj svakodnevnoj praksi. Glavni epidemiološki i preventivni problem kod svih triju zaraza predstavljaju inficirane mačke koje ne pokazuju kliničke znake bolesti ili imaju neodređene kliničke znake, a šire infekcije putem pljuvačke, urina, fecesa, suza, krvi i ostalih telesnih tečnosti. Tako se infekcija virusom mačje leukemije (FeLV) i virusom mačje imunodeficijencije (FIV) sporo razvija kod mačaka, pa mačka u razdoblju obično dužem od četiri godine ne pokazuje kliničke znake ili ima neodređene kliničke znake, a predstavlja stalni izvor zaraze i širi infekciju unutar mačje populacije. Viremične mačke predstavljaju veliku opasnost za ostalu mačju populaciju posebno u domaćinstvima s više mačaka, ako idu napolje, u odgajivačnicama, skloništima za mačke, veterinarskim ambulantama, klinikama i u veterinarskoj transfuziologiji. Glavni preventivni problem kod virusa mačje leukemije, mačjeg zaraznog peritonitisa i virusa mačje imunodeficijencije je nepostojanje na tržištu komercijalno delotvorne vakcine. Budući da su dosadašnja epidemiološka istraživanja pokazala da FCoV, FeLV i FIV pokazuju veliku razliku u virulenciji unutar različitih mačjih populacija i da razlika u virulenciji zavisi od geografskog položaja, načina držanja i o pasmini, istraživanja treba sprovesti za svaku pojedinu zemlju. Ciljevi ovoga epidemiološkog istraživanja su bili sledeći:</p><p>&bull; određivanje prevalencije infekcija i koinfekcija uzrokovanih koronavirusima mačaka (FCoV), virusima leukemije (FeLV) i imunodeficijencije (FIV) na području Zagreba i Varaždina;<br />&bull; određivanje epidemioloških faktora rizika i njihova značaja za nastanak, razvoj i širenje FCoV, FeLV i FIV u populaciji domaćih mačaka.<br />Ovo epidemiološko istraživanje je sprovedeno na 106 mačaka. Laboratorijski testovi virusoloških pokazatelja su rađeni na Veterinarskom fakultetu u Beču. Uzorci su pretraženi na FCoV antitela testom imunofluorescentnih antitijela (IFA), FeLV-p27 antigen pomoću imunoenzimskog testa (ELISA), FeLV specifične nukleinske kiseline koristeći real-time PCR (Applied Biosystem 7300 Real time PCR System) i FIV antitela sa brzim imunomigracijskim testom (RIM). Rezultati laboratorijskih pretraga virusoloških pokazatelja pokazali su da je:<br />&bull; 45,28% testiranih mačaka bilo pozitivno na FCoV infekciju;<br />&bull; 6,60% testiranih mačaka bilo pozitivno na FeLV infekciju;<br />&bull; 7,55% testiranih mačaka imalo koinfekciju sa FeLV i FCoV;<br />&bull; 5,66% testiranih mačaka imalo koinfekciju sa FIV i FCoV.<br />Rezultati epidemioloških pokazatelja pokazali su da je dokazana:<br />&bull; statistički značajna asocijacija između zdravstvenog statusa i grupe FeLV+;<br />&bull; statistički značajna asocijacija između izlaženja napolje bez vlasnikove kontrole i grupa FCoV+ i FIV/FCoV+.<br />Određivanje učestalosti FCoV, FeLV i FIV uz faktore rizika za nastanak, razvoj i širenje zaraza je od velikog značaja za sprečavanje širenja ova tri virusa unutar populacije mačaka na gradskim područjima.</p> / <p>Although in the nineteen sixties feline leukemia virus (FeLV) and feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) induced by feline coronavirus (FCoV) were described for the first time and feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) was described in the nineteen eighties for the first time, too, all three diseases have been untreatable and lethal to the present day. Feline leukemia virus and feline immunodeficiency virus are associated with development of neoplasm diseases in domestic and wild cats. Many questions associated with epidemiology and prevention have not still been clarified. Feline coronavirus (FCoV), feline leukemia virus (FeLV) and feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) play an important role in investigations and everyday veterinary practice.<br />The main epidemiologic and preventive problems in all three diseases are infected cats. They have no clinical signs of disease or have undefined clinical symptoms but they spread infections by saliva, urine, feces, tears, blood and other body fluids among the cat population. Infections of feline leukemia virus (FeLV) and feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) develop slowly in cats. Viremic cat during a period longer than four years does not show clinical signs or has undefined symptoms and is constant source of infection and spreads infection in cat population. Viremic cats are great danger for cat populations especially in multiple cat households, if they go outside, in catteries, cat shelters, veterinary clinics or blood<br />transfusions. The main preventive problem with feline leukemia virus, feline infectious peritonitis and feline immunodeficiency virus is that there is no effective vaccine in the market. As to date epidemiologic research has shown that FCoV, FeLV and FIV have shown a great difference in virulence in various cat populations and as the virulence varies according to geographic location, maintenance and breeding research should be carried out for each particular country. The aims in this epidemiologic research were the following:<br />&bull; to determine the prevalence of infections and co-infections induced by feline coronaviruses (FCoV), feline leukemia virus (FeLV) and feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) in the areas of Zagreb and Varaždin;<br />&bull; to determine which epidemiologic factors are risky and their significance for the occurrence, development and spreading of FCoV, FeLV and FIV in population of domestic cats.<br />This epidemiologic research was carried out on 106 cats. Laboratory tests of viral parameters were carried out at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Vienna. The samples were investigated for the presence of FCoV antibodies by Immunofluorescence Antibody Assay (IFA), for FeLV-p27 antigen by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), for FeLV specific nucleic acids by real-time PCR (Applied Biosystems 7300 Real time PCR System) and for the presence of FIV antibodies by rapid immunomigration test (RIM). Lab tests results of viral parameters demonstrated that:<br />&bull; 45.28% tested cats were positive for FCoV infection;<br />&bull; 6.60% tested cats were positive for FeLV infection;<br />&bull; 7.55% tested cats were co-infected with FeLV and FCoV;<br />&bull; 5.66% tested cats were co-infected with FIV and FCoV.<br />The results of epidemiologic parameters demonstrated that:<br />&bull; statistically significant association was found in health status and group FeLV+;<br />&bull; statistically significant association was found in outdoor access without owner&#39;s control and groups FCoV+ and FIV/FCoV+.<br />Determining FCoV, FeLV and FIV prevalence with risk factors for the occurrence, development and spread of infections is of great importance to prevent the spread of these three viruses in cat population in urban areas.</p>

