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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sjukskriven utan sjukpenning : Den personliga upplevelsen av att falla mellan stolarna i det svenska sjukförsäkringssystemet

Redforsen, Anne, Svedberg, Kajsa January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att ta reda på hur ett antal individer som fått besked om nekad sjukpenning trots läkarintyg upplever och hanterar sin livssituation och deras ekonomiska förutsättningar efter förlorad sjukpenning. För att besvara studiens syfte och frågeställningar genomfördes kvalitativa intervjuer med sju individer som har upplevelse av att få nekad sjukpenning trots läkarintyg. Teorierna som tillämpats i analysen var coping och stigma. Resultatet visade att majoriteten av respondenterna upplevde att de påverkats negativt av beskedet, både ur ett känslomässigt och ekonomiskt perspektiv. För att hantera sin livssituation använde respondenterna både problemfokuserade och emotionella copingstrategier. Resultatet visade även att majoriteten av respondenterna upplever sig stigmatiserade, både i samhället och av myndigheterna. En av studiens viktigaste slutsatser är att det finns brister i sjukförsäkringen. Det saknas samverkan mellan Försäkringskassan, den enskilde och andra myndigheter. Bedömningen av den enskildes sjukdom och arbetsförmåga skiljer sig också mellan läkare och försäkringskassa. / The aim of the study was to explore the experience of individuals who have been denied sickness benefit despite medical certificates and how they master life and their economy without it. To answer the questions of the study, qualitative interviews were conducted with seven individuals who have the experience of being denied sickness benefit despite medical certificates. The theories applied in analyzes were coping and stigma. Results showed that respondents felt they were negatively affected, both from an emotional and financial perspective. To manage their life situation, respondents used both problem focused and emotional coping strategies. Results showed that respondents felt stigmatized, both in society and by the authorities. Conclusion of the study is that there are shortcomings in Swedish health insurance. Collaboration is poor between social insurance agency and the individual. The assistant of the individual’s illness and ability to work differs between doctor and social insurance fund.

Om de som tänker annorlunda : En diskursanalys av mediernas rapportering om demonstrationer mot vaccinpasset / About those who think different : A discourse analysis on the news media coverage of demonstration against covid-19 vaccination certificates

Deininger, Lukas January 2022 (has links)
Den 1 december 2021 beslutade Regeringen att införa vaccinpass vid allmänna sammankomster för att minska smittspridningen av Covid-19. Pandemin som utbröt i Sverige under våren 2020 var då inne i sin tredje våg. För ovaccinerade personer betydde vaccinpass en radikal inskränkning av friheterna i vardagen. Den 22 januari 2022 samlades tusentals demonstranter i både Göteborg och Stockholm för att demonstrera mot vaccinpass. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur svenska nyhetsmedier rapporterade om dessa demonstrationer. Frågorna som ska besvaras är hur olika identiteter och maktrelationer är konstruerade i rapporteringen, vilka aktörer som ges tolkningsföreträde, vilka ord, begrepp och ordkluster som kopplas till diskursen samt vad som beskrivs som normalt eller avvikande. Metoderna som används för att besvara frågeställningen är kritisk diskursanalys som kompletteras med digital textanalys. Studiens empiri består av artiklar som publicerades om dessa manifestationer i svenska nyhetsmedier. De teoretiska ansatserna som används för att tolka resultaten är gestaltningsteorin och dagordningsteorin som är två medievetenskapliga teorier. Teoretiska ansatser kring etos används men även ideologi där kritiska perspektiv tillämpas. Studiens resultat visar på att mediernas rapportering som undersöktes präglas av ett ideologiskt perspektiv om det som kan anses vara korrekt i samhället. Konkret främjar medierna det rätta och korrekta i samhället enligt demokratiska principer med hög tro på lag och ordning. Ordning har således stor betydelse i diskursen. Manifestationerna har påverkat ordningen, exempelvis genom deltagandet av högerextremistiska grupper. Medierna låter flera deltagare som har ett etos som är i enlighet med samhällets rådande normer och regler komma till tals men varken extremistiska grupper eller så kallade ”foliehattar”. På så vis framställs inte alla demonstrationsdeltagare som fel, men medierna påpekar att deras åsikter avviker från den kollektiva uppfattningen i diskursen. Tolkningsföreträdet i diskursen ges till polisen som beslutar om demonstrationernas legitimitet och som relativiserar demonstrationens påverkan i det sociala fältet. Genom att ge tolkningsföreträdet till polisen förblir medierna objektiva. / On the 1st of December 2021, the Swedish government decided to implement the use of vaccination certificates for public gatherings and events aiming to reduce the spread of infection of Covid-19. On 22nd of January, protestors gathered in the two biggest cities of Sweden, Stockholm and Gothenburg, to demonstrate against the limitations on freedom in conjunction with vaccination certificates. The purpose of this study is to investigate how Swedish news media has reported on these demonstrations, to establish an understanding how different identities and power relations are developed, whom the interpretive precedence is given to, which words and word clusters are connected to the discourse and which topics are framed as normal or deviating in the news articles.  To answer these questions, a critical discourse analysis in combination with digital text analysis has been used by analyzing articles reporting on the manifestations on the 22nd of January 2022, published in Swedish news media. The theoretical framework is based on framing theory and agenda setting theory as well as the concepts of ethos and critical perspectives on ideology.  The results after the data has been analyzed, reflected and discussed with the theoretical framework and the previous research show that the reporting has been affected by an ideology of what is considered as correct in society. Media is encouraging a correct society based on principles of democracy, law and order. Order is significant in the discourse. The demonstrations against vaccination certificate have affected the order in Swedish society, for example with the participation of right-wing extremist groups. Media do not promote these groups nor so called “foil hats”, but participants with an ethos close to the norms of society. By that, media do not frame all participants of the demonstrations as wrong, but media does indicate that their opinion differs from the normal perception of the discourse in society. The interpretive precedence is given to the police which determines the legitimacy of the demonstrations. The police also relativize the impact of the demonstrations on the social field. By giving the interpretive precedence to the police, media remain nonpartisan.

