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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Microfabrication and Evaluation of Planar Thin-Film Microfluidic Devices

Peeni, Bridget Ann 05 October 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Over the past 15 years, research in the field of microfluidics has rapidly gained popularity. By seeking to miniaturize and automate separation-based analysis, microfluidic research seeks to improve current methods through decreased cost, analysis time, and sources of contamination. My work has focused on developing a novel fabrication method, based on standard microfabrication techniques, to create thin-film microfluidic devices. This microfabrication format makes it possible to generate devices that provide high efficiencies, enable mass fabrication, and provide a platform capable of integrating the microfluidic and electronic components necessary for a micro-total analysis system (μ-TAS). Device fabrication combines the processes of photolithography, thermal evaporation, plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD), and wet chemical etching to ultimately provide hollow-core channels. When these microcapillaries are filled with buffer and potentials are applied across them, control of the flow in the channels can be established. By designing intersecting microchannels having an offset “T†geometry, I have been able to inject and electrophoretically separate three fluorescently labeled amino acids and obtain efficiencies of over 2500 theoretical plates. Through the addition of commercially available electroosmotic flow reducing coatings, I have been able to improve the separation of these amino acids, decreasing the run time by approximately 6 fold and increasing the efficiency by as much as 10 fold. Through the use of these coatings I have also been able to carry out electrophoretic separations of three peptides. My most recent work has focused on the polymerization of acrylamide gels in these channels. A method for the selective placement of a gel has been developed using a prepolymer solution with a light-sensitive initiator. Further work to adjust the polymer pore size and interface with ampholyte-containing gels should allow methods such as capillary gel electrophoresis (CGE), preconcentration, and two dimensional (isolectric focusing and CGE) separations to be performed. The development of gel-based analysis methods, along with other fluidic and electrical capacities, should move thin-film microdevices toward the realization of the lab-on-a-chip concept.

Three Essays on Economic Modeling and Environmental Policy Evaluation

Gong, Ziqian 12 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.

La partecipazione del Mozambico al SADC. Un processo di liberalizzazione attraverso diversi modelli e diverse chiusure. / THE MOZAMBICAN PARTICIPATION IN SADC. A LIBERALIZATION PROCESS THROUGH DIFFERENT MODELS AND DIFFERENT CLOSURES

DELPIAZZO, ELISA 13 July 2011 (has links)
La scelta del modeller riguardo alla chiusura del modello CGE influenza i suoi risultati finali e le sue prescrizioni di policy. In questa tesi, lo scopo è l’analisi e l’identificazione del problema, sia attraverso una discussione teorica che un’ applicazione pratica. Dall’articolo del 1963 di Amartya Sen in poi, la letteratura ha presentato vari articoli sull’argomento. Attualmente, il problema delle chiusure del modello non appare più centrale nel dibattito. Dopo una breve introduzione su cosa siano i CGE, il loro sviluppo e la loro struttura, è presentata una serie di esemplificative maquette con lo scopo di introdurre al concetto di chiusura, come essa influenzi i risultati e come questa scelta del modeller sia intimamente connessa ai fondamenti macroeconomici del sistema. Dopo la teoria, ci si sposta nel mondo reale analizzando con differenti modelli (Neoclassico, “Bastardo Keynesiano”, Strutturalista/Post- Keynesiano) e diverse chiusure per gli aggregati macroeconomici (risparmi privati, pubblici, e stranieri) l’impatto dell’accordo regionale SADC sull’economia mozambicana. I modelli CGE per il Mozambico sono calibrati su una SAM del 2003 e sono svolti con l’ausilio di GAMS/MPSGE. I risultati dimostrano che la chiusura influenza i risultati stessi del modello per cui ognuno presenta una serie di raccomandazioni politiche per l’applicazione dell’accordo SADC. / Modellers’ choice on closure rules affects a CGE model results and consequently its policy prescriptions. In this thesis, the aim is to detect and assess this issue, both through a theoretical discussion and an empirical application. Starting from Amartya Sen’s 1963 paper, literature presents many contributions on this topic. Currently, the closure rule problem is not central in the CGE debate. After a brief introduction on CGEs, their development and their structure, a series of simple maquette is presented. They have the exemplary role of introducing the concept of closures, explain how they affect final outcomes and how this modeller’s choice is strictly connected to the macroeconomic foundation of the economic system. After theory, we move into the real World analyzing through different models (Neoclassical, “Bastard Keynesian”, and Structuralist/ Post- Keynesian), and through different closure rules for macro- aggregates (private, public and foreign savings) the impact of the Regional Trade Agreement of SADC with respect to the Mozambican economy. The Mozambican CGE models are calibrated on a 2003 Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) and they are performed using GAMS/ MPSGE. Outcomes show that closure rules affect them and each model presents a set of policy prescription to implement the SADC agreement.

