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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Development of a Calibration Tool using CCP and XCP on CAN Bus

Shivam, Satyesh 09 December 2016 (has links)
Testing of the Electronic Control Unit is a very important step before delivering the software to customer. Due to increasing complexity in the requirements and the timing constraints, it is needed that the testing should be proper and on time. To meet the timing constraints it is needed to automate the entire process of testing. Although the current testing tool support the automation process, it is very slow. In this thesis a new tool has been developed which will support calibration using CCP and XCP on CAN bus. Secondly, the tool will also provide the feature of automation, where user can write their own script to test the ECU. This will make the entire process of testing very fast. Finally both the solutions will be compared with respect to time for deducing the final conclusion.

Sense of Place and Concurrent Enrollment: Creating College Places in High School Settings

Erford, Jamie L. 18 August 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Leaching of coal combustion products: field and laboratory studies

Cheng, Chin-Min 02 December 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Counterinsurgency the role of paramilitaries

Espino, Irineo C. 12 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release; distribution in unlimited. / This thesis examines the role of paramilitary forces in the counterinsurgency operations being launched by the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) against the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) and the New People's Army (NPA). The Philippine government and the AFP firmly believe that the present Civilian Armed Force Geographical Unit Active Auxiliary (CAA) is an essential component of the AFP's Operational clear-hold-support methodology. Many scholars have argued that separating the Communist guerrillas from the populace is an important element in winning the counterinsurgency campaign. Isolating the Communist insurgents is done through the creation of local militia. However, some authors contend it would be dangerous for any government to train paramilitary forces because, in the long term, the governments are unsure of the future loyalties of these paramilitary forces. They may currently be working for the government, but as they work and gain skills, these paramilitary forces could use these same skills against the government in the future. Thus, it is quite dangerous to train paramilitary forces. The Philippine paramilitaries are good examples of paramilitary forces being used effectively for counterinsurgency. Their primary task of protecting the communities and the people from the coercive and abusive acts of the Communist insurgents are achieved. They are an effective counterinsurgency force because of proper training as well as command and control. This thesis concludes that the Philippine government and the AFP are headed in the right operational direction for utilizing paramilitary forces for village defense and as the protectors of the people. The paramilitary forces in the Philippines need the proper training as well as command and control in order to make these paramilitary forces effective counterinsurgency forces. / Colonel, Philippine Army

