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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Adopting Modular Design Strategy towards Circular Economy: A Case Study at a Swedish Original Equipment Manufacturer

Soliman, Ahmed January 2020 (has links)
The societal shift towards the circular economy is gaining momentum due to the push from the legislation side and the increasing social awareness towards the ecological imbalance caused by the linear model of resource extraction and consumption. The topic of design for the circular economy is gaining increasing interest in both academia and industry. The circular economy requires products to be designed based on a lifecycle approach and extended lifetime.This thesis aimed to investigate the potential application of modular design strategy as a supportive approach to aid Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) in their bid to adapt their product features to fit within a circular economic model. Furthermore, the study has investigated the potential challenges encountered during the adoption of such a design strategy and concludes with recommendations to overcome the identified challenges.To address this aim, a case study was carried out within a global OEM, based on their interest in exploring the circular economy's design domain. A literature review and interviews have been conducted to assess how product circularity factors can be addressed using a modular design strategy and identifying the potential challenges that can hinder its realization.The study initially identified seven design factors that need to be addressed along the different phases of a product lifecycle to ensure a fit within a circular economic model. The seven circularity factors are design: based on a lifecycle approach, for durability, for adaptability, for upgradability, for ease of maintenance and repair, for ease of disassembly and reassembly, and standardization and compatibility.The study also revealed that a standardized and simplified interface between different modules within the product plays a vital role in enhancing its ability to address the different circularity factors. The standardized interface in the modular product qualifies the product to become useable for multiple usage cycles. Furthermore, such a modular product can be considered an open-source product since it can continuously be updated with the latest available technology. Such continuous updates allow the open-source product to adapt to the changes in the working environment effectively.Despite the capability of a modular design strategy to address the different circularity factors, several challenges can hinder its implementation in the industry. The primary challenge industries face when adopting such a strategy is identifying the main objectives of such an approach. Further, this strategy might negatively impact product profitability, which is a significant challenge for the industries. Moreover, the prospect of adopting modular strategies also faces design challenges, such as the potential of losing customer interest in a modular product.The thesis concludes with a few recommendations to overcome these challenges associated with adopting a modular design strategy for a circular economy. To overcome such challenges, industries need clear identification of the circular economy and the planned outcome of such a manufacturing shift based on clear systems thinking and transparency in product development. In the end, the study proposes a design framework, which may provide industries with a transparent methodology for designing a modular product for a circular economy.

Development of an approach for the foresight of product technologies to enable an upgrade circular economy

