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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The restructuring of senior secondary education in the Australian Capital Territory

Morgan, Douglas E., n/a January 1978 (has links)
In January, 1974, the Interim ACT Schools Authority assumed responsibility for pre, primary and secondary schools in the Australian Capital Territory. It took steps to provide a basis for the restructuring of secondary education. The traditional six-year comprehensive high school was to be replaced in 1976 by a four-year high school and a two-year secondary college. The Interim Authority decided that each school should be responsible for its own curriculum which should not be constrained by an external examination. A system of course development and teacher assessment, to replace the New South Wales Higher School Certificate syllabuses and examination, was developed during 1974. The Interim Authority sought the advice of the Australian Council for Educational Research, and a report prepared by it was used to stimulate public debate. After considering a wide cross section of points of view the Interim Authority decided that accredited courses would replace syllabuses, teacher assessments, the examination and profile reports the Certificate. The ACT Schools Accrediting Agency, a committee of the Interim Authority, was formed in 1975 to administer accrediting assessment and reporting. The Accrediting Agency negotiated the basis for tertiary entrance for ACT students. It determined that a single aggregate score, the Tertiary Entrance Score, should be calculated, using aggregated scaled teacher assessments. Scores from three major and one minor accredited-TES courses scaled by the Australian Scholastic Aptitude Test total score would be aggregated. A system-wide order of merit would be created. The maximum aggregate score would be 360. The basis for the aggregate was very different from that which it was replacing. In New South Wales, five subject scores with a possible maximum of 900 was used. An examination of a number of comparison and correlation studies presented in Part B indicates that ASAT scaling of teacher estimates improves the correlation of teacher estimates with the Higher School Certificate examination aggregate scores. Some correlations between ASAT-scaled criteria and HSC aggregates are in the order of 0.9. As is expected some movement away from what was acceptable in 1975 occurred. When examined in the light of the philosophy of school responsibility for curriculum and assessment the procedures adopted certainly facilitate this, while at the same time produce students' results which can be used as confidently as external examination results have been.

敦煌寫本書儀中應用文書研究 / An Analaysis of the Practial writing in the Written Shu-i in Tun-huan

葉淑珍, Yeh, Shu Chen Unknown Date (has links)

Invisible children in the Dominican Republic : A Minor Field Study on obstacles to birth registration / Niños invisibles en la República Dominicana : Un estudio de campo acerca de los obstáculos para el registro de nacimientos

Flygge, Mikaela January 2009 (has links)
<p>Birth registration is a fundamental key in ensuring several essential rights of the child; including the right to a name and a nationality, the right to education and health care, and protection from abuse and exploitation among others. The United Nation’s Convention on the Right of the Child establishes that the child shall be registered immediately after birth and have the right to a name and a nationality. A total of 22 % of the Dominican children under the age of five are lacking an official proof of their existence within the Dominican society and in the world. A Minor Field study was conducted during a period of two months in 2009 with the aim of clarifying what obstacles to birth registration exist in the South-western part of the Dominican Republic. This clarification will contribute to a wider understanding of the causes to non-registration and the birth registration process in the country. Semi-structured interviews have been conducted with parents to unregistered children, civil registry officials and other relevant actors in the Dominican society. The findings of the study present a wide range of obstacles to birth registration and it is clear that the reasons behind non-registration in this region are numerous, complex and often inter-related. According to most parents, officials and other informants the main obstacle to birth registration was found to be the parents’ lack of a Dominican identification card, a <em>cédula</em>. The lack of awareness about the importance of being registered and neglect by the parents were two other significant barriers to birth registration. The Minor Field Study was conducted with the support of the child rights organisation Plan International - República Dominicana.</p> / <p>Registro de nacimiento es una de las claves más importantes para asegurar los derechos fundamentales del niño; derecho a un nombre y una nacionalidad, derecho a la educación, derecho a servicio de salud, protección contra el abuso y la explotación entre otras cosas. La Convención sobre los Derechos del Niño establece que el niño será inscripto inmediatamente después de su nacimiento y tendrá derecho a un nombre y una nacionalidad. Un total de 22 % de los niños Dominicanos menores de cinco años de edad carece de una prueba oficial de su existencia dentro de la sociedad Dominicana y en el mundo. Un estudio de campo (Minor Field Study) fue realizado durante un período de dos meses en 2009 con el objetivo de aclarar cuáles son los obstáculos para el registro de nacimiento en la parte Sur-occidental de la República Dominicana. Esta aclaración contribuirá a una mayor comprensión de las causas de la no inscripción y el proceso de inscripción de nacimientos en el país. Entrevistas semi-estructuradas fueron realizadas con padres de niños sin registrar, oficiales del Estado civil y otros actores en la sociedad Dominicana. Los resultados de este estudio presentan varios obstáculos para la inscripción de nacimiento y es evidente que las razones de la no inscripción en esta región son numerosas, complejas e interrelacionadas. Según la mayoría de los padres, oficiales del Estado civil y otros informantes el principal obstáculo para el registro de nacimientos se encontró en la falta de cédula de los padres, un problema que muchas veces pasa de una generación a otra. La falta de conciencia sobre la importancia de estar registrado y la negligencia de los padres fueron otros dos obstáculos importantes para el registro de nacimientos. El estudio fue realizado con el apoyo de la organización non gubernamental Plan International- República Dominicana.</p>