Impact of the Exit from Nuclear and Fossil-fuel Energy on the German Economy / A General Equilibrium Analysis with Special Emphasis on Agriculture and Electricity

Rothe, Andrea Kerstin 10 July 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Improving the Depiction of Uncertainty in Simulation Models by Exploiting the Potential of Gaussian Quadratures

Stepanyan, Davit 12 March 2021 (has links)
Simulationsmodelle sind ein etabliertes Instrument zur Analyse von Auswirkungen exogener Schocks in komplexen Systemen. Die in jüngster Zeit gestiegene verfügbare Rechenleistung und -geschwindigkeit hat die Entwicklung detaillierterer und komplexerer Simulationsmodelle befördert. Dieser Trend hat jedoch Bedenken hinsichtlich der Unsicherheit solcher Modellergebnisse aufgeworfen und daher viele Nutzer von Simulationsmodellen dazu motiviert, Unsicherheiten in ihren Simulationen zu integrieren. Eine Möglichkeit dies systematisch zu tun besteht darin, stochastische Elemente in die Modellgleichungen zu integrieren, wodurch das jeweilige Modell zu einem Problem (mehrfacher) numerischer Integrationen wird. Da es für solche Probleme meist keine analytischen Lösungen gibt, werden numerische Approximationsmethoden genutzt. Die derzeit zur Quantifizierung von Unsicherheiten in Simulationsmodellen genutzt en Techniken, sind entweder rechenaufwändig (Monte Carlo [MC] -basierte Methoden) oder liefern Ergebnisse von heterogener Qualität (Gauß-Quadraturen [GQs]). In Anbetracht der Bedeutung von effizienten Methoden zur Quantifizierung von Unsicherheit im Zeitalter von „big data“ ist es das Ziel dieser Doktorthesis, Methoden zu entwickeln, die die Näherungsfehler von GQs verringern und diese Methoden einer breiteren Forschungsgemeinschaft zugänglich machen. Zu diesem Zweck werden zwei neuartige Methoden zur Quantifizierung von Unsicherheiten entwickelt und in vier verschiedene, große partielle und allgemeine Gleichgewichtsmodelle integriert, die sich mit Agrarumweltfragen befassen. Diese Arbeit liefert methodische Entwicklungen und ist von hoher Relevanz für angewandte Simulationsmodellierer. Obwohl die Methoden in großen Simulationsmodellen für Agrarumweltfragen entwickelt und getestet werden, sind sie nicht durch Modelltyp oder Anwendungsgebiet beschränkt, sondern können ebenso in anderen Zusammenhängen angewandt werden. / Simulation models are an established tool for assessing the impacts of exogenous shocks in complex systems. Recent increases in available computational power and speed have led to simulation models with increased levels of detail and complexity. However, this trend has raised concerns regarding the uncertainty of such model results and therefore motivated many users of simulation models to consider uncertainty in their simulations. One way is to integrate stochastic elements into the model equations, thus turning the model into a problem of (multiple) numerical integration. As, in most cases, such problems do not have analytical solutions, numerical approximation methods are applied. The uncertainty quantification techniques currently used in simulation models are either computational expensive (Monte Carlo [MC]-based methods) or produce results of varying quality (Gaussian quadratures [GQs]). Considering the importance of efficient uncertainty quantification methods in the era of big data, this thesis aims to develop methods that decrease the approximation errors of GQs and make these methods accessible to the wider research community. For this purpose, two novel uncertainty quantification methods are developed and integrated into four different large-scale partial and general equilibrium models addressing agro-environmental issues. This thesis provides method developments and is of high relevance for applied simulation modelers who struggle to apply computationally burdensome stochastic modeling methods. Although the methods are developed and tested in large-scale simulation models addressing agricultural issues, they are not restricted to a model type or field of application.