Berner, Yannick January 1900 (has links)
The current linear “take-make-use-dispose” approach relies on an ever-increasing demand of new products as a driver of economic growth. In this approach, companies usually make profit by frequent product replacements, even though these products are typically still fully functional. This is unsustainable as it strains natural resources and contributes significantly to environmental degradation. To counter this, the concept of a CE promotes extending product lifecycles through strategies such as reuse, repair, remanufacture, or recycling. One effective strategy is upgrading certain product modules to incorporate the latest technological developments, thereby extending the lifetime of a product, improving functionality, and thus creating additional value for the customer. However, companies face the challenge of planning products and the associated technologies across multiple product generations. A lever for this is technology foresight, aiming to identify emerging technological developments at an early stage so companies can exploit their potential. This approach helps to pinpoint the technological areas of a product with high innovation cycles that are ideal for upgrades to meet new customer requirements and extend the product's lifetime. This thesis focuses on developing an approach for technology foresight to enable an upgrade circular economy. The research includes a review of existing literature about technology foresight and upgrade circular economy, identifying key gaps and opportunities for innovation. The proposed approach combines market-pull and technology-push, as both are drivers for the development of new technologies. The market-pull perspective aims to identify key factors driving technological developments through market-oriented influences such as changing market trends or customer requirements. These requirements are translated into technical functions using the QFD method. The technology-push perspective, on the other hand, aims to identify key factors driving technological developments through technology-oriented influences such as new scientific discoveries. The proposed approach distinguishes between inside-out and outside-in technology identification. The identified technologies are then analyzed based on their development dynamics using publication or patent analysis. The theoretical approach developed in this thesis serves as a starting point for further research activities to implement the idea of an upgrade circular economy. / Den nuvarande linjära "take-make-use-dispose"-strategin bygger på en ständigt ökande efterfrågan på nya produkter som drivkraft för ekonomisk tillväxt. Enligt detta synsätt tjänar företagen pengar på att ofta byta ut produkter, trots att dessa produkter vanligtvis fortfarande är fullt funktionsdugliga. Detta är ohållbart eftersom det tär på naturresurserna och bidrar till en betydande miljöförstöring. För att motverka detta främjar CE-konceptet en förlängning av produkternas livscykler genom strategier som återanvändning, reparation, återtillverkning eller återvinning. En effektiv strategi är att uppgradera vissa produktmoduler för att införliva den senaste tekniska utvecklingen och därigenom förlänga produktens livslängd, förbättra funktionaliteten och därmed skapa mervärde för kunden. Företagen står dock inför utmaningen att planera produkter och tillhörande teknik över flera produktgenerationer. En hävstång för detta är teknisk framsynthet, som syftar till att identifiera nya tekniska utvecklingar på ett tidigt stadium så att företagen kan utnyttja deras potential. Detta tillvägagångssätt hjälper till att identifiera de tekniska områden i en produkt med höga innovationscykler som är idealiska för uppgraderingar för att uppfylla nya kundkrav och förlänga produktens livslängd. Denna avhandling fokuserar på att utveckla ett tillvägagångssätt för teknikprognoser för att möjliggöra en uppgraderad cirkulär ekonomi. Forskningen omfattar en genomgång av befintlig litteratur om teknikprognoser och uppgradering av cirkulär ekonomi, och identifierar viktiga luckor och möjligheter till innovation. Det föreslagna tillvägagångssättet kombinerar market-pull och technology-push, eftersom båda är drivkrafter för utvecklingen av ny teknik. Market-pull-perspektivet syftar till att identifiera nyckelfaktorer som driver den tekniska utvecklingen genom marknadsorienterade influenser, t.ex. förändrade marknadstrender eller kundkrav. Dessa krav översätts till tekniska funktioner med hjälp av QFD-metoden. Technology-push-perspektivet, å andra sidan, syftar till att identifiera nyckelfaktorer som driver den tekniska utvecklingen genom teknikorienterade influenser, t.ex. nya vetenskapliga upptäckter. Det föreslagna tillvägagångssättet skiljer mellan inside-out och outside-in teknikidentifiering. De identifierade teknologierna analyseras sedan utifrån deras utvecklingsdynamik med hjälp av publikations- eller patentanalys. Den teoretiska ansats som utvecklats i denna avhandling fungerar som en utgångspunkt för ytterligare forskningsaktiviteter för att genomföra idén om en uppgraderad cirkulär ekonomi.

Developing an Urban Circular Economy Framework Based on Urban Metabolism / Utveckling av ett urbant ramverk för cirkulär ekonomi

