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Frenkel and Charge-Transfer Excitons in Quasi-One-Dimensional Molecular Crystals with Strong Intermolecular Orbital OverlapHoffmann, Michael 19 December 2000 (has links)
We present a theoretical and experimental study on the lowest electronically excited states in quasi-one-dimensional molecular crystals. The specific calculations and the experiments are performed for the model compounds MePTCDI (N-N'-dimethylperylene-3,4:9,10-dicarboximide) and TCDA(3,4:9,10-perylenetetracarboxylic dianhydride). The intermolecular interactions between nearest neighbors are quantum chemically analyzed on the basis of semi-empirical (ZINDO/S) Hartree-Fock calculations and a singly excited configuration interaction scheme. Supermolecular dimer states are projected onto a basis set of localized excitations. The nature of the lowest states is then completely explained as a superposition of molecular and low lying charge-transfer excitations. The CT excitations show a significant intrinsic transition dipole, which is oriented approximately parallel to the molecular planes and has a large component along the molecular M-axis. The exciton states in the one-dimensional stacks are described by a model Hamiltonian that includes interactions between three vibronic levels of the lowest molecular excitation and nearest-neighbor CT excitations. The three-dimensional crystal structure is considered by Frenkel exciton transfer between arbitrary molecules. This model is compared to polarized absorption spectra. With a small set of parameters, we can describe the key features of the absorption spectra, the polarization behavior, and the Davydov splitting. The variation of the polarization ratio for the various exciton states is analyzed as a direct qualitative proof for the mixing between Frenkel and charge-transfer excitons.
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Fotogenerace náboje v organických polovodičích / Photogeneration of Charge Carriers in Organic SemiconductorsHeinrichová, Patricie January 2015 (has links)
The interest in the detail knowledge about elementary electronic processes during photogeneration of charge carriers, which allow achieving higher efficiency of organic solar cells, grows with advent of the commercial organic solar cells production. The thesis is focused on study of photogeneration of charge carriers in organic semiconductors, especially in -conjugated polymer materials. First part of the thesis summarized state of the art in studies of photogeneration of charge carriers in polymer solar cells. Subsequent experimental and results part are focused on study of polymeric solar cells prepared from electron donor polymers MDMO-PPV, Tg-PPV, PCDTBT and PCBTDPP and electron acceptor derivates of fullerenes PC60BM and PC70BM. Results of the thesis are divided in tree main parts: 1) study of charge transfer between electron donor and electron acceptor materials by optical methods, 2) study of charge transfer between electron donor and electron acceptor materials by optoelectrical methods and 3) development of organic solar cells on flexible substrates. The last part is focused largely on deposition methods of active materials thin layer.
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Electronic excited states in quasi- one- dimensional organic solids with strong coupling of Frenkel and charge-transfer excitonsSchmidt, Karin 03 March 2003 (has links)
This work offers a concept to predict and comprehend the electronic excited states in regular aggregates formed of quasi-one-dimensional organic materials. The tight face-to-face stacking of the molecules justifies the idealization of the crystals and clusters as weakly interacting stacks with leading effects taking place within the columnar sub-structures. Thus, the concept of the small radius exciton theory in linear molecular chains was adopted to examine the excitonic states. The excited states are composed of molecular excitations and nearest neighbor charge transfer (CT) excitations. We analyzed the structure and properties of the excited states which result from the coupling of Frenkel and CT excitons of arbitrary strength in finite chains with idealized free ends. With the help of a partially analytical approach to determine the excitonic states of mixed Frenkel CT character by introducing a complex wave vector, two main types of states can be distinguished. The majority of states are bulk states with purely imaginary wavevector. The dispersion relation of these state matches exactly the dispersion relation known from the infinite chain. The internal structure of the excitons