Analyse von verkehrs- und klimabezogenen Politikmaßnahmen in einer Stadtökonomie: Erweiterung und Anwendung eines räumlichen allgemeinen Gleichgewichtmodells

Nitzsche, Eric 28 April 2016 (has links)
Die Dissertation befasst sich mit der Erweiterung und Anwendung des allgemeinen räumlichen Gleichgewicht- und Transportmodells RELU-TRAN (Anas und Liu, 2007) und analysiert verschiedene verkehrs- und klimabezogene Politikmaßnahmen (Tempo-30 in Städten, Infrastrukturqualität, Anpassung an den Klimawandel) in einer Stadtökonomie.

Depicting Vocational Education and Training System in Computable General Equilibrium Models

Elnour Hamad Mohammed, Zuhal 20 April 2022 (has links)
Allgemeine Gleichgewichtsmodelle (Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) models) werden oft genutzt, um Erkenntnisse über die gesamtwirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen bildungspolitischer Maßnahmen zu gewinnen. Eine Literaturrecherche zur Integration des Bildungs- und Ausbildungssystems in CGE-Modellen zeigt klare Limitationen bisheriger Studien bezüglich der Darstellung des Bildungs- und Ausbildungssystems und identifiziert damit eine wichtige Forschungslücke, der sich diese Dissertation widmet. Vor diesem Hintergrund ist das Hauptziel dieser Dissertation die Entwicklung eines neuartigen Ansatzes zur Einbeziehung der anerkannten Bildungs- und Berufsbildungssysteme in CGE-Modellen, einschließlich aller potenziellen Verbindungen zwischen diesen beiden Systemen. Das entwickelte Modell ermöglicht die Akkumulation von Arbeitskräften entsprechend der Veränderungen der Anzahl der Absolventen und Schulabbrecher eines integrierten Bildungs- und Ausbildungssystems. Es handelt sich um ein rekursiv-dynamisches Ein-Land-CGE-Modell (STAGE-Edu), das die mittel- bis langfristigen gesamtwirtschaftlichen Effekte verschiedener Bildungs- und Ausbildungspolitiken abbildet. Der Sudan gehört zu den Ländern der unteren mittleren Einkommensklasse, die bezüglich der Förderung der menschlichen Entwicklung vor zahlreichen Herausforderungen stehen. Aus diesem Grund werden in der vorliegenden Dissertation verschiedene bildungspolitische Maßnahmen analysiert und deren Auswirkungen auf das Wirtschaftswachstum und die Humankapitalbildung im Sudan bewertet. Der entwickelte Modellierungsrahmen leistet einen wichtigen Beitrag zur gesamtwirtschaftlichen Darstellung der durch Bildung und Ausbildung bewirkten menschlichen Entwicklung sowie der drauf abzielenden politischen Maßnahmen. STAGE-Edu bietet politischen Entscheidungsträgern ex-ante Erkenntnisse bezüglich der potenziellen Auswirkungen von Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Arbeitsqualifikation und letztlich zur Erhöhung des Lebensstandards der Bevölkerung. / Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) models have been widely used to generate insights into the economy-wide implications of education policy measures. A literature review on incorporating the education and training system in CGE models reveals explicit limitations of previous studies depicting vocational education and training system, hence, identifying a significant research gap, which shall be addressed in this dissertation. Against this background, the main objective of this dissertation is to develop a novel approach to incorporate the acknowledged education and vocational training systems in CGE models, including all potential exiting bridges between these two systems. The developed model enables labor force accumulation according to changes in the number of graduates and dropouts from an integrated education and training system. It is a recursive-dynamic single-country CGE model (STAGE-Edu), which depicts the medium- to long-run economy-wide effects of various education and training policies. The Sudan is one of the lower-middle-income countries that face numerous challenges in accelerating human development. For this reason, in the dissertation at hand different education and training policy measures are analyzed and their implications on economic growth and human capital accumulation in the Sudan are assessed. The developed modeling framework contributes to the field of economy-wide depiction of human development triggered by education and training as well as related policy measures. STAGE-Edu provides policymakers with ex-ante insights on potential impacts of measures for enhancing labor skills and ultimately for improving the livelihood of the population.