Säkrare sjöfart? : - en processanalys av föreskrifter omläkarundersökning för sjöfolk. / Safer shipping? : – a process analysis of medical examinations for seafarers

Ekberg Collin, Camilla, Essén, Cathrine January 2011 (has links)
Arbetsuppgifterna på ett fartyg kan innefatta hård fysisk påfrestning samt arbete i mörker, påhög höjd och i slutna utrymmen vilket betyder att sjöfolk måste vara lämpliga för tjänstgöringen.De nationella reglerna för medicinsk lämplighet för sjöfolk skiljer sig trots att deninternationella standarden är densamma för alla. Syftet med denna rapport är att åskådliggöraskillnaderna mellan regelverken om läkarintyg för sjöfolk i de skandinaviska länderna ochundersöka historien bakom de svenska föreskrifterna.Vår slutsats är att det skulle gagna Sverige att återinföra Sjömansläkare, som troligtvis är merkompetenta än en icke specialiserad läkare vad gäller tjänstbarhetsbedömning för sjömän.Systemet med sjömansläkare är fortfarande i bruk och fungerar väl i både Danmark ochNorge.Slutligen sammanfattas rapporten av författarnas egna reflektioner kring ämnet i relation tillresultatet. Förslag till vidare forskning återfinns i slutet. / The duties onboard any ship include moments of hard physical labour, work in darkness, aloftand within enclosed spaces which means that a seafarer must be fit for duty. The nationalrequirements for medical fitness of seafarers differ between countries, although they are allbased on the same international standard. The aim of this report is to compare the differencesbetween the regulations concerning medical certificates for seafarers in the Scandinaviancountries and to investigate the history of the Swedish regulations.We conclude that Sweden would benefit from the reintroduction of the old system ofSeaman’s Doctors, who presumably are more competent than a doctor not specialized injudging the fitness of a seafarer. This system is still in operation and working well in bothDenmark and Norway.Finally this report consists of the authors’ own reflexions regarding the medical examinationsand certificates for seafarers. We also include a few suggestions for further research.

Interval Based Parameter Identification for System Biology / Intervallbaserad parameteridentifiering för systembiologi

