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Narcissistic chief executive officers and corporate acquisitions : An upper echelons perspective / Narcissistiska verkställande direktörer och företagsförvärv : Ett upper echelons perspektivWhite, Stuart January 2018 (has links)
This study investigates how chief executive officer narcissism impacts the organizations strategic decisions and outcomes. Rooted in the idea that the organization is a reflection of its top managers, I theorize that narcissistic chief executive officers may influence the decision process leading to corporate acquisitions. Furthermore, taking into account the Dotcom bubble and subprime-crash, research on merger waves is incorporated into the research framework as an outside of the organization effect impacting organizational outcomes. Using a sample of 116 acquisitions by 60 chief executive officers at public listed U.S. firms this is tested from 1994-2017. The results show little to no connection between chief executive officer narcissism and corporate acquisitions in total, international acquisitions or through truly large acquisitions. Though there is a positive connection between observable characteristics such as education and age influencing the decision to acquire firms. When comparing the sample of 116 acquisitions to a general market sample of 4379 acquisitions, a connection to merger wave theory is identified. / Denna studie undersöker hur verkställande direktör narcissism påverkar organisationens strategiska beslut och utfall. Med förankring i idén att organisationen är en reflektion av sina ledare, teoretiserar jag för hur narcissistiska verkställande direktörer kan influera beslutsprocessen som leder till företagsförvärv. Vidare, genom att ta i beaktning IT bubblan och finanskrisen, inkorporeras forskning om merger waves i det teoretiska ramverket som en extern faktor vilket påverkar organisatoriska utfall. Med ett urval av 116 uppköp av 60 verkställande direktörer på publika företag i USA testas detta under perioden 1994-2017. Resultatet visar lite till ingen koppling mellan narcissistiska verkställande direktörer och företagsförvärv vare sig totalt, internationella förvärv eller genom mycket stora förvärv. Däremot visar denna studie en koppling mellan observerbara egenskaper såsom utbildning och ålder påverkar beslutet att förvärva företag. När urvalet 116 förvärv jämförs med ett generellt marknadsurval på 4379 förvärv, påvisas det en koppling till merger wave teori.
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The development of leadership competencies index: the Economic Value Added (EVA) approachNthoesane, Meiya Gert 12 1900 (has links)
Researchers posit that the primary objective of a business enterprise is to create shareholder value, and Economic Value Added (EVA) has been found to be the best available financial metric for measuring value. It is argued that EVA differs from other metrics in the sense that it incorporates both the enterprise profits and the capital costs for such profits. The study intended to establish attributes and competencies that are relevant, key and can bear the relationship with the EVA. In order to achieve this, the following questions were posed, namely; what key attributes and competencies an executive needs to possess for the purpose of organisational value creation?; and what is the measure to be utilised that includes these competencies to ensure organisational value creation and leadership development? The study aim was to propose and develop a diagnostic Value Creating Competencies Index, which is based on the components of or influenced by EVA.
The success of the study was based on three pillars, firstly, EVA as a superior financial measure. To support this, literature that supported that EVA is adopted as a superior financial measure compared to other accounting based measures was reviewed and critiqued. The second element of the study was the focus on CEOs as critical and important drivers of value in organisations. However, the available literature was not able to provide a convincing argument to focus ‘all’ the attention on CEOs at the expense of other executives and the organisation at large. To determine whether CEOs can be given this attention and prominence, we conducted an additional study that assessed the share price movement on the public announcement of CEOs on companies listed on JSE. The findings of this study showed significant movement of share price and volume traded, and on the strength of this observation we concluded that CEOs can be used in this study as drivers of value. The third element was to look at competencies and competency modelling as a conduit that links value creation (EVA) and creators of value (CEOs). The literature on competencies was consulted and that of modelling, looking at the advantages and disadvantages of competency modelling.
The study adopted a pragmatic paradigm and mixed methods approach. A qualitative dominant approach was followed. The study population consisted of Chief Executive Officers of the companies listed on the JSE top 40, who have had same position for a minimum of five years. Two CEOs could successfully be reached and interviewed. Data were collected through interviews, observations and documents analysis of the selected CEOs and their respective companies. Data were analysed qualitatively using the Atlas-ti software package, and then followed by a quantitative approach that was conducted using a Delphi approach. Two samples were utilised for this purpose. The first sample was a census of top 50 companies on Executive Search Review (United States headquartered companies that deals with CEO recruitments), the second sample was a random sample taken from JSE listed companies.
