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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ethnologie des techniques de tressage en Bretagne : matériaux pour une nouvelle approche classificatoire de la vannerie / Ethnology of the techniques of basket weaving in Brittany : materials for a new approach in basketry classification

Hérisset, Roger 04 December 2012 (has links)
La vannerie en Bretagne n’avait pas à ce jour fait l’objet d’un travail d’ensemble. Elle y présente des singularités techniques et une grande diversité de types. Toutes les familles de vannerie sont présentes sur la zone d’étude. Les types définis « en matériaux élastiques » (bourdaine, osier, châtaignier) sont pour la première fois décrits dans leur ensemble et mis en perspective. Lors de la recherche, un corpus de plus d’une centaine d’objets, vanneries et outils, a été réuni. Le travail met en évidence l’existence de vanneries natives dont le périmètre géographique et des hypothèses quant à leur dynamique de diffusion ont été définis. Dans le cadre de cette étude, il a été élaboré un modèle classificatoire à vocation universelle prenant en compte la relation qu’entretient le fabricant avec le matériau. Le mode d’expertise s’est appuyé sur les doubles compétences techniques et universitaires de l’auteur. Des prolégomènes permettent de faire un point épistémologique et précisent les différentes traditions classificatoires de ce domaine technique. Par ailleurs, dans une démarche interdisciplinaire, les cartographies produites peuvent contribuer à la connaissance et la délimitation d’aires culturelles. Une présentation des matériaux utilisés dans cette région est détaillée en annexe. Elle met en exergue l’importance de la bourdaine dont l’usage régresse au profit de l’osier. / Basketry in Brittany has never been the prior subject of comprehensive study. Breton basketry exhibits both unique techniques and a great diversity of forms. Every family of basketry technique is represented within the study area. The types defined as “made of flexible materials” (buckthorn, wicker, chestnut) are for the first time here described in their entirety and put into perspective. In the course of research, a corpus of more than 100 objects, baskets and tools, was assembled. This study records the existence of native basket weaving traditions, for which the geographical boundaries are described, and hypotheses about the dynamics for their diffusion are defined. In the course of this study, a classification model has been developed for universal application, taking into account the relation of the basket weaver to the material. The author of this thesis draws on his double expertise as a craftsman and an academic researcher. The prolegomena permit epistemological synthesis and specify the different classification schools in this technical domain. Additionally, in interdisciplinary inquiry, the maps contribute to the recognition and the boundary definition of cultural exchange areas. A presentation of materials used in basketry in this region is detailed in the annex. It highlights the importance of the use of buckthorn, which has regressed, while the use of wicker has proportionally risen.


Mahdi Afkhamiaghda (10647542) 07 May 2021 (has links)
<p>Post-disaster temporary housing has been a significant challenge for the emergency management group and industries for many years. According to reports by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), housing in states and territories is ranked as the second to last proficient in 32 core capabilities for preparedness.The number of temporary housing required in a geographic area is influenced by a variety of factors, including social issues, financial concerns, labor workforce availability, and climate conditions. Acknowledging and creating a balance between these interconnected needs is considered as one of the main challenges that need to be addressed. Post-disaster temporary housing is a multi-objective process, thus reaching the optimized model relies on how different elements and objectives interact, sometimes even conflicting, with each other. This makes decision making in post-disaster construction more restricted and challenging, which has caused ineffective management in post-disaster housing reconstruction.</p> <p>Few researches have studied the use of Artificial Intelligence modeling to reduce the time and cost of post-disaster sheltering. However, there is a lack of research and knowledge gap regarding the selection and the magnitude of effect of different factors of the most optimized type of Temporary Housing Units (THU) in a post-disaster event.</p> The proposed framework in this research uses supervised machine learing to maximize certain design aspects of and minimize some of the difficulties to better support creating temporary houses in post-disaster situations. The outcome in this study is the classification type of the THU, more particularly, classifying THUs based on whether they are built on-site or off-site. In order to collect primary data for creating the model and evaluating the magnitude of effect for each factor in the process, a set of surveys were distributed between the key players and policymakers who play a role in providing temporary housing to people affected by natural disasters in the United States. The outcome of this framework benefits from tacit knowledge of the experts in the field to show the challenges and issues in the subject. The result of this study is a data-based multi-objective decision-making tool for selecting the THU type. Using this tool, policymakers who are in charge of selecting and allocating post-disaster accommodations can select the THU type most responsive to the local needs and characteristics of the affected people in each natural disaster.

