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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Kaufmann, Renee Monique 01 January 2014 (has links)
With the increasing popularity of and demand for online learning in higher education (Konetes, 2011) comes a need to examine students’ perceptions about classroom climate in these environments. Using the Instructional Beliefs Model (IBM) as a theoretical framework, this dissertation proposes the online learning climate (OLCS) scale for doing so. Informed by both organizational and instructional communication, as well as education, the scale consists of several variables related to instructor role(s) and behaviors, student characteristics, and course-specific structural issues to explain how students perceive climate within a computer-mediated classroom. Ultimately, this three-phase study consisted of: (a) constructing the OLCS, (b) establishing factor structure, as well as concurrent and convergent validity, and (c) establishing the scale’s discriminant validity, confirming its factorial structure, and testing three theoretical models.

Lärarkontroll eller elevers självkontroll : En studie om vilken ledarstil gymnasieelever föredrar i klassrummet

Adamovic, Dragan January 2015 (has links)
Ledarstilar i klassrummet kan rangordnas på ett kontrollkontinuum med hög grad av lärarkontroll i den ena ändenoch hög grad av elevers självkontroll i den andra änden. Syftet med studien var att undersöka vilken ledarstil gymnasieelever på ett naturvetenskapsprogram föredrar i klassrummet. En enkätundersökning har genomförts med 31 elever i årskurs 1 och 24 elever i årskurs 3. Undersökningen visar att en majoritet av gymnasieleverna föredrar ledarstilar som präglas av lärarkontroll. Undersökningen visar också att eleverna överlag vill vara delaktiga i planeringen av undervisningen och bedömningen av kunskaper. Dock är de flesta av eleverna överens om att läraren är den som skapar och bibehåller ordningen i klassrummet. En möjlig förklaring till iakttagelsen är att eleverna vill utöva ett inflytande i klassrummet men saknar de färdigheter som krävs. En annan förklaring är att de är skeptiska till ett inflytande eftersom de inte vill riskera att bli dömda av klasskompisar eller läraren för sina åsikter och värderingar.I jämförelsen mellan elever i årskurs 1 och årskurs 3, föredrar de äldre eleverna i större utsträckning lärarkontroll i klassrummet. I jämförelsen mellan meritvärdesgrupper, föredrar de högpresterande eleverna i större utsträckning lärarkontroll i klassrummet än de låg och mellanpresterande. En trolig förklaring är att de äldre eleverna och de högpresterande eleverna inte vill ta det inflytande och ansvar som erbjuds eftersom det är både energikrävande och tar för mycket tid av den viktiga ämnesundervisningen.

Möjligheter och svårigheter : Lärares uppfattningar om att undervisa elever med ADHD

Hansson, Matilda, Fälth, Johanna January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie var att genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer undersöka hur lärare ser på sin pedagogiska förmåga att individanpassa undervisningen för elever med ADHD, eller liknande svårigheter, samt vilka kunskaper lärare har om ADHD. Vidare undersöktes deras uppfattningar om möjligheter och svårigheter i undervisningen, vilka strategier de kunde använda sig av, samt hur de såg på inkludering. Med en hermeneutisk forskningsansats gavs lärarna möjlighet att fritt uttrycka sina tankar och åsikter kring forskningsfrågorna. Resultatet visar att möjligheter och svårigheter i undervisningen till stor del handlar om vilka resurser de har i form av tid, pengar och personal, eftersom elever med särskilda behov är en extra kostnad för skolorna. Majoriteten av lärarna är beredda att ta egna initiativ till vidareutbildning för att lära sig hur de på bästa sätt kan bemöta dessa elever. Slutsatser som kan dras av resultatet är att lärare borde få mer obligatorisk utbildning om funktionsnedsättningar, samt mer resurser att kunna hjälpa alla elever. Det behövs även mer forskning inom området för att se vad som fungerar i undervisningen av elever med ADHD eller liknande svårigheter

Undervisningsmetodens koppling till vardagen : Och dess påverkan på elevernas val av lösningsstrategier

Kalliontzis, Petros January 2014 (has links)
Denna studie handlar om vilken undervisningsform som eleverna föredrar, hur deras relation från fysikundervisning förhåller sig till deras vardag samt vilka lösningsstrategier de har då de kommer i kontakt med ett problem i en uppgift.   Det visade sig att eleverna föredrog den klassiska traditionella katerundervisningen framför flipped classroom, då de kände sig tryggare med läraren som skulle guida dem genom kursens gång. De visade sig att deras relation till vardagen inom fysikämnet är liten men att de tycker om ämnet av just den anledningen att de kan se en relation till fysiken i sin vardag. Resultatet visar också att deras lösningsstrategi är att hitta en formel där man kan plotta in sin kända data för att få fram det okända.

