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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tratamento precoce crônico com uma dose clinicamente relevante de metilfenidato aumenta os níveis de glutamato no líquido cefalorraquidiano e prejudica a homeostase glutamatérgica em córtex pré-frontal de ratos

Schmitz, Felipe January 2015 (has links)
A tentativa de compreender as consequências do tratamento precoce crônico com metilfenidato é muito importante uma vez que este psicoestimulante tem sido amplamente utilizado em crianças de idade pré-escolar. Além disso, pouco se sabe sobre os mecanismos envolvidos nas alterações persistentes no comportamento e no funcionamento neuronal associada à sua utilização. Neste estudo, nós inicialmente investigamos o efeito do tratamento precoce crônico com metilfenidato sobre o perfil de aminoácidos no líquido cefalorraquidiano. Além disso, foram também avaliados a homeostase glutamatérgica, a Na+,K+-ATPase e o equilíbrio redox no córtex pré-frontal de ratos jovens. Ratos Wistar receberam injeções intraperitoneais de metilfenidato (2,0 mg/kg) ou um volume equivalente de solução salina 0,9% (controles), uma vez por dia, do 15º ao 45º dia de vida. Vinte e quatro horas após a última administração de metilfenidato, os animais foram decapitados e o líquido cefalorraquidiano e o córtex pré-frontal foram obtidos e processados conforme o protocolo para cada uma das análises. Os resultados mostraram que o metilfenidato alterou o perfil de aminoácidos no líquido cefalorraquidiano, aumentando os níveis de glutamato. A captação de glutamato foi diminuída pelo tratamento crônico com metilfenidato, mas o conteúdo dos transportadores, GLAST e GLT-1, não foram alterados por esse tratamento. A atividade e o imunoconteúdo das subunidades catalíticas (α1, α2 e α3) da Na+,K+-ATPase foram diminuídos em córtex pré-frontal de ratos submetidos ao metilfenidato. Alterações na expressão gênica das subunidades α1 e α2 da Na+,K+-ATPase também foram observadas. O conteúdo de sulfidrilas, um marcador inversamente correlacionado com dano proteíco, foi diminuído. A atividade da CAT foi aumentada e a razão SOD/CAT foi diminuída em córtex pré-frontal de ratos. Os demais parâmetros avaliados não apresentaram diferenças significativas quando comparado aos controles. Os nossos resultados, tomados em conjunto, sugerem que o tratamento precoce crônico com metilfenidato promove excitotoxicidade devido, pelo menos em parte, à inibição da captação de glutamato provavelmente causada por perturbações na função da Na+,K+-ATPase e/ou pelo dano à proteína observados no córtex pré-frontal. Esses achados podem contribuir, pelo menos em parte, para uma melhor compreensão dos mecanismos envolvidos nas alterações bioquímicas e comportamentais associadas ao uso crônico de metilfenidato durante o desenvolvimento do sistema nervoso central. / Understanding the consequences of chronic treatment with methylphenidate is very important since this psychostimulant is extensively in preschool age children. Additionaly to this, little is known about the mechanisms involved in persistent changes in behavior and neuronal function related with use of methylphenidate. In this study, we initially investigate the effect of chronic treatment with methylphenidate in juvenile rats on the amino acids profile in cerebrospinal fluid, as well as on glutamatergic homeostasis, Na+,K+-ATPase function and redox balance in prefrontal cortex. Wistar rats at early age received intraperitoneal injections of methylphenidate (2.0 mg/kg) or an equivalent volume of 0.9% saline solution (controls), once a day, from the 15th to the 45th day of life. Twenty-four hours after the last administration of methylphenidate, the animals were decapitated and the cerebrospinal fluid and the prefrontal cortex were obtained and processed according to the protocol for each analysis. Our results showed that methylphenidate altered amino acid profile in cerebrospinal fluid, increasing the levels of glutamate. In the prefrontal cortex, methylphenidate administration was able to decrease the glutamate uptake, with no changes in GLAST and GLT-1; and the activity and immunocontent of catalytic subunits (α1, α2 and α3) of Na+,K+-ATPase. We also observe changes in α1 and α2 gene expression of catalytic α subunits of Na+,K+-ATPase, decrease in sulfhydryl content, CAT activity and SOD/CAT ratio in juvenile rat prefrontal cortex treated with methylphenidate. Taken together, our results suggest that chronic treatment with methylphenidate at early age induces excitotoxicity, at least in part, due to inhibition of glutamate uptake probably caused by disturbances in the Na+,K+-ATPase function and/or protein damage observed in the prefrontal cortex. These findings may contribute, at least in part, to a better understanding of mechanisms involved in the biochemical and behavioral changes associated with chronic use of methylphenidate during the development of the central nervous system.

