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A Threat Vs. Challenge View of Conflict in Romantic RelationshipsDebuse, Casey J 01 January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This research examined romantic partners’ stress reactivity to relationship conflict through the lens of a threat vs. challenge perspective. We assessed the DHEA-S to cortisol ratio (anabolic balance) as an index of 330 newlywed partners’ threat or challenge orientations to a conflict discussion with their spouse and then examined whether these orientations were predicted by their attachment styles. Consistent with predictions, anxious attachment predicted lower anabolic balance trajectories, compared to secure attachment. Results were decomposed into DHEA-S and cortisol components. DHEA-S levels were found to be more congruent with challenge, while cortisol levels were more congruent with threat.
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Readings Of Chinese Poet Xue TaoYu, Lu 01 January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Xue Tao was one of the Tang Dynasty's best-known female poets. Her poems are beautiful and of her own style, but there have only been a few of studies on them. This study comprises nine close readings of her thirteen poems most of which can be defined as yongwu poems, as well as a conclusion which summarizes the main characteristics in these poems. The methodology of this research is based on the theory of New Criticism and combined with sinology. Every poem is studied as an independent entity, but its allusions and images are examined in the history of Chinese poetry. This study attempts to deepen the study of Xue Tao’s poetry and readers’ understanding of it.
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How Your Spouse May Save You: An Analysis of Early Environment, Physiological Stress Responses, and Spousal SupportRoth, Dana P. 01 January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Growing up in an adverse early environment is related to a number of negative health outcomes later in life, and dysregulation of the HPA axis may serve as the means by which this process occurs (Repetti et al., 2002). Indeed, early environment has been linked to altered physiological responses to general stressors in adulthood, but it remains unclear whether physiological responses to marital stress are also affected. Thus, the present work addresses two central questions in 129 newlywed couples: (1) How does growing up in an adverse early environment relate to physiological stress responses (assessed by cortisol) to a relationship conflict? (2) Does having a supportive spouse moderate this relation? The results provide some support for the link between early environment and cortisol reactivity among husbands, and marginal support for the moderating role of spousal support.
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När det otänkbara händer – vilket stöd finns det för dina anhöriga? / When the unthinkable occurs – what support is there for your relatives?Måg, Julia, Svanlund, Lina January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att beskriva forskningen som finns avseende informationsflöde, erfarenheter och upplevelser av anhöriga som grupp när en närstående drabbas av en allvarlig, livsomvälvande eller livshotande olycka eller katastrof. Studien har gjorts genom en scopingreview där fem databaser har genomsökts för att få en överblick av relevant forskning. Resultat påvisar vikten att information kring deras närstående når anhöriga i ett tidigt skede för att minska onödig stress. I arbetet med anhöriga visar det sig att socialarbetare bör ha en plats i krishanteringsarbetet då de ofta har utbildning och erfarenheter av att jobba emotionellt och stärkande. När en allvarlig olycka eller katastrof sker har det visat sig att även anhöriga påverkas. När anhöriga inte har förmågan att på egen hand ta sig igenom krisen bör det finnas krisinterventioner att sätta in. Interventionen bör vara individuellt anpassad och kan därmed behövas långsiktigt. / The purpose of this paper is to examine the needs close family and relatives have of information and support when a serious accident or disaster occurs. This was done through a scoping review. Five databases were searched to summarize relevant research. The results indicate how important it is with information to close family and relatives in an early stage to minimize their negative stress. Social workers should have a given place with the trauma team since they usually have the training and skills to work emotionally and supportive with people. When a severe accident or disaster occurs, it is proven that close family and relatives are also affected. A crisis intervention should be available when they don’t have the resources to cope with the crisis on their own. Crisis interventions should be individually adapted and might be needed fora long time.
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Det bortglömda våldet : En litteraturstudie om våld i nära relation bland äldre och demenssjuka / The forgotten violence : A literature study on violence in close relationships among the elderly andpeople with dementiaRobertsson, Rebecca, Al-Bayati, Amina January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this literature study is to examine intimate partner violence among olderindividuals, with a particular focus on how violence manifests when the older person issuffering from dementia. The study is based on a thematic content analysis of scholarlyarticles. A total of seventeen articles have been analyzed to address the research questions.The analysis of the findings is grounded in three theoretical starting points, namely ageism,Foucault's theory of power, and Simmel's theory of shame. The results highlight older adultsas a marginalized group in society, with violence being an issue that is not widely addressedor openly discussed.In this study, we explore how informal caregivers perceive their role in caring for a familymember with dementia. We describe different forms of violence and the underlying causesthat contribute to its occurrence. The study indicates that older adults with cognitiveimpairments are at a higher risk of experiencing violence and abuse of power. Informalcaregivers act as providers of care for older adults, and they often report a lack of knowledgeand inadequate support from local authorities. This power imbalance between caregivers andcare recipients can lead to caregiver strain, which may manifest in violent acts. Additionally,older adults may hesitate to report incidents of abuse due to feelings of shame.The findingsunderscore the importance of addressing the knowledge gaps and deficiencies in supportsystems. Measures need to be implemented to protect older adults, particularly those withdementia, who are subjected to mistreatment.