Qualitative results were presented and discussed and the competencies were identified and linked to actual performance in respective organisations. In addition, identified competencies were confirmed by linking to the relevant quotations from the interviews and or analysed documents. Based on the qualitative results a competency model, Octastellatus CEO Competency model was developed and presented. From the competency model, the competency index Sustainable Economic Value Competency Index (SEVCI) was constructed and presented. The index has four clusters, namely; the core competencies, enabling competencies, differentiating competencies and competitive competencies. The index measure is presented as the sum of weighted averages of the four clusters. It is believed that this research work have made a significant and unique contribution by providing a quantitatively validated CEO competency model and corresponding competency index for assessing potential ability to create economic value. In an area that previously had a disconnection between ability to create value and actual value creation is now a known area and it is represented by SEVCI. / Business Management / DBL
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Building Renewed Relevance: Portraits of CEOs Rebranding Iconic Nonprofit OrganizationsLowman, Helen A. 18 May 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Ersättning till verkställande direktörer : En studie om rörlig ersättning och ersättningsprogram i svenska fastighetsbolag mellan åren 2018 - 2022 / Chief Executive Officers Remuneration : A study about variable remuneration and incentive programs in Swedish real estate companies between the years 2018 – 2022Hellkvist, Daniel, Lord, Linus January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Ersättning till verkställande direktörer är ett ämne som blossar upp i samhällsdebatten med jämna mellanrum, speciellt vid skandaler där en VD:s agerande går att ifrågasätta. Trots att rörlig ersättning funnits i mer än 130 år i Sverige och ämnet uppmärksammas i dagstidningar, finns det begränsad forskning kring ämnet. Syfte: Att få en fördjupad förståelse för hur fastighetsbolag i Sverige, med ett högt börsvärde, ersätter sina verkställande direktörer med rörlig ersättning. Vidare att se hur dessa företag utformar sina ersättningsprogram samt skapa en förståelse för varför det finns incitament för rörlig ersättning. Studien syftar även till att ge en förståelse för hur den svenska bolagsstyrningen är uppbyggd samt tillföra kunskap avseende normbildningen av ersättning till VD. Referensram: Avsnittet inleds med en redogörelse kring svensk bolagsstyrning samt normbildningen avseende ersättning. Vidare görs en fördjupad redogörelse kring ersättning för verkställande direktörer och ersättningsprogram. Avsnittet följer av en presentation av agentteorin som sedan sätts i ett svenskt perspektiv. Slutligen avslutas avsnittet med en redogörelse av två perspektiv på redovisning samt redovisning av värdeförändringar i förvaltningsfastigheter. Metod: Undersökningen bygger på en metodkombination där både kvalitativa samt kvantitativa metoder använts. Årsredovisningar har varit underlag för insamling av data varvid en dokumentärstudie utförts med en sekventiell design. Vidare har ett icke-sannolikhetsurval tillämpats där urvalet baserat sig på ett subjektivt urval. Slutsats: Informationsvärdet i företagens årsredovisningar varierar avseende ersättning till VD. Utbetalande av rörlig ersättning sker kontant i de undersökta företagen. Andelen rörlig ersättning för VD uppgår, i de undersökta företagen, till ca 20% av total ersättning. Kortsiktiga ersättningsprogram är dominerande i dessa företag. Vidare är redovisningsbaserade mått mest frekvent använda i företagens ersättningsprogram, men kompletteras upp med andra prestations mått. Justeringar av verkligt värde för fastighetsbestånden avspeglas inte i VD:s rörliga ersättningar, således är förvaltarskap utmärkande för VD i fastighetsbolag. / Background: CEO remuneration is a topic that recurs in the public debate at regular intervals, especially in the case of scandals where a CEO’s action can be questioned. Even though variable remuneration has existed for more than 130 years in Sweden and the subject is noticed in daily newspapers, there is limited research on the subject. Purpose: To gain a deeper understanding of how real estate companies in Sweden (with a high market capitalization) reward their CEOs with variable remuneration. Furthermore, to see how the companies design their incentive-program and to gain an understanding of why there are incentives for variable remuneration. The study also aims to provide an understanding of how the Swedish corporate governance are organized and to add knowledge regarding the setting of norms for CEO remuneration. Framework: The section begins with a description of Swedish corporate governance and the standards regarding CEO remuneration. Furthermore, an in-depth report is made regarding CEO remuneration and incentive-programs. The section continues with a presentation of Agency Theory, which is then put into a Swedish perspective. The episode ends with a description of two perspectives in accounting and reporting of value changes in investment properties. Method: The study is based on a combination of methods where both qualitative and quantitative methods were used. Annual reports have been the basis for data collection, whereby a documentary study was carried out with a sequential design. Furthermore, a non-probability sample has been applied where the sample was based on a subjective sample. Conclusions: The information value regarding CEO remuneration, in the annual reports, differ among the corporations. Payment of variable remuneration is made in cash. The share of variable remuneration for the CEO amounts to approx. 20 percent of total remuneration, according to the investigated corporations. Short-term incentive-programs are dominant in these corporations. Furthermore, accounting-based key performance indicators are most frequently used in the corporation’s incentive- programs, however they are supplemented with other key performance indicators. Fair value adjustments for the property holdings are not reflected in the CEO’s variable remuneration, thus stewardship is distinctive for CEOs in real estate companies.