Alami, Mohsen January 2012 (has links)
This master thesis studies the problem of parameter identification for system biology. Two methods have been studied. The method of interval analysis uses subpaving as a class of objects to manipulate and store inner and outer approximations of compact sets. This method works well with the model given as a system of differential equations, but has its limitations, since the analytical expression for the solution to the ODE is not always obtainable, which is needed for constructing the inclusion function. The other method, studied, is SDP-relaxation of a nonlinear and non-convex feasibility problem. This method, implemented in the toolbox bio.SDP, works with system of difference equations, obtained using the Euler discretization method. The discretization method is not exact, raising the need of bounding this discretization error. Several methods for bounding this error has been studied. The method of ∞-norm optimization, also called worst-case-∞-norm is applied on the one-step error estimation method. The methods have been illustrated solving two system biological problems and the resulting SCP have been compared. / Det här examensarbetet studerar problemet med parameteridentifiering för systembiologi. Två metoder har studerats. Metoden med intervallanalys använder union av intervallvektorer som klass av objekt för att manipulera och bilda inre och yttre approximationer av kompakta mängder. Denna metod fungerar väl för modeller givna som ett system av differentialekvationer, men har sina begränsningar, eftersom det analytiska uttrycket för lösningen till differentialekvationen som är nödvändigt att känna till för att kunna formulera inkluderande funktioner, inte alltid är tillgängliga. Den andra studerade metoden, använder SDP-relaxering, som ett sätt att komma runt problemet med olinjäritet och icke-konvexitet i systemet. Denna metod, implementerad i toolboxen bio.SDP, utgår från system av differensekvationer, framtagna via Eulers diskretiserings metod. Diskretiseringsmetoden innehåller fel och osäkerhet, vilket gör det nödvändigt att estimera en gräns för felets storlek. Några felestimeringsmetoder har studerats. Metoden med ∞-norm optimering, också kallat worst-case-∞-norm är tillämpat på ett-stegs felestimerings metoder. Metoderna har illustrerats genom att lösa två system biologiska problem och de accepterade parametermängderna, benämnt SCP, har jämförts och diskuterats.

Sjunkande kunskaper i musikteori? – om en möjlig orsak : En undersökning om förekomsten av musikteoriundervisning bland Sveriges musik- och kulturskolor / Declining Knowledge in Music Theory? : A study of the prevalence of music theory instruction among Swedish music and culture schools

Forsén, Lotta January 2011 (has links)
Mitt syfte med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka om det finns ett samband mellan de försämrade musikteoretiska kunskaperna bland de sökande till musikhögskolorna och utbudet av teoriundervisning på de svenska musik- och kulturskolorna. För att uppnå detta har jag gjort en kartläggning av förekomsten av musikteori som enskilt ämne på de svenska musik- och kulturskolorna, samt hur denna bedrivs. Jag har använt mig av en enkät som rektorer eller lärare i musikteori har svarat på, samt undersökt antagningsproven (C-proven) i musiklära och satslära från olika år på Ingesunds musikhögskola. Enkätsvaren visar att en tredjedel av dem som svarat, erbjuder musikteori som eget ämne. Dessa skolor hittar vi i både stora och små kommuner medett varierat elevantal. Musikteorin verkar inte ha minskat nämnvärt under de senaste 9 åren. Hos de skolor som inte har teoriundervisning uppges anledningen vara dålig ekonomi, men hos de skolor som har haft, men tvingas lägga ner teoriundervisningen anges orsaken vara bristande elevintresse. Jag har även undersökt lektionernas utformning, lärarnas behörighet, integration av musikteori i instrumentallektionerna och marknadsföring av ämnet. I diskussionen resonerar jag om resultatet kan ge en förklaring till problemet med sjunkande kunskaper i musikteori. Svaren pekar på att det troligtvis inte är ett minskat utbud av musikteori, utan en minskad efterfrågan, som gör att kunskapsnivån har sjunkit. / The purpose of this study is to examine if there is a connection between the diminishing knowledge of music theory of applicants to colleges of music, and the offering of music theory in the Swedish music and culture schools. In order to reach this goal, I conducted a survey of the prevalence of music theory among the Swedish music and culture schools, and how this is organized. I have used a questionnaire in which the principal or the teacher of music theory has responded to, and I have examined the entrance examinations (C-test) in basic theoretical knowledge and harmony from different years at The Music Academy of Ingesund. Survey responses indicate that a third of those who answered, offer music theory as its own subject. These schools can be found in both large and small municipalities, with a varied number of students. Music theory does not seem to have decreased significantly over the past nine years. Among the schools that do not offer music theory, the main reason given for this is a poor economy. But among schools who offered music theory but were forced to discontinue, the main reason given were the students' lack of interest. I have also investigated the structure of the lesson, certified teachers, integration of music theory in instrumental lessons and the marketing of the subject. In the section where I discuss the results, an explanation may be found as to why there appears to be a declining knowledge of music theory. The responses indicate that while music theory is still generally offered as before, there is a reduction in demand, which may cause the knowledge level to decrease.