Ocorrência de Mycoplasma spp. e alterações hematológicas em gatos domésticos (Felis catus) naturalmente infectados na cidade de Belém, Pará

SOUSA, Sinerey Karla Salim Aragão de January 2013 (has links)
Mycoplasma haemofelis, Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum and Candidatus Mycoplasma turicensis are the causative agents of feline mycoplasmosis, these agents are gram-negative, pleomorphic, small and that adhere to the surface of erythrocytes of the animal involved. Clinical signs of feline mycoplasmosis are manifestations of acute or chronic anemia, occurring weight loss, anorexia, depression, pale mucous membranes, weakness, joint pain, soreness and occasionally splenomegaly and jaundice, the animal may come to death in severe cases. The diagnosis is based on detection of the parasite in blood smears and also in molecular diagnostics using PCR. Aiming to determine the occurrence of Mycoplasma spp. in domestic cats in a region of Belém, Pará, and hematological changes of animals naturally infected by these parasites were collected 201 blood samples with EDTA for Count Blood Cells (CBC) analysis and extraction of DNA for performing the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) as well as blood smears ear tip for detection of the parasite on the surface of erythrocyte. Found 5.47% (11/201) of positive examination of blood smears, being 1.47% (1/68) of males and 7.51% (10/133) than females. The DNA of Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum was found in 7.96% (16/201) where 16.17 % (11/68) were males and 3.75% (5/133) females, was detected Mycoplasma haemofelis in 1.49% (3/201) of samples totaling 2.94% (2/68) of males and 0.75% (1/133) of females. The CBC showed changes in erythrocytes, hematocrit and hemoglobin only in those animals with DNA of Mycoplasma haemofelis. / Mycoplasma haemofelis, Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum e Candidatus Mycoplasma turicensis são os agentes causadores da micoplasmose felina, estes agentes são bactérias gram-negativas, pleomórficas, pequenas e que se aderem à superfície dos eritrócitos do animal acometido. Os sinais clínicos da micoplasmose felina são manifestações de anemia aguda ou crônica, ocorrendo perda de peso, anorexia, depressão, membranas mucosas pálidas, fraqueza, dores articulares, hiperestesia e, ocasionalmente esplenomegalia e icterícia, podendo o animal vir a óbito nos casos mais graves. O diagnóstico é baseado na detecção do parasita em esfregaços sanguíneos e também no diagnóstico molecular pela PCR. Objetivando determinar a ocorrência de Mycoplasma spp. em felinos domésticos da região de Belém-Pará, e as alterações hematológicas dos animais naturalmente infectados por estes parasitos, foram coletadas 201 amostras de sangue com EDTA para análise de hemograma e extração de DNA para realização de Reação em Cadeia pela Polimerase (PCR) bem como esfregaços sanguíneos de ponta de orelha para detecção do parasita na superfície do eritrócito. Foram encontrados 5,47% (11/201) de positividade no exame de esfregaço sanguíneo, sendo 1,47% (1/68) de machos e 7,51% (10/133) de fêmeas. O DNA de Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum foi encontrado em 7,96% (16/201) dos animais onde 16,17% (11/68) eram machos e 3,75% (5/133) eram fêmeas, já Mycoplasma haemofelis foi detectado em 1,49% (3/201) das amostras, totalizando 2,94% (2/68) de machos e 0,75% (1/133) de fêmeas. O hemograma mostrou alterações em eritrócitos, volume globular e hemoglobina apenas nos animais em que foi detectado DNA de Mycoplasma haemofelis.