in infinite chains is directly transferred to the bulk states in finite chains. TAMM-like surface states belong to the second class of states. Owing to the damping mediated by a a non-vanishing real part of the wavevector, the wave function of the surface states is localized at the outermost molecules. The corresponding decay length is exclusively determined by the parameterization of the coupling and is independent of the system size. It can therefore be assigned as a characteristic quantum length which plays a vital role for the understanding of system-dependent behavior of the states. The number and type of surface states occurring is predicted for any arbitrary coupling situation. The different nature of bulk and surface states leads to distinct quantum confinement effects. Two regimes are distinguished. The first regime, the case of weak confinement, is realized if the chain length is larger than the intrinsic length. Both kinds of states arrange with the system size according to their nature. Derived from the excitonic states of the infinite chain, the bulk states preserve their quasi-particle character in these large systems. Considered as a quasi-particle confined in box, they change their energy with the system size according to the particle-in-a-box picture. The surface states do not react to a change of the chain length at all, since effectively only the outermost molecules contribute to the wavefunction. The second regime holds if the states are strongly confined, i.e., the system is smaller than the intrinsic length. Both types of states give up their typical behavior and adopt similar properties. / Diese Arbeit unterbreitet ein Konzept, um elektronische Anregungszustände in Aggregaten quasi-eindimensionaler organischer Materialien vorherzusagen und zu verstehen. Die dichte Packung der Moleküle rechtfertigt die Idealisierung der Kristalle bzw. Cluster als schwach wechselwirkende Stapel, wobei die führenden Effekte innerhalb der Molekülstapel zu erwarten sind. Zur Beschreibung der exzitonischen Zustände wurde das Konzept der 'small radius'-Exzitonen in linearen Molekülketten angewandt. Die elektronischen Zustände sind dabei aus molekularen (Frenkel) und nächsten Nachbarn 'charge-transfer' (CT) Anregungen zusammengesetzt. Die Struktur und Eigenschaften der Zustände wurden für beliebige Kopplungsstärken zwischen Frenkel- und CT Anregungen in Ketten mit idealisierten freien Enden für beliebiger Längen analysiert. Der entwickelte, überwiegend analytische Zugang, welcher auf der Einführung eines komplexen Wellenvektors beruht, ermöglicht die Unterscheidung zweier grundsätzlicher Zustandstypen. Die Mehrheit der Zustände sind Volumenzustände mit rein imaginärem Wellenvektor. Die zugehörige Dispersionsrelation entspricht exakt der Dispersionsrelation der unendlichen Kette mit äquivalenten Kopplungsverhältnissen. Die interne Struktur der Exzitonen der unendlichen Kette wird auf die Volumenzustände der endlichen Kette direkt übertragen. Der zweite grundlegende Zustandstyp umfaßt Tamm-artige Oberflächenzustände. Aufgrund der durch einen nichtverschwindenden reellen Anteil des Wellenvektors hervorgerufenen Dämpfung sind die Wellenfunktionen der Oberflächenzustände an den Randmolekülen lokalisiert. Die entsprechende Dämpfungslänge ist ausschließlich durch die Parametrisierung der Kopplungen bestimmt und ist somit unabhängig von der Kettenlänge. Sie kann daher als intrinische Quantenlänge interpretiert werden, welche von essentieller Bedeutung für das Verständnis systemgrößenabhängigen Verhaltens ist. Sowohl die Anzahl als auch die Art der Oberflächenzustände kann für jede Kopplungssituation vorhergesagt werden. Die unterschiedliche Natur der Volumen- und Oberflächenzustände führt auf ausgeprägte 'Quantum confinement' Effekte. Zwei Regime sind zu unterscheiden. Im Falle des ersten Regimes, dem schwachen 'Confinement', ist die Kettenlänge größer als die intrinsische Länge. Beide Zustandarten reagieren auf eine Veränderung der Kettenlänge gemäß ihrer Natur. Aufgrund ihrer Verwandschaft mit den Bandzuständen der unendlichen Kette bewahren die Volumenzustände ihren Quasiteilchen-Charakter. Aufgefaßt als Quasiteilchen, erfahren sie in endlichen Systemen eine energetische Verschiebung gemäß dem Potentialtopf-Modell. Oberflächenzustände zeigen keine Reaktion auf veränderte Kettenlängen, da effektiv nur die Randmoleküle zur Wellenfunktion beitragen. Es findet ein Übergang zum zweiten Regime (starkes 'Confinement') statt, sobald die Kettenlänge kleiner als intrinsische Quantenlänge wird. Beide Zustandsarten geben ihr typisches Verhalten auf und werden mit abnehmender Kettenlänge zunehmend ähnlicher.
