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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Föräldrars frågor till barn : En analys av dialoger med 2-åringar med olika utvecklat ordförråd

Edlund, Karin January 2016 (has links)
Det huvudsakliga syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur föräldrar ställer frågor till barn i en ålder av 2;3- 2;5 år med olika utvecklat ordförråd. Ett annat syfte med uppsatsen är att undersöka om barnen ger respons på föräldrarnas frågor samt om barnen själva ställer frågor. De frågeställningar som står i fokus är: Hur många ord och yttranden säger barn och föräldrar? Vilka typer av frågor ställer föräldrarna? Ställer barnen frågor och i så fall i vilken omfattning? Ger barnen respons på föräldrarnas frågor och i så fall i vilken omfattning? Är frågor överlag effektivt för att få barn i åldersgruppen att tala? Frågeställningarna besvaras genom språkanalyser av transkriberade dialoger mellan föräldrar och barn. Transkriptionerna omfattar tre timmar dialoger totalt och materialet har analyserats med hjälp av CLAN. Deltagarna är nio familjer från SPRINT-projektet vid Stockholms universitet. Deltagarna är utvalda för att representera barn med låg- respektive hög ordförrådsnivå baserat på SECDI data, ett svenskt normerat instrument i syfte att mäta barns ordförråd. Resultatet visar totalt cirka 2 500 yttranden från föräldrarna och drygt 900 från barnen. I ord räknat omfattar materialet totalt cirka 11 000 ord från föräldrarna och drygt 2 000 ord från barnen. Det råder stora procentuella skillnader mellan den högpresterande gruppen (höggruppen) och den lågpresterande gruppen (låggruppen) vad angår barnens antal yttranden och ordförråd till fördel för höggruppens barn. Föräldrarna visar inte på lika tydliga skillnader som barnen, men föräldrarna till barnen i höggruppen gör fler yttranden och använder ett mer varierat ordförråd än i låggruppen. Frågor är vanligt förekommande i föräldrars kommunikation med barn. Det framkommer att totalt för båda grupperna utgör frågor cirka en tredjedel av föräldrarnas yttranden. Vanligt förekommande frågor är ja/nej- frågor, produktiva frågor och frågor med hjälpverb. Barnen i höggruppen ger oftare respons på föräldrarnas frågor än barnen i låggruppen. Likaså ställer barnen i höggruppen oftare egna frågor än barnen i låggruppen. Den tydliga diskrepansen mellan grupperna indikerar att det finns samband mellan kvantitetsfaktorer i föräldrarnas och barnens tal samt att frågor är en metod som kan generera tal från barnen. Det kan finnas anledning att fundera över frågors olika komplexitet i förhållande till barnets ålder och övriga utveckling eftersom det framkommer att föräldrar generellt ställer komplicerade frågor. / The primary purpose of this paper is to explore how parents ask questions to toddlers (in this paper 2;3-2;5 year old children) with different vocabulary development. Another purpose of this paper is to explore if the children respond to questions given by their parents, and if the children ask questions themselves. Questions in focus for this paper are: How many words and utterances are said by the children and the parents? What kind of questions do the parents ask? Do the children ask questions, and if so, to what extent? Do the children respond to the parents’ questions, and if so, to what extent? Are questions generally effective in getting children to talk? The questions are answered through language analysis by transcribed dialogues between parents and children, where the transcriptions cover three hours of dialogues in total. The material has been analyzed in CLAN. The participants are nine families from the SPRINT-project at Stockholm University. The participants are selected to represent children with low- or high vocabulary based on SECDI data, a Swedish standardized instrument for measuring children’s vocabulary. The result shows about 2 500 utterances by the parents, and more than 900 by the children, while the number of words is approximately 11 000 words by the parents and more than 2 000 by the children. Concerning the children’s utterances and vocabulary there are large differences in percentage between the groups, with an advantage for the children in the high performing group (HP group). The parents don’t show such distinct differences, but the parents in the HP group make more utterances and use more variation in their vocabulary than the parents in the low performing group (LP group). Questions are frequently used in parents’ communication with children. In total, for both groups, questions constitute one third of the parents’ utterances. Commonly occurring are yes- no questions, productive questions and questions with auxiliary verbs. The children in the HP group more frequently respond to their parents’ questions than the children in the LP group. Similarly, children in the HP group more frequently ask questions than the children in the LP group. The distinct discrepancy between the two groups indicates causality between quantity factors in parents’ and children’s speech. It also indicates that the use of questions may in general be an effective method for triggering children’s speech. In general parents ask complicated questions, and therefore it may be appropriate to consider variations in question complexity in relation to the child’s age and overall development.

