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Religion på politikens arena : En kvalitativ argumentationsanalys av motioner om förbud av manlig omskärelse från Centerpartiet och ModeraternaJohansson, Linda January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of the thesis is to analyze the arguments presented by the Center party (Centerpartiet) and the Moderate party (Moderaterna) in two motions regarding a ban on male circumcision. The public discussion about non-medical male circumcision surfaced in the autumn of 2019, when the Center party decided to strive a ban on male circumcision during their congress meeting. The study's questions were: What arguments are used to legislate a ban on male circumcision? How can the motions be understood as a form of politicization of religion? Is religion portrayed as an object or subject? Is religion presented as a resource or a problem? Using qualitative argumentation analysis, the content of two motions, one from the Center Party and one from the Moderates, as well as opinions on these motions from district boards, federal boards and party leaders, were examined and analyzed based on the theory politicization of religion. The results showed that religion was mainly presented as an object, meaning religion was referred to but there was no dialogue with religious leaders, figures or communities. Based on the analysis, religion was presented both as a resource and a problem, however it was more frequently presented as a problem than as a resource.
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Könsstympade kvinnors upplevelse av mötet med sjukvårdenMohamed, Yasmin, Othman, Fatma January 2022 (has links)
Sammanfattning Bakgrund: Kvinnlig könsstympning är en hälso- och människorättsfråga som sträcker sig till västländer. Det uppskattas att det bor omkring 125 miljoner kvinnor med kvinnlig könsstympning över hela världen. Ungefär 38 000 könsstympade kvinnor lever i Sverige, varav 7000 är flickor som är underåriga. Förekomsten av kvinnlig könsstympning är högst i de afrikanska länderna, men kan även förekomma på andra håll i världen, såsom mellanöstern. Det finns inga hälsofördelar med kvinnlig könsstympning. Däremot har könsstympning både kortsiktiga och långsiktiga negativa hälsokonsekvenser som kan leda till fysiska och psykologiska problem. Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturöversikt är att beskriva hur könsstympade kvinnor upplever mötet med sjukvården.Metod: En beskrivande litteraturstudie som är baserad på elva empiriska originalstudier. Studierna söktes i databasen PubMed. Resultat: Efter sammanfattande av de elva studierna identifierades två huvudteman som är “negativa upplevelser av möten med sjukvården” och “positiva upplevelser av möten med sjukvården”. Det första huvudtemat inkluderar tre underteman: “könsstympade kvinnors upplevelse av att känna sig uttittad av vårdpersonalen”, “könsstympade kvinnors upplevelse av att känna sig tvingade till kejsarsnitt” och “könsstympade kvinnors upplevelse av brister i kommunikationen med vården”. Slutsats: Könsstympade kvinnor hade negativa och positiva upplevelser vid sina möten med sjukvården. Könsstympade kvinnor stötte på negativa attityder när de mötte sina vårdgivare, såsom kränkande kommentarer, kommunikationssvårigheter och saknad av respekt. En del könsstympade kvinnor upplevde även att de blev tvingade till ett kejsarsnitt. Vissa kvinnors erfarenheter och upplevelser av mötet med sjukvården tyder på en markant frånvaro av empatisk och professionell vård samt kunskapsluckor hos vårdpersonalen om kvinnlig könsstympning. En mer patientcentrerad och mänsklig rättighetsbaserad vård bör tillämpas för att kunna erbjuda en omvårdnad av hög kvalitet till dessa kvinnor. Nyckelord: Hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal, Kvinnlig könsstympning, Omskärelse, Upplevelse / ABSTRACT Background: Female genital mutilation is a health and human rights issue that extends to Western countries. It is estimated that there are around 125 million women with female genital mutilation worldwide. About 38,000 women with genital mutilation live in Sweden, of which 7,000 are girls who are minors. The prevalence of female genital mutilation is highest in African countries, but can also occur elsewhere in the world, such as in the Middle East. There are no health benefits of female genital mutilation. However, genital mutilation has both short-term and long-term negative health consequences that can lead to physical and psychological problems. Aim: The purpose of this literature review is to describe how women with genital mutilation experience the encounter with healthcare. Method: A descriptive literature study based on eleven empirical original studies. The PubMed database was used to search for the studies. Results: After summarizing the eleven studies, two main themes were identified which are "negative experiences of encounters with healthcare" and "positive experiences of encounters with healthcare". The first main themes include three sub-themes: "women with genital