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Développement de techniques de microscopie Kelvin hautement résolues et photomodulées pour l'étude de systèmes photovoltaïques / Development of highly resolved and photo-modulated Kelvin probe microscopy techniques for the study of photovoltaic systemsFernandez Garrillo, Pablo Arturo 25 September 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse propose, décrit et utilise un ensemble de techniques basées sur la microscopie à force atomique sous ultravide pour la cartographie simultanée, à l'échelle nanométrique, de la topographie de surface et des dynamiques temporelles des photo-porteurs. Ainsi, en contrôlant la dépendance du photo-potentiel de surface moyen mesuré par microscopie à force de sonde Kelvin en fonction de la fréquence de répétition d'une source lumineuse externe d'excitation, le dispositif expérimental permet d’accéder aux dynamiques temporelles du photo-potentiel de surface qui, à leur tour, permettent d'étudier les dynamiques des photo-porteurs sur une large gamme d'échantillons. Afin de permettre le processus de nano-imagerie bidimensionnelle, ces mesures sont acquises de manière répétée en enregistrant des courbes spectroscopiques en chaque point d’une grille prédéfinie. En utilisant une procédure d'ajustement mathématique automatique, les dynamiques temporelles des photo-porteurs sont extraites à partir des données expérimentales.Cet ensemble de nouvelles méthodes est utilisé pour l’étude de plusieurs types d'échantillons issus de différentes technologies photovoltaïques telles que des couches minces en silicium poly-cristallin à petits grains, des cellules de troisième génération à nano cristaux de silicium, des cellules photovoltaïques organiques et des cellules à base de matériaux de structure pérovskite. Dans chaque cas, on décrit les processus de recombinaison des photo-porteurs ainsi que leur lien avec la morphologie et la structuration du matériau. Enfin, les aspects techniques de ces nouvelles méthodes d’analyse sont présentés, ainsi que leurs limites, notamment celles concernant l'interprétation des résultats. / This thesis is directed towards the proposition and demonstration of a set of novel advanced atomic force microscopy based techniques under ultra-high vacuum conditions, enabling to map simultaneously the surface topography and the photo-carrier dynamics at the nanometre scale. In fact, by monitoring the dependence of the average surface photo-voltage measured with Kelvin probe force microscopy, as a function of the repetition frequency of a modulated excitation source, we will access the built-up and decay dynamics of the surface photo-voltage response which in turn will allows us to study the photo-carrier dynamics over a wide range of samples. In order to enable the 2-dimensional nano-imaging process, Kelvin probe force microscopy under modulated illumination measurements are acquired repeatedly over each point of a predefined grid area over the sample acquiring a set of spectroscopy curves. Then, using an automatic mathematical fit procedure, spectroscopy curves are translated into pixels of the photo-carrier dynamic time-constant images.Moreover, these set of novel techniques will be used to investigate the surface photo-voltage dynamics in several kinds of photovoltaic samples from different technological branches such as small grain polycrystalline silicon thin films, silicon nanocrystal-based third generation cells, bulk heterojunction donor-acceptor organic photovoltaics and organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite single crystal cells, discussing in each case the photo-carrier recombination process and its relation with the material’s structuration/morphology. Finally, technical aspects of these novel techniques will be discussed as well as their limitations and remaining open question regarding results interpretation.