Caracterização histopatológica e imunoistoquímica de neoplasmas mamários espontâneos de gatas (Felis catus) / Histopathological and immunohistochemical characterization of spontaneous mammary neoplasms of cats (Felis catus)

SCHIRATO, Giuliana Viegas 24 February 2011 (has links)
Submitted by (edna.saturno@ufrpe.br) on 2016-10-10T14:58:02Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Giuliana Viegas Schirato.pdf: 2698527 bytes, checksum: 33a822ba864e7a3747d0b9dd0d006691 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-10T14:58:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Giuliana Viegas Schirato.pdf: 2698527 bytes, checksum: 33a822ba864e7a3747d0b9dd0d006691 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-02-24 / After skin tumors and lymphohematopoietic tissue, mammary neoplasms are most common in domestic cats. Mammary carcinomas of cats have poor prognosis, since such tumors are very aggressive and with great ability to generate metastases. The aim of this study was to characterize the point of view histopathological, histochemical and immunohistochemical, spontaneously occurring mammary tumors in cats. Thirty-five samples of tumor tissue were collected surgically and histological sections were stained with hematoxylin-eosin (HE) for histopathological analysis. For histochemical analysis, were used the Masson’s Trichrome and Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS) to evaluate the deposition of collagen and glycosaminoglycans associated with tumors, respectively. To perform the immunohistochemistry assays were used anti-Ki-67, anti-PCNA and anti-Bcl-2. The obtained results showed that 14.29% of the lesions were classified as benign (fibroadenoma, adenoma and simple adenosis) and 85.71% as adenocarcinomas. Malignant neoplasms were multifocal, predominantly of invasive growth pattern, presence of necrosis, mitotic figures, and inflammatory infiltrate. The histochemical analysis revealed that the malignant lesions exhibited moderate to strong staining pattern when stained with PAS and weak to moderate with MT. Marking anti-Ki-67 showed cytoplasmic and nuclear pattern in well-differentiated malignant cells in tumor tissue. The protein Bcl-2 showed membrane pattern restricted to the processed tissue and the tissue marked with anti-PCNA showed nuclear and cytoplasmic pattern in glandular cells, occasionally in stromal cells of epithelioid appearance. In summary, the large number of mitotic figures and increased reactivity to staining with anti-PCNA antibody suggests neoplasms with intense proliferative activity indicating a poor prognosis for affected individuals. / Com exceção dos tumores de pele e do tecido linfo hematopoiético, o neoplasmas mamários são os mais comuns em felinos domésticos. Os carcinomas mamários de gatas possuem prognóstico desfavorável, uma vez que tais tumores são bastante agressivos e com grande capacidade de gerar metástases. Objetivou-se com esse estudo, caracterizar sob o ponto de vista histopatológico, histoquímico e imunoistoquímico; neoplasias mamárias de ocorrência espontânea em gatas. Trinta e cinco amostras de tecido neoplásico foram coletadas cirurgicamente e os cortes histológicos foram corados pela Hematoxilina-Eosina (HE), para estudo histopatológico. Para análise histoquímica, utilizou-se o Tricromico de Masson e Ácido Periódico de Schiff (PAS), para avaliar os depósitos de colágeno e glicosaminoglicanos associados aos tumores, respectivamente. Para realização dos ensaios imunoistoquímicos foram utilizados os anticorpos anti-Ki-67, anti-PCNA e anti-Bcl-2. Nos resultados obtidos observou-se que 14,29% das lesões foram classificadas como benignas (fibroadenoma, adenoma simples e adenose) e 85,71% como adenocarcinomas. As neoplasias malignas eram multifocais, de padrão de crescimento predominantemente invasivo, com presença de necrose, figuras de mitose, e infiltrado inflamatório. As análises histoquímicas revelaram que as lesões malignas apresentavam padrão de coloração moderada a forte quando coradas com PAS e fraca a moderada com Tricrômico de Masson. A marcação anti-Ki-67 apresentou padrão citoplasmático e nuclear em células malignas bem diferenciadas no tecido neoplásico. A proteína Bcl-2 apresentou padrão membranar restrito ao tecido transformado e o tecido marcado com o anticorpo anti-PCNA, demonstrou padrão citoplasmático e nuclear em células glandulares, ocasionalmente em células estromais de aspecto epitelióide. Em resumo, a grande quantidade de figuras de mitose e a maior reatividade à marcação com o anticorpo anti-PCNA sugere neoplasmas com intensa atividade proliferativa evidenciando um mau prognóstico para os indivíduos portadores.