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Ferrocenyl-substituted Thiophenes – Electrochemical Behavior and Charge TransferSpeck, J. Matthäus 22 August 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit dem elektrochemischen Verhalten verschiedener Ferrocenyl-substituierter Thiophene. Dabei wird sich zunächst mit dem elektrochemischen Verhalten der Serie der Ferrocenylthiophene beschäftigt, die Anzahl der Ferrocenyleinheiten variiert von n = 1 – 4. Die Abhängigkeit der elektronischen Eigenschaften von numerischen und konstitutionellen Veränderungen der redox-aktiven Gruppen wird evaluiert. Daraus resultierend wird sich einer eingehenderen Untersuchung und Modifikation des 2,5-Diferrocenylthiophen-Motivs zugewandt. Diese Modifikationen werden im Kontext möglicher Ladungstransferprozesse zwischen den Ferrocenyleinheiten in den verschiedenen Redoxzuständen und unter Beeinflussung durch den Thiophen-Brückenliganden diskutiert. Es folgen des Weiteren Ausführungen zu Substitutionen an den Ferrocenylen (Einführung elektronen-ziehender Funktionalitäten) sowie der Vergleich zwischen einer Thiophen- und der Ethylendioxythiophen-Brückeneinheit. Anschließend wird sich mit der elektronischen Variation des Brückenliganden durch die Einführung von N-haltigen Substituenten befasst. In den abschließenden Kapiteln wird der Einfluss zusätzlicher σ- (Fischercarben-Komplexe) oder π-gebundener ([Ru(η5-C5H5)]+/[Ru(η5-C5Me5)]+) Übergangsmetallkomplexfragmente auf Ladungstransferwechselwirkungen im 2,5-Diferrocenylthiophen in verschiedenen Redoxzuständen beleuchtet.
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Anisotropie de la photoluminescence dans des nanostructures organiques chirales autoassembléesGosselin, Benoit 08 1900 (has links)
Nous investiguons dans ce travail la dynamique des excitons dans une couche mince
d’agrégats H autoassemblés hélicoïdaux de molécules de sexithiophène. Le couplage intermoléculaire
(J=100 meV) place ce matériau dans la catégorie des semi-conducteurs à
couplage de type intermédiaire. Le désordre énergétique et la forte interaction électronsphonons
causent une forte localisation des excitons. Les espèces initiales se ramifient
en deux états distincts : un état d’excitons autopiégés (rendement de 95 %) et un état à
transfert de charge (rendement de 5%). À température de la pièce (293K), les processus
de sauts intermoléculaires sont activés et l’anisotropie de la fluorescence décroît rapidement
à zéro en 5 ns.
À basse température (14K), les processus de sauts sont gelés. Pour caractériser la dynamique
de diffusion des espèces, une expérience d’anisotropie de fluorescence a été
effectuée. Celle-ci consiste à mesurer la différence entre la photoluminescence polarisée
parallèlement au laser excitateur et celle polarisée perpendiculairement, en fonction du
temps. Cette mesure nous donne de l’information sur la dépolarisation des excitons, qui
est directement reliée à leur diffusion dans la structure supramoléculaire.
On mesure une anisotropie de 0,1 après 20 ns qui perdure jusqu’à 50ns. Les états à
transfert de charge causent une remontée de l’anisotropie vers une valeur de 0,15 sur
une plage temporelle allant de 50 ns jusqu’à 210 ns (période entre les impulsions laser).
Ces résultats démontrent que la localisation des porteurs est très grande à 14K,
et qu’elle est supérieure pour les espèces à transfert de charge. Un modèle numérique
simple d’équations différentielles à temps de vie radiatif et de dépolarisation constants
permet de reproduire les données expérimentales. Ce modèle a toutefois ses limitations,
notamment en ce qui a trait aux mécanismes de dépolarisation des excitons. / In this work, we investigate exciton dynamics in a thin film of sexithiophene molecules
in self-assembled chiral H-aggregate supramolecular stacks. The intermolecular coupling
energy J=100 meV places those molecules in the intermediate coupling regime.
The energetic disorder and the strong phonon-electron interactions leads to high localization
of the photoexcitations. The initial photoexcited species branches into two distinct
states : self-trapped exciton (95% yield) and charge-transfer excitons (5% yield). At
room temperature (293K), the intermolecular hopping processes are thermaly activated
and the fluorescence anisotropy goes to zero within 5 ns.
At low temperature (14K), hopping processes are frozen. To characterize exciton diffusion
mechanisms, a fluorescence anisotropy experiment has been done. This measurement
consists of monitoring the difference between the parallel and perpendicular composants
of the photoluminescence (with respect to the laser beam), as a function of time.