Multi-agent Consensus Using Generalized Cyclic Pursuit Strategies

Sinha, Arpita 07 1900 (has links)
One of the main focus of research on multi-agent systems is that of coordination in a group of agents to solve problems that are beyond the capability of a single agent. Each agent in the multi-agent system has limited capacity and/or knowledge which makes coordination a challenging task. Applications of multi-agent systems in space and ocean exploration, military surveillance and rescue missions, require the agents to achieve some consensus in their motion. The consensus has to be achieved and maintained without a centralized controller. Multi-agent system research borrows ideas from the biological world where such motion consensus strategies can be found in the flocking of birds, schooling of fishes, and colony of ants. One such classes of strategies are the cyclic pursuit strategies which mimic the behavior of dogs, birds, ants, or beetles, where one agent pursues another in a cyclic manner, and are commonly referred to as the `bugs' problem, In the literature, cyclic pursuit laws have been applied to a swarm of homogenous agents, where there exists a predefined cyclic connection between agents and each agent follows its predecessor. At equilibrium, the agents reach consensus in relative positions. Equilibrium formation, convergence, rate of convergence, and stability are some of the aspects that have been studied under cyclic pursuit. In this thesis, the notion of cyclic pursuit has been generalized. In cyclic pursuit, usually agents are homogenous in the sense of having identical speeds and controller gains where an agent has an unique predecessor whom it follows. This is defined as the basic cyclic pursuit (BCP) and the sequence of connection among the agents is defined as the Pursuit sequence (PS). We first generalize this system by assuming heterogeneous speed and controller gains. Then, we consider a strategy where an agent can follow a weighted centroid of a group of other agents instead of a single agent. This is called centroidal cyclic pursuit (CCP). In CCP, the set of weights used by the agents are assumed to be the same. We generalize this further by considering the set of weights adopted by each agent to be different. This defines a generalized centroidal cyclic pursuit (GCCP). The behavior of the agents under BCP, CCP and GCCP are studied in this thesis. We show that a group of holonomic agents, under the cyclic pursuit laws ¡ BCP, CCP and GCCP ¡ can be represented as a linear system. The stability of this system is shown to depend on the gains of the agents. A stable system leads to a rendezvous of the agents. The point of rendezvous, also called the reachable point, is a function of the gains. In this thesis, the conditions for stability of the heterogeneous system of agents in cyclic pursuit are obtained. Also, the reachable point is obtained as a function of the controller gains. The reachable set, which is a region in space where rendezvous can occur, given the initial positions of the agents, are determined and a procedure is proposed for calculating the gains of the agents for rendezvous to occur at any desired point within the reachable set. Invariance properties of stability, reachable point and reachable set, with respect to the pursuit sequence and the weights are shown to exist for these linear cyclic pursuit laws. When the linear system is unstable, the agents are shown to exhibit directed motion. We obtain the conditions under which such directed motion is possible. The straight line asymptote to which the agents converge is characterized by the gains and the pursuit sequence of the agents. The straight lines asymptote always passes through a point, called the asymptote point, for given initial positions and gains of the agents. This invariance property of the asymptote point with respect to the pursuit sequence and the weights are proved. For non-homonymic agents, cyclic pursuit strategies give rise to a system of nonlinear state equations. It is shown that the system at equilibrium converges to a rigid polygonal formation that rotates in space. The agents move in concentric circles at equilibrium. The formation at equilibrium and the conditions for equilibrium are obtained for heterogeneous speeds and controller gains. The application of cyclic pursuit strategies to autonomous vehicles requires the satisfaction of some realistic restrictions like maximum speed limits, maximum latex limits, etc. The performances of the strategies with these limitations are discussed. It is also observed that the cyclic pursuit strategies can also be used to model some behavior of biological organisms such as schools of fishes.

Learning Algorithms Using Chance-Constrained Programs

Jagarlapudi, Saketha Nath 07 1900 (has links)
This thesis explores Chance-Constrained Programming (CCP) in the context of learning. It is shown that chance-constraint approaches lead to improved algorithms for three important learning problems — classification with specified error rates, large dataset classification and Ordinal Regression (OR). Using moments of training data, the CCPs are posed as Second Order Cone Programs (SOCPs). Novel iterative algorithms for solving the resulting SOCPs are also derived. Borrowing ideas from robust optimization theory, the proposed formulations are made robust to moment estimation errors. A maximum margin classifier with specified false positive and false negative rates is derived. The key idea is to employ chance-constraints for each class which imply that the actual misclassification rates do not exceed the specified. The formulation is applied to the case of biased classification. The problems of large dataset classification and ordinal regression are addressed by deriving formulations which employ chance-constraints for clusters in training data rather than constraints for each data point. Since the number of clusters can be substantially smaller than the number of data points, the resulting formulation size and number of inequalities are very small. Hence the formulations scale well to large datasets. The scalable classification and OR formulations are extended to feature spaces and the kernelized duals turn out to be instances of SOCPs with a single cone constraint. Exploiting this speciality, fast iterative solvers which outperform generic SOCP solvers, are proposed. Compared to state-of-the-art learners, the proposed algorithms achieve a speed up as high as 10000 times, when the specialized SOCP solvers are employed. The proposed formulations involve second order moments of data and hence are susceptible to moment estimation errors. A generic way of making the formulations robust to such estimation errors is illustrated. Two novel confidence sets for moments are derived and it is shown that when either of the confidence sets are employed, the robust formulations also yield SOCPs.