La paternalité Kongo en changement : l’exemple des pères migrants en France / Kongo’s fatherhood is changing : the example of migrants fathers in France

Bubote, Eugène 03 December 2010 (has links)
Notre recherche a pour objet l'observation du changement qui s’opère dans la paternalité kongo. Le vécu des pères migrants en France est une des situations qui témoignent de cette réalité. L’échantillon de population est constitué de personnes issues de la société matrilinéaire Kongo, localisée au Congo Brazzaville. Ces pères vivent actuellement dans un contexte où ils sont confrontés à la pratique d'une culture seconde, différente de la première. Des ajustements s'avèrent nécessaires, notamment au niveau des trois axes de la parentalité (exercice, expérience et pratique). Recueillir et analyser les récits qui expriment le positionnement vis-à-vis de l'enfant permet de repérer les capacités du père à établir des liens avec ses expériences subjectives passées de sa propre enfance ou d'autres événements de son histoire marqués par des séparations et particulièrement l'événement migratoire. Des approches théoriques tournées vers l'anthropologie, l'interculturalité et la psychologie apportent un étayage approprié à notre étude. Les analyses cliniques, thématiques et textuelles des données recueillies permettent de donner une validité objective à nos hypothèses. / The object of our research is to observe the change which takes place in the Kongo’s fatherhood. The life of migrants in France is one of the situations which testify of these fathers’ reality. The sample of population is made of people coming from a mother bared society in Congo Brazzaville. These fathers currently live in a context in which they are confronted to the practice of a second culture, different from the first one. Adjustments prove to be necessary, in particular on the level of the three axes of the fatherhood (exercise, experience and practice). Collecting and analyzing the narratives which show their positioning with their children make it possible to locate the capacities of the fathers to establish bonds with the last subjective experience of their own childhood or other events of their history marked by separations particularly the migratory event. Theoretical approaches turned towards anthropology, interculturaly and psychology adequately back up our study. The clinical, the thematic and the textual analysis of the data collected have enabled us to give an objective validity to our hypotheses.

Etude génétique des populations de langue Austro-Asiatique : de la famille linguistique au groupe de parenté / Genetic study of the Austroasiatic speaking populations : from the linguistic family to the descent group

