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Éponges à microARN, artificielles ou naturelles, dans le contexte de la transformation tumoraleMignacca, Lian 08 1900 (has links)
La sénescence se caractérise par un arrêt en phase G1/S du cycle cellulaire et peut être induit par une variété de stress tels que des télomères trop courts, l’activation d’oncogène ou encore à cause de stress oxydatifs. Cette réponse cellulaire s’accompagne de profonds changements au niveau de l’expression génique et les ARN non codants sont d’importants acteurs de ceux-ci. Bien que cette catégorie d’ARN ait longtemps été considérée comme un sous-produit non fonctionnel de la transcription, on sait maintenant qu’ils sont impliqués dans une pléthore de fonctions essentielles à l’homéostasie de la cellule.
Les microARN (miR), de petits ARN non codants d’une vingtaine de nucléotides, sont souvent diminués ou surexprimés dans les maladies, soulignant leurs rôles importants dans le développement de celles-ci. C’est le cas notamment de deux oncomirs, miR-19 et miR-155, qui s’accumulent de manière aberrante dans les cancers hématopoïétiques. En condition normale, STAT5A, qui est souvent dérégulé dans ces cancers, induit SOCS1 qui agit comme un frein sur cette voie de signalisation afin de prévenir une prolifération incontrôlée. Des travaux conduits dans notre laboratoire montrent que SOCS1 est aussi impliqué dans la sénescence, car il est capable d’activer p53, un important suppresseur tumoral. SOCS1 peut être ciblé par les deux oncomirs et nos résultats montrent qu’une inhibition de ces derniers à l’aide d’éponges artificielles favorisait l’accumulation d’un p53 actif. De plus, en intégrant le ribozyme à tête de marteau dans la conception des éponges, nous avons créé une nouvelle génération d’outils (éponges catalytiques) qui sont plus efficaces. Effectivement, l’utilisation de ces éponges contre miR-155 résultait en une diminution de la prolifération, de formation de colonie ainsi que de la migration de cellule de myélome multiple.
En second lieu, nous nous sommes penchés sur l’étude d’éponges naturelles dans le contexte de la sénescence. Il existe en effet quelques exemples de lARNnc (Long Non-Coding RNA) qui peuvent agir de la sorte pour un miR donné. Nous pensons que c’est par ce mécanisme de régulation que miR-146a, un miR impliqué dans la réponse anti-inflammatoire, peut s’accumuler dans la sénescence induite par RAS sans toutefois sembler être pleinement actif. Effectivement, les cellules sénescentes sécrètent une variété de facteurs pro-inflammatoires. À l’aide d’une nouvelle technique nommée miR-CLIP, nous avons pu étudier l’interactome de miR-146a et avons identifié plusieurs lARNnc qui selon des outils de prédiction, semblent s’hybrider de manière extensive en région 3’ du miR. Ceci est requis pour l’initiation d’un TDMD (Target-Directed miR Degradation) et nous avons donc investigué la possibilité d’un tel évènement dans la régulation de miR-146a. Nos résultats montrent que la surexpression de XXBAC-B444P24.13 mène à une diminution des niveaux de miR-146a qui n’est pas due à une baisse de sa transcription.
Bien que le premier article illustre les avantages d’une éponge catalytique artificielle, le second article suggère que cette stratégie pourrait déjà être en place dans les systèmes biologiques, et ce, de manière naturelle. En effet, une fois miR-146a lié à XXBAC-B444P24.13, ce dernier induirait la dégradation du miR par un TDMD. Ceci ouvre donc la porte au développement d’outils qui pourraient être plus performants à des niveaux d’expression plus bas. / Cellular senescence is characterized by a cell cycle arrest in the G1/S phase and can be induced by a variety of stresses which include telomere shortening, oncogene activation or oxidative stress. Its establishment is known to require changes in the genetic expression program and non-coding RNA play an important part in this phenomenon. For a long time, this RNA subtype was considered to only be a transcriptional byproduct, but we now know that they are involved in a plethora of functions which are essential to cell homeostasis.
Various diseases display aberrant expression of microRNA (miR), small non-coding RNA of 18-22 nucleotides, suggesting they are involved in their development. Such is the case for miR-19 and miR-155, two oncomirs which are found to be overexpressed in hematopoietic cancers. In normal conditions, STAT5A, which is often found dysregulated in those cancers, induces SOCS1 which acts as a retro-inhibitor of this signaling pathway, preventing uncontrolled proliferation. Furthermore, our lab has shown that SOCS1 can also be involved in senescence by facilitating p53 activation. SOCS1 can be targeted by both oncomirs and our results show that artificial sponges, that inhibit miR-19 or miR-155’s functions, lead to the activation of p53. Also, we have incorporated the hammerhead ribozyme in the miR binding sites in the sponge, creating a sponge 2.0 (catalytic sponges). Expressing the latter in a multiple myeloma cell line (RPMI8226) resulted in less proliferation, colony formation and migration.