Invisible children in the Dominican Republic : A Minor Field Study on obstacles to birth registration / Niños invisibles en la República Dominicana : Un estudio de campo acerca de los obstáculos para el registro de nacimientos

Flygge, Mikaela January 2009 (has links)
Birth registration is a fundamental key in ensuring several essential rights of the child; including the right to a name and a nationality, the right to education and health care, and protection from abuse and exploitation among others. The United Nation’s Convention on the Right of the Child establishes that the child shall be registered immediately after birth and have the right to a name and a nationality. A total of 22 % of the Dominican children under the age of five are lacking an official proof of their existence within the Dominican society and in the world. A Minor Field study was conducted during a period of two months in 2009 with the aim of clarifying what obstacles to birth registration exist in the South-western part of the Dominican Republic. This clarification will contribute to a wider understanding of the causes to non-registration and the birth registration process in the country. Semi-structured interviews have been conducted with parents to unregistered children, civil registry officials and other relevant actors in the Dominican society. The findings of the study present a wide range of obstacles to birth registration and it is clear that the reasons behind non-registration in this region are numerous, complex and often inter-related. According to most parents, officials and other informants the main obstacle to birth registration was found to be the parents’ lack of a Dominican identification card, a cédula. The lack of awareness about the importance of being registered and neglect by the parents were two other significant barriers to birth registration. The Minor Field Study was conducted with the support of the child rights organisation Plan International - República Dominicana. / Registro de nacimiento es una de las claves más importantes para asegurar los derechos fundamentales del niño; derecho a un nombre y una nacionalidad, derecho a la educación, derecho a servicio de salud, protección contra el abuso y la explotación entre otras cosas. La Convención sobre los Derechos del Niño establece que el niño será inscripto inmediatamente después de su nacimiento y tendrá derecho a un nombre y una nacionalidad. Un total de 22 % de los niños Dominicanos menores de cinco años de edad carece de una prueba oficial de su existencia dentro de la sociedad Dominicana y en el mundo. Un estudio de campo (Minor Field Study) fue realizado durante un período de dos meses en 2009 con el objetivo de aclarar cuáles son los obstáculos para el registro de nacimiento en la parte Sur-occidental de la República Dominicana. Esta aclaración contribuirá a una mayor comprensión de las causas de la no inscripción y el proceso de inscripción de nacimientos en el país. Entrevistas semi-estructuradas fueron realizadas con padres de niños sin registrar, oficiales del Estado civil y otros actores en la sociedad Dominicana. Los resultados de este estudio presentan varios obstáculos para la inscripción de nacimiento y es evidente que las razones de la no inscripción en esta región son numerosas, complejas e interrelacionadas. Según la mayoría de los padres, oficiales del Estado civil y otros informantes el principal obstáculo para el registro de nacimientos se encontró en la falta de cédula de los padres, un problema que muchas veces pasa de una generación a otra. La falta de conciencia sobre la importancia de estar registrado y la negligencia de los padres fueron otros dos obstáculos importantes para el registro de nacimientos. El estudio fue realizado con el apoyo de la organización non gubernamental Plan International- República Dominicana.

A Certificate Based, Context Aware Access Control Model For Multi Domain Environments

Yortanli, Ahmet 01 February 2011 (has links) (PDF)
A certificate based approach is proposed for access control operations of context aware systems for multi domain environments. New model deals with the removal of inter-domain communication requirement in access request evaluation process. The study is applied on a prototype implementation with configuration for two dierent cases to show the applicability of the proposed certificate based, context aware access control model for multi domain environments. The outputs for the cases show that proposed access control model can satisfy the requirements of a context aware access control model while removing inter domain communication needs which may cause some latency in access request evaluation phase.