mutilation’s experience of feeling stared at by healthcare providers”, "women with genital mutilation’s experience of being forced to have a caesarean section" and “women with genital mutilation’s experience of shortcomings in communication with health care providers". Conclusion: Women with genital mutilation had both negative and positive experiences in their encounters with healthcare. Women with genital mutilation encountered negative attitudes when they met their caregivers, such as abusive comments, communication difficulties and lack of respect. Some women with genital mutilation experienced also that they were forced to have a caesarean section. Some women's experiences of their encounters with health care indicate a marked absence of empathic and professional care as well as knowledge gaps among the healthcare providers about female genital mutilation. A more patient-centered and human rights-based care should be applied to be able to offer high-quality care to these women. Keyword: Circumcision, Experience, Female genital mutilation, Healthcare personnel
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Female Circumcision: A Phenomenological Study of Somalian Immigrant to the United StatesTatah, Emmanuel Fai 01 January 2016 (has links)
Female circumcision (FC) is the partial or total removal of the female genitalia for nonmedical reasons. This study was designed to examine the lived experiences of Somali women who underwent FC before coming to the United States. FC is widely carried out in Somalia with a prevalence of 98%, making Somalia the country with the highest percentage of circumcised women. There are short- and long-term consequences associated with FC such as bleeding, infection, and death. Therefore, it is important to understand how Somali women who underwent FC think and feel about circumcision, why they would continue the practice, and whether they would recommend the practice for others. Using a qualitative research method with a phenomenological approach aligned with the use of social convention theory as a conceptual framework, data were collected from 12 Somali women who underwent FC, who were living in the United States at the time of the study, who were 18 years old and above and who were recruited online through SurveyMonkey without disclosing their identities. Thirty-five open-ended questions were posted online for participants to complete. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis method was used for data analysis. The respondents reported experiencing negative consequences from FC practice including pain, miscarriages, and heavy bleeding. The majority of the women in the study supported the eradication of FC in all forms. Based on the findings of this study, possible implications for positive social change include enabling health professionals to create culturally-diverse education and care and altering the social convention of FC so that the morbidity and mortality caused by FC is reduced and the lives of girls and women in Somalia are improved.
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The importance of including femalegenital mutilation into medical education : A qualitative study on Swedish universities midwifery programJansson, Elin January 2021 (has links)
This thesis will investigate to what extent the midwifery programme atselected Swedish universities is including the issue of female genitalmutilation (FGM) into their education and curriculum. This is an importantsubject to do research on since a lot of existing literature on the topic showsthat midwives in Sweden are seriously lacking in knowledge regarding thepractice of FGM. According to a study done by Tamaddon et al. (2006) lessthan 30% of the Swedish midwives believed that they had adequateknowledge of FGM. Another study of the issue of FGM showed thatSwedish midwives felt that their knowledge of FGM was lacking and that itwas a marginalized issue on their place of work (Widmark et al. 2002).The reason to why the focus of my research will be on midwifery studentsand teachers within the midwifery program is because the healthprofessionals who is most likely to meet circumcised women are midwives.According to Dawson et al. (2015) “Midwives are often the first providerswomen will see for their maternal health needs and therefore play a criticalrole in providing quality care and preventing the practice” (Dawson et al.2015 p 230).The chosen research topic fits smoothly into the broader peace anddevelopment area due to what has been mentioned earlier, the increase inpeople movement in the world today makes some issues a global challenge.Which has been the case of the practice of FGM, it is now time to understandthat this is no longer an issue only in the countries were FGM is traditionallypracticed, it is an issue and especially a challenge even in high incomecountries.The method to be used in this research is semi-structured interviews with acareful sampling process of participants, done by a purposive sampling. Itwill be a qualitative study based on a cross-sectional design.