Des concepts et méthodes associés à la co-circulation des virus dans les populations naturelles d’hôtes à la nécessité d’interdisciplinarité : l’exemple du chat et de ses virus / From concepts and methods associated with viruses’ co-circulation in natural populations to the need for interdisciplinarity : the example of the cat and its viruses

Hellard, Éléonore 06 April 2012 (has links)
De nombreux parasites circulent dans les populations naturelles. Au sein d’un hôte, souvent pluri-infecté, ils peuvent interagir, augmentant ou réduisant le risque d’infection et les symptômes d’autres pathogènes. L’étude de ces interactions commence seulement dans les populations naturelles. Les enjeux sont cruciaux : détecter les interactions d’intérêt, estimer la probabilité de coinfection, comprendre la cocirculation des parasites. La détection des interactions sur le terrain est compliquée par la nature des données (e.g., présence-absence) et les facteurs confondants créant des associations statistiques (fausses interactions). Ce travail visait à mener une réflexion transversale sur ces interactions et le multiparasitisme, avec des applications à des données sérologiques pour 4 virus félins suivis dans des populations rurales de chats domestiques. De nouvelles méthodes de modélisation dynamique et statistique ont été développées pour prendre en compte les facteurs générant de fausses interactions (effet cumulatif de l’âge, facteurs de risque communs) et évaluer le biais des méthodes classiques. Des synergies entre 3 couples de virus félins ont été révélées. On a aussi identifié des caractéristiques comportementales et physiologiques (modes de vie, niveau de testostérone), qui, en modulant l’exposition et la sensibilité aux pathogènes, génèrent une forte hétérogénéité entre les hôtes. Enfin, une vision intégrative des systèmes hôte-parasites est indispensable pour appréhender la complexité des communautés et évaluer l’impact de la multitude d’hôtes, de parasites et d’interactions sur la coévolution, la conservation des espèces et la gestion des maladies infectieuses / Numerous parasites circulate within natural host populations. Within a host, often pluri-infected, parasites can interact, increasing or decreasing the infection risk and/or symptoms’ severity of other pathogens. Studies of such interactions only start in natural populations. Their stakes are high: detecting interactions of interest, estimating coinfection probabilities and understanding the cocirculation of parasites. The detection of interactions in the field is however complicated by the nature of data (often presence-absence) and the existence of confounding factors that can create statistical associations (false interactions). This work aimed at having a cross-cutting reflection on those interactions and on multiparasitism, with applications on a rich dataset of four feline viruses followed in rural populations of domestic cats. New dynamical and statistical modeling methods were developed to take into account factors generating false interactions (cumulative effect of age, shared risk factors) and evaluate the biases of classical methods. Synergies between three pairs of feline viruses were revealed. In addition, we identified behavioral and physiological factors (e.g., way of life, testosterone levels) that, by modulating exposition and/or susceptibility to pathogens, generate strong heterogeneity between hosts. Finally, a more integrative approach to host-parasites systems is proposed. It now appears necessary if one wants to deal with communities’ complexity and further evaluate the impact of multiple hosts, multiple parasites and their interactions on their coevolution, species conservation and infectious diseases management

Ecologie et impacts d'un prédateur introduit au sein d'un hot-spot mondial de biodiversité : le chat haret Felis catus dans l'archipel néo-calédonien / Invasive predator ecology and impacts in a biodiversity hotspot : the feral cat Felis catus in the new-caledonian archipelago