Certificate revocation list distribution in vehicular ad hoc networks

Nowatkowski, Michael E. 05 April 2010 (has links)
The objective of this research is to investigate improved methods for distributing certificate revocation lists (CRLs) in vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs). VANETs are a subset of mobile ad hoc networks composed of network-equipped vehicles and infrastructure points, which will allow vehicles to communicate with other vehicles and with roadside infrastructure points. While sharing some of the same limitations of mobile ad hoc networks, such as lack of infrastructure and limited communications range, VANETs have several dissimilarities that make them a much different research area. The main differences include the size of the network, the speed of the vehicles, and the network security concerns. Confidentiality, authenticity, integrity, and availability are some of the standard goals of network security. While confidentiality and authenticity at times seem in opposition to each other, VANET researchers have developed many methods for enhancing confidentiality while at the same time providing authenticity. The method agreed upon for confidentiality and authenticity by most researchers and the IEEE 1609 working group is a public key infrastructure (PKI) system. An important part of any PKI system is the revocation of certificates. The revocation process, as well as the distribution of revocation information, is an open research problem for VANETs. This research develops new methods of CRL distribution and compares them to existing methods proposed by other researchers. The new methods show improved performance in various vehicle traffic densities.

Europeiskt arvsintyg : En granskning av det internationella arvsintyget i EU:s arvsförordning / The European Certificate of Succession

Edman, Tove, Svantesson, Linnea January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the European certificate of succession, and how it affects Swedish inheritance law. The European certificate of succession is a European document that will be introduced in august 2015 in the EU regulation of succession. The certificate of succession is meant to simplify the current process of cross-border inheritance by legitimizing the concerned parties, which according to the regulation are: heirs, legatees, executors of wills and administrators of the estate. According to the regulation, the member state of which the deceased had habitual residence shall have jurisdiction to rule on the succession as a whole. Since the certificate is a European document, it will have legal effect in all member states. Because of this, a decision from one authority/court in a member state will also be applicable in the other member states. This means that national law in a certain capacity becomes cross-border law, which requires strong regulation. The certificate itself cannot be counted as an estate inventory, choice of law, will, or similar. It can however be a basis for a decision concerning inheritance. The certificate can be considered as an acknowledgement of a decision from one member state, which will also be applicable in the other member states. In Sweden, the certificate will be issued by “Skatteverket” (the Swedish tax agency). The European certificate of succession will considerably simplify the cross-border inheritance process for EU-citizens. / Uppsatsens syfte är undersöka arvsintyget som rättshandling och diskutera dess följder på svensk arvsrätt. Det europeiska arvsintyget är en europeisk rättshandling som kommer införas i augusti 2015 i samband med EU:s nya arvsförordning. Arvsintyget är menat att förenkla processen vid gränsöverskridande arvsfrågor genom att legitimera de berörda parterna. Vilka enligt förordningen är: arvtagare, testamentstagare, boutredningsmän och testamentsexekutorer. I och med den nya arvsförordningen kommer hemvistprincipen få en större roll inom den europeiska arvsrätten och arvsintyget kan då användas för att förmedla ett domslut/bestämmande från en medlemsstat till en annan. Även universalitetsprincipen är av stor vikt vid behörighetsfrågor om gränsöverskridande arv, då den innebär att all kvarlåtenskap ska ingå i samma boutredning. Eftersom arvsintyget är en europeisk rättshandling kommer den ha rättsverkan i alla EU-länder som är bundna av arvsförordningen. Därför kommer ett beslut från myndighet/domstol i en medlemsstat även gälla i andra medlemsstater, vilket meddelas genom arvsintyget. Detta leder till att nationell lag i viss kapacitet blir gränsöverskridande, vilket kräver strikt reglering. Arvsintyget kan inte i sig självt räknas som en fördelning av kvarlåtenskap, lagvalsavtal eller liknande. Det kan dock ligga till grund för beslutande angående arvsskifte. Arvsintyget kan anses vara en kvittens av ett beslut från en medlemsstat, vilket ska gälla även i andra medlemsstater. Arvsintyget kommer i Sverige utfärdas av Skatteverket och kommer betydligt underlätta för EU-medborgare vid gränsöverskridande arvsfrågor.

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