Stugholm, Saga January 2020 (has links)
There is an urgent need to transition to more sustainable cities and to do so we must identify in what ways and where cities are unsustainable. Urban metabolism offers a way to provide insight into how to move from linear to more sustainable, circular flows of energy and material in the urban area. Incorporating circular economy principles into the urban metabolism concept offers a promising way to reduce urban resource flows and increase the sustainability of the urban system. This thesis aims to combine an urban metabolism framework with circular economy indicators to create an urban circular economy framework, to support the transition towards more sustainable cities. This was achieved by identifying urban metabolism frameworks at the urban scale as well as several circular economy indicators, and then developing criteria for assessing them. It was found that several of the urban metabolism frameworks lacked an inclusion of hinterlands and a life cycle perspective, but provided various approaches to the urban metabolism. Assessment of the identified circular economy indicators showed that there is a lack of flow-based indicators that evaluate the social dimension of sustainability. To assess this in an adequate way there is a need to develop flow-based circular economy indicators, or alternatively urban metabolism frameworks which incorporate the social aspects. Furthermore, there is a need to develop more evaluation criteria and a categorisation for assessing the circular economy indicators. This would ensure that all sectors and some scales of delineation are addressed and provide a holistic understanding of the circular economy. Still, a somewhat holistic view can be gained from the combination of several indicators, as shown in the circular economy framework developed in this thesis. The framework was developed by combining a multilevel urban metabolism framework with 17 of the selected circular economy indicators. Out of these, 16 could be applied directly to the multilevel framework and together they cover all assessment criteria for circular economy indicators. This new framework is extensive and can be used to evaluate circular economy from a sustainable point of view. However, it is not fully holistic since it does not cover all sectors and could use a larger set of indicators. Still, by providing an example of an urban circular economy framework, this thesis offers a step towards the development of urban circular economy frameworks. / Det finns ett akut behov att övergå till mer hållbara städer, och för att kunna göra det måste vi identifiera på vilka sätt städer är ohållbara. Urban metabolism är ett koncept som ger insikt i hur det är möjligt att gå från linjära till mer hållbara, cirkulära flöden av energi och material i urbana områden. Integrationen av principer från cirkulär ekonomi i den urbana metabolismen erbjuder ett lovande sätt att minska urbana resursflöden och därmed öka städers hållbarhet. Denna uppsats kombinerar ett ramverk för urban metabolism med indikatorer för cirkulär ekonomi och skapar på så sätt ett ramverk för urban cirkulär ekonomi. Syftet med det nya ramverket är att kunna stödja övergången till mer hållbara städer. Detta uppnåddes genom att identifiera ramverk för urban metabolism på urban skala, samt flera indikatorer för cirkulär ekonomi, samt utveckla kriterier för att utvärdera dessa. Det visade sig att flera av ramverken för urban metabolism inte behandlade påverkan på kringliggande områden och ett livscykelperspektiv, men gav olika tillvägagångssätt för att undersöka den urbana metabolismen. Utvärdering av de identifierade indikatorerna för cirkulär ekonomi visade att det saknas flödesbaserade indikatorer som bedömer den sociala dimensionen av hållbarhet. För att bättre kunna bedöma detta bör det utvecklas flödesbaserade indikatorer för cirkulär ekonomi, alternativt ramverk för urban metabolism som integrerar de sociala aspekterna. Dessutom finns det behov av att utveckla fler utvärderingskriterier för att bedöma indikatorerna, samt en kategorisering av dessa. Detta skulle säkerställa att alla sektorer och vissa detaljnivåer av flöden tas upp och ge en bättre helhetsförståelse för den cirkulära ekonomin. Utan dessa förbättringar kan dock ändå en något holistisk uppfattning erhållas från kombinationen av flera indikatorer, vilket visas i det skapade ramverket för cirkulär ekonomi. Ramverket utvecklades genom att kombinera ett flernivåigt ramverk för urban metabolism med 17 av de valda indikatorerna för cirkulär ekonomi. Av dessa kunde 16 tillämpas direkt på olika nivåer i nivåstrukturen från DPSIR Multilevel Framework. Tillsammans täcker de alla bedömningskriterier för indikatorer för cirkulär ekonomi. Detta nya ramverk är omfattande och kan användas för att utvärdera cirkulär ekonomi ur ett hållbarhetsperpektiv. Det är dock inte helt holistiskt eftersom det inte täcker alla sektorer och skulle kunna använda en större uppsättning indikatorer. Genom att ge ett exempel på ett ramverk för urban cirkulär ekonomi, erbjuder denna avhandling trots detta ett steg mot utvecklingen av ramverk för cirkulär ekonomi.

How can we measure the technical, socio-economic, and environmental performance of circular business models and supply chain?

Venkatachalam, Jayasurya January 2021 (has links)
Circular business models can assist in reshaping and transitioning away from the current linear consumption pattern which can in turn allow us to achieve a circular economy. Businesses can change their operating model and consider a more sustainable alternative to their current production and consumption method. For businesses to assist in the transition of circular economy, the circular economy strategies can be integrated into their business models. Companies have already started to align goals and objectives to achieve this by measuring performance indicators. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are used to effectively communicate and set targets to be achieved within different levels of an organization. KPIs can be used to monitor the progress of different aspects of sustainability including environment, economic and social. Due to this reason, many industries are shifting towards a circular business model to ensure better resource utilization and sustainable operations. For companies to evaluate their progress towards their set targets and goals, performance measurement is crucial. In this study, relevant existing circular KPIs have been identified which can be implemented by the case companies to measure the performance of their supply chain and entire business model. The technical, environmental, and socio-economic dimensions are focused on this study while identifying the Key Performance Indicators. A systematic literature review was initially performed during this study. Data achieved from literature was then compared with empirical data. The empirical data is based on interviews and surveys conducted with the case companies which were later compiled to develop the suitable indicators. / Cirkulära affärsmodeller kan hjälpa till att omforma och övergå från det nuvarande linjära konsumtionsmönstret, vilket i sin tur kan göra det möjligt för oss att uppnå en cirkulär ekonomi. Företag kan ändra sin driftsmodell och överväga ett mer hållbart alternativ till sin nuvarande produktions- och konsumtionsmetod. För att företag ska bistå vid övergången till cirkulär ekonomi kan strategierna för cirkulär ekonomi integreras i deras affärsmodeller. Företag har redan börjat anpassa sina mål för att uppnå detta genom att mäta prestationsindikatorer. Key Performance Indicators (KPI) används för att effektivt kommunicera och sätta upp mål som ska uppnås inom olika nivåer i en organisation. KPIs kan användas för att övervaka utvecklingen av olika aspekter av hållbarhet, inklusive miljö, ekonomisk och social. Av denna anledning övergår många branscher mot en cirkulär affärsmodell för att säkerställa bättre resursutnyttjande och hållbara operationer. Prestandamätning är avgörande för att företag ska kunna utvärdera sina framsteg i förhållande till sina uppsatta mål. I denna studie har relevanta befintliga cirkulära KPIs identifierats som kan implementeras av fallstudieföretagen för att mäta prestanda för deras försörjningskedja och hela affärsmodellen. Fokus för denna studie är de tekniska, miljömässiga och socioekonomiska dimensionerna samtidigt som de viktigaste prestationsindikatorerna identifieras. En systematisk litteraturöversikt utfördes initialt under denna studie. Data erhållen från litteraturen jämfördes därefter med empiriska data. De empiriska uppgifterna är baserade på intervjuer och undersökningar som gjorts med fallstudiebolagen som senare sammanställdes för att utveckla lämpliga indikatorer.