Receptor desencadeador expresso nas células mielóides Tipo 1 (TREM-1) no diagnóstico e prognóstico na meningite bacteriana em crianças

Torres, Vitor Félix January 2015 (has links)
Base teórica: A meningite bacteriana é uma causa importante de morbidade e mortalidade na infância. Análise do líquido cefalorraquidiano (LCR) continua a ser a ferramenta de diagnóstico padrão ouro, porém novos biomarcadores para o diagnóstico e prognóstico ainda são necessários. Receptor Desencadeador Expresso nas Células Mielóides Tipo 1 (TREM-1) é um receptor transmembrana expresso em neutrófilos e monócitos, que desempenha um papel importante na modulação da resposta inflamatória. A sua fração solúvel (sTREM-1) também é aumentada na infecção, inflamação ou doenças imunológicas. Neste estudo nós avaliamos, prospectivamente, o valor do TREM-1 como um biomarcador de meningite bacteriana aguda em pacientes pediátricos e sua possível utilização como uma ferramenta de prognóstico neste cenário. Objetivos: O objetivo primário do presente estudo é caracterizar os níveis líquóricos solúveis de TREM-1 (sTREM-1) em pacientes admitidos por suspeita clínica de meningite. Analisamos também os níveis de sTREM-1 nos casos de meningite bacteriana e viral, além de medir a sensibilidade e especificidade deste biomarcador no LCR e estudar se esse biomarcador pode ser um fator associado ao prognóstico em meningite bacteriana aguda. Métodos: Sessenta e um pacientes pediátricos, de 0 a 10 anos foram avaliados quanto à meningite e foram prospectivamente incluídos neste estudo. Na admissão, após a suspeita clínica de meningite foram submetidos à análise do LCR para o diagnóstico e uma amostra do LCR inicial foi utilizado também para análise do sTREM-1. Os pacientes foram acompanhados durante a sua internação com o registro de seu tratamento e desfecho clínico para posterior análise dos dados. Resultados: Dentre os 61 pacientes, 38 (62%) foram negativos para a meningite, 7 (11%) pacientes foram diagnosticados com meningite viral e 16 (27%) pacientes foram diagnosticados com meningite bacteriana aguda e recebeu tratamento direcionado. Sexo (p = 0,15), presença de fatores de risco identificados (p = 0,17), presença de convulsões (p = 0,31), outras complicações clínicas (p = 0,11) e mortalidade (p = 0,66) não diferiram entre os grupos. Anormalidades sensoriais (p <0,0001) e presença de cefaléia (p = 0,003) foram mais prevalentes em pacientes com meningite. Como esperado, a contagem de leucócitos, glicose e proteína no LCR foram significativamente diferentes entre pacientes com meningite e pacientes sem meningite. As concentrações de sTREM-1 no LCR de pacientes com meningite bacteriana foi superior quando comparada com pacientes com meningite viral e com controles (1204,67 pg/ml, 39,34 pg/ml e 12,09 pg/ml, respectivamente; p <0,0001). Quando sTREM-1 foi usado como um determinante de diferenciação entre pacientes com ou sem meningite bacteriana, a análise da área sob a curva ROC foi de 0,95 (IC de 95% = 0,89-1,00; p <0,0001). A presença de fatores de risco para a meningite bacteriana (p = 0,04), anormalidades sensoriais (p <0,0001), contagem de leucócitos no LCR (p = 0,01), níveis de glicose no LCR (p = 0,002), níveis de proteína no LCR (p = 0,032) e os níveis de sTREM-1 no LCR (p = 0,004) foram associados com meningite bacteriana, incluindo os níveis sTREM-1 acima do ponto de corte estabelecido de 68,0 pg/ml (p <0,0001). A meningite bacteriana (p = 0,02) e os valores de sTREM-1 maior do que o ponto de corte (68,0 pg/ml) (p = 0,04) foram associados com sequelas neurológicas graves e morte neste grupo de pacientes. Conclusão: Avaliamos os níveis sTREM-1 de crianças com suspeita clínica de meningite. Os níveis de s-TREM-1 foram aumentados nos casos de meningite bacteriana e correlacionados com o prognóstico. Os nossos resultados sugerem que níveis elevados de sTREM-1 no LCR podem ser utilizados como um biomarcador para o diagnóstico de meningite bacteriana aguda em crianças e que pode ser útil na determinação do prognóstico do paciente nesse cenário. / Background: Bacterial meningitis is an important cause of morbidity and mortality in infancy. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis remains the gold standard diagnostic tool, however new biomarkers for diagnosis and prognosis are still required. Triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-1 (TREM-1) is a transmembrane receptor expressed on neutrophils and monocytes that plays an important role on the immune response. Its soluble fraction (sTREM-1) is also increased in infection, inflammation or immune diseases. In this study we evaluate the value of sTREM-1 as a biomarker of acute bacterial meningitis in pediatric patients and its possible use as a prognostic tool prospectively. Methods: Sixty-one pediatric patients, from 0 to 10 years of age were evaluated for meningitis and were prospectively included in this study. At admission, following clinical hypothesis of meningitis patients were submitted to CSF analysis for diagnosis and a sample of initial CSF was also used for TREM-1 analysis. Patients were followed during hospitalization and clinical evaluation and treatment outcome were recorded for posterior analysis. Results: Thirty-eight (62%) out of 61 patients were negative for meningitis, 7 (11%) patients were diagnosed with viral meningitis and 16 (27%) patients were diagnosed with and received treatment for acute bacterial meningitis. Sex (p = 0.15), presence of identified risk factors (p = 0.17), presence of seizures (p = 0.31), other clinical complications (p = 0.11), and mortality (p = 0.66) did not differ among groups. Sensorial abnormalities (p<0.0001) and presence of headache (p= 0.003) were more prevalent in patients with meningitis. As expected, leukocyte count, glucose, and protein levels were significantly different between patients with meningitis and patients without meningitis. Concentrations of sTREM-1 in CSF from patients with bacterial meningitis was higher when compared to patients with viral meningitis and with controls (1204.67 pg/ml, 39.34 pg/ml and 12.09 pg/ml, respectively; p<0.0001). When sTREM-1 was used as a determinant to differentiate between patients with or without bacterial meningitis, the analysis of the area under the ROC curve (AUC) was 0.95 (95% CI=0.89-1.00; p<0.0001). Presence of risk factors for bacterial meningitis (p = 0.04), sensorial abnormalities (p<0.0001), CSF leukocyte count (p = 0.01), CSF glucose levels (p = 0.002), CSF protein levels (p = 0.032) and CSF sTREM-1 levels (p = 0.004) were all associated with bacterial meningitis, including sTREM-1 levels above the established cut-off point of 68.0 pg/ml (p<0.0001). Bacterial meningitis (p = 0.02) and values of sTREM-1 higher than the cut-off point (68.0 pg/ml) (p = 0.04) were associated with death and severe neurological disabilities in this patient cohort. Conclusion: We evaluated sTREM-1 levels in CSF of children with clinical hypothesis of meningitis. The sTREM-1 levels were increased in bacterial meningitis and correlated with prognosis. Our results suggest that CSF sTREM- 1 levels can be used as a biomarker for diagnosis of acute bacterial meningitis in children and it might be useful in determining patient’s prognosis in this scenario.