日治時期臺灣人在中國的政治活動(1895-1945) / Taiwanese in Mainland China:1895-1945

林德政, Lin, Te Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
1895年清廷把臺灣割讓給日本,臺人以民族大義,組「臺灣民主國」扺抗,事敗後,不願被日本統治的臺人,紛紛返回祖國大陸的中國,此後終日本領臺的五十年間,一批又一批的臺人陸續踏上中國,有獲得傳統科舉功名者,有參與中國革命運動者,有參加中國抗日戰爭者。回到中國後,他們所從事的活動是臺灣抗日運動的延伸,也是中國近現代民族運動及反帝國主義運動不可或缺的一部份,在相當程度內,他們的活動與兩岸關係的歷史進程進行了聯結。 本文共分為七章: 第一章 回返中國的科舉士群。論述回返中國的進士及其對乙未割臺的反應。他們乃是懷抱民族大義,以依依不捨的心情回到中國的,但回到所謂的祖國後,卻受到始料未及的遭遇,各界猜忌,甚至有以為抗日是「抗旨」者,種種情形,不一而足。他們始終忘不了臺灣,念念不忘臺灣。他們或者為官,或者致力於中國的新式教育工作,也有人從事政治活動。為了稍解思念臺灣之情,回到中國的科舉士群彼此之間相互酬酢來往。 第二章臺灣人與辛亥革命。在中國辛亥革命的過程中,臺灣人始終參與其間。丘逢甲是清末立憲運動的一份子,之後他從擁護立憲轉而贊助革命。革命運動之中除了直接的行動,經費一項尤不可缺,臺灣人無論是捐獻革命經費或是參與起義,均不落人後,可以說是出錢又出力,在辛亥年三二九之役尤為顯著。 第三章奔向北伐。中國的北伐,是為打倒軍閥及其背後的帝國主義,臺灣人林祖密早就支持孫中山的護法大業,而國民黨一全大會後創辦的黃埔軍校與中山大學,都有臺灣人就讀,臺灣青年就讀黃埔軍校與中山大學之餘,還組織「廣東臺灣學生聯合會」與「廣東臺灣革命青年團」,孫中山去世,臺灣人極力哀悼,北伐大軍出動後,臺灣人更是直接參加。 第四章參與反帝國主義運動。「五卅運動」是中國人大規模反帝國主義運動的序幕,發生在上海的這次運動,臺灣人也參加了,在波瀾壯闊的五卅運動狂潮下,臺灣人捲入中國的國民革命運動和共產主義運動之中。臺共在上海創立,參與建立臺共的臺灣人,部份也加入了中共,更有一些臺共黨人被安排到莫斯科東方大學受訓。 第五章夾縫中的臺灣人:國民黨或中共。在國共兩黨的鬥爭與分合過程中,不僅中國人,連臺灣人也被捲入這個旋渦。丘念台在國共二次合作期間,前往延安考察,回到廣東後,取中共民眾組訓工作之優點,組成東區服務隊,其下有自臺灣專程回到中國的臺灣青年加入。李友邦組成臺灣義勇隊,其下更是集中了大批的臺灣菁英。專研日本政情的宋斐如創辦《戰時日本》,專門收集和分析日本情報,提供中國政府及各界參考。 第六章臺灣人的傾軋:臺灣革命同盟會與臺灣黨部的紛爭。在國民黨主導下成立的臺灣革命同盟會與國民黨臺灣黨部,對於團結臺灣人抗日有所貢獻,但兩者之間都有著人事上的紛爭,臺人互相攻擊和指控,首任臺灣黨部主任委員翁俊明最後也因為不明原因猝逝。 第七章在抗日烽火下。日本對中國的侵略戰爭給中國造成巨大的損失,其間,留在臺灣的臺灣人受日本的殖民統治,另一方面,回到中國大陸的臺灣人則是在在各個部門直接或間接參加了這次的戰爭。臺人有加入中共陣營的,有在國民黨領導下致力的,更有直接在戰場前線衝鋒陷陣的,國內戰場固不必論,連在國外的緬甸戰場上,也有臺灣人參加。 結論。由於中國大陸政局動蕩不安,五十年間內憂外患不斷,始終沒有積極的臺灣政策,臺灣人到中國大陸,都是自動前往,不是中國當局主動爭取,他們到了中國沒有保障,時有危險,卻又不能團結,彼此傾軋,其道路是充滿曲折的。 / In 1895, when the government of Qing Dynasty ceded Taiwan to Japan, the Taiwanese, out of the righteousness of a people, organized the “Republic of Taiwan” to resist Japanese. After the resistance failed, those Taiwanese unwilling to be governed by Japan went to mainland China, their homeland then. Through out the 50-year governing by Japan, groups after groups of Taiwanese arrived in China continually. Some of them won scholarly honor or official ranks by taking imperial examinations, some joined Chinese revolutionary movements, and some participated in the war against Japan. For those who later returned to Taiwan, the activities they engaged in are an extension of Taiwan’s anti-Japan movements, also a part indispensible to China’s contemporary national movements and anti-imperialism movements. To a certain extent, their activities are closely connected to the historical progress of the relations across Taiwan Straits. This article is divided into 7 chapters. Chapter 1 Intellectuals going to China for imperial examinations Those scholars going to China and their response to the cession of Taiwan in 1895 are discussed. Embracing a national righteousness, they returned to China quite grudgingly. Once arriving in so-called the fatherland, they unexpectedly encountered suspicion from all circles. Even their action against Japan was considered “disobedient” to the imperial government. In spite of various situation, however, they never forgot Taiwan. They became officials or devoted themselves to the modern education in China. Some went into politics. To relieve their missing of Taiwan, the intellectual Taiwanese in China had friendly interexchange among themselves. Chapter 2 Taiwanese and the Revolution in 1911 In the progress of the Chinese Revolution in 1911, Taiwanese took part in it from beginning to end. Qiu Feng-jia was one of the constitutionalists at the end of Qing Dynasty. Later he altered to support the revolution. The revolutionary movements require direct actions, but funds are also indispensible. The Taiwanese never hesitated to contribute to fund raising or participate in uprisings. They made a great contribution to the Revolution in both funds and actions, significantly above all in the uprising on March 29, 1911. Chapter 3 Running for the