Secondly, we aimed at studying natural sponges in the context of senescence. Indeed, there are quite a few examples of lncRNA (Long Non-Coding RNA) acting as a miRNA inhibitor by quenching them. We think that this mode of regulation could provide an explanation as to how an anti-inflammatory miR, miR-146a, can accumulate in senescence even though it is a pro-inflammatory response. Using a novel technique called miR-CLIP, we were able to study specifically miR-146a’s interactome and have found that it can interact with many lncRNAs. Interestingly, using computational tools, we noticed that miR-146a was predicted to interact with extensive 3’ end hybridization with a number of these lncRNA. This characteristic is known to be required to induce TDMD (Target-Directed miR Degradation). Indeed, when we overexpressed XXBAC-B444P24.13, miR-146a levels went down and this is not caused by a decrease in transcription of the miR.
In the first part of this thesis, we show that artificial catalytic sponges have an advantage over a more “classical” design. This is further supported by the fact that this strategy seems to be employed in nature. Indeed, we might have uncovered a lncRNA that when bound to by miR-146a would lead to its degradation using TDMD. This could be taken advantage of in the development of new tools for miR inhibition that would be more powerful and could be potentially used at lower levels of expression.
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”Vill du ha plusmeny till det samhällsansvaret?” : - En språkvetenskaplig och filmanalytisk studie om effekten av Covid-19 på svenska hamburgerkedjors marknadsföring / “Would you like to supersize that social responsibility?” : – A linguistic and film analytic study about the effects of Covid-19 on the marketing of Swedish hamburger restaurantsLindqvist, Wilhelm January 2020 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur Sveriges tre största hamburgerkedjor tagit sig an Covid-19- krisens utmaningar i sina reklamfilmer. Förhoppningen är att resultatet ska kunna bidra med kunskap om hur kriser av det här slaget kan hanteras när det handlar om marknadsföring samt hur marknadsföringen i sig kan uppfattas, både av mottagare och av de som står bakom den. Studien har analyserat åtta reklamfilmer, hälften från 2019 och hälften från 2020 för att kartlägga dels vad som kännetecknar de olika hamburgerkedjornas reklam under dessa år men också hur kedjorna vill framställa sig i sina mottagares ögon och om det har förändrats i och med Covid-19. Detta har gjorts med filmanalyser för de visuella och semiotiska resurserna i reklamfilmerna men också textanalyser med hjälp av den systemisk-funktionella lingvistikens metafunktioner för en bredare förståelse av de övergripande budskapen. Resultaten visar på likheter i kedjornas sätt att bygga upp sina reklamfilmer 2020 runt det övergripande budskapet att man tar Covid-19-viruset på allvar och prioriterar kundsäkerhet och samhällsansvar. Alla tre verksamheter är också noga med att framstå som givande och inte krävande. Det finns dock också skillnader i hur man förmedlar detta, exempelvis när det gäller distans till mottagaren, kampanjer och rollen som respektive kedja ämnar ta på sig i relation till mottagaren. Vidare går det även att identifiera återkommande mönster i resultaten från både tidigare forskning och reklamfilmerna från 2019 i alla tre kedjors Covid-19-anpassning där framförallt lättsamhet kontra allvar är tydligt.
