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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Det norska energideklarationssystemets konsekvenser för äldre byggnaders karaktärsbärande värden / The Norwegian energy performance certificate and its consequences for character defining values of historical buildings

Berg, Fredrik January 2013 (has links)
Roughly 130 000 dwellings have been officially registered since Norway as of summer 2009 passed their bill “Energimerkeforskriften” on energy performance certificates in buildings. The main objective is to decrease the total amount of national energy consumption by producing a methodology of calculation of the integrated energy performance of buildings as well as proposing cost effective measures to lower each building’s energy consumption.  As the measures should not contravene nor be incompatible with the intended quality and character of the building, the “Energimerkeforskriften” exempts buildings that due to their historical and cultural values are protected cultural heritage legislation. The current system offers a couple of professional certification alternatives, but when two online semi-automatic methods developed specifically for non-professionals are by far the most used, and since the methods of calculation primarily have focused on modern building materials and construction, the rest of the historical building stock stands literally unprotected by incorrect performance certificates and high-risk energy efficient measures.  The objective of this thesis is to identify if the current Norwegian energy certificate system poses a threat to older buildings. It also tries to pinpoint relevant additions in order to minimize those potential risks in a near future by relating potential impact to what is determined as the main character-defining values of a building. The results show that the system clearly has its flaws, mainly regarding the estimation of energy consumption, and that the automatically recommended energy efficient measures would pose a serious potential threat to the historical building stock of Norway if they were to be implemented. / Bakgrunden till arbetet är de krav som EU direktivet (2002/91/EF) om byggnaders energiprestanda ställer på upprättande av energideklarationer och energieffektiviserande åtgärdsförslag. Till följd av att direktivet lämnat utrymme för given tillämpningsmetod har Norge utvecklat ett deklarationssystem där gemene hus- och fastighetsägare fått möjlighet att själva genomföra sin energideklaration, något som i andra länder enbart får genomföras av oberoende experter eller företag. Sedan systemet togs i bruk under slutet av 2009 har cirka 130 000 unika energideklarationer genomförts av privatpersoner genom den officiella hemsidan för Energimerke-systemet. Hemsidan tillhandahåller ett energiberäkningsprogram vilket med hjälp av olika tekniska och byggnadsrelaterade uppgifter som registreras av använder genererar en energideklaration. Systemets beräkning av byggnadens energibehov och uppvärmningssystemets verkningsgrad faller sedan samman i ett energimerke som i sin tur är ett krav att ha vid försäljning eller uthyrning av en bostad. Utöver själva beviset rekommenderas även ett antal energieffektiviserande åtgärder.  Med ett rådande undantag för kulturhistoriskt skyddade byggnader och ett system som inte är anpassat efter äldre konstruktioner verkar det dock kunna finnas vissa risker med den nuvarande metoden. För att genomföra en första granskning av systemet och dess möjliga konsekvenser för äldre byggnader i Norge har detta arbete därför ställt ett stort statistiskt underlag av tidigare energideklarationer mot utfallet i några fallstudier och simuleringar. Syftet är att ge svar på huruvida energideklarationssystemet utgör ett hot mot äldre byggnaders karaktärsbärande värden eller ej, samt försöka identifiera hur systemet kan förbättras och utvecklas. Ett viktigt moment i att försöka svara på arbetets frågeställningar har utgjorts av ett resonemang vilket lett fram till det sammanvägande begreppet karaktärsbärande värden. Satt i förhållande till energideklarationssystemets åtgärdsförslag och lagrummets egna varsamhetsparagrafer har det kunnat ge en fingervisning om vilka åtgärder som utgör störst risk för äldre byggnader.  Resultaten visar att systemet med estimerade energiberäkningar verkar genera felaktiga värden som förvärras ju äldre och enklare byggnaderna respektive registreringarna är. Det är även tydligt att åtgärder med hög risk för byggnaders karaktärsbärande värden ständigt återkommer som förslag samtidigt som systemet ej heller tar hänsyn till kostnadseffektiva aspekter. För att minimera riskerna föreslås att systemets tekniska ramar utvidgas samtidigt som systemets åtgärdsförslag ses över och eventuellt begränsas till att gälla brukarrelaterade råd. / Spara och Bevara