Palmas, Pauline 14 December 2017 (has links)
Le chat haret est l’un des prédateurs invasifs les plus dommageables pour la biodiversité insulaire. Sa présence est associée à une perte de biodiversité sur l’ensemble des îles sur lesquelles il est établi, et où il constitue une menace pour de nombreuses espèces de vertébrés souvent endémiques et menacés. En Nouvelle-Calédonie des populations de chats harets sont présentes dans tous les milieux et habitats et l’étude de son écologie et de ses impacts sur la faune ont fait l’objet de ce travail de thèse. L’analyse du régime alimentaire sur 14 sites d’études représentatifs des 4 habitats majeurs a révélé un régime très diversifié et une forte prédation sur les vertébrés natifs et notamment sur le groupe des scinques, des roussettes et des pétrels. Parmi les 44 espèces de vertébrés retrouvées dans le régime alimentaire de ce prédateur invasif, la plupart sont endémiques et 20 listées comme menacées sur la liste rouge mondiale de l’UICN. Le suivi des déplacements d’individus équipés de colliers GPS au niveau d’une presqu’île abritant une importante colonie d’oiseaux marins, a permis de mettre en évidence de grands domaines vitaux pour les mâles, des domaines vitaux petits pour les femelles et des patrons de déplacements liés aux différentes étapes du cycle reproducteur des oiseaux marins. Ces éléments, couplés aux analyses de régime alimentaire suggèrent une prédation à une large échelle géographique, à la fois sur les adultes reproducteurs mais également sur les jeunes oiseaux proches de l’envol. Une opération expérimentale de contrôle d’une population de chats harets a été conduite sur cette presqu’île et a montré une faible durabilité des effets de la suppression des individus sur les densités observées et une rapide recolonisation du site. Les résultats de ce travail plaident pour la mise en place de mesures de limitation des impacts occasionnés et permettent en particulier de cibler les habitats de maquis et forêt humide comme prioritaires en matière de limitation des abondances. / Feral cat (Felis catus) is one of the most successful and harmful invasive predator species for island biodiversity. The presence of this alien predator species generally lead to dramatic loss of native island biodiversity and represents a serious threat for numerous endemic and threatened species. Feral cats have invaded the whole New-Caledonian archipelago and all its habitats. In this study, we focused on the ecology and impacts of this invasive predator on the outstanding endemic fauna found in the different habitats of the exceptional New-Caledonia biodiversity hotspot. Feral cat diet analyses on 14 selected sites representing the 4 main natural habitats revealed a high diversified diet and high predation rates on native species particularly on squamates, flying foxes and petrels. Among the 44 vertebrates species found into the feral cat diet, 20 are IUCN red-listed threatened species. Cat movements of eleven feral cats fitted with GPS collars have been studied in a western coast Peninsula hosting an important seabird colony. Male cats showed large home ranges while female showed small home ranges. Feral cats exhibited important movements within the studied peninsula linked with the breeding cycles of seabirds. GPS data coupled with dietary informations suggested a predation that concerned both breeding adults and fledgings bird, and at a large geographic scale as some feral cats have their core home range distant to the colony (>3km). We evaluated the effects of a high level but intense cat control on this site that showed a low sustainability of feral cat culling and a rapid recolonization process. Our results are pleading for the future limitation of feral cat impacts and call to focus first abundance limitation measures on maquis mosaic and humid forest habitats This study also provided information on the spatial extent and intensity of future control measures in the special context of a large and highly invaded island.

Vitrificação de tecido ovariano de gata doméstica (Felis catus): um modelo para a preservação da fertilidade em felinos silvestres