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Assemblage of base building mechanics and narrative in SubnauticaLindell, Matilda, Tamim, Mohammed January 2023 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to answer the question of how does Subnautica (Unknown Worlds Entertainment, 2018) incorporate base building mechanics into its narrative progression? This research was conducted using a close reading methodology for the purpose of closely examining the key points of interest. The two authors conducted individual playthroughs of the game where they looked at the base building mechanics and narrative in Subnautica (Unknown Worlds Entertainment, 2018) using a lens constructed from theories of cognitive narratology, emergent narrative, and narrative gameplay mechanics. This lens used assemblage theory prominently as well to bridge the gaps between the previously mentioned theories. The results of the research describe in detail the inner workings of Subnautica’s (Unknown Worlds Entertainment, 2018) approach to base building mechanics and how it affects the different forms of narrative in the game. This research is beneficial for researchers and game developers that seek a deeper understanding of the impact that the integration of base building mechanics and narrative progression has on survival games.
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Den starka, sårbara och subtila : En analys om röstens konstruerande av Greta Thunberg i dokumentärfilmen GretaRoininen, Linda January 2023 (has links)
Klimatet är en av de frågor som har fått mycket medial uppmärksamhet under de senaste åren. En fredag i augusti år 2018 satte sig Greta Thunberg utanför riksdagshuset i Stockholm för att strejka, med sig hade hon sitt plakat ”Skolstrejk för klimatet”. Hon blev snabbt medialt uppmärksammad och inom en snar framtid - hade med hjälp av henne rörelsen ”Fridays for Future” bildats. Tidigare forskning visar bland annat på hur Gretas tid i offentligheten har formats av media samt om hur hennes kamp för klimatet skapat olika riktningar i samhället. Utifrån dessa faktorer är studiens syfte främst att försöka bidra till en fördjupad förståelse till hur Greta konstrueras genom rösten i dokumentärfilmen Greta. För att besvara studiens frågeställningar används ett metodologiskt angreppssätt med avstamp i den hermeneutiska tolkningsteorin som i synnerhet berör Bill Nichols teorier om röster i dokumentärfilmer. Resultatet i denna studie visar bland annat på att röstens konstruktion i dokumentären är en del av ett större komplext system som innefattar bland annat flera röster och dokumentära berättarstrategier. / The climate issue has been in medias spotlight, especially through recent years. On a Friday in August 2018, Greta Thunberg sat down outside the Swedish parliament in Stockholm to strike, with her placard "School strike for the climate". She quickly gained media attention and soon - with her help, the movement "Fridays for Future" was formed. Previous research shows that Greta's time in the public eye has been shaped by the media and how her fight for the climate have been creating different directions in society. Based on these factors, the purpose of this study is primarily to try to contribute to a deeper understanding of how Greta is constructed through the voice in the documentary film I am Greta. To answer the study's questions, a methodological approach is used with its origins in the hermeneutic theory of interpretation, which concerns Bill Nichols' theories about voices in documentary films. The result of this study shows that the construction of the voice in the documentary is part of a larger complex system that includes other several voices and other documentary narrative strategies.
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Våld i nära relation : En litteraturöversikt om sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att möta våldsutsatta kvinnor / Domestic violence : A literature review on nurses' experiences of meeting women exposed to violenceBidö, Anna, Friborg, Nils January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Våldsutsatta kvinnor söker sig oftast först till akutmottagningen där sjuksköterskor har ett ansvar att fånga upp och ge dem vård. Våldsutsatta kvinnor har behov av stöttning och önskar bli bemötta med förståelse och empati från sjukvården. Studier visar att sjuksköterskor känner oro och osäkerhet inför uppgiften att möta dessa kvinnor. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att beskriva sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att möta kvinnor utsatta för våld i nära relationer som söker sig till akutmottagningen. Metod: Litteraturstudien har en allmän design där arbetsprocessen utgår från niostegsmodellen. Resultatet består av nio kvalitativa originalartiklar. Databaserna CINAHL och PubMed användes för att hitta artiklarna och dessa analyserades sedan med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Två kategorier identifierades; 1) en utmanande arbetssituation med underkategorierna tidsbrist upplevs hindra god kommunikation och kunskapens betydelse i mötet samt 2) ett mångfacetterat möte med underkategorierna emotionell påverkan och osäkerhet i yrkesrollen. Slutsats: Utbildning och organisatoriska förändringar krävs för att sjuksköterskor ska få adekvat kompetens och resurser för att möta våldsutsatta kvinnor och ge dem god omvårdnad. / Background: Women who are victims of violence usually first go to the emergency department, where nurses have a responsibility to intercept and provide them care. Moreover, women exposed to violence need support and wish to be met with understanding and empathy from healthcare. Studies show that nurses are concerned and uncertain about meeting these women. Aim: This study aims to describe nurses' experiences of meeting women exposed to intimate partner violence who come to the emergency department. Method: The literature study has a general design where the work process is based on a nine-step model. The resultconsists of nine original qualitative articles found in databases CINAHL and PubMed. These articles were then analyzed using qualitative content analysis. Result: Two categories were identified; 1) A challenging work situation with the subcategories time constraints is perceived to hinder good communication and the importance of knowledge in the meeting, and 2) a multifaceted meeting with subcategories emotional impact and uncertainty in the professional role. Conclusion: Education and organizational changes are vital to providing nurses with adequate skills and resources to meet women exposed to violence and ensure them good care.