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具會計專長之執行長與投資人、會計師及分析師之反應 / Chief Executive Officer with Accounting Expertise and Reactions of Investors, Auditors and Analysts陳嬿如, Chen, Yen Ju Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果發現,具會計專長CEO與盈餘管理、審計公費、公司累積異常報酬呈現顯著正相關,與分析師追隨數則為顯著負相關,顯示當CEO具有會計專長時,因有盈餘操控的情況,所以審計公費提高、分析師追隨數減少;但市場投資人或許無法體認盈餘操控的事實,故仍相信具有會計專長之CEO,有可能為公司帶來正面的影響。 / This study investigates the relationship between CEOs with accounting expertise and external reactions of investors, auditors and analysts. The sample firms used in this study are all the stock-listed companies in America and Canada during 1980-2015.
Before examining such external reactions, this paper explores the association between CEOs with accounting expertise and earnings quality, which help us to obtain an explanation why auditors, analysts and investors have such reactions.
The empirical results show that CEOs with accounting expertise manage earnings more aggressively than CEOs without such expertise. As a consequence, the firms with such CEOs will be charged higher audit fees and have less analyst following. However, investors might not recognize this fact; they still believe that CEOs with accounting expertise will have a positive influence on firms. Our findings could offer a reference for a company looking for a CEO that could bring accounting quality.
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Por que caem? O fenômeno da cassação de prefeitos pela câmaras municipais / Why do they fall: The ousting of mayor by the City CouncilPessoa, Bruno Martins 08 February 2019 (has links)
Qual o nível de conflito que torna uma crise intratável e resulta na cassação do mandato eletivo do prefeito pela Câmara Municipal? A literatura que se dedica a explicar esse fenômeno se divide em duas perspectivas: 1) variáveis sociais forçam os parlamentares a agir contra o incumbente e as variáveis políticas agem de forma complementar e, 2) fatores políticos levam os legisladores a forçar a saída do cargo do incumbente, com fatores sociais agindo de forma complementar. Em comum a essas duas perspectivas há o papel desempenhado pelo Legislativo como fator chave para a interrupção do mandato do chefe do Executivo. Esta pesquisa investiga sobre as causas determinantes da remoção dos prefeitos pelo parlamento municipal. Portanto, busca-se revelar são as variáveis institucionais e não institucionais que influenciam na motivação dos parlamentares que, diante de uma crise não assimilável, optam por cassar o mandato eletivo do prefeito a mantê-lo no cargo. A pesquisa utiliza dados coletados de 335 câmaras municipais paulistas sobre processos de cassação no período de 1992 a 2012 para trazer informações sobre a dinâmica do fenômeno no interior do Legislativo. Foram utilizados também dados do TSE e Seade das eleições municipais referentes a esse período. Essa base de dados original permite que testemos as principais explicações fornecidas pela literatura. O tema se insere dentro da literatura sobre remoção de presidentes, como um subgrupo desse fenômeno. Resultados das análises estatísticas descritivas apontam que o quadro de variáveis extraído dessa literatura apresenta um comportamento semelhante, em decorrência do desenho institucional do município que é simétrico ao ente federal, por força constitucional. Em conclusão, este estudo contribui com o debate que elucida os fatores que levam à ocorrência do fenômeno em questão, que pode ser entendido como um subgrupo da literatura que trata da remoção de membros do Executivo em diferentes instâncias. / What level of conflict makes a crisis intractable and results in the ousting of the mayor\'s elective term by the City Council? The literature that deals with understanding this phenomenon is divided into two opposing perspectives: 1) social variables force parliamentarians to act against the incumbent and the political variables act in a complementary way, and 2) political factors lead the legislators to force the incumbent out of office, with social factors acting in a complementary way. Both perspectives, however, share the understanding that the role played by the Legislative is a key factor for the interruption of the head of the Executive\'s mandate. This study investigates the determining causes of the removal of mayors by the local parliament. Thus, it