BRITO, Danielle Cristina Calado de 06 September 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Cássio da Cruz Nogueira (cassionogueirakk@gmail.com) on 2017-01-26T13:46:03Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Tese_VitrificacaoTecidoOvariano.pdf: 4015963 bytes, checksum: 40c8ba45cdbfd05b51e3296153b718d1 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Edisangela Bastos (edisangela@ufpa.br) on 2017-01-27T13:24:34Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Tese_VitrificacaoTecidoOvariano.pdf: 4015963 bytes, checksum: 40c8ba45cdbfd05b51e3296153b718d1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-01-27T13:24:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Tese_VitrificacaoTecidoOvariano.pdf: 4015963 bytes, checksum: 40c8ba45cdbfd05b51e3296153b718d1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-09-06 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Esta tese tem como principal objetivo desenvolver um protocolo eficiente de vitrificação de tecido ovariano de gata doméstica (Felis catus). O estudo foi dividido em: Fase I: Efeito de diferentes tipos de meios-base durante a vitrificação de tecido ovariano de gata; Fase II: Efeito de diferentes crioprotetores extracelulares e técnicas de vitrificação em tecido ovariano de gata; Na fase I, a morfologia de folículos pré-antrais foi similar ao controle fresco (p > 0,05), quando o RPMI-1640 foi utilizado como meio-base. RPMI-1640 não contém vermelho fenol que, adicionado ao meio, intensificou a toxicidade do crioprotetor etileno glicol durante a vitrificação. Na fase II, a percentagem de folículos morfologicamente normais foi similar ao controle, apenas quando o meio de vitrificação foi suplementado com 0,1 M ou 0,5 M de trealose (p > 0,05). Além disso, através dos parâmetros como a morfologia, proliferação celular e espessura de fibras colágenas pode-se dizer que a combinação de trealose com etilenoglicol (EG) sozinho ou adicionado de dimetilsufóxido (DMSO), aplicando os métodos Solid-surface vitrification (SSV) ou Ovarian Tissue cryosystem (OTC), apresentaram sucesso na preservação do tecido ovariano vitrificado. Apesar do OTC com EG não apresentar diferença significativa dos demais tratamentos, uma vez que este protocolo apresentou o maior percentual de folículos morfologicamente normais (56%), sendo similar ao controle (64%). Adicionalmente, nenhum efeito sobre a regulação de expressão gênica foi observada nos grupos testados, quando foram avaliados marcadores de apoptose (BAX - proteína X associada ao Bcl-2), de estresse do retículo endoplasmático (ERP29 – proteína do retículo endoplasmático 29), de canais de água como as aquaporinas 3 e 9 (AQP3 e AQP9), e os transportadores de membrana ABC (ABCB1 e ABCG2), com exceção do método SSV com EG que apresentaram, após 7 dias de cultivo in vitro, um aumento da expressão da ERP29 (indica estresse no reticulo endoplasmático) e a diminuição da expressão da AQP9 (afeta canais de transporte de agua). Com isso, para a manutenção da preservação do tecido ovariano de gata é necessário o uso de um protocolo de vitrificação contendo meio-base livre de vermelho fenol, suplementado com trealose, como crioprotetor extracelular, e EG sozinho ou associado com DMSO, como crioprotetores intracelulares. Ambos os sistemas abertos (SSV) e fechados (OTC) são equivalentes na eficiencia em manter a sobrevivência folicular durante o processo de vitrificacao. / The aim o the present thesis was to develop an efficient vitrification protocol of the ovarian tissue from domestic cat (Felis catus). This study was divided: Phase I: Effect of different basis media during the vitrification of cat ovarian tissue; Phase II: Effect of different sugars (extracellular cryoprotectants) and the vitrification technique for the vitrification of feline ovarian tissue. In phase I, the morphology of preantral follicles was similar (p > 0.05) to fresh control when RPMI-1640 was used as basis medium for vitrification. RPMI-1640 does not contain phenol red, which was found to enhance ethylene glycol (EG) toxicity during vitrification. In phase 2, the percentage of morphologically normal preantral follicles was similar (p > 0.05) to fresh control only when the vitrification medium contained 0.1 or 0.5 M trehalose, instead of sucrose or raffinose at same concentrations. Furthermore, based on parameters such as morphology, cell proliferation and thickness of collagen fibers, it is possibe to assume that efficient vitrification of feline ovarian tissue can be performed by combining trehalose with EG, with or without dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), applying the solid-surface vitrification (SSV) or ovarian tissue cryosystem (OTC) method. Although vitrification with OTC in the presence of EG did not differ from the other treatments, this protocol presented the highest percentages of preserved preantral follicles (56%), being similar to control (64%). Additionally, no effect on gene regulation was observed after vitrification when apoptosis markers (BAX – protein X associated to Bcl-2), endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress (ER protein 29 – ERP29), water channels proteins like aquaporins 3 and 9 (AQP3 and AQP9), the membrane ABC transporters ABCB1 and ABCG2, except when the SSV method was applied using only EG as cryoprotectant followed by seven days in vitro culture, where ERP29 up-regulation (ER stress) and AQP9 down-regulation (impaired water transport) were observed. Based on this, it can be concluded that to efficiently preserve feline ovarian tissue, is is necessary the use of a vitrification protocol free of phenol red, supplemented with trehalose, as extracellular cryoprotectant, and EG alone or in combination with DMSO, as intracellular cryoprotectants. Both open (SSV) and closed (OTC) systems are equaly efficient to maintain follicular survival during the vitrification procedure.