Northern Punitive Expedition The Northern Punitive Expedition in China was to overthrow the warlords and the imperialism behind them. Quite early Lin Zu-mi, a Taiwanese, supported Sun Yat-sen’s great cause to protect the Provisional Constitution. Taiwanese students entered Huang-pu Military Academy and Zhong-shan University, both established after the First Plenary Assembly of Kuomintang (Nationalist Party). Taiwanese youth not only entered the Academy and the University established by Kuomintang, but also organized “Taiwan Student Union in Guangtong” and “Taiwan Revolutionary Youth Corps in Guangtong”. When Sun Yat-sen passed away, Taiwanese expressed great condolence over his death. After the Northern Punitive Expedition marched out, Taiwanese even participated in it directly. Chapter 4 Participating in anti-imperialism movements “May 30th Movement” is the overture for large-scale anti-imperialism movements by Chinese. In this Movement, which took place in Shanghai, Taiwanese also participated. Under the tidal waves of this grand Movement, Taiwanese were involved in national revolutionary movements and Communism movements in China. Communist Party of Taiwan was established in Shanghai. Some of the participants in establishing Communist Party of Taiwan also joined Communist Party of China, and some Taiwanese Communists were even sent to Moscow East University for training. Chapter 5 Taiwanese in a crack: Kuomintang or Chi-Comm? During the on-and-off process of clashes and collaborations between Kuomintang and Communist Party of China, not only Chinese but also Taiwanese were engulfed in the whirlpool. During the second collaboration period between Kuomintang and Chi-Comm, Qu Nian-tai went to Yan-an for a survey. After returning to Guangtong, by utilizing Chi-Comm’s merit in gathering and training people, he organized East Region Service Team, which was joined by some Taiwanese youth especially returning to China. Li You-bang organized Taiwan Volunteers, calling together lots of Taiwanese elites. Song Pei-ru, an expert on Japanese political situation, founded “War-time Japan”. He specialized in gathering and analyzing Japanese information to provide reference for Chinese government and others. Chapter 6 Internal strife among Taiwanese: The disputes between Taiwan Revolution Alliance and Kuomintang’s Taiwan Headquarters Taiwan Revolution Alliance and Kuomintang’s Taiwan Headquarters, both established under the guidance of Kuomintang, made a contribution to the unity of Taiwanese against Japanese. There existed, however, personnel disputes between them, with Taiwanese attacking and accusing one another. The first appointed commissioner of Taiwan Headquarters, Weng Jun-ming, died suddenly with the cause unaccounted for. Chapter 7 Waging warfare against Japanese The aggressive war by Japan caused tremendous damages to China. During the war, the Taiwanese remaining in Taiwan were ruled by the Japan’s colonial government. On the other hand, those returning to mainland China participated in the war directly or indirectly at various departments. Some of them joined the camp of Chi-Comm, while others endeavored under Kuomintang’s leadership. Even at the frontline of battlefields, brave Taiwanese fought vigorously. Needless to mention domestic battlefields, Taiwanese were found fighting even in remote Burmese jungles. Conclusion Due to the unstable political situation in mainland China, with internal revolts and foreign invasions unceasing for 50 years, there was no active Taiwan policy all along. Taiwanese went to China all voluntarily by themselves, not initiatively strived for by the Chinese authorities. There was neither guarantee nor safeguard when they arrived there. To the worse, they engaged in internal strive without unity. Their road was complicated with ups and downs.