The fluorescence anisotropy gives us information about the depolarization of the excitons,
which is directly connected with their diffusion within the supramolecular stack.
We measure an anisotropy of 0,1 after 20 ns which stays constant for 50 ns. Chargetransfer
states induce a rise of the anisotropy up to 0,15 between 50 ns and 210 ns (the
period between adjacent laser pulses). Those measurements shows that exciton localization
is very strong at 14K and higher for the charge-transfer states than the self-trapped
ones. A simple mathematical model based on the resolution of a system of differential
equations with constants radiative and depolarization lifetimes can reproduce the experimental
data. This model has some limitations, especially for the description of the
depolarization mechanisms of the self-trapped excitons.
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Mécanismes de transfert de proton d’une réaction acido-basique en phase aqueuse : une étude ab-initioRivard, Ugo 11 1900 (has links)
Les réactions de transfert de proton se retrouvent abondamment dans la nature et sont des processus cruciaux dans plusieurs réactions chimiques et biologiques, qui se produisent souvent en milieu aqueux. Les mécanismes régissant ces échanges de protons sont complexes et encore mal compris, suscitant un intérêt des chercheurs en vue d’une meilleure compréhension fondamentale du processus de transfert. Le présent manuscrit présente une étude mécanistique portant sur une réaction de transfert de proton entre un acide (phénol fonctionnalisé) et une base (ion carboxylate) en phase aqueuse. Les résultats obtenus sont basés sur un grand nombre de simulations de dynamique moléculaire ab-initio réalisées pour des systèmes de type « donneur-pont-accepteur », où le pont se trouve à être une unique molécule d’eau, permettant ainsi l’élaboration d’un modèle cinétique détaillé pour le système étudié. La voie de transfert principalement observée est un processus ultra-rapide (moins d’une picoseconde) passant par la formation d’une structure de type « Eigen » (H9O4+) pour la molécule d’eau pontante, menant directement à la formation des produits. Une seconde structure de la molécule d’eau pontante est également observée, soit une configuration de type « Zündel » (H5O2+) impliquant l’accepteur de proton (l’ion carboxylate) qui semble agir comme un cul-de-sac pour la réaction de transfert de proton. / Proton transfer reactions are found abundantly in nature and are critical processes in several chemical and biological reactions, which often occur in aqueous medium. The mechanisms governing these proton exchanges are complex and poorly understood, sparking interest of researchers for a better fundamental understanding of the transfer process. This manuscript presents a mechanistic study for a proton transfer reaction between an acid (functionalized phenol) and a base (carboxylate ion) in aqueous phase. The results are based on a large number of Ab-initio molecular dynamics simulations performed for a “donor-bridge-acceptor” type of system, where the bridge is a single molecule of water, allowing the development of a detailed kinetic model for this system. The transfer channel mainly observed is an ultra-fast one (less than a picosecond), through the formation of a Eigen-like (H9O4+) structure for the bridging water molecule, leading directly to the formation of the products. A second structure of the bridging water molecule is also observed, which is a Zündel-like (H5O2+) configuration involving the proton acceptor (carboxylate ion), which seems to act as a dead-end for the proton transfer reaction.