Bloqueio retrobulbar com levobupivacaína e lidocaína em gatos

Xavier, Gustavo Delfino 19 February 2014 (has links)
The objective of this study was to assess the effect of retrobulbar anesthesia in cats with levobupivacaine chloride 0.5% and lidocaine chloride 2% without vasoconstrictor. Fourteen cats were divided into two groups and underwent preanesthetic medication with acepromazine maleate and propofol. Retrobulbar block was performed in the medial corner of the eyelids of the right eyeball with levobupivacaine hydrochloride (Group I) and lidocaine (Group II) without vasoconstrictor. We evaluated the M0 moments i.e. six hours prior to PAM, M1:15 minutes after PAM, when it was taken the anesthetic, as well as the periods M2: 15, M3: 30, M4: M5: 45 and M6: 60 minutes after the anesthetic block. The duration of block with lidocaine was 50 minutes, and 65 minutes with levobupivacaine without change in systolic blood pressure. Anesthetic promoted block of the corneal and the oculocephalic reflexes, being that the loss of sensibility and return of the corneal reflexes were faster with the levobupivacaine than with the lidocaine. No changes in the coloration of the eyelid and bulbar conjunctivae and decentralization of the globe were noted. Anesthetics caused retrobulbar anesthesia in cats, being that 0.5% levobupivacaine promotes appearance of rash in the bulbar and the eyelid conjunctivae, greater reduction in tear production and increased intraocular pressure. Anesthetics are not able to restrict the palpebral reflexes, but they may be used for intraocular surgery. / Objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar os efeitos da anestesia retrobulbar em gatos com cloridrato de levobupivacaína 0,5% e cloridrato de lidocaína 2%, sem vasoconstritor. Quatorze gatos foram separados em dois grupos e submetidos à medicação pré-anestésica com maleato de acepromazina e posterior anestesia com propofol. Realizou-se bloqueio retrobulbar no canto medial das pálpebras do bulbo ocular direito com cloridrato de levobupivacaína 0,5% (Grupo I) e lidocaína 2% (Grupo II), sem vasoconstritor. Avaliou-se os momentos M0: seis horas antes da MPA, M1: 15 minutos após a MPA, quando foi feita a administração do anestésico. Assim como nos períodos M2: 15, M3: 30, M4: 45 e M5: 60 minutos após bloqueio anestésico. A duração do bloqueio com lidocaína foi de 50 minutos, e de 65 com a levobupivacaína, sem variação da pressão arterial sistólica. Os anestésicos promoveram bloqueio dos reflexos corneano e oculocefálico, sendo que com a levobupivacaína ocorreu perda da sensibilidade e retorno dos reflexos corneanos mais rápidos que a lidocaína. Não foram notadas alterações na coloração da conjuntiva palpebral e bulbar e descentralização do bulbo ocular. Os anestésicos ocasionaram anestesia retrobulbar em gatos, sendo que levobupivacaína promove aparecimento de prurido na conjuntiva bulbar e palpebral, maior redução na produção de lágrima e aumento da pressão intraocular. Os anestésicos no bloqueio retrobulbar não são capazes de restringir os reflexos palpebrais, porém podem ser indicados para cirurgias intra-oculares. / Mestre em Ciências Veterinárias

The Influence of Food Distribution and Relatedness on the Social Behaviours and Proximities of Free-Roaming Cats (Felis silvestris catus)

Shreve, Kristyn R. 06 November 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Vers une meilleure compréhension des interactions trophiques directes et indirectes entre prédateurs invasifs et espèces natives au sein des écosystèmes insulaires / Toward a better understanding of direct and indirect trophic interactions between invasive predators and native species on islands

Zarzoso-Lacoste, Diane 05 June 2013 (has links)
Les prédateurs introduits, tels que les chats (Felis silvestris catus) et les rats (Rattus spp), constituent la principale cause de raréfaction et d'extinction d'oiseaux insulaires. L'impact de la prédation sur les populations d'oiseaux est généralement quantifié grâce à l'identification morphologique des restes d'oiseaux dans les échantillons alimentaires de prédateurs. Une synthèse bibliographique réalisée dans cette thèse soulève les biais qualitatifs et quantitatifs liés à la difficulté d'identification des restes d'oiseaux. Les méthodes moléculaires permettent aujourd'hui de détecter et d'identifier avec précision l'ADN de proies cibles dans le régime alimentaire des prédateurs. Une part importante de cette thèse a consisté à optimiser le protocole moléculaire et en particulier les étapes de sélection des amorces taxon-spécifiques et de l'extraction de l'ADN des proies. La comparaison des performances des méthodes morphologique et moléculaire a mis en évidence la puissance de cette dernière dans la détection et l'identification des espèces d'oiseaux consommées par les chats et rats de l'île de Niau (Polynésie Française). L'étude des interactions trophiques directes (prédation) et indirectes (compétition alimentaire) entre trois prédateurs invasifs (R. exulans, R. rattus et F. s. catus) et un oiseau menacé d'extinction, le Martin-chasseur des Gambier (Todiramphus gambieiri) a montré un très faible impact sur cet oiseau par prédation, mais un fort potentiel de compétition alimentaire avec les 2 Rattus sp., en particulier pour les lézards Scincidae et certains arthropodes terrestres. Des perspectives de conservation du Martin-chasseur sont proposées et discutées. / Introduced predators, particularly cats (Felis silvestris catus) and rats (Rattus spp) are recognized as a major factor of rarefaction and extinction of island bird species. The impact of predation on bird populations is usually assessed through the morphological identification of bird remains in predator diet samples. A review conducted in this thesis highlighted the qualitative and quantitative biases related to the difficulty of detecting and identifying the consumed bird species in predator diet samples. Molecular methods allow the accurate detection and identification of targeted prey DNA in the diet of predators. A large part of the work entailed here has been to optimize the molecular protocol and particularly the key steps of the selection of.taxon-specific primer pairs and the extraction of prey DNA. A comparative study of the performances of both morphological and molecular methods highlighted the strength of the latter in the detection and identification of the bird species preyed by cats and rats on Niau island (French Polynesia). The study of the direct (predation) and indirect (competition for food) trophic interactions between three invasive predators (R. exulans, R. rattus and F. s. catus) and a critically endangered bird, the Tuamotu Kingfisher (Todiramphus gambieiri), demonstrated a very low impact of cats and rats on the population of Tuamotu Kingfisher through predation, but a high potential for food competition between this bird and the two species of rats, particularly for lizards (Scincidae) and some terrestrial arthropods. Finally, management perspectives regarding the conservation of Kingfisher Gambier are proposed and discussed.