aims at identifying the institutional and non-institutional variables that influence the motivation of parliamentarians who, faced with a crisis that is not assimilable, choose to remove the elective mandate of the mayor to keep him in office. The research uses data collected from 335 São Paulo municipal councils on ousting proceedings from 1992 to 2012 to provide information on the dynamics of the phenomenon within the Legislative. Data from the TSE and Seade of the municipal elections for this period were also used. This original database allows us to test the main explanations provided by the literature. The theme falls within the literature on the removal of presidents, as a subgroup of this phenomenon. Results of the descriptive statistical analyzes indicate that the variables extracted from this literature presents a similar behavior, due to the institutional design of the municipality that is symmetrical to the federal entity, by constitutional force. In conclusion, this study contributes to the debate that elucidates the factors that lead to the occurrence of the phenomenon in question, which can be understood as a subgroup of the literature that deals with the removal of members of the Executive in different instances.
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The impact of the intersection of race, gender and class on women CEO's lived experiences and career progresson : strategies for gender transformation at leadership level in corporate South AfricaDlamini, Nobuhle Judith 19 August 2014 (has links)
The aim of the study was to investigate the impact of the intersection of race, gender and social class on women leaders’ work experience and career progression in order to come up with strategies for gender transformation at leadership level in corporate South Africa. The problem statement of this research study concerns the indication in the annual report of the Commission for Employment Equity (Department of Labour 2012) that there is under-representation of women, especially African and Coloured women, at top management level relative to the economically active population. The Women Empowerment and Gender Equality Bill was published in the Government Gazette No. 37005 of 6 November 2013. This Bill aims to enforce compliance with the stipulated minimum representation of women at senior levels in both the private and public sectors. This study, with its objective of reaching an understanding of the impact of the intersection of race, gender and social class on women’s career progression, is therefore timeous. Getting the perspective of woman CEOs across race and class on how to transform gender at leadership level could add an important voice to transformation and could be of benefit to decision makers in business and in government. Based on this problem statement the following research questions were formulated:
- To what extent does the intersection of race, social class and gender impact on women CEOs’ experience in their work roles and career progression?
- How might an understanding of women leaders’ experiences in their roles assist with strategies to transform gender at leadership level in corporate South Africa?
Qualitative research methodology was chosen as the appropriate methodology and grounded theory was employed. Purposive, snowball and theoretical sampling methods were used to identify fourteen participants (13 CEOs and one chairman).The life story method was employed for in-depth semi-structured interviews from which rich descriptive data was collected and which was analysed using grounded theory. Findings confirmed that the intersection of race, gender, age and class does have an impact on women’s career progression and their life experiences. The dominant social identity was race for blacks and gender whites; class and age were the overlay. In terms of strategies for gender transformation, first-order constructs from the participants were related to abstract second-order constructs from the literature, which led to the formulation of the WHEEL Theoretical Model. The theoretical model is an integration of different elements required for the formulation of strategies for gender transformation at leadership level. The different elements were women themselves; domestic and family support; the organisation; society and government.