Kommunikasievrees van hoërskoolleerlinge in 'n parallelmediumskool / Branwen Henry Challens

Challens, Branwen Henry January 2000 (has links)
This study was aimed at giving a scientific answer to the following problem questions, namely, what communication apprehension connotes: whether students in a parallel medium school suffer from communication apprehension; which factors cause communication apprehension in the classroom, and what measures the teacher can take to prevent or overcome communication apprehension in the classroom. To answer these questions, a literature study on communication apprehension was first undertaken. Communication models and the evaluation of such models were investigated. Communication as a phenomenon was also applied to the classroom situation, and the conclusion was reached that interaction is a prerequisite for communication, and, consequently, also for effective teaching. Communication apprehension interferes with the success of the communication process in the classroom, as well as with the teaching-learning process. To delineate communication apprehension more clearly, the causes of communication apprehension and its influence on the teaching-learning situation were also studied. Guidelines for preventing and overcoming communication apprehension were lastly investigated. The empirical study was based on the completion of the PRCA (Personal Report on Communication Apprehension) by students from a parallel medium school in Klerksdorp, namely the Alabama Secondary School. The following results were obtained: • An average communication apprehension of 62,5% for Afrikaans speaking students versus an average of 63,4% for students speaking other languages. • The average percentage of communication apprehension for students whose mother tongue is Afrikaans is quite high, whether they communicate in Afrikaans (60,2%) or English (64,3%). • The average percentage of communication apprehension for students whose mother tongue is other than Afrikaans is quite high, whether they communicate in Afrikaans (66,0%) or English (59,2%). • The average percentage of communication apprehension of girls is somewhat higher than that of boys. • The communication apprehension of the students is the highest when they participate in public debates, and the lowest when they participate in ordinary conversations. • A fear of failure, a lack of confidence, and the teaching style of the teacher are endorsed as possible causes of communication apprehension, while a lack of communication skills is not a major cause. • The responses of the teachers identified guidelines for preventing and overcoming communication apprehension in students, of which some are in line with the literature, and others are new interesting ideas. Research on communication apprehension in parallel medium schools ought to be extended to include students from primary schools as well. The apprehension of all students to communicate in their mother tongue should also be investigated. The high level of communication apprehension in students ought to be investigated with the aim of developing programmes for inhibiting communication apprehension in students. / Thesis (M.Ed.)--Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 2000

Die aard en omvang van kommunikasievrees van HOD-studente / Marlize Drinkwater

Drinkwater, Marlize January 1996 (has links)
The study aimed at providing scientific answers to two questions namely what the nature and extent of communication apprehension are among HED-students and whether the students’ level of communication apprehension changes during the course of their professional training. In order to answer these questions, communication, as typically human behavior, was studied and contextualised to the school classroom situation. Relationships between communication, classroom communication and teaching were indicated. The conclusion was reached that a very close relationship exists between communication and teaching. In fact, teaching was found to be a particular kind of communication which is qualified by the aim of enabling the learner(s) to perform certain learning tasks. Communication apprehension not only influences communication, but also teaching negatively. This negative relationship was researched further by studying the causes and effects of communication apprehension. The detrimental effects that high levels of communication apprehension (of both learners and teachers) have on the teaching learning situation were given particular attention and suggestions were offered for preventing and/or surmounting communication apprehension in the classroom. The empirical investigation entailed the completion of the PRCA (Personal Report on Communication Apprehension) by all fourth year HED-students studying at the PU for CHE between 1990 and 1994. This investigation led to the following findings: • 15,4% of the students experienced high levels of communication apprehension; • during the first measurements students from HED (Secondary)-diploma course manifested the highest level of communication apprehension (54,1%) and students from the post-graduate HED course who specialised in the Human Sciences the lowest (49,7%); • during the course of the professional training a reduction in the level of general communication apprehension was noticeable but of no practical significance: when placed in a teaching situation, students initially experienced relatively high levels of communication apprehension, which, however, decreased to such an extent during their training, that the decrease was of practical significance. The role of micro- and practical teaching played in decreasing communication apprehension should not be underestimated. Research dealing with communication apprehension should be broadened to include students training to become primary school teachers. Communication apprehension should also be investigated within a multicultural context. The causes of high levels of communication apprehension should be examined further and programmes which should be developed. / Skripsie (MEd (Didaktiese Opvoedkunde))--PU vir CHO, 1996