Alard, Bérénice 22 November 2018 (has links)
La diversité génétique d’une population porte en elle la trace de pratiques culturelles et est un témoignage de certains éléments passés. Ainsi, la langue, qui peut agir comme une barrière culturelle à la reproduction, et le système de parenté, qui va déterminer quand, où et avec qui les individus se reproduisent, vont influencer la diversité génétique. L’objectif de cette thèse est de tenter de retracer les histoires démographiques de populations d’Asie du Sud et du Sud-Est, à plusieurs échelles culturelles, de la famille linguistique Austro-Asiatique aux groupes de filiation en utilisant des données génétiques. Dans un premier temps, nous nous sommes intéressés à la famille linguistique Austro-Asiatique. Les langues appartenant à une même famille linguistique descendent d’une même langue « mère » et nous avons voulu savoir si en plus de cette parenté linguistique, les locuteurs de ces langues partageaient une parenté génétique. Nous avons étudié la diversité génétique autosomale de populations parlant des langues Austro-Asiatiques et nous les avons comparées à des populations voisines appartenant à d’autres familles linguistiques. Nous n’avons pas pu mettre en évidence de parenté génétique particulière entre les populations parlant des langues Austro-Asiatiques. Ces résultats excluent l’hypothèse d’une origine commune des populations parlant des langues Austro-Asiatique et favorisent l’hypothèse d’une diffusion culturelle des langues Austro-Asiatiques. Puis, nous avons étudié la parenté génétique au sein de groupes de descendance dans huit populations d’Asie du Sud-Est. Les individus appartenant au même groupe de filiation disent descendre d’un même ancêtre commun, paternel dans les populations patrilinéaires ou maternel dans les populations matrilinéaires. Nous avons voulu savoir si l’ancêtre commun de ces populations est mythique ou biologique. Nous nous sommes intéressés aux diversités génétiques du chromosome Y et de l’ADN mitochondrial de huit populations d’Asie du Sud-Est : quatre populations matrilinéaires et quatre populations patrilinéaires. Nos données montrent que des individus appartenant à un même clan matrilinéaire sont fortement apparentés génétiquement au niveau de leur lignée maternelle, visible au niveau de leur ADN mitochondrial. A l’inverse, les individus appartenant à un même clan patrilinéaire ne sont pas plus apparentés génétiquement entre eux que deux individus pris au hasard dans la population au niveau de leur lignée paternelle, visible au niveau du chromosome Y. Ces résultats témoignent de réalités différentes entre les populations patrilinéaires et matrilinéaires d’Asie du Sud-Est avec un ancêtre commun réel dans les populations matrilinéaires et un ancêtre commun mythique dans les clans patrilinéaires. Pris ensemble, ces travaux rappellent la manière dont différents processus culturels ont laissé des signatures génétiques sur les diversités génétiques uniparentales et autosomales et illustrent la manière dont le généticien des populations peut utiliser ces diversités génétiques pour retracer l’histoire démographique des populations. / The genetic diversity of a population carries with it traces of cultural practices and is a testimony of certain past events. Thus, language, which can be a cultural barrier to reproduction, and the kinship system, which will determine when, where and with whom individuals reproduce, will influence genetic diversity. The aim of this PhD thesis is to try to retrace the demographic histories of populations of South and Southeast Asia, at several cultural scales, from the Austroasiatic language family to descent groups using the genetic data. Firstly, we studied in the Austroasiatic language family. Languages belonging to the same linguistic family come from the same "mother" language and we wanted to know whether, in addition to this linguistic kinship, the speakers of these languages shared a genetic kinship. We have studied the autosomal genetic diversity of Austroasiatic speaking populations and compared them to neighboring populations belonging to other linguistic families. We could not highlight any particular genetic kinship between populations speaking Austroasiatic languages. These results exclude the hypothesis of a common origin of populations speaking Austroasiatic languages and favor the hypothesis of a cultural diffusion of Austroasiatic languages. Then, we investigated genetic kinship in descent groups in eight Southeast Asian populations. Individuals belonging to the same descent group claim to descend from a common paternal ancestor, in patrilineal populations, or from a common maternal ancestor, in matrilineal populations. We wanted to know if the common ancestor of these populations is mythical or biological. We investigated the genetic diversities of the Y chromosome and mitochondrial DNA of eight populations in Southeast Asia: four matrilineal populations and four patrilineal populations. Our data showed that individuals belonging to the same matrilineal clan are closely genetically related to their maternal line, visible in their mitochondrial DNA. Conversely, individuals belonging to the same patrilineal clan are no more genetically related to each other than two individuals randomly selected from the population in their paternal line, visible on the Y chromosome. These results reflect different realities between the patrilineal and matrilineal populations of Southeast Asia with a real common ancestor in matrilineal populations and a mythical common ancestor in the patrilineal clans. Together, these results showed how different cultural processes have left genetic signatures on uniparental and autosomal genetic diversities and illustrated how the population geneticist can use these genetic diversities to trace the populations' demographic history.

ANALYSE D’UNE FORME DE GOUVERNANCE HYBRIDE DANS LES ECONOMIES EN TRANSITION : LA GOUVERNANCE D’ENTREPRISE CLANIQUE EN UKRAINE / Analysis of a hybrid form of governance in transitional economies : the clanic corporate governance in Ukraine