Transforming user data into user value by novel mining techniques for extraction of web content, structure and usage patterns. The Development and Evaluation of New Web Mining Methods that enhance Information Retrieval and improve the Understanding of User¿s Web Behavior in Websites and Social Blogs.

Ammari, Ahmad N. January 2010 (has links)
The rapid growth of the World Wide Web in the last decade makes it the largest publicly accessible data source in the world, which has become one of the most significant and influential information revolution of modern times. The influence of the Web has impacted almost every aspect of humans' life, activities and fields, causing paradigm shifts and transformational changes in business, governance, and education. Moreover, the rapid evolution of Web 2.0 and the Social Web in the past few years, such as social blogs and friendship networking sites, has dramatically transformed the Web from a raw environment for information consumption to a dynamic and rich platform for information production and sharing worldwide. However, this growth and transformation of the Web has resulted in an uncontrollable explosion and abundance of the textual contents, creating a serious challenge for any user to find and retrieve the relevant information that he truly seeks to find on the Web. The process of finding a relevant Web page in a website easily and efficiently has become very difficult to achieve. This has created many challenges for researchers to develop new mining techniques in order to improve the user experience on the Web, as well as for organizations to understand the true informational interests and needs of their customers in order to improve their targeted services accordingly by providing the products, services and information that truly match the requirements of every online customer. With these challenges in mind, Web mining aims to extract hidden patterns and discover useful knowledge from Web page contents, Web hyperlinks, and Web usage logs. Based on the primary kinds of Web data used in the mining process, Web mining tasks can be categorized into three main types: Web content mining, which extracts knowledge from Web page contents using text mining techniques, Web structure mining, which extracts patterns from the hyperlinks that represent the structure of the website, and Web usage mining, which mines user's Web navigational patterns from Web server logs that record the Web page access made by every user, representing the interactional activities between the users and the Web pages in a website. The main goal of this thesis is to contribute toward addressing the challenges that have been resulted from the information explosion and overload on the Web, by proposing and developing novel Web mining-based approaches. Toward achieving this goal, the thesis presents, analyzes, and evaluates three major contributions. First, the development of an integrated Web structure and usage mining approach that recommends a collection of hyperlinks for the surfers of a website to be placed at the homepage of that website. Second, the development of an integrated Web content and usage mining approach to improve the understanding of the user's Web behavior and discover the user group interests in a website. Third, the development of a supervised classification model based on recent Social Web concepts, such as Tag Clouds, in order to improve the retrieval of relevant articles and posts from Web social blogs.

Модел објектно оријентисане класификације у идентификацији геопросторних објеката / Model objektno orijentisane klasifikacije u identifikaciji geoprostornih objekata / Object-oriented classification model for identification of geospatial objects