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Livsviktig humor : Humor för att kunna biheålla mental hälsa - sjuka barn och deras närståendes upplevelse av humor i vårdenSwedrup, Signe, Husberg, Emma January 2023 (has links)
Introduktion: I Sverige vårdas 95 000 barn på sjukhus varje år. Under sjukhusvistelser upplever barnen och deras närstående lidande på grund av förlorad trygghet, annorlunda miljö samt oro relaterat till undersökningar och behandlingar. Humor är ett begrepp som innehåller flera komponenter, bland annat lekterapi och sjukhusclowner och syftar till att bringa leende och skratt till den mottagande. Syfte: Att undersöka vilken betydelse humor har i barnsjukvården enligt barnen och deras närstående. Metod: En allmän litteraturstudie utfördes på tio vetenskapliga originalartiklar med kvalitativ ansats. Datainsamlingen av originalartiklarna gjordes via databaserna: PubMed, PsycINFO och CINAHL. Resultat: Resultatet visade att det övergripande temat var Humor hjälper barnen och deras närstående att bibehålla mental hälsa. Kategorierna som bildade temat är att tänka på något annat, egenmakt och bemötande. Barnen och deras närstående upplevde att de kunde tänka på något annat än deras livssituation med hjälp av distraktion och distansering i form av humor. Barnen upplevde att deras smärta samt känslor av oro och rädsla minskade när de fick tänka på något annat. Humorn i form av sjukhusclowner och lekterapi blev ett sätt för barnen att återfå kontroll samt hantera känslor. Ett gott bemötande enligt barnen var när sjuksköterskan hade ett sinne för humor. Olika reaktioner förekom vid användningen av humor, där inte alla var positiva, vilket påverkades av deras ålder och inställning till sjukhusclowner och lekterapi. Slutsats: Humor i vården bidrar till att minska lidande hos inneliggande barn och deras närstående. / Introduction: In Sweden, 95 000 children are hospitalized every year. During hospital stays, children and their relatives experience suffering due to loss of security, a different environment and anxiety related to examinations and treatments. Humor is a concept that contains several components, including play therapy and hospital clowns, and aims to bring smiles and laughter to the receiver. Aim: To investigate the importance of humor in children's healthcare according to the children and their close relatives. Method: A general literature study was carried out on ten original scientific articles with a qualitative approach. The data collection of the original articles was done through the databases; PubMed, PsycINFO and CINAHL. Results: The result showed that the overarching theme was Humor helps the children and their close relatives to maintain mental health. The categories that formed the theme are thinking about something else, treatment and empowerment. The children and their relatives felt that they could think about something other than their life situation with the help of distraction and distancing in the form of humor. The children found that their pain and anxiety decreased when they had something else to think about. Hospital clowns and play therapy became a way for the children to regain control and deal with emotions. Good treatment according to the children was when the nurse had a sense of humor. Different reactions occurred when using humor, not all were positive, which may have been influenced by their age and attitude. Conclusion: Humor in healthcare contributes to reducing suffering in hospitalized children and their close relatives.
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Cognitive Training Transfer Using A Personal Computer-based Game:a Close Quarters Battle Case StudyWoodman, Michael 01 January 2006 (has links)
Developers of Commercial off the Shelf (COTS) gaming software are making remarkable strides in increasing the realism of their software. This realism has caught the attention of the training community, which has traditionally sought system and operational replication in training systems such as flight simulators. Since games are designed and marketed for entertainment and not designed for training of tasks, questions exist about the effectiveness of games as a training system in achieving the desired transfer of skills to the actual environment. Numerous studies over the past ten years have documented that PC-based simulation training environments can offer effective training for certain types of training, especially aircraft piloting tasks. Desktop games have been evaluated from a case study approach for use in aviation training (Proctor, et al., 2004) and education planning and evaluating small unit tactics) (Proctor, et al., 2002) with positive results. Based on the review of selected studies in this area, PC-based simulator platforms have been found to have a positive training impact on cognitive skills (as opposed to psycho-motor skills). Specifically, the literature review has identified that skill sets involved in team resource management, intra- and inter-team coordination, and tactical team maneuvers have been shown to benefit from the use of PC-based simulation training. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the training transfer associated with a Tactical Decision-making game, using Close Combat: First to Fight as a case study. The null hypothesis tested was that traditional field training is equivalent to virtual training combined with field training. Measurements of the subjects' performance in live training were recorded. Additionally, self assessment questionnaires were administered.
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