Avioutskii, Viatcheslav 12 September 2012 (has links)
Dans les économies en transition, un mode de gouvernance hybride - le mode de gouvernance clanique – désigne l’interaction de l’entreprise avec son environnement insitutionnel à travers la participation à la politique. Il est caractérisé par la socialisation, la prédominance des pratiques informels et des facteurs non marchands. Il constitue une réaction de la part de l’entreprise à son environnement institutionnel évolutif et turbulent. En Ukraine, les relations entre l’entreprise et les pouvoirs publics sont fondées sur le clientélisme à travers l’échange de ressources. Les entreprises mobilisent leurs ressources politiques sous forme de votes de leurs employés en faveur des partis. En échange, l’entreprise obtient des décideurs politiques une régulation favorable avec une rente sous forme de subvention. Cette thèse cherche à prouver l’existence d’un lien entre les ressources politiques et les ressources économiques de l’entreprise. Les entreprises investissent des ressources disponibles dans l’activité politique pour obtenir des bénéfices. L’activité politique peut être vue par l’entreprise comme une activité profitable. La recherche de la rente constitue modus operandi du mode de gouvernance clanique qui permet d’assurer le fonctionnement efficient de l’entreprise dans un environnement d’affaires particulier. L’informel constitue une autre caractéristique de ce mode de gouvernance. Les échanges de ressources politiques avec les pouvoirs publics sont faits à travers des réseaux sociaux informels dont la configuration permet de définir le périmètre des structures claniques. / In transitional economies, a hybrid mode of corporate governance – the clanic mode – refers to the interaction between the firm and its institutional environment through its participation in politics. It is characterized by socialization, predominance of informal practice and non market factors. It constitutes a recation of the firm towards its evolutive and turbulent institutional environment. In Ukraine, the relations between the firm and the authorities are based on clientelism through an exchange of resources. The firm deploys their political resources represented by votes of their employees in favor of political parties. It obtains form policymakers a favorable regulation through a rent provided via subventions.This thesis seeks to prove the existence of the relation between corporate political and economic resources. The firm invests available resources to obtain benefits. Political activity can be seen as profitable. Rent-seeking constitutes modus operandi of the clanic governance that allows to the firm to operate efficiently in a specific business environment. This mode of governance is also characterized by informal practices. The exchange of resources with policy-makers is made through informal networks whose configuration defines the perimeter of clanic structures.

The investigation of code-switching in a computerised corpus of child bilingual language

Lonngren Sampaio, Catherine Anne January 2015 (has links)
This dissertation describes the investigation of codeswitching in a computerised corpus of child bilingual language, the LOBILL Corpus, which consists of twenty-five hours of recordings of naturalistic interactions between two bilingual Brazilian/English siblings (JAM, 3;6 and MEG, 5;10) and their family members. Collected over three years, the data was transcribed and coded using the CHAT (Codes for the Human Analysis of Transcripts) transcription system developed by MacWhinney and colleagues (MacWhinney, 1991). In addition to standard CHAT coding, language codes were inserted throughout the corpus and a specially developed postcode was added to all bilingual utterances. Addressee information for each utterance was also included. The longitudinal and heterogenous nature of the corpus and its specific coding allowed for the comprehensive investigation of the children's code-switching practices from both grammatical and pragmatic perspectives. Three levels of analyses were performed using the CLAN (Computerized Language ANalysis) software (ibid). First, quantitative analyses were carried out using the commands FREQ (which outputs frequency word lists), VOCD (which outputs vocabulary diversity scores) and WDLEN (which outputs mean word and utterance lengths). An analysis of the results pointed to the existence of relationships between the various values found and the participatory roles of English and Portuguese in code-switched utterances. The second level of analysis involved the examination and interpretation of word lists and code lists produced by the use of FREQ. Using Myers-Scotton's 4-Morpheme Model (4-M Model) (Jake & Myers-Scotton, 2009) to interpret the word lists, comparisons of morpheme types revealed the existence of an asymmetry in terms of the contributions of both languages to bilingual utterances. These results were seen to lend support to the Matrix Language/Embedded Language asymmetry proposed in the Matrix Frame Language Model (MFL Model) (ibid). The quantitative analysis of four types of codes (used to code instances of retracings and reformulations, errors, tag questions and metalinguistic usage) provided evidence for the existence of potential relationships between these features of spoken discourse and code-switching.


Dambrin, Claire 15 March 2005 (has links) (PDF)
L'objectif de cette thèse est d'analyser le processus de contrôle à distance au sein de la population commerciale. Il s'agit d'étudier les formes immatérielles de distance organisationnelle, d'analyser leur correspondance éventuelle avec des formes immatérielles de contrôle et d'identifier le rôle des technologies dans la dématérialisation du contrôle. Un modèle d'analyse du contrôle à distance est proposé et éprouvé empiriquement à l'occasion de deux études de cas auprès de populations commerciales. Au total, 55 interviews et, entre autres données secondaires, 340 e-mails, font l'objet d'une analyse de contenu. Une première étude de cas auprès d'une équipe d'ingénieurs commerciaux télétravailleurs met en évidence trois rôles des individus dans le contrôle à distance, quatre types de technologies de contrôle à distance, six fonctions manifestes (affichées et masquées) et cinq fonctions latentes de ces technologies. Une seconde étude de cas menée sur 10 laboratoires pharmaceutiques étudie le contrôle à distance des forces de vente selon une perspective socio-institutionnelle. Elle identifie les dimensions sociétales du contrôle à distance et met en avant trois dynamiques principales du processus de contrôle à distance suscitées par les technologies : un processus de traduction, une dialectique entre la règle et le flou et un repositionnement de l'individu dans l'entreprise et dans la société.