Análise citopatológica do líquor em pacientes com leucemia linfoblástica aguda / Cytopathologic analyze of cerebrospinal fluid in patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia

Fraga, Thalyta Porto 20 July 2018 (has links)
Introduction: The Central Nervous System (CNS) is an important site of relapse in patients with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL), despite increasing cure rates in the last four decades in young patients. The presence of leukemic blasts in the Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) presents prognostic implication and therefore defines changes in the therapeutic protocol, which is why it requires diagnostic accuracy. The emergence of new techniques for identifying CSF leukemia blasts, such as flow cytometry and molecular methods, which are more costly and not uniformly accessible for clinical use, have led to the need to reassess the role of conventional cytology as diagnostic tool. Objectives: To identify the proportion of CSF samples positive for blasts in children and adolescents with ALL, using a standardized cytology technique and with standardization of variables related to the process that could interfere with the result. DESIGN: Prospective, descriptive, uncontrolled study in which samples of CSF obtained by lumbar puncture of patients with ALL that were starting treatment were examined. CSF samples were sent to the laboratory shortly after collection, being processed and cytocentrifugated in cytofunyl in up to four hours after collection. Four slides were prepared, stained and analyzed by a pathologist and a hematologist. RESULTS: Twenty-eight patients with ALL were evaluated, with predominance of male (58.6%), immunophenotype B (82.2%) and 78.5% were stratified as high risk for relapse. Of the 205 CSF samples evaluated, 26 (12.6%) were positive for blasts and among 28 patients, 11 (39.2%) had CSF with neoplastic infiltration. Comparing the groups with and without CNS infiltration, no statistically significant difference was observed for the variables analyzed. CONCLUSIONS: Conventional cytology was effective in the identification of CNS infiltration by blasts, provided there is a vigilance of factors related to collection, processing and analysis of CSF that may interfere in the reliability of the result. / Introdução: O Sistema Nervoso Central (SNC) é importante sítio de recaída em pacientes com Leucemia Linfoblástica Aguda (LLA), apesar das crescentes taxas de cura nas últimas quatro décadas em pacientes jovens. A presença de blastos leucêmicos no Líquido Cefalorraquiano (LCR) apresenta implicação prognóstica e, portanto, define mudanças no protocolo terapêutico, razão pela qual requer acurácia diagnóstica. O surgimento de novas técnicas de identificação de blastos leucêmicos no LCR, como a citometria de fluxo e os métodos moleculares, que têm custo mais elevado e não estão uniformemente acessíveis para uso clínico, trouxe a necessidade de reavaliar-se o papel da citologia convencional como instrumento diagnóstico. Objetivos: Identificar a proporção de exames de LCR positivos para blastos em crianças e adolescentes com LLA, utilizando-se de técnica de citologia padronizada e com padronização de variáveis relacionadas ao processo que pudessem interferir no resultado. Delineamento: Estudo prospectivo, descritivo, não controlado, no qual foram examinadas amostras de LCR obtidas por punção lombar de pacientes com LLA que estavam iniciando o tratamento. As amostras de LCR foram encaminhadas ao laboratório logo após a coleta, sendo processadas e citocentrifugadas em citofunil em até no máximo quatro horas após a coleta. Quatro lâminas foram preparadas, coradas e analisadas por um patologista e um hematologista. Resultados: Foram avaliados 28 pacientes com LLA, havendo predomínio do sexo masculino (58,6%), imunofenótipo B (82,2%) e 78,5% foram estratificados como de alto risco para recaída. Dentre as 205 amostras de LCR avaliadas, 26 (12,6%) foram positivas para blastos e dentre os 28 pacientes, 11 (39,2%) obtiveram algum exame de LCR com infiltração neoplásica. Comparando-se os grupos com e sem infiltração de SNC, não se observou diferença estatisticamente significante para as variáveis analisadas. Conclusão: Citologia convencional foi efetiva na identificação de infiltração de SNC por blastos leucêmicos, desde que haja vigilância dos fatores relacionados a coleta, processamento e análise do LCR que possam interferir na fidedignidade do resultado. / Aracaju, SE

Alterações volumétricas cerebrais em indivíduos com dependência de álcool: um estudo utilizando ressonância magnética morfométrica com parcelamento semiautomático de sub-regiões frontais / Volumetric brain changes in subjects with alcohol dependence: a study using magnetic resonance imaging with semiautomatic parcellation of prefrontal areas