Elektroninio parašo naudojimo valstybės ir vietos savivaldos institucijų veikloje administracinis teisinis reguliavimas / The administrative judicial regulation of electronic signature usage in state and local municipal institutions

Knyzelienė, Sandra 26 June 2013 (has links)
Magistriniame darbe, kurį sudaro įvadas, trys skyriai ir išvados bei pasiūlymai, nagrinėjami pagrindiniai elektroninio parašo reglamentavimo valstybės ir savivaldos institucijų veikloje bruožai, aptariamos priežastys, kodėl elektroninis parašas Lietuvoje nėra masiškai naudojamas. Pirmame darbo skyriuje pateikiama elektroninio parašo samprata, teisinis jo reglamentavimas Lietuvos Respublikos ir Europos Sąjungos teisės aktuose, aptariamos elektroninių sertifikatų rūšys. Antrame skyriuje apžvelgiama elektroninio parašo juridinė galia, atitikimas teisės aktų reikalavimams. Nagrinėjami būtini elementai, kad elektroninis parašas turėtų juridinę galią. Trečioje darbo dalyje nagrinėjami valstybės ir vietos savivaldos institucijų veiklos bruožai Lietuvoje, didžiausią dėmesį kreipiant į elektroninių paslaugų teikimą bei tarpžinybinį bendradarbiavimą, pateikiama teisės aktų, reglamentuojančių elektroninių dokumentų rengimą ir saugojimą, analizė, nagrinėjamas elektroninio parašo naudojimas vietos ir savivaldos institucijų veikloje, aptariamos galimybės, išryškinamos priežastys, kodėl elektroninis parašas vis dar nėra kasdieninis reiškinys ir su kokiomis elektroninio parašo taikymo problemomis susiduriama Lietuvoje. Darbas baigiamas išvadomis ir siūlymais dėl teisės aktų tobulinimo. / In this master's paper which consists of introduction, three parts of body and conclusions as well as suggestions the basic features of electronic signature regulation in state and municipal institutions' activities and the reasons why e-signature is not widely used in Lithuania are discussed. In the first part of this paper's body the concept of e-signature is presented as well as its judicial regulation in the legal acts of Republic of Lithuania and European Union, the sorts of electronic certifications are discussed. In the second part of this paper the judicial power of electronic signature is overviewed together with its compliance to the requirements of legal acts. The essential elements of an electronic signature to be validated are analysed. In the third part of this paper's body the state and municipal institutions' activity characteristics in Lithuania are analysed, focusing mostly on electronic service supply as well as inter-institutional communication; analysis of legal acts, which regulate preparation and storage of electronic documents; the usage of electronic signature in local and municipal institutions' activities are analysed; opportunities are discussed and the causes, why electronic signature is not yet a common phenomena are emphasised together with the problems faced when trying to apply electronic signature in Lithuania. This paper is ended with conclusions and suggestions of how the legal acts could be improved.

A Bernsteinian description of the recontextualising process of the national curriculum statement from conceptualisation to realisation in the classroom.

Davey, Brenda G. January 2006 (has links)
The aim of this study is to describe the recontextualisation of the official pedagogical field, in the form of the National Curriculum Statement (NCS), in the Further Education and Training (FET) band. The study's focus concentrates specifically on the in-service training programme devised by the KZN FET Directorate for teachers of Grade 10's in 2005, beginning with the creation of the FET curriculum statements at national level and tracking the dissemination of this information to provincial level, then through regional and district level and into the schools. The researcher was able to analyse the documents created at national level, observe and/or interview role-players at each level of the continuum: national, provincial, regional, district and school (including parents of school-going teenagers). This evidence, supplemented with video-recordings and posters produced at five different venues was selectively described using Berasteinian terminology and his theoretical framework of the pedagogic device. Research findings in answer to the questions posed, viz. to what extent the social transformation process was understood by the role-players in the process (concentrating on English Home and First Additional Language teachers), indicate that in some cases the official pedagogical field is carried over with minimal change, and in others it is evident that careful monitoring and retraining may be the only means to concretise the intended change in thinking in the minds of South Africa's teachers. / Thesis (M.Ed.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2006.

Employee perceptions of the climate for creativity in the workplace of Thekwini FET College, Durban.