Role of digitalization and digital capabilities to implement second-life business models for electric vehicle batteries

Hasan, Farin, Karim, Soumik January 2024 (has links)
Date:    2nd June 2024 Level:    Master Thesis in Product- and Process Development, Advanced     level, 30 credits                                                                                  Institution:   School of Innovation, Design and Engineering, Mälardalens University Authors:   Farin Hasan & Soumik Karim Title:    Role of digitalization and digital capabilities to implement second-life business models for electric vehicle batteries Keywords:   Second-life EV batteries, Digitalization in circular economy, Industry 4.0 technologies, EV battery life cycle, Circular economy models, Battery recycling/repurposing Purpose:   The aim of this thesis study is to develop and evaluate a digitalization framework with the goal of improving the second life management of EV batteries.  Research questions:  “What type of Industry 4.0 technologies and digital capabilities are key for the implementation of second-life business models for EV batteries and how do they support ecosystem actors?”  , “How should ecosystem actors prepare and integrate these     technologies and capabilities to implement second-life business models for EV batteries? Methodology:   The study was conducted using an abductive research approach,   employing qualitative methods. The theoretical framework was developed through a systematic literature review of existing literature within the research scope. Data collection involved an  extensive literature review and archival study. Thematic analysis was applied to the data to identify patterns and themes, which were further analyzed to construct a framework.                                                     Conclusion:   The study concludes that integrating industry 4.0 technologies enhances the management and repurposing of EV batteries for second-life applications. These technologies enable effective monitoring, predictive maintenance, and secure data management, which supports ecosystem actors in developing sustainable and economically viable second-life business models.

Att skapa social hållbarhet: Fastighetsägaren Hemsös möjligheter och restriktioner för att skapa ett mer levande och självförsörjande stadsrum

Al-Sálehi, Robin Rushdi January 2016 (has links)
Att skapa hållbara städer är ett av de viktigaste målen idag för att tackla problem som rör ekologiska, ekonomiska och sociala frågor i vår värld. Syftet med denna uppsats är att visa hur ägare av det fysiska rummet i städer, nämligen fastighetsägare, har möjligheter men också restriktioner för att påverka. Genom att lösa sociala problem i städer, med cirkulärt ekonomiska verksamheter i fastigheterna, kan vi komma närmare att uppnå Jane Jacobs bild av en levande och demokratisk stad där människor själva bidrar till en hållbar stadsutveckling. För att kunna förstå fastighetsägarnas möjligheter och restriktioner, i detta fall Hemsö fastighets AB, har intervjuer genomförts med Vd:n som fastställer riktlinjerna i företaget, men även andra medarbetare, för att få en bild av deras handlingsutrymme. Dessa möjligheter och restriktioner diskuteras sedan utifrån Jacobs teorier för en stadsutveckling som i denna uppsats anses vara ett socialt hållbar sätt och exemplifieras med cirkulärt ekonomiska verksamheter för att visa hur detta även leder till en hållbar stadsutveckling. Resultatet visade att restriktionerna är detaljplaner, hyresavtal, bygglov och företagets lönsamhetskrav. Den visade också på många möjligheter och en vilja att vara hållbara. Problemet som visat sig är bristen på kunskapen om hur det kan ske.

Modelos de negócio alinhados aos princípios da economia circular e sustentabilidade: estudo de múltiplos casos. / Business models aligned with the principles of circular economy and sustainability multiple case study.