Despite some limitations that were encountered, the aim of the study was achieved by making a contribution not only to the development of theory related to strategies for gender transformation at leadership level, which other scholars can build from, but also to the gaining of insights into the intersection of multiple social identities and their impact which can be used by business leaders and policymakers to address inequalities in organisations. In addition, this research study made various recommendations for future research / Business Management / DBL
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Hospital Outcomes Based on Physician Versus Non-Physician LeadershipMkandawire, Collins Yazenga 01 January 2017 (has links)
Hospital performance metrics are an indicator of leadership performance. However, there is inadequate research on whether physician or nonphysician chief executive officers (CEOs) perform better in the U.S. hospitals. The purpose of this study was to examine which type of leaders is better. Leadership trait, situational leadership, and leadership behavior theories constituted the theoretical foundation. The key research question examined the relationship between a hospital's outcomes, which in this study, included hospital net income, patient experience ratings, and mortality rates, and the type of CEO in that hospital: physician or non-physician. A quantitative, causal comparative design was used to answer this question. Three hypotheses were tested using multivariate analysis of variance. The dependent variable was hospital outcomes: hospital net income, patient experience ratings, and mortality rates. The independent variable was the type of hospital CEO: physician and nonphysician. Datasets from 2014-2015 were used, which were publically available on the websites of U.S. based hospitals, research organizations, and journals. A sample of 60 hospitals was drawn from U.S. non-federal, short-term, acute care hospitals, based on number of staffed beds (n = 60). No significant differences were found between nonphysician and physician CEOs on hospitals' net income (p = .911), patient experience ratings (p = .166), or mortality rates (p = .636). Thus, the null hypotheses were retained. Findings suggest that physician and non-physician CEOs may produce similar outcomes in the hospitals they lead. Based on these findings, hospital boards can view CEO applicants equally when considering whom to hire and understanding U.S. hospital leadership.
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Die Eignung der insolvenzrechtlichen Überschuldungsprüfung nach § 19 InsO als Instrument der Insolvenzprophylaxe unter spezieller Berücksichtigung der mittelständischen GmbH / The ability of the over-indebtedness-check according to § 19 as an instrument of bankruptcy prohylaxis under specific observance of small and medium-sized limited liability companiesRep, Thomas 17 August 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Liest und verfolgt man die diversen in der jüngeren Vergangenheit ergangenen Presseverlautbarungen und Stellungnahmen zum Thema Überschuldung im Allgemeinen und dem insolvenzrechtlichen Überschuldungsbegriff im Besonderen, drängt sich einem der Verdacht auf, dass ein wie auch immer geartetes Problembewusstsein zu diesem Thema gewollt in die Bedeutungslosigkeit geschrieben worden ist. Nach überwiegend herrschender Meinung seien die insolvenzrechtliche Überschuldung und der damit einhergehende Insolvenzantragsgrund mittlerweile obsolet. Dieser Meinungsstand verwundert doch stark angesichts der nach wie vor hohen Anzahl an Unternehmensinsolvenzen, insbesondere im Bereich mittelständischer Unternehmen. Obgleich bei einem Gutteil der betroffenen Unternehmen als Insolvenzantragsgrund die Zahlungsunfähigkeit angegeben worden ist, darf dies nicht darüber hinweg täuschen, dass einer Illiquidität in aller Regel eine Überschuldung vorausgeht. Dabei spielt es objektiv betrachtet keine Rolle, ob es sich um eine bilanzielle, rechnerische oder insolvenzrechtliche Überschuldung handelt; in allen Fällen vermag das Vermögen die Schulden nicht mehr zu decken, m.a.W.: die Schuldendeckungsfähigkeit ist nicht mehr gegeben. Die Erhaltung der Schuldendeckungsfähigkeit eines Unternehmens ist so gesehen der erste Schritt zur Insolvenzprophylaxe. Allerdings sind die normierten handelsrechtlichen Rechnungslegungsvorschriften aus vielerlei Gründen nur bedingt geeignet, die Schuldendeckungsfähigkeit eines Unternehmens verlässlich zu überprüfen. Insoweit erscheint es folgerichtig, gerade für die mittelständische GmbH eine Ergänzung der aktuellen Rechnungslegung durch eine permanente Schuldendeckungskontrolle, wie sie bereits durch die ältere Zerschlagungsstatik bzw. statische Interpretation der Bilanz gefordert wurde, vorzusehen und damit den organschaftlichen Vertreter der mittelständischen GmbH in die Lage zu versetzen, im Rahmen seiner Selbstinformationsverpflichtung den Bestand des Unternehmens zu sichern und die externen Gläubiger angemessen zu schützen. Die präventive Anwendung der insolvenzrechtlichen Überschuldungsprüfung nach § 19 InsO zur Schuldendeckungskontrolle ermöglicht dem organschaftlichen Vertreter zweierlei: In Abhängigkeit von der Frühzeitigkeit der Vornahme einer solchen Prüfungshandlung kann deren Informationsgehalt entweder insolvenzprophylaktisch im Sinne einer erfolgreichen außergerichtlichen Sanierung wirken oder aber zumindest den Weg zu einer rechtzeitigen und geordneten Insolvenzantragstellung weisen. Das Ergebnis der Überschuldungsprüfung kann so dazu beitragen, erste Indikatoren bestehender Fehlentwicklungen und Schieflagen bereits im Vorfeld einer sich abzeichnenden Krise aufzuzeigen. Anzeichen dieser Art sind in aller Regel schon lange vor Eintritt der Insolvenzantragspflicht im Zahlenwerk der betreffenden Unternehmen erkennbar.