Conversion to a fossil free industry : Investigating certifications as motivatorsfor pro-environmental initiatives

Vinnars, Jacob, Vinnars, Johan, Buratovic, Emma January 2020 (has links)
Climate awareness is growing every day and pressure and expectations of powerful measures from companies are increasing. At the same time, the incentives for many companies to address climate change are small due to limited economic benefits. This master thesis will therefore examine how external certificates that address carbon neutrality can act as a motivator for more sustainable environmental initiatives. The work will also examine the important success factors that exist regarding the design of environmental certificates. The study was conducted through qualitative semi-structured interviews with representatives from several large companies and pro-environmental organizations. Through a detailed analysis, the results showed that an external certificate can strengthen a company's legitimacy and competitiveness, which in previous studies have proven to be motivators for increased environmental initiatives. The certificate itself cannot, however, be seen as a motivator. The conclusion further showed that a global standard is more sought after than a certificate. The study also resulted in the identification of three cornerstones for a successful certificate. These are: working with a credible NGO to achieve high credibility, base all criteria on research, and take into account the views of the industry. Three separate in-depth technical advancement studies have also been carried out and are presented separately in the appendix.

Environmentální řešení budovy domu s pečovatelskou službou v Pohořelicích / Environmental solution of the nursing home building in Pohořelice

Šulc, Viktor January 2022 (has links)
The main task of the thesis is to design a nearly zero energy building of nursing home building in Pohořelice. The building consists of three above-ground floors with flat roof. The first floor is partly below ground and contains eight studios. The second and third floor contains in total twenty residental units made out of sixteen studios and four one bedroom flats. The vertical load-bearing structures are designed from ceramic blocks. The horizontal load-bearing structures are designed from the cast-in-place reinforced concrete. The building envelope is insulated with mineral wool. The second part of the master project focuses on designing HVAC, lighting and sewage system. The building utilizes an air to water heat pump as the main heating and cooling energy source. The summer domestic water heating utilizes auxiliary source by thermal panels. The third part of the master project is to create two different solutions. The aim is to improve energy performance certificate depending on overall comfort of living. Evaluating their impact on energy efficiency and overall comfort compared to projected solution. The project was carried out in the AutoCAD, DEKSOFT, Excel and Word.