Modelling socio-economic effects of implementing reduced-impact logging : a case study of Berau District East Kalimantan Province Indonesia.

Martana, Kadim January 2013 (has links)
Reduced-impact logging (RIL) was identified as a measure, complementary to other identified measures, which can contribute to Indonesia reducing emissions from forestry and forest degradation (REDD+). In this light, the research was aimed to investigate the economy-wide impact of implementing RIL on the economy, which was studied at the district level. For this purpose, an expert opinion survey method was integrated with Berau computable general equilibrium (CGE) model. The expert opinion survey was utilised to: (i) generate information and confirm the impact of implementing RIL on logging costs, and (ii) obtain an estimate of the incentive required by logging companies to maintain the practice of RIL. Results of this approach provided input to the Berau CGE model. In addition, multiple ways of data gathering were employed to develop the dataset required for the general equilibrium analysis. Simulation results suggest that the economic impact of implementing RIL policy is negative but small on the Berau economy compared to a situation where the RIL is not implemented. Worker households (particularly agricultural worker households) are worse off and non-agricultural households are better off. Furthermore, providing compensation, which was simulated as a logging output- based subsidy, can improve the Berau economy, although to only a lesser degree. The RIL policy causes a significant negative impact on logging output which further leads to output reduction in forest-based and pulp & paper industries. The policy implementation, however, simulates production increase in other agricultural activities, notably in oil palm plantation. Furthermore, results simulations with the logging output-based subsidy suggest the magnitude of economic impacts is reduced from what would otherwise occur in the scenario of implementing RIL only (no subsidy is provided). The RIL policy also seems to result in ̳unexpected‘ emissions leakage indicated by increases in output of some agricultural-based activities such as oil palm plantation, other estate crops, and food crops. Increase in emissions is also expected to occur outside the Berau District stimulated by the increase in the District‘s import of timber.

Une analyse de l'impact de chocs extérieurs et de réformes de politique commerciale sur la pauvreté et l’inégalité en Uruguay / Analyzing the impact of external shocks and trade policies on poverty and inequality in Uruguay

Estrades, Carmen 04 July 2012 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est d'évaluer différents chocs extérieurs et des réformes de politique commerciale sur une petite économie ouverte comme l'Uruguay, en mettant l’accent sur la compréhension des canaux de transmission des chocs vers la répartition des revenus et la pauvreté. Plus précisément, j'évalue deux chocs externes –la récente crise financière et une augmentation des prix alimentaires et pétroliers- et une réforme de politique commerciale: la négociation d'un accord de libre-échange entre le Mercosur et l'Union Européenne. Pour ce faire, j’applique différents modèles d'équilibre général (EGC): deux modèles statiques uni-pays et un modèle global dynamique, MIRAGE-HH, qui comprend une désagrégation des ménages. Les modèles EGC sont combinées avec des techniques de microsimulation: microsimulation non-paramétrique et méthode «micro-accounting». Comme les chocs extérieurs peuvent avoir un impact négatif sur la pauvreté en Uruguay, j’évalue aussi les options politiques visant à atténuer cet impact négatif. Les résultats montrent que les canaux de transmission des réformes de politique commerciale et des chocs extérieurs sont divers et complexes et ils peuvent avoir des effets opposés sur la pauvreté. Ils mettent également en évidence le fait que l'impact sur les différents groupes de population n'est pas uniforme. Dans certains cas, les chocs positifs sur l'économie peuvent encore nuire à des groupes de population. Dans la plupart des cas, les groupes affectés négativement sont les populations déjà vulnérables ayant peu de ressources pour faire face à ces chocs. Pour cette raison, il est important d'évaluer aussi des réponses politiques pour éviter cet impact négatif sur les pauvres. / The aim of this dissertation is to evaluate different external shocks and trade policies on a small open economy such as Uruguay, making an emphasis in understanding the channels of transmission of the shocks to income distribution and poverty in the country. Specifically, I evaluate two external shocks –the recent financial crisis and an increase in food and oil prices- and one trade policy –the negotiation of a free trade agreement between MERCOSUR (conformed by Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay) and the European Union. For doing so, I apply different general equilibrium models: two different static single country models and one global dynamic model, MIRAGE-HH, which includes household disaggregation. The CGE models are combined with microsimulation techniques: non-parametric microsimulations and micro-accounting methods. Results show that the channels of transmission of trade policies and external shocks are diverse and complex and they may have opposite effects on welfare and poverty. They also highlight the fact that the impact on different population groups is not even. In some cases, positive shocks on the economy may still harm population groups. In most cases,iiithey are the already vulnerable population who count with fewer resources to counteract negative shocks. For this reason, it is important to also evaluate policy responses to prevent this negative impact on the poor.