Simone Villas Boas de Carvalho 13 February 2012 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A ressonância magnética (RM) é, atualmente, uma das técnicas mais utilizadas para avaliação quantitativa do volume das estruturas cerebrais. Estudos com pessoas que preenchem critérios diagnósticos para dependência de álcool, utilizando esta técnica, demonstram atrofia cerebral nestes sujeitos, sendo que a região mais sensível e afetada pelos efeitos do álcool parece ser o córtex pré-frontal. A literatura revisada sugere que as subporções do córtex pré-frontal que podem ser mais suscetíveis aos efeitos do uso crônico do álcool são as regiões filogeneticamente mais recentes, como as áreas anterior e dorsolateral, enquanto que a área orbital, mais antiga, pode estar mais preservada. No entanto, nenhum estudo de RM morfométrica até hoje investigou possíveis diferenças no grau de comprometimento morfológico entre áreas de Brodmann (AB) distintas na região pré-frontal, em indivíduos que preenchem diagnóstico para dependência de álcool em comparação com voluntários saudáveis. OBJETIVO: O presente trabalho teve como objetivo realizar um estudo detalhado do impacto do álcool, especialmente sobre o córtex pré-frontal, parcelando-o em áreas de Brodmann, o que pode auxiliar para uma maior compreensão dos danos cerebrais subjacentes aos déficits cognitivos presentes em alcoolistas e ajudar no planejamento de estratégias terapêuticas e de reabilitação cognitiva. METODOLOGIA: A amostra foi composta por dois grupos: o grupo dependentes de álcool (DA), com 98 sujeitos que preenchiam critérios diagnósticos para dependência de álcool, e o grupo controle, com 73 sujeitos saudáveis pareados por idade, sexo e dominância cerebral. RESULTADOS: Foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significantes na volumetria cerebral, especialmente, no córtex frontal (substância cinzenta e líquor p<0,05) e parietal (substância cinzenta e líquor p<0,05). Quando dividido em AB, as áreas mais afetadas foram a AB 8 (SC p<0,001; L p<0,006), AB 9 (SC e L p<0,002) e AB 44 (L p=0,036 , SB p<0,005). CONCLUSÃO: Foi possível confirmar a hipótese inicial de que as áreas filogeneticamente jovens são mais sensíveis e vulneráveis à neurotoxidade do álcool, o qual, por sua vez, acelera o processo natural do envelhecimento, implicando perdas de substância cinzenta, principalmente nas áreas cognitivamente mais sofisticadas, como a anterior e a dorsolateral do córtex pré-frontal / INTRODUCTION: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is currently one of the most widely used techniques for quantitative evaluation brain volume. MRI studies with people who meet diagnostic criteria for alcohol dependence show brain atrophy, especially on the prefrontal cortex, which seems to be the most sensitive and affected area by the neurotoxic effects of alcohol. The reviewed literature suggests that the sub-portions of the prefrontal cortex that may be more susceptible to the effects of chronic alcohol use are the phylogenetically newer regions such as the anterior and dorsolateral areas, while the orbital area, older than the others, may be preserved. However, no morphometric MRI study has investigated possible differences in the degree of morphological changes at Brodmann areas (BA) in prefrontal regions of people who meet the diagnosis for alcohol dependence compared with healthy volunteers. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was deep investigate alcohols impact, especially in the prefrontal cortex, dividing it in BA, which can contribute to a better understanding of the brain damage, underlying cognitive deficits present in alcoholics, and to help to establish treatment strategies and cognitive rehabilitation. METHODS: The sample comprised two groups: a group of alcohol dependent (AD) with 98 subjects, who met diagnostic criteria for alcohol dependence, and the control group consisted of 73 healthy subjects matched for age, sex and cerebral dominance. RESULTS: Statistically significant differences were found in the brain volume, mainly in the frontal cortex (gray matter and CSF p <0.05) and parietal cortex (gray matter, white matter and CSF p <0.05). When divided in Brodmann areas, the most affected one was: BA 8 (gray matter p <0.001; CSF p<0.006), BA 9 (gray matter and CSF p<0.002) and BA 44 (CSF p = 0.036, white matter p<0.005). CONCLUSION: It was possible to confirm the initial hypothesis that the phylogenetically younger areas are more sensitive and vulnerable to alcohol neurotoxicity, which accelerates the natural process of aging, implying loss of gray matter, especially in areas more cognitively sophisticated such as the anterior and the dorsolateral prefrontal areas

Derivação ventriculosinusal retrógrada em lactentes com hidrocefalia após correção de mielomeningocele / Retrograde ventriculosinus shunt in infants with hydrocephalus after treatment of myelomeningocele