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Womens' experiences of living with genital mutilation : a literature review / Kvinnors upplevelser av att leva med könsstympning : en litteraturöversiktRantamaula, Hanna, Sörqvist, Ulrika January 2020 (has links)
Background Female genital mutilation refers to procedures where the external female genitalia are either partially or entirely removed. It is estimated that on a global scale more than 200 million girls and women alive today have undergone some form of genital mutilation. It is a present issue and a violation against women’s rights causing severe health consequences, both physical as well as psychological. There is a lack of knowledge and understanding among nurses regarding the issue. Nurses may encounter these women in any medical setting hence increased awareness regarding the consequences is essential. Aim The aim was to describe the experiences of women who have undergone female genital mutilation. Method The chosen design for the degree project was a literature review which is used in presenting an overview of current research within a specific topic and can easily be applied to clinical work. Data was collected using the bibliographic databases PubMed, CINAHL and PsychInfo from which 15 scientific articles were analyzed and compiled. Result The result showed that women consequently experienced suffering in various ways due to female genital mutilation. The procedure was described as a traumatic experience causing psychological issues. Pain was experienced either in connection to the circumcision procedure or as a result of it. Other commonly presented issues were consequences related to sexual health. These consequences included, but were not limited to, pain, lack of sexual desire and pleasure. Women seeking health care in western countries expressed mostly negative experiences due to how they were approached by health care providers, making them feel abnormal and embarrassed for example. Conclusion Women suffer in different forms due to female genital mutilation and are treated with a lack of respect and understanding by health care providers. Increased knowledge and awareness is needed in order for women to be treated in a person-centered way. / Bakgrund Kvinnlig könsstympning innebär procedurer där det yttre kvinnliga könsorganet helt eller delvis avlägsnas och det beräknas att fler än 200 miljoner flickor och kvinnor runt om i världen har utsatts för könsstympning. Det är ett aktuellt problem då det är en kränkning av kvinnors rättigheter och orsakar allvarliga fysiska och psykiska hälsokonsekvenser. Eftersom sjuksköterskor kan möta dessa kvinnor i många olika sammanhang behövs en ökad kunskap och förståelse kring konsekvenserna. Syfte Syftet var att beskriva upplevelser hos kvinnor som är könsstympade. Metod Litteraturöversikt valdes som design för arbetet vilket ger en överskådlig blick kring nuvarande forskning inom ett specifikt ämne och som enkelt kan tillämpas på kliniskt arbete. Resultatet sammanställdes av 15 vetenskapliga artiklar som hämtades från databaserna PubMed, CINAHL och PsychInfo. Resultat Resultatet visade att kvinnlig könsstympning orsakar olika former av lidande. Proceduren beskrevs som en traumatisk upplevelse som resulterade i psykisk ohälsa. Smärta var en vanlig förekommande komplikation som antingen uppstod under själva proceduren eller som en långvarig konsekvens. Ett annat vanligt förekommande problem var sexuell ohälsa som uttrycktes genom exempelvis smärta, nedsatt sexlust och njutning. Kvinnor som sökte sjukvård i västerländska länder beskrev främst negativa upplevelser i hur de blev bemötta av sjukvårdspersonal, vilket orsakade att kvinnorna kände sig generade och onormala. Slutsats Lidande i olika former är vanligt förekommande hos kvinnor som genomgått könsstympning. Dessa kvinnor blir ofta bemötta på ett respektlöst sätt av sjukvårdpersonal. Ökad kunskap och förståelse för deras situation krävs för att sjukvårdspersonalen ska kunna bemöta dessa kvinnor på ett personcentrerat sätt.
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Erfarenheter av sexuell hälsorådgivning i en mångkulturell kontext. En kvalitativ studie med unga svensksomaliska kvinnorLarsson, Camilla January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this study is to gain an understanding of how experiences of sexual-health counseling and sex education are described by young Somali women in Sweden. Further the study aims at finding the best practices when it comes to offering sexual-health counseling in a multiethnic setting; in respect of, what should be communicated, where, how and by whom sex education and counseling should be given.Previous studies indicate that young immigrant women have less access to sexual health-care services. Discussing sexual matters is traditionally taboo among Somalis and a girl who gets pregnant before marriage runs the risk of being excluded from the Somali community. Therefore issues on sexual health are of utmost importance for the well-being of this group.Data were conducted through focus-group discussions and interviews with twelve young Somali women in Sweden. The women’s experiences showed that access to sexual health care services is limited by traditional values demanding chastity and modesty in women. School is perceived as the best place for discussing sexual-health matters. However most participants considered the sex education they received in school to be poor. Participants reported that sex and related attitudes, sexual consequences (from a medical as well as a social perspective) and female circumcision are issues that need to be addressed. The youngest women also expressed a need to understand and address the conflicting sexual norms adolescents have to deal with in a more religious and culturally diverse setting.