Understanding the antecedents of clan control and extra-role behavior : A social bonds perspective

Wang, Pao-min 15 February 2012 (has links)
The importance of control in information system development (ISD) project has been widely emphasized. However, most studies focused on formal control and relative few efforts haven been entered to understand the effect of information control. In addition for those studies focus on informal control only viewed this issue from team level perspective. Drawing on the limitations of past studies, this study attempted to query possible antecedents of clan control effectiveness from aspect of the social control theory. In particular, we focus on the effects of personal beliefs, project commitment, team attachment and involvement on the compliance of individuals on group norm. We hypothesized that social bonds lead to compliance as well as extra-role behaviors for individuals within project team. Based on survey data collected from 205 members of ISD project teams. The results confirmed the hypothesized relationship between social bonds and compliance. The analysis also reveals that three factors, including personal beliefs, project commitment, and involvement are associated with external-role behavior. The results of this study can not only serve as a reference for future researches but also generate implications for practitioners.

Political Modernization And Informal Politics In Uzbekistan

Sir, Aslan Yavuz 01 September 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The objective of this thesis is to examine the political modernization experience of the Uzbeks. In order to do that, first, this dissertation critically analyze the modernization theory, and second, the identity- and socio-political transformation of Uzbeks in the pre-modern and modern eras. The political modernization of Uzbeks and its relation with the peculiar social-political structures, as well as the impact of Tsarist and the Soviet rule on those structures are examined. Moreover, the dissertation analyzes the emergence of an Uzbek political identity and its influence on the post-Soviet independent Uzbekistan. The main argument of this dissertation is that the Uzbek experience under the Tsarist and Soviet rule has inevitably transformed the Uzbek society and achieved relative success in changing the traditional forms into ostensibly modern ones. However, despite the successful political modernization during the Soviet era, the specific socio-political organization, clans and kinship structures inherent in the Uzbek society succeeded adapting and even transforming modern institutions and structures externally imposed by the Soviet. These informal traditional structures emerged as strong institutions in the post-independence era. Moreover, the dissertation claims that the transition and modernization approaches to Post-Soviet Uzbekistan failed in understanding the peculiar socio-political structures and their impact on informal politics in independent Uzbekistan.

Incentives for knowledge sharing in project based organizations : A case study at Sectra AB

Rozic, Tina, Taxén, Julia January 2015 (has links)
Background Previous research in the area of knowledge management shows that projectbased organizations often struggle with their employees resistance to shareknowledge with colleagues for reasons of self-interest. Other research show thatimplementing incentives to stimulate knowledge sharing behaviors has beenproven efficient. However, the fact that no previous research has touched uponthe topic in the context of project based organizations, motivated us to immerseourselves in the area. Purpose The purpose of this study was to map how incentives stimulate knowledgesharing in project based organizations. Method A qualitative single-case study performed with semi-structured interviews on thedepartment of medical systems at project based Sectra AB. Conclusion The study highlights the value of combining incentives with clan control formotivating knowledge sharing in project based organizations. It indicates thatproject based organizations with help from incentives can stimulate knowledgesharing behaviors, both directly and indirectly.

A study of the relationships between capital input, clan control and innovation output in small and medium-sized R&D organizations in the Stockholm-Uppsala region

Antonsson, David, Engström, Staffan January 2011 (has links)
Investments in financial and human capital are cornerstones in R&D organizations longing for profitable business in an increasingly competitive environment. However, another aspect to consider for R&D managers to succeed in terms of increased innovation is clan control, which is a widely described subject in management literature, not least by Ouchi. In this study, relationships between financial/human capital, clan control and innovation were examined in a setting of R&D organizations within the Stockholm-Uppsala region. Positive relationships were found between education and patents issued; and stability orientation and projects completed. A negative relationship was found between innovation orientation and patents issued. In the end a brief discussion concludes the results and directions for further research are proposed.

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