Jovanović Dušan 01 October 2015 (has links)
<p>У оквиру докторске дисертације извршен је преглед стања постојећих начина<br />идентификације геопросторних објеката на основу података насталих на принципима<br />даљинске детекције. Извршена је анализа постојећих проблема и корака које је<br />неопходно провести како би се добили што бољи резултати идентификације<br />геопросторних објеката. Анализирани су поступци мапирања, начини сегментације<br />слике, критеријуми за идентификацију, селекцију и класификацију геопросторних<br />објеката као и методе класификације. На основу анализе креиран је модел<br />идентификовања геопросторних објеката базираних на објектно оријентисаној анализи<br />слике. На основу предложеног модела извршена је верификација модела у поступку<br />идентификовања зграда, пољопривредних површина, шумских површина и водених<br />површина које представљају студије случаја.</p> / <p>U okviru doktorske disertacije izvršen je pregled stanja postojećih načina<br />identifikacije geoprostornih objekata na osnovu podataka nastalih na principima<br />daljinske detekcije. Izvršena je analiza postojećih problema i koraka koje je<br />neophodno provesti kako bi se dobili što bolji rezultati identifikacije<br />geoprostornih objekata. Analizirani su postupci mapiranja, načini segmentacije<br />slike, kriterijumi za identifikaciju, selekciju i klasifikaciju geoprostornih<br />objekata kao i metode klasifikacije. Na osnovu analize kreiran je model<br />identifikovanja geoprostornih objekata baziranih na objektno orijentisanoj analizi<br />slike. Na osnovu predloženog modela izvršena je verifikacija modela u postupku<br />identifikovanja zgrada, poljoprivrednih površina, šumskih površina i vodenih<br />površina koje predstavljaju studije slučaja.</p> / <p>This PhD thesis includes an overview of the existing methods of identifying geospatial<br />objects from a remote sensing data, basically satellite or airplane images. The analysis<br />of existing problems and necessary steps in identification of remotely sensed data is<br />obtained in way to get the best results of identification of geospatial objects. The<br />mapping procedures, methods of image segmentation, the criteria for identification,<br />selection and classification of geospatial objects and methods of classification are also<br />analyzed. The result of analysis is a model of identifying geospatial objects based on<br />object-oriented image analysis. Based on the proposed model, verification of the<br />model was carried out. Afterwards case study of the proposed model is carried out in<br />process of identifying buildings, farmland, forest and water areas.</p>

“Who do you think you are?” : Developing a methodology for socio-economic classification through social media 
 by examining the Twitter debates in the Austrian EU Election 2019.

Gerin, Trautenberger January 2019 (has links)
Social media today is a dominant communication tool, which structures not only our social interactions but also filter the information users are getting displayed. The big social media platforms use our interaction data to analyse our behaviour and sell the data for commercial interest. But not only the pure interaction data is valuable for these platforms. Also hidden information, which can be derived from our interactive networks, about our social structures, social classifications and social status are gathered and monetised. This research attempts on the one hand to uncover some of these methods used by social media platforms, and on the other hand, also wants to show how useful these new methods can be for research on social phenomena. Therefore, this study goes beyond the confining limits of traditional sociology, where either qualitative or quantitative methods are applied. Following the idea of Critical Realism, the positivist and constructivist methods are applied in combination in order to provide thick accounts of the studied material. In this study, varying socioeconomic classification systems (like the Sinus-Milieu models) are investigated and evaluated against the background of Bourdieu’s ideas on cultural and social forms of capital. The present study uses a mixed method approach (Social Network Analysis and Sentiment Analysis) to analyse quantitative data from Twitter conversations which were collected during the Austrian EU Election 2019. In conclusion, one could say that the overall purpose of this study is to demonstrate the usefulness of Critical Realism for social media research, since this approach can create a thicker account of the studied material than other, more traditional methods. This undertaking is demonstrated by the findings of the study. These findings are the building of specific sub-clusters of EU candidates which are not related to the same political background and traditional demographics but whose relation can be detected and described using Bourdieu’s concepts of social and cultural capital. As a mean for gathering empirical data, Twitter turned out to be a useful and accessible tool for this study.

Modélisation, élaboration et évaluation de rapports à visée diagnostique des données du PIRLS 2011

Duong Thi, Dan Thanh 09 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Míry kvality klasifikačních modelů a jejich převod / Quality measures of classification models and their conversion

Hanusek, Lubomír January 2003 (has links)
Predictive power of classification models can be evaluated by various measures. The most popular measures in data mining (DM) are Gini coefficient, Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic and lift. These measures are each based on a completely different way of calculation. If an analyst is used to one of these measures it can be difficult for him to asses the predictive power of a model evaluated by another measure. The aim of this thesis is to develop a method how to convert one performance measure into another. Even though this thesis focuses mainly on the above-mentioned measures, it deals also with other measures like sensitivity, specificity, total accuracy and area under ROC curve. During development of DM models you may need to work with a sample that is stratified by values of the target variable Y instead of working with the whole population containing millions of observations. If you evaluate a model developed on a stratified data you may need to convert these measures to the whole population. This thesis describes a way, how to carry out this conversion. A software application (CPM) enabling all these conversions makes part of this thesis. With this application you can not only convert one performance measure to another, but you can also convert measures calculated on a stratified sample to the whole population. Besides the above mentioned performance measures (sensitivity, specificity, total accuracy, Gini coefficient, Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic), CPM will also generate confusion matrix and performance charts (lift chart, gains chart, ROC chart and KS chart). This thesis comprises the user manual to this application as well as the web address where the application can be downloaded. The theory described in this thesis was verified on the real data.