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Artificial photosynthesis - 4-Aminobenzoic acids effect on charge transfer in a photo catalytic systemMoberg, Simon January 2019 (has links)
Artificial photosynthesis is used to harvest solar energy and store it in the form of chemical bonds. The system of interest in this study does this by splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen gas through a plasmon assisted process, collective oscillations from free electron gas. This is a renewable way to store energy that could be used as an alternative to fossil based fuel. In this study, a small part of this photo catalytic system is studied, namely the interaction between plasmonically active silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) transferring photo-excited electrons via a linker molecule, 4-aminobenzoic acid (pABA). The pABA linker molecule transfers charge from the Ag surface to a semiconductor and a catalyst performing the water splitting. The pABA can bind in different ways onto the Ag-surface and the aim of this study is to examine which bond is strongest and which best enables charge transfer. To this purpose three systems where simulated quantum mechanically using a supercomputer. The total free energy of the systems was computed and compared. Out of the three studied binding sites, the hollow-site bond (pABA binding to three silver atoms) was found to have the lowest energy, meaningit's the strongest of the possible bonds. Additionally it was found that the band gap (the energy needed to transfer charge) for the pABA decreased when bound to the Ag-surface. The hollow-site bound pABA also had the smallest band gap, meaning it requires the least energy to transfer a charge and should therefore be the best bond fitted for the photo catalytic system. / Artificiell fotosyntes används för att absorbera solenergi och förvara den i formen av kemiska bindningar. Systemet som används i denna studie gör detta genom att splittra vatten till vätgas och syrgas genom en plasmon assisterad process. Detta är ett förnyelsebart sätt att förvara energi och kan användas som ett alternativ till fossila bränslen. I denna studie studeras en liten del utav detta fotokatalytiska system nämligen interaktionen där plasmonaktiva silvernanopartiklar (Ag NPs) överför foto-exciterade elektroner genom molekyllänken 4-aminobensoesyra (pABA). Molekyllänken pABA överför laddning från silverytan till en halvledare och en katalys som utför splittringen av vattnet. pABA kan binda på olika sätt tillen silveryta och denna studie syftar till att undersöka vilken utav bindningarna som är starkast och vilken som effektivast överför laddning. För att göra detta simulerades tre system kvantmekaniskt med hjälp av en superdator, ett system för varje sorts bindning. Den totala fria energin av systemen beräknades och jämfördes. Av de tre undersökta bindningarna hadehollow-site bindningen (pABA som binder till tre silveratomer) längst energi, vilket betyder att det är den starkaste av bindningarna. Utöver detta så visade det sig att bandgapet (energin som krävs för att överföra laddning) minskade för pABA när den var bunden till Ag-ytan. Hollow-site bundet pABA hade även minst bandgap, vilket betyder att den kräver minst energi för att överföra laddning och är därmed den mest effektiva bindningen för det fotokatalytiska systemet.
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Interação de SO2 com espécies iônicas e moleculares: espectrocopia raman e cálculos teóricos / Interaction of SO2 with molecular and ionic species: Raman spectroscopy and theoretical calculationsAndo, Rômulo Augusto 15 June 2009 (has links)
No presente trabalho foram investigados vários sistemas moleculares contendo o dióxido de enxofre (SO2) como espécie elétron aceptora e diversas espécies elétron doadoras como aminas (alifáticas e aromáticas), complexos inorgânicos e líquidos iônicos. Estes compostos são chamados de complexos do tipo doador-aceptor, que no caso do SO2 são caracterizados por apresentarem baixas energias de ligação entre as espécies se comparada à maioria dos complexos desta categoria. A caracterização vibracional dos complexos e adutos de SO2, assim como do processo de transferência de carga (CT) intermolecular e da estabilidade destes sistemas consistem nos principais objetivos deste trabalho, tendo sido para tanto utilizadas as técnicas de espectroscopia eletrônica (UV-Vis), espectroscopia vibracional (Raman e infravermelho), cálculos de química quântica (DFT) e cálculos de dinâmica molecular clássica (MD). No caso de complexos entre aminas e SO2 foi observado que além da basicidade das aminas, o efeito estérico consiste em um fator crucial para a estabilidade. No caso de aminas aromáticas, complexos coloridos foram formados permitindo a obtenção de espectros Raman ressonante. No caso de um complexo inorgânico, com utilidade potencial como sensor de SO2foi observada a aplicação da espectroscopia Raman ressonante na caracterização do complexo de estequiometria 2:1. Já no caso da interação de SO2 e líquidos iônicos (LI) foi observada a capacidade de absorção de SO2 por LI e a conseqüente mudança das propriedades físico-químicas destes líquidos, o que abre a possibilidade, além de sua potencial utilização no contexto ambiental, de sintonizar propriedades de líquidos iônicos através da adição controlada de SO2. / In the present work molecular systems bearing the sulfur dioxide (SO2) as an electron acceptor species and several electron donor species as amines (aliphatic and aromatic), inorganic complexes and ionic liquids were investigated. Such complexes are commonly known as donor-acceptor complexes, and in particular, in the case of SO2 complexes are characterized by low binding energies when compared with the majority of charge transfer (CT) complexes. The vibrational characterization of the SO2 complexes, as well as of the intermolecular charge transfer (CT) process and of their stabilities are the main subjects of this work, and for such, electronic spectroscopy (UV-Vis), vibrational spectroscopy (Raman and infrared), quantum chemical (DFT) calculations and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were used. In the case of complexes formed by amines and SO2 it was observed that besides the amine basicities, the steric effect plays a crucial role in their stabilities. In the case of aromatic amines, colored complexes were formed allowing the resonance Raman study. The use of Raman spectroscopy in the characterization of an inorganic complex (SO2 sensor) indicates the potential use of the resonance Raman effect for SO2 monitoring. In the case of the interaction between SO2 and ionic liquids it was observed the great capability of ionic liquids as SO2 absorbers, and the consequent change in the physical-chemical properties of these liquids, what opens the possibility, in addition to its potential use in the environmental context, for tuning the ionic liquids properties via the controlled addition of SO2.