Nachhaltiges Bauen in der Praxis: Bewertung des Zertifizierungsprozesses der ökologischen Qualität nach DGNB System

Wuth, Jasmin 15 November 2022 (has links)
Die Verknüpfung von Theorie und Praxis, von universitären Forschen und der realen Wirtschaft, ist ein Pfeiler gesellschaftlicher Entwicklung. Mit der finanziellen Förderung des FOSTER Programms der TU Dresden ist mir diese anzustrebende Verbindung, noch bevor sich der erste Staub auf meiner Abschlussarbeit bequem gemacht hat, gelungen. So konnte ich mit der Unterstützung der Professur für BWL, insb. Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement und Betriebliche Umweltökonomie meine Diplomarbeit von der Theorie in die Praxis, von der Universität in eine renommierte Fachzeitschrift, überführen. In meiner Abschlussarbeit habe ich mich mit den Hemmnissen im Zertifizierungsprozess der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen (DGNB e.V.) beschäftigt. Das DGNB System im Neubau hat den Anspruch eine ganzheitliche Beurteilung eines Gebäudes im Sinne des nachhaltigen Bauens sicherzustellen. Ich habe untersucht, welche Hemmnisse aus Sicht der DGNB Auditoren im Rahmen des Zertifizierungsprozesses bei der Bewertung der ökologischen Qualität auftreten können. Experteninterviews mit drei Auditoren bildeten die Basis für einen strukturierten Fragebogen, der an alle registrierten DGNB Auditoren verschickt wurde. Während die Interviews der explorativen Identifizierung und Systematisierung von Störfaktoren dienten, prüfte der Fragebogen empirisch, inwieweit sich diese auf den zeitlichen Verlauf der Zertifizierung und das Erlangen der höchstmöglichen Bewertungspunktzahl auswirken. Als entscheidendste Hemmnisse gehen die Schnittstellenkooperation und ein später Integrationszeitpunkt des DGNB Konzeptes in der Neubauplanung hervor. Die Analyse legt den Grundstein für die Überwindung etwaiger Hemmnisse und kann folglich einen Beitrag für die Optimierung des Zertifizierungsprozesses leisten. Dies kann Gebäudezertifizierungen als strategisches Instrument nachhaltigen Bauens darin unterstützen sich in der Bauwirtschaft zu etablieren und ihre Marktverbreitung zu steigern. Gleichzeitig wird damit dem übergeordneten Ziel der Förderung einer nachhaltigen Bauweise und Bauwirtschaft gedient. Weiterführende Ergebnisse sind 2021 in einem Artikel der Fachzeitschrift „Bauingenieur“ veröffentlicht. So ist es mir, in enger Abstimmung mit der Professur und der FOSTER Förderung, gelungen meine Forschung vor der Schublade zu bewahren und meine Ergebnisse stattdessen zu publizieren. / Linking theory and practice, university research and the real economy, is a pillar of social development. With the financial support of the FOSTER program of the TU Dresden, I succeeded in this desired connection, even before the first dust on my thesis has settled down. With the support of the professorship for business administration, especially sustainability management and corporate environmental economics, I was able to transfer my diploma thesis from theory to practice, from the university to a renowned specialist journal. In my thesis, I dealt with the obstacles in the certification process of the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB e.V.). The DGNB system in new buildings aims to ensure a holistic assessment of a building in terms of sustainable construction. I have examined which obstacles, from the point of view of the DGNB auditors, can arise in the course of the certification process when assessing ecological quality. Expert interviews with three auditors formed the basis for a structured questionnaire that was sent to all registered DGNB auditors. While the interviews served the explorative identification and systematisation of disruptive factors, the questionnaire empirically examined the extent to which these affect the course of certification over time and the achievement of the highest possible score. The interface cooperation and a late integration date of the DGNB concept in the planning of new buildings emerge as the most decisive obstacles. The analysis lays the foundation for overcoming any obstacles and can consequently make a contribution to optimizing the certification process. This can support building certification as a strategic instrument for sustainable building in establishing itself in the construction industry and increasing its market penetration. At the same time, this serves the overriding goal of promoting sustainable building methods and the construction industry. Further results will be published in an article in the specialist journal 'Bauingenieur' in 2021. So, in close coordination with the professorship and the FOSTER funding, I managed to keep my research in a drawer and to publish my results instead.