Autonomia da Perícia Oficial Criminal no Brasil: identificação e classificação de stakeholders

Brito, Delluiz Simões 12 May 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Delluiz Simões de Brito (delluiz.dsb@gmail.com) on 2015-04-25T02:44:56Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_Ebape-FGV_Delluiz_Final.pdf: 902073 bytes, checksum: 8d215272b2f3940825ee89def07646b6 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Janete de Oliveira Feitosa (janete.feitosa@fgv.br) on 2015-05-06T13:51:05Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_Ebape-FGV_Delluiz_Final.pdf: 902073 bytes, checksum: 8d215272b2f3940825ee89def07646b6 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marcia Bacha (marcia.bacha@fgv.br) on 2015-05-06T14:03:43Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_Ebape-FGV_Delluiz_Final.pdf: 902073 bytes, checksum: 8d215272b2f3940825ee89def07646b6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-06T14:04:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_Ebape-FGV_Delluiz_Final.pdf: 902073 bytes, checksum: 8d215272b2f3940825ee89def07646b6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-05-12 / Este estudo teve por objetivo identificar e classificar os stakeholders que influenciam e/ou são influenciados pela perícia oficial de natureza criminal e que, direta ou indiretamente, impactam a autonomia desse arranjo estatal, bem como, obter um conjunto de ações aos peritos oficiais como forma de exercer algum grau de influência no processo de autonomia. Foi abordada a Teoria dos Stakeholders e destacadas algumas propostas de classificação de partes interessadas. Foi eleita a proposta de classificação desenvolvida por Mainardes, Alves, et al. em trabalho apresentado no V Encontro de Estudos em Estratégia/3Es, realizado pela Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração (ANPAD), na cidade de Porto Alegre/RS, em maio de 2013, com o intuito de executar o teste empírico recomendado pelos autores da nova proposta de classificação. Os stakeholders foram identificados como resultado de entrevista coletiva a grupo focal composto por seis peritos oficiais criminais. Para fins de aplicação do teste empírico do modelo da proposta de classificação de stakeholders de Mainardes, Alves, et al. foi considerado um contexto empírico onde a organização, para fins da Teoria dos Stakeholders e deste trabalho, é a perícia oficial criminal e sua respectiva autonomia. Como resultado desse teste empírico, os stakeholders identificados e entrevistados foram classificados em dependente, passivo, parceiro, controlador ou regulador. Aqueles não abrangidos pela classificação são tidos como não stakeholders. Por fim, foi sugerido por esses stakeholders entrevistados um conjunto de ações aos peritos oficiais criminais como forma de exercerem algum grau de influência no processo de autonomia da perícia oficial de natureza criminal.

Incorporating speaker’s role in classification of text-based dialogues

Stålhandske, Therese January 2020 (has links)
Dialogues are an interesting type of document, as they contain a speaker role feature not found in other types of texts. Previous work has included incorporating a speaker role dependency in text-generation, but little has been done in the realm of text classification. In this thesis, we incorporate speaker role dependency in a classification model by creating different speaker dependent word representations and simulating a conversation within neural networks. The results show a significant improvement in the performance of the binary classification of dialogues, with incorporated speaker role information. Further, by extracting attention weights from the model, we are given an insight into how the speaker’s role affects the interpretation of utterances, giving an intuitive explanation of our model. / Konversationer är en speciell typ av text, då den innehåller information om talare som inte hittas i andra typer av dokument. Tidigare arbeten har inkluderat en talares roll i generering av text, men lite har gjorts inom textklassificering. I det här arbetet, introducerar vi deltagarens roller till en klassifikationsmodell. Detta görs genom att skapa ordrepresentationer, som är beroende på deltagaren i konversationen, samt simulering av en konversation inom ett neuralt nätverk. Resultaten visar en signifikant förbättring av prestandan i binär klassificering av dialoger, med talares roll inkluderat. Vidare, genom utdragning av attentionvikterna, kan vi få en bättre överblick över hur en talares roll påverkar tolkningen av yttranden, vilket i sin tur ger en mer intuitiv förklaring av vår modell.