Matheus Fernandes de Oliveira 27 March 2017 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO. Atualmente, o tratamento da hidrocefalia é realizado principalmente através de uma Derivação ventrículo-peritoneal (DVP). Este estudo tem como objetivo descrever a aplicação da derivação ventrículosinusal retrógrada (DVSR) em pacientes com hidrocefalia após o tratamento cirúrgico de mielomeningocele. MÉTODO. Estudo prospectivo, randomizado e controlado. Foram selecionados consecutivamente 9 pacientes com hidrocefalia após correção cirúrgica de mielomeningocele de janeiro de 2010 a janeiro de 2012. Os pacientes foram submetidos à DVSR ou DVP eletiva. Cinco submetidos à DVSR e 4 à DVP, sendo seguidos por 1 ano com realização trimestral de avaliações clínicas, de imagem e aplicação do Doppler transcraniano. RESULTADOS. Os pacientes tratados com DVSR apresentaram desfechos clínicos semelhantes aos do grupo de DVP. O Doppler mostrou melhora significativa quando comparado o pré-operatório com o pós-operatório. O grupo DVSR apresentou perímetro cefálico significativamente maior que o grupo DVP. O desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor, complicações e desfechos centrados nos pacientes não diferiram entre os grupos. CONCLUSÕES. A técnica cirúrgica da derivação ventrículo-sinusal retrógrada é viável; ela é uma opção alternativa para o tratamento de hidrocefalia / INTRODUCTION. Currently, treatment of hydrocephalus is accomplished primarily through a ventricular-peritoneal shunt (VPS). This study aims to describe the application of retrograde ventricle-sinus shunt (RVSS) in patients with hydrocephalus after surgical treatment of myelomeningocele. METHOD. A prospective, randomized and controlled study. We consecutively enrolled 9 patients with hydrocephalus after surgical repair of myelomeningocele from January 2010 to January 2012. These patients underwent elective RVSS or VPS. Five underwent RVSS and 4 underwent VPS. These patients were followed for one year with quarterly clinical and image evaluations and application of transcranial Doppler. RESULTS. Patients treated with RVSS showed clinical outcomes similar to those of VPS group. Doppler showed significant improvement when comparing preoperative to the postoperative period. RVSS group showed significantly higher cephalic perimeter than VPS group. Neuropsychomotor development, complications and subjective outcomes did not differ between groups. CONCLUSIONS. Surgical technique of retrograde ventricle-sinus shunt is viable; it is an alternative option for the treatment of hydrocephalus

Clinical and etiological studies on dementia of Alzheimer type and multiinfarct dementia

Bucht, Gösta January 1983 (has links)
1. Clinical studies. Clinical diagnosis of dementia has been made largely on the basis of clinical findings supported by appropriate radiological and laboratory investigations. A minority of patients have treatable or reversible underlying causes for their dementing syndrome. It is important to distinguish between the two main forms of dementia Alzheimer's disease, senile dementia of Alzheimer type (AD/SDAT) and MID so that advantage can be taken of any future progress in treatments. In the clinical study significant differences between several diagnostic procedures were found between patients with AD/SDAT and MID. Blood pressure was significantly lower in the AD/SDAT group and focal neurological signs were seen in 70% of the MID patients but only in 6% of patients with AD/SDAT. Electrocardiogram was normal in all patients with AD/SDAT but pathological in 75% of the MID patients. Electroencephalogram showed generalized slow frequencies in 79% of the AD/SDAT patients and localized changes in 65% of the MID patients. Computerized tomography showed a significantly greater dilation of the ventricular system in MID patients compared to AD/SDAT patients and controls. Monoamine metabolites in the cerebrospinal fluid were lower in AD/SDAT patients and normal in MID patients. Psychopathological signs were found to be more variable and more pronounced in the AD/SDAT group compared with MID patients. 2. Etiological studies. Immunoglobulin and albumin were found changed in serum and CSF of both AD/SDAT and MID, indicating a more active immune response in MID and a less dense cerebrospinal fluid barrier in both MID and AD/SDAT. There appears to be a consumption of IgG in the central nervous system in patients with AD/SDAT. Abnormal chromosomes appearing as acentric fragments, i.e. without visible centromeres, were found in 90% of patients with AD/SDAT, 30% of patients with MID, and not at all in the control group. Increased aneuploidy was also seen both in patients with MID and AD/SDAT. Diabetes mellitus in old age and AD/SDAT do not seem to coexist. Furthermore, patients with AD/SDAT have changed carbohydrate metabolism with decreased fasting blood sugar concentrations, increased glucose tolerance and higher concentration of insulin during an oral glucose tolerance test. / <p>S. 1-47: sammanfattning, s. 49-144: 5 uppsatser</p> / digitalisering@umu.se