Corpus luteum of the domestic cat and lynx

Amelkina, Olga 10 March 2016 (has links)
Der Gelbkörper (corpus luteum, CL) ist eine transitorische Drüse, die im Ovar nach der Ovulation gebildet wird und durch ihre Progesteron-(P4)-Produktion die Trächtigkeit unterstützt. Bei allen bisher untersuchten Säugetieren endet die sekretorische Aktivität der CL mit dem Ende der Trächtigkeit oder Laktation, danach werden die CL abgebaut. Der Zyklus von Katzenartigen, wie etwa der Hauskatze, folgt dem gleichen Muster. Anders verläuft der Zyklus bei Luchsen. Beim Eurasischen Luchs (Lynx lynx) und beim Pardelluchs (Lynx pardinus) persistieren die CL nach der Geburt für mehr als zwei Jahre und sezernieren weiter P4. Die vorgestellte Arbeit sollte die Funktion persistierender (per) CL im Luchs untersuchen und die Fortpflanzung von Katzen weiter aufklären. Dazu wurden grundlegende histologische und hormonelle Aspekte der Lutealphase analysiert und der Einfluss des apoptotischen Systems sowie die Rezeptivität gegenüber Steroiden bei der Regulation der CL-Funktion betrachtet. Die CL von Hauskatzen und Luchsen wurden histomorphologisch unterteilt. In allen Proben wurden intraluteales P4 und Östrogene bestimmt. Weiterhin wurde die mRNA- und, wenn möglich, die Proteinexpression der proapoptotischen Faktoren BAX, Caspase-3, FAS, Tumor necrosis factor (TNF), TNF Rezeptor 1 (TNFRSFA1) und der Überlebensfaktoren (BCL2, TNFRSFB1), sowie des Progesteronrezeptors (PGR), der PGR-Membrankomponente (PGRMC) 1 und 2, des Östrogenrezeptors (ESR) 1 und 2, des G-Protein-gekoppelten Östrogenrezeptors 1 (GPER1) und des Androgenrezeptors (AR) gemessen. Die Ergebnisse weisen darauf hin, dass die Lutealphase der Hauskatze durch FAS, Caspase-3 und die TNF Rezeptoren 1 und 2 reguliert sein könnte. Steroide könnten über ihre Rezeptoren PGR, PGRMC1 und PGRMC2, ESR1 und AR wirken. Die physiologische Persistenz der CL beim Luchs könnte über BCL2, FAS, TNFRSFB1, PGRMC1, PGRMC2, ESR1, GPER1 und AR vermittelt werden. / Corpus luteum (CL) is a transitory gland which forms in the ovary after ovulation and supports the pregnancy with its production of progesterone (P4). In all mammals studied so far, the CL loses its secretory activity after pregnancy and regresses from the ovary. The feline luteal cycle follows the same pattern, and CL of the domestic cat functionally and structurally regress after lactation. However, the story is different for the lynx. In the Eurasian (Lynx lynx) and Iberian (Lynx pardinus) lynx, CL persist after parturition, weaning and for up to two years, still retaining their ability to secrete P4. Current work was initiated to understand the control of unusual persistent (per) CL in lynx and to learn more about feline reproduction in general. For this, studies on the basic histological and endocrinological aspects of the feline luteal phase, as well as potential involvement of systems of apoptosis and steroid receptivity in the CL regulation were performed. Collected CL from domestic cats and lynx were classified based on their histomorphology. In all samples, intraluteal P4 and estrogens were measured. Moreover, mRNA and where possible protein levels were determined for pro-apoptotic BAX, caspase-3, FAS, tumor necrosis factor (TNF), TNF receptor 1 (TNFRSFA1), pro-survival BCL2, TNFRSFB1, and for progesterone receptor (PGR), PGR membrane components (PGRMC) 1 and 2, estrogen receptors (ESR) 1 and 2, G protein-coupled estrogen receptor 1 (GPER1) and androgen receptor (AR). The results suggest that the luteal phase of the domestic cat is potentially regulated by caspase-3, FAS, TNFRSF1A, TNFRSF1B, and by actions of steroids via PGR, PGRMC1, PGRMC2, ESR1 and AR. Physiological persistence of Iberian lynx CL might be mediated by BCL2, FAS, TNFRSFB1, PGRMC1, PGRMC2, ESR1, GPER1 and AR. Current work indicates profound differences between the CL function and regulation in domestic cats and lynx, and promotes a highly species-specific approach in reproduction studies.

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