Återkallelse Av Lärarlegitimation : En analys i ljuset av legalitetsprincipens krav på tydlighet och förutsägbarhet

Michetti, Maria January 2023 (has links)
The teacher certification system was introduced in Sweden on July 1, 2011,through the Act (2011: 189), reforming the Swedish Education Act. The purposeof the new certification system was to increase the quality of Swedish schools, toraise the status of the teacher profession and to clarify what preschool andschoolteachers can teach. As a result of this new system, only certified preschooland schoolteachers can be permanently employed in Swedish schools, and onlycertified schoolteachers are able to set grades on their own.The certification of preschool and schoolteachers can be revoked if at leastone of the conditions stated in Chapter 2, Section 23, Paragraph 2 in the SwedishEducation Act (2010:800) is met. The Teachers Responsibility Board (Lärarnas-ansvarsnämnd) was formed, in part, in order to make decisions regarding revo-cations of teacher certifications. The Teachers Responsibility Board´s decisionscan be appealed to the Administrative Court.The purpose of this essay is to investigate whether Chapter 2, Section 23, Par-agraph 2, in the Swedish Education Act about revocation of preschool andschoolteacher’s certification fulfills the requisites of clarity and predictability,which follow from the constitutional principle of legality.Case laws from the Teachers Responsibility Board and from the Administra-tive Court have been used, to a large extent, in this essay to examine how thedecision-making bodies have interpreted and applied the aforementioned legalprovision.The conclusion is that Chapter 2, Section 23, Paragraph 2, in the SwedishEducation Act doesn´t fulfill the requisites of clarity and predictability that followfrom the constitutional principle of legality because this legal provision is vagueand ambiguous.The teacher certification system is a relatively new system, and there is a lackof research on the subject, which justifies the need to investigate this topic fur-ther.

En utredning av olika miljöaspekters betydelse vid renovering / A study on the importance of different sustainability aspects in real estate renovation

Stanojlovic, Natalija, Nordström, Oscar January 2020 (has links)
De senaste åren har frågan om hållbar utveckling tagit allt större plats i samhällsdebatter. När det gäller fastighetssektorn har denna fråga och miljömål främst riktats mot nybyggnationer. Samtidigt byggdes majoriteten av fastigheterna i Sverige innan 1970 och ersätts av nya byggnader i en hastighet på 1–3% per år. Med det i åtanke påträffas ett stort gap som den här studien har för avsikt att adressera. Detta genom att undersöka miljöaspekters påverkan vid renoveringar av byggnader och specifikt med hänsyn till materialval av golv. Studien undersöker tre olika perspektiv. Genom en litteraturstudie har ett urval av golvmaterial utretts med avseende på klimatpåverkan mätt som Global Warming Potential (GWP100), energiåtgång och kemiska restprodukter. Därefter har en analys gjorts över vilka krav och riktlinjer som ställs från miljöcertifieringssystemets sida genom en dokumentanalys och slutligen har miljöaspekternas betydelse vid renovering ur ett fastighetsbolags perspektiv undersökts genom en fallstudie hos fastighetsbolaget Hufvudstaden. Litteraturstudien visade på, för de undersökta miljöaspekterna, att linoleumgolv presterar bäst på en kort tidshorisont på 8 år och parkettgolv presterar bättre än de andra golvtyperna i en tidshorisont på över 20 år. Ett flertal av de inhämtade studierna undersökte även kemiska restprodukter, slutsatsen blev att de ämnen som studierna tog upp inte anses att vara farliga. Däremot bör det ej uteslutas att golven kan producera andra kemiska restprodukter som kan ha en negativ påverkan på sin omgivning. Gällande certifieringssystemen framgick det att material har en mindre roll i certifieringsprocessen, maximalt 12—14 % av de totala poängen. Det visade sig att de lägger vikt på att renoveringsarbete tidigt planeras för hållbara processer, bland annat genom att välja material med hållbarhet i åtanke och underhålla det med omsorg. Utifrån certifieringssystemens villkor och rekommendationer ses parkettgolv som det mest lämpade valet utav de undersökta golvtyperna. I fastighets- och byggbranschen premieras oftast parkettgolv utav de undersökta golven i detta arbete. Både IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet och fastighetsbolaget Hufvudstaden anser att golvet är det mest lämpade vid renoveringar med en lång livslängd i åtanke. / The issue of sustainability has been highlighted more frequently in recent years. In the case of the real estate industry the environmental objectives have primarily been set with respect to new construction. However, the majority of the properties in Sweden were built before the 1970’s and buildings are replaced at a rate of only 1-3% per year. Keeping this in mind, an important research gap is present. This study aims to contribute to the narrowing of that gap by examining the environmental impacts of renovations in existing buildings and specifically with respect to the choice of flooring materials. The study was conducted through three perspectives. Firstly, by examining literature on a selection of flooring materials with regards to Global Warming Potential (GWP100), energy consumption and chemical residues. Secondly by analyzing guidelines provided by sustainability certifications through a document analysis. The last perspective was studying the choice of flooring material from a real estate company point of view, conducted through a case study. The literature study showed, for the investigated environmental aspects, that linoleum floors perform best on a short time horizon of 8 years and parquet floors perform in a longer time horizon of over 20 years. A number of the examined studies also investigated the chemical residues from the materials that may have a negative impact on the environment, but the conclusion was that the substances were not shown to be dangerous. However, it should not be ruled out that the floors may produce other chemical residues that may have a negative impact on their surroundings. Regarding the certification systems, it was found that materials play a smaller role in the certification process, a maximum of 12-14% of the total points. It turned out that certification systems place emphasis on early planning for sustainable processes in construction, including choosing materials with sustainability in mind and maintaining them with care. Based on the conditions and recommendations of the certification systems, parquet floors are seen as the most suitable choice of the floor types examined. The real estate and construction industry commend the parquet floors out of the examined flooring types, due to its ability to be maintained and its long life-span.