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Investigation of the photo-induced charge transfer in organic semiconductors via single molecule spectroscopy techniquesLee, Kwang Jik 06 November 2012 (has links)
Photo-induced charge transfer which occurs between molecules or different parts of a large molecule is the pivotal process related to performances of organic electronics. In particular, injection of charge carriers into conjugated polymers and dissociation of photo-generated excitons at the heterojunction between a donor and acceptor system are of great importance in determining the luminescence efficiency of organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs) and solar energy conversion efficiency of organic solar cells, respectively. However, the complex nature of organic semiconductors as well as complicated primary processes involved in the functioning of these devices have prevented us from understanding unique characteristics of these processes and thereby engineering better materials for higher performances. In this dissertation, two different types of photo-induced (or -related) charge transfer processes occurring in organic semiconductors were investigated by using single molecule spectroscopy (SMS) techniques to unravel the complexities of these processes. The carefully designed functioning capacitor-like model devices similar to OLEDs and photovoltaic cells were fabricated where isolated single nanoparticles were introduced as an active medium to mitigate the complexities of these materials. We observed that injection of positively charged carriers (holes) into poly[2-methoxy-5-(2'-ethyl-hexyloxy)-1,4-phenylene vinylene] (MEH-PPV) single nanoparticles from the carbazole hole transport layer does not occur in the absence of light. We denoted the observed hole injection in aid of light as the light-induced hole transfer mechanism (LIHT). It was revealed that the charging dynamics are highly consistent with a cooperative charging effect. In addition, the LIHT was proposed as the possible source for the formation of deep trapped hole in organic devices. Local exciton dissociation yields across a nanostructured domain between poly(9,9-dioctylfluorene-alt-benzothiadiazole) (F8BT) single nanoparticles and either poly(9,9- dioctylfluorene - co - bis-N,N- (4 -butylphenyl)-bis-N,N-phenyl-1,4-phenylene diamine) (PFB) or poly(9,9-dioctylfluorene-co-N-(4-butylphenyl)diphenylamine) (TFB) film in model photovoltaic devices was also investigated. A wide distribution of exciton dissociation yields was observed from each nanodomain due to the device geometry. The observed hysteresis in fluorescence voltage curve was ascribed to accumulated charges following charge separations. The dynamics of charge separation under the applied electric field was described in more detail. / text
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Electron and hole transport in GaN and InGaNEshghi, Hosein January 2000 (has links)
No description available.
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Strain, charge carriers, and phonon polaritons in wurtzite GaN - a Raman spectroscopical viewRöder, Christian 30 September 2014 (has links)
Die vorliegende Dissertation befasst sich mit der ramanspektroskopischen Charakterisierung von Galliumnitrid (GaN). Der Zusammenhang zwischen Waferkrümmung und mechanischer Restspannungen wird diskutiert. Mit Hilfe konfokaler Mikro-Ramanmessungen wurden Dotierprofile nachgewiesen sowie die Ladungsträgerkonzentration und -beweglichkeit ermittelt. Sämtliche Ramantensorelemente von wz-GaN wurden erstmals durch die Anwendung verschiedener Streugeometrien bestimmt. Eine neu entwickelte Vorwärtsstreuanordnung ermöglichte die Beobachtung von Phonon-Polaritonen. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass von der theoretischen und experimentellen Betrachtung der Ramanstreuintensitäten dieser Elementaranregungen eindeutig das Vorzeichen der Faust-Henry-Koeffizienten von wz-GaN abgeleitet werden kann. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden alle Faust-Henry-Koeffizienten für GaN experimentell bestimmt. / This thesis focuses on special aspects of the Raman spectroscopical characterization of wurtzite gallium nitride (wz-GaN). The correlation between wafer curvature and residual stress is discussed. By means of confocal micro-Raman measurements doping profiles were detected as well as the density and mobility of free charge carriers were deduced. All Raman scattering cross sections of wz-GaN were determined the first time using different scattering configurations. A novel method for near-forward scattering was developed in order to observe phonon polaritons with pure symmetry. It is shown that the theoretical and experimental consideration of the Raman scattering efficiency of these elementary excitations allow for determining the sign of the Faust-Henry coefficients of wz-GaN unambiguously. The Faust-Henry coefficients of GaN were deduced from Raman scattering efficiencies of corresponding TO and LO phonons.