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Event-Cap – Event Ranking and Transformer-based Video Captioning / Event-Cap – Event rankning och transformerbaserad video captioningCederqvist, Gabriel, Gustafsson, Henrik January 2024 (has links)
In the field of video surveillance, vast amounts of data are gathered each day. To be able to identify what occurred during a recorded session, a human annotator has to go through the footage and annotate the different events. This is a tedious and expensive process that takes up a large amount of time. With the rise of machine learning and in particular deep learning, the field of both image and video captioning has seen large improvements. Contrastive Language-Image Pretraining is capable of efficiently learning a multimodal space, thus able to merge the understanding of text and images. This enables visual features to be extracted and processed into text describing the visual content. This thesis presents a system for extracting and ranking important events from surveillance videos as well as a way of automatically generating a description of the event. By utilizing the pre-trained models X-CLIP and GPT-2 to extract visual information from the videos and process it into text, a video captioning model was created that requires very little training. Additionally, the ranking system was implemented to extract important parts in video, utilizing anomaly detection as well as polynomial regression. Captions were evaluated using the metrics BLEU, METEOR, ROUGE and CIDEr, and the model receives scores comparable to other video captioning models. Additionally, captions were evaluated by experts in the field of video surveillance, who rated them on accuracy, reaching up to 62.9%, and semantic quality, reaching 99.2%. Furthermore the ranking system was also evaluated by the experts, where they agree with the ranking system 78% of the time. / Inom videoövervakning samlas stora mängder data in varje dag. För att kunna identifiera vad som händer i en inspelad övervakningsvideo så måste en människa gå igenom och annotera de olika händelserna. Detta är en långsam och dyr process som tar upp mycket tid. Under de senaste åren har det setts en enorm ökning av användandet av olika maskininlärningsmodeller. Djupinlärningsmodeller har fått stor framgång när det kommer till att generera korrekt och trovärdig text. De har också använts för att generera beskrivningar för både bilder och video. Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training har gjort det möjligt att träna en multimodal rymd som kombinerar förståelsen av text och bild. Detta gör det möjligt att extrahera visuell information och skapa textbeskrivningar. Denna master uppsatts beskriver ett system som kan extrahera och ranka viktiga händelser i en övervakningsvideo samt ett automatiskt sätt att generera beskrivningar till dessa. Genom att använda de förtränade modellerna X-CLIP och GPT-2 för att extrahera visuell information och textgenerering, har en videobeskrivningsmodell skapats som endast behöver en liten mängd träning. Dessutom har ett rankingsystem implementerats för att extrahera de viktiga delarna i en video genom att använda anomalidetektion och polynomregression. Video beskrivningarna utvärderades med måtten BLEU, METOER, ROUGE och CIDEr, där modellerna får resultat i klass med andra videobeskrivningsmodeller. Fortsättningsvis utvärderades beskrivningarna också av experter inom videoövervakningsområdet där de fick besvara hur bra beskrivningarna var i måtten: beskrivningsprecision som uppnådde 62.9% och semantisk kvalité som uppnådde 99.2%. Ranknignssystemet utvärderades också av experterna. Deras åsikter överensstämde till 78% med rankningssystemet.
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Optimalizace indikací chirurgického a endovaskulárního ošetření intrakraniálních aneurysmat. / Optimalised indications for microsurgical and endovascular treatment of intracranial aneurysms.Štekláčová, Anna January 2018 (has links)
Univerzita Karlova v Praze 1. lékařská fakulta Autoreferát disertační práce Optimalizace indikací chirurgického a endovaskulárního ošetření intrakraniálních aneurysmat Anna Štekláčová 2018 2 Doktorské studijní programy v biomedicíně Univerzita Karlova v Praze a Akademie věd České republiky Obor: Neurovědy Předseda oborové rady: Prof. MUDr. Karel Šonka, DrSc. Školicí pracoviště: Neurochirurgická a neuroonkologická klinika 1. LF UK a ÚVN, Praha Školitel: Prof. MUDr. Vladimír Beneš, DrSc. Disertační práce bude nejméně pět pracovních dnů před konáním obhajoby zveřejněna k nahlížení veřejnosti v tištěné podobě na Oddělení pro vědeckou činnost a zahraniční styky Děkanátu 1. lékařské fakulty. 3 Obsah Abstrakt - Česky ..................................................................................... 4 Abstract - English ................................................................................... 5 Úvod........................................................................................................ 6 Hypotézy a cíle studie............................................................................. 6 Materiál a metody ................................................................................... 7 Výsledky...