A Qualitative Evaluation of the Ohio University Diabetes Certificate Program

Denison, Kaitlin E. January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Elektroninio parašo atributų sertifikavimas / Certification of electronic signature attributes

Lozda, Marius 27 June 2014 (has links)
Darbe nagrinėjama atributinės informacijos sertifikavimo šiuo metu naudojamuose elektroniniuse parašuose problema. Trumpai apžvelgiami elektroninio parašo principai ir supažindinama su viešųjų raktų infrastruktūra, nurodant galimybes jai išplėsti, iškilus poreikiui užtikrinti aukštesnį saugumo lygį keičiantis papildoma (atributine) informacija. Nagrinėjami įvairūs atributinės informacijos sertifikavimo metodai, viešųjų raktų infrastruktūroje įvedant atributų sertifikato ir atributų sertifikavimo centro sąvokas. Pateikiamas tinkamiausio metodo pritaikymo pavyzdys, modeliuojant elektroninio parašo naudojimo situaciją, artimą dabartinei situacijai Lietuvoje. Sprendimo pritaikymas demonstruojamas apibrėžiant patobulintos elektroninio parašo infrastruktūros prototipą. / This paper analyses issues of attribute certification in currently used electronic signatures. Fundamentals of electronic signatures and public key infrastructure are briefly described, focusing on possibilities of achieving higher security level in communication when attribute information is important. Various suggestions for attribute certification are analysed, introducing atribute certificates and atribute authorities. Different certification methods are compared and evaluated, applying the most suitable one in the public key infrastructure usage model, that is constructed by simplifying the current situation of electronic signatures. The solution is represented by describing the prototype of improved electronic signature infrastructure.

The viability of music as a viable subject at secondary school level

Jacobs, Gail Suzan 02 1900 (has links)
The study of music has long been seen as élitist in South African education, a ‘talent’ subject rather than an academic one. The country’s political history has played a significant role in this perception. Under the apartheid government, education in the arts was considered appropriate only for gifted, mostly white, students and a grossly inequitable distribution of resources placed the study of music beyond the reach of most students. The ANC government has declared educational reform a priority, but faces enormous challenges in redressing inequities of the past. This study examines the relevance and academic rigour of music curricula past and present, in the light of political influences; and the challenges that face schools and education departments in sustaining growth and development of music as an academic subject, accessible to all at senior secondary school level. / Music / M. Mus.

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