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Синтез и свойства тонкопленочных структур на основе индолокарбазолов : магистерская диссертация / Synthesis and properties of thin film structures based on indolocarbazolesТрофимова, К. Е., Trofimova, K. E. January 2020 (has links)
Спроектирована установка для нанесения органических покрытий. Установка термовакуумного нанесения и виртуальный прибор «ThermoVAC&Co» позволяют осуществлять синтез тонкопленочных покрытий, контролируя температуру нагрева испаряемого вещества до 500 °C. Выполнен синтез тонких пленок 5,11-диметил-5,11-дигидроиндоло [3.2-b]карбазола 5,11-дигексил-5,11-дигидроиндоло[3.2-b]карбазола, 5,11-бис(2-метоксиэтил)-5,11-дигидроиндоло[3,2-b]карбазола и 5,11-бис[2-(2-метоксиэтокси)этокси]-5,11-дигидроиндоло[3,2-b]карбазола для исследования оптических и электрических характеристик. С помощью конфокального микроскопа Axio CSM 700 была проведена аттестация поверхности синтезируемых покрытий. Спектры оптического поглощения были получены на спектрометре Shimadzu UV-2450. Расчетный потенциал ионизации для исследованных соединений ICZ составляет 6,82-7,1 эВ. Обсуждается влияние отдельных блоков соединений на спектр оптического поглощения. На базе микрозондовой станции Cascade Microtech MPS150 произведены измерения вольтамперных характеристик структуры ITO/-ICZ/Al. По данным ВАХ были рассчитаны подвижности зарядов по модели инжекционных токов. Подвижность носителей заряда, оцененная по вольтамперным характеристикам, находится в диапазоне 2,2 ∙ 10-9–1,43 ∙ 10-6 см2 / (В·сек) для исследованных соединений ICZ. Установлена связь между интенсивностью полос поглощения с максимумом около 430 нм и подвижностью носителей заряда. / The installation for applying organic coatings is designed. The thermal vacuum deposition unit and the «ThermoVAC & Co» virtual instrument allow the synthesis of thin-film coatings, controlling the temperature of heating the evaporated substance up to 500 ° C. The thin films of 5,11-dimethyl-5,11-dihydroindolo [3.2-b] carbazole 5,11-dihexyl-5,11-dihydroindolo [3.2-b] carbazole, 5,11-bis (2-methoxyethyl) - 5,11-dihydroindolo [3,2-b] carbazole and 5,11-bis [2- (2-methoxyethoxy) ethoxy] -5,11-dihydroindolo [3,2-b] carbazole were synthesized to study optical and electrical characteristics. The surface of the synthesized coatings was certified using the Axio CSM 700 confocal microscope. Optical absorption spectra were obtained with the Shimadzu UV-2450 spectrometer. The calculated ionization potential is 6.82–7.1 eV for the studied ICZ compounds. The effect of individual blocks of compounds on the optical absorption spectrum is discussed. The current-voltage characteristics of the ITO / -ICZ / Al structure were measured with the Cascade Microtech MPS150 microprobe station. According to the I-V characteristics data, the charge mobility was calculated using the injection current model. The mobility of charge carriers, estimated by the current-voltage characteristics, is in the range 2,2 ∙ 10-9–1,43 ∙ 10-6 cm2/ (V·sec) for the studied ICZ compounds. The relationship between the intensity of absorption bands with a maximum near 430 nm, and the mobility of charge carriers were found.
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Photoelectron spectroscopy of polarons in molecular semiconductorsWinkler, Stefanie 05 April 2016 (has links)
Das fundamentale Verständnis von Ladungsträgern in molekularen Halbleitern, die typischerweise als Polaronen bezeichnet werden, ist unverzichtbar, wenn es um das Design besonders leistungsfähiger (opto)elektronischer Bauelemente geht. Die vorliegende Arbeit hat zum Ziel ein umfangreiches Bild der Energetik von Polaronen in organischen Halbleitern zu erhalten. Zunächst geht es darum einen Probenaufbau zu finden, der es nicht nur ermöglicht Ladungsträger zu generieren, sondern auch ihre elektronische Struktur unter Verwendung von komplementären Photoemissionstechniken – Rötngen-, Ultraviolett- und inverse Photoelektronenspektroskopie - aufzuklären. Das Probenkonzept basiert darauf, dass molekulare Filme, die eine niedrigere Ionisierungsenergie als die Austrittsarbeit des zugrunde liegenden Substrates aufweisen, Fermi-level Pinning zeigen. In diesem Fall wären die höchsten besetzten Zustände der neutralen molekularen Schicht energetisch oberhalb des Substrat-Fermi-Levels angeordnet, wodurch zum Erhalt des elektronischen Gleichgewichts die Notwendigkeit für einen Ladungstransfer gegeben ist. Da die starke elektronische Kopplung zwischen Molekülen und Metallen die spektrale Information der Überschussladungsträger verändern könnte, wird die Metalloberfläche durch eine ultradünne Zwischenschicht passiviert. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass es durch die vorliegende starke on-site Coulomb Repulsion zur Aufspaltung des höchsten besetzen molekularen Niveaus in ein besetztes und ein unbesetztes Sub-niveau kommt. Dies widerspricht der seit Jahren etablierten Vorstellung von einem einfach besetzten Niveau in der Bandlücke des neutralen molekularen Halbleiters. Unter zusätzlicher Berücksichtigung der inter-site Coulomb Repulsion zwischen Molekülionen und neutralen Molekülen, sowie der Energieniveau Verbiegung kann schließlich ein vollständiges Bild entwickelt werden, das die etablierte Vorstellung der Energieniveaus von Ladungsträgern in molekularen Halbleitern ersetzen soll. / Understanding the nature of charge carriers in molecular semiconductors, typically termed "polarons", is indispensable for rational material design targeting future superior (opto-)electronic device performance. The present work addresses this fundamental issue to derive a comprehensive picture of polarons in organic semiconductors. Conceptual work is dedicated to identifying a sample structure, which allows both, deliberately generating charged molecules and applying the complementary photoemission techniques X-ray, ultraviolet and inverse photoelectron spectroscopy in order to assess the polaron energetics. The sample concept is based on the fact that molecular layers exhibiting an ionization energy lower than the work function of the supporting substrate show Fermi-level pinning. There, as the substrate Fermi-level is moved into the occupied density of states of the molecular adsorbate, electron transfer occurs from the molecules to the substrate. Because strong electron coupling between molecules and eg. metal surfaces might mask or alter the spectral information of excess charge carriers, such interaction needs to be inhibited by implementation of an ultrathin passivating interlayer. The comprehensive results provide evidence that the highest occupied molecular orbital level is split into an upper unoccupied and a lower occupied sub-level due to strong on-site Coulomb interaction. This finding is in marked contrast to what has been assumed for decades, where a singly occupied level was proposed to lie within the gap of the neutral molecular semiconductor. Moreover, taking into account the inter-site Coulomb interaction between molecular cations and surrounding neutral molecules, as well as energy-level bending, finally, a complete picture of the energetics associated with polarons in molecular semiconductors could be derived, which aims at replacing common perceptions.
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Ionic and electronic transport in electrochemical and polymer based systemsVolkov, Anton January 2017 (has links)
Electrochemical systems, which rely on coupled phenomena of the chemical change and electricity, have been utilized for development an interface between biological systems and conventional electronics. The development and detailed understanding of the operation mechanism of such interfaces have a great importance to many fields within life science and conventional electronics. Conducting polymer materials are extensively used as a building block in various applications due to their ability to transduce chemical signal to electrical one and vice versa. The mechanism of the coupling between the mass and charge transfer in electrochemical systems, and particularly in conductive polymer based system, is highly complex and depends on various physical and chemical properties of the materials composing the system of interest. The aims of this thesis have been to study electrochemical systems including conductive polymer based systems and provide knowledge for future development of the devices, which can operate with both chemical and electrical signals. Within the thesis, we studied the operation mechanism of ion bipolar junction transistor (IBJT), which have been previously utilized to modulate delivery of charged molecules. We analysed the different operation modes of IBJT and transition between them on the basis of detailed concentration and potential profiles provided by the model. We also performed investigation of capacitive charging in conductive PEDOT:PSS polymer electrode. We demonstrated that capacitive charging of PEDOT:PSS electrode at the cyclic voltammetry, can be understood within a modified Nernst-Planck-Poisson formalism for two phase system in terms of the coupled ion-electron diffusion and migration without invoking the assumption of any redox reactions. Further, we studied electronic structure and optical properties of a self-doped p-type conducting polymer, which can polymerize itself along the stem of the plants. We performed ab initio calculations for this system in undoped, polaron and bipolaron electronic states. Comparison with experimental data confirmed the formation of undoped or bipolaron states in polymer film depending on applied biases. Finally, we performed simulation of the reduction-oxidation reaction at microband array electrodes. We showed that faradaic current density at microband array electrodes increases due to non-linear mass transport on the microscale compared to the corresponding macroscale systems. The studied microband array electrode was used for developing a laccase-based microband biosensor. The biosensor revealed improved analytical performance, and was utilized for in situ phenol detection.