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Three essays on CEO compensation in the UKMinhat, Marizah January 2009 (has links)
This thesis comprises three studies on CEO compensation in the UK. It specifically examines the role of CEO defined-benefit pensions, compensation consultants and CEO stock options. Firstly, research on the role of executive pensions is still at a stage of infancy due to data difficulties (Sundaram and Yermack, 2007). By taking advantage of better disclosure requirements with the introduction of Directors’ Remuneration Report Regulations (DRRR) in 2002, this thesis examines the determinants and effects of CEO defined-benefit pensions. Consistent with rent extraction hypothesis (Bebchuk and Fried, 2005; Kalyta and Magnan, 2008), it finds that pensions are largely determined by CEO power over boards of directors. There is no evidence that pensions reduce the agency cost of debt as suggested by Edmans (2008) and Sundaram and Yermack (2007). Instead they increase the agency cost of equity by discouraging CEO risk-taking and reducing pay-performance relationship. Consistent with the argument in Gustman et al. (1994), Ippolito (1991) and Lazear (1990), this thesis also finds that pensions do bond a CEO to the firm she manages. Secondly, because of the lack of disclosure regarding compensation consultants used by companies, the empirical evidence is so far limited on how the practice of employing compensation consultants influences CEO pay. By taking advantage of better disclosure requirements since the publication of the DRRR (2002), this thesis examines the effect of using compensation consultants on CEO pay. Unlike Murphy and Sandino (2008), this thesis finds no evidence that firms use multiple pay consultants to justify or legitimize higher CEO pay. In light of the managerial power theory, this thesis instead finds that pay consultants are more concerned with the risk of losing business with their client firms. This latter finding explains why the use of pay consultants is associated with greater executive pay (see Armstrong, Ittner and Larcker, 2008; Cadman, Carter and Hillegeist, in press; Conyon, Peck and Sadler, 2009; Murphy and Sandino, 2008; Voulgaris, Stathopoulos and Walker, 2009). Thirdly, despite the importance of the issue, the existence of a link between the CEO stock options and earnings management is currently understudied in the UK. The UK context is appealing because of two distinctive corporate governance features that limit opportunistic earnings management. These are the absence of CEO duality in general (Cornett, Marcus, and Tehranian, 2008) and the increased outside director’s membership on boards since the publication of the Cadbury Report (1992) (Peasnell, Pope, and Young, 2000). By examining earnings management prior to stock option grant and exercise periods, this thesis adds to the study of Kuang (2008) that examines earnings management during stock option vesting periods. Overall, some evidence has been found that earnings are managed downwards prior to stock option grant periods. Consistent with the US-based studies, this thesis finds strong evidence of upward earnings management prior to a stock option exercise period. It shows that the UK’s distinctive governance features have not restrained opportunistic earnings management prior to stock option grants and exercises. In brief, this thesis provides some empirical evidence that the use of two pay components in the CEO pay package, namely, the defined-benefit pensions and stock options, do not necessarily promote CEO-shareholder interest alignment. The use of pay consultants in CEO pay-setting is also fraught with managerial influence. In support of the managerial power theory, I therefore suggest that these three factors can be abused by CEOs to extract excess compensation at the expense of shareholders. In this context, these three factors can themselves be considered as the sources of the agency cost. Future research might examine the mechanisms that can be deployed to govern the use of defined-benefit pensions, stock options and pay consultants in CEO pay design.
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