Abadia, Lorena Gamboa 02 May 2019 (has links)
Conforme vem adaptando suas atividades a hábitos mais sustentáveis, a sociedade tem absorvido lições aprendidas com o ecossistema natural. A economia circular, um modelo econômico que segue o modelo de circulação energética da ecologia, é um conceito que emerge e se destaca dentre tantos outros conceitos no espectro das ciências ambientais, da sustentabilidade e do desenvolvimento sustentável. Em oposição ao modelo linear tradicional praticado hoje, a economia circular vem sendo utilizada com o objetivo de enfrentar o desafio da escassez de recursos e eliminação de resíduos em uma abordagem vantajosa para todos, com perspectiva econômica e de valor. Como forma de auxiliar a promover essa mudança de paradigma, o surgimento de novos modelos de negócio representa um dos pilares necessários para essa transição. Ambos os termos economia circular e modelos de negócio são considerados atualmente temas de interesse crescente, tanto para a academia quanto a prática. Nesse contexto, a dissertação tem como objetivo investigar modelos de negócio alinhados aos conceitos de economia circular e sustentabilidade, de forma a entender quais são os principais blocos construtores que compõem esses modelos, os principais desafios enfrentados e benefícios obtidos. A abordagem metodológica utilizada baseia-se no estudo de múltiplos casos, desenvolvido em seis organizações de diferentes setores e tamanhos. Esta dissertação contribui para a literatura na intersecção dos temas economia circular, sustentabilidade e modelos de negócio. Os principais resultados ligados ao modelo de negócio apontam para proximidade no relacionamento com o cliente e estabelecimento de parcerias estratégicas alinhadas. Nota-se um espaço crescente para proposição de valores ligados a aspectos de sustentabilidade e economia circular, principalmente acompanhada de comunicação alinhada. Investimentos nesse sentido são vistos como um investimento a longo prazo, e empresas acreditam que o consumidor e o mercado passarão a perceber mais fortemente esses valores. As principais motivações abrangem redução dos impactos ambientais gerados em comparação a negócios convencionais e criação de impacto social positivo, principalmente através da conscientização de consumidores e usuários. Destaque também para a representatividade do uso de matéria prima reutilizada ou reciclada, e preocupação com fases do ciclo de vida. Diversas formas de contribuição para o desenvolvimento sustentável foram identificadas; e forças externas como questões regulatórias e políticas públicas foram destacadas por parte das empresas. / As adapting its activities to more sustainable habits, society has absorbed lessons learned from the natural ecosystem. Circular Economy (EC), an economic model that follows the energy circulation model from ecology, is a concept that emerges and stands out among many other concepts in the spectrum of environmental sciences, sustainability and sustainable development. In opposition to the traditional linear model in practice, circular economy is being used with the objective of facing the challenge of resource scarcity and waste elimination in a win-win approach, with a economic and value perspective. To promote this paradigm change, the emergence of new business models is one of the necessary pillars for this transition. Both terms, circular economy and business models are topics considered of growing interest, both for academy and practice. In this context, the dissertation has as objective to research business models aligned to the circular economy and sustainability concepts, on a way of understanding which are the main building block that compose these models, the main faced challenges and benefits obtained. The used methodological approach is based on the study of multiple cases, developed on six organizations of different sectors and sizes. This dissertation contributes with literature at the intersection of the topic\'s circular economy, sustainability and business models. The main results related to the business model point out proximity of the relationship with the customer and establishment of aligned strategic partnerships. It is noticed an increasing area for proposing values related to sustainability and circular economy aspects, mainly combined with aligned communication. On this direction, investments are considered as long-term investments and companies believe that consumers and market will have greater awareness of this values. The main motivations include reducing generated environmental impacts in comparison with conventional business and the creation of a positive social impact, mainly through the awareness of consumers and users. Also outstanding to the representativeness of the use of reused or recycled raw material, and concern with the life cycle phases. There were identified several contribution forms to sustainable development, and external forces were highlighted by the companies, such as regulatory issues and public policies.

The Circular Economy: A path to sustainability?