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Targeting DNA has the advantage over proteins for cancer remediation because of the fewer copies of the ligands required for the desired therapeutic effect. Traditionally, covalent DNA binders like alkylating agents have been used to induce genetic instability through the formation of DNA lesions and strand breaks, leading to cellular apoptosis. The primary drawback of this treatment is the non-specific binding that affects both cancerous and non-cancerous cells. G-quadruplexes are the DNA secondary structures that are present in abundance near the promoter regions of the oncogenes and are involved in the regulation of their activities. A ligand-mediated stabilization of G-quadruplexes in the promoter regions and down-regulation of the associated oncogenes have been validated. In contrast to alkylating agents, G-quadruplex ligands induce genetic stabilization through non-covalent interactions. They can be designed to interact specifically with G-quadruplex DNA over duplex DNA, which reduce side effects arising from the off-targeting. G-quadruplex ligands invariably have the large planar aromatic moiety to interact with G-quadruplexes through π- π stacking interactions. For determining the size effect of the aromatic moiety on stabilization of G-quadruplexes, a series of ligands were synthesized by conjugating nucleobases or 1,10-phenanthroline with an aminoglycoside, neomycin. The resulting conjugates increased the binding affinity synergistically and enabled us to study the effect of the stacking moiety required for G-quadruplex stabilization. Nucleobase-neomycin conjugates did not show stabilization stabilize of human telomeric G-quadruplex. 1,10-Phenanthroline-neomycin conjugate (7b) on the other hand binds to human telomeric G-quadruplex with a Ka of (8.92.4)×108 M-1 and inhibits telomerase activity at 1.56 µM probably through G-quadruplex stabilization. Moving forward, we further enlarged the aromatic moiety by tethering two 1,10-phenantholine molecules together through a five-atom linker. The resulting molecule (2-Clip-phen) was conjugated with various amino-containing side chains. 2-Clip-phen derivatives showed at least 30 times weaker binding to duplex DNA over G-quadruplex DNA. In addition, compounds showed a preference for the antiparallel G-quadruplex conformation over parallel and hybrid G-quadruplex conformations, as shown in the CD spectroscopy studies. Ligands 11 and 13 induced the formation of an antiparallel G-quadruplex from random coils and stabilize it to 60 oC (Tm) in a salt-free condition. Mass spectrometry study showed the formation of a two-tetrad G-quadruplex with the 2-Clip-phen ligand. Docking study showed that the ligand interacts most favorably with antiparallel G-quadruplex conformation, which is supported further by the larger thermal stabilization effect on antiparallel G-quadruplex compared with other G-quadruplex conformations. Our study suggests that 2-Clip-phen can be used as a scaffold for designing G-quadruplex binding ligands that preferentially bind to antiparallel G-quadruplexes, which has never been reported before.
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Exploring Determinants of Self-Regulatory Behavior and Schedules of Extended Care Contact for Weight Loss Maintenance: Results of the Randomized Controlled Collaborative Lifestyle Intervention Program in Knee Osteoarthritis Expansion Pilot TrialChaplow, Zachary L. 11 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Mecanismes de regulació en l'activitat biològica del factor de transcripció SnailDomínguez Solà, David 03 April 2003 (has links)
Els factors de transcripció de la família Snail són fonamentals en la "transició epiteli-mesènquima", procés morfogènic essencial en el desenvolupament embrionari i en els fenòmens metastàsics tumorals.En els mamífers l'activitat d'Snail és modulada per dos mecanismes. (i) En el promotor humà es troben regions definides de resposta a factors repressors, predominants en les cèl·lules epitelials, i elements diferenciats de resposta a inductors de la "transició epiteli-mesènquima". (ii) L'activitat d'Snail és condicionada també per la seva localització subcel·lular, modulada per mecanismes no transcripcionals: la fosforilació d'Snail determina si és o no exclós del nucli. Al citosol no pot actuar com a repressor transcripcional però pot interaccionar amb la xarxa microtubular, que estabilitza i en condiciona el dinamisme. Això coincideix amb l'activació de la GTPasa RhoA i la reorientació dels filaments de vimentina, fets associats a l'adquisició de capacitat migratòria. L'efecte com a repressor transcripcional i la modulació del dinamisme microtubular són possiblement esdeveniments coordinats necessaris per al rol biològic d'Snail en mamífers. / Snail family of transcription factors is fundamental to the "epithelial-mesenchymal transition", morphogenic process essential to embryonic development and metastatic phenomena in tumors.Snail's activity is modulated in two ways in mammals. (i) The human promoter harbors definite regions that respond to repressor factors, which prevail in epithelial cells; and differentiated elements that respond to known inducers of the "epithelial-mesenchymal transition". (ii) Snail's activity is also conditioned by its subcellular localization, mechanism not dependent on its transcriptional control: Snail phosphorylation determines whether Snail is excluded or not from the nucleus. When in the cytosol, Snail is unable to act as a transcriptional repressor, but however binds to the microtubular meshwork, which becomes stabilized and whose dynamism is conditioned as a result. This fact coincides with the activation of the RhoA GTPase and reorientation of vimentin filaments, both phenomena being related to the acquisition of cell motility. The transcriptional repressor and the microtubule dynamics effects are probably two coordinated events necessary to Snail's biological role in mammals.
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