Die verband tussen kommunikasievrees van Afrikaanssprekende hoërskoolleerlinge en skolastiese prestasie / Hester Aletta Pretorius

Pretorius, Hester Aletta January 1997 (has links)
This study aimed to provide scientific answers to the following questions: what the nature and extent of communication apprehension are among Afrikaans speaking high-school pupils and the correlation between this fear and the academic achievement of the pupils. In order to provide answers for these questions, human communication as an activity had to be studied in more detail. A study was made of communication and how it is applied in the classroom situation. A very close relationship exists between communication and teaching and it is evident that teaching cannot take place without communication. Teaching is a particular kind of communication which can be distinctly recognised from other forms of communication by the fact that it has the aim of enabling the learner to perform certain learning tasks. Communication apprehension or the lack there of can greatly determine the success of the communication process as well as the teaching-learning process. Communication apprehension was studied in more detail with the aim to establish possible causes and effects of high levels of communication apprehension in pupils. Suggestions were offered for preventing and/or surmounting communication apprehension in the classroom. The following information has been acquired through the use of the PRCA (Personal Report on Communication Apprehension) which was completed by pupils of the four Afrikaans high-schools in Potchefstroom. • 15,9% of the pupils experienced high levels of communication apprehension. • Pupils who take Afrikaans on the standard grade, in each context, experienced the highest levels of communication apprehension. • Pupils whose achievements fall in the interval 0%-49% experienced the highest communication apprehension in each context. • Pupils whose achievements fall in the interval 80% - 100% experienced the lowest communication apprehension in each context. Research on communication apprehension should be broadened to include pupils of primary schools. The causes of high levels of communication apprehension should be examined further, with the aim to establish programmes which could help in reducing communication apprehension of pupils. / Skripsie (MEd (Vakdidaktiek))--PU vir CHO, 1997

The relationship between interpreters and users of the interpreting services at the Potchefstroom Campus of the North-West University / O.L. Wittezaële

Wittezaële, Olivier Laurent January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D. (English)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.

The influence of administrative duties on effective classroom management in the Further Education and Training (FET) phase / Gideon Petrus van Tonder

Van Tonder, Gideon Petrus January 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of administrative duties on effective classroom management in the Further Education and Training phase in the Sedibeng West District (08) of the Gauteng Province by focusing on classroom management; management skills of professional teachers; the relationship between teaching and management; guidelines for effective classroom management; juridical aspects regarding classroom management; workload of school-based teachers; duties and responsibilities of teachers; impact of workload of school-based teachers; educational policies; other policies and factors impacting on teachers' workload; and factors that drive teachers away from teaching. The literature study reveals that administrative duties take up a great deal of teachers' time. This is due to a number of factors, namely: shortages of teachers and high learner numbers; departmental accountability measures such as the Integrated Quality Management System (IQMS); curriculum and assessment requirements; and the lack of basic resources. Stress regarding classroom administration exacerbates because teachers have to perform a variety of tasks, from secretarial and administrative to curricular, extracurricular and pastoral work. A major finding emanating from the research is that teachers should be released from excessive amounts of administrative duties and other activities that increase their workload and distract their focus from teaching. In order to eliminate these excessive amounts of administrative duties, the Department of Education should, through proper planning and cooperation with the School Management Team (SMT) provide extra posts in schools for administrators who can assist teachers. The empirical study consists of a structured questionnaire distributed to a sample of principals, deputy principals, heads of departments and teachers in schools in the Sedibeng West District (08) of the Gauteng Province. It aims to develop guidelines to assist teachers to cope better with the increased administrative demands. The main findings of the study reveal that most teachers have difficulties in coping with the pace at which the Whole School Evaluation Policy, IQMS, Continuous Assessment Policy and the new curriculum are being implemented. Together with the increased amount of administrative duties, an urgent need exists for support from the Department of Education and the District Office regarding the implementation and the alleviation of administrative demands. This study recommends, on the basis of both the literature review and the empirical research, guidelines to assist all teachers in coping with these increased administrative demands effectively. / Thesis (M.Ed. (Education Management))--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2008.

The relationship between interpreters and users of the interpreting services at the Potchefstroom Campus of the North-West University / O.L. Wittezaële

Wittezaële, Olivier Laurent January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D. (English)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.

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