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Recombination dynamics in (In,Ga)N/GaN heterostructures: Influence of localization and crystal polarityFeix, Felix 02 May 2018 (has links)
(In,Ga)N/GaN-Leuchtdioden wurden vor mehr als 10 Jahren kommerzialisiert, dennoch ist das Verständnis über den Einfluss von Lokalisierung auf die Rekombinationsdynamik in den (In,Ga)N/GaN Quantengräben (QG) unvollständig. In dieser Arbeit nutzen wir die temperaturabhängige stationäre und zeitaufgelöste Spektroskopie der Photolumineszenz (PL), um diesen Einfluss in einer typischen Ga-polaren, planaren (In,Ga)N/GaN-QG-Struktur zu untersuchen. Zusätzlich dehnen wir unsere Studie auf N-polare, axiale (In,Ga)N/GaN Quantumscheiben, nichtpolare Kern/Mantel GaN/(In,Ga)N µ-Drähte und Ga-polare, submonolage InN/GaN Übergitter aus. Während wir einen einfach exponentiellen Abfall der PL-Intensität in den nichtpolaren QG beobachten (Hinweise auf die Rekombination von Exzitonen), folgen die PL-Transienten in polaren QG asymptotisch einem Potenzgesetz. Dieses Potenzgesetz weist auf eine Rekombination zwischen individuell lokalisierten, räumlich getrennten Elektronen und Löchern hin. Für einen solchen Zerfall kann keine eindeutige PL-Lebensdauer definiert werden, was die Schätzung der internen Quanteneffizienz und die Bestimmung einer Diffusionslänge erschwert. Um nützliche Rekombinationsparameter und Diffusivitäten für die polaren QG zu extrahieren, analysieren wir die PL-Transienten mit positionsabhängigen Diffusionsreaktionsgleichungen, die durch einen Monte-Carlo-Algorithmus effizient gelöst werden. Aus diesen Simulationen ergibt sich, dass das asymptotische Potenzgesetz auch bei effizienter nichtstrahlender Rekombination (z. B. in den Nanodrähten) erhalten bleibt. Zudem stellen wir fest, dass sich die InN/GaN Übergitter elektronisch wie konventionelle (In,Ga)N/GaN QG verhalten, aber mit starkem, thermisch aktiviertem nichtstrahlenden Kanal. Des Weiteren zeigen wir, dass das Verhältnis von Lokalisierungs- und Exzitonenbindungsenergie bestimmt, dass die Rekombination entweder durch das Tunneln von Elektronen und Löchern oder durch den Zerfall von Exzitonen dominiert wird. / (In,Ga)N/GaN light-emitting diodes have been commercialized more than one decade ago. However, the knowledge about the influence of the localization on the recombination dynamics and on the diffusivity in the (In,Ga)N/GaN quantum wells (QWs) is still incomplete. In this thesis, we employ temperature-dependent steady-state and time-resolved photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy to investigate the impact of localization on the recombination dynamics of a typical Ga-polar, planar (In,Ga)N/GaN QW structure. In addition, we extend our study to N-polar, axial (In,Ga)N/GaN quantum disks, nonpolar core/shell GaN/(In,Ga)N µ-rods, and Ga-polar, sub-monolayer InN/GaN superlattices. While we observe a single exponential decay of the PL intensity in the nonpolar QWs, indicating the recombination of excitons, the decay of the PL intensity in polar QWs asymptotically obeys a power law. This power law reveals that recombination occurs between individually localized, spatially separated electrons and holes. No unique PL lifetime can be defined for such a decay, which impedes the estimation of the internal quantum efficiency and the determination of a diffusion length. In order to extract useful recombination parameters and diffusivities for the polar QWs, we analyze the PL transients with position-dependent diffusion-reaction equations, efficiently solved by a Monte Carlo algorithm. From these simulations, we conclude that the power law asymptote is preserved despite efficient nonradiative recombination in the nanowires. Moreover, we find that the InN/GaN superlattices behave electronically as conventional (In,Ga)N/GaN QWs, but with a strong, thermally-activated nonradiative channel. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the ratio of localization and exciton binding energy, both of which are influenced by the magnitude of the internal electric fields in the QWs, determines the recombination mechanism to be either dominated by tunneling of electrons and holes or by the decay of excitons.
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