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Interação de pontos quânticos com fotossensibilizadores orgânicos na presença de estruturas nano-organizadas / Interaction of quantum dots with organic photosensitizers in the presence of nano-organized structuresParra, Gustavo Gimenez 19 January 2015 (has links)
O sucesso de tratamento de câncer depende do seu diagnóstico e tratamento nas etapas iniciais da doença. Isso estimula a busca de novos métodos de diagnóstico e de tratamento sensíveis e tecnicamente simples. Entre esses métodos, o diagnóstico por fluorescência (DPF) e a fotoquimioterapia (FQT) atraem uma atenção especial, sendo não invasivos, sensíveis e fácil de usar. Os fotossensibilizadores (FS) atualmente utilizados em DPF e FQT são corantes orgânicos, os quais possuem algumas desvantagens, tais como instabilidade fotoquímica e baixa seletividade. Os pontos quânticos (PQ) são candidatos promissores para substituírem os FS clássicos por serem fotoestáveis, apresentarem amplo e intenso espectro de absorção óptica e luminescência com alto rendimento quântico. Contudo a iteração entre FS clássicos e os PQ pode aumentar a eficiência de ambos devido a transferência de energia entre eles. O objetivo geral deste trabalho foi estudar os processos da interação de FS orgânicos (as porfirinas PPh, TMPyP e TPPS4) com PQs (CdTe e CdSe/ZnS), funcionalizados com diferentes grupos, em solução aquosa e na presença de modelos nano-organizados de estruturas biológicas com a finalidade de avaliar seu potencial para aplicação em Fotoquimioterapia e Diagnóstico por Fluorescência. Dedicamos especial atenção aos processos de transferência de energia e de carga entre os PQs e os FS. Os PQs interagem efetivamente com as PPh, cuja interação se manifesta pelas mudanças da intensidade e do perfil dos espectros e das curvas de decaimento da luminescência de PQ e da porfirina, do tamanho das partículas espalhadoras na solução, do potencial zeta dentre outros parâmetros espectroscópicos e físico-químicos. Dentro das soluções aquosas homogêneas, o PQ e as PPh podem formar agregados mistos (PQ&PPh&PQ) ou simples (PQ&PPh) e a interação entre eles realiza-se através de mecanismos de curto e/ou longo alcance, dependendo do grupo funcional do PQ. Entretanto, a interação eletrostática repulsiva entre o PQ e outro composto pode estimular a desagregação dos PQs induzindo o aumento na intensidade da sua luminescência e do seu tempo de vida, provocando um aumento na contribuição dos tempos longos do decaimento da luminescência associados com a superfície do PQ. Essas relações entre o tipo de interação do PQ e da PPh podem ser extrapoladas aos sistemas que contêm PQ na presença de estruturas nano-organizadas. / The success of cancer treatment depends on the diagnosis and treatment in the early stages of the disease. This stimulates the research for new methods of sensitive diagnosis and technically simple treatment. Among these methods, the Optical Bioimaging by fluorescence (OBI) and Photochemotherapy (PCT) attract special attention, being non-invasive, sensitive and friendly use. The photosensitizers (PS) currently used in the OBI-PCT are organic dyes, which have some drawbacks such as photochemical instability and low selectivity. Quantum Dots (QD) are promising candidates to replace the classic PS being photostable, present broad and intensive spectrum of optical absorption and luminescence and, high quantum yield. Therefore the interaction between QDPS and the classic PS can increase the efficiency of both due to energy transfer between them. The aim of this work was to study the processes of organic PS interaction (porphyrins PPh, TMPyP and TPPS4) with QDs (CdTe and CdSe/ZnS), functionalized with different groups in aqueous solution and in the presence of nano-organized models of biological structures with order to evaluate its potential for use in Photochemotherapy and Optical Bioimaging. We devote special attention to energy transfer processes and cargo between the QDs and PS. The QDs effectively interact with PPh, whose interaction is manifested by changes in the intensity and profile of spectra and luminescence decay curves of QD and the porphyrin, the linear size of the scattering particles in the solution, the zeta potential among other spectroscopic and physical chemistry parameters. Within the homogeneous aqueous solutions, QD and Pph can form mixed aggregates (QD&PPh&QD) or simple (QD&PPh) and the interaction between them is carried out through short mechanisms and/or long range, depending on the functional group of the QD. However, the repulsive electrostatic interaction between the QD and another compound may stimulate the breakdown of QDs inducing the increase in the intensity of their luminescence and its lifetime, causing an increase in the contribution of long time decay of the luminescence associated with the surface of QD. These relationships between the type of interaction of the QD and PPh can be extrapolated to systems containing QD in the presence of nano-organized structures.