Análise do impacto da integração do BRICS, TICKS e MINT para o Brasil por meio de um modelo de equilíbrio geral

Tamiosso, Rafaela Lauffer Ostermann 30 July 2018 (has links)
Submitted by JOSIANE SANTOS DE OLIVEIRA (josianeso) on 2018-12-12T13:54:00Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Rafaela Lauffer Ostermann Tamiosso_.pdf: 1442173 bytes, checksum: 6b4e384ffad7bba170e30016439c0cd7 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-12-12T13:54:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Rafaela Lauffer Ostermann Tamiosso_.pdf: 1442173 bytes, checksum: 6b4e384ffad7bba170e30016439c0cd7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-07-30 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O objetivo do estudo é analisar o perfil e as oportunidades de comércio do Brasil com os países integrantes do BRICS, do TICKS e do MINT, por meio de simulações de integração comercial, buscando identificar os setores mais beneficiados de acordo com seu grau de intensidade tecnológica. A metodologia utilizada foi a revisão bibliográfica e a coleta de informações na base de dados AliceWeb/SECEX/MDIC, empregando-se a classificação de produtos por grau de intensidade tecnológica segundo os critérios da OCDE. Além dessas, foi utilizado o modelo de equilíbrio geral computável, mediante utilização do GTAP (versão 9). Foram realizadas seis simulações, entre o Brasil e os países do BRICS, do TICKS e do MINT, com reduções de 50% e de 100% das tarifas de importações para cada um dos acordos. Em todos os acordos simulados, o setor mais impactado seria o de baixa intensidade tecnológica, já que era o mais protegido inicialmente. Os resultados revelaram que existiria substituição da produção doméstica pelas importações mais baratas dos países do BRICS, do TICKS e do MINT, ocasionando crescimento nas exportações brasileiras de produtos primários e de baixa intensidade tecnológica e queda das exportações de produtos de média-alta e de alta intensidade tecnológica. Em relação aos efeitos sobre o bem-estar, os acordos de comércio apontam ganhos para o Brasil em todos os cenários, porém aquele envolvendo os países do TICKS, com ampla redução tarifária, seria o que mais beneficiaria o Brasil, com ganhos de US$ 4,8 bilhões, sendo também o acordo com maior benefício líquido para o mundo, no valor de US$ 23,9 bilhões. / The study goal is to analyze the profile and trading opportunities with the BRICS, TICKS, and MINT countries through trade integrations simulations — looking for patterns to identify the most benefited sectors by their technological intensity degree. The methodology used was the bibliography review and the data collecting on AliceWeb/SECEX/MDIC, using the products classification by technological intensity degree according to OCDE criteria. In addition, the computable general equilibrium model was applied with GTAP (version 9). Six simulations were performed between Brazil and the BRICS, TICKS and MINT countries, with 50% and 100% importation tax reductions for each trade agreement. Analysing all trade agreements simulations, the most impacted sector would be that of low technological intensity because it was the most protected at the initial equilibrium. The results show that would be a replacement of Brazilian domestic production to low-cost imports from BRICS, TICKS, and MINT countries, leading to Brazilian exporting growth of primary and low technological intensity products, and an export dropping of products with medium-high and high-end technological intensity. Also, the trade agreements would generate welfare gains for Brazil in all scenarios, however that one related to the TICKS countries, with a large tax reduction, would be the most beneficial for Brazil, with gains of US$ 4.8 billion, also being the agreement with the largest net benefit to the world, reaching US$ 23.9 billion.

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