Govender, Kasavan. January 2005 (has links)
A climate that stimulates creativity and encourages optimal performance is essential for enhancing the knowledge capacity of organisations. This encompasses the roles played by diverse aspects such as organisational support, freedom, work pressure, idea time/support, workplace challenges and trust/openness. This study is located in the field of Adult Education in general with a specific focus on Workplace Learning. A qualitative study was conducted to describe the perceptions of managers and non-managers in five campuses of Thekwini FET College as either potential enablers or disablers of a creative climate. The research explicates what and how these professionals learn in creative climates. This study examines four research questions: In what ways do employees perceive the climate for creativity in the workplace?; How is the climate for creativity nurtured or stifled in the workplace?; What is meant by a 'creative climate'?; What are the critical success factors for inducing and facilitating a creative climate at Thekwini FET College? Thirteen participants, who had working knowledge experience and were able to provide a rich description of their work climate, were selected. A comprehensive collection and analysis of data was yielded through: (a) semi-structured individual interviews; (b) looking at words, sentences and paragraphs of documents; and (c) informal observations. Data was analysed and interpreted by identifying the themes promulgated by Ekvall's Creative Climate Questionnaire and Amabile's KEYS survey. The findings led to the emergence of two new themes of coping mechanism and informal learning. The discussions inform and support the research from the perspective of employee experience and the theoretical model. The following recommendations were made in terms of: (a) Organisational Culture - devalue bureaucracy with greater interpersonal functioning of trust, freedom and support; (b) People - value and make people central in the workplace; and (c) Value Socialisation - organisational support for informal learning, playful about ideas, tolerant of spirited debates and challenges. / Thesis (M.Ed.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2005.

Problems experienced by practitioners in implementing continuous assessment and common task for assessment in the General Education and Training Certificate in the North West Province / Emily Varughese Mammen

Mammen, Emily Varughese January 2005 (has links)
This study reports on the findings of a research project into the problems facing the General Education and Training Certificate (GETC) for Grade 9 learners in the North West Province. To do this, the views of school management staff, teachers and professional support staff were sought. This study confined itself to the North West Province, South Africa. The sample size was two hundred individuals, comprising professional support staff, school management staff and teachers who are directly involved with GETC and Outcomes-Based Assessment (OBA). Three main problem areas were selected for the purpose of this study. l)lese are (a) OBA assessment training (b) follow-up activities needed for teachers (c) challenges facing the school level implementation. The study culminated in recommendation of a professional support model for teachers. The findings of this study revealed that teachers in the province were not adequately trained for the General Education and Training Certificate (GETC) implementation. Professional Support Staff did not offer enough follow-up activities to support the teachers during the implementation period and there after. Lack of this monitoring and supporting mechanism adversely affects the school level implementation of the GETC for Grade 9 learners. It was also revealed that schools are experiencing challenges regarding time management, implementation of CASS and CTA and in the processes and procedures followed in the GETC administration. The final recommendation is that there is a need to include in the pre-service training programmes, CASS and CTA assessment and develop an on-going professional support plan for teachers who are in the service. / Thesis (Ph.D) North-West University, Mafikeng Campus, 2005

The perceptions of municipal water service officials on the Blue Drop programme : the case of Nkangala District Municipality / Dennis Khehla Mtsweni

Mtsweni, Dennis Khehla January 2011 (has links)
The Blue Drop Incentive-based Regulation (programme) was introduced in 2008 by the Department of Water Affairs (DWA) with the aim of maintaining and improving drinking water quality in South Africa. The programme is being implemented in order to protect consumers from water services providers who might not act in the interest of the public. For some years the confidence level of the public regarding the quality of drinking water in South Africa has not been at the desired level. The programme involves annual assessment of water services authorities by the DWA. In order for water services authorities to be awarded the Blue Drop status they are required to comply 95% in terms of the criteria used in the assessments. During the first and second years of Blue Drop assessments a number of municipalities chose not to be assessed but quite a few achieved the Blue Drop status nationally. It is against this background that the researcher undertook a study to determine how water services employees in municipalities perceive the Blue Drop programme. To achieve the study objective the mixed method involving quantitative and qualitative methodologies was employed. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with supervisors and management while water treatment works employees completed a survey questionnaire. The qualitative and quantitative data analysis brought to light the following core findings: * The Blue Drop programme has the support of the overwhelming majority of employees who participated in the research. They perceive the programme as an inspiration for improved performance of the water services function in municipalities. * There is a lack of or poor understanding of the water sector legal framework including the Blue Drop assessment criteria by some participating employees. * There is a perceived lack of management and political leadership involvement and support for the water service function. Although the Blue Drop programme has been reported to be an excellent intervention by nearly all the participants, there are certain aspects that can be improved and are dealt with in the last chapter of the mini-dissertation. / Thesis (M Development and Management)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012