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Propriétés de commutation des analogues CoFe du bleu de Prusse : vers un contrôle de la position en énergie des états stable et métastable / Switching properties of CoFe Prussian blue analogues : towards a control of the position in terms of energy of the stable and metastable statesLejeune, Julien 26 June 2013 (has links)
Les composés à commutation électronique constituent une large famille de systèmes particulièrement prometteuse, notamment pour le stockage de l’information à l’échelle moléculaire. Parmi ces composés, les analogues du bleu de Prusse cobalt-fer (ABP AxCoFe) sont des polymères inorganiques formés d’enchaînements Co-N≡C-Fe pouvant présenter deux états électroniques CoII(HS)-N≡C-FeIII(BS) et CoIII(BS)-N≡C-FeII(BS) (HS : haut spin ; BS : bas spin) aux propriétés structurales et électroniques bien distinctes. La transition électronique entre ces deux états peut être contrôlée de manière réversible par une grande variété de paramètres chimique (insertion de cations alcalins) et physiques (température, pression, irradiation). Ces propriétés de photo-commutation sont particulièrement intéressantes pour le développement de mémoires optiques à l’échelle moléculaire.Afin de comprendre les propriétés électroniques des ABP AxCoFe, nous nous sommes intéressés à l’interaction entre les centres métalliques via le pont cyanure dans l’enchaînement Co-N≡C-Fe, aussi bien sur un plan expérimental (mise en œuvre de techniques d’analyse reposant sur l’utilisation du rayonnement synchrotron) que théorique (modélisation ab initio de type post-Hartree-Fock). Nous avons également étudié la nature de l’interaction, démontrée expérimentalement, entre les cations alcalins et le réseau bimétallique formé par les enchaînements Co-N≡C-Fe. Finalement, la pertinence du modèle à deux états, habituellement utilisé pour rendre compte des propriétés électroniques des systèmes commutables, est discutée, avec la mise en évidence de multistabilités au sein des ABP AxCoFe. Ce travail propose ainsi une étude la plus complète possible des phénomènes électroniques rencontrés dans ces systèmes. / Electronically switchable compounds constitute a wide family of very promising systems, especially in the field of data storage at a molecular scale. Amongst these compounds, cobalt-iron Prussian blue analogues (AxCoFe PBAs) are inorganic polymers based on Co-N≡C-Fe linkages that may exhibit two CoII(HS)-N≡C-FeIII(LS) and CoIII(LS)-N≡C-FeII(LS) (HS: high spin; LS: low spin) electronic states with very different structural and electronic properties. Electronic transition in between these two states can be reversibly controlled by a large variety of both chemical (insertion of alkali cations) and physical (temperature, pressure, irradiation) parameters. These photo switching properties are extremely appealing for the development of optical memory devices at the molecular scale.In order to understand the electronic properties of AxCoFe PBAs, the interaction occurring between the metallic centres through the cyanide bridge in the Co-N≡C-Fe linkages was investigated both at an experimental (use of synchrotron-radiation-based analytic techniques) and a theoretical (post-Hartree-Fock ab initio modelling) levels. The nature of the experimentally-demonstrated interaction between the alkali cations and the bimetallic network, made of the Co-N≡C-Fe linkages, was also studied. Finally, the relevance of the two-state model, usually invoked to account for the electronic properties of switchable systems, is discussed, as multistabilities are evidenced in PBAs. This work therefore offers study of the electronic phenomena occurring in such systems as comprehensive as possible.
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