Early Warning System of Students Failing a Course : A Binary Classification Modelling Approach at Upper Secondary School Level / lFörebyggande Varningssystem av elever med icke godkänt betyg : Genom applicering av binär klassificeringsmodell inom gymnasieskolan

Karlsson, Niklas, Lundell, Albin January 2022 (has links)
Only 70% of the Swedish students graduate from upper secondary school within the given time frame. Earlier research has shown that unfinished degrees disadvantage the individual student, policy makers and society. A first step for preventing dropouts is to indicate students about to fail courses. Thus the purpose is to identify tendencies whether a student will pass or not pass a course. In addition, the thesis accounts for the development of an Early Warning System to be applied to signal which students need additional support from a professional teacher. The used algorithm Random Forest functioned as a binary classification model of a failed grade against a passing grade. Data in the study are in samples of approximately 700 students from an upper secondary school within the Stockholm municipality. The chosen method originates from a Design Science Research Methodology that allows the stakeholders to be involved in the process. The results showed that the most dominant indicators for classifying correct were Absence, Previous grades and Mathematics diagnosis. Furthermore, were variables from the Learning Management System predominant indicators when the system also was utilised by teachers. The prediction accuracy of the algorithm indicates a positive tendency for classifying correctly. On the other hand, the small number of data points imply doubt if an Early Warning System can be applied in its current state. Thus, one conclusion is in further studies, it is necessary to increase the number of data points. Suggestions to address the problem are mentioned in the Discussion. Moreover, the results are analysed together with a review of the potential Early Warning Systemfrom a didactic perspective. Furthermore, the ethical aspects of the thesis are discussed thoroughly. / Endast 70% av svenska gymnasieelever tar examen inom den givna tidsramen. Tidigare forskning har visat att en oavslutad gymnasieutbildning missgynnar både eleven och samhället i stort. Ett första steg mot att förebygga att elever avviker från gymnasiet är att indikera vilka studenter som är på väg mot ett underkänt betyg i kurser. Därmed är syftet med rapporten att identifiera vilka trender som bäst indikerar att en elev kommer klara en kurs eller inte. Dessutom redogör rapporten för utvecklandet av ett förebyggande varningssystem som kan appliceras för att signalera vilka studenter som behöver ytterligare stöd från läraren och skolan. Algoritmen som användes var Random Forest och fungerar som en binär klassificeringsmodell av ett underkänt betyg mot ett godkänt. Den data som använts i studien är datapunkter för ungefär 700 elever från en gymnasieskola i Stockholmsområdet. Den valda metoden utgår från en Design Science Researchmetodik vilket möjliggör för intressenter att vara involverade i processen. Resultaten visade att de viktigaste variablerna var frånvaro, tidigare betyg och resultat från Stockholmsprovet (kommunal matematikdiagnos). Vidare var variabler från lärplattformen en viktig indikator ifall lärplattformen användes av läraren. Algoritmens noggrannhet indikerade en positiv trend för att klassificeringen gjordes korrekt. Å andra sidan är det tveksamt ifall det förebyggande systemet kan användas i sitt nuvarande tillstånd då mängden data som användes för att träna algoritmen var liten. Därav är en slutsats att det är nödvändigt för vidare studier att öka mängden datapunkter som används. I Diskussionen nämns förslag på hur problemet ska åtgärdas. Dessutom analyseras resultaten tillsammans med en utvärdering av systemet från ett didaktiskt perspektiv. Vidare diskuteras rapportens etiska aspekter genomgående.

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