The perceptions of municipal water service officials on the Blue Drop programme : the case of Nkangala District Municipality / Dennis Khehla Mtsweni

Mtsweni, Dennis Khehla January 2011 (has links)
The Blue Drop Incentive-based Regulation (programme) was introduced in 2008 by the Department of Water Affairs (DWA) with the aim of maintaining and improving drinking water quality in South Africa. The programme is being implemented in order to protect consumers from water services providers who might not act in the interest of the public. For some years the confidence level of the public regarding the quality of drinking water in South Africa has not been at the desired level. The programme involves annual assessment of water services authorities by the DWA. In order for water services authorities to be awarded the Blue Drop status they are required to comply 95% in terms of the criteria used in the assessments. During the first and second years of Blue Drop assessments a number of municipalities chose not to be assessed but quite a few achieved the Blue Drop status nationally. It is against this background that the researcher undertook a study to determine how water services employees in municipalities perceive the Blue Drop programme. To achieve the study objective the mixed method involving quantitative and qualitative methodologies was employed. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with supervisors and management while water treatment works employees completed a survey questionnaire. The qualitative and quantitative data analysis brought to light the following core findings: * The Blue Drop programme has the support of the overwhelming majority of employees who participated in the research. They perceive the programme as an inspiration for improved performance of the water services function in municipalities. * There is a lack of or poor understanding of the water sector legal framework including the Blue Drop assessment criteria by some participating employees. * There is a perceived lack of management and political leadership involvement and support for the water service function. Although the Blue Drop programme has been reported to be an excellent intervention by nearly all the participants, there are certain aspects that can be improved and are dealt with in the last chapter of the mini-dissertation. / Thesis (M Development and Management)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012

Teachers' conflicting responses to change: an evaluation of the implementation of senior social studies for the NCEA, 2002-2006 : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the degree of Doctor of Education (EdD), Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

Taylor, Rowena Margaret January 2008 (has links)
The thesis provides a socio-historical perspective through which to evaluate the first five years of implementation (2002 to 2006) of social studies within the National Certificate of Educational Achievement [NCEA] in New Zealand secondary schools. The experiences of both lead educators, with responsibilities at a national level, and classroom teachers provide insights into the personal, contextual and institutional factors which have enabled and constrained the implementation process, especially at NCEA level one. The inclusion of social studies as a subject for the new qualifications and assessment system in New Zealand, the NCEA, heralded a significant opportunity for this integrated subject to gain academic status and acquire a unique identity within the senior secondary school curriculum. Paradoxically it set a relatively strongly framed assessment system beside a curriculum that has traditionally been weakly classified and framed (Bernstein, 1971). This paradox has created tensions for teachers who have responded in different ways, from full implementation to a more functional approach. Two groups of teachers were identified in the course of this study. The idealists are passionate advocates for senior social studies and are likely to implement it to all three NCEA levels in their school. The pragmatists, on the other hand, are more likely to offer only level one social studies, typically to their more academically able year 10 (Form 4) students for extension purposes, and also to induct them into the assessment requirements of the NCEA system before they study the traditional social science subjects at levels one, two and three. This pragmatic approach reflects past practices of the pre- NCEA, School Certificate era (1945-2001). It continues to reinforce the low status and unclear identity of senior social studies within the social sciences as well as within an already overcrowded senior school curriculum. At the end of this first five year period of implementation the viability of senior social studies is at a critical juncture, with its on-going success not yet assured.

An analysis of the regression of science stream matriculation results on certificate of education examination performances in Hong Kong /

Ho, Yun-wo. January 1982 (has links)
Thesis (M. Ed.)--University of Hong Kong, 1982. / Includes bibliographical references (leaf 82-84).

A study of white-collar crime : the circumvention of the textiles export control system of Hong Kong /

Lee, Wai-tak. January 1996 (has links)
Thesis (M. Soc. Sc.)--University of Hong Kong, 1996. / Includes bibliographical references (leaf 119-126).

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