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Indices to Predict the Risk of HIV in Rakai, Uganda: Application to the Scale-up of Safe Male Circumcision for HIV PreventionKagaayi, Joseph 11 June 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Circumcision : a cross country comparison between the United States and AustraliaAnderson, Chelsea D. 01 January 2008 (has links)
Neo-natal circumcision is the most frequently performed surgery in the United States. This is in stark contrast to homogeneous countries that abandoned the practice years ago, such as Australia. In order to shed light on the enigmatic popularity of neo-natal circumcision in the U.S. a cross-country comparison with Australia will be expounded upon within this thesis. Australia, despite having many similarities with the-United States, including health care advantages, has not maintained the high circumcision rates found in the United States. In the 1950s both nations had circumcision rates in the eightieth percentile. In the in the 1970s, the medical communities in both nations declared neo-natal circumcision medically unjustified only Australia saw a dramatic and steady decline in circumcision rates. Whereas circumcision rates in the United States have held steady. It is the intention of this thesis to investigate the primary influence(s) that determined this stark contrast between these two similar nations, and thereby establish the underlying cause(s) of circumcisions' popularity in the United States.
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The Multifaceted Effects of Male Circumcision : An Integrative Review of Physical, Psychological, and Cultural ImpactsAgha, Hassan January 2024 (has links)
Background: Male circumcision is a widely practiced procedure with significant implications for sexual and reproductive health. Debates over its benefits and harms span various fields, necessitating a comprehensive review. Aim: This review aims to identify recent trends in adult circumcision research, focusing on its impact on sexual health and function, psychological and emotional effects, and cultural and social influences. Methodology: An integrative review of 17 articles from PubMed and PsycInfo was conducted using keywords related to male circumcision and its psychological, trauma, and health effects. The Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal Tools were used for quality assessment. Results: The findings are synthesized into three main themes: sexual health and function, psychological and emotional effects, and cultural and social influences. Significant medical benefits of circumcision include reduced rates of sexually transmitted infections and improvements in specific sexual conditions. Psychological impacts are noted in a small group of men, often influenced by negative societal norms. Conclusions: Circumcision affects individuals beyond the physical procedure, influencing psychological well-being and cultural identity. The review emphasizes the need for personalized medical advice and psychological support to address both the benefits and impacts. Future research and policies should consider these multifaceted effects for acomprehensive understanding of male circumcision.
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The persistence of female genital mutilation (FGM) and its impact on women's access to education and empowerment : a study of Kuria district, Nyanza province, KenyaOndiek, Concellia Aoko 06 1900 (has links)
The overall policy goal of education for the Kenyan Government is the provision of education and training to all Kenyans as it is fundamental to the Government’s overall development strategy. This emphasis means that every Kenyan has the right to education and training no matter his/her socio-economic status. The Government has therefore allocated substantial resources and there has been notable achievements attained, but the sector still faces major challenges related to access, equity, and quality amongst others (Session paper no. 1 2005:2). One of these major challenges to access is the existence and persistence of retrogressive traditional practices such as female genital mutilation (FGM).The first concern of this study is that despite the immense awareness of the dangers on the victims in many aspects in life, and efforts to stamp it out, FGM still persists and thrives in many parts of the country to date.
Secondly, there is an ever growing gender disparity in Kuria district, whereby women professionals are hard to come by. Even in the teaching profession which is associated with females in Kenya, there are a negligible number of Kuria female teachers.
There is therefore need to liberate these girls from the persistent “senseless genital mutilation” by proper and relevant socialization and empowerment against cultural practices.
The Cultural Lag theory of sociologist William F. Ogburn (1964) will be the underlying theoretical perspective of this study to explain the phenomenon, focusing explicitly on the / Sociology / DLITT(SOC)
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