Muzaiek, Samir, Silva Merico, João Murilo January 2019 (has links)
Background: The Circular Economy model came as an alternative to the linear “use and dispose” production system. It argues to promote an economic order that can address the waste of aftermarket goods and a more efficient use of resources and raw materials. It further promises economic gains from a more efficient resource management and extended use of products lifecycle, in conjunction with new employment opportunities that arise as a result of new business models and industrial processes. Whilst the Circular Economy is surely a departure from traditional economic systems, there has been not enough debate on the full impacts as well as possible unintended consequences of its implementation.    Purpose: The purpose is to examine the Circular Economy adoption approach in the Jönköping county in Sweden and how this approach contributes to sustainability improvement.  Purpose: The purpose is to examine the Circular Economy adoption approach in the Jönköping county in Sweden and how this approach contributes to sustainability improvement.  Method: This is an exploratory research which is based on a qualitative design with an inductive approach and interpretive paradigm. The research follows a case study of a pilot project to help SMEs in Jönköping county - Sweden, to implement Circular Economy. The primary data is collected through semi-structured interviews with the project coordinators.  Conclusion: The Circular Economy Project in Jönköping takes into consideration all three resource loops on their implementation of CE based on Bocken et al (2016) resource loops. Embedding all three loops in the implementation of CE is a comprehensive and advanced form of circularity. Combined with the project high-level of sustainability awareness and their effort to integrate the social aspect into their Circular Economy, this research has placed the sustainability profile of the Project at the third level of the corporate sustainability stages presented by Landrum (2018), which is systemic sustainability.

Actors' Perspectives on Circular Economy: A Case Study of Uppsala City

Friedl, Stella January 2019 (has links)
The Circular Economy was developed as a response to the prevailing linear model of material use. The goal of the concept is to eliminate waste and mitigate environmental impacts by transforming the economic system into one that pursues a circular flow of materials and resources, in contrast to the current make-use-waste paradigm. While the concept has gained some momentum in the past years, there is still no definition that is agreed upon by scholars and practitioners. While the goal of the Circular Economy is clear, the perspectives on how this can be achieved differ. This study focuses on the Circular Economy at the city level via a case study of Uppsala, Sweden. The aim of this study is to gather the perspectives of actors active in circularity and to determine whether they agree on how the Circular Economy can be achieved. While there are a large number of actors involved in Circular Economy in Uppsala, this study focuses on two actor groups: the municipality and businesses. Semi-structured interviews were conducted and the actors' responses were analysed in regard to the actor's underlying ideology, their role within Circular Economy and their perception on how a transition to a circular system should occur. The study's results reveal that the actors in Uppsala lack an overall consensus on how the Circular Economy should be achieved, even though they tend to agree on some aspects. Furthermore, the interviewed actors do not take into account the systemic perspective of the transition. In response to this finding, the waste hierarchy was updated with the aim to draw attention to this notion. Additionally, it is found that most of the interviewed actors mention co-operation among different organisations as being the key to achieving the Circular Economy, which could help to promote the Circular Economy in the future.

Zero Waste Design Thinking

McQuillan, Holly January 2019 (has links)
The fashion system is contributing to the environmental and social crises on an ever increasing scale. The industry must transform in order to situate itself within the environmental and social limits proposed by economist Kate Raworth, and the 17 sustainable development goals set out by the United Nations. This research explored methods of eliminating textile waste through utilising zero waste pattern cutting to expand the outcomes possible within industrial contexts and speculates as to the implications for the wider industry and society. Employing an experimental and phenomenological approach, this thesis outlines the testing of known strategies in the context of industry and responds with new emergent strategies to the challenges that arose. A series of interviews were conducted with designers who have applied zero-waste fashion design in an industry context – both large and small scale – to unpack the strategies used and contextualise the difficulties faced. The findings that emerged from the iterative design practice and the experience of working within the field tests inform the surrounding discussions and reflections. This reflection brings into sharp relief the inherent conflicts that exist within the fashion system and has led to the development of a series of theoretical models.The implications for design and industry are broad. Firstly that while this thesis outlines garment design strategies, and broader – company-wide – approaches that can work to reduce waste in a given context, this research finds that a holistic transformation of the internal design and management processes of the industry is required for them to be successful. In response, theoretical models have been developed which seek to articulate the constraints, roles and actions of design within broader company practices, while contextualising these within the economic system it operates. It is clear that reducing waste will only have a minor positive effect on the environmental outcomes unless we also reduce consumption of raw materials through reducing yield or reducing consumption – ideally both. These findings and models point towards a necessary recalibration of the industry as a whole – small changes are not enough as the existing methods, processes and ethos are deeply embedded, and its agents are resistant to change. The results concur with previous research and conclude that a fundamental shift in thinking is required – one that prioritises a different set of constraints to those the industry and society currently focus on – in order to make the rapid and meaningful change necessary.

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