Show No Weakness: An Ideological Analysis of China Daily News Coverage of the 2019 Hong Kong Protests

Dumm, Elena January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

The Calibrated SSVI Method - Implied Volatility Surface Construction / Kalibrerade SSVI metoden - Konstruktion av Implicita Volatilitetsytor

Öhman, Adam January 2019 (has links)
In this thesis will the question of how to construct implied volatility surfaces in a robust and arbitrage free way be investigated. To be able to know if the solutions are arbitrage free was an initial investigation about arbitrage in volatility surfaces made. From this investigation where two comprehensive theorems found. These theorems came from Roper in \cite{Roper2010}. Based on these where then two applicable arbitrage tests created. These tests came to be very important tools in the remaining thesis.The most reasonable classes of models for modeling the implied volatility surface where then investigated. It was concluded that the classes that seemed to have the best potential where the stochastic volatility models and the parametric representation models. The choice between these two classes where concluded to be based on a trade-off between simplicity and quality of the result. If it where possible to make the parametric representation models improve its result the best applicable choice would be that class. For the remaining thesis was it therefore decided to investigate this class. The parametric representation model that was chosen to be investigated where the SVI parametrization family since it seemed to have the most potential outside of its already strong foundation.The SVI parametrization family is diveded into 3 parametrizations, the raw SVI parametrization, the SSVI parametrization and the eSSVI parametrization. It was concluded that the raw SVI parametrization even though it gives very good market fits, was not robust enough to be chosen. This ment that the raw SVI parametrization would in most cases generate arbitrage in its surfaces. The SSVI model was concluded to be a very strong model compared to the raw SVI, since it was able to generate completely arbitrage free solutions with good enough results. The eSSVI is an extended parametrization of the SSVI with purpose to improve its short maturity results. It was concluded to give small improvements but with the trade of making the optimization procedure harder. It was therefore concluded that the SSVI parametrization might be the better application.To try to improve the results of the SSVI parametrization was a complementary procedure developed which got named the calibrated SSVI method. This method compared to the eSSVI parametrization would not change the parametrization but instead focusing on calibrating the initial fit that the SSVI generated. This method would heavily improve the initial fit of the SSVI surface but was less robust since it generated harder cases for the interpolation and extrapolation. / I det här examensarbetet undersöks frågan om hur man bör modellera implied volatilitetsytor på ett robust och arbitragefritt sätt. För att kunna veta om lösningarna är arbigtragefria börjades arbetet med en undersökning inom arbitrageområdet. De mest heltäckande resultatet som hittades var två theorem av Roper i \cite{Roper2010}. Baserat på dessa theorem kunde två applicerbara arbitragetester skapas som sedan kom att bli en av hörnstenarna i detta arbete. Genom att undersöka de modellklasser som verkade vara de bästa inom området valdes den parametriseringsbeskrivande modellklassen.  I denna klass valdes sedan SVI parametriseringsfamiljen för vidare undersökning eftersom det verkade vara den familj av modeller som hade störst potential att uppnå jämnvikt mellan enkel applikation samt bra resultat.  För den klassiska SVI modellen i SVI familjen drogs slutsatsen att modellen inte var tillräcklig för att kunna rekommenderas. Detta berodde på att SVI modellen i princip alltid genererade lösningar med arbitrage i. SVI modellen genererar dock väldigt bra lösningar mot marknadsdatan enskilt och kan därför vara ett bra alternativ om man bara ska modellera ett implied volatilitetssmil. SSVI modellen ansågs däremot vara ett väldigt bra alternativ. SSVI modellen genererar komplett aribragefria lösningar men har samtidigt rimligt bra marknadspassning.  För att försöka förbättra resultaten från SSVI modellen, var en kompleterande metod kallad den kalibrerade SSVI metoden skapad. Denna metod kom att förbättra marknadspassningen som SSVI modellen genererade men som resultat kom robustheten att sjunka, då interpoleringen och extrapoleringen blev svårare att genomföra arbitragefritt.