Pathogénie des entérovirus : étude de la charge virale au cours de méningites et de la permissivité des cellules endothéliales microvasculaires cérébrales humaines / Enterovirus pathogenesis : study of the viral load during meningitis and permissiveness of human brain microvascular endothelial cells

Volle, Romain 11 February 2014 (has links)
Les entérovirus humains (EV) constituent un groupe de virus à ARN d'une grande diversité génétique. Ils sont responsables d'infections cérébrales graves mais rares et de méningites bénignes mais fréquentes. Les évènements conduisant à l'entrée des EVs dans le système nerveux central (SNC), l'importance de la charge virale dans le liquide céphalo rachidien (LCR) et sa corrélation éventuelle avec l'intensité du processus inflammatoire réactionnel restent peu explorés. Comme de nombreux génotypes d'EV sont associés à des manifestations neurologiques semblables, des processus pathologiques communs sont envisageables. Le premier volet de cette thèse avait pour objectif d'étudier prospectivement la charge virale EV dans le LCR de patients présentant une méningite à l'aide d'une technique de RT-QPCR. Nos résultats montrent que les différences significatives de charge virale retrouvées dans le LCR en fonction de l'âge, des leucocytes et de la protéinorachie sont reliées au génotype de l'EV responsable de l'infection. Le second volet de cette thèse avait pour but d'explorer l'hypothèse qu'une infection de la barrière hémato-Encéphalique (BHE), peut représenter une voie d'accès commune à une majorité d'EVs vers le SNC. La réplication et la translocation des EVs ont été évaluées avec un modèle in vitro de BHE basé sur la lignée cellulaire hCMEC/D3. Nous avons validé ce modèle cellulaire en montrant une permissivité différentielle à un large éventail d'EVs et montré les spécificités du franchissement de cette barrière par l'EV-A71. Ces données soulèvent la question de l'origine de l'ARN EV dans le LCR au cours des premiers stades d'une méningite. / Human enteroviruses (EV) are RNA viruses characterized by a large genetic variability. They are associated with severe but rare neurological infections and frequent but self-Limiting meningitis. The processes of entry into the central nervous system (CNS), the level of EV viral load in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and its possible relation to the intensity of the associated inflammatory process remain poorly understood. As several EV genotypes are related to common neurological disorders, common pathological processes may be involved. In the first part of this PhD thesis, we have prospectively investigated the EV viral load in the CSF of patients with meningitis using a RT-QPCR assay. Our results showed that significant differences between viral load levels and the age groups, the leukocytes count, the protein levels in the CSF, and with the EV genotype involved in the infection. We also explored the hypothesis that an infection of the blood brain barrier (BBB) could be a common pathway used by EVs released in the bloodstream to gain access into the CNS. The EV replication and translocation were analyzed with an in vitro model of BBB based on the hCMEC/D3 cell line. We validated this cell model by showing different permissivity patterns among a large array of EV genotypes. In addition, we showed the specificities in how the EV-A71 crosses the endothelial barrier. The overall data raise the unresolved issue of the origin of viral RNA in the CSF and the sources of infection during the early acute stage of EV meningitis.