Performance Analysis of Virtualisation in a Cloud Computing Platform. An application driven investigation into modelling and analysis of performance vs security trade-offs for virtualisation in OpenStack infrastructure as a service (IaaS) cloud computing platform architectures.

Maiyama, Kabiru M. January 2019 (has links)
Virtualisation is one of the underlying technologies that led to the success of cloud computing platforms (CCPs). The technology, along with other features such as multitenancy allows delivering of computing resources in the form of service through efficient sharing of physical resources. As these resources are provided through virtualisation, a robust agreement is outlined for both the quantity and quality-of-service (QoS) in a service level agreement (SLA) documents. QoS is one of the essential components of SLA, where performance is one of its primary aspects. As the technology is progressively maturing and receiving massive acceptance, researchers from industry and academia continue to carry out novel theoretical and practical studies of various essential aspects of CCPs with significant levels of success. This thesis starts with the assessment of the current level of knowledge in the literature of cloud computing in general and CCPs in particular. In this context, a substantive literature review was carried out focusing on performance modelling, testing, analysis and evaluation of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), methodologies. To this end, a systematic mapping study (SMSs) of the literature was conducted. SMS guided the choice and direction of this research. The SMS was followed by the development of a novel open queueing network model (QNM) at equilibrium for the performance modelling and analysis of an OpenStack IaaS CCP. Moreover, it was assumed that an external arrival pattern is Poisson while the queueing stations provided exponentially distributed service times. Based on Jackson’s theorem, the model was exactly decomposed into individual M/M/c (c ≥ 1) stations. Each of these queueing stations was analysed in isolation, and closed-form expressions for key performance metrics, such as mean response time, throughput, server (resource) utilisation as well as bottleneck device were determined. Moreover, the research was extended with a proposed open QNM with a bursty external arrival pattern represented by a Compound Poisson Process (CPP) with geometrically distributed batches, or equivalently, variable Generalised Exponential (GE) interarrival and service times. Each queueing station had c (c ≥ 1) GE-type servers. Based on a generic maximum entropy (ME) product form approximation, the proposed open GE-type QNM was decomposed into individual GE/GE/c queueing stations with GE-type interarrival and service times. The evaluation of the performance metrics and bottleneck analysis of the QNM were determined, which provided vital insights for the capacity planning of existing CCP architectures as well as the design and development of new ones. The results also revealed, due to a significant impact on the burstiness of interarrival and service time processes, resulted in worst-case performance bounds scenarios, as appropriate. Finally, an investigation was carried out into modelling and analysis of performance and security trade-offs for a CCP architecture, based on a proposed generalised stochastic Petri net (GSPN) model with security-detection control model (SDCM). In this context, ‘optimal’ combined performance and security metrics were defined with both M-type or GE-type arrival and service times and the impact of security incidents on performance was assessed. Typical numerical experiments on the GSPN model were conducted and implemented using the Möbius package, and an ‘optimal’ trade-offs were determined between performance and security, which are crucial in the SLA of the cloud computing services. / Petroleum technology development fund (PTDF) of the government of Nigeria Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto

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