Apport d'outils biologiques pour la caractérisation de tauopathies en regard de diverses présentations cliniques de pathologies neurodégénératives / Biological tools contribution for characterising several tauopathies with regard to various clinical presentations of neurodegenerative disorders

Seguin, Jérémie 05 April 2011 (has links)
Le diagnostic de la maladie d’Alzheimer (MA) est tardif et présente un manque de fiabilité en regard de l’examen neuropathologique postmortem permettant de confirmer ce diagnostic. En effet, les présentations cliniques de la MA peuvent être multiples et parfois atypiques. Des anomalies dans les concentrations des protéines tau, tau phosphorylées et amyloïdes bêta, au sein du liquide céphalorachidien (LCR), ont permis d’améliorer le diagnostic du vivant du patient. Nous avons évalué la performance de ces marqueurs, dans le LCR, utilisés pour le diagnostic de la MA dans les formes syndromiques atypiques. L’utilisation de ces marqueurs augmente la précision du diagnostic lors de ces différentes présentations cliniques. De plus, nous avons mis au point un test diagnostic biochimique postmortem des différentes tauopathies permettant de mieux les caractériser en complément de l’examen neuropathologique. Enfin, nous avons conçu et caractérisé des anticorps spécifiquement dirigés contre la protéine tau phosphorylée en position 231. Cet outil nous a permis de développer un test ELISA dans le LCR. Des résultats préliminaires suggéreraient une interaction in vivo entre les protéines tau et Prion. Ces résultats, décrits pour la première fois, sont corrélés à nos observations histologiques / Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is late with a lack of reliability with regard to postmortem neuropathological examination that permits to confirm this diagnosis. Indeed, many clinical presentations of AD can occur and sometimes atypical. Anomalies in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) levels of tau, phosphorylated tau and amyloid beta proteins permitted to improve antemortem diagnosis. We evaluated biomarkers performance, into CSF, used for AD diagnosis in syndromal atypical forms. The use of these biomarkers increases the accuracy of diagnosis during these different clinical presentations. Moreover, we adjusted a biochemical postmortem diagnosis test of tauopathies giving the interest to better characterize them in addition to neuropathological examination. Finally, we developed and characterized antibodies specifically directed against phosphorylated tau protein on 231 epitope. This tool permitted to make an ELISA test in CSF. Preliminary results may suggest an in vivo interation between tau and Prion proteins. These results, described for the first time, correlated with our histological observations

Diagnostika neurodegenerativních chorob pomocí Ramanovy spektroskopie / Diagnostics of neurodegenerative diseases by means of Raman spectroscopy

Klener, Jakub January 2011 (has links)
Therapies of neurodegenerative diseases are often very difficult and their success depend on an early diagnose. From that reason we have been developing new diagnostic method for multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer disease by drop coating deposition Raman (DCDR) spectroscopy of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in this work. We found out conditions of measurements, where spectra were reproducible and accepted for standard diagnostic practices. We discovered that CSF has fast degradation at a room temperature, which was detectable in spectra after 5 hours, and degradation due to refreezing. DCDR spectra of CSF from individual patients were analyzed by factor and cluster analysis. Multiple sclerosis was manifested by lower intensity of a Raman band at 1080 cm−1 , which is probably connected with more general pathologic state. Spectral changes caused by Alzeheimer disease were more complex and beside changes mentioned above also changes connected with composition and conformation of proteins were identified in regions 1200-1800 cm−1 and 2870-2950 cm−1 . Additionally, we succeeded in distinguishing of young healthy patients from older patients in DCDR spectra. In this work were checked up, that DCDR is good diagnostic method for clinical practices for determining neurodegenerative diseases through the complex...

Ramanova spektroskopie jako nástroj k diagnostice Alzheimerovy choroby / Raman spectroscopy as the tool for Alzheimer's disease diagnostics

Tesař, Adam January 2015 (has links)
Alzheimer disease (AD) is the most frequent dementia. The prevalence is approximately 10% in 65 years old people. The current treatment is only progression protective, therefore it is crucial to find a new diagnostic approach for diagnosing AD in early stage. We analysed a set of 55 patients by the drop coating deposition Raman spectroscopy with the goal to verify previously published high sensitivity of the AD spectroscopic diagnosis in cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) and to find a new diagnostic method for blood serum (BS). We optimized measurement conditions for BS. The results were evaluated by the cluster analysis and the principal component analysis. The small set of samples exhibited high sensitivity in both CSF and BS but that distinctly decreased in the whole set. The results for CSF were affected by the choice of the analysed spectral interval. The best for AD diagnose was the interval containing peaks at 980, 1080 and 1249 cm-1.The results for BS have been the most sensitive in the whole spectral range. They have low sensitivity but high specificity for AD (92%). The usage of neural networks has conversely high sensitivity and low specificity in both sets of samples of BS and CSF. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

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